GRAND TRUNK IystTm COLONISTS FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS) From all Stations in Ontario to certain points in ALBERTA ARIZONA COLORADO MONTANA OREGON UTAH BRITISH COLUMBIA CALIFORNIA IDAHO NEVADA TEXAS WASHINGTON, Etc. On Sale Sept. 24th to Oct. 8, inclusive Full particulars from agents or write. C. E. HORNING, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Full particulars and tickets from agents or J. H. H. Jury, Phone 75. m CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY B0WMANV1LLE TIME TABLE (Effective Sept 14th) TKAINS LEAVE 1 r t Toronto and Intermediate Station 9.03 a.m. 7.37 p.m. ] ci Trenton, Belleville, Yarker, Kingston, Brockville, Smith's Falls, Ottawa and intermediate stations. iO.f.6 a.m. 7.19 p.m. 1 ci Coe Bill and Intermediate Stations 10.56 a. m. For Yarker, Tweed, Harrowsmith, ^ydenham and Intermediate Sta'tions on Bay oc Qninte &/ 10.56 a. m. TRAINS ARRIVE Frcm Toronto and Intermediate Station! 10.56 a.m. 7.19p.ra. Ficm Napanee, Belleville, Trentonan1 ^ter- n ediate Points; also Picton and C.O.R. Puiats) t.C3 a. m. 7.37 p. m. From Maynooth (C. O. R.) 7.37 p. m. 1 rom Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, etc. 7.37 p. m. airins run daily except Sunday unless other wise marked. I ci further particulars see other advertisement appearing in this paper, or apply W. G. GIFFLER, Depot Agent. CURE HIS DRINKING It Can Be Done and Will Save His Future-His Work-His Life. Tested Recipes. Prune Tapioca.--To make this dainty put a tablespoonful and a ha-lf of tapioca, a quarter of a cupful cupful of sugar, two cupfuls of water, and a quarter of a. pound of the best prunes, soft and plump Trom soaking, in the top part of a double boiler. Steam three hours, adding more water if necessary, but do not stir as the prunes should not be broken. Cool and serve with cream. Plum Marmalade.--Wash plums, put in preserve kettle with two cups of water for a half peach basket basket of plums. Cook until soft and put these in sieve. Some of the pulp and skins will still adhere to the pits, so return all to the kettle again, add another cup of water and cook until mushy.- Put through sieve- again. Measure a cup . of sugar for each cup of liquid and. boil until thick. Pour into glasses and cover with paraffin. Salad Dressing.--Take ten tablespoons tablespoons strong vinegar and add enough water to make one and one- half cups. Break the yolks of two eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork, then add two tablespoons sugar, one-half teaspoon salt and two and one-half to three .tablespoons .tablespoons of cornstarch, according to thickness desired. Stir until the sugar has partly melted and moistened moistened the cornstarch, then add one- fourth cup of water, and pour into the vinegar and water, which. has been heating, but is not boiling hot. Cook until thick and the cornstarch is done. Let cool slightly, slightly, and then, using a Dover beater, beat- in the stiffly w biped whites of two eggs. This is equally good for fruit, potatoes or fish. If, as soon as it is cooked, and before the egg whites are added, you cover it with a cloth or two white paper napkins ENGLISH NURSES ARRIVE IN FRANCE naBBCi aiaïQBiBDim Wives! Mothers! Daughters' ! A woman's organism is a very delicate tbing-it very easily „„„ out of order^st like a derate piece of machinery, it requires more than ordinary care and attention. ^ • • _i * i-r.zx-vvTat- anr*Vines There are maiiy signs which point to disorder, such as^adMhes,up^count- able pains in various parts of toe bwiyTliatlessness, nervousness, i rrit *kleness, dLszinessf faintoess, backache, loss of appetite, depression, and many others. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ^th m ^o'^mor^than 1 ?ortyyesr8 it^has^been^B^ccesafully'carryirigon lan«L Women everywhere look upon it as a helpful friend. Let it aid yo Sold in liquid or tabletformby druggist*, or trial box mailed you for WSSs Dispensary Buffalo. N.Y-, Pierce'. Pleasant Pelletaregulate Stomach. Over ena Bowd. ;uBm;nHia;i33GHiiisiinfflHir.uiœiri'jiniBHBKHiiffl™iaiaHffliFJiinnnuaaBiiuîïgiiujT|3gîagitg t,- ON A ,out E e R to A ths D ,r°oat M uTsYi dent that friends English nurses arriving at Die ppe en are waiting fo* them as the boat dock». should be left to stand in a basin of cold water into which a handful of salt has been thrown., the water reaching the milk-line in the jug. A piece of w T et butter-muslin should then be placed over the top of the jug, these precautions resulting in the milk keeping much better than under the ordinary chance-it-turning-sour chance-it-turning-sour conditions. Some such treatment should certainly be ad HEALTH IV Frost Air Again. We occasionally hear some^ one protest against the nagging o a f fresh-air fiend." Tf 11 If there is any opted when babies are being fed on t suiloject on which nagging is excus- milk. Cream, it may be added, can aible, it is the importance, of plenty be treated similarly. Salt is. also useful in the treat ment of lamp chimneys. After washing the glass is polished with dry salt. The result ie" that the chimneys" take on a brilliant shine on Often our best and cleverest are those I and a tight lid, it will not form a whom the drink disease fastens its crus t 5 as most cornstarch mixtures clutches. It is a disease, for the inflamed do stomach sets up that terrible craving that makes men forget their promises and , ^-odimllv all that is near and dear to them. fourth cup butter. Add gradually Alcura is guaranteed to give satisfac- one cup granulated sugar an en tien or money refunded. It removes the | one teaspoon vanilla. Add alter Nut Loaf Cake. -- Cream one craving, soothes the nerves, builds up the nately about one-half cup milk, one system, and renders drink distasteful. AI cura can be had at our store, $1.00 per box. Alcura No I is tasteless and odor less andean be given secretly. Alcura No 2 is the voluntary treatment. Try it today. today. Ask for free booklet. Jury & Lov ell, Druggists, Bowmanville. of fresh air. Thousands of people will give the most cordial assent to all that is said in favor of pure air in the house, and vet pull the windows windows down whenever they find tnem The preachers of hygiene and are also rendered less liable to ^ ave made fresh air fashionable crack. A little salt sprinkled over popular, but they have not yet paraffin oil that may be spilt when succee€ ied i n overcoming the native the lamps are being filled 'will re- ^ en< j enC y to fustiness in a vast num- move the unpleasant odor. . ber of people. When washing colored handker- j There are two fatal diseases chiefs soak them in cold salt water tuberculosis and pneumonia--that for a short time before actually | --n~ rL spa ses. The^ washing. The colors will then be ^ggitroy thousands of lives, every prevented from running or fading. year a nd cost the community mil- Oommon salt placed on a tablecloth. '^ ons ' dollars, chiefly because on which tea has bees» upset will there are not enough 1 "fresh-air take out the stains. The salt, should £ e nds" to insist on the clean air in be allowed to stav in position for suc } 1 peases cannot flourish, a little while, and then when the ^ and by,'when the nagging has cloth is washed all the stains will accom pli s hed its purpose, these two have disappeared. , scourges will be got under control eally £ -'house diseases/'" They Here's A Friend Indeed Constipation Is the bane of old age--harsh cathartics aggravate, aggravate, avoid them and use Chamberlains Chamberlains Tablets, the mildest and gentlest of laxatives--best for the young, the middle aged and the old. 25c. bottle--Druggists and Dealers, or by mail. ® r>.-h»Tiain Medici»» C». Torente- BEST CHAMBERLAINS , TABLETS OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. a nyone sanding a sketch and description may oulckly ascertain our opinion free whether an kiventlon is probably patentable. Communies- tioM strictly confidential. HANDBOOK «ent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpccial notice, without charge, intho Scientific America». -- . . _ » mnnlrlw T.nrrmat /ill A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- Silatlon of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada, frd.75 a year, postage prepaid, Sold by. all newsdealers. ■ , MUNN & Co.3 G3Broadway ' New York ^rsncti Offlco« 625 F St* Wastiington» D» C» .Wood's Shosphediae. The Great English® Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole I nervous system, makes new Blooc 'in old ■ Veins, Cures Nervov: ruhiUtv Mental and Brain Worry, JDespon dZicv Loss of Energy, Palpitation of 1h, Hear* Failing Memory. Price $1 per box. sy far SÔ 7 One will please, six will cure,' -, Sold by :: • drng-'/^ o^mailed in plain pkg. otT. a rice. _ Xnnpaviphlet rnailedfree.-THE $OO t and three-quarter "cups flour, sif-tec. three times. Now put in about one- half cup floured hickory nut meats and fold in gently the whites of three eggs, beaten very stiff. Mix well, adding two teaspoons of baking baking powder with a little flour kept from the required amount. Bake in a loaf about fifty minutes in a moderate oven. Measure flour after first- sifting. Oatmeal Drop Cakes. -- Cream one-fourth -cup butter and one and one-half cups . light brown sugar thoroughly. Add one-half cup oatmeal oatmeal cooked very thick. Beat hard and add two well-beaten eggs and one teaspoon vanilla. Add 'alternately 'alternately one and three-fourths cups sifted flour, with milk and water enough to make a good batter, putting putting in two teaspoons of baking powder with the 'last of the flour. Beat thoroughly and put in muffin pans. Bake twenty to twenty-five minutes in a fairly hot oven. Spice Cake, 1--Make like nut cake, using two whole well-lb eaten eggs instead of three whites, and one teaspoon cinnamon and one- half tea-spoon ground cloves. Put in nuts and raisins to taste just before before last flour and baking powder. Bake like oatmeal drop cakes. Spice Cake, 2.--Add two teaspoons teaspoons cinnamon, one-half teaspoon teaspoon cloves and one-half teaspoon nutmeg to nut- loaf cake. Home-made Canned Soup. -- A vegetable soup to can for winter : One-half bushel tomatoes, one-half peck okra, one and one-half bunches soup greens, one stock celery, celery, two heads cabbage, six me dill dill in.-sized carrots, three medium- j sized parsnips, three white turnips, i three cars sweet corn, one-half I peck string beans, one cup salt, | three red peppers. Boil tomatoes first, then add vegetables and boil one hour. Seal while hot. This is fine to add to a soupbone which is nearly done, and as it is already cooked it saves time and gas in the winter time. It is also an economical economical way of saving garden crops for a time when one wishes one had them. ances, and, above all, in every bed room every night of the year. To-dav: in spite of much excellent excellent legislation on the. subject lfc is at the risk of health, and perhaps of life, tha't we take a train, or ride in a street car, or go into a public hall, especially in the winter months. The average railway car, with its vestibuled platform, its tight doors and windows, and its fierce steam beat, is an excellent incubator of disease. The street car is a little better, because, even with the worst intention on the part of its occupants, the air blows through it at intervals. Those who .would like to breathe good air all the time, are forced by circumstances to do without it in the daytime, but they can at least have all they want at night. It n s during the hours of sleep that nature nature repairs the waste of the day s work, but she cannot do good work under bad conditions, and she- never does good work in bad air. Keep your bedroom windows wide open all the time, and you will have done vour share.--Youth s Companion. that this is greatly -a question of habit, but, in allowing the time necessary necessary for resting, the person concerned concerned should find out the amount of sleep required to keep him in perfect health. Persons of lym- pathic temperament are usually great sleepers. Thin, wiry people, on the other hand, m whom the nervous temperament predominates, predominates, usually require comparatively comparatively little sleep, and, in deciding, the question of temperament must be considered. The best attitude for sleeping is to, lie on the right side, as to lie on the back frequently causes dreams, while to rest on the left side may affect the heart. There is, however, no bard and fast rule as regards position when sleeping. sleeping. The main thing is -to relax the muscles, and lie in the most comfortable comfortable attitude ' possible. People who are light sleepers should never go to bed with the brain excited, or when the body is over-tired. In both cases the sleep will be broken. To sip a glass of hot _ milk when over-excited or over-tired, and a rest sitting for fifteen minutes in a comfortable- chair, will often refresh refresh the body sufficiently to allow the patient to go to sleep almost at once. The room should be well ventilated, ventilated, and the head be moderately moderately raised.--A Physician. VOLUME OF FIRE. If milk is scordhed while it is being being boiled salt again comes to the rescue. The pan should be removed removed from the fire and placed in cold water. A pinch of salt is then dropped dropped into the milk and stirred up, and the burnt taste will disappear. But 'that- time will not come until we have good air all the time, in shops and schools and places of Machine Gun's Terrible Destruction Destruction of Life. Many reports of the war in Europe Europe speak of the terribly, destiuct- ive fire of the machine guns, and in view of these events the following facts from the special war edition of the Scientific American arc of unusual interest: "With each regiment of infantry there belongs a platoon or company company equipped with two or four machine machine guns. These machine guns generally fire the same ammunition as is used for the rifle of the army, but fire it semi-automatically from clips or belts containing 30 to 250 rounds each. The most notable of these machine KU ns are the . Hotchkiss - (French) and Vickers (English), the former firing from clips containing _ 30 cartridges, and the latter firing from belts containing 250 cartridges. cartridges. The rate of fire of these guns is about 400 to 500 shots per minute. These rifles are transported either on light wheeled mounts or packed on mules or horses. Their prime object is to be able to take up a position and be able to deliver an overwhelming volume of file where needed. ; * How to Sleep. The necessity for sleep quantity acquired is and the .greater in some persons than in others. Some persons feel perfectly refreshed with four or five hours rest daring the night, while others require amusement, and ln*publio convey- eight or' mor. hours. It may be Thoroughly Quashed. "I understand that you called me a liar in your paper to-dav," exclaimed exclaimed the angry caller. "Do you always interrupt people in their work, merely because you happen to understand something - asked the editor. f V- Didn't Have It, Anyway. Servant (returned from errand)-- Thev don't keep it, mum. Mistress -- Don't keep what, Mary 1 S.--What you told me to get, M.--What was that 1 S.--Dunno, mum. I forgot. HyiiiiiiiiHiiiiiuiLiiiiiiiüiuiiHihtiiiiiiriiuiimiiimiùHriHUhnHhhihhhh iîîiiSIIHlIïUiUHlUHlIIïîIlilHHiUiiiUïUUiUïlIÏUmilüiUUUÏUJHlUÎIUmiHinUHl^ serve t>tXnr pavipruec muuc-u i / £lEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly The Uses of Salt. Isle of Lewis Scots. The Island of Lewis in Scotland, where practically the entire male population has volunteered for active active service, holds a proud record > for military prowess, and furnishes ! the finest- recruits for the Highland I Salt is a capital thing to use to keep the milk cool. Directly the supply of milk is left at the house it should be taken in and placed in the coolest place in the house. It WHY WEAK LUNGS? The toll of tuberculosis is claiming than 350 victims every day in the regiments. A practice, United States, yet few realize their grave by Plato, formerly prevailed here of putting to death by exposure all ■weakly or deformed children, and it is said by the most credible historians historians that this custom continued Until ( -'modern times." As a result, the inhabitants are far superior in physique to other Highlanders, and consumption was quite unknown until recently re-introduced by sickly Southrons. condition until the critical period arrives Overwork, worry, weakness after sickness, sickness, catarrh, bronchitis, tender throats all exert the weakening influence that invites consumption. To guard against consumption, thousands thousands of people takeScott'sEmulsion after meals because its rich medicinal nourish- Household Hints. Two quarts of soup will from six to eight persons. When breast meat is tender, chicken is sufficiently cooked. A nail, if it has first been stuck in a cake of soap, may be easily driven. Allow two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder to each cup of flour when no eggs are used. A tablespoonful of water or milk should be allowed for each egg in making an omelet. Pencil marks should be rubbed off with an. eraser before soaking, as hot water ^sets the lead mark. One medium-sized loaf of bread will make 30 three-cornered sandwiches sandwiches or 10 large square ones. When grease or oil is spilled on the carpet, spread fine meal over the spot ; it will help absorb the grease. , À few pieces of gum camphor kept in the 'boxes in which silver is packed in wrappings will prevent its'turning dark. " , A teaspoonful of vinegar* added to the water in which black stockings stockings are rinsed will keep them a good color. . . For something new and dainty, spread the buttered fudge pan with minced dates before turning candy into it. . . If a small piece of salt is added to all fruits when cooking half the quantity of sugar is wanted, and it also improves the foavor. • „ Place a lump of salt in the kitch en sink. It will dissolve slowly, and keep the drain-pipe wholesome Boiling hot salt water is the best liquid for flushing drains. After cleaning brass or nickle plated bells or doorknobs, rub them over with a little vaseline with a woollen cloth. This will keep them bright for a long time. •- Before using tea spread it on a sheet of paper in'a warm--not hoU-* oven for 10 or 1Ô minutes. It will greatly improve the flavor, and it will also go much further. If you put two- tablespoons or vine car in the water when boiling elg S they Will hot boil out « they are cracked. Eggs slightly cranked can be had for half the price of sound ones. . , When you have bread very ary and stale hold the loaf under the tap till wet slightly, put it m a loaf tin and place another on .ton. and •bake over again be practically a new very hot oven. I This Handsome Moffat Range--First Prize | for your Best Recipes A CONTEST OPEN tO EVERY WOMAN IN CANADA the First Prize . Second Prize . Third Prize ... Fourth Prize. Fifth Prize Moffat Range . . . $40.00 . . . $25.00 •. . . $10.oo . . . $5.oo and Fifty Prizes of $2.00 each TI'OR thirty years we have interested ourselves in good B--^ ] F • .i * «.a tnup hppn ma y v L x x l v y j *-*• » -- -- -- - « cooking, for during this period we have been manu- ° ' i Now we want to First Prize TJ Special Exhibition NicEcl Finish ; with reservoir; tiled panel in high closet; full nickel glass ooor with thermometer ; oven either ib, iS or so inches. facturing- the best Ranges we knoxv how. produced first-class standard Cook Book for u se all ewer Canada. What better plan could we adopt than that of asking Canadian housewives to help us by contributing their five best and well-triedJRecipes ? There mav be*a number of good Cook Books published now, but there can never be one so good or so complete as one produced by the united efforts of good cooks all over the Dominion, because this will then be a practical one based on the practical results each individual contributor. ~ * rnmote interest we have decided to hold a contest, and we ~ Ire P av°r2g "he atove. valuable prizes for the best sets of five recipes sent in to us. _ ALL you have to do is to write out your and mail them to us "Canada B" Steel Range Or. if preferred, we will give our best cast iron range with Exhibition finish, or any of our high class to nnd gas combination ranges in special finish. FIVE BEST RECIPES The result will loaf. Use a S ETS of, Récipes wilhbe judged from the standpoint of Variety, Economy of Materials, Nutritive Properties, Ease ot Preparation, Tastiness, etc. Remember that the recipes most likely to win a prize, are some of your own favorites--that you have tried, and know to be real good. Write only on one. side of the paper and be sure to stern your name and post office address at the foot. The First Prize is a handsome. Moffat Range--the best we make--as Illustrated and described (or you ban have the best of any other Stove we make, either Gas, Coal or Combination). The other prizes'wiU be. awarded in the ; form of cash certificates for the amounts named and will be accepted at their face value by Moffat dealers at any place in inn the mirchasé of any Moffat Canada on the purchase Range. Competition cloie» October 19th, all replie» nut be ia on or before that date. The Cook Book, when complete, will ne one of the finest compiled, and will be worth at least $2.00. Every woman sending sending in five recipes will receive a 1' KLe. COPY. It will be well worth while tor everv woman to compete. If you wish to take advantage of the contest, contest, and at the same time wish to buy a stove at ônce-- buy a Moffat Range through our dealer in your to%vn and send us your receipted bill--and when you win a prize, , we will refund'you the cash value of the prize you win. Every Contestant will receive one of the Cook Books. We have secured the services of a graduate graduate of the Domestic Science branch ot the Toronto Technical School, and two other ladies to assist her. Their decisions must be accepted as final. (N.B.--You will greatly assist the judges by sending in vour replies as early as. possible. Don't wait till the closing date. ) Willie Indian m Uncle, did you ever play life 1 Uncle--In- Act at once •Everyone has an equal chance your ment strengthens the lungs, puts vigor in j " no \ Why do you ask 1 Willie the blood, and upbuilds strength to resist | ' e J 6aw a sca lp on your tuberculosis. Scott s Emulsion is nature • --Because x MOFFAT STOVE CO. LTmlted Dept 3 2 WESTON, pNtARIO Strength-builder. Refuse substitutes. j bedroom taible. ÜIIHIIII1.... -- ^ litiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiuiHiiuuiiiiimiiiiiiHiiimiiiiiiimiiHiHiniifiuiiuiniiHHitHinmis m rr M AS ) 7. Y"! •M jM ' 7 % :$ Ï $ t - is li 4. 2 A I A -.i: asa2&& Æmmmjgm mm&ms ks& mm