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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1914, p. 4

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«S»/»'® ;•---- ^;=.-- : / ; =: ' : . : - gggfjg ■" § g gg | "O'.. f/z Y : '_■ ■ >■ - y - ■ : ' : : V ^ . ' k> \ fc v > .. r - F> h> ► V r a BOWMANVILLE 1 , OCT. 29, 1914 /fa«ye Yotf Ordered Yoar Xmas Greeting Cards ? IF NOT see our selection before ordering. It is one of the finest ever shown in town. The designs are neat and the prices are right. These would be just the thing to. send to friends for whom you do not feel you could aftord an expensive gift. Let us have the pleasure of showing you our line. C H. HADDY, Jeweller The House for High-Grade Watches Bowmanville Why Bake Bread ? When you can be relieved of the bother and worry of making it and save money as well. BUY TOD'S HOME-MADE BREAD No food is more important than bread and TOI) S BREAD is always wholesome and appetising. It can t help but be good*because it is made of the best. Hour by the very best of skilled bakers. Quality Quality and purity are what makes our bread so popular. If you are not a regular regular customer order us to leave a loaf or more at your house daily. Call at the store or phone 3. 6c the loaf or 17 tickets for $1.00 THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner HAMPTON MILLS Best Grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Chop, Bran, Shorts, Corn, etc., etc. Phone 129 r 6. HAMPTON, Be£ÿr- • HfcStWr* - ' Coming to Bowmanville on FRIDAY, NOV. 13th Prof. Dorenwend of Toronto will be at the HOTEL BOWMAN with a special sample stock of all the latest styles in hair- goods. FOR LADIES .'---There will;be shown beautiful braids, switches, transformations, pompadours, waves, fronts, full wigs, etc., of the finest finest quality hair and workmanship that cannot be excelled. . Those who are desirous of seeing something that will beautify their appearance appearance should not miss this opportunity of calling at the hotel during the visit. GENTLEMEN:-- "Are You Bald ? 99 Come and have a FREE DEMONSTRATION of - v. The DORENWEND SANITARY SANITARY PATENT T0UPEÊ which is the only structure of its kind. They are. feather-weight, iri : . detectable, hygienic anil will make you appear-twenty years younger. (Worn by Men in all Stations of Life and over 250,000 in use} WEDDING CELEBRATION " Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Weatherilt Surprised Surprised by Friends. Monday evening Oct. 19th about 120 relatives and friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Weatherilt to offer congratulations and assist in celebrating celebrating the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding day. A splendid repast was prepared prepared and served by the ladies which all enjoyed. The company was called to order by Mr. W. J. Bragg who discharged the duties of chairman in his masterful style. After the bride and groom were seated Miss Verna Jewell read this address and made the presentation of a handsome fumed oak writing desk and rocker: Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Weatherilt, Bowmanville. Dear Friends--You will probably wonder at the unexpected arrival of so many guests this evening, but you know we often meet with the unexpected things in life and must make the best of them when they come. We sincerely hope, however, that you do not deem it a very serious act of intrusion for we assemble here tonight to congratulate you on the fifteenth anniversary of your wedding day. One enjoyment in being here tonight is that we feel we are welcome, for hospitality hospitality reigns supreme on every inch of this home. Your own willingness to help in time of need and your effort to aid in social life of the community have won for you both a high place in the regard of all and have wielded a wide-spread influence for good. As a token of our esteem we would ask your acceptance of these gifts trusting that to use them may give you pleasure and that it may serve to remind you from time to time of this occasion. That you may have many happy returns of the anniversary of your wedding day is the heartfelt wish of each and every one present this evening. Signed on behalf of the Committee: W. E. Jewell A. W. Wilson H. J. Knight . F. Allin H. Greenlees HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. The annual meeting of the Horticultural Society will be held in the Council Room, Bowmanville, Tuesday, November 3rd, at 8 p. m., for election of officers and other business. Every member is requested to attend. Jas. Deyman, -Secretary. Wm. Trewin, 2w President. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Day wish to thank their many friends and neighb< s for kindnesses shown them during the recent illness and death of their little son Kenneth Kenneth Edward. FOOT SPECIALIST AT FOLEY'S. We are pleased to announce that we have again secured the services of Mr. G. Greenwood, the expert in all foot trouble, who-gave our customers such 7 excellent satisfaction last June. He Will be at tile Parlor Boot Shop three days, Nov. 9,10 and 11. A cordial invitation is extended to any one having ailments of the feet for a free consultation. Particulars next week. Fred R. Foley. Do You Want to Warm s Comfortable? HALLOWE'EN ENTERTAINMENT. The third Hallowe'en Entertainment will be held in the Council Room on Friday, Friday, Oct. 30th, and will take the form of a masquerade dance and supper. Get vour costume ready and expect a jolly tinje. Everybody come. Admission : Those in costume 25c; spectators 25c; supper 15c. Prizes, BesJ Costume Lady, j Best Costume Gent, Best Costume Girl, Best Costume Boy, Best Lady's Comic, Best Gent's Comic. Be in time to join the Grand March which begins at 8 o'clock sharp. By Order. Mr. Weatherilt suitably replied after which they sang "He's ajjolly good fellow". Speeches of congratulation were made by Messrs. A. A. Powers, George Mitchell (Orono) H. J._Knight, W. E. Jewell, H. Greenlees, (Bowmanville), and chairman. The evening was pleasantly spent in games and social chat, when the company separated with best wishes for the bride and groom that they may be spared to celtbrate their golden wedding. Among relatives and friends present from a distance were: Mr. and Miss Wilson, Wilson, Franklin; Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Porter, Janetville; Mr. and Mrs. McKenty, Kingston; Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Powers, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and daughter daughter Lillian, Oroio; Mr. and Mrs. John McKay, McKay, Starkville; Mr. and Mrs. Will Weatherilt, Weatherilt, Osaca. Social and Personal OBITUARY Don't fail to réad inside pages this week --full of information. Mrs. Chas. Young is visiting Mrs. W. Norman Tilley, Toronto. Mr. F. W. Kirkendall of the Ford Garage, Garage, broke his wrist Saturday night while cranking an auto. Rev. Dr. George C. Workman has spent a short holiday at Rice Lake.. His address address is 7 North-st, Toronto. He passed through Bowmanville Friday evening. Give me a man with an aim, Whatever that aim may be-- Whether its wealth or whether its fame-- It matters not to me. Canada will send 10,000 more soldiers to England in December and 30,000 others are to be enlisted as about 40,000 men are to be in training under commanding officers of various military divisions for future reinforcements if required. Miss Gertrude Young, President of the Girls' Morning Hour, and Miss E. E. Hay- craft, teacher of the Young Ladies' Bible Class in the Methodist Sunday School are attending the Provincial Sunday School Convention in London, Ontario, guests of Mrs. John Elliott, 766 Waterloo-st., formerly formerly of Bowmanville. Mr. Jury is displaying in his store window window a very fine work of art issued by Walkerville Board of Trade whose slogan is : What we have we'll hold So keep the wheels going, - Keep the crops growing and KEEP THE DOLLAR AT HOME. Mrs. E. Kelman has received an interesting interesting letter from her son Walter who is with the Canadian Contingent at Salisbury Plain, England. The letter is a diary of the voyage from Quebec to Plymouth where they landed and refers to the good sport the boys had on shipboard--the S.S. Cassandra of the Donaldson Line. The diary covers the period from Sept. 25 to Oct. 15. Cobourg District Epworth League convention convention was held Monday in the Port Hope Methodist Church. It being the silver jubilee of the Epworth Leagues in Canada, the Canadian silver jubilee commemorative commemorative program was used at the evening session. Among the clergy taking taking part were: Rev. John Garbutt, President President of the Bay of Quinte Conference; Rev. H. B. Kenny, Bowmanville; Rev. A. H. Going, Port Hope; Rev. G. C. R. Mc- Quade, Baltimore; Rev. J. O. Totten, Camborne; Rev. A. J. Terrill, Stirling; R^v. A. B. Frederick, Centreton. Mr. Elmer Beckel, 4th V.ce President, was in charge of the Methodist League on Monday evening and, gave an ir.structive paper on the topic "Canada--her Resources". Resources". The lesson was read by Miss Greta Wickett, and Mr. Harry Rutter read a patriotic selection. Music was furnished by Miss Ethel L. VanNest and Mr. Thos. Holgate who sang solos very acceptably, and Miss Eva Smith who rendered rendered a splendid, instrumental. Meeting next week is in charge of the Boys' Morning Morning Hour. An interesting program is assured. assured. Everybody welcome. Charles Burnham, Bowmanville The news of the sudden passing away of Mr. Chas. Burnham came as a ; udden shock to many of our citizens. Deceased suffered from heart trouble for some time but of late has been exceptionally we 1. Monday morning he arose at his usual hour but Jay down again. His wife was preparing his breakfast when she heard him fall. She hastened to him but he expired expired in her arms." Deceased was a member member of a very old and honored family in the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon from the family residence, Second St., to Bowmanville Cemetery, service being conducted by Rev. A. H. Drumm, The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. The bearers bearers were Messrs. Jas. Deyman, Warren Dingman> R. D. Davidson, A. Mann, Chas. Heal and F. A. Haddy. Deceased leaves to mourn his loss a widow, four sons and a daugh er : Thos. J. of Sandy Creek, N. Y., Harry C, of Grafton, Ira J. of Toronto, Toronto, Arthur W. of Rochester, and Mrs. T. R. Jeffery of Toronto. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Burnham and family desire to thank all their friends for the sympathy and many kindnesses shown them during their late bereavement. ABOUT THE WAR. Theie is a man who knows probably more than any one else in America about the outlook for Tsingtau as it affects Germany, Germany, China, Japan and Christian missions. missions. He has lived for years in the city that is now the Asiatic center.of the world-war. He is in America to-day. He has written for the Sunday School Times The Startling Inside Story of Tsingtau," which will soon be published with illustrations. illustrations. His story amazes, thrills, shocks, convinces. He has written also a terrible account of what twentieth century fighting fighting is. When sending one of his manuscripts manuscripts to The Times he said, "Cut out what you want to, but keep the spinal column column of war repulsiveness." Readers will find that the spinal column is there when his messages reach their eyes. These articles are part of an extraordinary extraordinary series of articles upon the European war now being published in The Sunday School Times, which will include a letter from Billy Sunday on "What the War Means to Me"; an article by Mabel Thorp Broadman on "How We Do the Work of the Red Cross"; "The War and the Jew," by David Baron of London; "What the War Means to Women," by the Widow of General Pickett, and searching articles on prophecy and missions as bearing on the War. * *: I I •yy & Look First to Your Underwear. Wear Stanfield's Combination. If you have never known the pleasure and comfort of Stanfield's Combinations with perfect closed crotch, start now and join the. happy army of well underclothed men aud wear Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear in perfect fitting sizes. Stanfield's Combination won't sag, bind or creep up on you when washed. THEY ARE UN SHRINKABLE. We have chosen our stock so as to offer a large variety of weights and fabrics which will appeal to every taste. Stanfield's Two Piece Suits Also offer a wide range of selection. It is time to buy now so as to be ready when the thermometer thermometer drops. After your underwear question is all settled there are the Sox and Shirts. Y e have a full and well assorted stock to select from and will be pleased to let you see the different qualities and patterns. , And Then For The Clothing Before you buy we would like to have an opportunity to show ÿou our stock of Ready-To-Wear ! y Suits and Overcoats in cloths and patterns to suit all tastes and prices which are right. In the made-to-Measure Clothing we handle the leader, the 20th Century Brand Clothing, for men who are particular particular about cut and fit. See our range of patterns and pick out the particular style you wish. We will take your measure and guarantee a perfect fit. Which of these two 20th Centnry Brand Ulsters do you like best ? One is perfectly plain but shows style and character in every line. The other is embellished with plaited patch pockets, belt and cuffs. It is called the Auto Ulster and is very full skirted. Both are exclusive 20th Century Brand Models and -eminently correct. The choice is a matter of individual individual taste. We are exclusive agents. ORONTO RONTO Z McMurtry & Co., Ltd. Phone 83 The Big Departmental Store Bowmanville h A Satisfied Customer Is ^Our BestCAdvertisetiient Town and Church bells, ringing of chimes and blowing of whistles heralded the return to Port Hope last week of Mrs. Brent, Miss Bletcher, Miss Holdsworth and the Misses Tuer who have been held in Germany since the war broke out. All butter in packages or wrapped in parchment paper must in future be labelled labelled "dairy" or "creamery." This means that no butter can be bought or sold in plain wrappers or in unbranded packages. No butter can be sold or bought under brand pf separator. ' Failing to comply with the above Government Act persons will be liable to a fine of $10 to $30 for each offence. R OOMS TO. RENT--Some of the hvst li\ ing rooms in Janies Block are now' vacant- two flats, electric lighted, over Photograph (lal- i lery. Rent moderate. Apply to Normatif. B. James. Statesman office. Auto for Hire When requiring the services of an auto send us your order. Rent by the hour or day. Terms right. Leave orders at Cole's Barber Shop . one door east of Bowman House. For Infants and Children? The KtodYou HaieAlwaysBoegtit Bears the Signature of RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway GOING EAST. Express 8.52 a. m. Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily 10.18 „ 3.86 p.m. 6.40 „ 7.18 , 9.68 . GOING WEST. 4.22 a. m : Express Local Local Passenger tPassenger 7.02 9.45 „ 1.38 p.m. 7.11 .. Canadian Pacific Railway , ' ' GOING EAST, "y ' . G OING WEST. Express '/l " 9V46 a.'m. | Express' " 9.08 a.m. Express - 8;10 p;in. Daily except Sunday.' Office. ; Express - * 5.04- p.m C. B.'Kénf, Agent, Post Canadian Northérn Rail way GOING EAST. > r GOING WEST. ^Express u-. - 9.53 a.m. ■JKxnress ; 6.38 p.m. r IIDaily except Sunday' ^Express 9.02 a.m. U Express .. 7.37 p.m. HDàilyexcept Sunday Bowmanville Arthur Cole, Proprietor. Fall Suits & Overcoats THE HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES are sure to satisfy you in every particular. They have six distinguishing features : Effectiveness of Heating Economy of Construction Durability of Wearing Excellency of Finish Lownes^of Price Excellent Cookers Our stock is complete. 44 Quality Hardware" Bowmanville -- Ont. $15 UP „ ■ - n It's time you were ordering ordering your Fall Clothes. We have some sdlêudid materials at prices ranging from $15.00 to §30.00, j ÎÜEM EMBER, we guarantee4 guarantee 4 every suit that we make. .« ikdies'. and Gents' Tailoring. BLOCK : 'rÆ -y A." Liv: yL * .'L

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