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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1914, p. 8

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■ u 1r' : ; . S® ' ■ i V V y <• K S> i % <> 4 <* y s U < -< i When you spend a. dollar outside, Bowmarùnlle gets the goods but loses the dollar. dollar. When you spend a dollar dollar at home < BoTtomattPtlle gets both * Great Bargains in Men's and Boys' Overcoats Big Purchase from Montreal Manufacturer Manufacturer Who Needed the Spot Cash BOWMANVILLB, NOT. 5 1914 MAPLE OKOVB. Mr. Bell, of the Dominion Alliance, will occupy the pulpit Sunday afternoon...... Mrs, O. B. BUidttand son,Edmonton, Alta, and Miss Gladys Monday were guests of Mrs. Bert Wilkins.. . .Miss Emma Lane spent a few days with Miss Edna Snowden .... Mrs. Truman Power entertained her Sunday School class Saturday in honor of her daughter Reta's birthday. Don't delay any longer. ' Buy a Supreme Range to-day. Mason & Dale. ENFIELD HAPPENIN' 08. We succeeded in buying a lot of Men's and Boys' Overcoats at practically our own price We are going to share the bargains with you. Mrs. T. Hodgson, Burnt River, is visiting visiting relatives here Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Werry, Enniskillen, and Miss R. Smith visited friends here Sunday.... Mr. Alex Smith has been shipping honey to Brandon Brandon and Alberta Mr. Arthur Ormiston has purchased a new piano to beautify his home Mrs. Sam Bray,. Miss Myrtle Ormiston and Mrs. W. Fowler have been ailing Hallow'en here passed very quietly. First time vou're in town be sure to see Supreme Ranges at Mason & Dale's. Heavy Dark Brown Ulster, shawl collar, the very latest style, good value for ll 2, our price $8.00 Heavy G-rey Ulster, plain pattern, shawl collar, belt on back, a first-class coat for $15.00, for $10.00 Navy Blue Chinchilla, the very fashionable overcoat. overcoat. This is made in a shorter coat, short belt, small shawl collar, a very stylish, snappy overcoat overcoat for the young man, sold ev- (t | O Cf| ervwhere for $16.50, our price l^ e W D ARLINGTON NEWS. Report of S. S. No. 4, for October, names in order of merit : Sr IV--Myrtle Blair; Jr IV---Annie Cox, Loma Oke, Charles Osborne; III--Mary Found, Gordon Gordon Trull, Harry Osborne, Walter Run- dle, Addie Nichols, Irene Welsh; II-- Elsie Welch' Allie Worden, Clarence Bell, John Oke; Sr I--Arthur Found, Iva Worden, Henry Pearce; Jr I--Hazel Run- dle and Gordon Pearce, equal; Primer-- Nina Oke, Norman Welsh, MARION M. VanNest, teacher. HAMPTON NEWS price. These are only a few of the bargains--300 overcoats overcoats in the lot. The Anderson Clothing Com'y. The Swell Dressers Store Bowman ville Mr. and Mrs. Dennis White, and daughter daughter Hope visited Sunday at Mr. I. L. Brown.... Mr. and Mrs. W. C. White, Darlingford, Man., spent the week-end at Mr. A. E. Clemens', Tyrone Mrs. W. N. Brown, Miss Annie Johns and Mr. Wilbur Wilbur Moore, Toronto, spent Sunday at home... .Miss Minnie and Lottie Horn spent Sunday with their sister at Port Perry Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wray, Osh- awa, visited at her father's Sund y Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis, Tyrone, Sun- daved at Mr. Howard Cole's... .Mr. J. T. Cole has returned from Kirby Mr. and Mrs. W. C. White and children start for their home in the west this week and carry with them the best wishes of a large circle of friends.... Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, Anderson, a former pastor, will preach next Sunday evening in. Hampton church, Rev. C. W. Barrett, preaching at Hastings. You'll not feel the pinch of hard times if you use a Supreme Range--saves 50% fuel bill, Mason & Dale. F. A. H AD D Y The China Hall Grocery ■OLINA DOINGS Laundry Soap Two extra fine Laundry Soaps, Swift's Borax and Swift's Naphtha, both superior soaps and well-known brands, special price for one week 6 cakes Tor 25c, or $4.00 a box of 100 cakes Grape Fruit Special purchase of Grape Fruit enables us to sell off large size fruit at this special price 4 for 25c or 70c per doz. The regular November meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Son's Hall on Thursday next, Nov. 12, when the quilts that have been patched will be quilted. Meeting at I o'clock. A full attendance is requested Quarterly meeting Sunday was well attended at El- dad Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, Hastings, will preach here Sunday. His old parish- oners will be glad to hear him again.... HaVow'en masquerade entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed at Division Saturday night. Mr. W. VanNest furnished violin selections selections and the program was interesting.... Mr. W\ H. Worden has had a severe attack of lumbago... - Apple crop an average one has been harvested Washington's hill bridge has been completed and traffic resumed.. . .Scholars .Scholars here were greatly delighted with their cheques from the Rural School Fair ranging ranging from 5c to $1 75- Recent visitors : Mr. T. Power, Maple Grove, at W. C. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pascoe; West Whitby, at Mr. ). T. Rundle's; Mrs. Jas. Fallis, Oshawa,at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Silas Williams and Mrs. Arnot at Port Perry; Miss Bessie Reynolds at Toronto; Messrs Clarence and Roy and Miss Muriel Penfound, Courtiue, at Councillor Councillor Baker's; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vice and Miss Gertrude Pascoe, Oshawa, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. W. Baker, at Brooklin; Misses Georgia and Hilda Langmaid at Hallowe'en exercises at O. L. C., Whitby. Judging from the many homes in which you find Supreme Ranges they must be the most popular stove in the country. See them at Mason & Dale's. TYRONE NOTE». Christmas Fruits Currants, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Peels are now an the way. We will have full stocks as usual. Highest Cash Price for Fresh Eggs Mrs. Jos. Wight and Mr. Wrightson Wight, Providence, Sundayed at Mr. Jas. | Collocutt's Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Werry visited her mother, Mrs. W. Mc- j Laughlin, Oshawa.... Mr. and Mrs. H. Harry Collacutt Sundayerd at her father's father's Mr. W. Trewin, Enniskillen... .Mr. and Mrs. F. G. By am and Messrs. Lionel I and Earl visited Mr. E. Channon, Lindsay A large number from here attended I anniversarv services at Long Sault.... The spelling match at Epworth League I last week was well attended. Miss Mul- lin's side won. Consecration service this week to which all young folk are invited. Report of S. S. No. 18, Darlington, for October, names in order of merit: Senior Division IV--Mary Higgs, Alma,Cuttell, *Edythe Clemens, 'Harold Clemens, Irene Werry, | Keta Amsbary (absent.) Ill--(a) Lillian Stock, Mary Richards, Greta Virtue, Marion Marion Martin (absent); (b) May Thompson, * Hazel Hodgson, Gladys Collacutt, * Marie Werry, 'Géraldine Clemens, (equal), 'Eileen 'Eileen Higgs, 'Lola Richards, Vivian Ams- I bary (l.- ant), CLyton Gardiner (absent). 'Present every day. G. M. VanNest, teacher. Junior Division Jr. II--Mar.aret Moore, Gracie Virtue, j Willie Little, Lewis Gardiner, Brenton McCullough, Hazel Wer. y. Sr. I--*Dor- i othy Higgs, Myrtle Amsbary, 'Harold I Burgess, Willie Martin, Irving Clemens, Sr. Pr.--Hilda Prout, 'Gertrude Gardiner, Verna McCoy, Harry Hatherley, Johnny Hatherley. Jr. Pr.--Wesley Little, Dean | Hodgson, Gordon Martin, Levi Annis, j Eleanor Amsbary, Bessie Prout. Aver- j age attendance 20. B. B. MULLIN, teacher. teacher. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 5ASTO R I A The Busiest Spot In Wednesday last, Nov. 4, opened the greatest slaughter in the history of merchandizing merchandizing in Durham County. The old stand of McMurtry & Go. was crowded from nine o'clock till dark with purchasers from all over the county. Every shed and stable was full, every train brought in buyers, the streets were crowded and the rush was so great in the store itself that many of the staft had no time for lunch during the whole day. Wednesday was a hummer but Watch for Big Saturday ana Monday. The retirement of John McMurtry from business after a successful business career of over fifty years and has only been effected by temporarily placing the Whole Stock of McMurtry & Co. Limited, on Sale for CASH in Ten Days. This decision came like a thunderbolt to the business and purchasing cnmmunity of Durham, and the unfortunate part ^ it for the firm is that many lines of new goods were arriving and had to be included in the great sacrifice. 1 e s a been trebled and every night is spent getting out new lines and marking them down for the next days sale. Special efiorts are being made for BIG SATURDAY AND MONDAY, and these days will establish a record for all Durham for a single day's business. Come Saturday and Monday for the biggest nays selling in Bowmanville. Calamity Clothing Cuts Buy any garment in this list take it home, show it to your neighbors, and if you can equal these prices in Canada, we will gladly refund your money and pay your lare. Boys tweed suits of natty Canadian designs, well tailored tailored strongly made for school wear and worth up to five dollars for $1.49 Young men's strong well made, well trimmed suits bought to sell at six dollars and up, now.. $2.69 Men's fine tweed and all wool Oxford Suits, good Canadian Canadian tailoring, lined with XXX iron yarn, all sizes, all shapes, all prices, now at one huge calamitous sacrifice sacrifice only $4.95 Boy's strong Tweed school suits, regular $3 98 Youth's and young men's heavy winter overcoat, many styles, many sizes, many materials,.but one price... 1-98 Men's hea\ y winter overcoats, single and double breasted breasted heavy, imported British material, all sizes, now only I * 4.95 Men's odd coats, some of them from $15 suits.... 1.95 Men's odd vests, regular $1 and $2 now... 4d Men's odd pants, all materials, all patterns, only...95 A big bunch of odd pants and overalls for only 45 Boys' strong school pants, good assortment, only...,2b Bo.ys' heavy five dollar Reefers now.... ....1.98 Men's special storm Reefer coats, extra heavy, lined with English corduroy, Toronto price $5, here only2.95 Bird's celebrated Mackinaws, coats or pants, regular $6.50 now 3.95 Splendid assortment of men's waterproof coats, all sizes, worth up to five dollars for. 95 FursI Furs!! Furs!!! Of The clarion caU of necessity places this natty fur stock at your mercy. Men's fur coats of Mountain bear, quilted linings, elegantly trimmed and fitted, worth thirty dollars of any man's money . 16.95 Men's fur lined coats of fine, all-wool beaver shell, waterproof interlining, fancy curl lined, with beautiful beautiful mink-marmot collar sold everywhere at up to twenty-five dollars, here and now 10.95 Ladies fur-lined coats, finest imported beaver shell fancy curl lining, with wind and waterproof interlining, interlining, mink marmot collar, full length, comfortable garments ..10.95 Ladies' genuine astrachan coats, quilted satin lining, comfortable sightly garments, worth regularly thirty dollars, at less than half.. 14-95 A splendid assortment of muffs, various furs,various prices, now one price only 2.45 Misses' neck pieces, of mink-marmot and other sightly sightly furs, only - 69 Ladies' neck pieces of various furs, warm, sightly, five dollar values only.. 1.45 Indian Buffalo Robes, heavy, blanket lining, worth twenty dollar 11 -75 Saskatchewan Robes, waterproof and wind proof, full size 6.45 Small Wares Hair pins 2c per box. Safety pins per doz...2c. Pins, per paper lc. Hat-pins per doz 5c. Hooks and eyes per card lc. Men's Furnishings Furiously Furiously Flagellated The resonant ring of these wonderful values will resound in Durham for many a day. Men's Linen Collars, all standard patterns and designs, all sizes, to clear at one price, each •. 3c Men's Fine Cambric Handkerchiefs in white, red or blue, each only •••5c Men's Negligee Shirts, somewhat soiled but good fast colors, in one huge clearing, at each only.... 25c Men's Work Shirts, all kinds, all sizes ....25c Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts, dollar value, now ..55c Men's Tweed Caps, all styles, sizes and prices--..19c An's Felt Hats, stiff or soft, all- sizes, each 25C Men's Work Gloves, at bargain prices, ranging from per pair, five cents 5c Men's Neckties in four-in-hands, bows, all colors, all materials, each 5c Men's Heavy Lined Mitts, per pair.... 29c Men's Heavy "Comfort" Suspenders, Government Standard, at one price only -- ..-19c Collar Buttons, all styles, each lc Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Underwear, all sizes ... .39c Men's Scotch Knit Underwear, all sizes, reduced to 69c Men's Heavy Socks, per pair. •••9c Men's Fine Cashmere and Heavy Worsted Socks... 19c Men's Fancy Knitted Mufflers.. ---15c Suit Cases, all kinds, all styles, starting at 95c Telescopes, all kinds, all styles, starting at...,7 48c Trunks, Heavy Manufacture, insuring travelling comfort, comfort, each ». •2-35 House Furnishings The opportunity of a life-time to furnish a new home or refurnish the old. A. splendid af Nottingham Lace Curtains.........39o Sightly, good wearing Carpet Squares 4x3-^....3-45 Good quality Tapestry Carpet Squares, 2-£-x3 --4.7 5 Axminster and Velvet Door Mats, attractive designs, designs, fringe, only ; '••■49c Odd ends stair carpet, worth much more, per yd 15c Several patterns stair oilcloth, worth more, yd 12-T Big assortment of Furniture and Curtain Cretonnes, closing-out price, per yd lOc. Specially attractive designs in Curtain Muslins, extra widths and extra quality, per yd 17c Flannelette Blankets, full double bed size... ...1.19 Wadded Comforters, full size, two dollar value 1.19 English Flannel Blankets, full size - 79c Groceries! Groceries!! You are familiar with our grocery department. The freshness and cleaness is a matter of public knowledge. Space will not allow the enumeration of the bargains to be found here, but we invite you• to .come with the assurance that the same reductions made in other departments will be found in this. Crockery Gone to Smash Fine Imported 97 piece dinner sets only --.. 5.95 Fine Imported 10 piece bedroom sets, only--..2.00 Odd jugs 10c; Jardinieres 9c; Odd bowls 5c; Odd teapots 9c; Odd plates 3c. A splendid assortment of fancy lamps 69 Dress Goods ! You know our reputation, you know our stock, we tell you here, as man to man, that every yard of our magnificent assortment is practically at your mercy: We must get from under the crushing load of our tremendous stock. One Thousand Yards of all kinds of Dress Materials in short ends anti to measure, bought for this season's business to sell at prices up to fifty cents and over, now only 19c Wide Silk or Satin Ribbons, up to five inches, yd 12^c Hundreds of yards of dress trimmings, guimpes, braids, etc., at many times this price, only.. 5c Clothing for Women Moire and Satin Underskirts, all colors, all lengths, cheap at one dollar, now -45c Warm Flannel Dressing Gowns, braid trimmed, very sightly 1-95 Splendid assortment of Ladies' Waterproof Coats, all sizes, all values, now one price 3-39 Misses' Waterproofs, same as above 2-4$ Misses' Handsome Winter Coats, all colors, all sizes 2-45 Ladies' Flannel Blouses, fast colors, dainty designs 69e Black Satin Blouses • 69« Assortment of Blouses^ all sizes and kinds 29c Aprons, splendid assortment 19c Serge Street and House Dresses, very attractive,,, 4*69 & <S., Limited, ■ cv; I Ü V-,- iSÉSËÉ „ il H luiwSMè '••■^W^î-v<'»a^8s«É8âiSI àm.:tiÜÈË

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