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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1914, p. 3

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Are troubled with the " blues "--anxiety-- sleeplessnéss --and warnings of pain and distress are sent by the nerves like flying messengers throughout body and limbs. Such feeling may or may not be accompanied byTSackache or headache. Then the nervous system and the entire womanly make-up feels the tonic effect of DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Ptescriptibn Take this in liquid or tablet form and be a Wo// woman ! Mrs. Eva Tyler of So. Geneva St, Ithaca, N. Y., says, "I have been in a run-down condition condition for several years. Suffered from nervousness and a great deal of pain at certain times. Have taken several different medicines but found your Favorite Prescription' has given the most relief of anything anything I have ever tried. Am very much better than I have been in some time. I gladly recommend this remedy to any woman in need of a tonic." Write Dr. V. M. Fierce, Buttai», N. V. Dpb Plerco*s Pleasant Pellets regulate stomach, liver, bowels fn Girlhood Womanhood Motherhood DOUtS^fc, i HACK ALL 1 HE WAY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO-MONTREAL mm The International Limited Canada's Traill of Superior Service Leaves Toronto 4.40 p.m. daily, arrives "Detroit 9.55 p.m. and Chicago y.00 a.m. * morning service [.eaves Toronto 8 a.m., arri : es Detroit 1. i 5 p.m. >nd Chicago 8.40 p m. daily. LAST TRAIN OUT OF TORONTO AT NIGHT Lea*. es 11.35 p.m., arrives Detroit 8.00 a.m. and Chicago 3.00 p.m. daily, assuring important connections connections with principal trains fo r Western States .slid Canada. FOR MONTREAL - I.ev, Toronto 0 a.m.. 9.3D p.m. and 11 p.m. daily. Berth reservations, etc., at G.T.It. ticket office.-,. J H. H. JURY, Pi:one 78. Local Agent. B0WMANYILLE TIME TABLE (Effective Oct. 19th• TRAINS LEAVE 1 < ) Toronto and Intermediate It v/io n ça -i, 7.37 p.m. ]ii 0 rent on, Belleville. Yarker, Kingston, Brockville, Smith's Falls, Ottawa and intermediate stations. 9.53 a.m. I ( r Coe Li ill and Intermediate St ation! 9.53a. m. To: Yarker, Tweed, Tlarrowsmith, Sydenham M;d Intermediate Stations on Bay o: Quinte Ry. 9.53 a. m. TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and Intermediate "Stationi 9.53 a. m. 7.19 p.m. I rrm Napanee, Belleville, Trenton an:l Interim Interim ( diate Points; also Picton ami C.O.R. Points) ■ t d a. m. 7.37 p. in. . From MayiiOoth(C. O. R.i 7.3Tp. m. 1 i om Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, atz. i .37 p. m. ■ ; is i un daily except Sunday unless other wise marked. 1 < i lUTtherparticulars see other advertisement appearing in this paper, or apply W. G. GIFFLER, Depot Agent, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In Une matter o: the Estate of JAMES KEELER late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Revised Statutes of Ontario"', that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Jtunes Keeler, who died on or about the Tweary-tliird day of September, 1914, are required required on or before the Twenty seventh day of November, November, 1914, to send by post prepaid or deliver to A. McLaughlin of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Solicitor for Emma ."lane Keeler and Harry Canu, the Executors of the Will of the said James Keeler deceased, their Christian and sur-names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and tile nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed in distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled t hereto, having regard regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the. said Executors will not be liable for the said as-els or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall nor, have been received by them at rite time of such distribution. Dated at Bowmanville the Second dav of November. November. 1914. a. E. McLaughlin, Solicitor for Kmnm Jane Keeler and Harry Cann, the Executors of thv Will of the said Jatn-s Keeler, deceased. 45 3 X NOR ONTARIO RAI New Night Train Between Toronto and Ottawa Day Train Lv. Bowmanville 9.53 a.m. Ar. Ottawa 5.20 p.m. (Central Station) Lv. Bowmanville 7-37 P- ra * Ar. Toronto 9-U P- m - (Daily except Sunday.) For Rail and Steamship Tickets, Parlor and Sleeping Car reservations, and all information information apply to W. G. GIFFLER, Station Agent. CURE HIS DRINKING It Can Be Done and Will Save His Future-His Work-His Life. Often our best and cleverest are those on whom the drink disease fastens its clutches. It is a disease, for the inflamed. inflamed. stomach sets up that terrib e craving that makes men forget their promises and all that is near and dear to tli?tn. Alcura is guaranteed to give satisfaction satisfaction or money refunded. It removes the craving, soothes- the nerves, builds up the system, and renders drink'distasteful. drink'distasteful. Alcura can be had at onr store, §1 per box. Alcura No.l is tasteless and odorless and can be given secretly. Alcura Alcura No. 2 is the voluntary treatment. Try it to-day. Ask for free Alcura booklet. Jury and Lovell, Druggists, Druggists, Bowmanville. 8 A POSITION FOR FALL and WINTER We have a sound business proposition for a reliable energetic salesman for this district to sell fruit trees, small fruits,- flowering shrubs, etc, Pay -weekly, outfit outfit free, exclusive territory. OVER 600 ACRES of fruit and crnamontal stock under cultivation. We sell through our salesmen salesmen direct to the consumer and guarantee guarantee delivery of fresh, high grade trees. Onr agencies are valuable by reason of the service we give and the volume of business done. Established 35 years. Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. P. S. Handsome catalogue on request, either to applicant or those wishing Nursery stock. 37-25 PROMPTLY SE6UREPI In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 354 University St., Montréal. --vm ^-- , Darlington Township j Clerk's Notice ôf First Posting of ! VOTERS' LIST. (Section 13) Voters' List, 1914, Municipality of the Township of Darlington, County of Durham. Notice is hereby given, that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of The Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of-all persons appearing by the last , revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Municipal Elections; and that the said List was first posted up at my office at Hampton on the Seventeenth day of October, 1914, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors' or omissions corrected according to law. Dated this 24th day of October, 1914. W. R. ALLIN, 44-3w Clerk of Tp. of Darlington Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A soft, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, S3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold bv all druggists, or sent prepaid or. receipt of price. Free pamphlet. z ""\ Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TOIONKMW.. (Ftrutrly Wiediar.) WO OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs.Doucette Tells of her Distressing Distressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. i One of the -sublimest things in the world is plain truj,^. Belleville, Nova Scotia,Can.-- "Three years ago I was suffering badly with what the doctors called Change of Life. I was so bad that I had to stay in ill bed. Some friends told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound and it helped me from the first. It is the only medicine I took that did help me and I recommend it. You don't know how thankful and grateful I am. I give you permission to publish what your good medicine has done for me. ' '--Mrs. Simon Doucette, Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation,hot flashes,headaches,backaches, flashes,headaches,backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, irregularities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent women women who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the wèak- ened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this crisis. If yon want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held In strict confidence# Cookies, Rolls, Bread. Sugar Cookies.--Two pounds sugar/one sugar/one cupful butter, one egg, one cupful clabbered cream, one tea- spoonful soda, one tea-spoonful van ilia extract, one teas Dmmful lemon extract, one 'teaspoonful - baking powder ; flour to roll soft. Mix as for cake, beating soda into the cream until it foams. Roll as soft as possible and sprinkle sugar over the top and bake in very slow oven. If the dough is allowed to stand fifteen fifteen minutes before rolled and the board and rolling pin are well floured they can be handled much softer than would be imagined and A better cooky will result. Jmnblcs.--One cupful butter, two cupful milk, one-half teaspoonful vanilla, flour to roll. „ Sift sugar lover top and bake in a moderate oven. Parker House Rolls.--Grate two large potatoes, add one tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon salt and ona and one-half'pints boiling water. Stir until smooth like starch. Soak one y east cake in a half cup of lukewarm lukewarm water. When dissolved, add to potato mixture after it- is cool. Let this stand one day and one night. In the morning take one pint of this mixture, add one pint of lukewarm water, two large tablespoons tablespoons of lard melted, two teaspoons teaspoons of salt, one-half cup of su gar and flour to-make a soft dough. Let this rise about three hours, or until three times its bulk. Let rise again until bulk is trebled. Work down again, then knead on board, roll with rolling pin and cut into rounds with a biscuit cutter. Press through centre with back of silver knife, butter one-half with melted butter and fold over like a pocket- book. Let rise until light and bake fifteen minutes in moderate oven. This will make two and one-half dozen rolls. Coffee Bread.--Two pounds light bread sponge, four ounces melted butter, 3'olks of four eggs, four ounces sugar, one-half cup milk ; flour enough to make a soft dough, too soft for bread; one cup of raisins raisins or currants, if desired. Mix and beat well and let stand one-ihalf to one hour before baking.. This makes two square cake pans. Put on the brushed tops melted butter and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon cinnamon when the dough is about half raised. Bake in a moderate oven twenty to twenty-five minutes. Entire Wheat Bread. -- One and one-half pints of lukewarm water, one cake of yeast and flour. Dissolve Dissolve yeast in water and make a light sponge. Let rise three hours, add one teaspoon salt, one heaping tablespoon shortening melted, two tablespoons molasses. Stiffen with whole wheat, flour until it is stiff enough to work on 'board -without sticking. Let stand three hours, or until double In milk. Make into leaves, let rise to top of pan and bake one hour. Graham Bread. -- Make a light sponge with one cake of yeast, one and one-half pints of lukewarm water water and white flour. Let rise over night and add one-half graham and one-half white flour to make it stiff enough to knead. Knead well and let rise three to four hours. The graham flour makes it slower to rise than when "all white is used. Knead again and make into loaves and let rise to top of pan. If the pans are well greased with melted fat and the loaf is turned over in this it will not be necessary to grease bread any further. Bake in a, slow oven an hour to an hour and a quarter. Brown Nut Bread.--One cup of white flour, two cups graham flour, one and one-half cups sweet milk, one cup sugar, one teaspoon baking powder, one teaspoon salt, one-half cup nut-meats. Mix thoroughly and bake one hour in a very slow oven. White Nut Bread.---Two eggs, one cup sugar, one cup sweet milk, one heaping tablespoon of butter, two cups flour, one-half cup chopped chopped nut meats, two heaping t-ea- SDOons baking powder, level teaspoon teaspoon of cinnamon, a little nutmeg. Mix equal sugar and butter until smooth, add spices and nuts, then milk and flour alternately.. Beat well and bake in slow oven forty- five to fifty minutes. Hundreds of People Have Found " Fruit-a-tiyes " Their Only Help long-er-than when-the stand is used. If, iby any chance, a room is filled with smoke, open all the windows at once and wave a towel wet in vinegar and hot water around the "room. Put lard into a basin and pour boiling water over it. Allow to get cold, then pour off the water apd repeat the process three times. The lard can then be used for making cold cream. read Wetter Superintendent of Sunday School in Toronto Tells How He Cured Himself of Chronic Rheumatism'After Suffer, ing for Y ears. 55 DovercourT Road, Oct., ist. 1913. •'For along time, I have thought of writing you regarding what I term a most remarkable cure effected by your remedy "Fruit-a-tives". I suffered from Rheumatism, especially in my hands. I have spent a lot of money without any goodresults. I havetaken "Fruit- a-tives" for 18 months now, and am pleased to tell you that I am cured. - All the enlargement has not left my hands and perhaps never will, but the soreness is all gone and I can do any kind of work. I have gained 35 pounds in 18 months". R. A. WAUGH Rheumatism is no longer the dreaded disease it once was. 1 Rheumatism is no longer one of the "incurable diseases". ' ' Fruit-a-tives" has proved its marvellous powers over Rheumatism, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago--in fact, over all such diseases which arise from some derangement of stomach, bowels, kidneys or skin. "Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for §2,50, trial size, 25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. placing the lid on. This prevents the moisture from settling and making making the pudding soggy. The efficient housekeeper knows that sharp knives save time, patience patience a,nd give better results than dull ones. Use a little ammonia in water to wash white paint, but no soap. This has the advantage of not dulling the surface. In using washing' soda, it 'Should always be dissolved in hot water before before adding to the clothes. Soiled satin slippers may be dyed with the ordinal powdered dyes, mixed with gasoline. Apply with a clean sponge. After frying onions pour a little vinegar into thg^rymg pan, let it get hot, and it will remove all smell from the pan. Try using, a brick for an ironing stand, a-nd you will find that the irons will -retain - their heat much bird with a broken wing. Household Hints. Dip French friend potatoes in corn meal before frying. Many people know how sausages 'burst when fried, but if they are dipped in boiling water first they will fry quite whole. If you are caught in the rain and the color comes off your coat on to your blouse, put the blouse to soak in milk over night. Soap should be bought in quantities quantities ; remove the wrapper and allow ifc to dry. To remove ink from the fingers, dampen a sulphur match and rub the stains. If cream proves too thin to whip, add the white of an egg before beginning beginning to whip. If the zinc liqing of a refrigerator looks shabby it can be enameled, and made look like new. You can prevent a steamed pudding pudding from becoming heavy by putting putting a cloth over the steamer.before CARTERS Iff LE I VER PILLS. CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles' incident incident to a bilious state of the system, such aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, kc. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills aro equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the s tomach,stimulate tha liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would ho almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately fortunately their goodness does notend here.and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing willing to do without them. But after aUsick head ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that here Is where we make our great boast. Our piUs cure it while Others do not. , Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two piUs make a doae. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. CABTEB ItSBICIHB CO-, HSW YOBK. SmEM. USoaiWfrici. Hen for S .1 TS i: Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c# Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention 1s probably patentable. Communies, tionsstrlctlyconfldeuttal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patenta taken through Munn Sc Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the A handsome!/ illustrated weekly. Largest circulation circulation of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada, (3.75: a year, postage prepaid. Bold by all newsdealers. , MUNN Moms,..**,, New York Hrttnch Offlcerfe F Bt, Washington. D. C. I walked through the woodland meadows, meadows, Where sweet the thrushes sing, And found on a bed of mosses A bird with a broken wing; I bound up its wound, and each morning morning It sang its old sweet refrain-- But the bird with a broken pinion Never soared so high again. I saw à young life broken By sin's seductive -art, And, touched with a tender pity, I took him to my heart; He lived with a noble purpose, And struggled not in vain-- But the bird with a broken pinion Never soared so high again. But the bird with a broken pinion Kept another from the snare, And the life that sin had stricken Saved another from despair; Each loss has its compensation, There's healing for every pain--. But the bird with a broken pinion Never soars so high again. But the soul that trusts in Jesus Is saved from every sin, And the heart that fully trusts him Shall a crown of glory win; Then come to the dear Redeemer, He'll cleanse you from every stain; By the grace which he freely giveth You shall higher soar again. --M. Butterworth. Last verse by P.B. Dry Goods. "Do you sell dry goods here V 7 "No, sir, ; this is a grocery.' 7 "Sorry ! I wanted to get some dried apples. Tfie Friend of all Sufferers.-- Like to "the shadow of a rock in a weary land" is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil to all those who suffer pain. It holds out hope to everyone and realizes it by sfill suffering suffering everywhere. It is a liniment that has blessings of half a continent. It is on sale everywhere and can be found whatever enquired for. A Progressive. Speeder--Think-of it! Here's this old earth making one rotation in 24 hours, the same as it did 6,000 years ago. 7 ' ■ Jinks--Well, what of it V' '■'Great iScott, man ! Can't we devise some wav to 'speed 'her up a little V' Faultless in Preparation--Unlike any other stomach regulator, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the result of long study of vegetable compounds calculated to stimulate the stomach functions and maintain maintain them at the normal condition. Years of use have proved their faultless character character and established their excellent reputation. reputation. And this reputation they have maintained for years and will continue to maintain, for these pills must always stand at the head of the list of standard preparations. Discouraged. "Don't- you know that you ought to scatter seeds of kindness V' "Aw, vvhat's the use ; my neighbor's neighbor's chickens would get, them all if I did. 77 Wnetlier the corn be old or new growth, it must yield to Holloway's Corn Cure, the simplest and best cure offered to the public. ^Wood's Fhospk?dine. The Great. English.'^ Remedy. Tones and Invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Ecrvous Dtbilily, Mental and Brain Worry. Jlesjmv- dene.;, Lç.ss of Energy, Palpitation of tin Ending Memory. Priee'Sl ner box, rh One will please, six will cure; ".Sold by r. 1 • irug? or mailed in plain pkg. of. reecirt o- 01 ice. Nrw pamphlet mailed, free. THE tVGGD M2T3SCSNE CO., TORONTO, OUT. (Formerly V/!ad:or." OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Drunkenness iii Germany. The drunkenness of the Germans in France and Belgium has been particularly surprising to many British people- who have visited Germany and come home to report that you never see drunken men there. Again and again has one heard the depressing comparison with our own country drawn. But the impression as to German sobriety, sobriety, says a writer in the London Daily Chronicle, largely rests upon. upon. the fact- that- the average English English tourist- confines himself to the front streets of German towns, where the police are active in preserving preserving appearances. A bicycle tour in South Germany a few years ago revealed the truth to me. . We saw plenty of the back streets and slums that marked the enemy's position in entering and leaving the towns, apd I know no place in Britain which need fear comparison in the matter of sobriety with any of those towns on a Saturday or Sunday evening. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COM »»A. N V. NEW YORK CITY. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre To take the Allan Line means that the Ocean . voyage will be one of the pleasantest memories of your trip abroad. Large, comfortable steamers, steamers, replete with every convenience and luxury-- the beautiful sail down the sheltered waters of the St. Lawrence--the courtesy and attention of the ship's attendants--are not easily forgotten, /i 2 For rates, sailing dates and beautiful descriptive -- ij booklets apply to local agents or ' I THE ALLAN LINE - - - 95 King St., West, Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. ft ifl C A X A D A S P0SSIBim i i! S. Willie's Revenge. Willie had been a very bad boy in school that- day. Consequently the weary master decided that he should be kept- back after school. "William, 77 he said sternly, when all the other hoys had gone, "go to your desk and write an essay on But, stop ! I'll make it easier for you. Write a sentence containing 'antidotes. 7 7 7 Some minutes passed, passed, and then Willie placed a slate silently before the master and fled. This was the sentence--"My auntv dotes on bonnets, chocolates, matin matin ays, novels, obtomobiles, and Mr. Robertson. 77 With one bound the master was at the door, but too late, for Willie was nowhere to be I seen. American Novelist Making Study of Conditions Outlines Views. Mr. James Oliver Cur wood, a novelist, is making a study of Canadian Canadian conditions in war time. He has just- completed a- tour of _ the western provinces, and declares that the end of the war will usher in a period of development- and growth that- will mean pra-ctically a new Canada in the West-. "It may seem like a paradox when I sa-y that with every life and every dollar that is being destroyed in Europe. Canada's possibilities increase. increase. yet it is so,' 7 he observed. "Of all the nations of the earth Canada will profit- more by this war t-lian any other--more than my own country across the border." Mr. Cur wood was particularly impressed with the possibilities of the great national playgrounds, Jasper Park, on the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific. "It- will be a tremendous drawing drawing card for tourists, he said. ' I don't hesitate to say that its grandeur, grandeur, its natural beauties; and the advantages it will shortly hold fur tourists, excel even <jur Yellowstone, Yellowstone, and that is saying a great deal. I look to see thousands <>f Americans travel this way to the big- fair at San Francisco next year, and there is no bet 1er advertiser on earth than, a- pleased tourist. ' hi fact, from every way 1 look ai ihe situation the sky ahead looks brighter for Canada than at any other time in it-s history." - British Columbia Province. * Many mothers have reason to l> css Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, because it- has relieved the little ones of suffering and made them healthy. Interrupted Communication, "You don't mean to say t hat • ids is the first you've heard of ■ 'Absolutely. ' ' "Why. it's the talk of the neighborhood. neighborhood. "Yes. bur my wife i< av. ay on a visit. ON iNOGRAPH (THE INSTRUMENT WITH THE DIAMOND POINT) And such Bands as you may enjoy too I Highlanders Bagpipe Band United States Marine Band Artillery Band of Mexico Garda Républicaine Band Sousa 's Band National Military Band Police Band of Mexico New York Military Band and ^Johann Strauss " Orchestra. The new Edison Phonograph has the diamond reproducing point, unbreakable records, long playing length, superior motors and construction, concealed horns, and the Cabinets are made in true Period styles, in perfect harmony with the finest furniture. As usual, Edison owners have everything worth while in the new melodies, the old favorites, selections from the classics, and (Ire popular dance and song hits of the day. Come in and listen to the bands. Get the complete list of Edison Records and tell us just what you want to hear. We'll gladly play all your selections --and thank yon for the opportunity of letting us demonstrate the manifold superiority of the Edison. ' ■ - F, C. Pethick, King Street, Bowmanville.

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