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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1914, p. 5

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A 5' eee#eeee**eee#ee#ee#see**e 5A EE 7EAf PEE CENT. ON XMAS PURCHASES &• # # s e e y* ^ FEW MINUTES spent in reading this Special Ofier will save you money on your Christmas shopping. With every Watch repair amounting to $1.00 or over, or Clock repair ôf 75c or over, received during November, we will give a coupon which will entitle the bearer or any member of his or her family to a reduction of 10% on all purchases made at our store in December, 1914. This is a real chance to save 10% on your Christmas purchases. As usual, all repairing repairing will be guaranteed for one year. Don't wait till the last minute, but bring in your watch or clock to-day. z> * e s The above conditions do not apply to Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, which are sold at fixed prices. C. H HADD Y, Jeweler The House for High-Grade Watches Why Bake Bread ? When you can be relieved of the bother and worry of making it and save money as well. BUY TOD'S HOME-MADE BREAD No food is more important than bread and TOD'S BREAD is always wholesome and appetising. It can't help but be good because it is made of the best flour by the very best -=.• of skilled bakers. Qual ity and purity are what makes our bread so popular. If you are not a regular regular .customer order us to leave a loaf or more at your house daily. Call at the store or phone 3. 6c the loaf or 17 tickets for $1.00 THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Ofr 3^^ 1ML imz Others Praise Them We Don't Need To D.ear Sirs : The Royal Souvenir Steel Range has been in use in our home during the past four years, and we are pleased to say it is giving perfect satisfaction. It is an excellent baker and heater and we recommend recommend the Souvenir. Yours truly, Robt. Collacutt ■ Let Royal us show you the Souvenir before placing your order. rice & co„ Opp. Post Office Sole Agents 1er COWS WANTED By the Victoria Industrial School A number of milk cows. Must be young and good weight. Holsteins preferred. Address, C. Ferkier, SlNRS^fovenclent, Mimico, Ont. -- v j - 45tf Auto for Hire When requiring the services of an auto send us your order. Rent by the hour or day. Terms right. Leave orders at Cole's Barber Shop one door east of Bowman House. Arthur Cole, Bowmanville Proprietoi. "THClBbUGHNESS" is the keynote keynote OF THIS INSTITUTION. Our graduates succeed because they have received received correct preparation. Lj-IOTT Toronto, enjoys a National Reputation for superior Business and Shorthand Education. Education. All Business Schools are not alike. Nothing less than the best should satisfy Y OU and nothing less than giving the best training will satisfy US. Catalogue free. Enter any time. W. J. Elliott, Principal, Cor. Yonge and Charles Sts, They who make the best use of their time have none to spare. GetNour eyes tested this week at Jury & Lovell's--over 25 years' experience. Couch, Tohnston & Cryderman have opened out a big stock of men's suits anc overcoats. No better clothing and better value anywhere. no Notice to Creditors In the estate of LUCY ANN HAINES, late of the Town of Bowmahyille, Wid ow, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands against the late Lucy Ann Haines, who died on the_4th day of October last at Bowmanville, are repaired to send in post paid or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for Vida Cox, their names and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims and state ments of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And take notice that after the 10th day of December next the said Vida Cox will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice and that the said Vida Cox will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice. Dated at Bowmanville 6th day of November 1914. E. BUSSELL LOSCOMBE, 46 4 Solicitor for Vida Cox, Business as usual. Are you doing it ? Newcastle has six soldiers in the second contingent. A clock has been placed in the Uxbridge post office tower. - Ever in the strife of your own thoughts, obey the nobler impulse. Levi Edwards, Ortino, made up 8,500 barrels of apples this year. . Miss Margaret Fee, Omemee, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. McIntyre. Low water in Severn River is making trouble for the power plants. Mrs. F. A. Haddy is visiting- her son, Mr. Byron Y. Haddy, Toronto. Capt. Jolliffe, Pickering, is purchasing horses in U. S., for British army. Mrs. M. A. Jewell, East Toronto, visited visited old friends here over Sunday. Mrs. E. Switzer, Muskegon, Mich., recently recently visited Mrs. W. Cryderman's. Mrs. W. Somerville and daughter, Gertrude Gertrude Sundayed at Mr. W. W. Henderson's. Henderson's. Mrs. A. L. Nicholls spent Sunday with her son, Mr. Andrew Nicholls at Niagara Falls. Mr. H. Bennett* Toronto, spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs; F. J. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. John Holgate, Foxboro, spent Sunday at Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Washington's. Washington's. Mrs. W. C. Ferguson and son, Black- stock, spent Sunday cvith her sister, Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Mr. " T. D. Eagan, supervisor of the Metrepolitan Life Insurance Co., gave us a call last week. Rev. Peter Currie has been called to Blackstock and was inducted by Whitby Presbytery on Nov. 3. Mrs. H. A. Jackson and daughter, Naomi, Montreal, are visiting her p rents Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Adair. Excursion to New York to-daÿ (Thurs- day)--$15.25 from Toronto and return-- via G. T. R., and Erie railways. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock and family, Clarke, on Sunday visited her father, Mr. Robt. Adair, who is quite poorly. Mrs. James D. Shand and little daughter, daughter, Marjorie, are visiting at the home of her cousin, Mrs. C. J. Smale, Providence. Mrs. J. W. Sparling, delegate of Bowmanville Bowmanville Women's Institute is attending the Provincial Convention in Toronto this week. Miss Annie Hern, dressmaker, Toronto, is staying with Mrs. John McIntyre until Christmas where she will be glad to meet her friends. Ladies' and children's coats a superb stock--all new-made up in the most up- to-date styles, at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Orono evaporator is employing 27 hands and receives 1200 bushels of apples daily. Since this was written the evapor- was burned. Miss A. S. McConachie, formerly of Bowmanville, but now of Toronto, leaves this week for New York where she will spend the winter. Mrs. J. M. Wilkinson and Mrs. H. P. Eckhart, Toronto, visited their sisters, Mrs. W. 6. Short and Mrs. tDr.) A. S. Tilley over Sunday. East Whitby contributed to the needy in Great Britain 179 barrels of potatoes, 52 barrels apples and 1,045 bushels of oats, in value over $1,000. Miss Moore, Toronto, formerly on the Bowmanville Hospital staff, spent Sunday, with Miss Mary Cryderman, who is now visiting in the Queen City. Mr. Norman Varcoe, Toronto, recently visited his parents here previous to going to Newburg, North Carolina, to accept a position in a piano factory there. The church reports we ordered printed at James' Publishing House was very satisfactory. satisfactory. Find enclosed check for the amount. So writes a minister on an eastern eastern circuit. Mr. C. Jonas Thornton, M. P., Orono, suffered a serious loss Sunday morning when his fruit evaporator and much of the season's dried fruit, etc., were destroyed by fire. Light insurance. Grand Autumn weather favors farmers. There have been occasional showers but no severe frost yet and apple picking has been going on daily. Truly, agriculturists ave a highly favored people in Canada. A Middlesex County lady sold five boxes of choice November grown strawberries strawberries on London on Saturday. A member member of The Statesman staff picked strawberries in, the snow around Lake Louise in August. W. A. Willison, correspondent of The Toronto Daily News at Salisbury Plain, England, writes that it is the general opinion that the military camp at Valcar- tier, Quebec, was better than the English training grounds where the Canadian contingent contingent now is. The agitation in favor of the good road project between Toronto and Oshawa is not meeting with very much favor in Pickering township, as the feeling exists that the promoters of the scheme are the autoists. The latter claim that the farmers farmers of the township will derive as much benefit from it as anyone, in taking their produce to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tod recently visited visited their daughter, Mrs. G. Arthur Wright, Hamilton. Mrs. Tod received with her daughter Thursday last in her new home at 15 Barnsdale Ave., and Miss Olga Tod also assisted in the reception which was attended by a number of former Bowmanville Bowmanville friends now living in the Ambitious City. Mr. H. E. Reynolds, South Roxton, Que., had particularly good luck on a hunting trip last week. He had not been away from the house more than half an hour when he brought down two deer, one weighing 220 lbs. and the other 190 lbs.--Leader-Mail, Granby, Que. Mr. Reynolds is son of Mr. Edwin Reynolds, Hampton. A live, healthy farmers' weekly news- paper is the Weekly Sun of Toronto. It is not owned by any "special interest," but takes a fearless and independent stand on all public matters, regardless of politics. It stands for the farming interests, and is in the thick of the fight. It has the prestige prestige of an established personality. You should read it--every issue. First time you're in town be sure to see Supreme Ranges at Mason & Dale's. Couch, Jehnston & Cryderman call special attention to their fine stock of black and colored silks, all bought before the advance in these goods bv the declaration declaration of war. the late your H. Miss Armour is visiting friends in Toronto. Toronto. Read local news and merchants advts on page two. Port Hope Orangemen attended the Methodist Church Sunday. Don't delay any longer. Buy a Supreme Range to-day. Mason & Dale. A full line of Nyal's Family remedies always in stock. Jury & Lovell. tf The hydraulic Lift-Lock at Peterboro lias closed to navigation for this season. Rev. H. B. Kenny preached anniversary sermons for Nestleton Methodists Sunday. Teachers in Lindsay schools contributed contributed one day's pay each to Patriotic Fund. Mr. Alex. Elliott of Haddy's Jewelry store, visited friends in Peterboro recently. recently. You'll have to hurry if you're going to use Certain-teed on that roof. Mason & Dale. George Pearce and wife, of Darlington, visited his brother, William Pearce, Newcastle. Newcastle. Several new houses in course of erection erection the past summer are nearing completion. completion. James Dunn, former chief of fire brigade, brigade, Port Hope, died suddenly Nov. 4 aged 65. Mr. C. W. Ramsay spent the week-end at home in Bowmanville.--Colborne Enterprise. Enterprise. Rev. J. H. Oliver, who died in Toronto last week, was brother of Mrs. J. T. Nunn, Colborne. Mr. H. Ridge has purchased Mrs. R. W. James' cottage, corner Wellington and George-sts. Mr. J. T. Hooper has purchased workshop belonging to estate of the F. G. James. Read how to save 10 per cent on Xmas shopping. Full particulars in C Haddy's Jewelry advt. You'll not leel the pinch of hard times if you use a Supreme Range--saves 50% fuel bill, Mason & Dale. Prof. Dorenwend of Toronto will be at Hotel Bowman on Friday this week. See his. big advt. on 2nd page. Overcoats from $8.00 up to $22.00 are we believe the best value in Canada. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Port Hope Council will likely insure the lives of married men who have gone from that town with the overseas contingent. Mrs. Geo. Gray, Newcastle, returned last Thursday from a pleasant sojourn with her daughter, Mrs. Melrose, Listowel. Colborne citizens show appreciation of their high schobl when the proceeds of a patriotic concertgiven by pupils were$2i3- Messrs S. J. Tackman, J. S. Moorcaft and W. J. Bragg are attending the Ontario Horticultural Society meeting in Toronto. Toronto. Women's Hospital Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting in Council Room, Friday, Nov. 13 at 3 p m. All members attend. Every time you buy Rexall Toothpaste or other Rexall goods, a portion of your money goes to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. Moses Holland and Mr. Baker of Bowmanville Bowmanville are plastering George Pollard's new house, Orono, which is rapidly nearing nearing completion. It costs yov nothing to consult an optician optician of 25 years' experience at Jury & Lovell's. Call this week. Furs in sable, natural and black wolfe, Persian lamb, mink marmot, dyed coon, black Russian dog, blue wolf,. etc. All new and special value at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Haddy & Co., will have on sale from nowon a fine assortment of Misses and children's good felt hats from 50c to $1.00 each; also a fine assortment of plush and velvet hats at reduced prices. Toronto-Eastern between Whitby and Bowmanville is now completed, and the company is awaiting inspection of Engineer Engineer of Dominion Railway Board before beginning operations between points. Mrs. E. R. Bounsall, President, and Mrs. A. L. Nicholls, Secretary, West Durham Women's Institute, are amending the Ontario Ontario Women's Institute meeting in Toronto. Toronto. Between five and six hundred delegates delegates are in attendance. The roadster stallion, Muckle Wilks, owned by Thos. Hyland, Cartwright, and was endowed with almost human reasoning reasoning powers, is dead in his 29th year. He sired 1500 sons and daughters, which sold for $150,000 in the aggregate. Council may very well take one of King-st electric lights and place it on the west side of George-st just north of eastern eastern entrance to McClellan & Co's., wood- yard. George is the darkest of the much used streets in town. In summer it is black darkness. Mr. Levi Morris and his son-in-law, Mr. A. A. Colwill have returned from visiting the former's brother in Windsor, and relatives relatives in Detroit and Mitchell. At the latter latter place they were pleased to meet our former highly respected High School Principal, Mr. John Elliott, B. A., who wished to be remembered to all his old Bowmanville friends. We were very sorry to read in The Holley (N.Y.,) Standard last week of the death of the editor and publisher, Mr. C. C. Hayden a journalist whose acquaintance acquaintance we greatly enjoyed during the years that our son lived in Holley. He was an active citizen and will be greatly missed in church and in the village generally. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Scott, 482-i5th St., Edmonton, Alta., have sent out invitations "to an informal gathering of Bowmanville Bowmanville friends at thtir home on Friday evening, evening, November 20, at 8 o'clock." The editor editor and wife would gladly accept the invitation sent us, but our aeroplane has not arrived yet and our new electric railway railway has not yet inaugurated a passenger service to connect Bowmanville with the Canadian Northern Railway for Edmonton. Edmonton. We hope to receive from some kind friend .a report of the social evening given by the host and hostess, with names of all * participants. Gawker--In Oshawa, Oct. 29, Harry Cawker, a son. Owens--In Oshawa, Nov. 7th,. to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Owens, a daughter. Edger--In Bowmanville, Noy. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edger, a daughter. MARRIAGES Clarke--Nichol--In Oshawa,- Oct. 81st, Miss and Mr. Edwin Clarke, both of Ethel L. Nichol, Oshawa. Bowes--Harlock--In Oshawa, Nov. 4, by Rev. B. Greatrix, Miss Bertha Harlock, and Mr. Wm. H. Downs, both of East Whitby. Gomme --Rowden--In Port Hope, Oct. 29th, by Rev. J. A. Elliott, Miss Lillie G. Rowden, Port Hope, and Fredric C. Gomme, Newcastle. Jeffrey--Jeffrey--At Whitby, October 14, by Rev. G. A. McLean, William Jeffrey and Mrs. Phoebe Jeffrey, both of Whitby. Sutherland--Chinn--In All Saints Church, Whitby, uct. 31, by Rev. R. W. Allen, Rector, Mitchell Scobey Sutherland and Miss Lillian Meredith Chinn. DEATHS Allin--At Hampton, Nov. 10th, William Allin, in his 89 th year. Funeral from his late residence, Hampton, on Thursday, Nov. 12th, at 2.30p.m , to B. C. Burying Burying Ground. Sweetman--At Cobourg, Oct, 29, Mrs. James Sweetman, in her 80fh year. TucK--At Hastings, Oct. 29th, William Tuck, aged 86 years. Interment at Colborne. Patterson--At Barrie, Nov. 8th, Dr. Bradüeld Patterson, formerly of Bowmanville, aged 94 years. . Bellerby--In township "of Hamilton, Nov. 5, Isabella Hudson, widow of late Edward Bellerby, Bellerby, aged 78 years. Spilsbury--At Colborne, Ont., Nov. 4, Martha Selina, widow of F. B. Spilsbury, Esq., aged 85 years. Mother of Mrs. (Rby.) R. Hindes, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Hindes--At Montclair, Denver, Colorado, Saturday, Saturday, Nov. 1st, Georgina Auston, beloved wife of Mr. George R. llindes, aged 32 years. Interred Interred at Bowmanville, Nov. 6th. Bunt--In Toronto, Nov. 6, at residence of her son, G. E. Bunt, of Bellefair Ave., Mary Jane Kent, beloved wife of Capt. R. H. Bunt, in her 75th year. Interment at Hampton. Oke--At 4 Oxley-st, Toronto. Nov. 4th, William T. Oke, formerly of Bowinanviilé, aged 62 years. Hoitt--At Myrtle, Nov. 2nd, Helen Loretta Hoitfc, in h^r 64th year. Funeral '1 hursday from Mr. Wm. Hoar's to Groveside cemetery. Bakins--At 23 St. Andrews' Gardens, Toronto, Nov. 4, in her 62nd year, Elizabeth Bertram, beloved beloved wife of James Eakins. Interment at Port Hope. TimM--im------u 'Lest We Forget* E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete E x Sunday and night V j? promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones Branches : ORONO calls 10-34 HAMPTON H OUSE TO RENT--8 rooms with good stable Apply to R. R. Loscombe, 46 2 on Church-st. Bowmanville. r AN ARIES FOR SALE--Two German warblers last year's birds and good singers. Apply at Statesman Office. M AID WANTED--A maid for general house work. Apply to Mrs. A. G. Stone, 370 Simcoe-st., South Oshawa, Out. 46-1 H OUSE TO RENT--Whole or part of a furnished furnished house, electric lighted, convenient location. location. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville.45t F LATS TO RENT--In James Block, of 4 rooms each, electric light, SC per month to parties without children. Apply at Statesman Office. R ABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-As good as new. Will be sold cheap. Address: Drawer B, Bowmanville, or inquire at Statesman Office. 4 5fc rITUATION WANTED--As general servant. Apply to Miss Rachel Coolldge, at Mrs. G. Brown's boarding house, Temperance-st., imiam'illp 46 1* Bowmanville. L AMBS FOR SALE--Leicester, choice stock, both sexes. Apply to S. Chas. Allin, lot 2, con. 2, Darlington. R. R. No. 4, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Phone 136-r 12. 44-3wsn* M' H both C OWS FOR SALE--Two Jersey cows, _ milking, also well-bred calf, 4 months old--a bargain. Apply to R. Bongard, Raby Head Farm, Bowmanville. Phone 176 r5. 46 Ins AN WANTED--An energetic reliable man to represent us as salesman for our well known nursery stock. Liberal territory and terms to the right party, E. D. Smith <fc Son Limited, Winona, Ont. 46 2 OUSE AND LOT WITH STABLE FOR SALE --House has six rooms an d attic, cement cellar, hard and soft water, nice lawn, situate on main street in village of Hampton. Apply to A. E. Jennings, Hampton. 46tf Why Do Estimates Differ ? AUCTION SALES. TUESDAY, NOV. 17--Mr. Herbert Trull will sell by auction on lot 2, con. 2, East Whitby, 40 head of milch cows, -heifers and feeding steers. Sale to commence at one o'clock sharp. Thursday, Nov. 19--The household effects effects of the late Mrs. Geo. C. Haines, Church St., consisting of parlor, dining room, bedroom and kitchen furnishings, two-wheeled cart, stoves, etc, will be sold at auction. Sale at I p.m. Terms cash. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, Auctioneer. Auctioneer. You have no doubt, asked yourself this question ! The answer is that the difference is in the QUALITY of work done. Bach contractor wiU quote on HIS quality, and as no one is going to do business business at a loss, the only conclusion conclusion is, that a LOW figure means a LOW Quality. You do not notice this difference AT FIRST, for most of the work is concealed* But in a short time faults will appear, and the necessary repairs will more than equal the differ- encé between the QUALITY and the LOW-PRICED job. My aim is to make known that my price is always for the HIGHEST QUALITY and BEST WORKMANSHIP. WORKMANSHIP. K. 0. Whyte Electrician. Orders may be left at W. H. Dustan's * BALED TENDERS--Will be received up to I Dec. 1st, 1914, for the sale of 50 acres of land J being lot 9, con. 5, Darlington, suitable for pasture land. Lowest, or any tender not necessarily necessarily accepted. Address, Wesley N. Hoskin, Bowmanville, Phone 146-rl2, or 1. W. Hoskin, R.R. 2, Oshawa 46 3 The Essentials of a Good Grocery Are QUALITY, PRICE and SERVICE. At least that is Our Policy. THE ELITE GROCERY considers Quality first. We therefore therefore buy the best grades in all lines of groceries. Our customers customers demand it and they get it. THE ELITE GROCERY has a reputation for reasonable prices prices and fair dealing. Don't be afraid to ask our prices. They, will stand comparison. THE ELITE GROCERY gives prompt, attentive and courteous courteous service in all departments. If yoii are not a regular customer try us with your next grocery order. Rd. Snowden Next Door East L. Morris Sc Son's Bowmanville 111 ! I ! ÜH M i : ! l i H i i i << Queen Lotuse The likeness of 41 Queen Lou S uS.l-v-3 symbol the world ov for the best in women's f ootwear -- "Queen Quality" Shoes. For beauty of design, design, for perfect fitting qualities, and for absolute absolute comfort, they are the standard throughout throughout civilization. Why experiment with others when "Queen Quality" known worth is yours without extra cost? Prices within the reach of all. Fred R. Foley Parlor Boot Shop On the Sunny Side BOWMANVILLE - ONT $3-50 $5-00 A Few Specials ext $6.°° ALEX. CHRISTIE STARTS NEW BAKERY AT HIS RESIDENCE ON CHURCH STREET Starting THURSDAY, OCT. 29, I will have for sale at my residence, one door west of Fire Hal'lt WHITE BREAD, BROWN BREAD, CAKES, BUNS and PIES. It is hardly necessary for me to introduce myself to the citizens of Bowmanville as I have been a foreman-baker in .this town almost continuously for the past twenty-five years. You are therefore therefore familiar with my ability as a first-class baker, baker, and on my past reputation I think I am justified justified in asking that you favor me with a share of your patronage. In all my baking I will use Made in-Bowmanville Flour, being Manitqba Hard Wheat flour manufactured manufactured by F. C. Vanstone Goods will be delivered daily to all parts of the town. Hail the wagon, call or drop me a card and we will call at your home regularly. Bread 6c a loaf or 17 tickets for $1.00. ALEX. CHRISTIE Church Street The Home-Made Bakery Bowmanville I Dr. W. H. Gutzeit, 184 Bathurst-st, Toronto, announces the appearance in Massey Hail on Nov. 19, of Cecil Fanning, who has made a name in American concert concert halls as a popular artist possessing a fine baritone voice of noble quality used with a skill and dramatic effect that is extraordinary. Dr. Gutzeit has written a composition entitled "An Elegy" which Cecil will sing next Thursday evening Tickets 50c to $1.50. The war has not increased the price of hogs. But who can saÿ it h s not revealed revealed some, in unsuspected quarters ? Orillia Orillia Packet, A ewe belonging to Mr. Leslie Coates, Shirley, gave birth to a amb on New Year's Day, 1914. Both ewe and lamb took first prize at Blackstock Fair and on October 15 the ewe gave birth to two more lambs and all are living and doing well.--Port Perr Star*

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