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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1914, p. 7

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/ Fashion Hints 1 SEVERE PAINS AROUND THE HEART Suggestions on Sea..-«u s Furs. Kolinsky is the. popular fur of the moment. Like many popular fashions. fashions. it is not new. Kolinsky was use-d last year by Callot and. Poiret. -.This year it is dipped to a deeper •Tbrown than it was last year. A Russian furrier in New York has launched in the smart houses a wolf fur, each hair of which is dyed by hand. It wears forever and a day and it is not expensive two features which ought to make ft popular. It is made up with brown millinery velvet into muffs and neckpieces. Common backyard goat, deprived of any unpleasantness, is used by Drecoll in many of the best coat suits. The hair is left in its origin- aLlong, coarse state. Monkey, as every one knows by this time, is exceedingly popular. It is finer than goat. It is used for afternoon wraps as well as for collars collars and cuffs oil street suits, for bordering of net and lace tunics, and for collar and muff sets and hat trimming. Ermine capes without black flecks are made on circular lines,, lined with brilliant Martine silks of orange and blue. Last year all- v.hite ermine wa-s used, and it was Lo attractive that it is to be revived this vear. Coats, dolmans and fanciful capes for afternoon wear • are made of baby lamb with novelty linings in gav colors. INe\v neck pieces 01 baby iamb and mole stem are exceptionally exceptionally novel. Many are cut on middle Victorian lines, with long fronts that cross in the front, and fasten around the waist in the back. The muff, turban and collar sets or fur and fabric are extremely smart. These made of monkey fur and chiffon are perhaps the most popular, although those of other furs are very good. Nutria is a new fur that is used in wide bands on velvet suits. The new muffs are immense. They look like ornamental soft cushions. One smart shape is the crescent, with a small opening at each side for a hand. These big muffs are not stiffened and they are so soft that they roll up like a ball. The neV linings form the greatest novelty of the new furs. Brilliant colors"are used, among them old cold and Egyptian blue. _ The Marline Marline satins are well exploited. These arc also pictorial linings. One, for r instance, was in a superb mantle of baby lamb, a lining of blue and Siler Siler brocade showing Apollo driving flaming chariot across the sky. Are Nearly Always Caused by Stomach Trouble Don't let a- pain in the region of the heart frighten you into thinking thinking you -have heart disease. Just | as a pain in the -back seldom indicates indicates kidney trouble, so pain near the heart is scarcely ever present in organic heart disease. The pain is nearly always caused. by stomach trouble for the stomach and heart are connected by many nerves, ,and gas on the stoinach causes pressure., on the heart. The alarming pains will disappear disappear if you tone up the stomach, eat the m ti nt things and don't worry. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are the best stomach stomach tonic. One or two Pills after each meal soon produces a healthy appetite, the food does not distress you, you are no longer troubled with gas, sour risings in the throat, and those misleading pains around the heart. Strength and energy return, and the rich, red blood, carries renewed vitality to every part of the body. Mrs. Henry Connolly, Connolly, Brook vale, P.E.I., says: "For a number of years I was a great sufferer from , indigestion which, despite all the treatment I took, was gradually growing worse. I would sometimes feel as though I was smothering, and when the trouble came on I would suffer from violent palpitation and pains around the heart which greatly alarmed me. I was under doctor's treatment for' a long time, but with no benefit.' A friend suggested Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I decided to try them. In about a month I felt much better, and by the time I had taken another four boxes I was in the best of health and able to eat all binds of nourishing food. It is now several years since I was cured and I have never felt a symptom symptom of indigestion since. I take every opportunity of recommending recommending "Dr. Williams; Pink Pills to friends who are ailing. If your dealer does not keep these Pills you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' jj ■> 'A ip Sir Archibald J. Murray, chief oif staff to Sir John French. He served both in Zulu!and and South • Africa. PHONE TO THE BATTLEFIELD. Medicine Co., Brock ville", Ont. The PERILOUS UNIFORMS. Why the Lost So eci British Have Heavily. The following account, communicated communicated by an eye-witness present with General Headquarters, continues continues the narrative of the movements movements of the British force and the French armies in immediate touch with it : Ever since the South African War the desirability of' rendering troops as invisible as. possible has been generally recognized, and this was has thrown much l'ght on the matter. It appears that at long ranges the uniform matters little, but at medium ranges the red trousers trousers of our allies show . up very down, however, their kepis are not so easily seen as our own flat-top- oed forage caps. From prisoners it has been ascertained that at medium medium ranges both French and British officers are very easily distinguished distinguished from their men, and that select- d marksmen provided with field- glasses are specially told off from each platoon of German infantry to pick eff officers. The French officer is betrayed by [he greater visible length of his red trousers and by his accoutrements, while the British officer is "given away" by liis sword, his open jacket jacket with low collar and tie his Sam Browne belt, and the absence of pack. The Germans certainly do employ snipers, and some have been found on church towers, - up trees, and Tn houses. One of them succeeded succeeded in killing two of our officers and wounding two more before he was accounted for. The following notification to his s- troops by one of the French army commanders bears upon German methods of warfare. "The Germans have forced some prisoners of war to remain in their trenches. When the French advanced, under the impression that the trenches were in possession of their own side, they were fired on at close range. That this has actually been done 'wis fully confirmed 'by an entry in a captured German field note-book, ït runs thus : "At dawn the shelling began. We retired with the prisoners. My two prisoners work hard at digging trenches. Àt midday I got the or- ■ der to rejoin at the village with them. I was very glad as I had been ordered to shoot them as soon as the enemy advanced. Thank God, it was not necessary." FEATS OF ARMS. French and British in the Crimea. For desperate fighting the Crimea yields an impressive record. The French and British, bo many times foes, found themselves allied in an attack upon Russian territory. The foe was worthy of their steel, for several closely contested battles had to be fought, the hostilities leading up to that tremendous fight--Inker- man. This fight was so keen and - so terrible that it was the last occasion occasion on which the Russians ventured ventured to meet the British in open combat. As one authority, saysr-- "The Russians lost in this great battle no fewer than 10,729 killed, Lord Kitchener, in London, Speaks to Sir John French. Amongst the most remarkable features of the present war, none is more interesting than the fact that the authorities in Whitehall are able to speak by telephone direct to General French. Messages are being received' almost from the battlefield itself without delay, and with as much ease a.s from Glasgow to London. Lord Kitchener can, as a consequence, sit in his chair at the War Office and speak to Sir John French without any more trouble than if the commander of the British forces in France was at Aldershot. This is the first time that science has permitted the British British authorities at home to possess such a close grip of the circumstances circumstances of any war in which they have been engaged. In the South African War the War Office depended depended upon the cable service, and fortune ate ly throughout the war, owing -to the position of the Boers, the enemy was unable to disloc-ate this means of communication. Even so, the answer to queries could not follow directly after the question, and could 1 not elucidate facts as readily as a good telephone service. (tore Children's Colds By External Treatment Mothers Will Find Nothing Sp Speedily Speedily and Reliable àâ Old-Time "Nerviline." It's really a shairie to upset a young child's t stomach by internal dosing, when N external treatment, will so promptly 5 , break up a cold. When ÿout* boy conies In after play with his feet soaking , wet, his throat hoarse! ahd sore, his little chest tight and congested, just apply Nerviline. Give him a vigorous rubbing over his throat, and put lots of Nerviline on his chest and rub it right in. To make Nerviline penetrate - more quickly cover his chest and throat with a hot flannel bandage. This treatment WON'T fail. Your boy. will be feeling : better in half an hour, and you will have the satisfaction -of knowing you have warded off perhaps a cold, or grippe, or illness that might have laid him up. Nerviline is mighty good . for preventing preventing colds and for breaking up a bad one, too. For general family use it cures all sorts of external aches and pains--you simply can't beat it. Try it for earache, toothache, neuralgia, sciatica, ,lame hack, rheumatism, or lumbago^ Wherever there is congestion, congestion, inflammation or pain in. the joints' or muscles, Nerviline will cure mighty quick. The large 50c.> size bottle is so economical, so useful, it should be in every home. There is also a small 25,c. size. Dealers anywhere anywhere sell Nerviline. * *\ AN ARMY OF MARKSMEN. Itching and Burning. " Scratching Irritated. Disfigured for a Time. U sed Cuti cu ra Soap and Oi fitment. fitment. Pimples Disappeared. 1756 Winnipeg St., Regina, Sask.--"I was troubled with itching pimples on my face for over three years. They were red and unsightly. " They caused itching and burning and I used to scratch and irritate them. The breaking out disfigured me for a time. "I tried many well-advertised treatments; such as Prescription, , etc., but without success. A short time ago I saw the advertisement of Cuticura Soap and Ointment in a local paper and after .1 had tried a free sample I could see a remarkable remarkable Improvement. I washed my face with the Soap and then applied the Ointment Ointment two or three times a day. After using more Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Cuticura Ointment all the pimples completely disappeared." (Signed) Nicholas Koch, June 13,1914. Will QuicKly Cure Aqy Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Eating. wounded and prisoners. But Inkermann, s#o Ear as British annals are concerned, sA, any rate, will not remain the most noted fight in the Crimea. In popular opinion the struggle in the Balaclava Valleys will ever remain the most memorable, memorable, for was it not -there that the astounding charge of the Light Brigade Brigade took place 1 In the whole history history of fighting there is scarcely an episode that, for sheer courage, equals it. Originating - in a mistaken mistaken command, it was carried through with a supreme determination determination and reckless courage that, so long as military annals survive, will never be forgotten. A GOOD MEDICINE FOR THE BABY "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of inflammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins, Dawkins, of Port Richmond. 'T was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels, for I had to use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indigestion. indigestion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did riot require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To-day I am well --no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can -say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamilton's Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Gatarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. TRAINING AUSTRALIAN BOYS. The Government Is Very Strict In Regard to It. Australian lads of twelve years begin a- more or less voluntary form of military training. It is an indulgent, indulgent, happy-go-lucky sort of thing, designed primarily to be of physical advantage. When the lads are fourteen fourteen years old a limited military service is severely compulsory, with penalties for evasion, and fines laid upon employers and parents who interfere, and thus continues, with physical exercises, drill, parades, and rifle 1 practice, for four years, whereupon these cadets are passed into the citizen forces. Four wliole- da.y drills are required each year, and twelve half-day drills, and twenty-four night drills. A perfunctory perfunctory attendance upon these . grave obligations--inapt, sullen, frivolous behaviour counts for nothing at all. If the cadet fails to be marked efficient efficient by bis battalion _ officers he must perform his service all over again. In Kalgoorlie, of Western Australia--a great dust-storm blowing blowing that night--we watched a column column of these "little conscripts" march past with rifles and bugles and drums ; and they were smart to see--brown uniforms, with tricks of green, and wide-brimmed Australian Australian hats caught up at the side in the Australian wa>q says a writer m Harper'-s Weekly, if is no farcical affair. . When we were in Brisbane, Queensland, a score of truant youngsters were packed off to the military barracks for ten days of dose confinement and . drill ; and away they went, in a big Cape wagon, wagon, in charge of a sergeant-major. and under escort of some brilliant artillerymen--a melancholy little crew, these truants, then, facing ten days of absence from home, with six hours of drill on the hot Samples Free by Mail A generation of mothers has found no soap bo well suited for cleansing and purifying the gVin and hair of infants and children as Cuticura Soap. Its absolute purity and refreshing refreshing fragrance alone are enough to recommend recommend it above ordinary skin soaps, but there are added to these qualities delicate yet effective emollient properties, derived from Cuticura Ointment, which render it most valuable in overcoming a tendency to distressing eruptions and promoting a normal normal condition of skin and hair health. Cuticura Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. For liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post-card to "Cuticura, "Cuticura, Dept. D, Boston, U. S. A " - The Recruits Must Be Able Te -Use* a Rifle With Skill. The supreme importance attached by the British military authorities to -accurate rifle fire is seen ' in the thorough training which the more advanced recruits of the new army are now receiving. Some 200,000 men are now undergoing musketry instruction at the hands of the National National Rifle Association, a body- which commands some of the finest civilian riflemen in the kingdom, and their training, although neces ; sarily crammed into a shorter, period, will be far more concentrated concentrated than that of regular soldiers in time of peace. The recruits,, indeed, indeed, will practically live in the butts until they become efficient shots. The intense and thorough training the men are receiving is part of Lord Kitchener's policy for the new armies. He is determined that the men sent to the front shall' not only be physically fit enough to stand the rigors of an arduous winter campaign, but that every one of their number shall be conversant conversant with every detail of drill, and to be able to use a rifle with the skill of a marksman, or as near to that standard as is individually possible. The extent to which the British Army's wonderful shooting has been responsible for its success will perhaps never be fully realized except by experts. The military authorities know what the marksmanship marksmanship of the troops has achieved ; hence the care they are bestowing on the musketry training of the recruits recruits of the new armies. I Beans' Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. ' rA.RaffS TOR BALE. W. DAWSOS. Htnety Colborae Street. ; Toronto. T V TOU WANT TO BUY Ufi SBhb a A TrulV Stock. Grain or Dairy Farnu write H. W. Dawson. Brampton, or Colborne St.. Toronto. • H. W. DAW SOW, Colhorne St.. Toronto. rOE SALE. R EGISTERED HAMPSHIRE prize winners. All ages, sexes. Fisher Bros., Benmillev. Ont. Both NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. G town N OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE . York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Brice only ' * Terms liberal. Wilson Publishing Com pany. 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. -V The Oldest Man Living If asked about his corns would say they didn't bother him because he air Merely Coy. "That booby made a bluff at kiss ing me last night and then quit." "But, he says you scratched his ways used Putnam's Corn Extractor. | face, blacked his eye and stabbed For fifty years "Putnam's" has been j him with a hatpin " the favorite because painless and sure. ! "Well, a girl has to put up a lit-1 Try only "Putnam's, tie maidenly resistance." 1 ANCER. TUMOES, LUMPS, ETC.. Vv internal and external, cured without without pain by oui home treatment. Write us before too late Dr. Bellman Medical Co Limited, Collingwood. Ont. Stents M 25c. at all dealers. A WARM WINTER. Answered At Last. She--I can't understand why , people do such foolish things. June -weather prevails in California, the tt For nreoicelv the came, rea^- ideaJ. Wintering place, reached comfort- -tie * 01 precisely Tne amc -lia.. ably and conveniently by the Chica-go | that we do other IOoilsII things, and North Western Ry. A GERMAN EOVE GETTER. Four splendid trains daily from the new passenger terminal Chicago--The Overland Limited, fastest train to San Francisco ; the Los Angeles Limited, three days to Land of Sunshine, the lamoui San Francisco Francisco Limited and the California Mail. Bates, illustrated matter and particulars particulars on application. B. H. Bennett, douerai douerai Agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. my dear. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ac. An Impossibility. "I wa/nt a good watch--one that will last me forever." Can't give you one like that, sir. All my watches have their The Fond Mother (to the local ^ ^ ^ butcher)--Would yer mind weigh, I hours numbered." ing my kiddie, Mr. Bittock 1 Mr. Bittock--Yes, mum--with the bones 1 INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS A druggist can obtain an imitation of ,, -r>. t noria I MINARD'S LINIMENT from a Toronto Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Da\is, ^ ouge a very low price, and have it Datent solicitors, Montreal, report.L] a tj e i«d his own product. v •- I This greasy imitation is the poorest one we nave yet seen of the many that OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON & DAVIS 713 St. James St., - Montreal Write lor Information TO EVERY BOY jg AND GIRL • Thle ring ie an exact * duplicate of an 18k solid M I gold ring and you can J f bave it engraved with J any monogram desired. ■ You can earn tbis beau- ® tiful ring in less than J _ an hour. Just simply • 24 packages of our assorted picture post ■ cards. Each' package contains 6 cards, which you sell for only 10c. A free coupon given * with each package, will make your friends w buy them on sight. Don't wait n minute, but V order right now. You lend no money until yon have sold the cards, then send ns the money J yon hare received ($2.40), we aend you this ring, engraved, by return mail. Ask for our big _ catalog of premiums. Addresa « -COLONIAL ART CO. to«on*-, ont. s that 136 Canadian patents were is sued for the week ending October | every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to 20t>h, 1914, 103 of which errantted to Americans, 23 to Cana- were introduce. Ask foe MINARD'S and you will. get it. parade ground, under a sergeant- major wno doubtless know how to improve the patriotism of small culprits, culprits, and would do it with a switch. ;--* "Yes," said the storekeeper, "I want a good, bright boy to be partly partly indoors and partly outdoors." "That's all right," said the applicant, applicant, "hut what becomes of me when the door slams shut V' Baby's Own Tablets are the very best medicine a mother can give her little ones. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds, promote healthful sleep in fact they cure all thé minor ills of little ones. The mother may feel absolutely safe in giving them to her children for they are guaranteed guaranteed by a government analyst to be strictly free from all injurious drugs. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. The Menu. Puzzled diner (to restaurant waiter)--What have you got for din - Waiter » -- Roastbeeffricaseed- chickenstewedlamb hash baked and fried potatoes j ampuddingmilktea andcoffee. Puzzled Diner--Give me the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, 18th and ,19th syllables. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills exactly meet the need which so often arises m every family for a medicine to open up and TCgulate the bowels. Not only are they effective in all - cases of Constipation, but they help S eatly in '"ïr* 1 - ~- r '* u " ripoe b: an rippe by cleaning out the system a purifying the blood. In the earn* way they relieve or cure Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum- etism and other common ailment*. In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Morse's Indian Root PHls are If l Household Rami Glimpse Into the Home Tragedy of One of Our Enemies. The French Red Cross had found the body of a dead German soldier, says a London Mail special cone-. spondent. ; "The victim's tunic was already open, as is the habit with our own brave 'Tommies.' I unfastened some more buttons. Must I spoil this story 1 Let me out with it all in truth--a huge rasher of bacon fell from his breast, and as we raised raised his shoulders there fluttered out a letter--greasy with bacon and rapidly taking on another color from his welling wound. 'May we j look at the letter V The doctor | gives consent. Just an ordinal3 ! letter. It ran thus : ! " 'My Dearest Heart--When the little ones have said their prayers and prayed for their dear father and have gone to bed I sit and think of thee, my love. I think of all the old days when we were betrothed, and I think of all our happy married married life. Oh ! Ludwig, beloved of my soul, why should th^ people fight each other _ I cannot think that God would wish it. • • • " 'I do not think, you need read any more/ said the doctor. " 'Nor do 1/ was my reply. You iwill not believe it, but, hardened to • war from my youth, I could only toy with my rough meal at night, ; and in my slumbers I kept hearing the simple words. 'My dearest heart, wben the little ones have. said their prayers and prayed for their dear Tatheri and have gone to Bed I eit ajad tihink of thee, my love/ 1 wonder whether the great War Lord has Been troubled in, this way recently V* Superior-» "Surpassing others in greatness, greatness, goodness, extent or value of any quality."--Century quality."--Century Dictionary. That's the definition, and that's why Post Toasties are called the Superior Corn Flakes --the surpassing, delicate Indian Com flavour being sealed in by skillful toasting toasting with sugar and salt. dians, 6 to residents of Great Britain Britain and Colonies, and 4 to residents residents of foreign countries. Of the - Canadians who received patents, 10 were of Ontario, 4 of Quebec, 3 of Saskatchewan, 3 of Alberta, 1 of British Columbia, 1 of Nova Scotia, and 1 of New i Brunswick. About the time the average man learns how to live he quits the game. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Æ^rgst In Cows. He Needn't Have Worried. Her father (after the ceremony)-- My child, I don't see how I am going going to get along without you. Bride--Oh, that/ s all - right, pa. My husband has just confessed .that he hasn't enough to start housekeeping, housekeeping, so you won't lose me, after all. "Norah," said the mistress, "are these French sardines that you j have given me " "Sbure, Oi don't : know, ma'am," said the new waitress; waitress; "they w*as pasht spakin' whin we opened the box." Worth White Cultivating your fllaple Grove Now The Government's new protective legislation againet adulteratore oi pure Maple Syrup goes into effect on Jan. 1, 1915. Woe betide trans- greeeore after that date ! Maple Syrup makers will reap the reward of their honest labor at last ! Buyers Buyers of. Maple Syrup will be greatly multiplied in number, and it will handsomely pay farmers to cultivate cultivate their Maple Groves. The on© 'Evaporator built for the beet re- eulte ie the "Champion"--our pride --often imitated but never excelled. Write for free' booklet giving full particulars. THE QRIMM MFC. CO., LIMITED 58 Wellington St., Montreal, Qua. YOUR own druggist will TELL YOt Try Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, Waters Eyea and Granulated Eyelids ; No Smarting--- lust Eye Oomfon. Write for Book of the Eye by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. "She is an extraordinary woman, you know. She paints, plays, rides horseback, boxes, _ plays football, golf, and is an aviator. It is too bad. If I knew how to darn own socks I would marry her." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. ■+ LATEST FISH STORY. mv L TAKE Toasties are made in clean, airy, modern factories--^cooked, seasoned, rolled and toasted to crisp golden flakes-- Ready to serve direct; from the* package. \ 1 To secure the Superior Com Flakes, ask for Post Toasties --sold by Grocers. C*Ba4taiv Poeturii -Cereal Co.. Ltd.. Wtcdsor. Ont. Don't waste time on inferior inferior salves because they're a few cents cheaper. I have - proved Zam-Buk -i best for Eczema. Piles. Skin Diseases, and Injuries. As a mother, - you owe it to your family to use the ? best, that's Ztm-Bukl \ 50c iok. AU DimUi «mi Stan». New and Second-hand, for heating and power purpoee*. _ Watw Flume*. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. P0LSÔH ,B lwiiited KS TOR0HTO Engineer* and Shipbuilder*. Back to Land Movement by Pike Near Bassano, Alta. The latest fisli story ^ that has been sprung on the public--a- story which ' 'out-whop s 1 ' ' some of the most famous of the Whopper Club series--is that told by J. Jones, an inspector in the agricultural branch of the Canadian Pacific, whose ac tivities are confined to the Rose mary colony, near Bassiano. There is nothing of the piking^ attitude attitude about the story but the fish. The fish were pike. It appears that there has been started among the • fish of the Bow River a "back to the land" movement, with the irrigated irrigated land preferred. Mr. Jones says that on the land, or on one particular farm, in the Rosemary colony, the water was turned into the ditches one morning for two hours and then turned off. When it had all seeped away into the ground - there were enough pike found to feed thirteen men for one meal. Since that time a number of fish have been obtained. In fact, there seems, to be a serious sort of mania among these fish to get out of the water at the earliest possible moment. . , It appear® that many of the îrri- i gation ditches are full of fish, and ! in some places one of the favorite recreations is to go out and "land" a flock of fish for breakfast.---Montreal breakfast.---Montreal Gagette. ----.----* Every woman shows bravery when she has a mouse in a trap. COPELAND'S -- CURE FOR CONSUMPTION David. War nock, 202 Withrow Ave., Toronto, writes that ho owes hia life to the above remedy : "Now that I am woil and strong again, I write to state that the fact, I am a-livc to-day witnesses to the merit of your medicine. The doctors doctors gave me only S to 10 days to jive. ... I wish every one could know the worth of your medicine, especially these afflicted with consumption, consumption, as I was, for I undoubU edly saved, my life to its use. Etc. A doctor and a specialist attended David Warnock and gave him no hope. That was in March. 1911. Four months afterwards, he was a well man and had gained 66 lbs. If you suffer, or know of one, send us your addre?s, and we will send a copy of Warnock'e testimony in full and also many others f some of which have been cured of chronic bronchitis of over 50 years - standing standing At your druggist or direct from us at $1.00 per bottle. COPELAND MEDICINE COMPANY, LIMITED. 511 PAPE AVE., - TORONTO. "Please, lidy, .will you help, a poor man who ain't- done nothin' m the way o' work for more'n twelve munce?" "Dear, dear; perhaps I can find you something. What can you do V ' Thank y', lidy, thank y' kindly, mum ; ef y' could p'raps trive me some wash in' to do, I could give mo .some take it 'ome to me wife.' Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ED. ISSUE 46-

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