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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1914, p. 2

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A. B. McLaughlin, Butiiur, Solicitor on* Oenveyonee»* *>Aoo:--Blaoklon Block. King •ovbuitUIo Money to loos ot •kle mi OS-lgr. B.J.Hazlewood* M«D.,0»1I B0WMANY1LLE. . OlT|f OLD MEDALIST of Trinity " renie Attei oljBLcsi it. Tel BANK OF G' Wersity, Toronto! Foot yeeie Attend cine end Burgeon et Mt. Got Physicien Pittsburg, --. Oft ce end Residence Wellington lct<Ne. 1W. Kf. Incorporated By o4cfof *Parliament GOODMAN Sc GALBRAITH Barriateia snd Solicitors. Ndteries Pdblic. A. K. GOODMAN, 0. 0. OAtBNAlTH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario cipiai - $165^0,1)00 Rest -- --- $16;000,006 Uifdiv. Profits 1,046,217.80 NOTES AND COMMENTS FEMALE SUFFRAGE AND PROHIBITION. Social and Personal. W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary CoN lege. -Diseases of all domestic animals treated ty latest known methods. Office at his residence. King-st, East Bow- manville. Phone 193. 20*lyr. Savings LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. <«R.Loscombe, K.C. E.S.Senkler, B.A. Money to Loan. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville. Ontario. Head Office, Montreal. J. A. McClellan, Manager, Bowmanville Branch. Russia has had a series of prosperous prosperous years which writers on f Vo rid (politics are celebrating as it the sole object of ,production were There has been a rémarkalble growth in the ordinary revenues of the country, -but revenue, of course, implies taxation, and a large .paifc of what is taken out of production by taxation, is going bo thé military •account. From 1907 to 1913 the military military and naval expenditures increased increased by nearly $170,000,000. Moreover, it is said that the annua expenditures henceforward should exceed one hundred million pounds, ! which is but little less than $500,- 000,000. authority oil world poli- deriv- DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Graduate of Royal Dental CoUege, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance St. Bowmanville, St.) Temperance St. (jnst off King OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House Phone 90b TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous ^Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to Î20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. _ Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality work considered. Have your taken tn-dav and measure NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of JAMES KEELER late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Revised Statutes of Ontario 1 ', that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said James Keeler, who died on or about the Twenty-third day of September, 1914, are required required on or before the Twenty-seventh day of .November, .November, 1914, to send by post prepaid or deliver to A. E. McLaughlin of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Solicitor fo.r Emma Jane Keeler and Harry Cann, the Executors of the Will of the said James Keeler deceased, their Christian and sur-names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And farther take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased tviuong tlie parties entitled thereto, naming re- card onlv to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by.them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Bowmanville the Second day of November, November, 1914. A. E. MCLAUGHLIN, Solicitor for Emma TJane Keeler and Harry Cann, the Executors of the Will of the said , James Keeler, deceased. Large Frame • Building For Sale. There is plenty of good lumber „in this building which will be sold at 3. bargain. If you want the lot, which is very desirable and centrally located, will be sold at a great sacrifice. also For Rent Furnished Home, every convenience, convenience, owner leaving town for the winter. Insurance Fire, Life, Personal Accident and Liability. The best in the world. Harry Gann The Insurance and Real Estate Man. Phone 50, Bowmanville Another tics questions the gain t-o be ed from seizing occupied lands and thé people who own them. He does not see how long the citizens of the conquering nation are benefited > the extension of their conn try s boundaries. They do not take the and the conquered people do their «laves. But 1 1 diplomacy which stands - lands not become seems that there is -behind the exporter ot for a ba.l- capital and "the struggle ioi a has its motive.and its this singular an ce of power impetus largely in modern relationship between the state and finance." for the is an agency tor of capital. taxes n der that he made War, then, promotion of the export The industrial classes pay hundreds of millions in or financial speculations may 'by the promoters and gamolijig.«yn dicates, with the armies • and navi' the truth, but there why it should frenzy of By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. We have just had in Colpiradpla genera 1 Election, at which was ÿübmîtteu àjio 9. constitutional amendment prcftubitii^S the manufacture and sale kpf intoxicating liquors and the "drys" have ;Won a glorious glorious victory, having càrried ttie ^amendment ^amendment by over ten thousand majority. This is significant' when it is recalled that two years ago- the prohibitionists in this state. were defeated by over 40,000 majority. There are now 14 . states in the "dry" column, viz., Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, N. Carolina, Oregon, Tenn., Washington;. W. Virginia, N. Dakota, Oklahoma and Virginia. There are over a score of other states partly day, under local option laws, some of them almost complètetv dry, excepting only the larger cities in them. There is no doubt that this victory in. Colorado, is due largely to femalé suffrage, suffrage, for thèir vote was cast almost solidly solidly in favor of the abolition of the saloon and its attendant_horrbrs.* Montana and Nevada have just been added added to the list of states granting, female suffrage, making in all, eleven states where the women are granted the right of franchise to the same extent as the men. Besides the eleven states which have granted to women the full right to vote there are twenty-two other states where the sex have the right to vote for certain offices, and where their property interests justify it. In Illinois, one of the said 22 states, women may vote for all statutory offices including presidential Electors. Late returns returns show that the Territory of Alaska has granted females the full right of franchise, but later returns may modify this indication. The states that have granted complete femalè suffrage rights are, Wyo (1S90), Colorado (1893), Utah (1896), Idaho (1896) Wash. (1910), Calif. (1912), Arizona (1912) Kans. (1912), Oregon (1912),Nevada (1914) Montana (1914). Later returns may show that the suffrage suffrage right was carried by a few other states in last Tuesday's Election. The National Woman Suffrage Association Association contend that the women were instru- o Î ■5. backing This may be far from no apparent big not is Thfc man that's worth while, is the man who will smile, when everything goes dead wrong. , 'Tie thè mind that makes thè body rich. Homé is where the n&ihd is fed; the hèart warmed, atid thé; soiit lodged. >Miss HâthptoDhMiilbfopk, attendedythe Satibath SchobI Convention at London and visited her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Rae. . .The - cheapest. ^of .. -Mother- - Graves Worm Exterminator puts it within reaeh of all and it can be got at any druggist's. Country people with telephones can often tell us of happenings in their sections sections that would not reach us otherwise. Our office phone No. is 68. B No man or woman should hobble painfully about because of corns when so certain a relief is at hand as Holloway's Holloway's Com Cure. Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Bentley and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, motored to Port Hope Sunday to see the -soldiers before thetf left for Kingston. One of the boys lived with Mr. Hamilton for eight years. --Millbrook ^Reporter. No More Àsthma. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Kellogg's Asthma Remedy sounds the death knell of this trVing trouble. It stops the awful chocking and painful breathing. breathing. It guards, against night attacks and gives renewed ability to sleep and rest the who'e night long. Much is claimed for this remedy, but nothing but what can be demonstrated by a trial. If you suffer from asthma try it and convince yourself of its great value. We want 500 new subscribers. The Statesman or The Bowmanville News will be sent to bona fide new sub- scribèrs from now to Jan. 1, 1916, for one dollar paid .in advance. M. A. JAMES & Sons, Bowmanville, Ont. tf The Ministerial Association of Peter- boro tendered a farewell banquet Monday to Rey. H. J. Keith, B.D., retiring pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. F. A. Connors of Park-st. Baptist Church. Rev. Mr. -Keith received a purse of $200 from his congregation before leaving for his new home in Edmonton. The Best Liver Pill.--The action of the liver if easily disarranged. A sudden sudden chill, undue exposure to the elements, elements, over-indulgence in some favorite B THB Established 1875 ©F ©AMJMBA TORONTO QECUR1TY for both principal and interest is the first essential of an invëstmént ; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the sayings department of this Bank is ah idéal form of investment. •J7 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branch., (D. P. M.cF.rUne Manager) Newc«Ue, OfOBO. Oshawa, Whitby, Brooj^lin and Ncwtonville. HAMPTON MILLS Best Grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Chop, Bran, Shorts, Corn, etc., êtc. Phone J29 1* 6. HAMPTON. re a ho 11 ren than Why Do Estimates ? arouse the taxpayers to a enthusiasm. The hard-working people of •one industrial nation ha-se move in common with their bretn- o£ another industrial nation they have with the promoters and the syndicates and the diplomatists. diplomatists. They could not displace their brethren if they would by a shifting of ' the boundaries. And their incidental gains by capitalistic capitalistic ventures among inferior races in thinly populated countries are negligible, negligible, by comparison Avar burdens. withy then- mental in California in passing the laws ; food excess in drinking are a few of the that drive out pugilism and segregated | causes. But whatever may be the cause, vice quarters, and failed in driving out j parmelees Vegetable Pills can be relied saloons only because of the extreme aras- j upon as the best corrective that can be tic provisions of the amendment submit- j taken. They are the leading liver pills ted to vote. ! and they have no superiors among The women showed their power at the ] such preparations, poles in Chicago during the recent elec- j Bonnycastle Dale is leading contributor tion where they cast over 100,000 votes • to November issue of Rod and Gun, out of a total registration of 1/0,000, and Woodstock, Ont., writing on the subject elected to office Mr. Billings in recognition "Trapping in Ontario." In "Wanderings of his services in procuring for them the in the Winter Woods', W. Dustin White right of franchise in the last Legislature. 1 describes vividly the joys of the winter From these facts and figures, it is evi- j camping trip. "Bear Trapping dent that.the trend of things is towards a ; Carrying m B-C. tills ot broader and larger right in political mat- | trapped a husky bear. j fe "for women'and a certain finish of all I M=".is a well written account of a groggeries that have so long cursed man- ! trip in the northern wilderness. i reading for boys. Morals and right-living are receiving ! Lives there a man with soul so dead, their merited up-lift and verily the world Who never to himself hath sait U Is growinglietter,whether cataly tically by j This is My Own My Native Land, 'woman's mere presence, or directly by ! -It Testifies for Itself.--Dr. Tn°m her aid and vote, is immaterial, we are i as ! Ecl&ctric Oil needs no testimonial ot concerned alone in the fact. ! its powers other than itself. Whoever tries it for coughs or colds, for cuts or for sprains or burns, for ^ TryXclipse Flour for and Pastry. and Pack a hunter who 'Biff and Hec and canoe Good It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. Takes Less SHortening than Manitoba flour. That's why so many of the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- it is economical. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by It Phone 77. Fred. C. Vanstone, Bowmanville. 45 3* 5 0 00 ROLLS of Wall Paper 1915 PATTERNS Received This Week All the newest designs and colorings for next season at reasonable prices. It will pay you to do your papering papering this -Fall. W. T. Allen, "Big 20" Bookstore Bowmanville You have no doubt, asked yourself this question i The answer is that the difference is in the QUALITY of work done. Each contractor wiU quote on HIS quality, and as no one is going to do business business at a loss, the only conclusion conclusion is, that a LOW figure means a LOW Quality. You do not notice this difference AT FIRST, for most of the work is concealed. But in a short time faults will appear, and tlie necessary repairs will more than equal the difference difference between the QU ALITY and the LOW-PRICED job. My aim is to make known that my price is always for the HIGHEST QUALITY and BEST WORKMANSHIP. WORKMANSHIP. K. 0. Whyte Electrician. Orders may be left at W. H. Dust nil's way other Where do the masses come m <>n this war game ! How is it to then, interest that the nations should al- s he arrayed against one anas anas if they were angry dogs spoiling for a fight l _____ * : THOUGHTS FOR THU DAY. Expenditure is necessary for tiré protection of those who are cliai 1- tably inclined and sometimes mis I -led.--Mr. Pearce Campbell. We are not going to stop unti have smashed the Ger* m Army, the German Navy and . ie spirit- of German militarism.-- Lari Grey. There has been no war for more than a century which the nation has entered on with so general a belief that the action was justified. --Viscount Bryce. Many have puzzled themselves about the origin of evil. I observe there is evil, and that- there is a and with this I be- Women are teaching us the impropriety fragettes. moral awakening follows it will do much ; no guarantee. This sllOWS Why t to atone for the follies of the militant suf- ; is m general use. It is my joy in life to find At every turning of the road,. The strong arms of a comrade kind, - To help me onward with my load. And since I have not gold to give, And love alone must make amends, My earnest prayer is while I live : 'God make me worthy of my friends'. Denver, Nov. 6, 1914- One dose of Miller s Worm Powders will clear the stomach and bowels of worm?, so that the child will no more be troubled by their ravages. The powders are sweet to the taste and no child will object to taking them. They are uon- injurious in their composition, and while in some cases they may cause vomiting, that must nob be taken as a sign that they are nauseating, at as an indication of their effective work. we SPIRITUAL SIDE OF WAR. .Weed's Phosphate». The Great English^Remedy- Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility. Mental and Brain Worry. Despondency,' Despondency,' Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart. Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for Sc m One will please, six will cure 9 Sold by ail ^ drugs™..-, or mailed in plain pkg. nu iwiMplol ; price. Ano pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CoffTOIONTO, ONT. (Fsmerly Wlsdier.) IS way to escape it > 4 ^in and end.--John New ton. Justice is itself the great standing policy of civil society ; and any eminent eminent departure from it, under any ■circumstance, lies under the .suspicion .suspicion of being no policy at all. • LI F lv C If a man be gracious and courteous courteous to strangers it shows he is a citizen of the world, and that Ins heart is no island enfc off from other lands, but a continent that joins to them.--Bacon. There is an idea moral people that they should make j tlieir neighbors good. Ono pei son 1 , have- to make good--myself. But my duty to my neighbor is much more nearly expressed by saying that I have to make him happy I may.-- R. L. Stevenson. In a letter to 1ns people Major (Rev.) Wm. Beattie, Cobourg, says in part My work as Chaplain is most gratifying. I am more than ever satisfied that I have done what God wanted me to do in coming coming with these boys. I have had more opportunity opportunity of doing good here in three weeks than I could have in Cobourg in a WEST DURHAM BOYS. Our readers who knew Mr. Thos. Stan' ton for many" years a merchant at Kendal, ! Clarke Township, will be glad to hear the 1 honor that has come to his distinguished son. Orono News says, the French Government Government has conferred on Dr. Ambrose Stanton "L'Ordre Royal du Mérité Cambodge." Cambodge." This Order carries with it a handsome gold medal and is in recognition recognition of his services to science in cbnnec- tion with his research work in Burmah. Dr. Stanton was also elected Vice-President Vice-President of the East India Medical Association Association at their last Congress. Dr. Stanton is a Durham old boy, Kendal holding the distinction of his birth. We extend congratulations. congratulations. year. These weeks at sea are giving me a chance to get in personal touch with the boys and to bring, spiritual truth and comfort comfort to them, which will be hard to repeat \Ve note by a Toronto despatch that for when the busy life ashore begins. Every j e j g ht an d three-quarter hours Mr.Justice night I go below and have a service or Lennox heard argument in the Ottawa WeY^BiddingJor^Your^Trade HAYE YOU TRIED marketing here ? Call and let us fill your next order. If you want clean, fresli groceries of tlie best (quality at lo^ est pi ices we have them -- choice groceries, fresh fruits, appetizing cooked and'smoked meats, high giade teas, pure confectionery, all leading brands of breakfast foods, and best canned goods on market. Your order will be filled promptly and satisfactorily satisfactorily if left with HARRY ALLIN °nSffl? aM Central for Independent Phone. Bell Phone 186 ÜCH -if LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and- have prompt delivery v Wi l '■'I E. W. Loscombe Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division \ Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. and Strength for Motherhood MOTHERHOOD is not a time for experiment, but for proven qualities, and,nothing exceeds the value of good cheer, needful exercise and SCOTT'S EMULSION. SCOTT'S EMULSION charges the blood with life-sustaining richness, suppresses nervous conditions, aids the quality and quantity of milk and insures sufficient fat. ! Its COD LIVER OIL feeds the very Kfe cells. It* LIME and SODA help nToid.rickçta and make teething easy. ,4-46 Avoid Substitutes. spend the time in leading them individually individually to Christ. God has given me scores of souls for my hire. On Sunday I spent almost almost continuously the hours from 2 until io p.m. in personal interviews. Each Sunday Sunday morning we had a church parade on the open deck. It is a fine sight to see 1200 men at worship, and have, a cliancë to look down into the hungering souls and ! know you have the bread that will satisfy abroad among j them. Although the men are all standing 1 as close by as their ranks can be packed there is no restlessness, but on the contrary contrary the utmost interest is manifest. For two successive Sundays I have administered administered the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Supper from 6.30 till'8 o'clock in the morning morning to all who desired it. We have no room where all could come at once, so I took them as they came, <fnd while they knelt at the communion table, I broke for them the bread and poured .the wine. There was a constant stream coming and going. ... You have doubtless heard it said that there are hardly any Canadians in this contingent. This is a slander that should be put down. In th s regiment there are seven more men born in England than in Canada. If a man came to Canada at one year old, and lias lived here all his life he : is recorded as horn An England, so. if we ' had called on CanadSp who had been five ! years in the country we would likely show ; a very large percentage of them Cana- ! dians. As it is we have 471 born in Cana- | da, 478 in England, 96 in Scotland, 43 in I Ireland, etc. separate school bilingual case. With intermissions intermissions the analysis of the statutes ran on till 10 p m. Mr. W. N. Tilley, for the English-speaking supporters of the separate separate schools, argued that unless the alleged right to have French schools was to be found in sub.-section I of section 93 of thé B. N. A., Act, apart from all decisions it did not exist. It had to be perfectly plain from the statute. At the conclusion of the argument judgment judgment was reserved. MacGregor Young, K.C., appeared for the department of education; W. N.Tilley or the English-speaking ratepayers and N. D. Belcoürt, K. C., with A. C. McMaster McMaster for the defendants, the separate school rustees of the city of Ottawa. Mr. W. N.. Tilley, Barrister, was in own a few days ago visiting his parents Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Tilley. Keeping Up the of Meat »- The death rate among females lower than that of males. is For Protection against the serious sickness so likely to follow ah ailment of the digestive organs,--bilousness or inactive bowels, you can rely on the best known corrective O MANY of our customers comment on the goo a atVwe ALWAYS have and wonder, how we Small Boy (To charitable lady) Please, mother says she's much/betr ter'of the complaint wot you gives 'er quinine for; but she's awful ill of the. disease wot's cured by port W ine and chicken broth. ot do all 110th- the best qua til v meatvwe alyvalo nave inm wuiiuci.iiw» "are able to this week after week. The reason is that we personally select our live stock and make it a rule to buy only young stocking stocking over three years. Another thing, we only buy from feeders. For instance, for our Fall delivery we have bought some exceptionally choice young steers and heifers as follows : six from Thos. Moffatfc, Clarke; seven from Thos, Coat ham, Clarke; two from Edward Rutledge, Salem. J For Christmas trade we have bought two prize-winning steers from Thos. Baker, Solina, and four from Milton Wight, Providence. We always have the best in pork, veal, lamb, cooked ham and home-made :i 1 sausages. Highest cash prices paid for choice dry-picked poultry yj C M. Cawker & Son PURVEYORS Victoria Building, Bowmanville (He .Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) Sold everywhere, la boxes, 25 conta

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