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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1914, p. 7

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j .rvr : ' «>»* ' X\ Ur# v ST. VITOS Betty's Color Party. ■ Whv, Lily Williams, there s big spot of green on your dre&s . -Where is it!" Lily asked, as she stopped her game of drop the hand- ke&ie*. , Wutn round," Betty answered, "and I'll show you." But Bet tv could not find the spot. . _ . ~r n cViQ. cn irl 'I know I saw it," she Aunt Fanny laughed. 'Won must have been looking at Lily s sas , she explained. . , , -Bu't what has my red sash to do with a green spot 1" Lily asked. ••Well, let's stop playing, and 1 u tell you something - about colors, tAunt- Fanny said. And the ten boys i*l c fathered round Aunt Lily,' and - girls Fanny. ••Stand out in the sun. Aunt Fanny directed, ••Facli of you must, look steadily at Lily's sash until I tell you to <top." said Aunt Fanny, "and then ok quickly at the white of her Another Severe Case Cured Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills St. Vitus dance is a common form of .nervous trouble, which affects affects not only younÿ children, but men and women as well. The only lies in plenty of pure b.ood. cure because good blood is the life food » .Ï TN- W-llllnrrvu.' or <Lress. and tell me what you see. eves looked at the Nine pairs or red snsli. Aunt At the end of a minute Fanny said, "Now look at the white J dress." Bobby Jackson was the first- .-peak. "Whv . Mis. just for >oked Fanny, it- to green just- 101 a moment, but now it's ail white again."' ■■The sun likes to play such tricks." Aunt- Fanny explained. ■•Wouldn't the green show if the Min didn't shine ?" Bobby questioned. questioned. • , ••No." Aunt I a liny answered. "The light of the sun is necessary. 1»-1 tell you how you can have some fun at home. Find a red. a blue, and ;l yellow book, and place t-neni, one ;l , a time, in the sun on a piece of \\;ihe paper. Then ask your father what color you are going to show film, and see if he can tell you. ,Jm-: then Berry's mother came carrving a dish of the nerves. Dr. Williams Fmk Pills cure the most severe cases of St-. Vitus dance, because they actually actually make the rich, red blood that feeds and restores the starving, shattered nerves. This has been proved in hundreds of cases, among them that of Mrs. John Duncan, Duncan, London, Ont., who says: 1 'About a year ago I found myself becoming very nervous. At the out- ^ set I did not pay much -attention to j it as I thought the trouble would 1 pass away. In -this I was disappointed, disappointed, for I soon found myself vapidly growing worse. My right- arm and leg began to jerk and twitch all the time, even when. 1 was in bed, and I found great- difficulty difficulty in walking or doing any work. Finally the trouble affected my speech, and it was with difficulty I made myself understood. Of. course I was doctoring for the trouble, trouble, but was not being helped, and finally the doctor wanted me to go j to the hospital for treatment. This to | I did not care to do, and it was at this stage that I decided t-o try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. By the time I had used four boxes I felt much better, and in a short time longer I was quite well an<T strong. My neighbors look upon my cure as quite wonderful, and indeed I think it is, and shall always be grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me." These Pills are sold by all medicine medicine dealers or can be had by mail at 50 cents a- box or six boxes for $-2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Deal Lintittvitl W «il Destroys Every Pain But Sew SHORT MEN ALSO USE F HI. Sir Philip W. Chet»ode, D.S.O., commanding the 5th Cavalry Brigade, Brigade, British expeditionary force. He had the distinction of being the first "mentioned in despatches' ' during the present War. '/How thankful we are to get hold of euch a wonderful household ^remedy ^remedy as NervMne," writes Mrs. H, P. Lamontagne from her home near .We- taskawln, Alberta. "In thl* far-away section, far away from a doctor or druggist, every family needs a good supply of liniment. Nervlline is the best of all. It destroys every pain but never burns. We use Nervlline In a score of ways. It J tB tlem, aching back, pain in the aid» sciatica or stiff neck,---you ^ Q at them if you have lots of ^ïervl line îandy. For earache, toothache or cramps I don't think anything cou d act more quickly. For a general al - round pain remedy I can think of nothing nothing more valuable and speedy to cure than Nervlline." The abovë letter is convincing it tells how reliable and ttusty # thls f ??. d v ' time remedy is. Nervlline^ f ° r ^ years has been a household word In Canada. Scarcely a home in Canada vou can And without Nervlline. ^Every DOWN BY ES0UH3IM SEA HITS OF NEWS FROM THE MARITIME PROVINCES. Items of Interest From Places Lapped by Waves of the Atlantic. In Blisters. Itched and, Burned Badly. Had to Put Gloves On Child's Hands, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment Healed. British Recruits May Measure Fire Feet Three Inches. < Short men, men of limited » tain tain re, are assuming a new importance. importance. This fact is another devel- Tha community has its living examples of the wonderful curative properties of Nervlline which will cure pains and aches anywhere in the joints or muscles muscles It's penetrating, soothing, warming and safe for M'y Get the large 60-c. family sue the most economical. 25c. at any dealer's to use. bottle; it's Small.trial size anywhere. 10 Abbott Ave., Toronto, Ont. --"My boy had, eczema badly aU over, but his head was very bad and .was affected most. It came out in blisters and it was a sight to look at. 11 Itched and burned so , badly that I had to put glove* on the. child's hands. It came out first on his face near the ears, then went to bis head ami then on his body. His bead was like a fish It was so bad. "I used -, also . and others, and* nothing did him any good. 1 gave them up and tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I used three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment and at the end of six weeks he was entirely cured." (Signed) Mrs. Carroll, Jan. 1, 1914. A LONDON RESTA VRAM'. All the foreign Waiter» Have Reen Discharged. Medicine Co^ Brock ville, Ont. / BRITISH ARMY NAMES. The Sergeant Had to Give L p the Jackson. tJ> ii into tne garden. ,-f ive cream. ••Well." cried Bobby "tiitf one who made that ice cream knew how good red and green - Y oath's Companion. St. John. N.B., is suffering a slight- epidemic of cholera infantum. One shipload of furs from Hudson Hudson Bay to St. John's, Nfkl., was valued at three hundred thousand dollars. Josut Andrus, a Belgian, was arrested arrested at- Gagetown for storming the homes of several lovai Gei - mans with a rifle. The hauling power of seven tugs was required to clear the- S.'S. S'henondoàh from Navy Island, where she foundered. Peter Andrew, an Austrian reservist, reservist, was arrested at the Re- Mines, Sydney, with a quan- serve V» !1 IV 111 t 6 . Roll-Call in Disgust. Of the minor horrors of war, outside outside the battlefield, not the lightest- _ are being suffered by the English | titv of explosives m his possession. 00 k I drill-sergeants. Hawkins, Smithers j Business men estimate that- the land Scrooge have long answered j Maritime sardine catch will run up British roll- 111 AIM Mi»lit Be OLD KOMGSBERG. Described as the Louvain of East Prussia. 11 by any chance the Russians should occupy K-:-n:gsberg. they will deal a heavy blow at Prussian a.- <le. For .t was here that in 1 • 01 I jcoerick I. crowned himse„i first ^ _ _ t ;r,tr Prv~~ia. and here that Wil- ; ing disposed successfully . • - . . • - - /-• ïam !.. alter war a it iv-'-. v. was or.-wneci king. The grain-exporting city has m-.-dern rmes. but it- cm pa ! - great crown ■in had it- founciat: 1er-nth century the Teutonic Orb 1 y e s a o;- -cknon s a castle. Tne otikes _ loved the city, and held royal state- in a pa"ace that has long since disappeared disappeared Its sc.-tnt-fic institutions are many. an<i -is university contains. contains. as Louvain s cud. more man g 00.000 s. The town of K-.-nigsberg is a.mosi circular in shape, within a ring of moated defences except to tne «southeast. wpere "he swampy ground aff-.rbs defense enough. Tne n never forget its noisy • blithely enough to British r - calls, but now a new sort of Tommy | is in the field--a "Thomas," "whose . aristocratic name, for example-, of I Chclmondley does not sound familiar familiar to his ears when pronounced in common-sense,, drill-serge-ant style. As the story goes : A sergeant calling the roll for a com Dan y of the new "sportsmen j battalion for the first time had a : terrible experience recently. Hav- of a few first- German ; "Harpers," "Mitchells," etc.. he came to the name "Montague. "Private Montai g. shouted the sergeant. There was no reply, but- when the name was repeated a half-hearted half-hearted "Here, sir," came from the ranks. ■•Whv didn't vou answer before lade The lights o' London are no more A -further order has been issued limiting still more the lighting of the town. Gone are the electric signs, and the blaze of lamps m shop windows. Many of the streets are in almost total darkness, and nearly every standard lamp is shaded shaded at the top. Piccadilly Circus, Regent Street-, Oxford Street these are places of gloom: Occasionally Occasionally an airship patrols above the streets, now so low that her car tieems likely to strike the roofs, and again a me re speck in the sky. I went into one of London's best known restaurants the other night --one might easily have passed it i by, so. shrouded in darkness was its I frontage. But. inside there were j great doings. . The'band was ptay- ! in g popular airs, and the guests were lustily singing to -the music. At first one's -impression was that the people were beginning to maffick maffick over early, but the usual sing ing was not due to unhealthy excitement-. excitement-. It was rather as though these usually sedate people were seeking some way of expressing their confidence, their high hopes. Samples Free by Mail For pimples and blackheads the following is a' most effective and economical troatmen t : Gently smear the affected parts with Cuticura Ointment, on the end of the finger, but do nob rub. Wash off the Cuticura Ointment In five minutes with Cuticura Hoap and hot water and continue bathing for some minutes. This treatment is best on rising and retiring. Ab other times use Cuticura Hoap freely for the toiletand bath,to assist In preventing Inflammation, Inflammation, irritation and clogging of the pores. Sold by druggists and dealers throughout the world. Liberal sample of each .mailed free, with 32-p. Hkin Hook. Address postcard postcard " Cuticura, Dept. I). Boston, U. 8. A." Manly lo Resent It. ■ A statesman once came tu a friend of his, a man of noble character character who had been a judge, to ask his advice about a man who had greatly insulted him. He was lull of indignation, and described.^ -the insult in strong language. ' leti me," he asked, "in not my indignation indignation righteous. Will it not be man- ] y to resent suoh an injury < "Yes," was the calm reply. -"-It will lie manly to resent it ; but it will he God-like to forgive it.. How many quarrels are kept alive because the one who is wronged cannot forgive ! How sweet a world we might make if we would hurry with our pardons'. The preeenfc limit it* five . feet, bix inches. Now it is prx>poik:dto dxice the roquiremeinit to five feet, three inches. Nor is tihis due to the demand of fclte hour for more soUIiers. The àrhny will not be weakenedi by the addition of little men. On, the contrary, contrary, Hie method g , and requirements requirements j of modern warfare make the vigorous little man quite as useful as the vigorous, big mian. This is pointed out by medical men ami medical pubHcatioii». One of the liatter deolare» tlh-at a, wiry physique is more desirable in the soldier 'than brüte force. The model soldier is the one who can endure bad weather, broken sleep, irregular irregular feeding, long rfilaroheS, ancl has the brains to take cover and use his weapon with skill, -and patience. ft is pointed out -aIso- that the 'smaller man eats less, weighs less, keeps warm in a smaller «pace, offers a less prominent mark to the enemy and can shelter himself better in a trench than a big man. In short, the hardy little iman should make quite aw good a modern soldier aw the big man. . i Time» and methods in military j circles have changed wince I reder ' iek the Great hunted far and near for big men for bis Grenadier j Guard, and when he found a* par• j ticnlarly imposing fellow he did not, it i'w «aid, hesitate to kidnap him. In France, where little men abound, the height requirement in a 'flexible one, but in Great Britain the admission to the army of under sized men involves the breaking of n military tradition. --- ~*h--: - Electric Shock Stop* Heart. Doctors have decided that an electric shock kills a man by do- wtroying the rhythm of .the heart beats and acting on the lungs an overdose of an ae-sthe-lie. - ike Minard i Liniment Cures Dlstumpar. Been lo lhe VlretiH. "Ah, illy box , you \e been l• > tlw circus! It pains me greatly l<* think that one so young should have erossetl the thre.shoUl o! iniquity. Bobby "But, father. 1 didn't- oronn no th reshoUl. 1 craw led in un-der the lent. ! Sore Granulated Eyelids» Eye» inflamed by expo- sin e to Sun, Oust and Wind quickly relieved by Mullet VVTS Eye Remedy. NoSmaning» jot Eye Comfort. At Your Druggint'c SOc per Bettlc. Murine Eyé Salve inTube* 25c. EorBeokdHhr,l.yerreea!ili DruggiMii or Murine Eye Remedy Ce.,Lblce|é Death Nearly Claimed Brunswick Lady "Mo correct Things Being Equal. her, ' asked. Tommy 1H W ate 1 1) >.;i V I ha I vou horse' when Ik*, is thirsty < ■"Yes, m.v dear, said Ins mother, "Well, t hen," said ing up a sauce r. Ini g-* > i n g to mi. the U (Nil Will Restored to Her Anxious Family Family When Hope Had Gone. St. .John, N.B., Dec. 15th. At one ■n = .aid in i-ne tmr- bv ihe Knights of V. who built tnem- and afterward of Prussia to $1,000,000. Two Weirmen m 840,000 in one week's catch. Amos Hall and Rupert Jodrey, of Lake George. King's County, were both found shot- in the woods. Hail was dead and Jodrey was in a dying condition. . _ . Norwood Gray a colored man, a j Qne^ significant feature was that charged at Mc-Adam; y.B vjthre-l One^i^ ^ English. ' As the situation now is, the man who has gone to the- 'country tor peace and quietness will find these the more readily if he returns to London. In town the lamps are dark at night, but we no longer depend depend on the moon for our light. Improvised Improvised street lamps, hastily rig- ged-up coffee stalls, the promise of r1 ? 8 i a cinematograph shed and a boxing booth, and other innovations from which we would have turned m hor- The Martial Spirif. "Oh, Ge orgie, Géorgie ! claimed a fond mother when she saw her small boy considerably battered battered and dirty, "you have been fight- How often have -1 Mlnard'e Liniment Cure* Diphtheria. ing again to hi moving fish plates, bolts from the C.P.R. tracks, endangering endangering manv lives. Admiral Maas, commander of the German fleet, who was killed at Heligoland, was well known in Halifax. 'Several years ago he paid a long visit to the city on the German German training ship Frey a. Corporal John Metcalf, of 7ist Regiment, whose home is mi Me Ad am, N.B., has seen twelve you that you shouldn't fight 1 "Well," said he, ' what, ar to do when a are fellow y oil hits time it was feared that Mis. .1. Giant, of 3 White St.., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My find, attacks of backache backache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain lias been present. When 1 exerted exerted myself ft was terribly Intensified. If I caught cold the pain was inondurable. inondurable. 1 used most everything, but nothing gave that, certain grateful re- Hof that carne from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Hint emu "1 baxe patrician blood in m.v veins. Members of mx family wnx t raced to Flodden l ield in the days ,,f chivalry." Young Lady (n rchl.y ) "Ob '. . They I raced t hem, I h<- n So there vxen- deleclixes e'.-n it I.hat. re mot e period . r a a mi rom iadb. W. SAVIOR Toronto. Mlmiy Oulborne ltre»k sa id going you ?" "Why, keep out of bis way the mother. "I'll bet," said film youngster 11 keep out o;f mine after this.' In 1 4« If YOU WANT TO ft UY H 11 Frulu Btock. CiralnjOi- Dairy - -- - , , . u w Dm who n iirikUu v'- 014 - stead of being bowed down with pa 4 ,J, h< . r n* Ft". Toronto! enjoy splendid " to-day I am strong, appetite, sleep soundly. Lost propel ties have been instilled into my blood -- cheeks -are rosy with color, and I », W. DAV^OI, Colbore* It . Toront». NEWSPAPER* FOR SALE thank that day'that I heard of «o xwid c uoi, w.,t K i.r ^ a medicine a» Dr. Ilarolhon » I'IIIk. ; i., «»««««». ]'• »».>» .y>2 Every woman should use these pills Tt . nnii i.i,«,;-i. v/d«<m. Put.h.h.iu regularly Itecatiee good health pays,-[ t) » n y v, w«-,. : i. A<i«-!:»nm- 1 '"y TJ à "he •Because ! years and a half of active service, j mr OV er replied ! He has been wounded several times. I acc€p ti ng these with complacence He was accepted at X alcartier. Millstream, King s declared that demanded the sergeant, my name is Mon-ta-gue. the recruit. , . r Well." snapped the sergeant, j A jury at- vou'll do seven days' fa-vigew. " , County, - • v, v The nexû name on the list, Ma- ; shooting of James H. ^ ^ ~ joribanks, brought no response, for ; his cousin, Henry Loke.^while J the ^rgeant- pronounced it "Ma-; a hunting trip, s L jorevbanks." i Goggin was mistaken lor a deer - ;* A ' second call brought phe mild ; Examination is being made at bt,. visitor Bt veers. -- ~'\£- of r. e o.otesr and : rs narrow ravy traffic, .rs bridge-, ra-seo to et the shins proceed up the Pregel. .whicn. looping ir. me centre o: tie town. to r m s an : rxi ! no st ' ■ r v w ded i.- . gabled. - r.o r a.f-mtrioereo ware houses m.e sta-.s tnat- .me me *■ quax f. and the saiim-g boats .moored bvj-.-v' to tne quays, and compet- i H f* r f hWILL *» . * r. - vlj response : I expect you mean me, ! Stephen, N.B., of every person an ! sir. Mv name is : Marshbanks.' " ; vehicle entering Canada from Lnit- The sergeant almost reeled, but | ed States. The indention is to ..ave ' ' "Colqu- i damage to Canadian bridges and perhaps even pride. a week ago--we are [»mp! with a little secret Heard in an Office. - "[ believe Grumpley would soon er fight than eat." "So would you if you dyspepsia. ' ' riad hi •egulariy .. , , . and it's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton s Mandrake and Butternut. Pills. MISCELLANEOUS 1 ANCKIt. TtiMOHH, DOCTOR KNEW Had Tried It Himself. The doctor who ha» tried Poetum knows that it is an easy, certain, and pleasant way out of the tee or coffee habit and ail of the ails foi- ON THE MARRIAGE DAY history begins too when "Put- take# out roots, bran oil and eterm "The man just now j«. rage." "Then why him swallow bis words J wa« quarreJmg fairlv choking did vou W I til W i l.lj make y huer rial and u!'-ina <;lii«*l ( out pain J>y <»ui tioine u* tjefor*j too late til (>> m;m k-i. i a !. cin e i |-c,i t nient. Ill I l/O'J . ( -o' I : Ile 11 nu n i « aouil I In ' h I'O,. wit-h- WriU* '.1 i,i 1 ox! Cow». Romance ceases aDd a,nd corns begin to go name" is apnlie-d--!t 'a.«ce - i Nothing err sur» and « *"?"?. " r " W :, rt vi ! place on earth. & ,V - ,x,o\ it." "Uul you «ver Minard i Liniment Cures Garget In "M tractor ; dealers. try dining-room is the hottest. I wish I knew xvhat orave.; witn Col-ke w-houn. he celi- prc-ceeded h-i-u n. ' ' • Privat-e -ed. " • Coy boon, sir ; that's me, came a brisk reply from the front 4A-nk The drill-instructor gave up. and ^-losing- his hook, he wearily gave lowing. , nuiTdings by German sympathizers. The patient of an Eastern physi- Th» new shoe factory of Clarke c ian gays: . . , Brothers at St. Stephen, as well as j "During thex summer just pa^t i b, beWng to Henry Pink- ! suBered terribly with a heavy fee!- bu,ld,ng ' - g - Mrs. J. R. ; ing »t the pit of my stomach and i dizzv feelings in my head and then fortune at your she replied m I didn't know yon had - - o or<ie: number. When .-as completed, he said : ■ CW.& hundred and tms t wentv-one. ert-on. Leveret-t Russe. i, McClure and John Manuel, was destroyed destroyed in a fire which did 845.000 damage. Two government steamers tne "Rpl'i ^venture and Bona venture \V-'- h no : e - : -; r. o: ?xOT. igsb erg. rares i-f tr. e torts tio s r.-e rrt-i i-eo to i>e ou. it. r- -.-, -..'j y x P *-. " <Vj Id; OiV In if-timbered ho u se s ne eastlv demolished 'ir; , e erected t'er s sp-ea*. .. <1 -J 0?2 pO l • - vr:an j i-rip can be made this year. CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION : _Mmme n.omp«on. a little N.B bv an eleven-vear-o a blindness would come over my eves so I would have to sit down. Î would get so nervous 1 could hardly control my feelings.' (Ihe -effects on the system of tea and coffee coffee drinking are very similar, because because they each contain the drug, caffeine.; . "Finally I spoke vo our tarnily ; physician* about it- and he asked if ; Hitt Fortune. "Darling," whispered the ardent suitor, "1 lay m j feet." "Your fortune, surprise ; one." _ „ "Well it isn't much oi a lortune. but, it will look large beside those Un y feet.' ' Mlnerd'e Liniment Cures Colds, Ac. "If I were you, Mat:-da. wouldn't take any notice of to do to take a friend home to dinner when your wife didn't expect :U" Mirntidfi Liuiment Co.. Limluyl. . Gentlemen,-I h*Y«i -^Lnv flu, ! X ISIMKNT on my vessel And -m in/ iauj . I Mv for vea-re, And for the every du y U=r , oflll. I con.lder It l.« , without '**1 -would not eurt on a roysge ii a -c^V iAKkJAEm.-v. Hrorko." lit. Andre. Karno.imeku cook if «he's angry. U) take notice- she s . i ; tlje | "But 1 have I just given it, A WARM WINTER. and mother j Juno -weather nrera;-« Wintering place. » b<xbv ^ (Jvcri Tao.ets are an ku j- lu-e c^re for childhood constipa- Tfjev - - g:r:. aoso- frrm * r>o> , . , - - î a no orn small rifle at her and fired, beUe, - j ^ h „- ft ing that the gun was not ^oaded. | ^ foU named Rami, who point-ed a ...... jt 4 ran L much coffee , snot at Gio- j uM him that j did. - He told me to J a hd"con^nien^y .o s , . , - - - coffee ; aT1 <i Ncrtb Western Hy ti) Catiforniai, the iKauched <yumfMruby <yumfMruby «.Le Cb î'.-ago j immediately stop drinking a-; •s ,xi o T>-.,i ü ri rfi- , t - . -4 ^, v j - rings p,, r<-/j coneurap- w ; - T . 3* V Y regulate the stool stool L their ; and they are pica- . Concerning them Huntsvilie. Ont., was greatly y roo - ; /-ymstipation and co ict?.- Baby'» O wn ian- surely the t:on. loey never *au to the bowels and sweeten rnaeh. and unlike castor action is mild sant take. Mrs. G. Morgan says : My nan y V/ nul let entered just oeiow tne ^ delicious food-drink. ' critical condi- ... and drink Postum in its place as he is familv had used I osturn ; Limited, found it a powerful re builder ; the y* Ange^ Fnurkô Undid tr*'.!». daily from the new ) |>o -..t-Ager terminal Chk-ago- The^Orwawl ; w fio . was a great faneet train to kan grarsci^co; • u - Limited, three day* -to j acy. A .no <« , a ' r . . .. im*. the ianaou* San rran-.j V/>11 cannot it. It :s .fi .i*-'n Seeing and Raiding the Wind. "Just see the wind," exclaimed little Bobby, looking from the w.n dow on a stormy day, • Yon ask me to do something un >ssib!e." answered Bobby's papa, stickler for accur motion. and in L ; mft«d* » nd the ' Col -for n t a M&13. 1 nv^trated folders doecriln/Jg, tae great ! .■Mie in The First of ALL "Home Remedies" / / V ASELINE," in it* many forms, with their innu rnerable uses, is the founds tion of the family medicine chest. Vaseline iwle,4J '• ets ar î or bs-hed ,.r'k WJtiJ b#-g»/j giving ce r Tab' I know of quickly bar 'pation and coLc. no other medicine The Tab!eys are w.c dealers or oy mai- a v Tne Ur. Br/y.k viLe, On - ^ If vo c.c a girl's heart rn end want to engraxe your name rv w.tiat a dia- ght draft And papa didn t explain how ne ■J raised the wind to meet that ba-d ra; wi. do. . i-t-t.' e ali 1 for by -25 • Here, wna-ts about V asked breathlessjy- coiiecting- money 1 W a: the hv. row j *.'. William 4 » e ^. o. c;ety. bute sh plained trie A wi vtt :n V»m;en ^np-ove/n in >du-fc4ry an Pled uionc, ve from tevenwrp. a , ia.y in to ticketed "To k? vajl He I heriiitodfer a time, disliking I ,he idea of having to give up my, writovUn. a n f ,. f b ,àrd " wi talking coffee, but finally I got a package^ ; <]ra[t ;he other day and found it to be a!! tne doctor 1 Ht.. Tor^m, Ont. V said. „ . . I "T* ... I --Since drinking Post-um in place. Did a Lot lor Him. I r .t r-offee rriv dizziness, blindness : . -.0} land nervousness- are all gone, my j Lou cant ^ v l hT râaiced troupe troupe j iceman. j fo owe l 6 are regular and Î am again j the nuie man v,mi L f - ff n .53^. this woman is till and strong. That is a short «ers. ."that you can tatement of what Posturn has. done ' ren rigflt by raikm - */j . - m dJi rne j tin' it go at that. You ve go X ?me given bv Canadian Postum j use the rod. or you il spoil i Co.. Windsor. * Ont. Read "Tne ehildv I used 10 gn aremt n pkgs. \ lickin's a day on tne average, forms : i doesn't seem to have done replied the a 00 n a ne peace so-1 s fused to contri- i f< v j- f- V- i a no. wnen i re ; u knocked me down." meek-locking man. 1 lo.. . ^ ... Irifchman, newly arrived | Road to. WeliviLe me gmvu/ig 4 ^ vinw», -- - 1 ; Ite-ly, aver-1 aW av T'" In wgjked j twenty-five j p a fr. ] walked out - ' "Here, vou haven t - i AU v ' ' -*--. L y e for eceived ano . The shopkeeper H r , r.A/.r noted some blankets in 1 Postum comes in two j . Lona^ » - • -- - « thrown | Regular Postum -- must oe we:i= mu< r : h for you, . . . . , l- ! boiled. 15c and 25c packages. ; with the protruding jaw. it Instant Postum -- is a soluble t ^ ne a i ot for me. -powder. A ie&spoonfiil dissolves | go mj own way I might almost : ouieklv in a cup of hot water and, | y jeen a failure in Me. ' s with cream and sugar, makes a de- , -- licious beverage instantly. 30c and] f p * v/ hr. O'; t-aey w; •f ; < i f r g „At Met we are a .on v ,. : , ,vbif* Oi Otis g/. Lave L He fïoe . that I wanted to a»» 1 away , . wite She--Ytes, anti j and ask you ior a p^r 10 save ««-*■- trouble of tn rowing them r get >t ^ w ,, ruist i I waoued io W rj/ over -wspa. k/te'W ,'O.U V/ ! ran at ter Affi3- » c - those blankets you got just pï -- l now . "Of course not, savs Pat, A'h ! You j :; v.-eren'i ^rey labelled io be. thrown ask j ^ and sfiure didn't 1 come in -- " vou oi 50C Î3B5- The cost per cup is about the same. '^There'e a Reason ior Postum ■ " --*old by Grocer*. A Vagrant of ihe Air. did the police officer - both kinds j Aviator down . and arrest him ? j "For having no risible'means . I support." It keep's tf»e skin smooth 6f^i sound Invaluable in the nursery for burn*, cut*, insect insect bites, etc. Absolutely pure arid safe. u Vaseline" ie void by drug . and general ttoree everywhere, everywhere, or a full size bottle will be vent direct on receipt receipt of 10c. Write for nev/ iBustrioed booklet which describes the various "Vaseline" prepar- auonv and their many uses. 5^ \ CHESEBROUGH MFC. CO ( C-XXvCs«-V--^ itU CHAS-OT AYE- : 'WâE-

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