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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1914, p. 8

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]IC imi Others Praise Them ' Would Not Exchange It." 0 Dear Sirs : We have used the. Souvenir Steel Range during during the past year and are pleased to say it is very satisfactory, and we would not exchange it for any other range made. Yours truly, A. N. McMillan, Manager Standard Bank.. ■ J BOWMANVILLB. NOT. 19, 1914 Let us show you the Royal Souvenir before placing your order. rice & co., Opp. Post Office Sole Agents imz Dec Have You Tried the New Home-Made Bakery ? A FTER one month's trial the popular verdict of our customers is "That Christie's Home- Made Bread is just as good as the best." It is pure, wholesome and delicious--a bread that is healthful and appetizing. It is the bread that puts relish into your meals. Don't take my word for it. Try a loaf and be convinced Have the wagon call to-day. Alex. Christie HIGH SCHOOÎ/NOTES. The first meeting of the Literary Society Society under the new officers was held Thursday Thursday afternoon. The - program consisted of President's address on the aims of the society. • Readings by tyiiss E. Dickinson and Miss C. Warnica, a vocal solo by Miss Evelyn White and a piano solo by Miss Jane Grigg. The "School Paper formed an amusing part of the program, and not the least interesting part" of this was the splendid manner in which it was read by one of the Editors--Miss Kate Foster. The critic. Miss Zuern, gave a short address commending the committee on the program and gave some hints of a constructive character. Miss Helen Johnston Johnston was elected critic for the next meeting. meeting. The Secretary has received the report from the high school inspector, and one or two of the statements 'might bé of public interest : "This High School is in a very flourishing condition, indeed, one of the penalties of its popularity is seen in the very crowded condition of form I., which has 43 pupils." The inspector visited the school on Oct. 28. On Friday evening a team of four from this school went ta Oshawa to compete in the Y.M.C.A., with Oshawa and Port Perry high school in a relay race. Oshawa Oshawa won the race. Our students were not accustomed to running on a small track with a smooth floor and were therefore handicapped. However, they are not complaining. CONCERT AT BETHESDA. On Friday evening Nov. 27 the Bethes- da choir, assisted by talent from other appointments on Tyrone Circuit, will give an interesting concert. At the close refreshments refreshments _ will be served to all who avail themselves of this social occasion. Admission 25c. HAMPTON NBW». J. H. Devitt, Esq., M.P.P., Blackstock, visited our village Monday.... Mrs. Thos. Rowe has been spending a week with friends in Port Hope and vicinity Mr. Walter Kellar visited friends at Consecon last week A number from here at tended League Convention in Orono on Friday Mr. Jos. Clatworthy was used up with lumbago last week... .Owing to heavy rain Sunday there were only about forty at S. S Mr. W. R. Allin is in Toronto being treated by a sp cialist.... Mrs. J. E. L. Cole attended the Women's Institute convention in Toronto Con gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowling on the advent of a son. You can get 32c dozen for fresh eggs at Rd. Snowden's this week. Dont put it off any longer, have that roof Certain-tèed. Mason & Dale. The Home-Made Bakery Church St. Bowmanville SOLINA doing». WEDDINGS. , - Scott--Trewin. The home of Mr. William Trewm, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, was the scene of a pretty wedding wedding Wednesday, Nov. ii> w " e J) : . daughter, Florence Pearl, was united in marriage with Mr. Herbert Newton bcott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. T. Scott, of Tyrone. At 2.30 p m as Miss Ettie Scott, sister of the groom played the wedding march, thè bride very attractively attired in a silk crepe dress with hand embroidery and Juliet cap, was given in marnage by her father, while Master Ray Smith-, nephew of the bride, appropriately fulfilled fulfilled the part of ring-bearer .m the ceremony, ceremony, which was pertorriied by her pastor Rev. W. E. Honey, B, A., in the Pre sence of a number of relatives ^and friends. Lfie groom's gift to his bride was a pearl necklace, necklace, to the organist a pearl ring, to the ring-bearer a signet ring. The company sat down to tastefully arranged tables ana a dainty repast was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Scott took their departure for Toronto for a short honeymoon. _Un their return they will reside in East Darlington. Darlington. The bride will be much missed in her home community, both in its social life and in the Methodist church where she has been a faithful and efficient worker. McLaughlin - Pinch. On Wednesday Nov. II, at *;30 '°^. loc J, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pinch, Division-st, the marriage of their eldest daughter, Ida Mae, and Mr. Wm. McLaughlin, McLaughlin, son of Mrs. M. Allan, Valley field, Que., was solemnized. The ceremony ceremony was performed by Rev. H. B. Kenny, Kenny, the bridal couple standing beneath an arch of Autumn leaves and white--bells. The bride, who was very becomingly gowned in white Duchess satin, with seed pearls, veil and orange blossoms and wearing wearing the gift of the groom, a pearl and peridot peridot necklace, entered the parlor on the arm of her father to the strains of Men- delosshn's wedding march rendered by her sister Miss Edith Pinch. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Wm. Wild sang "Because." The groom's gift to the pianist was a gold cross and chain and to the soloist he gave an amethyst necklace. A daintily prepared supper was served, the bride's table being decorated with Autumn leaves and the bride's cake which was unique in design and decoration, the handiwork of Mr. Wild. Immediately after Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin left amid showers showers of confetti and good wishes for a, short honeymoon in Toronto and later to > their home in Homer, Ont. The bride s j going away costume was a suite of Saxe ( blue cloth with black velvet hat and white ospreys. Many beautiful and useful presents presents were received, among them being a handsome cheque" from the bride's father, a set of Black Wolfe furs from her grandmother grandmother and the beautiful wedding cake the gift of Mr. W. and Mrs.Wild. Among the out of town guests were, Mrs. M. Allan, Allan, Valleyfield, Que., Mrs. I. S. Honey, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sickle and daughter: Miss Gladys, Mrs. Will Willis and Miss Ethel Honey of Toronto, Miss Mildred Wherry of Peterboro and Miss Frances Galbraith of Buffalo, N. Y. F A. H ADD Y The China Hall Grocery Fxl Several from here attended the League Convention at Orono Friday.. • • • J-J- Morrison,. Toronto, of the Co-operative Farmers Movement, will be present at the next meeting of the Farmers' Club...... District Division will be held at Solina Friday Nov. 27th. Rev. J. Geo. Miller, St. Mary's, will be present Miss Flor ence Luke, Kedron, visited her aunt, Mrs. A. L. Pascoe Women's Institute quilt ed two quilts at their last meeting and will do three more when they meet again ... .Mrs. W. Werry spent a few days with Kedron friends.... Messrs T. Baker, John ! and Wm. and H. E. Tink attended Millers j Stock sale Wednesday week. Mr. H. E. j Tink bought a Shorthorn cow and calf j Miss Nora Werrv of Solina Division, Sons 1 of Temperance, the second largest Division Division of the Province, was elected Grand Conductor at the Grand Division meeting in Toronto. Have you seen Mason & Dale about that new Supreme Range ? Men, get your winter supply of clothing at Anderson's while the big sale is on. Laundry Soap Two extra fine Laundr Soaps, Swife's Borax and Swift's Naphtha, both superior soaps and well-known brands, special price for one week 6 cakes for 25c, or $4.00 a box of 100 cakes OBITUARY Dr. Bradford Patterson, Barrie. Dr. Bradford Patterson died Nov. 6, in his ninety-fourth year. The funeral took place in Newmarket, Monday. Deceased was born June IO, 1821 in Whitchurch township, near Stouffville, and up to the age of seventeen worked on the farm, afterwards attending Starkey College in New York. He practised medicine in Bowmanville, twenty years, going to Barrie Barrie twenty-six years ago. He was among the oldest Free Masons in Canada having been initiated in Bowmanville over 70 years ago. He was Master of the Bowmanville Bowmanville lodge, and is said to have presided presided at the initiation of the late Sir John A. MacDonald at a Grand Lodge meeting in London. For ten years he was a member member of Bowmanville Town Council. He was thrice married, and is survived by a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Byrne of West Virginia who was with him some time before he died. Grape Fruit Special purchase of Grape Fruit enables us to sell off large size fruit at this special price 4 for 25c or 70c per doz. Christmas Fruits Currants, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Peels are now on the way. We will have full stocks as usual. ENFIELD HAPPENING». Mr. and Mrs. J. Hern, Vancouver, B. C., recently were guests of Mr. J. Gilbert Mr. Jas. Parr has purchased the residence of Mr. W. Trewin, Enniskillen, and intends intends moving there in the near future.... Mr. and Mrs. H. Trull, Harmony, visited with friends here last week... .Mrs. A. Hayes, Enniskillen, has been visiting at Mr. J. Hepburn's Mr. Howard Mac- key, Kinsale, visited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's Mr. Wm. Ormiston, Brooklin, has purchased the farm of Mr. Thos. Bradley Our Post Office has beèn closed Mrs. S. Bray who recently had a success- ful operation for appendicitis at Oshawa Hospital is improving as well as can be I expected Mr. H. Wotten is engaged with Mr. J. Virtue for the winter. When buying a range why not get the best--a Supreme Range--sold bv Mason & Dale. ENNISKILLEN NEW». Highest Cash Price for Fresh Eggs. F- A.HADDY c 룣 n Bowmanville Phone 62 Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon have returned returned from a visit with their son, Herbert, and other relatives in Toronto Mr. ! Fred Beacock, Nestleton, guest at Mr. ; Geo. Argue's.... Mrs. H. J. Werry and Miss Helena visited relatives in Orono Rev and Mrs. W. E. Honey and son were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knox, Orono.... Those attending attending Bowmanville District League Convention Convention at Orono from this League were Dr. Slemon, Howard Pye, Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Honey, Mrs. Henry and Miss Helena Helena Werry, Russel Gilbert and Milton Sanderson. Dr. Slemon. the District Citizenship Citizenship Cpnvenor, gave a paper on "Alcoholism "Alcoholism and Heredity". ...League service service Wednesday evening was in charge of Miss Ethel Gilbert, Missionary Vice President. President. The topic "Socal Aspects of Foreign Foreign Missions" was prepared by Mrs. Lee and read by Howard Pye. Miss. Mildred Souch also sang.... All roads will lead to Burketon Friday evening. First time you're in town be sure to see Supreme Ranges at Mason & Dale's. This is the week of the big clothing sale for men and boys at Anderson Co. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Haie Always Bought Bears the Signature of William Allin, Hampton. , One bv one the old residents of Darlington Darlington are passing away. This week we record record the death of William Allin, Hampton, Hampton, who was perhaps the oldest _ resident of this township. Though feeble in health for some years, he was only taken worse on Sunday, Nov. 6, and passed away Tuesday Tuesday morning in his 89th year. Decease was born in Holsworthy, Devon, England, in January 1836. In January 1854 he was married to Elizabeth Short and the following following April started for Canada sailing on the "Lady Peel" arriving at Darlington Wharf on May 31. They settled in Hampton Hampton where he conducted a shoemaking shop for a few years having learned his trade in the Old Land. They moved to the farm in 1862 and lived there until 1902 when they came into the house in the village village where his last days were spent, His aged partner passed away on Sept. 24, in her 81st year. Deceased was for many years an official in the Bible Cnristian and later the Methodist church and enjoyed enjoyed taking active part in the services as long as able. He was oldest member of the Canadian Order of Home Circles in Canada. The funeral took place Thursday Thursday from/his late residence, service being conducted by his pastor, Rev. C. W. Barrett, Barrett, and largely attended. The bearers were Messrs John Walters, Courtice, T. Lewis, Scarboro, Frank Lewis, Brooklin, Jos. Mitchell, Claremont, Geo. Allin, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Jos. Hall, Orono. Among the other relatives present were : Mr. John Lewis, Brooklin; Mrs. S. Drinkle, Misses La ra and Viola Short, Oshawa, Mrs. W. Boddy, Toronto, Mrs. W. E. Vanstone, Whitby, Mrs. Samuel Allin, Bowmanville and Mr. John Walters, Courtice. CARD OF THANKS. Week of Big Val Ready=to Garments at W. MASON SON'S ■Wrc?. vi Mr. W. R. Allin and Mrs. F. T. Allin desire to thank all their friends and neighbors neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during during the illness and death of their father. "One of the most influential agricultur- 1 al papers in the Dominion" is the way | others refer to the Weekly Sun of Toronto. Toronto. It is a paper which appeals to the wide-awake farmers. Independent and fearless, it has always guarded the best interests of Canadian agriculture. Aside from that, its accurate and carefully compiled compiled market reports and summaries give j the reader a practical grasp of market conditions. 'You have saved me dollars' is the repeated recommendation of hun drèds of its readers. The Sun is on the j ground, and it is not influenced by any packing houses >or commission merchants. It stands for farmers alone, every day in the year. It is the farmers' friend, you; 1 ought to be a. reader. It was a pleasant surprise to many ladies last week when they came to our store and saw the REAL BARGAINS being offered in this season's garments, and they were quick in taking advantage of them, too. We frankly admit we are not making money out of this sale, as goods advertised are being sold at Cost and below Cost. Under the circumstances we are satisfied to clear the goods al such a sacrifice, and our customers are more than satisfied This list gives only a slight idea of the bargains. You must see the goods to appreciate the values, u Beautiful Fall and Winter Coats High Class Garments, this season's coats, latest styles, up-to-date to the minute, quality and workmanship guaranteed, clearing about half-price and less : Lot 1--12 only assorted sizes, sale price -- $1.98 Lot 2--24 " " 3.75 Lot 3--13 " " " . 5.75 Lot 4--14 " " " 7.50 Lot 5--16 " " " 10.75 Lot 6--15 " " " 13.75 Lot 7--6 " " " 18 75 Waists Are So Pretty It's Hard to Choose Between Them Our Waist Department will be one of the big features of this Clearance Sale. It seems almost ridiculous to sell them at such a sacrifice. You'll think so too when you see them. Some of these waists that were sold at 50c to $1.25 we will clear out at 25c each. White embroidered blouses, reg $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, for 49c. Other bargains equally good in better grade waists. Inh til i.'i Underskirts at Unbelievable Prices You will be attracted by the quality and workmanship of these Underskirts. Underskirts. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity, A great variety of styles and materials clearing at prices that will be convincing. Sateen, Moire, Satin and Silk, black and colored, from... ..-58c up. If Furs! Furs! Furs ! 1 dozen fur stoles and scarfs in Iowa sable, dark coon, and mink marmot; loveiy soft skins all number one quality. Regular up to $9. , your choice for this sale The balance of our stock of furs at off regular price. ,$3.7S Ladies' Suits Big Snap Prices for Stylish Suits "Northway" make- 4 •mly Suits, reg. $13.75 to $15.75, Sale Price .......$ 5.00 I " " up to 23.00, " 7.75 9 " " up to 24.00, " 10.75 9 " " our Choicest Suits, , " 12.75 -x) <1 Y Skirts Marked Bèlow Cost Plain and fancy, plenty to choose from, but don't wait too long aa they are sure to go quickly. They will be a silent salesman and sell themselves. All this seasons's skirts. 15 tailor-made skirts, regular $3.50 to $5.50, your choice for $2.98 Only a few underskirts left at from 58c. up. \ ttig: Clearance of Charming Dresses Cost of these dresses has not been considered in marking them away below regular prices. They must be sold. They will be sold We have only a limited number left, so act quickly. Variety and styles too numerous to particularize, but when you see the dresses you will be astonished and delighted, such as Black Silk Dresses, good quality, Sale Price $7.98 Fine Serge and Colored Silk Dresses... $2.98 to $9 75 / A Shower of Ladies' Raincoats Take* *y our Ichoice of these Raincoats, worth from $5.00 to $12.00, Sale Prices $2.95, 3.95, 6.35, $7.50 Remember these prices are for CASH atid last only till November 30. S. W. Mason & Son Drygoods of Style and Quality Phone 106 Bowmanville, Ont. Xv- 7 '-•X-/ xmmsL -y ■ -21

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