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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1914, p. 2

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rnv** i rri mm*--> a. e. McLaughlin. Ba.r t inter. Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office:--B leakier Block. King Street. Bowatunvllle. Money to loan at reaeoa- sble rates. Aff-lyr-. B.J.Hazlewoode M.D.,O.M BOW MAN VILLE. • 0X$. Q.OLD MEDALIST of Trinity Dr. lyerilty, Toronto! Four ^eani^At^ygdlr^ Physician ana Bui geon at Mt '"'ttsburg ~ He. Pill . OC re and Residence Wellln^.i St- Tfl 1 uiKt, 10f. i GOODMAN & GALBRAITH B&rrlsteie and Solicitors. Notaries Public. A. K.^OGOOMAU, D.42.-CALMAITH 508 Lumsdcn Bldg. Yoqge.81 Adtiaidfosts. Toronto Ontario BANK OF notes AND comments Social and Personal. Incorporait by g4ct of 'ParlUtqeyt Î Capital -- $16,0004100 Rest $16,000,0001 UndLv.Proiits 1,046,217.80 W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Savings Bcnorary^rad.uate of Qatario Veterinary Col-, lege'. Diseases of àU dojiiçstiÇ animals treated 1 ) utterf- known lietnodst Office at his residence, King-st, East Bow- x iranyille. -Phone 193. 30-lyr i j LOSCOMBE è SBNKLER Barristers, 'Solicitors, Notaries -Solicitors, Public. H.R.Loecombe, K.C. B.S.Senkler, B.A. Money to Loin. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowçnanville, Ontario. JHead Oiîicc, Montreal. , J. A. McClellan, Manager, Bowmanville Branch. The arrogance of the map who arises to the minor heroisnt of a co\d ba-th h^s been .complained of bj less 'heroic folk who arise to a tepid ' * - * f ■* _ • 1 ' • r " , .or warm one. To be set apart by the ability to stand the shock of cpichwahar has seemed to less vigor-' ous folk an unsubstantial claim to immortality. It lacks moral sufficiency sufficiency and is ; too much rnaçle .of by the cold bather. Another arrogance arrogance is given consideration by the Rev. Walter Dwight. It is the arrogance arrogance of early risers. Mr. Dwpght denies them heroism and enters into dopbfc as to their intelligence. As ,a rule he finds them a "notably arrogant arrogant set," appearing to believe ,t'hat they move on a "higher, plane." DR. T. C. DBVITT, DENTIST. G iadnalfr of Boval Dental College, Toronto. OÎFICE: Temperance St. Bowmanville, (just otf King St.) C l FICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Thone 90a House Phone 90b TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days c a Celling up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth }l8 to y 20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to «ihoose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of. wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken tr>-dav Why Do You have no doubt, asked yourself this question ! The answer is that the difference is in the QUALITY of work done. Each contractor wid quote on HIS quality, and -as no one is going to do business business at a loss, the only conclusion conclusion is, that a LOW figure means a LOW Quality. You do not notice this difference AT FIRST, for most of the work is concealed. But in a short time faults will appear, and the necessary repairs will more than equal the difference difference between the QUALITY and the LOW-PRICED job. Mv aim is to make known that mv price is always for the HIGHEST QUALITY and BEST WORKMANSHIP. WORKMANSHIP. Large Frame Building For Sale. There is plenty of gond lumber in this building which will be sold at a, bargain. If you want the lot, which is very desirable and centrally located, will also be sold at , a great sacrifice. For Rent Furnished Home, every convenience, convenience, owner leaving town for the winter. Insurance Fire, Life, Personal Accident and Liability. The best in the world. The Insurance and Real Estate Man Phone 50, Bowmanville A POSITION FOR FALL and WINTER We have a sound business proposition for a reliable energetic salesman for this district to sell fruit trees, small fruits, flowering shrubs, etc, Pay weekly, outfit outfit free, exclusive territory. OVER JSOO ACRES of fruit and ornamental stock under cultivation. We sel through our salesmen salesmen direct to the consumer and. guarantee guarantee delivery of fresh, high grade trees. Our agencies are valuable by reason of the service we give and the volume of business done. Estab'ished 85 years. Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. P. S. Handsome catalogue on request, either to applicant or those wishing Nursery stock. 87-22 K. 0. Whyte Electrician. Orders may be left at W. U. Dustan's e eeee eeee En glïahXïi Remedy. vicomtes the whole ^Wood's Phoaphodiae, The Greet Tones and invigorates ! nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility. Mental and Brain JVorry. Despondency. Despondency. Toss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart. Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six •'or S" • ' -One will please, six will cure " Sold by all Imp;;.or mailed in plain pkg. oVr' receipt of ivicc. Xnv pamphlet mailed free.,THE WOOD •1ED1CINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Femcrly Wledttr.) Many women with disfigured complexions n to think that th well as outside. never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansing inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal as wen as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions--as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which -stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach' and bowels and tone the whole /digestive sj-stem. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get .Chamberlain's today--druggists 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 15 # LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines^-Chestnufc, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery Yards and .Office afc Ho)gate's Evaporator, Corner Division and -Queen-efcs., opposite High School. Phone 177. Every normal human being, not given ordinarily to e.arly rising but on occasion tempted or forced into 'ft, has fèlt the strange spiritual 'afflatus, 'afflatus, the moral patting on the back in consequence thereof. The feeling that a good deed has been done for a- naughty world is inexplicable, inexplicable, but supreme. Mr. Dwight is remorseless. The early riser is the least intelligent of mankind. "In the average man of to-day, moreover, early rising is merely a form af atavism. Miles of statistics, gathered by careful investigators, investigators, show that the lower a people is in the scale of civilization the earlier they get up. Europeans, for example, rise later tihan the natives natives of Asia ; the red Indian is up before the yellow Corean ; the Zulu's passion for early rising is renowned, while the depraved Patagonian, Patagonian, travelers report, does not go to bed at all. In the ease also of nations, classes, and individuals, their hour of rising has proved a remarkably accurate index of their culture and refinement. The Bavarian, Bavarian, for instance, gets up later than the Prussian, the Parisian later than the Londoner, the townsman townsman than the villager, the actd'r than, the postman, and Polly has to rise long before Muriel. Indeed, unless it. is practised from high spiritual motives, a chronic addiction addiction to early rising is generally the mark of intellectual barbarism or of industrial servitude. Early risers, risers, therefore, have little reason for boasting." They have little reason, indeed, but any one who may be able to explain explain why a person arising by ordinary ordinary habit at- 7.30 and finding himself himself up by explicable or inexplicable inexplicable circumstance at 4.30 should feel that his spirituality has been enhanced and his worth increased will have an understanding of that little. It may be that the purity of the early morning transplants itself into his consciousness, but if that be so why then should a man arriving arriving at sun up to seek his bed be at the- other end of the spiritual world from the man getting up from his at the same hour? " In early rising there is a smug consciousness of right doing that is not- easily explained. explained. Moral Twisted. The telephone in a physician's office rang madly the other day, and the following conversation, took place : "We want the doctor, quick !" "Who's sick at- your house?" "Everybody except me. I'd been naughty, so they wouldn't give me any of the nice mushrooms papa picked in the woods." Many a man would starve if he had nothing to live on but his reputation reputation . Visitor (to small boy)--"This is delicious jam. Did your mamma make it?" Small Boy-^"She did most, of the work, but I had a finger in it-" «re ander-size, under-weight with pinched faces and poor .blood; they do not complain but aypetite lags, they have no ambition and do not progress. Such children need the rich medicinal nourishment in Scott 1 * Emulsion above everythingelse ; -its pure cod liver oil contains contains nature's own blood-forming, fleshbuilding fleshbuilding fats which quickly show in rosy cheeks, better appetite, firm flesh and sturdy frames. If your children are languid, tirety- when - rising catch cold easily or find' their- studies difficult, give them Scott's ■>Emulsion; it supplies the very food elements elements that their systems lack. Lindsay will organize a Choral Society. Henry T. Yerex, diedjat Little Britain, Nov. 18, aged 88 years. George Morton, ap old iresic^pt ,qf Cavan, died Nov. 19 in>fiis 83rd ye$r. The last session of .|he Cqunties' ,Cqup- cil for the year is being held un Cobourg. A petition is being, circulated with a view to the submissionofJhejQcal.option by-law inTicton at the January elections. Joel Richardson, pqe of the oldest residents residents of Cavan, died Nov. 16, aged 70 years. • ~ -• """ jDr. Robt. Bqrdette, preacher, outlier and. humqrjst, died at Pasadçna, California, California, Nbv.T'gL Mr. Robert Finlay and Miss Rae Kir.k- enda IT h'a ve T r è 1 u rhtd àîtérvisitmg 'relatives 'relatives at Wârkworth. Cobourg primary Chapter of the Daughters of the ^Empite was organized with â membership of about lop." 1 Corns cannot ( xisfc yyhen Halloway's Corii Cure is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kijlp the .growth. - Mr. Ecfward Coulter Syer, Pontypool, has.parsed his fipal examination of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Qntajrio. Mr. J. C. Eaton's Private Car, "Eatonia" was burned Thursday, having caught fire from the new electric motors being installed. installed. Loss.$10,000. Mrs..Jas. Shand and little daughter, Marjorie, and Miss Bella Shand, Colborrie, returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Smalè, Bowmanville. No child should be allowed to suffer an hour from worms when prompt relief can be got- in a simple but strong remedy --Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Heal, Peterboro, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. F. Kir ken- dall,.Bowmanville, motored from Peter- boro, and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen, Warkwcrth. Worms, however generated, are found in the digestive tracts, wliére they set up disturbances detrimental to the health of the child. There can be no comfort for the little ones uut-il the hurtful .intruders have been expelled. No better preparation-for this purpose can be had than Miller's Wo m Powders. They w.ill immediately destroy the worms and correct the conditions that were favorab e to their existence. C. F. Dulmidge, one of the best known breeders of white Plymouth Rock chickens chickens in Canada, died Monday in London after a long illness. He was 44 years of age and-was born in Brighton. Lindsay Warder says at the Eastern Ontario District Dairy meeting held in that town "that while the members of South Victoria Farmers' Institute were expecte_d to attend, only the President put in an appearance. Dragged Down* by Asthma. The man or w< man who is continually subject subject to asthma is unfitted for his or her life's work. Streugth departs and eftergy is taken away until life becomes a dreary existence. And yet it is needless. needless. Dr. J. D. Kellogg s Asthma Rem- dy has brought a great change to army of sufferers. It relieves the res'rioted air tubes and guards against future trouble. Try it. Ontario Legislative will m;et early in January. It is altogether likely that further further changes in the Cabinet will take place, and Mr. T. W. McGarrÿ, M.P.P., of Renfrew, will in all" probability be the new Minister of Crown Lands. Mothers Value This Oil. -- Mothers who know how suddenly croup may seize their children àud how necessary prompt action is in applying relief, always keep at hand a supply of Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil, because experience experience has taught them that there is no better preparation to be had for the treatment of this ailment. And they are wise, for its various uses render it a aluable medicine. Post Office Department has again consented consented to the use of Christmrs seals in aid of charitable institutions, but only as stickers on the backs of letters. They must not resemble postage stamps or bear numerals or indications of value. Comfort for the Dyspeptic.--There is no ailment so harassing and exhausting exhausting as dyspepsia, which arises from defective defective action of th ) stomach and liver, and the victim is to be pitied. Yet he can find ready relief in Purmelee's Vegetable Pills, a preparation that has established itself by years of effective user There are pills that are widely advertised advertised as the greatest ever compounded, compounded, but not one of them can rank in value with Parmelee's, Dr. H. Alger, formerly of Colborn;, who is spending the winter with his daughter, daughter, Mrs. T. B. Lapp, Cobourg, was hale and hearty -Thursday, Nov. 12, his 88th birthday.-- Cdbout g-Sentine 1 Star. Mrs. Orm Insley, Colborne, was seriously seriously burned about the chest and waist recently, recently, through some camphor which she was using as a liniment igniting from the fire in thé stove, near which she was standing at the time, and setting fire to clothing. The funeral of George Hollinger, the Cherrywood farmer, who was foqnd dead in a well weighted down with a -boulder, was held from the Presbyterian Church, near Dunbarton. The service was attended attended by more than 100 neighbors. Campbellford Herald celebrated its forty-first birthday Nov. 9th, having been established in 1873, by Mr. J. T. Vosper, who.published it until a few years ago. Mr. G. A. Kingston is the present editor and proprietor. The Herald has always been a well gotten up newspaper and a credjt to the community it serves. Mr. Charles Massie, "Glenvale" Port Hope, attended Lhe Poultry Show at Hàinilton and carrièd off a long list of prizes. There were 57 entries in the Blue Orpington Class, many imported from United States and England and three thousand birds at the Show. Members of Port Hope town council hemmed and hawed so much that _ Major Bush got disgusted and paid out his personal personal funds' for the premiums on insurance of the volunteers who left that tpwn for the front. The amount was $247.21, and now he will not accept reimbursement. Dr, R. H., Bonnycastle, Campbellford, brother of Dr, G. C. Bonnvcastle, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, who; has received the appointment appointment of provisional lieutenant in the Army Mediçal Corps, expects to go to Kingston to take a training course pre man, Millbrook, was driven over the On- tario-st Railway bridge, Port Hope, with the result that it went down between the ties^ After half an hours hard work the final was ^eipoved and was found to be ly cut jyid oruised about the limbs and ^several {eeth broken. ARE Tip REOPX.E DOERS ? B THE The latent repqrt of the ^Inspector pf prisons shows an alarming increase in the number of persons committed to the com- jnpP jaiis.^ee that.while the increase in the number of men committed committed [s greater than that of women yet there is a decided increase in the number of women committed to'jail. Judges and Magistrates tell us .that at least three fourths .of .these committals were due to drink. Some judges place the number as high as ninety per cent. When the bar-rooms are closed crime almost almost stops. In San Francisco, at the time of the earthquake, when the barrooms barrooms were closed for nearly three months there yvqs not a murder, but in a mgnth after they were opened ,thçre ^vere .eighteen .eighteen njurders. When a.very large nuqlber of bar-rrqoms were closefl jn Londdp t fl u r- ing the dock-laborer's strike thie'same reduction reduction in crime occurred. Why cannot we have prqhibition in ■Ontario ? The people have vqted in favor favor of it on two occasions by over-whelming over-whelming majorities. Both political parties parade finder the temperance banner and declare their intention to do all in their power to lesson this great evil yet it goes on increasing. We talk about Government by the people but in fact we are governed by the whiskey interest. The parties are so jealous of one another that they dare not oppose the business that they all know is the greatest enemy of the country. Before Before prohibition we want the initiative whereby .we can demand a law on its being being approved by a majority of the people. Not till then will we have real government government by the people. Hz Arnott, M.B., MiC.P.S. ' • * 1 Established 1873 X @F @AMA@A ING a bank account for -household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages, ft shows the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does nqt jequiçe a large deport Jo begin with. •»a TORONTO BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Y Branches also at Blachstock (D. P. MacFarlane. Manager), Newcastle. Orono» 7 Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin and Newtonrille. "When you proposed to me you said you were not worthy of me."' "Weil, what of that?" "Nothing ; only I will say for you that, whatever whatever else you .were, you were no liar." .Germany is now drunk with blood, but in the future is it not destined to see the travail of its soul and ready to give birth to new ideas in art and music, science and philosophy ?--Rev. Dr. Jowett. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is.only one way to cure deafuess, and that is by constitutional remedied. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition condition on the mucous lining of the Eustachian Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflame inflame 1 you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, auc) when it is entirely entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the iuflamation can bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, condition, hearing will be destroyed forever forever , nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, : which is nothing but an inflamed inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give give One Hundred Dollars Dollars for any case of Deafness ( Catarrh);that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars, free. F, J. Cheney & Go., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. rr ake Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. Constipation. Géorgie and the Umbrella. "George," said a mother to her little four-year-old, "you must take this umbrella to school with you, or you will be wet -- it* is raining hard." "I want the little one," he said, meaning a sunshade. "No, my dear, that is for dry weather ; you must take this and go to school like a good boy." Georgie did as he was bidden ,and. got to school comfortably. After school it had stopped raining and , Georgie trudged home with the remnants of the umbrella under his arm. • "Oh ! Georgie, what have you been doing with my umbrella ?" said his mother, mother, when she saw the state it was in. "You should have let"me have the little one ; it took four of us to pull it through the school door." Got Him Both Ways. Diner--You charge me more for this steak than you used to. Restaurant Manager--I have tv pay more for it. The price of meat has gone up. D--And the steak is smalle r than it used to be. R. M.--That, of course, is u.i ac- j count of the scarcity of beef. ! 1 «soins , Scott's'Emulsion contains no harmful ; paratory to taking the examination re- drugs and is so good for growing children auired for ali eu tenancy. it's a pity to keep it from them. j Wednesday evening Nov. 18, a roan _ . . 1 mare, tlie property of A. Larmer* Livery- 44^7 Scott & Bowse. Toronto. Ontario. IJ Illustrating the soldiers of the allied armies, British Bulldog, Union Jack, etc, Ten : different designs to stir the heart of every patriot. And one toothsome?) goodness . that reaches home to every taste. At your grocer's every biscuit guaranteed. guaranteed. 29 D. S. Perrin & Cpnipepy, Lieoited 'jLçndon - Canada ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS I To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre Take the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy the Ocean Voyage. These fine modern steamers are equipped with every convenience and luxury conducive conducive to comfort and pleasure while travelling.^ A delightful journey from the commencement of the. trip to the last hour on board. 1 For rates, s.-iiliiv; dates and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN UNE. 95 King St* West, Toronto. A / J À >1 ES , Stcamsfi ip Agent, Bowmanville. TF Best Grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Chop, Bran, Shorts, Corn, etc., êtc. Horn, Phone 129 r 6. HAMPTON. 0C Who's You r tirocor ? We're Bidding for Your Trade HAVE YOU TRIED marketing here ? Call and let us fill your next order. If you want clean, fresh groceries of the best quality at lowest prices we have them -- choice groceries, fresh fruits, appetizing cooked and smoked meats, high grade teas, pure confectionery, all leading brands of breakfast foods, and best canned goods on market. Your order will he filled promptly and satisfactorily satisfactorily if left with HARRY ALLIN 0ppos d' e „™ y ; n a P r Club Central for Independent Phone. Bowmanville Bell Phone 186 3CZZ3C >v Pÿi Keeping Up the Quality of Meat i QO MANY of our customers comment on the v meat we ALWAYS have and wonder bow we good quality of are able to do this week after week. The reason is that we personally select all our live stock and make it a rule to buy only you tig stock -- nothing nothing over three years. Another thing; we only buy from the best feeders. For instance, for our Fall delivery we have bought some exceptionally choice young steers and heifers as follows : six from Thos. Moffatt, Clarke; seven" from Thus. Coat ham, Clarke; two from Edward Rutledge, Salem. For Christmas trade we have bought two prue-winning steers from Thos. Baker, Solina, and four from Milton Wight, Providence. We always have the best in pork, veal, lamb, home-made sausages. eve xv d 1 tant and Highest cash prices paid for choice dry-picked poultry v C. M. Cawker & Son PURVEYORS Victoria Building, Bowmanville I

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