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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1914, p. 5

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X" - r ; "" X"' •" -- .:- -"j^X •:."--:^l '-^.V X / - ^ .'XX.' "XvV • X-x _ -Ç^>-- T--'^ XXV-.-'X;' 'XXi- '"-' ■"•• • : :• -X :' ' . V . ' ••;'• '" '■ 'X--; : X* •'•»- - • Vx: '. ., - -"' .1 ~ • ; ' V " X > --• X ^ A , „•-: ., > V,-*' " " 1 ■A BOWMAJN VILLE, NOV. 26, 1914 J>4 v r - SPECIAL IN FANCY BISCUITS Friday & Saturday TT WILL just make your mouth water to see the fime display of Weston's Taney Taney Biscuits just received fresh from the factory for special selling this Friday and Saturday. These high quality biscuits regularly sell at 18c lb., but on above days you get 2 lb. for 25c. Good assortment-- Assorted Jams, Jelly Lunch, Nelson Tarts, *■ Tea Cakes, Honey Marshmallow. Oysters Now. the cold weather is here we receive fresh Oysters Oysters almost daily. Apple Butter Something new to take the place of butter--2 lb. tin 18c, or 2 tins for 35c. Come in and try it. Fruits and Peels for Xmas cakes just received. RD SNOWDEN Next door East of L. Morris & Son's Bôwmànville - Ont. Canadian Made Goods Plus Canadian Service It has always been our idea, in fact a law with us, to serve our customers with the best goods at the most reasonable prices Consistent with this, we have always advocated the patronizing of home trade and home industry, not only to keep our own workmen busy, but also because we sincerely believe believe that no better goods are made than those made in Canada. We all live through co-operation and he who makes his money here and spends it here profits himself, as well as others. We give you guaranteed goods that give service and satisfaction You have a good variety from which to make your selection, courteous service and prompt delivery Jury <& Lovell When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly I! ! Ijj !! ililll A RARE COMBINATION HIGH IN QUALITY--LOW IN PRICE You do credit both to your good taste and to your good sense in buying Reliance Plate. This beautiful, low-nriced plated ware w bea itiful and exclusive designs. See our Special Window Duplay of Taoleware. Q |J HaddV You*ill get some good Xmas idea from it. ~ nauuj Mr. Ernest Patterson, Toronto, was in Friday. Oshawa Flower Mission celebrated its 25th anniversary. * * Miss Mary Long, Orono, is „ attending business College at Ottawa. •Rev. Canon D. F. Bogert died at Belleville, Belleville, Nov. 19, in his 74th year. Mrs. E. Willmott is visiting hef daughter, daughter, Mrs. Ç. Warder, Rochester, N.Y. James Bissell, a pioneer dairvman of Belleville, died Nov. 20, aged 80 years. S. O. E. annual meeting Tuesday Dec. 1. Election of officers and other business. The fruit evaporator of Mr. C. J. Thornton, M.P., Orono, is being re-built. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Oke, Todmorden, recently recently visited her sister, Mrs. A. J. Cour- tice. Mrs. W. Fishleigh is visiting her brother, brother, Rev. Chas. B. Jeffery, Vroomanton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott, Brooklin, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Lyle. Miss Epplett, Brantford, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Banbury and other relatives relatives in town. Mrs. Geo. Brown, Crystal City, Man., is visiting h r brother-in-law, Mr. Charles L. Brown and other friends here. A full line of Nyal's Family remedies always in stock. Jury & Lovell. tf It will pay you to take advantage of bargains being offered by local merchants. Are you one of the 385 persons in Bowmanville Bowmanville who do not carry life insurance ? If so, see. Harry Cann before Dec. 1st. Orono Presbyterian Church Anniversary Anniversary Nov. 29 and 30. Sunday Rey. Geo. Yule, Oshawa, will preach. Monday evening evening Dr. J. L. Hughes, Toronto, will lecture lecture on "British Freedom vs, Kaiserism." Mr. Jack Meath, Toronto, is visiting his brother Mr. C. W. Meath. Jack is a member member of the 48th Highlanders and was doing doing sentry duty at the Barracks Friday night when the Austrian prisoners made a fight for liberty. His Honor Judge Huvcke was in Bow- manville Saturday sitting on a board of Arbitrators which dealt with a realty transaction between a farmer living near Oshawa named Brooks and the C. P. R.-- Peterboro Examiner. "••••••eeee H'jj Fines of $40 was imposed on some Peterboro milkmen for supplying cheese factories with deteriorated milk. Mayor E. S. Edmondson, Oshawa, has purchased The Tusco Private Hotel at 235 Jarvis-st, Toronto, for about $60,000. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grant, Toronto, ! spent the week-end with Mr. T. C. Jewell | who is recovering nicely from typhoid fever. TRev. W. C. Washington who has been spending the summer on his ranch at Josephine, Sask., returned home Friday evening. Mrs. Ella McMullen, Oshawa, has been committed for trial charged with theft of $105 from her mother, Mrs. Emily, Cheseboro. Prof. John Squair of Toronto University University will give an illustrated lecture in Peterboro Dec. 4, subject "In the Trail of the Destroyer." . Oshawa Fruit Growers' Association sent 250 bags of produce for the poor families of Toronto. They expect to send another 250 bags. International Live Stocky Exposition billed at Chicago for Nov. 28 to Dec. 5» has been cancelled owing to the ,dreaded foot and mouth disease. Port Hope Hospital Officers are : President--E. President-- E. M. Thurber; Vice-President-- Mrs. Edgar; Treasurer--Charles Mann; Secretary--Judge Ward. People of this town and district have great chances thru enterprise of Bowman- ville merchants to secure clothing at great reductions. See advt. Miss Mabel Borland has returned from Keithley Creek, B.C., where she has been spending the summer and is visiting Miss Florence Hoar and other friends. Mr. Wiiton Elliott, London, was at Guelph last week attending the Boys' W ork Convention as one of the delegates from the First Methodist Sunday School in that city. Mr. Andrew Nicholls, son of Mr. A. L» Nicholls of this town, is a member of the iqth Regiment of St. Catharines and is doing duty as guard with his Company at Niagara Falls Power Plant. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are selling selling off all Ladies' Cloth Coats and Skirls at from to V, below regular prices. Mrs. (Rev.) T. Watson, Ridgetown, passed away Nov. 22. Her husband Rev. T. Watson whose poems have so often appeared in these columns, was pastor of Col borne Baptist Church for 12 years before before moving West. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder, Mir. and Mrs. C. E. Rehder, Mrs. T. Tod, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, Mrs. L. A. Tole and Mrs. F. J. Manning attended the "Temple of Fame" entertainment in Sinicoe-st. Methodist Methodist Church, Oshawa, Tuesday evening and were pleased with the presentation. Help the Canadian Patriotic Fund and support Canadian Industry by buying Rexall Goods. Five per cent of all Rexall Products bought by the 400 Rexall Stores of Canada from October 15th to December December 31st, goes to the Relief Fund of the Canadian Patriotic Organization. Ask Jury & Lovell for lists of Rexall Goods. Another Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 5AST O R 1 A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S DASTO R 1 A Notices of Births 25 cents; Marriages 50 cents ; Deaths, 50 cents, each insertion. When funeral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Wilson--In Oshawa, Nov. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson, a daughter. Sheridan--In Oshawa, Nov. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank'Sheridan, a son. WÈRRY --At Swain Farm, Enniskillen, Nov. 23, to Mr. and Mrs, .James A. Werrv, a daughter, Kinsman--At Waukon, Iowa, Nov. 16. to Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Kinsman, (nee Hephzidah Allnru) a son--George Dana. MARRIAGES Farrow--MpiSE--In Port Hope, Nov. ilth, by Rev. A. U. Going, Victor R. Farrow, Osacà, and Leona Mae Moise, Port Hope. •Adams--Courtjck--At Methodist Parsonage/ Cavan, Nov. 18. h, by Rev. J. R. butler of Cavan circuit, Thos. W. Adams, and Mary A. Oourtice, both Of Darlington township. • Campbell--Quinney--In Darlington, Oct. 21, by Rev. R. A. Whattam, Orono, James Alexander Campbell, and Rhoda Florence, daughter of Mrs. Harry Quinney, Darlington. DarCH--WHlTTAkSft--At the Methodist Parsonage. Parsonage. Newtonrille, Nov. 18th, by Rev. R. L. Edwards, Mr. Fred Darch, Toronto, and Miss Vera, daughter of Mr. Wm. Whittaker, Newton- ville. - It is estimated there are 297 houses in Bowmanville which are uninsured. If parties owning these houses will call and see Harry Cann, Insurance Agent before Dec. 1st, they will receive some valuable information. The many friends of Mr. Jno. Runnalls, Port Hope, will be pleased to learn that he is resting quite comfortably to-day, (Monday),. Dr. Bruce,- Toronto, and Dp. Forrest and White performed a partial operation Sunday morning.--Guide. Bowmanville Woman's Institute will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. J. T. Hooper, Centre-st, Friday, Nov. 57. Report of Provincial Institute Convention Convention will be given. Contest in Bakipg Powder biscuits will be held. All ladies cordially invited. There will be "something "something doing" so be there. DEATHS Falls--At Port Hope, of typhoid fever, Nov. 20th, William S. Falls, Osaca, aged 46 > ears. Lore--In Montreal, Noy. 13, Elizabeth Barker, beloved wife of Louis Luke, in her 79th year. Wright--In Clarke. Nov. 14th, Amelia Ann Cartwright, relict of late Alfred Wright, aged 61 years. Campbell--At 28 Close Ave., Toronto, Nov. 18, Rev. Thos. Campbell; in his 76th year. Interred at Thornhill. "Lest We Forget* E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in • Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario, !>- , You'll have to hurry if you're going to use Certain-teed on that roof. Mason 8c Dale. The ladies think they are the chief knitters for the British army just now, but they are mistaken? The Kaiser is. the chief knitter. He is knitting the British Empire together.--Moncton Transcript. Kherson's LIGHTNING HITCH HOCKEY BOOTS 1.50 to 3.50 GET 'EM AT FOLEY'S. Don't delay any longer. Buy a Supreme Range to-day. Mason & Dale. Couch, Johnston 8c Cryderman call special attention to their fine stock of black and-colored silks, all bought before the advance in these goods bv the declaration declaration of war. Mrs. Clara Wylie, Oshawa, was fined $10 and costs for selling cigarettes to a boy and the magistrate declared a fine of $Ç0 on all future offenders. You do the boys a kindness, Squire Crysdale, in thus protecting them against their folly. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mr. Harold Elliott, son of Mr. John C. Elliott. Concession-st., formerly of the Bank of Montreal staff in this town, has been transferred from the Welland to London, to fill the vacancy made by Mr. Elmo Staples, another Bowmanville boy, who was transferred from London to Toronto some months ago. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Moat Complete Ec Sunday and night ' calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches: , ORONO HAMPTON TO BUY WARM WINTER CLOTHING CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS AT Cost and Less than Cost O WING- to the unexpected rush of people at our Sacrifice Sale, and our inability to wait on them properly, many of our best customers went away without being served; We have therefore decided to Extend Time of Sale to December 5th in order that no one may be disappointed. disappointed. This is only a partial list of snaps being offered. The store is full of bargains and everything everything is marked in plain figures. We have no old goods we want to work off. It makes no difference to us what goods are sold, we must have the money. Our sales have always been successful because because we have done exactly as we have advertised and have always given our customers satisfaction. 50 splendid tweed suits in greys, browns and . mixtures, well lined and trimmed, extra value for $10, now .7-65 40 men's and young men's suits, fancy and plain wojrsteds, the best value in Canada for $18, sacrificed at .................................. 13.9 5 Great Sacrifices in Men's Suits 30 suits, good strong tweed suits reg 7.50 and 6.50 quality for .4-85 76 men's and young men's suits, in pure wool British Serges and Worsteds, Scotch and Irish Tweeds in very choice colorings, over a dozen models to select from ; blues, greys, browns, handsome checks and overchecks, fancys and plains, reg up to $15, sacrificed at... 11 -95 49 choice 12.50 and 13.50 suite," browns, greys, blues, tweeds and worsteds, suits with the full vigor of youth in the wear, sacrificed at 8.95 $20 and $25 suits, bench-tailored bench-tailored and hand-tailored, with a year's "shape-retaining guarantee, 1 suits that take you away from the! old préjudice of the big tailors prices, sacrificed at 15»90 A Bunch of Snaps Snap No. 1 Snap No. 2 Snap No. 3 35 Youths' Long Pants.Suits, splendid splendid tweeds, mostly, greys, regular sizes 33, 34, 35, regular $12.00 and 10.00, sacrificed for $2-95- 25 Men's Spring and Fall Over- 50 Boys' Tweed Suits, reg. $4.00 coats, regular $12.00 and 10.00, sac- and $3.50, sizes 22 to 30, for... 51.95 rificed for - $3.95 FURNITURE REPAIRING Here is a bit of testimony that sounds good to us as no doubt it will to many others. It appears in The Wingfoot Clan of Nov. 21 and is from Mr. M. H. Parsons, one of the District managers. I have never regretted for a moment that I connected connected myself with the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, and I have never yet seen a case in my four and a half years experience in the Goodyear where a man did the right thing and worked, that our management would not take care of him. All cases that have proven to be failures, I believe, have been entirely due to one of these things; either the man did not work, or he was not fair and square with the Company." Thousands of people in every part of Canada are helping the Rexall Stores raise a fund for the Canadian Patriotic Relief Work. They are doing it simply by buying Rexall Toilet Goods, Rexall Remedies and Rexall Merchandise from October 15th to December 31st. Five per cent of the total purchases of these goods by the 400 Rexall Stores in Canada is being contributed by them to the Canadian Canadian Periotic Fund. Buying Rexall Goods also means helping to keep Canadian Canadian employees busy. Jury & Lovell, The Rexall Store. Just a few more rolls of Certain-teed Roofing and the season is over. Mason & Dale. All Men's Suits and Overcoats selling at reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. You are personally invited to a Musical Demonstration led by Captain Weeks, of Toronto, in the Salvation Army Hall on Nov 28 at 8 p.m. Come and enjoy the treat. Tickets, ioc. In the hall Sunday Nov 29 at 11 a.m. Morning Holiness meeting; in Opera House at 3 P-m. Musi- cai Festival; and at 7-30 P-m. a great Salvation Salvation meeting. Silver collection. Good music and singing. Come and enjoy yourself. Don't forget the dates. How often one says "If that chair etc., was fixed it would be as good as new." I can repair it for you and it would not cost much. Drop me a card" and I will call. H. B; Creeper, box 306 Bowmanville. 3w s D RESSMAKTNG AND PLAIN SEWING Wanted at home by Mrs. A. Lowe, 67 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 47 3* F OR SALE--14 young pigs And one year-old colt. Apply to H. S. Barrie, Hampton. 48-2 Snap No. 4 Snap No. 5 Snap No. 6 20 doz. Men's Negligee Shirts, separate separate collar, soft cuffs, regular $1.50, sacrific°d at 69c 5 doz. Boys' Wool Coat Sweaters, Boys' Paramatta Raincoats, size* with or without collars, reg. $1.50, 2 26 to 32, guaranteed absolutely water- $1.25, sizes 24 to 32, all colors, sac- proof, regular, $5.00, sacrificed for rificed for 69c $2-95 We are heaviest in Overcoats. This is where we will make the Greatest Sacrifices IGS FOR SLE--20 good pigs, 8 ville." good pigs, 8 weeks old. to R. Bongard, Raby Head, Bowman- Phone 176-r 5. 48- w s n H OUSE TO RENT--Whole or part of a furnished furnished house, electric lighted, convenient location. location. Apply to Drawer R, Bowmanville.45t 30 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, browns, greys, mixtures. Soft, warm, comfortable cloths, with the full vigor of youth in wear, 8.00 and 9.00 Coats for 5.50 50 Solid Wear Minute Coats that to sell at 10.00 and early , Up-to-fche- were tailored 12.50. Come 7.85 50 Overcoats; greys, oxfords, blues, browns and in Chinchillas, Friezes, Whitneys, - young men's. and men's. The best 12.50 to 14.50 values in Canada for 9-95 P IGS FOR SALE--Bunch of feeding pigs, also two sows in pig, Tamworth and Yorkshire. E. Jennings, ' Maple Grove, Bowmanville, P. O. *7 3* 25 Men's and Young Men's 20.00 and 22.50 Coats, all high-class tailoring, nifty short-fitted coats and Balma- caans for the particular young men, heavy driving and auto Ulsters, Raglans, Chesterfields, a magnificent array of quality and styles 14-55 100 Swagger Young Men's and Men's Overcoats in Whitneys, Friezes, Chinchillas and Brushs, handsome 15.00 to 18.50 coats; Connaught, Tipperary, Raglans, Raglans, Ulsters, etc 12 85 R ABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-As good as new. Will be sold cheap. Address: Drawer B, Bowmanville. or inquire, at Statesman Office. *6t W OOD-SAWING CONTRACTS WANTED-- gasoline outfit. Terms 80c per hour. No contract less thin $5. E. Jennings, Maple Grove, Bowmanville. *8 3* M UFF LOST--On the road tiorth of Enniskillen Enniskillen about end of October a mink marmot muff. Finder please leave at F. W. Lee's store, Enniskillen, and oblige. 47tf F OR SALE--Square Piano, Souvenir Range, bedroom furniture and other articles for. private sale. Apply at once to Mrs. R. W. James, corner Wellington and Centre-sts, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. ,*7tf H OUSE TO RENT--Brick'house on corner of King and George-sts. Bowmanville, formerly formerly occupied by John Foster ; 12 rooms, stable for two horses and drive shed. Will rent whole or half house. Possession Dec. 1. Apply Wm. Tordiff, Enniskillen. 47tf S E ALED TENDERS--Will be received up to Dec. 1st, 1914, for the sale of 60 acres of land being lot 9, con. 6,. Darlington,. suitable for pasture land. Lowest or any tender not necessarily necessarily accepted. Address, Wesley N. Hoskin, Bowmanville, Phone 146-rl2, or" J. W. Hoskin, R.B.; 2, Oshawa ? *6 3 COWS WANTED By the Victoria Industrial School A number of milk cows. Must be young and good weight. Holsteins preferred. Address, C. Fermer, Superintendent, Mimico, Ont. *6tf Men's Fine Shirts Men's Overcoats Underwear 25 doz soft front shirts, stiff cuffs, reg. 1.25 and $1, 22 Men's Overcoats, tweed with , wool >. cotum and wool, flee.*. „, . velvet collara reg . $20 and $18, now hned, two-piece or combmat.on : tor - 790 sacrificed for...... 5.95 Reg. 50c va ues or 39e " 75c " " 65o 1.00 " " 85o it Gloves and Men's Coat Sweaters 1.25 «c 9 5 c 1.50 ti 1.20 Fine gloves, work gloves, lined or unlined : Reg 50c for 39c Coat Sweaters, reg $1.50 for. ' 75c " 65c " " " 2.00 " . $1 « ,v. 79c " " " 3.00 " . 1 25 " ..95c " " - " 4.00 " . 1*50 " 1.20 " " " 5.00 " . Caps <6 it it ti 79c With fur or knit bands-- 1.25 Reg. 50c for ................390 2.25 " 75c for 65c 3.25 " $1.00^ for.. 79c 3.95 $1.25 for... ......95c Everything in store is reduced. Dozens of articles not mentioned here are marked down. The Anderson Phone 61 Clothing Company, Bowmanville X X X

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