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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1914, p. 8

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§É fe- K' ► ~ y ' ► " k t ; ► ► ► ► ■ ► ► ► h f ► - y ► >- ► i > > ► i > ► ► ► ► y ► ► r ► Others Praise Them We Don't Need To ■ D ■ D Dear Sir : We are delighted with the. new Royal Souvenir. Steel Range. We find it an excellent Baker and Heater and no trouble to. operate. It burns much less fuel than any stove we have ever had and we are much pleased with our selection. Yours truly, R. H. Hamley. ■ CONCERT AT BETHBSDA. the Bethes^ other On Friday evening Nov. 27 da choir, assisted by talent from appointments on Tyrone Circuit, will give an interesting concert. At the élose refreshments refreshments will be served to all who avail themselves of this social occasion. Admission 25c. Let us show you tiie Royal Souvenir before placing your order. rice & co., Opp. Post Office Sole Agents :ec TTÈONB . NOTES. Our school is practising for the Christmas Christmas entertainment. Watch for the date ... Miss Rose and Mrs. Clarence Mount- joy, Nestleton, visited at Mrs. Phare's Mr. and.Mrs. George Scott, Oshawa, visited visited Mr. L. Skinner's.. ..Mrs. Jos. Wight, Providence, recently visited her father, Mr. James Collacutt.... Mrs.. Raymond Davey and Mrs. Jos. Hawkey attended the annual convention of the Ontario Women's Institute in Toronto.Don't forget the annual Epworth League concert concert to be held in the Methodist Church Friday Dec. 1 Ith; music by Tyrone Male Quartette; Xmas cantata by the children; a drama "The Minister's Bride" by the young people. Let us explain to you how your fuel bill is lessened by using a Supreme Range. Mason & Dale. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. White, nee Gertrude Gertrude Brown Robbins, reached Darlmg- üford by the noon train Saturday and were quickly corivovèd by auto to their home south of town where.they were welcomed by about thirty of their old neighb ^rs and friends. The ladies had prepared a bountiful bountiful repast and soon all were enjoying the dainty viands provided. The afternoon afternoon was spent in social intercourse interspersed interspersed with music and song. Mrs,^White, who had previously lived in our midst as Mrs. Robbins, was welcomed back in true western style by the ladies of her former acquaintance. The party broke up in the evening by singing the national anthem and never was it sung more loyally than on this occasion.--Morden Man. Times. Have You Tried the New Home-Made Bakery ? 1 A FTER one month's trial the popular verdict of our customers is '-That Christie's Home- Made Bread is just as good 'as the best." It is pure; wholesome; and delicious--a bread that is healthful anti appetizing. It is the bread that puts relish into your meals. Don't take my word •for it. Try a loaf and be convinced Have the wagon call to-day. Alex. Christie .) The Home-Made Bakery Church St. Bowmanville Watch par It Wait par It :3 HAMPTON NEWS. Miss Skinner, Tyrone, is guest of Mrs. R. Avery Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wray, Oshawa, were recent visitors Miss Nellie Hillier, Mount Yerrion, was with friends Sunday Mr. Fred Jones and family will move to the old Cornish house lot 15, con. 6, in the near future.... Pastor Barrett gave a spirited address to a large congregation Sunday night on the war. '. Miss Mildred Cole, Pontypool, was home over Sunday.... Mr. W. R. Allin expects to be home again this week Mr. and Mrs C. N. Ruse were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Stonhouse Sunday.... Mr. Lome Robbins, Leskard, spent Sunday Sunday with friends here....Miss Pearl Gibson, Gibson, Toronto, has been spending a few days with friends... .The W. M. S.- held their monthly meeting at the parsonage on Friday with a good aitendance. It was decided to torm a missionary reading circle and extracts from The Child in the Midst was read by Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Salter, Salter, Mrs. Warder, Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Brown. A kind invitation from Tyrone Auxiliary to visit them on Dec. 1st was accepted. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Hastings. When buying a range why not best--a Supreme Range--sold bv & Dale. get the Mason •OLINA DOING» P TTAVING decided to clear out my en- tire stock ot Crockery, China and Glassware by the end of the year, I am marking everything in this department at prices that should make them move rapidly. This will help you solve the holiday problem. This will save you dollars, so don't buy until you have seen our stock and prices Full particulars NEXT WEEK. Groceries We have also values in our Grocery Department. We will help you in' this department also you know our reputation reputation --everything bona fide, everything as advertised. Even if there is a great war on we will have the choicest-- Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts, Fruits, etc. Help us and we will help you to have a joyous Christmas. Make this sale a success and you will help yourself. ORANGES--Get some of our sweet, juicy Oranges, from.. 15c doz. up. Farmers' Club meets Thursday Dec. 3, when Mr. J. T. Morrison, Toronto, W. L. Smith, Orono, and others will be present .... Messrs J. G. Langmaid and J. W. Brooks have gone north on a hare hunt ... .Mrs. I. M. Law gave a party Friday night in honor of Mr. Fairweather, our genial station-agent at Solina station, it being his birthday Mr. R. J. McKes- sock is getting material ready forjrenovat- ing his outbuildings next season.... Mr. H. E. Tink is moving his fam ly and belonging belonging to the Souch farm north of the village. We will miss them /from this locality... .Mr. Walter Rickard, Newcastle, Newcastle, Rev. J. G. Miller, St. Mary's, Rev. C. W. Barrett, Hampton and others will assist assist on the program at the Spns of Temperance Temperance meeting at Solina Friday night ... .Mr. J. G. Langmaid has xjrawn the gravel with which to build a cerhent silo next summer Visitors: Mrs. W. C. Werry at Maple Grove; Miss Emily Pearn, Fenelon Falls, at Mr. W. Werry's; Mr. Cook and Miss Edith Ashton, Columbus, Columbus, with friends; Messrs Geo., James, and Geo. Bray, Bowmanville, at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Mrs. W. H. Nichols, Mr. Herb and Miss Nichols, "Courtice, at Mr. John Reynolds; Mr. W. A. Martin, ' Hastings Co., east of Belleville, at Coun. Baker's. Have you seen Mason & Dale about that new Supreme Range ? Men, get your winter supply of clothing at Anderson's while the big sale is on. HAYDON NEW». Mi. and Mrs. Richard MeNeil, Tyrone, spent Sunday at Mrs. R. Moore's ... Miss Elsie Rundle, Miss Grace and Mr.^ Joun Slemon, Enniskillen, visited his son, Mr. Theo Slemon, recently. . .Mr. and Mrs. W. Challis, Salem, were Sunday guests of Mr. Theron Mount joy's Mrs. Wm. Griffin, Enniskillen, visited Mrs. Thos. Ashton Sunday... Mrs. F. Mark and son, Mr. R. Hoskin, pleasantly entertained a number of friends on Wednesday Nov. ti . .Last Wednesday evening the neighbors neighbors and friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hooey where a good time was enjoyed. This is the week of the big clothing sale for men and boys at Anderson Co. AUCTION 8ALB8. Tuesday, Dec. i--Auction sale of livestock livestock at Solina Station, C.N.R. Mr. D. Bishop will sell at the above station stock yards: 7 year old gelding, draft colt, brood "mare, and 4 year old driver; also about : 5 pure bred and high class grade cattle, including pure bred Jerseys, pure bred male Holstein calves, etc; pure bred Cotswold ewe lambs and other sheep, 10 shoates, poultry, and various implements. Further entries solicited by S. G. Carnell, Solina Station. Sale at I o'clock prompt." Usual terms. WOOD SALES Tuesday, Dec.--W. Ri Hill, lot 9, con. 9, Darlington, will sell by auction 10 acres of mixed timber in % acre lots.. Parties will have to April 1st, içiô^X remove timber. Sale at I p. m. See bills. L. A. W.Tole, auctioneer. \ Friday, Dec 4--Mrs. Wm. Jeffery will sell by auction lot 19, con. 7, Darlington, 10 acres of standing mixed timber in % acre lots. Parties to have to April I, 1916, to remove timber. Sale at I p m. See bills. L A. W. Tole, auctioneer. Dont put it off any longer, have that roof Certain-teed. Mason & Dale. ENNISKILLEN NEW». Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stainton and family with Orono friends; Mr. Fred 1 Cowling, who has recently purchased the Bedford farm, with his parents; Miss Mary Knox, Orono, with her cousin, Miss Helena Werry; Miss Emily Pea.n, Toronto, at j Mr. Jas. A. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. H. Collacutt, j Tyrone, and Mr. and "vlrs. Herb. Scott, j Tyrone, at Mr. Wm Tre win's We regret regret the removal from our midst of Mr. ] C. W. Souch and family and Mr. Trewin ' and daughter. They will be missed much both in church and social life A num ber from here attended the concert at Burketon and reported a good time; proceeds proceeds $35.... Mr. Chalmers Sanderson and , family have recently moved to their South ! farm, having sold the other one to Mr. , Fred Adams, and Mr. Jas. Nesbitt has moved to Cherry's Corners. We wel- j come Mr. and Mrs. Adams to this community community Sabbath evening Rev. W. E. Honey gave a very earnest discourse on the work of the Bible Society--the great cost of the Bible, even life itself, to many of Our forefathers, and how we, the favored favored ones, should pass it on to all nations. "The greatest need of the world to-day is more Bible." The male quartette was very much appreciated. Stay right with it, Herb !... .Mrs. Wm. Stainton, the S. S. Missionary Secretary, had a short program program at the close of the S. S. session in the morning... .League service this Thursday Thursday evening when Mr. F. J. Groat, President President of Hampton League, will give an address address on "Thé Causes of the War"; other interesting numbers also; everybody welcome. welcome. ... Miss Editha Virtue, who is seriously seriously ill, was removed to Bowmanville Hospital Sunday;.. Dr. Warren, Whitby, and Dr. Slemon, held a consultation over Mrs. F. W. Lee on Friday.. . .Mrs. Geo. Argue and Mrs. Jas. Stainton are improving improving ....-. . The stork visited our neighborhood neighborhood on Monday and left a fine daughter at Mr. J. A. Werry's; congratulations.... The Presbyterians have recently put in a new furnace in their church. First time you're in town be sure to see Supreme Ranges at Mason & Dale's. CAR OF CORN COMING. We have a car ot corn arriving in a few days. Any person wanting good strong feed cannot do better than get some of this corn. After having our mill closed down for about a month getting it overhauled and new machinery put in; the mill is running again and turning out better flour than ever. Be sure and ask your grocer for Van- stone's Flour with your next orde'* and you will bedelighted with it. Better phone your order at once so that we can notify you when it arrives. F. C. Vanstone, Phone 77. Bjjytnanville. You keep abreast of the times when you read the Weekly Sun of Toronto. Jit is a farmers newspaper, and that means, market market réports, editorials, special farming articles, special department for all the family, "other people's opinion," where the readers may say their say--and a countless list of bright features of interest and importance to all farmers. Fifty-two weeks in the year the Sun is on the job. Do you read it ? When renewing your Subscription for this paper we will be pleased to take your subscription forjthe Sun. BEST HOCKEY BOOTS FOLEY S BOOT SHOP. MORTGAGE SALE OF Valuable Town Propérty. proper- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO Rl/ 1er bime of sale, the pnr- „ and the balance in twenty days thereafter. For further particula rs apply to J. F. QBIBBSON, Vendor's Solicitor, Oshawa, Ont. Dated at Oshawa, November HJrd, 1914. 48-tf Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offer-, eti for sale by Public Auction at the Hotel in the Town of Bowmanville, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday the Nineteenth day of December, 1914, the following valuable property, property, viz; 3. Lot number Two hundred and Forty-four on the registered plan of the Town of Bowman- viUe, and being the North part of the West half of Lot number Twelve in the First Concession of the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham. 2. Parts ofrLots numbers Twelve and Thirteen in the First Concession of the Township of Darlington Darlington and now part of Bowmanville, containing by admeasurement One rood and sixteen perches more or less, and more fully described in a Mortgage Mortgage made by Marcus D. Williams, to The Ontario Ontario Loan and Savings Company, registered as number 4976. 3. Part of Block "F" in said Town of Bowman-, ville situated south of King Street and West of Scngog Street, containing Two acres more or less and more fully described in said Mortgage, 4. Part of Lot number Forty-two in Block "M" in said Town of Bowmanville, more fully described described in said Mortgage. On these several ties are 2 dwelling houses and a store. TERMS OF SALK : Ten per cent of chase money to be paid at ti " at Prices Take Another Drop Better- Values Than Ever 4 ' . You will be the bigger loser if you miss the opportunity to buy goods at practically your own prices. Our sale of Coats has been a grand success. Satisfied customers have taken advantage of the startling Coat Bargains we have been giving. We have still left 17 Ladies' Coats, 16 Misses' Coats from 14 to 17 years, 15 Girls' Coats from 2 to 13 years. All of these have been further reduced in price to insure a quick getaway. Do not delay in securing one or more of these bargains. LADIES' WAISTS V^e have sold dozens of Ladies Waists, but we have a ' large number number still 'left: For quick clearance we will sell the balance of our Wash Waists, reg. $1.25 to $2.00, for the ridiculously small price of 50c. Equally good bargains in other waists. LADIES' SUITS 23 only New Up-to-date Suits, assorted colors and styles; "Northway" "Northway" make, style, finish and quality guaranteed. The biggest snap of the Sale. We want the money and you will want the suits when you see them and hear the price. Go they must--the price will sell them. 6 Only Ladies' Suits, reg. $13.75 to $15.75 for. - $5 75 17 " " 16.00 to 25.00 for V.VHalf Price LADIES DRESSES We have still a good assortment of desirable dresses in all colors and qualities, which we have cut a little deeper into the price of. They were a great bargain before, but now they are almost a gift. If you want one you will have to move quickly. Ladies' Skirts 55 only Ladies' Skirts now left. These must be sold this week, without regard to what they cost us. Ours the loss, yours the gain. Your choiceY>f any skirt up to $5.00 for..,,.., $2.98 A Shower of Ladies' Raincoats^ Saele your choice of these Raincoats, worth from $5.00 to $12.00» Tak Prices. $2.95, 3.95, 6.35, $7.50 Furs! Furs! Furs ! 1 dozen fur stoles and scarfs in Iowa sable, dark coon, and mink marmot; loveiy soft skins all number one quality. Regular up to $9.00, your choice for this sale $3.75 The volume of business done since this great Ready-to-Wear sale started and the universal satisfaction given the crowds who have taken advantage of our special^ offerings is sufficient proof of the genuine bargains we have been giving, This the last week of the sale will be a hummer as we are determined to clear every Coat, Suit, Dress and Skirt in the stores--and the further cut in prices should not leave a garment on the racks by Saturday night. x Remember these prices are for CASH and last only till November 30. S. W. Mason Si Son Of Quality Phone 106 Bpwmanvllle, Ont.

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