I "V - ■ - f- z -^-a- Boils Biliousness Malaria Constipation Are Yon Troubled! Dr. Pitcis Golden Medical B&covery r j. Perhaps this casé way be similar to years jVuley Till* of CBox 6Zfc) Seim* CaL. write* Gentlemen:-- "It arjvesme rsend you ■offerer your much pleasure to be able to send you .a testimonial, .if by its «achinf^Eome medicines will doas much for himMth^ have for me. At the age of fourteen I was troubled wi^fwoSL^of^rgetejS^wls^ua^by bu t isn't it worth at least a parents, whohave ^ys^nsrong I took one bottle and the boB for over forty years has been lending, its ÿd to just such cases as this. In our possession we have thou- sands of testimonials of li^o character. Perhaps you are skeptical, - Dr. Pierce's remedies, to frS^SVut I dicTnot atop at one bottle, I took three ^r'X4 n all left me and 1 have had no more and the malaria all l^me -^den Medical boils to this day, Discovery' for my relief. rol^wmg « operation for -PUggg. rid me ofthèlroubl^megas and have au^me in con^uer- ing the whole troubl^ PeUeU an^for 1008 page book. trial in view of such scrong testimony? Isrv't it reasonable reasonable to suppose that if it has done sa much for. others it can do as much for y oil? Your druggist will supply you in liquid or tablet form, or you can send 50 one-cent stamps for a trial box. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, Ne Y. Inexpensive Meat Dishes. Braising is an excellent" way oi cooking rather tough meats, as the Lcmg, slow, cookin.g~softens the meat and yet all the nourishment is -Pi e * served in the gravy. A fowl that is tough should always be cooked m this way. Take a casserole just large enough to." h-ojd the fowl Cover the bottom with slices of fat bacon, add thick slices of onion, | carrots, and turnips, and put in th U\ if Says Gap!, Swan ; try miserable to those who À POSITION FOR FALL and WINTER DONiiNiTN - '■LINE - WINTER SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND & HALIFAX LIVERPOOL Twin-Screw FromPortlend - Halifax S.S. Zeeland, 12,018 T. Jan. 2 Jan. 3 S.S. Vaderland, 12.018T. Jan.16 Jan. 17 Sis*. Zeeland, 12,018 T. Jan. 30 J an. 31 ' Apply local agent! for full particular*, or -ariat'» Office, 118 Notre Dame V-Monties! We have a sound business proposition for a reliable energetic salesman tor tins district to sell irait trees, small fruits, flowering shrubs, etc. Pay wt-ekly, outfit outfit free, exclusive territory. OVER 600 ACRES of trait and o muhental stock under We set through on -n d s- cultivatiuii. n- RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE. men direct to the consumer and rua 1 tee delivery < f fresh, high grace I Our agencies are valuab.o by reason or j the service we give and the volume of I business done. Es tab ished 35 years. 1 Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. P. 15. Handsome catalogue on request, either tu appli ant- or those wishing Nursery stock. ST sz Grand Irunk Railway going east. going west OVER 65 YEARS 3 EXPERIENCE Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily 8.52 a. m. 10.18 „ 3.50 p.m. 6.49 „ 7. IS 9.68- , :Express Local Local Passenger :Passenger 4.22 a. m 7.02 „ 9.45 ,, 1.38 p.m. 7.11 „ Canadian Pacific Railway going east. going west. Express 9.46 a.m. j Express Express S.10 p in Daily except Sunday. -Office. 9.08 a.m. Express 5.04 p.m. C. B. Kent, Agent, Post Canadian Northern Railway going east. going west. *; Express 9.5 5 a m. ■; Express 0.33 p.m. *4 Daily except Sunday Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac, Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communications Communications strictly conlldont.lul. HANDBOOK on Patents Bent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn <fc Co. receive special notice, without charge, In the identifie Jfinerlean » Largest ctr- A handsomely illustrated weekly. J culation of any scientitic journal. _ Terms for 9.02 a.m. 7.37 p.m. î'ï Daily except Sunday I *[ Express I *' Express Sold, by Canada, $3.75 a year, postage prepaid, all newsdealers. MUNN & CO 3®3Broadway, ((6W YOffc 7?r?.ncb Office, 625 F St., Washington. D. C. Brothers in Distress. fowl. Cover the dish and let it cook on top of..the stove for fifteen mm utes. Then add "a pint of hot water. water. Place in the oven. Let it simmer simmer an hour or longer, according to the age and size of the fowl. Two hours will be needed for an old bird Dish the bird. Put the vegetables vegetables around the dish, and poui over it a gravy made from the stock. Kidneys, which may be bought for one, two, or three cents apiece, never more, make a cheap and delicious delicious stinner, luncheon, or breakfast breakfast dish either grilled" or stewed. To-stew the kidneys scald, skin, and cut them in halves, take . out the small hard piece and rub in seasoned seasoned flour. Heat a little dripping in small casserole, put in the kidneys and fry them brow-n,. Take them out and keep warm on a plate. Chop a small onion, fry in the casserole casserole until brown, add a little flour and brown. Add a teas-poonful of sharp sauce and one of tomato sauce or catsup. Pour in slowly as much water as required, stirring to keep smooth. Return the kidneys to the pan and simmer for about an hour. Skim, off any scum and flavor flavor with sherry. Kidneys t-hat are left over from a supper dish are very good hashed and served on toast- for breakfast. They should be re-warmed with a brown gravy Grilled kidneys may be grilled in their own fat, or they may be scakfl ed. skinned and split -and brushed with oil. Thev should be served on toast, either well seasoned or with a devil sauce. Veal and ham pie. a very popular popular and inexpensive English dish is ' made as follows. One pound ve-ai . cutlet, four ounces bacon or ham, I two hard-boiled eggs, pastry, sea- I.ife is V - „ . suffer with Indigestion, Dyspepsia, lour Stomach ^Biliousness. This letter from Cap kin Swan (one ot the best known skippers on the Great Lakes'; tells ln>w to. get quick relief from Stomach Trouble. . Port Lmtv/BLL, Ont., may Sdi, 1913. "A man has a 'poor dunce of living and en loving life when lie cannot eat. That was what was wrong with me. Loss of appetite and indigestion was brought on "bv Constipation. I have bad trouble ' with these diseases for years. I lost a great deal of flesh" and suffered constantly. Lor the last conp>lc of years, I have taken l'liiit- a-tivee" tin and have been so pleased with lllc results that I have recommended them on many occasions to friends and acauaintances. I am sure that ' hriut- acquaintan.ee-- a-tives" have helped me greatly By following the diet, rules and taking • 1 Fru : t-a-t ives' ' accordmgto d'.rections, any person»' with Dyspepsia will get benefit". H. SWAN "Pruit-a-tives' ' are sold by ail dealers at toe. a box 6 for $2.50, or trial size 2 r C or sent postpaid on receipt oi price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. seeing machine and the patch will not pull out as if done by hand. Shoes that are not m use should not be allowed to. get dusty, as this eats into them, and spoils the kid. • In 5rder to insure lightness m a cake 'it should be put h.-to the.oven as soon as the baking powder or other rising medium has been added: added: - - - -, 1Q In very cold weather when theie is difficulty in-keeping-warm in bed where- the windows are ûp, try putting putting a layer of newspapers between the mattress and the springs Dampen the carpet, a .small pci- tion at a" time, with a Jloth " rv-ng out in strongly salted watei. Li mb dry with a clean duster ibis will revive the color wondertiili.v To dry a woolen sweater it w1 . not lose its. proportions, shape it "while it is wet in clear, cold water Then cover with towel. A vest should be hung on a coat hanger. ^ A few scraps of fat me^t tnau have been saved will brighten up a dying kitchen fire. Then put on a few bits of charcoal, and when this add the hard coal. V. ( LvI-Cj 7 'The Kind Y oil Have Always BongÈt, and wliicli has been xne xoix. AJLct. linn borne the signature of m neà for over 30 ycai-s» bas * and has been made under Ins per- -iil sonal supervision since its infancy z-v*zv<^#-w<z> Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and « Just-as-good " arehut "Fxncrimcnts that trifle with and. endanger the health of Hifants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA is burning D ARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton, N9v. 28, 1914 Council met tins day, members all present, present, Reeve W. E. Courtice presiding; min Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It ^ or i'._ c T A.it>icv Onium, Morphine nor other Narcotic guarantee. It destroys Worms substance. _ f slmess# For more than thirty years it h^s been in constant use for tlie relief of Constipation, Flatulency? Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and HiaShœa. It regulates , the Stomach and Bowels, Assimilates the Food, "giving healthy and natural sleep. Tb^Cl5lSen4 Panacea--The Mother's Friend, utes of last meeting were read and ap- ' Communications were read ana a When ready to serve, half-fi 1 large mixing glass with chopped ice, , 1 nL „ ! soned flour and mushrooms. Make The wife of the colonei was. mak- • p ^ flour bv mixing one ta in " B0WMANYILLE TIME TABLE lEffective Oct. 19th - jy TRAINS LEAVE Kingston, > > l- T c-rent O and Intermediate -it tti ) u 9.C2 a.m. 7.37 p.m. lei i tr.ton. Jbelleville, barker, . Broc^Uie, Smith's Falls,. Ottawa and intermediate stations. 9.53 a.m. T(i Coe Ilill and Intermediate Station! 9.53a. ui. Tor Yarker, Tweed, tiarrowsmith, Sy leaTvn tnù Intermediate Stations on Bay oc -laiu-e -»j. 9.53 in. TRAINS arrive Ttoit T orr.nto and Intermediate 3bvtio:n 9.53 a. m. 6.38 p.m. From Napa ne e, Belleville, Trenton aa l la.s r- n tc-ibi i Points; also Picton and v.O. it. - J11 ' v 1.(2 a. m 7.37 p. m. I rom Maynooth(C. O. R-) 7.37 j. n. 1 ion; bydenhaA, Tweed, Yarker, 7.37 p. m. :s inn daily except Sunday unless other vise marked. < i fmtker particulars see other advertise -x : l appearing in this paper, or apply , w. (x. GIFFLER, Depot Ag- t TlEint the round of the hospital, and paused at the bedside of a wounded wounded Highlander. The gallant tellow, one of whose- legs had been recently recently amputated, was toying with a German helmet--evidently a trophy of war. "Well," said the lady. ' I supposed you killed your man "Well, na-w," quietly _ responded the soldier, "you see it was like this. He lav on the field pretty near me with an awfu wound, an bl°edin' away somethin' terrible. I was losin' a-lot o' blood too frae my leg but I managed to crawd up to him an' bound him as well as I could, and he did the same to me. Nawthin'. of coorse, was said between between us. I knew 7 no German, an the ither man not a word o' English English ; so when he'd done, no seem hoo else t-ae thank him, I just smiled, smiled, an' by wav o' token handed him my Glengarry, and he smiled back an' gave me his helmet a seasoned flour bles-poon flour, one teaspoonful or salt, -one-half teaspoonful^ of pepper, pepper, add a little grated rind of a lemon and a pinch of cayenne. Cut the meat into medium, nieces, - rub in the flour, and put into a deep pie or baking dish. Peel the mushrooms and put- them in the dish. "^ our enough water to three-quarters fill the dish and cover the top of the dish over with pie crust. Make a hole in the centre of the pastry. Put it into the oven and bake for an hour. vdd two table-spoonfuls of the chocolate chocolate syrup, fill up the glass _ with good, sweet milk, cover with baker and shake thoroughly, strain into glasses and put whipped cream on top or each. Do not mix more than a large glass of this at a-time. It will make three small glasses. This, method is much better than boiling the bhoçolate and milk and then chilling, which usua.lly forms a sediment. .. " ■ Simple Beverages.--To serve between between games at a card party try iced coffee or chocblate. For the coffee, make enough of what is known as clear black after-dinner coffee to fill at least two wine or sherbet glasses^ for each guest. Sweeten this while it is hot and set aside to cool. "Then pour it into a large bottle'or pitcher and set m a. nail or deep kettle, packing ice around it. When ready to serve pour into glasses three-quarters full and heap on top either sweetened and whipped cream or a table-spoon I of ice cream. _ - . 1 Doughnuts.--Here is a recipe for one delicacy that may be served with the coffee. Sc-ald a ' pint of milk and- while -ib»% s-till scalding hot pour it over a pmt of hour. Beat until smooth and then add halt a teaspoonful of salt and cool. Add the beaten yolks of four eggs, a tablespoonful of melted butter, halt a cupful of sugar, a cupful of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, teaspoonful of almond . or other and and were disposed off * asTfoïlowY: O. MçRoberts complaining that the tieacom property was assessed twice; extra assessment ordered ordered returned in bill of abatement. N. F. McNachtan forwarding License oi L,. A. W. Tole as auctioneer--fyled. C.in.k. Co re improvements made to crossing between between lots 28 and 29-fyled. Godson Construction Co., asked permission to build a railway siding across 10th con cession between lots 16 and' 17; permis sion granted. E. L. Williamson, Hamp ton, complained of damage from water on his property; Council will maxe an inspection. inspection. Mrs. W. Jeffery , s< Werry made application to build _ wire fence for bonus; granted. Complaint of J. J. Smith alleging error in assessment for school purposes in S. S. Nos. 14 TQ was held over till December I5> the trustees of the two sections asked to be present. Treasurer acknowledged following re. ceipt-: Councillor Stanley, tile sold, JlJOO; W. Hamle>', cement and tar paper §13.23. Orders were drawn on Treasurer as follows: Municipal World, blank f?rms, $2.17; S E Werry, posts, 5gc; FGiffler, freight on scraper, 54c; N Washington, 4 polls, $1.00; W E Clarke, lumber aad cement, 175; A Beech, cedar posts, $4.bo. Ont Bridge Co, paint tor bridges, $4-a7, H G Pascoe, work on road §4.50; b llocl- aday, statute labor $5-00; C. Stainton, work at bridge $5-25; P. Langmaid do $r 7 c; Pedlar People, Ltd, culvert tube So A3* F Wright, work at bridge $10.50; It Winnacott, ^io, $12.25; E Mackenzie hire for scrapers 412.75, L T Pa.coe, work on bridge $13 13; John Arnot, work on cement bridge $1440; Jas Stainton, work on bridge $15-75; Jas Sulley, gravel, poles, etc, $I7'0C; Jas Scott, nails, posts, labor $17 94; W Glaspell, work at bridge $21 25; >1 Wileix, do, $24.15; Alf-.Avre, GENUINE CASTORIA always 1 Bears the Signature of £ The Bind You Bave In Use Fop Over - O M P A TS- N ! ; w V o " C 1 TY . |^5g$r>S3 Years --if you feel bilious, "headachy mid ii 1 itable for that's a sign your liver is out of order. - our food is not digesting--it stays m the stomach a sour fermented mass, poisoning the system. J ust take <1 dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets thev make the liver do its work--they cleanse and V i ^1 +"ho xvhnle direstive system. You ll sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive system, lou il fiel S in the morning. At all druggists, 25c.. cr by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 14 a Selected Recipes. Iced Chocolate. -- Melt two squares of chocolate in a double boiler and add a cupful of granulated granulated sugar and a cupful of water. Let this mixture, cook until it forms a thick syrup. Remove from the fire, add a teaspoonful of vaniUa and set away to chill, in a pitcher. flavoring and the beaten whites of four eggs. Add more flour if necessary necessary to 'make a soft dough. Boil out and cut and fry gold brown. Drain on thick paper and roll in sugar. „ , Fruit Punch.--Steep four tea spoonfuls of good tea (orange Pe koe and English breakfast are said to be best) in a quart of boiling wa- ter. The water must be bubbling when poured over the tea, which is then set back on the stove^ to_steep not more than four minutes. Strain into an earthen bowl containing four cups of sugar. Block sugar will dissolve without Stirling, quite cold pour into a punch bow with three cups of orange juice and two cups of lemon juice, both strained, and four pint bottles eacn of ginger ale and apollmans water water A large block of ice in the centre centre of the bowl, decorated with dices of orange quartered, candie cherries and slivers of pineapple, is better than cracked ice which weakens weakens the punch. Adding unfermented unfermented grape juice to ordinary lemonade lemonade in the proportion of a larg. ""glassful of the juice to each quar, of lemonade, makes a delicious drink. - . dig gravel $25.00; H _WUcox^ lumber. f Never buy a. Tdiking Machine unless it has Tone Control Leaves, o th erw i s e you will be disap- I pointed. Neverbuy a Talking Machine unless it has Tone Control Leaves, otherwise you will be disappointed. disappointed. iiiijiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiif uij i \ ^i jjlffllr ^ Gift that pleases them all! THIS COLUMBIA $2683; Alf Ayre, work at W. E. Clarke, work at bridge $4743, A. Stainton, work on bridge $54- 2 5j D- Wilcox, Wilcox, work on bridges $93.00; J. Wonna- cott, gravel $4-0û; H. Stainton, gravel $2 4c; S. J Honey, gravel $4 20; H. Kmght, gravel $19-00; F. W. Allin, gravel $2^10; W. Knapp, wire fence bonus $t.oo,Wm. Hall, wire fence bonus $600; Jas. 1 nek, wire fence bonus $625; Thos. Gimb.ett, wire fence bonus, $13.00; W. Symon.-, wire fence bonus$19.50. Council adjourned adjourned to Tuesday, Dec." 15th at 100 clock. Fashion Hints Coat Suits.--There are some coat suits in evidence that are dubbed ' 'strictly tailored." They are decid- •smart- looking, .although, they seem rather severe after edly haps our many seasons of folds and - iur- ibelows*. Some of the coats have the old-fashioned notched revers and collars, -the collars as well as nar- W. R. Allin, Tp. Clerk, row turned bac-k cuffs, faced ' vvlfc l Then there is the -•fr- If you would.be regarded as wiser all you have to do is hand people the advice they want. An" old Scotch woman deavdring to sell a hen to^ a n was en- eigh- ■bor -"And are you sure," said the neighbor, "that the bird has not one defect V' "Weel;" said its owner owner "Ah'11 no say it hasna' one defect. defect. It will lay a bit egg on the Lord's day." In all countries. Ask for_ TOP.' S AD VI3Lr..which w 11 Ask for our INVEN- 1 he sent free. MARION & MARION, 2R4 University St., Montreal-. <5ok ? 8 Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable reijniating medicine. Sold in three de- créés of strength--No. 1. M ; XT-x O cb- No "No. 2. S3; No. 3.-S5 per box Sold by all druggists, or sy..t repaid on receipt, oi price. . - «a Address:. prep» Free paaiphiet. THE COOK iV.UDavil'JE CO., TORONTO. ONT. (torm-rlv somewhat, a >1 d- r ash- hip. Thev suggest, (black velvet. Then there is U11C j sword belt. * .. tailored one-piece frock that has T liv .Returning Jattot.--Is the ja- proved itself such a strong rival to bût return ; n g to fashiod l: earnest: the coat suit for street wear. It too, j Ifc seem , s to -be. Some oi me • mail- shows simplicity almost amounting i. esb ne ckwear shows th:s to severity, and-boasts much stitch- | i one{ } finish. Sometimes a in^ manv flatly pressed seams, and • .f Q ]dcd jabot finishes one of th often braid -bindings and.jyelvet iac- - fligh collars. The ja-o.ot is a.wax •> ings ia soft and pleasing mum. . Seasonable Trimmings. - The na-1 Green Chilton and J,»nke> l «*• ture h trimmings changes with the eotone. emftvn and ^ iinvi; new fi FAVORITE $65--EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Household Hints. n Corded ritabon.for children's hair bowe wears far better than smooth S1 Névh S buÿvery delicate collars if you wish something that will wash well and last. A cheese fondue, with crusty rolls, coffee and fruit salad, makes seasons, - and velvet chestnuts are among the new hat decorations. ■ They are very effective. Chrysanthemums, Chrysanthemums, too, are used for hats and for corsage flowers. "Violets, always ,popular in winter, are .shown in si.x and velvet for corsage bouquets, some of them combined with rosebuds, rosebuds, some with mignonnette. Apron Fashions.--The apron idea has been slow in developing, and it is one of the ideas that.will nev^r dominate. Yet it grows and gix.vs there are many, frocks The long tunic that outgrowth of the a long tunic --a tunic that That Green golnne, fur are combined in this v -L is a foundation skirt of so here is a long, gather- hiffon that leaves )f l rhere green silk golfim cd tunic of green chitton exposed about 15 inches ot dhe • ' The tunic is edg- foundation skirt. .. , n ed with a fringe of monkey fur. fay long chiffon sleeves are edged monkey fur and the bodice l posed of golfine and elution. with coin- OU can choose any. one of the many Columbia JU can cnoose "A „„ We'll send Grafonola-Record Outfits at $25 up. We U sena one to your home (or anywhere you say) Jor a small initial payment Balance can payiucm--and on Christmas moram be paid, at your convenience, atter tne if you ays. Made in fall thousand 85c Columbia Double-Disc Records in 0ie Columbia Catalogue . cj ca m r-rn- COLUMBIA GRAFOISOLAS AND RECORDS FROM D DAVRY. Bowln tin ville, Ont. a perfect luncheon. . _ j ..... x the curhain roa Put- a. thimlble on when slipping it through -the casing of the curtain. , Remember that the appearance of the table-linen depends largely on the silence cloth. Grimy feathers can be given an alcohol bathyafter which they are shaken until dry. . , Put a pair of old gloved m the shoe box to keep the hands clean when, polishing shoes. Baking soda will sweeten rod* vessels, clean brasses and is gooo for dish washing. , . , T When the naüa are brittle, apply ; yaseliWe or hold them in warm sweet oil every day. _ ... When, a vegetable h»» 'J** firmness, soak it in very cold water until it is crisp and plump. . r If boiling. milltvis pb^ed on beaten eggs when making custard it wil 1 hike them firm. Mend th.- m--:.=e.rs on m|A| BISCUITS / / Illustrating the soldiers of the allied armies, British Bulldog, Union Jack, etc. different designs to t the Ten stir the heart of every patriot. Aad oi* toothsome goodness that reaches home to every taste. At your grocer's, biscuit guaran- and to-day with aprons, we have is an 'Cheruit -apron tunic, introduced a year ago ended at the sides, apron wise ^ is still sometimes seen. It is mosu effective in evening frocks, when it is made of net or lace, often heavilj weighted^ 7 ith jet or metallic fringe^. ■Sometimes it hangs an mch or .so longer than the short foundation skirt. Then there are short apron effects of many sorts on frocks for day and evening wear. Strapped Slippers. -- Probably dancing is responsible for the fashion fashion for slippers held over the mst 7 with straps. Anyway, the slip 7 with a Strap over the instep is far more comfortable to dan ■ ©enurne c rt Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of r ar in ! Ï p. s. Pèrtin A London - than the slipper cut on the l 7 ies of a pump. And among the new dancing dancing slippers those with straps, per- haps, outnumber those without.- OÈen the strap is so elaborated- thpt it is a network of brocade over tia instep. Sometimes it- is as sim- pljè as the strap ah' a child's leather ^^eïvef Girdles.--Velvet girdles used on- gowns of chiffon* and See Facsimile Wrapper Very email aad me easy if ot MfciAcnt* FOR OlIHMESSa "SSSl FOR C0RSTIPAT10R FOR SAUIW SKIN. see b=Sl They »re fastened at the waist at the right side and tie low on. the 4 left OUES 3IOK HKADAOMCe . 4.