mmrn : - - ■ V •7 ■ ■ t BOWlL&mLLK, DEO. IT, 19 U: 5 BETHESDA A first-class program wiH be given in the church here, Friday, Dec. l8, by loral talent A cantata will be given by the junior scholars, and the .°| d , tu "£.. temperance drama entitled The last Loaf V will be presented by the older members. . A good time assured to all who come. . 50 Every pièce of fur bought at F. R. Mayer's is guaranteed. Prices away down, too. ~ EBENEZER Don't miss the big concert and Xmas tree at S. S. No 4 on Monday Dec 21 at 8 p.m. Good program by pupils assisted by the following artists: Mrs. Geo. F. Annis, Mr. Frank Walters and Mr. Geo. F. Annis, Miss Ethel L. VanNest, soloists; Mr. H. Stafford, Shakespearian Reader, and the Pickle Orchestra. Admission 15c. All Men's Suits and Overcoats selling at reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ' Salem JBpworth League invites the public to.eôjoy with them a literary evening evening on Tuesday Dec. 32, When the celebrated celebrated "Christmas Carol" bv Charles Dickens will be presented, also some choice musical musical numbers. Admission 25c. Children 15c. . 503 PATRIOTIC CONCERT AT ENFIELD DEC. 23. The concert of the season will be held in Sons' Hall, Enfield> Wed esday evening evening Dec. 23 to begin at 8 o'clock; admission admission 25c and 15c. Besdes a live Santa Claus and Christmas tree, singing and recitations recitations will be given by the children and the VanNest Orchestra of Solina will furnish abundance of music. The Committee Committee has been exceedingly fortunate in securing the talented songstress and lecturer, Madame LeMar, who has delighted delighted so many audiences with her charming personality and cultivated voice. Her singing never fails to delight. Everybody attend and enjoy a "humorous, musical and literary evening. Proceeds are for the Belgium Relief Fund. Come and bring a friend. CAR OF CORK-COMING. We have a carol corn arriving in a few days: Any person wanting good strong feed cannot do better than get some of this corn. After having our mill closed down for about a month getting it overhauled and new machinery put in, the mill is running again and turning out better flour than ever. Be sure and ask your grocer for Van- ,stone's Flour. with your next order and you will be delighted with it. Better plione your order at once so that we can notify you when ii arrives. F. C. Vanstone, Phone 77. Bowmanville. HO I FARMERS' BOYS A Free Course in Stock Judging will be held in Armouries, Bladkstock, on Thursday Thursday and Friday, DeC. 17 and 18. Here is the Program : Friday, December 18--1.00 p.m. Beef Cattle, Judge, N. D. McKenzie, Galt; 3.00 p.m. Heavy Horses, Judge, C. Schuyler, Brantford. All meetings are- free. All farmers cordially invited. HAMPTON MILL BUST. We always have in atoek the standsvd grades of Flour, Cereals and Mill Feed. If you have never dealt with es send us a trial order.. You are sure to be satisfied as to quality and prices. Bring along your grinding and oat crushing, as we do them on shortest nptice. Phoee 129 ri. Chas. Horn, Hampton. HAYDON NEWS THE HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES are sure to satisfy you in every particular. They have six distinguishing features : BSectiveness of Heating Economy of Construction Durability of Wearing Excellency of Finish Lewmess of-Price Excellent Cookers Our stock is complete. W. H. Dustan ŒÏ'S Leave Your Order Early. We have a good supply of splendid Christmas War-Crvs. They make a very nice present for sending away. There are some beautiful pictures that would be nice for framing. Leave your order, with the officer of the Salvation Army of Bowman ville or P. O. box 135* Only 10c a copy. " 49*3 W ENFIELD HAPPENINGS. Mrs. John Hobbs is visiting friends in _ xivuua la ,ent which happened five months Ma-ches,^ N '& h hn vlrtul h£ t when he fell a silo which rented his farm to Mr. J. Campbell for a D ARLINGTON NEWS. Base Line Union Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas entertainment entertainment on Tuesday, Dec. 22, at 8 p.m. A good program will be. rendered by the Bragg Quartette, Bowmanville, Miss Winifred Moore, elocutionist, Columbus, and dialogues etc., by home talent. Come and spend a pleasant evening. Admission 20 cents. Mr. John L Metcalf has been to Moore- field to see his brother, Mr. Isaac Metcalf, who is slowly recovering from an acci- ago when he fell from a silo which was in course of erection, and received a bad fracture of the thigh . ... Messrs; Roy Mr. and Mrs. S. Woodlev spent Sunday at Mr. S. T. Mount joy's, Hampton Mrs. Chas. Cooper and family have returned returned from visiting relatives in Toronto.... Mr. and Mrs. Mervin ftfountjoy, Burketon, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox, Hampton, and Miss L. Challis, Salèm, spent Sunday at Mr; Theron Mount joy's The sincere sympathy of the neighborhood is extencT- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Ashton and family in the death of their youngest son Oscar. Deceased who Was nine years and nine months of age has been a most patient sufferer for the past six years. Rev. W. H. Higgs conducted the serv ces Sunday afternoon, the funeral being largely attended attended to Bethesda cemetery ...... The school concert will be held Friday evening evening Dec. 18 in the church, when a good program will be presented by the children and others. Admission 15c and 10c. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. Big assortment of Xmas cutlery, scis sors, knives, etc., suitable tor presents, at Rice & Co's. iSfiOlSandSUPPmS exor oirrs rpHIS store is ready for Christmas - ready for^ the demands you will make on it for the most sensible gift articlès one person can give another. We began planning for it long ago-- placed orders for holiday goods in ad vance so there zuoutd be no doubt of term of yearn. ...Mr. E. Paseoe is prepay- p "' nd 'RoyMetcaif wSTrtriSS ing to re-model his barns.. -Mr Tam#** ^ H J -- Prepare For T HE old reliable business of C M. Cawker & Son will still have its usual display of Meats and Poultry to supply their numerous numerous patrons with the very best that can be bought.- They have secured the following cattle, fed by some of the. best feeders in the Township : 2 prize steers from Thos. Baker, Solina; 4 heifers from Milton Wight, Providence; 4 steers and 1 heifer from J. D. Hoar, Providence; 3 extra choice steers from F. Symons, Bowmanville; 4 heifers and steers from J. H. Worry, Bethesda; 1 heifer from H. Greenlees, Bowman- manrille; 11 ewe and wether lambs from J. H. Worry, Bethesda; aiso a quantity of pork and veal besides a large Y number of turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens. Leave your order early and you will be sure to have the very best. If you want pure lard get our home rendered, also homemade homemade sausages. Cash paid for poultry, hides, sheep skin and tallow. Thanking you for past patronage, asking a continuance of the same and wishing all the compliments of the season. C. M. Cawker Si Son Victoria Building Purveyors Apt JL xzzzzx 30 Choice Christmas Goods From Many Lands B ECAUSE the British Fleet has solidly maintained the supremacy of the seas we are in a position to supply you as usual with our customary high-quality fresh food dainties from all over the world to grace the Christmas tables. Don't hesitate to Shop Early this year, for some of the usual autumn shipments did not arrive. Let us suggest a few of the leaders : :Mr. James Parr, Jr., and Miss Sophia Hall were married at Port Perry, by Rev. W.'J. West, M. A., on Dec. 2. Congratulations. They will reside on the homestead, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parr, Sr., having moved to Enniskillen We have lost another of our fair daughters, Miss Maggie Ferguson, who was united in marriage to Mr. W. Oke, Enniskillen, on Dec. 2nd. On their return from their wedding'tour in western Ontario they will reside near Enniskillen .Mr. Norman Scott is hauling material to build a silo...... Mrs. Jas. Gilbert is Under the doctor's care..... IThe concert and Xmas tree in behalf of Belgians will be held Wednesday evening,!Dec-23. A splendid musical program by local and outside talent--W. VanNest and Family and Madame LeMar will contribute fine musical numbers. Admission 25c and 15c. Don't forget that F. R. Mayer has a special line of gents' furnishings suitable for gifts. SOLINA DOINGS. A carol service will be given at Eldad church on Sunday Dec. 20 at 2.30 p.m., by the choir consisting of Christmas carols and hymn songs. "The Child of Bethlehem" Bethlehem" will be sung by Mrs. John Baker. Collection for choir fund; all are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Williams visited friends at Port Perry.... Miss Edith Cool- edge, Prince Albert, is visiting the Misses Cooledge Mr. R. J. McKessock, teach er, has been re-engaged at increased salary salary Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Pascoe visited his brother Thomas, Hampton, who has been ill... .Song service at Eldad Sunday will be good, especially the Xmàs selections selections Rev. W. H. Truscott, South Oshawa, preached here Sunday and received received an offering of nearly $30, the young .men's class adding$10 more... .MissLena Taylor and Mr. Elton Hughes, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, spent Sunday here Mrs. R. T. Baldwin has returned from visiting her daughter in Toronto... .Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sidney Baldwin, Harmony, visited their father, father, Mr. J. R. Baldwin, Sunday ...Good attendance at debate at Sons of Temperance Temperance Friday. Election of officers this week Miss Gladys Brooks entertained her young friends Friday night....Thefts are reported around Mitchell's Corners and other places west. No need of going to the city for furs when you can get anything in furs, below city prices and goods guaranteed at F. R. Mayer's. TYRONE NOTES. at Toronto last week.. . .Mr. Ernest Foley is moving into his house • --.Mr. Fox, Toronto, who has bought Mr. Marvin Burk's farm, expects to reside here soon, and is building a house on the Base Line for his manager, Mr. G. Hall. \ Sultana Raisins and Fig'S--The entering of Turkey into the war has disarranged shipments, but we secured our supplies prior to hostilities there. The raisins are fine and juicy, 15c to 20c per lb; the figs are an exceedingly choice lot, 15c to 20c lb. Currants Fnom Greece--Greece is the source of the world's supply and although shipments were held up for a time, ours have arrived as before. before. Finest quality, per lb., IOç to 15c. Almonds, Walnuts and Filberts--For the Christmas baking every housewife wants sound, fresh nuts. Stale nuts are dear at any price but you can depend absolutely on the quality of our goods. Peels--Lemon, Citron and Orange, all good enough to stand your closest inspection. inspection. You will. want them for your Christmas cake, ,and we would urge you to let us have your order as soon as possible. Seeded and Valencia Raisins -- We stock only brands of recognized merit and can confidently recommend them to you. Our finest Seeded sells at 13c carton, and Valencias at 2 lbs. for 25c. Mincemeat -- Tastily spiced and made in the most sanitary way -by a. reliable firm. Just the thing for the Christmas pie per jar 35c, or 2 lbs at 25c. Oranges --Our stock of choice, ripe, juicy oranges is unsurpassed in quality and values. Florida and California navels from 20c to 60c doz. Poultry--We want any quantity of good poultry, must be properly dressed and dry picked to receive highest prices. Smoked Hams -- Very choice, 8 to 10 lbs., special for Saturday only 18c lb. Christmas Tree--For the Christmas Tree which so delights the youngsters we have many suggestions to offer. There is fresh candy of various kinds, chocolates in dainty boxes at all prices. HAMPTON NEWS. Miss Reta Kerslake has been indisposed .... Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Brown entertained a number of friends last week...:Miss Norah Horn has returned from Port Perry after a pleasant visit with friends.. ...Mr. Frank Ruse , is slightly better . Miss Barrett,.Newcastle, is guest of Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Barrett at the Parsonage... .Me. Thos. Pascoe has been quite ill for some days... .Rev. W. H. Truscott, South Oshawa, Oshawa, gave a good helpful discourse Sunday Sunday evening. Seé Churches.... Mr. Fred Veale, Nestleton, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch Su nday Mr. D. Mansfield and wife, Oshawa, have moved into our village and for the future he will cater to the wants of the public as a ton- sorial artist.... Mr. W. R. Allin is much improved in health since his retu n from Toronto.... At the annual meeting of the Sunday School Mr. T Salter was again elected Superintendent; Mr. A. B. Cryder- man, Assistant' Supt.; and Mr. R. Avery, Secretary; all the other officers and teachers teachers re-elected.' Mr. R. Wesley Redman, School of Pharmacy, Toronto, is holidaying with his grandfather, Mr. John Westaway. Christmas time is drawing near and with it you are reminded of the annual concert to be held in the Church here on Christmas Eve under auspices of Epworth League. Choice program of readings, recitations, dialogues, choruses, and vocal and instrumental music will be given. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and enjoy a social evening. Admission Admission 15c and ioc. .Concert to begin at 8. Couch, Jehnston & Cryderman call special attention to their fine stock of )lack and colored silks, all bought before the advance in these goods bv the declaration declaration of war. SPECIALS for XMAS £ doz. Tweed and Worsted Suits at $17-50 each. £ doz. Tweed and Worsted Suits at $19.50 each. £ doz. pair Trousers, at $3.00 and $3.50- £ doz. pair Trousers, at $5.00 and $6 0Q- These are a few specials for this week only. All garments tailored to your individual measurements. measurements. Also an unlimited number of Serges, Tweeds, Worsteds, Chinchillas, Chinchillas, Cheviots, Llamas, etc., in plain, stripe and diagonal patterns. Got ds of some of the best houses in Great Britain are represented in this stock. JLieave your Christmas Order EARLY having everything in readiness zuhen the buying campaign opened. sl- Of course slippers will be pooular--they ways are--and rightfully so. Our showing is the most comprehensive we have ever made and eludes the most fashionable novelties, as well the regulation house styles. in- as Other Suitable Gifts are : SUIT CASES 90c to $7 50 CLUB BAGS $1.25 to $15.00 horseV block LADY'S AND GENTLEMAN'S KITTED CLUB BAGS $3 2.00 to $18.00 THE STORE OF QUALITY SL SERVICE HARRY-ALLIN CIub Central for Independent Phone. Bell Phone 186 ENNISKILLEN NEWS. The School concert will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 22, at 8 p m in the Sons' Hall. Good program of drills, club swinging, choruses and readings by the children and help from local talent Admission 15c. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross fund. Everybody come and encour age the children and help the fund. Visitors : Miss Effie Wight, Mt. Vernon, with her cousin Miss Mabel Wight; Miss Louie Annis, Solina, with Miss Greta Oke; Miss Lula Philp, Mr. Wilbert Malcolm, Nestleton, Mrs. George Scott, Miss Nellie Scorgie, Oshawa, at Mr. L. Skinner's Miss Helena Werry, Enniskillen, with her cousin Miss Irene Werry; Mr. Wm. Little at Mr. Dan Fraser's, Newcastle The many friends of Miss Florence Clemens are glad to know she is recovering The League concert Friday evening was a decided success. The children in the Xmas Cantata delighted the audience with their singing. The solo by Santa Claus and the reply by Miss Marion Martin in her clear sweet voice won the admiration of all, The drama entitled "The Minister's Minister's Bride 2 ', given by the young people was well rendered. The old fashioned costumes created much amusement. Music was provided during the evening by the male quartette, Messrs. H. Collacutt, A. H. Brent, A. W. Annis and Rev. Wm. Higgs and a patriotic chorus by the young men. Proceeds $6820....Our Epworth League is sending a box of quilts and clothing to the Oshawa Mission ...An attractive feature at Sunday school last Sunday was the Christmas tree, every member having been requested to bring a present previously, the result of a suggestion suggestion made the Sunday previous, by Miss E. M. Werry in her missionary^ talk to the school. On. Saturday afternoon the young ladies decorated the tree whicih was well loaded. The presents are to be sent to the .Mission at Oshawa and consisted consisted of toys,. Clbthing, groceries arid fruit. A Bible verse accompanied eaqh present and we hope these presents ma^y make _ a brighter Christmas in maqy homes. _ - ~ Your fuel bill is costing you too much unless you have a Supreme Range. Sëe them at Mason & Dale's, , Be on hand for the Methodist Xmas tree and concert on Monday, Dec. 21st at 8 p.m. The popular drama "The Minister's Minister's Bride" so well rendered by Tyrone young people last Friday evening, will be repeated here. Tyrone Male Quartet will assist with "Tippearry" and other selections, selections, and Miss Nellie Taylor," soprano soloist, Blackstock. Last, but not least, Santa will be there to meet the children; admission, 20c and ioc. The S.S., E.L. and Santa Claus invite you.. ...At the League service last week the topic was taken by Pastor Honey, and a synopsis of the week's war events by the reporter, Miss Rundle Sabbath evening Rev. W. E. Honey gave a very earnest address from the text "These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also", subject, "The Revolutionary Character of Christianity". Two leading thoughts- Christianity is designed to revolutionize the world and success is assured in its enterprise Next Sabbath evening a Xmas service will be " held, with appro priate music when the pastor will dis course on "The Incarnation as the Touchstone Touchstone of Truth and Error"; everybody welcome Miss Editha Virtue, who is no better, was taken to a Toronto Hospital Hospital Saturday by her brother, Mr. J. W. Virtue Mr. George Argue is ill and Master Julian Goodwin has appendicitis The friends o Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Ashton, Haydon, express deep sympathy for them in their bereavement Mr. and Mrs, Chalmers and Mr. Wilfrid Sanderson recently recently visited at Mr. Chas. Vi-^ue's, East Whitby, where the former's mother is seriously ill ... Mr. Blake and Miss Ethel Cole, Bethesda, visited at Mr. F. W. Lee's ...... Mrs. Emily Sinclair, Oshawa, and Mrs. Latham, bault Ste Marie, visited at Mr. Frank Robbins-and Mr. Jas. Moorey's Mr. F. W. Lee was in the city on business last week ..... J. H. Martin has returned from Toronto Mr. and Mrs. John.Slemon visited at Mr. A. E." Clem ens', Tyrone. Surprise your wife by giving her a Su ; p.reme range for Xmas. Mason & Dale. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Han Always Bought When Santa Comes we hope he brings something from our stock of Xmas Gifts What more could we hope ? What better luck could we wish you than that you get gifts, for yourself, from our fine stock ? This year marks our best effort--a better and larger stock of gift-goods than we ever had before. These things are so desirable that you will appreciate giving them just as you would appreciate receiving them--if they're good enough for you to want they're certainly the gins you can give to others. We Have a Wonderful Supply of the Most Desirable Gift - Goods Gifts of every kind for everybody. New, good, desirable, appreciable, creditable. Come see them, make selections early, bring your lists and fill in with the best gift ideas you ever saw. First choice is the best, and prices are as low now as they ever will be on such excellent Xmas presents. Everybody Who Gets These Gifts Will Certainly Appreciate Them Metl SUITABLE GIFTS Ladies Razors, Shaving Brushes, Shaving Cases, Shaving Strops,"' Shaving Mirrors, Shaving Cups, Safety Razars, Collar Baxes Note Paper in fancy boxes, Travelling Companions, Hair Brushes, Purses, Military Brushes, Fountain Pens, Spectacles, Cigars, Cigar Cases Kodaks, Thermos Bottles Brush, Comb and Mirror Cases Glove Cases, Manicure Cases Perfumes, Fountain Pens, Thermos Bottles, Hot Water Bags Purses, Hand Bags Stationery in Christmas Boxes Finest Christmas Boxes of Chocolates CutlGlass, Ebony Goods Parisian Ivory in Hair Brushes, Bonnet Brushes and Hat Brushes Spectacles, Victrolas, Kodaks IN THE RUSH We have discovered that during the rusli on our anniversary anniversary days some who were entitled 10 uueDiils were unintentionally unintentionally overlooked. We wi.i ue giad U any such will can and l^t us know or drop us a card. . ,We appreciate appreciate the many Kind words of congratulation extended to us an 1 wia'i lo say tnal our great 2Sc satislactio» is in giving satisfaction. Bears the .Signature of Make Early Selections for Best Choice SEE TH£SE GIF S IN OUR STORE AND WINDOWS v Jury & Lovell The Sate, Satistaçtory Druggists and Opticians