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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1915, p. 7

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Peter. One day Uncle Robert came to see us with 1 big, bulgy Parcel under o rm all points and corners. And Sen " e danced round him aslang 4Kat it- he just laughed Sa ^p'®sed 5 a work-basket for the^eW a- fol^ -rnage -d baby asked if it , were » g ^ Pl r one U tho S guess?d a^cage. °%°Zï' Uncle Bobert. •<Aml as you've guessed, my boy, you shall unpack. ^nf^Vipd all stood round and watched undid the string, and Î HEALTH THROUGH LA GRIPPE It Generally Loaves the Patient Debilitated and an Easy Victim * Jo Other Diseases One of the foremost medicine writers says : "It is astonishing the We Unek Robert wouldn't^let him cut ; s'ngle knot. But at last all the naner was off, and out came a most heautiful cage-all green and gold and pale blue glass. ' And inside, sitting jauntily on his perch, was number of people w*ho have been crippled in health for years after an attack of la grippe or influenza. The real danger from this disease, whidll sweeps over Canada, every winter, is during _ convalescence, when the characteristic symptoms, the fever, the catarrh, the headache headache and the depression of spirits pass away. Grip leaves behind it weakened vital powers, thin blood, impaired digestion and over-sensitive over-sensitive nerves -- a condition that makes the system an easy prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, rheumatism, nervous prostration and even consumption. consumption. It is a condition that calls most emphatically for a tonic for the blood. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are a tonic especially adapted HARVESTING THE ICE CROP. .-.] Co-operation Among Farmers an Advantage in. tlie Work. There are few localities in Canada that have not available a river or smaller stream from which a supply supply of ice may be obtained for during the summer months, me ease with which the ice crop may be secured is probably the reason why it is not taken advantage of to a greater extent than at present. For economical harvesting operations operations it is advisable that a number of the farmer® of a community ©o- vide that these ashes are not wast- ed apart from the difficulty of securing potash isupphes, the market market value of ashes present is fr<wn $8^00 to $12.000 per ton, depending upon quality. '•■; '•* ' . . ■ • He Wants All World te Know It DODD'S KIDNEY PIELS CURED JEAN BAPTISTÈ TAPP. Swiss Bind ïibaBano had taken the DailffCTOnS Throat Troubles hotel àbd «©tauriwit business by " O - cfi/vrrn Prevented by Nemhne ,- v -pet°sfc little canary bird yo u to meet this need as they purify the siveet. ^ hea d was cock ' " "" Xnonesiïe; and he looked gravely gravely a t, us, as much as to say, have kept me in the time 1" ••Now, Peter/ out and be introduced ! îed the lithe door of the dark a long said Uncle, "come He unfas- cage ten"* " a We lia should frighten him • • Nijy, baby, said ^Uncle, and stroke his head. md Peter flew out on his finger. We hardly breathed for fear w care head, and he sat sever The.. - - L r ds, and Peter flew the curtain rod. and enrich the blood. They tone up the nerves and give vigor, strength and health to the debilitated system. Mrs. Howard D. Chafley, Indian Island, N.B., says: For several winters in succession I was attacked by la grippe which left me weak and badly run down. In each case I used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with, the most beneficial results. Last winter when the trouble was come I again prevalent I took the precaution precaution of fortifying my system with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and of In operate, sharing the expense, and making the labor proportionately lighter. , . , A few tools are necessary to harvest harvest the ice supply efficiently. A steel scraper to remove the snow covering is desirable ; some styles of road scrapers may be used, or a very good ho mo-made sor&por^m&y be made of wood and faced with a strip of steel. An ice plough facilitates facilitates the work of scoring into blocks for breaking off. A slice bar for breaking off the block® c ' an . e made similar to a crowbar, with a sharp blade from six to eight inches wide. An ice saw may be improvised improvised by removing one handle of a crosscut saw. A number of pike poles, ice tongs and a chain, witn heavy pair of ice tongs attached complete the tools re Quebec Man Who Suffered from Kidney Disease tor jears is again a Robust, Healthy man: L' Anse-a-Valleau, -Gaape 0°-, Que., Jan. 25th (Special)-- I am IT ENDS MISERY OF COLDS QUICKLY. Don't wait till night. Get after your cold now,--this very minuté, before it grows dangerous you should apply old-time "Nerviline. Rub your chest and throat, rub them thoroughly with Nerviline. Relief will be immediate. Nerviline .will save you from lying awake to-night, coughing, choking, ana mg suffering ffom congestion in the chest and acute pain in the throat. Nerviline will break up that dun neuralgic headache--will Kill the cold and chill at its very beginning--will save you from perhaps a serious iu- stdnn. The British Waiters' Union clamored clamored for recognition vainly unto the war. Then the newspapers took up their case, and there ha® resulted a clean sweep of Germans, Austrians and of- Swiss who speak with a Ger- V P&H'S to break , , finerpr very wunn Ur. VVAUiama ~ Baby put her little fin ^ esoaped the trouble, while many irefully on Peter s It y neighbors were down with it. , and he sat quite still and gave ^ ^ | ti j oyed the best of health all •al little tweets. -v| spring and feel sure this medicine en Uncle gave hisjngerj. ]_erx ( ^ ^ fortify the syst em as to pre platform, one end of which may let down into the ' water, and the other end raised level with the floor of the sleigh, permits the use of a horse in taking the ice out o the water and loading on the sleigh. The ice should be packed as solidly solidly as possible in the ice house and care taken to have sufficient lnsulat- off upwai perched on , when Uncle whistled the dear and And. little bird came back at once. , • •Now Peter, home! and Uncle ' i e a softly and rattled the door But whist uf the cage. " . Peter hesitated a moment, when Uncle whistled a second time he darted straight into his cage, and we clapped our hands so loudly that Peter looked frightened. . ••Get me a lump of sugar, said Uncle. ' . . ., • „ I fetched him a piece, and putting it un the top of his head he gave a centle call. Peter was having a drink at the time, but directly he heard the whistle he looked up and flew out on to Uncle's head. An there he sat quite happily pecxing a wav at the sugar. When Uncle had gone Peter was _ sy : vent the trouble/' These Pills are sold by. all medicine medicine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Med icine Co., Brockville, Ont. AIREDALE THE BEST DOG. mg material around the outside and on top. If more ice is required than can be accommodated in the ice house, it may be piled outside, first laying boards on the ground, and covering them with a layer of sawdust sawdust or straw. The sides and top should also be well covered and> protected protected with boards to prevent the wind carrying away the insulating material. Sorted in this way the ice --* happy to tell you Dodd s Kidney Pills made me well.' $o says Jean Baptiste Tapp, a, we| known and highly respected resident of this place And so thankful is Mr Tapp, for the benefits he has received from Dodd's Kidney Pill® that he wants the whole world to know it. H | wants other® who suffer as he did to know the cure. , . - "For many years I suffered from kidney disease," Mr. Tapp say®, 1 'I* started from a cold, and gradu a ally grew worse. My = skin had a auired A harsh, dry feeling, my appetite was Ih mt be -fitful an7l perspired f^y wRh the slightest exertion. I had flashes or light before my eyes and I was always always tired and nervous. , "Finally rheumatism was addea to my troubles, while^^.attackso sciatica and neuralgia followed. The doctor who attended me and the medicines I tried, failed to help me till I decided to use Dodd s Kidney Pills I took four boxes m all, ana to-day I am a robust man in excellent excellent health. " All Mr. Tapp's troubles came from sick kidneys. That s why Dodd's Kidney Pills cured them. n6 To take away hoarseness, up a grippy cold, to cure a sore throa or bad cold in the cheat, you can use nothing so speedy and effective as -Ner- viline. For forty years it has been the most largely used family remedy in the Dominion. Time has proved Its merit,-so can you by keeping handy on the shelf the large 50c. family size bottle; small trial size 25c., sold by any dealer anywhere. * GERMANY BEST IN LONG WAR. man accent. The big hotels are too dignified. to ..placard tne*s? windows with the signa that alien enemies are not employed, but they make a more conspicuous land more diplomatic diplomatic show of patriotism by cover- their fronts with flag® and loyal mottoes. The casé of German restaurants and shops which 'have professed to purvey genuine German foods and beer® is especially pathetic. One of the latter, which ha® many branches in London, ha* filled its windows with signs that its sausages are made from British pork at its own factory in the north of England, and also make® announcement of itt contribution® to the Prince of Wales' Relief Fund. Another etx- The child's delight. The picnicker choice. Everybody favorite Megaphone Youngster. "What do you suppose makes that baby ory * Wiully tai l" "Whv. both its parents 'are hard V «iiioa jvoiwi. x- -- î 1 ^ m ; ) lain® that the alien owners were of hearing, you know uought out by British capital years ago, but the German name was re-1 Murine Eye R« m tained to keep the old customers A MOTHER'S ANXIETY Count Reventlow Thinks Teutons Can Beat Allies in Time. Thé London Daily Chronicle prints an article by Count Reventlow, Reventlow, in which he says : "We know in Germany that not only can we last out a long war, but also that we can last out a long war better than our enemies--political- ly militarily and economically. VV~ know the longer the war lasts, so much better will be our world standing. , Because of that the entire Ger- the new Death Nearly New Brnnswick Lady WIDOWS IN ONE STREET. Was Restored to Her Anxious Family When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 16.--At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of backache backache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When 1 exerted exerted myself it was terribly intensified. intensified. If I caught cold the pain was unendurable. unendurable. I used most everything, 1ST WILL TELL YOD y lor Red, Weak, Watery fiVee and Granulated Eyelids ; i comfort. Write lor Book of the By# ly riSltfree. Mutine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Conscience. Maid (knocking in the morning) --Madame, I've forgotten whether you wanted to be waked at seven or eight. . "What time is it now < "Eight." man people enter upon tne J lc > l I but nothfng gave that certain grateful e and confident ] bot^noming^^ ^ Dr Hamilton's year full of courage . of ultimat-e victory. From Kaiser to wor Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Her Rival. "Do you think only of me 1 mured the bride. "Tell m vou think only of me. 7 "I,t's this way," explained the "Now and then 1 of the mur- thafc groom, gently, my Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- wuAing man, all Germans know the Btead of being bowed down with pain struggle can last a long time yet, t0 . day i am strong, enjoy splendid ° w DO _ , -it i 1 1 Goyi I __ .hi- nmm sad iw a- day or two until he to our voices. Then he cheered upwind became quite friendlv. Anyone" morning, when Yve had turned Puss out of the room and Vint ilie window, we opened the door of his cage, and Peter flew out on to my finger. Pus; gave us a lot ot trouble. We couldn't get her to understand that she was not to frighten Peter, although although we scolded her severely each time°we found her anywhere near the cage. " , • o One morning I came down-stairs rather early, meaning to clean out Peter's cage before breakfast. But in the doorway I stopped in fright, fin- the little curtain that we put over the cage at night was ly in SJ^ the floor, the door of the cage open, and Peter be seen. 1 ran up-stairs and - others, and we all began to search. We looked in every possible place, under the chairs and tables, behm even in the For Military Purpose the Airedale Beats All Others. The finest military dog is.the Airedale, Airedale, in the opinion of Major E. H. Richardson, a. breeder of war dogs, -who was in charge of a pack of bloodhound® with the Belgian army until they were lost in the disaster at Mens. He says the Airedale can stand âny clmate, is second to none faithfulness and intelligence, powers of hearing and scent . mark ably, acute, and is the right size, whether used on sentry diity,- scouting, searching for the wounded or as a messenger or carrier. '.'He can hear 300 yards farther than a man and knows friend_ from foe by their smell," says Major Richardson. "A man's smell depends depends on what he eats, so a do g can m has re- ammunition Most mothers are anxious when their little ones are teething, for at this time the baby s stomach gets disordered and there is. a grave danger of convulsions. This anxiety can be lessened, however,- if the mother keeps a supply of Baby s Own Tablets in the house and gives an occasional dose to her teething baby. The Tablets are the very best medicine in the world during the teeth,ihg time. They regulate, the bowels, sweeten the stomach, promote" healthful sleep and make teething painless. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr: Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. * POTASH AND WOOD ASHES. Some Valuable Products for Land Improvement. With the supply of potash from was was nowhere to fetched the ten the difference bSween En^h, | the Germanmines «dnrtoffby war ^ , p mans even when conditions, Canada should now give French and German even w attention to the large quantity of dressed j; m the same this fertilizing agent which.m allow- clothes. • • ed to go to waste through want or An officer wrote, to the major m a , n a conservation of the annual regard to one of his dogs : production of wood ashes. ' 'Hon was blown twenty yards by r Throughout a large part of Uan- a bursting shell. He was not hit, ^ the chief fuel at all seasons, but ~ - " J1 -- -- 1. --^ «4 4- n to oo I • n i c OOH e 60 Who Suffer Their Bereavement with Splendid Fortitude. There is a road in Gillingham, England, which deserves to be called the Street of Sorrows. There are 139 houses m itr-two monotonous rows of small, plain houses along -less, than a quarter- mile of drab street, with only its name, Chaucer Road, to distinguish it in peace from a score of others in J this unlovely neighborhood. Now it has a sad distinction. ihe war has made- sixty women widows in that street. Sixty widows in 139 houses. It is a poignant example of how Chatham and the district near, including Rochester, Strood, Gillingham and Rairiham, have sur fered by the navail losses since Au- ^ The Formidabile is the ninth boat manned by men of the Chatham division that has been lost. lne others are the Aboukir, Hogue, Cressy, Hermes, Pathfindei, Speedy, Hawke and Ro hi Ilia The Mayor of Chatham, Aider- man Payne, -stated that there» were over 500 families bereaved in- the district. "The splendid fortitude of the women," he^ said, "is an inspiration inspiration to us all. but likewise they all know the Ger- | appetite, sleep soundly. ^Lost^ proper- - - ■ ' n. Do disap man people ultimately will win. Do-1 ties have been instilled into my blood --cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton s Pills." Every woman should use these pills Irishman--Do you shave for fi ye I regularly hecausè good health pays, ' - 1 - and it's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton s Mandrake and Butternut Pills mestic controversies have peared and all Germans stand to gether as one man^ cints \ Barber--Yes ; one side. Irishman--All right; thm shave the outside. Lord's Day Alliance Active no Very tmsy with the good work, 'but more^efficient than the old reliable Put- nam'e Corn Extractor, which cures corns and warts in one day. Fifty _ years use proves the merit of Putnam s. Pee no other, 25c. at all dealers- Two Pullman porters, representing different railroads, met off duty and. progressed fro-m friendly gossip lave to think dear." farms for sale. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. Ninety Colborna Street. SELL A Paras. I F YOU WANT TO. BUY OR Fruit, Jtock, Gr n al Brampton or 90 Col- write H. W. Dawson. Brampiuu. borne St.. Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, rnihnme St., Toronto. EGISTERED I Hoi Durham. ]R,^Holstein Calves. for sale. „ SHORTHORN AND D -j; j. Morrison. Color Didn't Matter. Uncle Si (in restaurant)--Bring me some fish. Waiter--Yes, sir; we have blue- fish, black bass, whitefish , Uncle Si-- I don't keer nothin about the color, jest so long as it s fresh. LOW FARES TO THE CHICAGO EXPOSITIONS. Via Chicago & North Wostcrn Ry- roMndS daily trains from the New w FEMALE HELP WANTED. AlSr™D-MDlE|TODOPLA^/™ light- snare time; , tance; chargte . r S. RATIONAL CO., Montreal. c^>wi mr sit. hoiD - . , _ _ S ood pay^s; any MANUFACTURING ® argument. Their quarrel | NURSERY stock. STRAWBERRIES. BA ERR ^o nn\TOES. Canalogue iiue. & Son, Port Burwell. Ont. -- M ai c HELP WANTED^ centred about which one worked for the better road. Their claims, figures figures and arguments came fast and furious. At last the tall, thin porter porter settled the dis-ute with these classic words : "Go on, man; kills more than you fellahs tote. the pictures, and cupbo drawers by ards in case oy any should have got shut had been 1 only scared. He declined to face the music any more, until after a lot of coaxing, when he went back more especially in winter, is In the eastern province®, hardwoods are chiefly used. These woods, es- night duty, watching and listen- pec i a n y beech and maple,' are " . 1 « irrL/v.rvf _ U V _ • ■ f C 4- y-x 1 1 ingin the trenches with the intentness intentness of the most seasoned sentry, aided further by a sense of sight and smell that was almost un canny." rich we ; j in potash, varying from 5 to 13 per cent., according to conditions of dryness of the wood and care of tne ashes. Other valuable ingredients of wood ashes are a small proper- , al - poun ds. o£ phosphoric acid and -abon* = e "= n tainous di tion The Mysterious Thyroid. The thyroid gland, which is situated situated about the lower part of the throat, is still a medical mystery. Practically nothing is known as to its uses, and very little about the causes of disease in it. Goitre is a non-malignant enlargement of the thyroid gland. The swelling may be no more than a mere thickening, or ° I it may grow into- a mass weighing It is common m mountainous districts and where Minard'e Liniment Ck>., Limited^ EINI- Sire --I bave used your MIN ART) S U" 1 xrT'vm for 'bl'O patit 25 years and. r wliilst I .waeionally used- other linimente I I bave never need an, e< If a rubbHl between the hands and in- freouently, it will never fail to SSfcofiTin the head In 24 hours. It is So Se Beet for bruises, sprains, etc. also Yours truly, TT1 J. G. LESLIE. Dartmouth. Choice S o£ 'scenic^axuf direct routes. Double track. Automatic electric safety signals al L^ii£ V pia n your trip and furnish fold- fvpfl 3, lid ifllll P tl RX16. q » B. H Bennett, Gen. Agt., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Not Greedy. Passenger--I'd give you a tip, only I've nothing but a $10 bill. Porter--Oh,, sir. L earn , sure employment BARBEE TEAM,- M,W »,« it gcotl waiges ^kr^cciuTredho ! for full pnruculai. and cat. . Eijet . ; Moler Barber Toronto. College. 219 Quee; MISCELLANEOUS. ehnnee Peter inside. Suddenly Betty, who mit of the room, came running in. ••Puss did it!" she cried. 1 know sheU did. I met her m the kitchen j^st now,'and she looked so guilty, and when she saw me she just slinked away. ' -•But however did she get m t .-. r ied "I know she wasn night tor after I had shut up schoolroom I saw her asleep m her t-asket. ' It was a mystery solve, so we sat down to breakfast.. But no one felt inclined to eat. Suddenly, Suddenly, just as we had finished,_ we heard the fluttering of little wings. Then a familiar "tweet, tweet. \nd next moment our dear Peter flew on to the table, looking very ruffled and frightened, but other w he unharnjifl. . XVe were glad to see _ him, and nearly smothered him with kisses. When we had put him back in his rr.qe and he was enjoying his break- fa-d I went to the window. It was a e --7 inches open aç the bottom. "it must have been open all r.iriit'." levied. Puss must nave Dm the garden and. c-inub- curtains to the cage, and got the door open Peter flown out. I suppose when he haw us this morning he thought it would be safe to come '•-"k "' • l '~"~ all we ever knew about adventure. But we gave colding. THREE REASONS Each With Two Legs and In the clearing oi wow I -i n< j drinking water. Operation the o^™£ S I may necess/ry, but goitre will Ten Two Legs Fingers. An Eastern woman who is a fond i mother writes an amusing I about her experience fifty per cent. .<* ^a-te of lim^ | ^ k m^5^e»tom, i- the is ati 1USt|=MËS« SÈS4Ï 5 boys. get m r r i Among other things she says:, ^z^^V eUent away from 1 [ n deed in some mysterious way re- hlrUuP^i^re^huW, ^ | Uny'^ger of U | moval bf the^roMgla^ 4M» supply, large amounts of ashes are produced. These, as a rule, are left where the | rarely fatal. article I burning is done, and are feeding her | q uentiyw^ Bh , ouid ^ £ul , , H6re ti<M stored in fire-proof receptacle® it | Bar y, and Is a Malignant disease of cônTe"- 1 th^thyroid gland is often associât- ed with overstrain or sudden shock "Bridget, has Johnnie come home from school yet?" "Yas, sorr.^ "Have you seen himî No, ®orr._ "Then ho»w do you know he is home V' "'Cause the cat s hidin under the stove, sorr. Minard's Liniment Carget In Cows WAITERS GET CHANCE. that'll be enough, Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. Mr Dooley--Give me a bar of soap, please. Shopkeeper--Do you want it scented or unscented 1 Mr. Dooley--Aw, niver momd. Ui 11 just take it with me. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ANGER. TD ¥° extern al Ui cure^l wtif- Vy internal and " ^rpàimeat. WrV,# out pain by our ° Bellman Medifi** œ before voo lat? Dr - Co.. TimM. CoUingwood. On: pecitively nc for usinj and recommending the food, Grape- j spring i tiOD very^serious 7 matter I British Take Places in Restaurants y y • 1 of Alien Enemies. 'No alien enemies employed in In thé this establishment is one» of the been fed the mental powers, and the unfor the land. T^'e^iaHy ^u-1 ^ed^Un T£ j die and cheap grades, says the Ix>o- are three of our reasons fusing | kept dry^to W hS thyroid I signs noiYv confroïnting Londoners in -voiln- V V • j. vlnntrw rvf 1 rtS- kVilPi maton - "isreilsf» children would have grasses Wood ashes, by hastening the de- fancy, when other be ®I SveYpacLge of Grape-Nuts I cay of organic matter " , npie-hbor whose 3-year-old child der more readily available the n t waîT^z^edl^Me thing, ill half -gen contained therein In sandy the time. The little tot ate the soil, wobd ashes supply^the » Grape-Nuts and cream^greedaly and | phone amd^an^ fime m .Ji ^ ^ the mother continued the good and it was not long before a | truly ■lace® p gracie®, su . le. Some go even fur- To-morrow rhyme® and sorrow. with borrow crept u.i cd up th when sh : must na*£ soils are deficient, while, on <^ay tv/xrk and it wa® not long ueiuic 1 lands, the lime content of , ® truly' yondei« chang^ ^amfes^l kend^to in abun- F«S£ tA * " ts^ste-gervia don Chronic.. - ther and announce "No alien ene- mieis are em.ployed or served. Ibis is a triumph for the British Waiter® tJnion. . Before the war foreigners from Youthful Unselfishness. He was a good little boy and very thoughtful. It was during a long spell of di-v weather, and he had heard of the great scarcity of • water water throughout the country. He came to his mother, and sliped his hand into hers. - . , "Mamma," he said, i® it true that in some places the little boys and girls have not enough water to drink 1" "That is what the papers say, m ^'Maamna," he presently said, "I'd like to give something for those poor little boys and girls. "Yes, dear. What would you h ^Mamma," he said in an earnest wav . "as long as the water is eo very, very scarce, Ï ^mk I ough to give up hem washed . Machinery For Sale Engine, shafting, belting. P alle - etc from large factory for sale. Wheelock engine, 18 by 4 "' CC j m g ear . with cylinder frame, fh wheel, ,"gs. Cte.. all in good «nd'tiom Shafting from one meh to t»'re inches, pulleys thirty inches to fifty inches, belting six inches to .twelve inches. Will sell entire or in part. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. g_ Frank Wilson & Sons. 73 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. (v V Mrs. Topflat--Bridget, where did ^ „ vou get that dreadful eye. Bridget-- the Continent monopolized the waati Me ibrathar gave it to me, mum; ers > calling throu#iout^ Englan , and what'll the neighbors say Î Me with an eye like that and no hus- batid. and have three of the finest, many, m that it J® /».an find in a ble form, and he is good l a a' 1 her lu es a- thor oughly And now we are always, very careful careful to see the window is shut before we go to bed. • healthiest boy s you ean find m » day s march. ... . .. I The importance oi Wood ashes, as shown above, as a. fertiliser can be over-estimated. It is s march. .any mothers instead of destroying destroying the %} jyi_ l C*.JLX j ---- y mg the children s stomachs » , ,, u over-estimaxea. >o candy and cake give the y0 ^® s th _ oo^sequentiy of first interest to the Handful of Grape-Nuts when agrict J turis f s an d lumber interest f à V' I I II soon irltn, The only time some people ever count the cost is after they get the till." are begging for something in way of sweets.. The result is s» shown in greatly increased hea strength and mental activity. Name given Iby C ci-n oxiimi Postum Co. Windsor, Ont. . Look in packages for the- famous little book, "The Road to W ell- ville." Ever read tho above letter- A no* ono • nnears Irom lima to time. They are îenufnS. true, and lull el human interesC of Canada to conserve the supply wherever and by wh^t process pro- During the present winter largé undertakings in lapd clearing^ and right-of-way clearing pf rail lines will be In proves® fi burning of the debri® of wfii amounts of will accumi Some steps should, be taken to pro K? ONEY -r% ■ e * S7 M f l J - except în a few of the old fashioned I British establishment®, particularly those in the -heart of London, where an old guard of business nien, livang I UD to the tr-aditibn® of former gep- eratlons, r«cpàin faÿ^ifiÿ. to turtle soup And tie of port for tbeir tat îlipg io fcfWP ADLY Chapped Hands Quickly Healed Chapped hands and lips always come with cold weather, but ii r j > * l r v- . r ' V xl'v' 1 -, k- p' ' . . X • - O" x i i t • « \ v \J. ; t , r w v j \ I Hf ■ t i r- I ■ ;V v " ... VaV I--r i-v » F r U ■ . » 1 ' i ) ~ 1 i éÔmiûian< and! bothy bothy ihe»!, Assorts, ebm- ] ird ie, lions.I severe wounds, eczema si troubles--X :3ultS ED. 5* ISSUE '15. I 'd of health ih an ùp-to^" vflO for childi.^3 nothing to equal the great herbal healer the hunger Em k L -ff* a,naé® fimS ■raie stock- LVidiends before loy- fMi servants when Bri- tfsh employee® had been proven less j profitable than aliens. German®, tty ■heals Tfidcmirk CAMPHOR ICE Afcwh in Cmnadn brings sure and speedy relief. Children especially need VeeeKne Camphor Ice for their rough and smarting hands. Our new illustrated booklet describes describes all the "Vaseline" preparations. preparations. A postcard brings it. AVOID SUBSTITUTES. Insist on "Vaseline" in original packages packages hearing the name, CHESE- SkOUGH MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING CO., Consolidated. For sale at all Chemists and General Stores. CHESEBj^OUgH MF*G CO. 1880 CHABOT AVE.. MONTREAL

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