X.... - ,*.--- -. •r^v ^ -V/r Y : BOWMAN VILLE, FEB. 4, 1915 F. A. Baddy's Annual Stock-taking Sale vjOTICE the low prices on the following lines we il wish to clear out previous to our stock-taking sale at the end of January. Reductions all genuine. Ammonia Powder 2 r ® c Swift's Pride Cleanser IOC si*e forge Swift'rBoraxSoap . - /char Haddy's Ideal Soap • 7 bars for*5c .Haddy's Ideal Baking Powder 15c lb. tin Dakoti's D B Baking Powder - I 5 C *"• tin Tomatoes, Peas, Corn 3 f° r 25c, Lombard Plums, Green Gages • 3 f° r 25 c Canned Peaches *4 C Bn, 3 f° r 4°c Canned Pineapples ............ iSc tin, 3 for $oc Fruit Jelly in Tumblers I0C Blueberries,Imperial qt gems .-. 35 e Celery Relish, Worchestershire Sauce each 10c bottle Michoycc Sauce, extra fine IOc bottle Pickles reg. 15c for ioc; 20c for 15c; 25c for 20c Ketchup .. .small bottle 10c; large bottles 15c and 20c Olives, plain....... .reg. ioc for 8c; 15c for I2c; 20c for 15c; 25c tpr 20c; 35c for 25c; 50c for 40c; 75c for 60c Olives, stuffed.. .. reg. 15c for 10c; 20c for 15c; 35c for 25c; $1.00 for 75c Clover Honey in 5 lb. pails 75 e » in 10 lb. pails $1.50. Sanderson's Extract Coffee.. reg. 20c size for 15c; 35c size for 25c Matches, Jumbo boxes, silent tips IOC or 3 for 25c Parlor Matches, reg. 15c * IOc an< ! 12 %* c Shoe Paste H 5c bo* 6 for 25c Mixed Nuts, about too lbs. to clear out only 15c lb. Layer Raisins, only a few left • • 200 lb. Oranges, good and sweet 2 doz. for 25c; larger size 15c doz. LAMPS--Glass Hand Lamps, complete, every one a bargain, 20c to 50c TUMBLERS--Best value we have ever had... .3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c each. A few fine cut glass tumblers at about half price DINNERWARE-Odds and ends at greatly reduced prices, consisting consisting of plates, platters, covered vegetable dishes, gravy boats, etc. DINNER SETS--We have three Dinner Sets which are incomplete owing to breakage, all good quality of semi-porcelain and good patterns, which we will sell at bargain prices. Spend your money with us and save money F. A. BADDY China Hall Grocery Phone 62 Bowmanville S- W. Mason & Son's January Stock-Taking and Remnant Sale IS NOW ON £5 T HE STOCK must be thoroughly cleaned up by the end of January. All short, ends of goods of every kind will be sacrificed at about Ha f Price. All surplus Winter goods will^also be on sale at prices that will ensure a [quick getaway. getaway. Including : Ladies', Misses' and Men's Underwear, Blankets,Comforters, Blankets,Comforters, Kimona Cloths, Wrapperettes, Gloves, Mitts, Toques, Hoods, Clouds, Scarfs, etc. SWEATER COATS ON SALE--reg. 50c for 35c; reg. 75c for 55c; $1.25 for 90c; $1.50. for $1.10; $2.00 and $2.25 for $1.60; $2.50 and $2.75,for $1.75; $3.00 and $3.50 for $2.35. All of the balance of our Ladies' andjMisses' COATS, SUITS and SKIRTS at Exactly Half Price. LADIES' WHITEWEAR--All at Sale Prices. Corset Covers, reg. 25c for 19c; reg. 35c. for 25c; 60c for 38c; 75c for 55c. FURS--All Furs at "Half Price. Letter and telephone orders promptly and [care, fully attended to. St The Churches. Rev. C. C. Anderson, Cheltenham, preached in Port Hope Baptist church Sunday. ' • Trinity Methodist Church, Napanee, has invited its pastor, Kev. S. Sellery, M.A., B.D„ to remain a fourth year. Church of Christ--Pastor Welsman's ^object's next Sunday are: morning, "Fruitfulness through Death"; evening, "The Ideal and its Cost" Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A., Trenton, has received a unanimous invitation to Port Perry to succeed Rev. R. Bamforth, B.A., who is invited to Çolborne. Port Perry Methodists placed $275 on the plates Sunday Jan. 24 at their anniversary anniversary when Rev. W. P. Rogers preached with great satisfaction to large audiences. Rev. Dr. T; Albert Moore, general secretary secretary of the department of moral reform of the Methodist Church of Canada, preached preached in tGeorge-st. Methodist Church, Peter- iboro, Sunday. The-Golden Jubilee Year Sunday School convention of the township of Darlington and tbwn of Bowmanville will be held in Hampton Methodist Church on Thursday February t8 commencing at I-3CL P;™ - Afternoon and evening sessions.^ The chief speakers are Miss B. Laine, Supt. of Elementary and Home Dept, of the Provincial Provincial S. S. Association, Rev. G. C Weisman, Weisman, Bowmanville, Messrs. R. J. McKes- sock# Kenneth Courtice and President Stainton. Programs are being sent to every school in the district ■ and a good delegation from each is expected. The Methodist Epworth League service Mondav evening w s m charge of Mr. Ernest Freeman and Miss Amy Hathway. Pres dent Butson presided. Mrs. B. Bailey re d he scripture less n and Rev. E. A. Tonk n gave a very earnest address on the topi " The Witnessing that Counts." Miss Mabel Noon gave a reading onTrans- figuration. Misses Belle and Doris Courtice Courtice rendered a duel very ac eptably. Three new members were rece ved into membe ship. Next werk it is expected the President of the District, Mr. James Vinson, Oshawa, will p y this League a visit. Come and enjoy the meeting. The afternoon tea given by the ladies of St. Paul's church Thursday was a very gratifying success. The room was prettily prettily and tastily decorated with Union Jacks, bunting, flowers, etc., which, with the daintily laid small tables from which delicious refreshments were served by the ladies, addc d to the attractiveness of the scene. During the serving a short program program was given consisting of sol os by Mrs. W. S. Roy, Orono, and Mr. Geo. C. Roy; Messrs. Chas. and Will. Carruthërs gave violin duets, accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Dudley; Mrs. E. S, Senkler contributed several-piano solos,-all being greatly enjoyed. enjoyed. Proceeas $55 in aid of Belgian Fund. President and members of the Association wish to thank all who helped in any way to make the function a success. Sunday last was laymen's day in connection connection with the missionary work of B >w- manville Methodist Church and concluded the three Sunday services for this year. Two well-known and successful church workers, Messrs. W. B. Spaning, Lindsav, and G. F. btewart of elleville Deaf and Dumb Institute, presented the topics in excellent addresses. Mr. Sparling opened the su ject in the morning giving thoughtful thoughtful and practical views on man's duty to God as shown in his obedience, love and service. In the afternoon Mr. Stewart interested the Sunday School with an address address o "Heroes" and in the evening presented the needs of the people in foreign foreign countries and of our own Dominion and pointed out briefly what we owe to the spread of the gospel. Mr. Sparling followed, speaking on "stewardship", its relation to our time, money and ability All the addresses were carefully prepared and 'thoughtfully presented and came as messages from busy men to busy men and women whose hearts are aglow jn the Lom's work. Revs. E. A. Tonkin and W. C. Washington, M.A., assisted i astor Kenny in the opening exercises. When the subscriptions are ail in. the amount will be likely t qua I to last year's givings to missions -$1567.89. We have rece ved the annual report of Cambridge-st. Methodist Church, Lindsay, for 1914, bring 24 pages and cover, conl- pi ed by Mr. W. B. Sparlii g, Church Treasurer, and printed by the Post Printing Printing Co. I he addi ess of Rev. S. J. Shorey, D.D , Pastor, contains this closing paragraph: paragraph: " These are times for bended kne- s and uplifted hearis and with faces to the Son ot Righteousness the shadows must fail behind us and we shall find that better days are coming for better men." Sunday School shows attend me of 217 boys and 2GQ girls. Lindsay boys must be better than in some towns when more than girls go to Sunday School, but the girls tiavè t e advantage in average attendance, the figures being 121 to 114. Laymen's Mis- sionaiy Movement report says the weekly envelope system has proven itself the ideal method of missionary finance. Lindsay Lindsay people are hustlers for missions. Their givings were: Gen. Fund $19 >3 80; mission plant and extension $ly30; Vv .îvi.S. $171.14; mission band $56; total (4062.14. 1 otal amount to all cnurch purposes $9485.19. We doubt if any other church in the Bay Conference can show such liberality in church giving 1 he report is a credit to ihe congregation showing thafMethodism in our si.-ter town stands for progressive methods and liberal support of ad good causes, for the churches' rwork genera Iv give a pretty accurate criterion of the . spirit of the citizenship. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH i S. VV. Mason & Son Next Door to Standard Bank BOWMANVILLE Junior Missionary Society will meet at the Manse Monday evening Feb. 8. ! Subject for next Sunday morning: "Contending "Contending with God"; and 'in the evening "Worship, its Reason and Object", j This (Thursday) evening the subject will be "A Bird's Eye View of Home Missions" Missions" illustrated with sixty-five lantern slides. Sunday morning Rev. A. H. Drumm brought out in his sermon the thought that as the reed and the flag cannot live without water, so our life without Chris' is naught. In the evening the speaker was not afraid to express his opinions on the stand taken by our Southern neighbors. neighbors. From ihe texts "He who is not for us is against us" and "Hive thou nothing to do with that just man" it was shown , that there is no such thing as neutrality. I 1 he speaker.also mentioned the fact that , Belgian suffering failed to bring out the ; protest that touching American commerce brought out. McMurtry & Co., Ltd., TAKING SALE A - 15 O UR STOCK-TAKING SALE has always proved an event of importance. This year it will eclipse all that has previously been attempted Many circumstances make it possible to offer the Biggest Bargains Bargains you have ever seen We take an inventory of our stock on the 15th of February, and in order to have the stock at its lowest possible mark we give this opportunity of securing seasonable and up to-date goods at prices which have dropped below and lost sight of original cost. There are only ten days left to make this great clearance. That is another reason for LOW PRICES. Come early, as the first here has the best selection and therefore goes away happier than the one who comes and finds that a certain line is sold out Space will not permit a full list of our Big Bargains. Below are a few of the leaders, which will give an idea of the reductions made on the entire stock. Ladies' Wear Ladies' Heavy Vests and Drawers, reg. 25c and 30c, per garment... 19c Ladies' Hose, plain or ribbed, all all sizes, very spec al, per pr 19c Ladies' Moirette Underskirts, black and colored, full range of sizes, reg. 75c, sale price, each.... 39c Ladies' black and white stripe mercerized mercerized underskirts, trimmed with colored satin band, special 98c Ladies' Morning Blouses, in dark colored wrapperettes, all sizes and > good variety of patterns, reg. 50c and 60c, special 39c Ladies' light colored Flannel and Flannelette Blouses, all sizes, reg. $1.00 and $1.25, sale price ...... 48c Ladies' Alio ver Aprons, in dark patterns, patterns, well made, very special ... 19c Ladies' Allover Aprons, best English English prints and English made, every apron guaranteed, light and dark patterns, very special 65c Ladies' Fancy Tea Aprons, well made and nicely trimmed, reg. 35c, special 17c; reg. 50c, special 33c Ladies' Waist Aprons, dark and light print, good full make, reg. 25c and 30c, special 19c reg. 45c and 50(c, special 33c Children's Navy Serge Dresses, assorted assorted styles, all nicely trimmed and well made, reg. $1.50 to $2, sale price 89c Misses' Dresses in large variety of navy serge and panama, also shepherd shepherd checks, sizes 7 to 14 years, reg. $4.00 and $4.50,.sale price... 1 48 The balance of our stock of Ladies' " Dresses, 'all this season's stock, and a good variety to choose from during Stocktaking Sale... Halt Price Rubbers, Rubbers Men's Hip Rubbers, sizes 6 to 9, reg. $6 50, sale price pr 4 65 Men's Knee Rubbers, sizes 6 to 10, reg. $5, sale price 3 65 Men s 12 in. Black Leather Top Rubbers,-all sizes, reg. $4.50 for 3 19 Men's 7 in. Tan Le ither Top Rub- Ijers, reg. $3.75, sale price pr. ...2 69 Men's 7 in Black Le ither Top Rubbers, Rubbers, quarter heel, reg. $3, for ...1 89 Ladies' Rubbers with stockings attached, attached, reg. $1, sale price per pr. 59c Ladies' Cloth Top Ribbers, all sizes, reg. $1.15, sale price per pr 59c Children's Cloth Top Rubbers or stockings attached, reg. 75c pr... 39c Men's Plain and Cloth Top Rubbers, Rubbers, sizes broken, reg. $1 and $1,25, sale price per pr 65c Boots and Shoes Men's Heavy Tan Knee Boots, reg. $5, sale price 3 58 Men's Oil Tan Shoepacks, all sizes, reg. $3.50 pr., sale price 2 59 Men's Horsehide Moccasins, reg. $2, Sale Price per pr ....1 29 Lauies' Black Dongola Blucher, patent patent toe cap, reg. $2.25, sale price 1 69 Misses' Dongola Boots, buttoned or laced, sizes 11 to 2, reg. $2, for...l 69 Furs, Furs, Furs We are determined not to carry over a «ingle piece of Fur this year. In order to gain this end we have marked everything in this department at prices which will make them go. Ruffs, Muffs, Coats, Caps and Collars are all treated alike. Now is the best time to buy furs. One only Ladies' Black Beaver Cloth Coat, curl lined, marmot collar, full length, reg. $ 17.50. ..$10.95 One only extra fine Beaver Cloth Coat, curl lined and rubber interlined, interlined, marmot collar, regular $22.00, sale price. $16-95 Ladies' Black Astrachan Coats, quilted satin lining, nice curl, reg. $25.00, sale price -$14-95 Five only. Men's Black Extra Fine Beaver Cloth Coats, chamois interlined throughout, genuine otter collar. These coats were made to retail at $40, sale price $17.85 All furs reduced in the same reckless way. General Drygoods Good serviceable Flannelette, various various stripes, 32 in. wide, Stocktaking Stocktaking sale price per yd 8^-c Large range of Wrapperettes, dark patterns, special per yd 9c 5/4 Table Oilcloth, large assortment of patterns and colors, reg. 25c yd., sale price per yd 18c 6/4 Table Oilcloth, white only, reg. 35c yd., special 24c Dark Grey Wool Blankets, full size, heavy weight, reg. $2.75 pr., for.l 89 White Flannelette Blankets, with pink or blue borders, full 1^- size, reg. $1.50 pr., sale price 1 19 Mesh Dishcloths, nothing better for the purpose, sale price 2 for 5c Roller Crash and Tea Towelling, very special per yd 5c Fine Hack Towels, good quality, nice bedroom s ze, sale price each 1 2c Fine Huck Towels, large size and extra quality, reg. 75c, eat h 43c Lot manufacturers' odd lines in fine Double Da,mask Cloth, regular sizes and new patterns. These are from-30 to 40% below regular prices Lot manufacturers' odd lines in fine quality Table Napkins, lunch size all good patterns, reg. $4.00 and 4.50 doz., sale price 24c each, 2.85 doz. White Goods EMBROIDERIES Lot 1--Fine Embroidery Edgings and Insertions, reg. 8c, 10c yd... 5c Lot 2--Reg 12^c and 15c yd., for 8c LACES Lot 1--Fine Val. and Torchon Lace and Insertions, reg. 5c to 8c yd., 3c Lot 2--Reg. 10c and 12-^c yd., for 5c LAWNS Fine English Victoria Lawns, 40 in. wide, reg. 10c and 11c yd., for... 8c Extra fine quality Lawn, 40 in. wide, reg. 15c yd., sale price... 11-^c LONGCLOTHS 42 in. Longcloth, good quality for underwear, reg. 25c .yd/sale price 18c reg. 30c yd., sale price 21 c SHEETINGS 8/4 Bleached or Unbleached Sheeting, Sheeting, plain or twill, reg. 30c yd. for 22-^c Good heavy weight Cotton Sheets, all hemmed ready for use, size 70x90, reg. $2.50 pr., sale price. 1 85 64x90, reg, 2.25 " .1 65 BLEACHED COTTONS Fine thread Bleached Cotton, good weight, reg. 12^c yd., sale price... 9c ^ PILLOW COTTON 42, 44 and 46 in. Pillow Cotton, fine qualitv, strong thread, reg. 20c and 22c yd., sale price 16c Ciicular Pillow Cotton, this is the handy way to buy it, 40, 42 and 44 in., very special per yd 21c PRINTS Lot fine qualitv Prints, large variety of pattern-, light and.d irk colors, sale price per yd 8c Men's and Boys' Clothing Men's Odd Goats, small sizes only, reg. $5 and $6, sale price ...1 95 Boys' and Youths' Overcoats^ good heavy tweeds, mostly greys and blues, reg. $7 and $8, sale price...3 95 Balance of our Men's Fall Overcoats, Overcoats, all up-to-date in style and material, reg $ 14 and $15 for ...7 95 reg. up to $20, sale price 10 95 Balance of our Men's Fall Suits, all now patterns, tw r eeds and worsteds, worsteds, reg. up to $8.50, sale price 4 95 reg. up to $20, sale price 9 95 All sizes in Boys' Bloomer Pants, assorted patterns, special per pr. 79c Men's Fu rnishin cr s Men's fh-eeo lined 4 < i (1er wear. shirts and drawers, reg 5 1 'C g i I'll!'. -ni f r 3 o c Men's 1 Heavy Ri : .bee 1 Wool Shirts and Drawers, reg. $ 1.2 5 am 1 1.50, sale price per guru aent 79c All ou v reg. 50e and i ne i ies for... 35c All our 25c Ties f. nr . 19c Men's Heavy .Sox, 1 .lack. O.V g ey, spec in 1 per pr ....... 9 c Men's Heavy W.ml Sox rep 25c and 30c, special } >er pr... . 19c Bovs' Everyday- Shi irts, daH < and hglv h pat terns, reg. 50c, salt > pv.ee 29c The la dance of our Sweat or Coats, reg. $3 and 3.50. -ale price 2 19 reg. $5 and $6, sal le pince .. 3 49 Ba hmi e of our \Y inter sh >ck of Mitts and G loves. to c'en p ; :it .... reg. 50c pr. for 3'. •c; reg. 7 5o for 59c reg. 1.U0 " 79 e; reg 1 50 for 1.19 Slippers Ladies ' Brown, Grey and Blue i Kozy ."Slippers, reg. $1, > aile price 79c Ladies Velvet Slip ipers, bl;- ivk or blue fancy trimmed, reg. l.i 5U for 1 15 Remnants Don't overlook the table of Rem mints, all sorts and lengths. If you need a short length of anything anything in piece goods, this is the spot to find it. Phone 83 Co. sSlIll : gW;- y Phone 83 Bowmanville Ifial m MS ■ .-Ng -A*: iSii, Ü SI Ur. ST ' Y -/i.'V AT-. iSv' ; S£W$?S 1ÊÊC-" 1 ÉËÉÉÉ ÉÉÜÜÉ