raiartThriraiitiriii «n '•--J Y*-/? Wm ■ W'^"-" i ;i:-::;S?:-; rf "- -S---- -' 7* ; •- - " â*r One School That Merits the confidence of the public because of ft* High Grade work is the jyjOTT Y/âU/ieÂM TORONTO, ONT. We train young men and women to become become skilful and expert stenographers, stenographers, typists, bookkeepers, commercial teachers, clerks, cashiers or general office office assfgjcats in fiom four to six months nl assUethem to get positions. Open 1 year. Enter now. Catalogue free. ■ wn<i M Ar" / ge and •x^rles Sts. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal BANK OF MONTREAL ES1ABLISHED tôt 7 Incorporated by odd of 'ParUamew Capital --- $16,000,000 Rest -- -- $16,000,000 Undiv. Profits 1,046,217.80 Saving Department Head Office, -l, Montreal. J. A. McClellan, Manager, Bowmanville Branch, Farms for Sale or Rent \ Are you looking for a farm V It makes no ditferenc how large or how small, I have probably just what you are looking for. Farms suitable for mixed farm- ' ing, fruif farms, market gardening, gardening, etc. Now is the time to buy. Insurance Information Are you interested in Insurance ? Do you want information about /f r-uirance ? I will gladly an- rT&er any questions about insurance insurance that ytfe wish to know. Don't hesitate to call and see me. Harry Cann Insurance and Real Estate First Get Your Sight Carefully and Scientifically Tested FREE Jury & Lovell Graduates of New York Schôol of Optics Chicago Ophthalmic College Detroit Optical College 2 Canadian Optical Colleges When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Jury & Lovell's for Friday & Saturday ONLY February 5th • 6th W,- l:cli'-vo tlvit llie _nrijority of havers c'lh-ido." a pr CS i' 1 ' re- Fr; r, to the value it buys- | T. efore, it is our co; stunt 5 ( l;T,: t to make our vu.rk stand | f- r maximum price value i v.'i 11 - : i nu 1 .il- t ut wo are the b ; -.O , X'.oii-iv,' linn -t purcha-ev J cun ci.'iM' 1 to. N- <• v i s any cb- I ];. t i .11 incurred hv thu'-e who j xnuhe i no civil from u< aoout a _ . \ , * l 11 !i:t -1 'iLf t iieir i h » 111us wire 1 <>r h vivg t'i ; e wires extended. Give cs u VHu order. '■OU ALI VY FIRST' K. 0. WHYTE Electrician - Leave orders at W . 11. Dustan's BOWMANVILLE. FEB. 4, 1915 The well-dressed man. It challenges challenges the other fellow. Investing money in the proper cl >"*h--s is an as is a psych; loaical fact li.av^Wie man w th a s-ovenly appearance appearance creates a disoeiief in himself and in the minds of other peop'e Appearances go a long way nowadays in helping a rmn. I; you want to be f-ultlessly dressed dressed on small capital see us. hokseV block. The Pobcaygeon Independent bas /pa*: Bed its fortieth milestone. Remember the date of the Bbeneser entertainment entertainment Friday Feb. 5.1 Mr. and Mrs. Vtm. Reader, Scugog Island, Island, celebrated their diamond wedding Jan. 4--60 years married. Miss Barbara YeHowIees, Toronto, - is visiting Mrs. Lewis Jollow, Mr. A. M. Hardy attended the funeral of his niece, Miss Annie Walkey, Lindsay, Saturday. Miss Gwendolyn Winter born, Oshawa, spem the week-end with Miss Marion VanNest. Mr. Arthur Blewett, Bowmanville, and Miss Bradley. Pontvpool. were guests of Mr. Richard Avery, Little Britain. Mrs. (Dr.) G. C. Bonnycastle and daughter daughter have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Kent, Campbellford. Mr. H. Gale, Colborne, Editor and Publisher Publisher of The Enterprise, was in to a h Tuesday visiting his sister. Miss Gale. Mr. Hubert Higginbotham, Newcastle, and Miss Brita Hicginbotham, O. L. U W hitby, spent Sunday wi h their father. Mr. >. M. Newton, a former editor of Whitby Gazette, was re-elected by acclamation acclamation as Mayor of Pnnce Rupert, B.C., for 1915. About 65 characters have been practising practising for weeks for the Temple of Fame . Dont fail to see it on Feb. 15 and 16 in the Opera House. Mr. R. J. Mulligan, Omemee, who was elected Warden of Victoria county, was born in Newcastle, May 6, 1858, and is therefore a Durham boy. Mr. W. H. Letcher, an old Bowmanville Bowmanville boy, now of Port Perry, has been giving The Star'a very interesting story of the sights he saw in New York City. Friends of Mr. Angus Stalker, formerly of Orono, will sympathize with himm the death of his wife, Caroline Hart, who died Jan. 17 at the family residence, Boscurvis, I a Couch, Jehnsto/ & Cryderman call special attention/to their fine stock of black and coToreti silks, ail bought before the advance $iÿthese goods bv the déclara tion of war. j Mr. F. C. Pethick, D.D.G.P., of Bowmanville, Bowmanville, paid an official visit to Victoria Encampment No. 25,1.O.O.F., Port Hope, 1 hursday evening and installed the officers. officers. A number of the members of Albert Albert Encampment No. 12, also attended. The stock sale on the Chand er Farm on Tuesday next affords a grand chance to buy some choice live stock, rnodern farm implements, carriages and household household effects. See the sale notice and be sure to attend this important sale. It begins, begins, you will please observe, at 12 o clock sharp. On January 18,1875--40 years ago--the senior editor ot 1 HE STATESMAN succeeded succeeded Mr. Wm. Mackintosh as principal ot Baltimore public school, he having been appointed inspector of schools for North , Hastings. Monday's Globe contains a ' despatch saying he asktd county' council to release him from that office on Jydy 31st next. Forty years is a long period to serve in that capacity, j A very unexpected death occurred on : Sunday evening Jan. 24 at Colborne when ' Mr. W. T. Hammond suddenly collapsed Rexall Rose Glycerine, reg. 15c, 2 for 25c Cascade Linen (-18 sheets and 48 envelopes) reg. 50c for 29c Big Box Writing Paper and Envelopes, reg. 50c for... 29c Ford's Saturday Candy, reg. 40c r 90 r to I* #••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••• v Canada's B-sfc Chocolates, a<st., reg. 60c for 37c Best quality Violet Talc., reg. 25c for 17c Palmolive Shampoo, 50c for 37c Palmolive Cream, 50c for... 37c Palmolive Soap, 15c at 2 for 25c Finest quality Face Powder, reg. 25c for lie Fountain Pens, reg. $1 to $2, for 98c . Finest quality Writing Tablet, reg. 10c, for..... 7c Cook Book Free In addition to above special prices a Cook Book containing 1000 well tested recipes will be given free to every customer purchasing goods to the value of 50c or over. Mrs, Glendeonin, Stouffville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. Corm#i, Miss Allie L. Bragg is visiting her cousin, Miss Lizzie Allin,Newcastle. Mr. S, J. Washington, Glendive, Mont^ i* visiting hii mother, Mis, M. A. Washington. Washington. Mr. S. Foster bought th* Puley Farm, 85 acres on Lake Shore, : West of Bowmanville Bowmanville for $4®00. Rev. A. H. Going, Methodist, and Rev. T. D. McCullough, Presbyterian, exchanged exchanged pulpits in Port Hope churches Sunday evening.. We are giving as good jsatisfacton and service in our repair department, as you can get in any city store. .C. H. Haddy, jeweler. Congratulations to Miss Helen Bottrell on passing her primary examination in piano at Toronto Cotiservàto y of Music. She is a pu il of Miss Regina Pe-cy. Mr. W. B. Sparling, Lindsay, was guest of Dr. J. G Devitt, and Mr. G. F. Stewart, Belleville, guest of Mr. F. C. Vanstone, "Cedar Cliff", while in town over Sunday. Congratulations to Miss -Eva M. Smith on passing her Junior Examination in piano at the Conservatory of Music, Toronto. Toronto. She is a pupil of Miss Mayme Shaw. The over-abundant fall of the beautiful on Tuesday caused a lull on the railway lines. The morning mail from Toronto did not. reach town until about 2 p.m., and no mail wept to the country for the day. '•The Temple of Fame" will be given by local talent in the Opera House, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, .on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 15 and 16 at 8 p. m. Plan of hall opens Thursday Feb. nth at 12 o'clock noon at Mitchell's drug store. Tickets 35c and 25c. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Reavie of Ripley, Huron township, former residents of Clarke, celebrated ihe fiftieth an iversary of their wedding day on Jan. 16. Mrs. Reavie is a daughter of the late James McNeil of Darlington, and a sister of Mrs. D. McConnachie, Bowmanville. There are manv papers turned out that are not deserving of the name newspaper. For instance, the publication the policy of whose management it is to refrain from publishing news items for fear of giving offense and effecting the flow of revenue to the business office. A muzzled pre-s isn't worth much to any community, and advertisers, business men, and the public generally should discourage such a policy. --Listmvel Banner. Bowmanville Women's Institute meeting meeting Friday afternoon at Mrs. E. Bellman s, "B lsam Grove', was well attended. M s. G. H. Bickell, President, was in the chair. Mrs. Chas. Richards presented the 1 epori o the Captains re the last donation to the Belgian Relief, which cons sted of twelve qu Its, dresses, suits, underclothing, etc., in all about 700 lbs. M s. E. R. Bounsall TliTDH AM ni D BOYS. pTJNCB FBRDING PIGS FOBSALB-Two ln l/UKuAM "bU DV/Xw K pig «ova, also two yea rlings. K. Jennings, -- . Maple Grove, Bowmanville P.O. . 4 8* Durham Old Boys' Executive held a very successful meeting at the ^beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville P. White, Hawthorne Gardens, Rosedale, on Thursday Thursday evening. Dr. James L. Hughes, president president of the Association, was chairman. Over $40 bas been contributed by the members to. be allocated to some branch of relief work in connection with the war. The death of Deputy-Chief William Stark, who was one of the organizers of the D. O. B. Association and its 1st Vice President, cast a gloom over the gathering, gathering, as he was universally respected. A sympathetic resolution was forwarded to Mrs. Stark and her two sons. Committee decided not to hold any banquet this year, but appointed a committee committee to consider visiting the Homeland of Durham in the summer. The program consisted largely of music and readings and was one of the choicest. Those taking part were: Mr. an( T Mrs. ■** L. Young, Mrs. Barron, Mrs. F. W. Marlow, Marlow, Miss Yates, and Drs. Hughes, Treb- ilcock, Bo ie-and Wickett, all of whom, ith the hostess and hust, received the thanks of the company. WEDDLD 45 YEARS. A very pleasant social function occurred January 19 being 7 the 45'h anniversary of the wedding of" Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tamblyn, Oro o. A out sixty near f iends, ch Idren and gran children ga tiered tiered at the homestead, the j esidencc of Mr. A. J. T mblyn Rev. R. A. Wlwttam took the chair and called on Mr. Henry W er y to read an address, signed bv all members of the family, during which time Mr. and Mrs Tan b yn were presented presented with a handsome Vic ro a. The address address was signed bv Mrs. H. J. Werrv, M s A. J. Knox. C. N. Tamblyn, Mrs. W. Stainton, A. J. Tamblyn. M. J. Tamb.yn, Mrs. T. D. Brown. E. W. Tamblvn. Mr. and Mrs." Tamblyn made appropriate appropriate re lies referring to their happy home ife and the peasant 1.ssocm dons they had enjoyed. Mes rs R. Knox, R. Moon and C. J. Hughson also spoke • rirf- lv in remini cent vein of bygone days and years of ki dly, neighborly re ationship. Then followe I the baptism of five grandchild 1 en of the family, after which the company sat down to a sumptuous dinner of oysters and other good thi gs. The evening was spent in social pleasure. That Mr. arid Mrs. Tamblyn may haye many happy returns of the anniversary is the with of their family anil neighbors. R OOMS TO BKNT--In Roy»l Bank building; hot WHier heating, free water and model» conveniences., Booms may be arranged I» comply with wishes of tenants. Apply to the HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE """w. Bowmanville. fttf Brick house, 8 rooms, new furnace, hard and soft water inside), } acre garden, apples, plnms, cherries, stable and driving house all in first- clans repair. Bargain for quick sale. Possession early in January. Apply on premises, con Concession and Liberty streets to T. U. Bragg, box 8Z7, Bowmanville. c< corner or Bit F ABM IN BOWMANVILLE FOB BENT OB SALE--IS acres, containing a lot of cheise fruit trees,--4 acres voong orchard. 1th cherry trees, choice small fruits; good bam, frame residence; well watered ; 4} acres iu timothy, timothy, 8 acres alfalfa. This was the William Gist home.• Mi 1 sell on very reasonable terms owing to owner's illness. Apply to M. A. Jamb», Bew- manvllle, for further particulars. fit# lOOO LBS. OF FISH Just Received The Fish department of our business is growing rapidly. We have the largest variety in town and the best grade : Trout, Halibut, White Fish, Smelts, Fresh Herring, Bloaters, Kippers, Haddie, Ciscoes. Send us your fish orders and receive best values. Now for Marmalade Oranges Our Marmalade Oranges came this week and are very choice at 25c dozen. You can borrow our slicer for. the asking. Place orders early. Rd. Snowden Next Door East L. Morris & Son's -- ■-- --■ gave a pape on 1 Influ nee" and Mrs. G us 'Bounsall a paper on "Work, Wo ry and Waste', both being ve. y help'ul and much enjjved The roll call on new supper d shes was res junded to by near, v all he members. One new member was recei - - ed. Next meet ng Feb. 26 at Mrs. E. R. Boun- sall's. Town council did not hold its regular monthly meeting Monday night. Excuse given was "that committees did not have their reports ready." A mont- 1 should be sufficient time for any committee to prepare prepare its report. We are as u ed by Chair- BIRTHS. Riddell--In Clarke, Jan. 25, William Rid lull, a daughter. to M r. and Mrs. while about to enter the Colborne Meth- | man of Fiance Committee that Council odist Church. He was carried into the Sunday School Hall, where he passed away about thirty minutes afterwards. Born near Tara, Ont., in the year Io73- He was brother of Mr. I. H. Hammond, , who was lor some time agent at Bowmanville Bowmanville Canadian Northern Station. | If service counts, try cur Repair Department. Department. C. H. Haddy, jeweler. | Bowman', ille intermediate hockey team j ng | ie -'negle. te made a g and finish in its final game o porter w ho at ten .ains^Pe - th ., room OCC upied e bo;0. The lull time sco e was xoill me et next Monday night. We understand understand the by law for appointment of municipal officials is causing the delay. Be on hand at meeting next Mmday night and be prepared for a few surprises re appointments. We might tell our readers of s<>me of the changes to be made, but w 'll let Mr. Chairman tell his own little story. Altho the Finance Minister notified notified councillors of postponement of meet- MARRIAGES Meyers--Mdkdoff--In Toronto, Jan. 25th, lw Rev. ti. C. Mooi e, Usiiawa, Miss Kva I. M urdoft, younife'tL ciau i tier of Mr, J. B. Murdoff, and. Mr. Geo. F. Meyers. Trenton. Staples--Boss--Oil Wednesday, December 23. at K'lmontcm by Rev. K. G. atewart, Robertson Presbyte I ian church, Mary .1. Ross, (laugrter of Mr. and Mrs J. NV Beirnes of Kosaburn, Man., to Henry L. Staples, Veteran, Alta., son of Mr. Alex Staples, Tyioxe. DEATHS , 28th, Lorenzo Bebee, in 25th, Thomas Jan. 31, William 1 emple of Fu me." th;- season heie Friday night _ 12-8 in favor of the visitors. The way, ihe local b ys aced at und the rink .n the final period w th speed and combina ion com- p!e;dy disoivamzed th winners and re- j suited in s x goals f >r the "Canaries. As the big crowd left the rink tn .ny were heard to say, "My. if they had pl,_\ ed five minutes longr r Bowmanville would have W o ." It was undoubtedly the be>t ex } T his does hibition of hockey Mr. Tay o 's septette ! ■' to inform our court reed reed as usual an 1 'found by characti rs in "The Bebeb--In Hope, Jan his 85th year. Graham--In Cartwlight, Jan Graham, aged 86 years JENNINGS*--In Bowmanville, , Jennings, aged 72 years. Broad--In Bro klin, Jan. ?0, James Broad, in j his SSrd year, formerly of Lind-ay. i Thomas--At P -rr. Hope, ian. 29, Marv A. Allen, belove i wife of O.iver Thomas, in her 75th year. I Penrose --In Lindsay, Jan. 30, Elizabeth Duffy, b love l wife i f P-ter Penrose, aged 66 yeais, formerly of lfaydon. ! Goodman--In Toronto, Jan. 25, Carr e Sngden* ; belox ed wife ot Al re >1 Goodman, in lier ;j*st ! year, formerly of Osli.twa. i Mitchell - At the Ontario Gardens, Port i Hope, .ian. 27th, t ha rlo' te Irwin, beloved wile of E. M. Mitchell, aged 50 years. j, { wiN-- At Ontario Gardens, Pot t Hope. Feb. 2nd, Ma 1 g-t ret, M off i LI, relict of late John Livingstone Livingstone Irwin, in her 8 ith year. BnUNDY -hi Toronto. Jan. 27, Rich-- td, beloved husband . f K iz ib-th i;.,undy in his 70th year, f Grand Trunk Railway, Port 1 What Do You Know About It ? That's what'a customer asked me recently about a patent medicine I had sold for years, and I was foi ced to admit that in reality I knew nothing more than what appeared on the label, wrapper and advertising. advertising. borne of the claims made were so extravagant that of course I could not take them seriously, but concluded I had better find a line of remedies I did know something about. cNYAL'S FAMILY ^REMEDIES a*"e manufactured by a House with a solid reputation reputation of over half a century. The formulas are exceptionally good ones and are freely furnished to the Drug Trade. There are r o secrets simply because they are honest and have nothing to conceal. If I didn't believe in them I wouldn't recommend them to you. Anything you buy with the name-- Nyaï S will give you satisfaction. ,, . „ mTTTT _ TT -' iii.t.t'nf Hm.ulTriuiK iwinvay. run, impe. LOCAL MILITARY ACTlVITY ! Hallktt-- At Detroit, Jn.". ; '0. Kl zabctli, relict of late Hurry llullett, a. eJ 71 year-. Interment i r • 111 he re ii I e i ice i » f 11 e r hr t e r-i li-i -• w , Mr. Riehani \\ i nlicuiube. l.owmanville, to R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists and Opticians Phone 92 Bowmanville -n. ûnd every player i r ,. of the w hiilwind ' had nude this year ' shared in the glory finish. i Bciore leaving town _M' SS Gale, who for the. past fifteen years has bee-n in charge of Bowmanville Public ibrarv and Reading Room and has always taken great interest in anything that v. ou.d promote promote tiie welfare ot this instiiuiion, on her retirement, kind v remembered by 1 a number of friends wlio^e fiest wish, s : follow lier. 1 hursday morning Aiiss ! We read in the city dailies that recruiting recruiting in Eastern Ontario for Third Overseas Overseas Contingent is not up to . expectation. not ap -ly to this district in which the 46th Durham Regiment is located. located. At pr; sent there are over 0 men from this regiment at Purt Hope awaiting orders to move to. Bedevil le, where the ; 5,9.11 Battalion goes into training. L'euts. G- C. Bonnycastle and C. H. AnJerson of j "u" Company have been busy recruiting men in and around Bowmanville, there ! being over . 5 enlisted, and <..f dus number i thr. e were rej-cted. The list im•hides : j Major Lome T. McLaughlin, Ptes. Wilfred j Johnston, Henry Barr, H-nry C. Bartlett, Bartlett, W. Spencer, Jas. H. Gihon, t lie ceiuete ry. R. BOUNSALL, Designer ami Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. Gianite anrl Marble. in Bowmanville, Ontario. Arthur Thompson and Miss Young, on behalf of j w." Powed, J E. Jones James Stac.-y, the cii z -ns gave her a pleasant surprise : Wm. J. Swanston, has. Uaike, J. Mil - bv presentmg-her with a suitcase, a lady's ; berry, Stanley Collins ^red Pearson, W ll- handhag, and S5I in cash with ihe good j lie Pearson, Frea Smith, W. Field, - rank wi^hes-ut the donors. Thursday noon Farrell, Cyril Gibson, F. . A.. Watts, A. E. Jury & Lovell The Safe, Satisfactory Druggists and Opticians Phone 78 Bowmanville Mrs. (Dr.) W. E. Tilley, Beech Ave., gave her a fare a ell dinner when in company with a number of other ladies, a pleasant social occasion wa< enjoyed together. Miss Gale has given her beat service as Librarian Librarian and had made the library popu ar. Dry batteries for every use at Mason & Dale's. Special values in alarm clocks this week at C. H. Haddy s. You cannot afford to miss the Temple of fi'ame" Feb. 15 and 16. Man's cloth mit found on King-st. Ap- ; ply at STATESM AN Office. I p r jd y Feb. 5 is the date of Le enter- I tainment at Ebentzer. Don't miss it. I A full line of Nyal's Family remedies 1 always in stock.. Jury & Lovell. tf Fine, bright marmalade oranges, first of the season, at F. A. Haddy s; slicer loaned free. Reserve the dates and resolve to attend the "Temple of Fame" in the 'Opera House Feb. 15 and 16. Ladies' cloth coat s/at half price -and furs of all kinds at a/d below cost price at Couch, Johnston(Cc Cryderman s. What is Beaver Board? It is a pure wood fibre wall boa d usecH instead of ath and plaster. When building-or remodelling remodelling your house se Beaver Board, It costs kss a; jVlason & Dales. V\ aits, A. F. K;ng, Robt. G. Dickinson, M. W. Day. Besides the above lut a number have enlisted with the cavalry which is being recruited by Lieut. Elton Hughes of 3rd Prince of W z ales Dragoons. Office s of the 46th Regiment taking a prominent part in the 3 *5 Battalion of the 3rd Contingent are: ufficer Commanding, Commanding, Lt. Col. J. A. V. Preston,• Second in Command, Lt. Col. R. W. Smart; other officers enlisted being Maj. L. T. McLaughlins, McLaughlins, Capt. (Rev.) Spencer, Lieut. Gilbert Edwards. Under the direction of Maj. W. Far.ell, Tvrone, and Sergt.-Instructor Dunkerly, officers' courses a e being given in Port H-ipe. Lieuts. Bonnycas le and Anderson are taking the Captain's course three nights a week. Maj A. E. McLaughlin of 3rd Prince of Wa ts Dragoons has received the appointment appointment of second in command of the 8th Division 01 th; Overseas Contingent. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTOR ■ A ChUdrenTCry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son ! Most Complete Equipment Sum lay anil night calls promptly afemleil to. . Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches: OKONO HAMPTON Eat Tod's Bread At Least Three Times A Day. Is easily digested, full of nutriment and first in qual- Lost in Bowmanville on Jan. 27, a ten dollar bill, by a delivery boy who can b idly afford to lose the money. ; inder please leave at STATESMAN office. ity. B U FF A Lu HU E 1 OK SA l.E - Ne;. î ly as good as new. Apply J. H. Cr\(lernmn, Bowmaii- viile. 4tf BOWLING ALLEY NEWS. TullE TU RENT-- In James Block, King-.-t. k Apply t» Ge.». W. J am es, STATESMAN office, Bo Auianville. J/ ' LAI' TU LE --4 nice bright rooms, over 'ihe * STATESMAN office, electric ligh , S5 per montn apply N- S. B. James. klANO FUit SALE--At a bargain. Apply to ' Mis. Herbert Kiclge, corner Wellington and George sis., Bo a niaiivilie. 4tf The Lawn Bowlers are evidently more at home on the "green" than on the alleys judging from their performance with c Front-st. Thursday night when the latter> team wbn ' three games. However, tht losers had the honor of making the highest highest and lowest individual scores of.the evening. The scores: Front-st. 546 589 502 Bowlers 460 498 454 It just took four Colts and "the blind roan" to win three straight games from Front-st. Tuesday night. This gives the Colts a corr.f irtable lead in the league of 3 games. The scores.: COLTS 703 740 594 - FRONT-ST. 532 576 545 O RIENT-- House and lot. corner Wellington an 1 Brown-'tr-. 8 rooms, e cctiic liyhi, s.uall barn, heu house. 1 mit trees and-nice garden and lawn. J. T. Hooper, Bowmanville. 5 2* OUSE FOR SALE OR RENT--Five room house with good garden, quarter ac e. 5 larce apple trees, situate on Hunt-st Apply to R. Stanley, G-T. It. station, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. . 31,afc Ai K TO TUE i AND--Farm for sale on esy terms, luu acres more or les-i. lot 13. Kim - mod KOad, 1 mite we t Nvwtonville. LanJ suitable for mixed farming ; anout 50 acies in i allure. Address owner, NI. C. Rose, Box 137, Oshawa, Ont. 6 4 T and H App ville Start eating Tod's Bread to-day. THOS. TOD Phone 3 Bowmanville F ARM FOR s ale OR TO RENT-50 acres, beinu lot 16. c 11 2. ; a lingtnn. on which aie frame house. 5 rooms, bank barn. 60.x: 0 wit li stone s aiding underneath, ti iv;res y ling orchard. orchard. Pientv of wa.çr. Ro session to suit. Om- mile ;rom 'town. Apply to XV. Mcl.eynolds on the place or to Box 219. Bo maiiville. 6 2'b THE CANADIAN STATESMAN and THE lîOWM AN VILLE NEWS are publistieil ever> Thursday and Friday morning. 1 esj ec ivelv, at -ames Publishing House, in T he James Block- King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Subscription Subscription 81.5.1 a > ear; or when paid strictly in a 1 van ce 81 CO. To United States subscribers 5uc extra is charged for postager Sin le copies 3 cents each. M. A. James & Son, Publishers. Farmers ! Read This ! I have now for sale Cotton Seed Meal Caldu/ell's Molasses JW&eil Feed and Seed Corn Call at the mill or phone your order to No. 77. F. C. Vanstone BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO pSiE; wm ?-