-^9 BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 11, 1915 FURNITURE SALE. Mrs. W. T. Field, Washington Terrace, Bowmanville, offers by private sale a foantity of household furniture induing, coal heater, Souvenir cook stove, organ, sideboard, chairs, walnut table, 2 bedsteads, bedsteads, springs, mattresses, dishes, cooking atensils, etc. CARD OF THANKS. de- the them JUBILEE SINGERS. Wekongratulate St. Paul's ladies on the success of their concert given Wed- aesday evening by the Canadian Jubilee Singers. A good sized audience greeted the visitors and showed by their repeated encores their appreciation of the numbers, numbers, some of the solo singers being recalled recalled three and four times. They were almost two generous in responding to recalls recalls as the audience was entertained with only a few minutes intermission for over two hours. It was as advertised-- "a meritorious musical melange". Gerard Miller, the Negro Basso, and D. K. Williams, Williams, reader and impersonator, are real artists and won enthusiastic applause on every appearance. : Mrs. William Jennings and family sire to thank their many friends for sympathy and kindnesses shown during their recent bereavement. PRIZE FOR IDEAS. "Receive your thought* a* guest* but treat your desire* as children" We will send this paper one to the person, young or old, who us the best essay of not less than 250 words based on these wise metaphors. GREAT REDUCTIONS _ IN TAILOR-MADE SUITS Social and Personal. Hampton concert SPARKS PROM THE MUNICIPAL ANVIL Toronto, spent on to her H.I On account of depression in clothing business caused by the war we have exceptional values in Black and B Ser.e Suits, regular prices $28 ^3°, now $15.00 a suit made to order. Other ductions in suits in proportion. Let us take your measure to-day. Jos. Jeffery & Son, Star House. Bowmanville. here. , . . Mrs. Will Kind reader, ask yourself the gestion. Am I reading my own paper or the publisher's? publisher's? Don't miss Hampton concwi Friday evening. Miss Olive Lambert, Sunday at home. "Our Lady of the Snows" is job with both feet. » Miss Eva Curtis is visiting Mrs. A. Randall, Port Hope. Miss Thornton, Qrono, is visiting her cousin, Miss Aura Caldwell. _ _ Miss Hazel W. Oke, Thornhill, visited her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Courtice. Miss Clara Cobbledick, Orpno, spent Sunday with Miss Mabel Barrie. Mr. C. C. Washington of Victor a College, College, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mr. R. Tiffin, Lethbridge, Alta., is visiting visiting at Mr. Alex. Wight's, Providence. Miss Leona Stainton, Oshawa, was guest of Miss Mabel Cox,over Sunpay. Miss Royce, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Archie Campbell, Carlisle-ave. Mr. and Mrs. James Vinson and da-gh- Oshawa, have been visiting friends 2» cents I Marriage» cental Deaths,SO cents, eachinsertien; ter, LADIES That The 25c Cook Book We Give Away This Week Is the Best They Ever Saw All you have to do to get one free is to ask for it when purchasing goods to the value of 50c or over. So many of * our customers have the cook book' that we only give it to those who let us know they want it by mentioning this advertisement. Specials * 6 large cakes of Castile Soap of finest quality « 0 2 large cakes Rexall Rose or Glycerine Soap, £ lb. bars 25c 1 50c bottle Liquid Shampoo or a 50c bottle of Toilet Cream and 2 cakes R"xall Soap, 75c value, all for d/c Best English Face Powder, reg. 25c, 2 boxes for 26c Liquid Glue, a splendid article 2 * or Rexall Skin Soap. This is without doubt one of the best medicinal soaps made for skin diseases. To introduce it we will give one cake of 15c soap free with every cake of the skin Soap c Toilet Powder and Fuller's Earth 2 * or 6c Very Special We have imported a line of the finest Perfume Sprays ever made in any country. To introduce them to 50 customers and to start them going we will give 50c worth of our best perfume to the first 50 persons buying one of these atomizers. Prices from $1.00 to $5.00. No rubber bulb to spoil. They will last for years. Fine quality Writing Pads, reg. 10c Fine quality Note Paper and Envelopes in boxes c « « (t " 60 sheets, 50 envelopes 29c Fountain Pens, solid 14k gold, worth $1 to $2 ■" 9 ® c Violet Talcum Powder, finest quality Saturday Chocolates ........... English Extract of Beef, 1 oz., reg. 25c 2 , 0 2 oz., reg. 50c..... 2 f or 59c 4 oz., reg. 1.00 .. . 2 for 1.00 Caustic Pencils, reg, 1 2 ^ or English Tooth Paste in pots, reg. 25c 2 ioT English Veloute Powder, reg. 50c size 2 * or ® Camphor Ice, rog. 10c size 2 Combs, reg. big 10c line and very strong 2 for Hair Brush with Mirror in back, reg. 25c : Hair Brush, splendid value at 75c * " Rexall Cherry Cough Remedy, guaranteed to be finest cough ^ syrup made..... Rexall Cherry Cough Remedy, family size., ° Rexall Eczema Ointment, money back if not satisfactory 5 c Rexall Beef, Iron and Wine, nothing better made... • 75c Cream of Violets, will cure chapped hands in one night 2oc Tamarac Cordial, the old reliable cough remedy .. * 25c .... oQc <t " family size Do Not Forget We giv. u Cook Book confining 1000 carefully tested cooking recipes free to everyone who buys goods to the value of 50c or over. Graduates of New York Schôol of Optics Chicago Ophthalmic College Detroit Optical College 2 Canadian Optical Colleges Eight citizens were elected to council board, but if Tammany methods continue the four silent members might be dispens- cti with* " Chief Rd. Jarvis had four more petitions petitions thrust upon him Monday night. He now holds six municipal offices, but salary the same. $300 a year is little enough for Town Treasurer considering the extra work the Finance Minister heaps upon him by his fussy ways. By-law for appointment ot municipal offices did not include Street Commissioner Commissioner or Town Engineer. Will Minister oi Finance, who drew up the by-law, kindly explain ? The Mayor should insist on all reports and resolutions being written bef >re presenting presenting them to Council. It is "foley to expect the clerk to Cupy the minutes correctly correctly otherwise. With all the extra work piled on the Town Clerk the last two years, he gets no increase in salary. Still we read between the lines in the salary column for 1915 : "extra work, more pay." Lawrence, Brookhn, spent I That was ^ quite a compliment Chairman last week in town as guest of her cousin, Qf Finance gave Coun. Cornish when he Mrs. John Rice. I addressed him as "Mr. Gladstone", but Mi=s Evelyn Zealand, and Mr. Roy I t ^ e chairman was called to order for being Nicholls, Wesley ville, spent Sunday at ^ slip . s hoj in his oratory. Mr. J. T. Bragg's. I "Engineer's Report received and re- Women's Auxiliary of Bowmanville f erre d to Waterworks andSewage Coin- Hospital will meet in the Council Room mittee ." That's the last the Council hears on Friday Feb. 12 at 3 p m. • of it, while other committees discuss their Lindsay has a by-law forbidding non- reports in Council. Why this distinction? resident plumbers taking contracts in that The Finance Minister's "$IOadayand exclusive burg. Quite right. expenses" accountant was here for a few Mrs T Gamble, Mr. Frederick and Mas- days auditing books but we are he f r T *hn Gamble Detroit, Mich., are i e f t for British Columbia with the work guUs of Mn Rkhârd Widdecombe. unfinished here. More troubie for «he • Mr - ^There* was "considerable opposition in Dodds, Undertakers, Queen-st. West. gating HosP.tai 55-1-t year. «On Mr - S d .ward Pearce, Thos ry VansfoneY. timilarVrant 'was unanimously made to He* is a brother of Mr.' George Pearce, of ^m^X^terytad,gent patient sent this town. V .. R5 , nl _ to hospital last year was willingly admit- Mr. H. P. Boûcher, teller in the Bank of Montreal for some months, has^ neen Tole inquired if any provision translerred to Toronto to the regret of all {() C|^ Jg^'Sioner had been made patrons of the local branch. Mavor replied that it was not the mten- Mr.W.C. Parsons, of Victoria College» I . o y of „£ ouncir to have- one. Conns Toronto, spent Sunday wi h his - sister, Foley an d Tait form Roads and Miss P. Parsons, who is visiting her uncle, ^ tg Comm i tt ee and the former two Mr. C. W. Hoskin, Jefferson. 1 councillors were not consulted about such Mr Fred R. Foley was in Kngstonover action> Tammany Hall methods, say you? the week-end and visited^ the mi^ry authority has the Waterworks headquarters. He reported Lieut. Cooper I d SeW age Committee to appoint Mr. and his boys in tip-top condition. ! Gibson both town Engineer, and Street Rev. Wm. Higgs, pastor of Tyrone Commiss ioner ? Other appointments are Circuit, has received a unanimous ïdVita- 1 ma( j e hy a by-law. If he is not legally tion to become pastor of Millbrook Meth- appo j n ted the town must not pay his sal odist church for next Conference year. 1 ar y or every man jack of the Misses Hazel W. Oke, Thornhill,and C. com es persona.ly liable Belle Courtice, town, attended The New the matter, boys. Minister concert at Ebenezer arid visited Next time Coun. Percy distributes slips their uncle R. E. Osborne, Lake View. I paper around to Councillors telling Bowmanville Women's Institute are them how to vote on a by-law, he should another shipment of clothing get some one else to do the wnting and for the Belgium Relief. Anyone wishing also request councillors to destroy to contribute please leave orders or doth- j a . soon as by-law is passed ing at Mrs. Chas. Richards, King-st, E. Convention of Tem Notices of Births Whes tAmenî'card» srs prlwted st this office, issortloa free. BIRTHS. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy--In Oshawa, Jan, Gëo. F. Guy, a daughter. Muvton--At Bowmanville Hospital, Feb. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mutton, a son. , MARRIAGES Coogan--Murphy--At Cobonrg, Feb. 3rd, by Rev. Monsignor Murray, Miss Mary Mnrpby, and Mr. Jack Coogan, all of Cobonrg. Patterson--McKaguk--At Bracebridge, Jan. 27, by Rev. E. R. Young, M'ss McKens.e, Glenarm, and Mr. W. J. Patterson,Nestleton. Brown--Hockey--On Jan. 6th, at Chenetu, Szechwan, West < bina, Muriel, daughter of Rev. j. B. Hoc ey, ot Niagara Falls, > nt., and former Ass stant Principal of National 1 raining School, Toronto, to Homer G. Brown, M.A., both of Canadian Canadian Methodist Mission. DEATHS Welch--In Oshawa, Feb. 1, Vicars H, Welch, aged 63 years. Follby--In Bowmanville, Feb. 8, John Paynter Folley, aged 79 years. Johnston--In Oshawa, Jan. 29, Ellin Beckin- sale, beloved wife af W. J. Johnston. Prick--At Port Hope, Feb, 8th, Lou - sa Price, daughter of late Charlie Price, in her 70.h year. Hubbard--Id Oshawa, Jan. 31, Lela May, irv fant daughter of Mr. Edgar Hx months. i Sanford--At Oshawa, Jan. 31, Maud Sandford, daughter of Mr. W. H. Foster, Napanee. aged 22 years. Bennett--In Bowmanville, Feb. 6th, G. Bennett, aged 72 years Batson. ' Pomeroy--At Port Hope, Feb 7th, Elizabeth Croft, beloved wife of Wm. J. Pomeroy, in her 44th year. O'LbXrt--In Rochester, Feb. 1st, Catherine Rior.Ian, wife of late John O'Leary, Oshawa, in her 79th year. Cobbledick--In Bowmanville, Feb. 8, J. Parsons, beloved wife of Mr. Jacob dick, aged59 years. LOGAN--At Butler, P> , Feb. 7th, Mrs. Robt. Lovan, yomnéest daughter of late William Hall, Oshawa Funeral at Oil C ty, Pa Barkwell--At Bethel Grove, Hamilton township, township, Feb 9th, Elsie A. Halepead. beloved wife of W. Stanley BarRwell, in her 29th year. Samuel Father of Mrs. Edgar Sarah Cobble- lOOO LBS. OF FISH Just Received The Fish department of our business is growing rapidly. We have the largest variety in town and the best grade : Trout, Halibut, White Fish, Smelts, Fresh Herring, Bloaters, Kippers, Haddie, Ciscoes. Send us your fish orders and receive best values. Now for Marmaladé Oranges o Our Marmalade O'ranges came this week and are very choice at 25c dozen. You can borrow our elicer for the asking, orders early. Place Rd. Snowden Next Door East L. Morris & Sou's 5832 •Lest We Forget' E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and nignt calls Cqi and nigh promptly attended to, Bowmanville Phones Branches i . ORONO What Do You Know About It ? That's what a customer asked me recently about a patent medicine I had sold for years, and I was foi ced to admit that in reality I knew nothing more than what appeared on the label, wrapper and advertising. advertising. Some of the claims made wt re so extravagant that of course I could not take them seriously, but concluded I had better find a line of remedies I did know something about. 10-34 HAMPTON council bet Better look into Lost in Bowmanville on Jan. 27, a ten l dollar tiill. by a delivery boy who can badly afford to lose the money, hinder please leâve at StATESMAN office. S TORE TO RENT--In James Block, King-st. Apply to Geo. W. James, Statesman Office, FAM1L Y are manufactured by a House with a solid reptità» tion of over half a century. Rubber Goods A splendid line of Hot W.ter Bottles, worth from $1 to ^ $1.50 Special •• VV ' « «1 oft The Best Hot Water Bottle Made, guaranteed for 2 years.. .$1.9» When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly JURY & LOVELL Durham Countv perance workers will be held at Port Hope Feb. 22 at 2 p.m. A Field Day will be held on Feb. 21 all through Durham County. County. Speakers f 1 om the Alliance are at the disposal of tfie churches. '•The Temple of Fame" will be given by local talent in the Opera House, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 15 and 16 at 8 p. m. Plan of hall opens Thursday Feb. nth at 12 o'clock noon at MitcheH's drug store. Tickets 35c and 25c. Advertising is the Education of the public as to who you are and what you have to offer in the way of skill, talent, or commodity. The only man who shou d not advertise is the man who has nothing to offer i tie world in the way of commodity commodity or service. Mr. T. S. Holgate attended the comic opera " The Golden Age" at the Royal Alexander Theatre, Toronto, Tuesday evening. This charming play is 'made in Canada" being written by Joseph Nevin Doyle, formerly of Belleville, a schoolmate schoolmate of Mr. Holgate's. To young men with limited means who have but a few hundred dollars to begin life with, or perhaps only a pair of strong and willing hands, we would say the farm is the best place in the world. Do not be afraid of toil; set an example to the weak, lazv loiterer about town by putting your hand to the plow in the spring. Some papers are stating that the new baronet, Sir Hâmar Greenwood, M.P., is a Bowmanville boy. We should be very glad to include Sir Hamar among* our many bright boys, but we are m honor bound to give our sister town ol Whitby all the credit, altho we enjoyed the acquaintance acquaintance of his father ior many years. Inside pages contain several interesting articles: Old Days in town, Red Cross Work, J. T. Tillev's 2nd installment on Education in Ontario, John Rickard s obituarv, Enniskillen and Tyrone school reports, and an article every farmer in Canada should read "Greater and Better Crops." It is very meaty and worth hundreds hundreds to any farmer. Messrs. John Ayre & Son, Darlington, 'had splendid success at Ottawa Winter • air on sheep-, winning in all _ classes Southdowns and almost sweeping the field on Horned Dorsets. The Farmers Advocate Advocate says they helped to make up a line to be proud of. They also figured in long- wooled class. In the dressed carcasses they had signal success, winning all prizes save one in their three classes, their first prize D rset wether lamb bringing the highest price by auc ion against all breeds and crosses-23* cents per pound. Well done again for West Durham 1 Several articles crowded out. Electrical supplies of all kinds at Mason & Dale's. You cannot afford to miss the /'Temple I of Fame" Feb. 15 and 16. I $6 00 buys a 15 jewel wrist ^watch at C. H. Haddy's this week. See advL I Beaver Board is great for repairing broken walls or ceiling. & Dale's. Fine, bright marmalade oranges, first of the season, at F. A* Haddy s; sheer loaned free. . Mason & Dale have a go«d stock of electrical wires, fixtures, looms, rosettes, switches and lamps. • Reserve the dates and resolve to attend the "Temple of Fame" in the Opera House Feb. 15 and 16. Ladies' cloth coats at fiap price and furs of all kinds at and betafa cost price at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman> .. con- paper ^ is passed. Tuesday morning one of the councillors had on exhibition exhibition three such slips in Mr. Percy s own handwriting. Must the Council be asked to give a grant to the Patriotic League or will it be public spirited enough to make a grant unsolicited, the same as councils in other towns have done ? In this connection the Mayor said that the honest an 1 fair way of doing it was by adding a contribution to the assessment. Will the Mayor take the initiative in so doing ? Two meetings have been held this year and the cluck of "The Clique" is already noticeable. For instance they appointed themselves Striking Com , Finance Com., Printing Com, Waterworks and Sewage Com., Manufacturers' Com. Monday night the "Clique" was again in evidence when the position of Street Commissioner was included in Engineer's job without suiting Roads and Streets Com. You should have seen the surprised look the Finance Minister gave thr* Mayor when Coun. Tole moved that the Assess- or's salary b $1/5- This needs some cx • anation : Pievious to the meeting Coun. t'ercy had passed arou d slips ot paper to the councillors telling them how to vote on the by-law. He had written the coun cillor's name at the top. then followed the name of the officer Coun. Percy had decided upon for the position, with salary Coun. Tole raised the salary in question $25, and then followed that black look. In the minutes of council meeting for July 6, 1914, we find Chas. Gibson applied for position of Supt. of Waterworks, and under date of Aug. 3, I9M. Mr. Gibson was appointed engineer on recommendation recommendation of Waterworks and Sewage Com. as follows: " rhat Mr. Charles J. Gibs n be and is hereby appoint d Town Engineer at a salary of One Hundred Dollars per month and shall enter upon his duties at once " Mr. Peicy signed this report, and on Monday night he said : "We ve got him by the year." Still he does not see fit to include Mr. Gibson's name in by-law for appointment of 1915 officers the same as other officers who were re-appointed. With facts like these staring him in the face, Tammany Hall methods have nothing nothing on our Finance Minister. Bowmanville. F LAT to LE I'--4 nice bright rooms, over 1 he Statesman Office, electric light,, |6 per montb apply N. S. B. Jaint;i. apply klANO FOB, SALE--At a bargain. Apply to \ Mrs. Herbe. t Ridge, corner Wellington and George sts., Bowmanville. 4tf r, T The formulas are exceptionally good ones and are freely furnished to the Drug Trade. There are no secrets simply because they honest and have nothing to conceal, wouldn't recommend them to you. If I didn't belieye in are them I Anything you buy with the name-- NvaT s will give you satisfaction. rFNRRAL SERVANT WANTED--At oqfce.J E Nowîhing Apply to Mrs. K. W. Lo, corny,. 1 1 "The Elms", Bowmanville. 7LI W ILL BXCHANG Kpractice piano in ^fat-class condition for tarm stock of any kind. John Fox, Springcreek Farm, Base Line, Phone 63. , 7-1 MAN WANTED--At once to work on R. M. Mi.chell & Co. Druggists and Opticians Phone 92 Bowmanville INGLE farm s manville. by the year, apply to F. W. Bundle, lot 28, H.F., Darlington, or R. K. No. 2, Kow * O L OOMS TO KEN t--In Koyal Lank nun...iig, hot water heating, free water and modern conveniences. Rooms maybe atrange.ito comply with wishes of tenants. Apply Manager, Bowmanville. R to the 6tf O ATS FOK SaLK--O.A.G. No. 72 Oats suitable " for seed. I can supply yu witn good, clean nlutnp seed o this excellent varie, y is so much in demand. Price $1-00 per bushel. S Ch is. Allin, R. R- No. 4, Bowmanville. 136-rl2. Clea which lushel. Phone 7tf suitable pasture sale un e ay lot, 13, Kingston Kingston Bead, 1 mile we t Newtonville. Land for mixed farming ; about 50 actes in Address owner, M. C. Rose, Box ldv, B A( K TO THE i.AND--Farm tor tenus, 100 acres more or less. Oshawa, Ont. 6 4À One on 6 2*b mWf&ZyX Special Slipper Sale c 'ONSIDERING the comfort of our customers and as a special inducement to clear out the balance, of our slippers we offer the following following bargains : F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT-Mi acres beine lot 16. c m 2, uailington, on which aie frame house, 5 rooms, bank barn. 60x:-0 with stones abling underneath. 6 acres y, ung orch àrd Plenty of wa.er, fo.-session to suit, mile iroin town. Apply to W. McKeynolds the place or to Box 249, Ko* manville. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Brick-house, 8 rooms, new furnace, hard and soft water ,inride), i acre garden, apples, plums, cherries, stable and driving house all in first- class repair. Bargain for quick sale. Possession to suit purchaser. Apply on premises, corner Concession and Liberty streets to L. C box 327, Bowmanville. Reg. $2.00 for $1.45 U 1.75 for 1.25 41 1.50 for 1.15 ft 1.25 for'. 95 g. $1. 25 to $1.40 for 90 Gents' Fine Vici, black and .brown Romeos, elastic sides, reg. $2.00 and $2.25, $1.65 Bragc, or 61t FARM FOR SALE BY AUCTION. Tbe farm of the late John Virtue in Lot 32 in the 8th Concess on of D irlingt-n„ conipr.smg 100 actes more or less, will be offered for sale by auction au lhe auction sale Of the farm stock and '■""Tuesday, March 2nd, 1015, on the p emises. For further particulars zee bills and conditions of sale. JOHN MCCULLOCH, Oshawa R.M.D. 2. 73 Get it at Mason Note changes in C.P.R. time table. Seed grain should now be advertised as Mr. Chas. Allin is doing. Why be without a wr'st watch when you can get one at a bargain this week at C. H. Haddy's. Gordon T. Johnston of Gunn, Langlois Co., will be in Bowmanville Wednesday and Thursday Feb. 17 and 18 to buy live poultry. Ladies' Patriotic League held a very successful "progress! v-" in the Town Hall Fridav evening, $100 being contributed contributed toward this fund. Butter wrappers with "Choice Dairy Butter" neatly printed thereon kept on hand for sale at 40c per hundred at THE Statesman Office. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman call special httefftion to their fine stock of black anp/colored silks, all bought before the advance in these goods bv the declaration declaration of war. . Campbellford town council voted $100 to Patriotic Fund. After all is it not the proper way for municipal councils to contribute contribute to this fund then all ratepayers bear a share ? DARLINGTON FARM FOR SALE Who Would Be Without Them At These Prices ? Ladies' Boudoirs with pompoms, reg. Velvets and Felts, re §- Coseys re 8' TCitrhtv acres three and a half miles fmm Bow- brick d.cllln bank barn, b-ar- I,. g orchard, 7 acres bush, good stream of »ater \\e must sell ibis farm before March first. Price right. « JOHN FISHER A. CCF. LeeàsdenBnlUliu*, Toronto Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. $1.25 and $1.35 for 95 1.15 to 1.35 for 90 .75and .90 for 50 Felt and Carpet, reg. .65 and .50 for 35 Whole basket of Children's Slippers for 25c pair. Foley Fred R. Phone 12 Parlor.Boot Shop on the Sunny Side - Bowmanville Grand Trunk Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST 8.62 a. m. 10.18 „ Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Dailv 3.36 p.m. 6.48 „ 7.18 , 9.68 . :Exprees Local Local Passenger :Paseenget 4.22 a. m 7.02 „ 9.46 „ 1.88 p.m. 7.11 „ Farmers ! Read This ! I have now for sale Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R 1 À Canadian Pacific Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST, x Express 1.07 a.m. 1 x Express 6 07 a n. Express 10 29 am. 1 i-.xpress 9.U8 a m. tExpress 7.14 p m. 11 Express 4.1* p.m. Cotton Caldwell's end x Flag stop t Dally except Sunday. Office. C. B. Kent, Agent, Post Canadian Northern Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Y Express 11.5! a-m. I J Express U3J5. .P* HS3BSU»*«: Call at the mill or phone your order to No. 77. F. C. Vânstone B0WMANV1LL ON fARlO z