AIL filmy garments requiring ^extra care-- woollens and flannels should be washed with LUX I'n X/oT UI ' 1 H, Hi LUX dissolves readily in hot water--gives a rich, foamy, creamlike creamlike lather and coaxes rather than forces dirt out of clothes. LUX softens 1 hard water so that it cannot harm the daintiest garments or hands, and if anything, anything, it refines the original softness of both. LUX is the pure essence of soap in hakes and 4 LUX Won't Shrink Woollens--Price 10c. l!' rv>=.>/!o sn Ca«3 da bv Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. In aU countries. Ask for our INVI3N- | TOR'S ADVISER.,which will be sent free, i MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal. Young Folks Wood's Phosphodine. The Greet*. English Remedy- Tones and invigorates the whole i nervou? system, makes new Blood __ in old Veins, Cures Nervotis Debility Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency Despondency Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart\ Failing Memory. Pnce 81 per bos six for $5 One will please, six will cure. Sold bj all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. ^ nriee XVic pamphlet mailed fret. THE WOOD MEDICINE COI, TORONTO, OUT. (F«*riy Wlidw.) The Seventh Secret. Seven merry little secrets * FRECKLES February and March Bring Out Unsightly Unsightly Spots- How to Remove Easily. The woman with tender skin dreads February and March because they are likely to cover her face with ugly freckles. freckles. No matter how thick her veil, the sun and winds have a strong tendency to make her freckle. Fortunately for her peace of mind the recent'dhapsvery of a new prescription, othine--double strength makes it possi- for even the most susceptible to rrec- >hes to keep their skin clear and white. NO matter how stubborn a case of freckles freckles you have, the double strength othine should remove them. Get an ounce from your druggist and banish the freckles. Money back if it fails. 3 Her Opportunity. Maid- -•- I've come to give noace, ma'am. Mistress -- -Indeed l" Maid--"And would you give me a good reference, ma'am ? I'm going ro Miss Jones just across the way. Mistress--"The. best in the world. Maggie. I hate that woman- bobbed bobbed about in/Be tty's head. Every mordent or two one of the sec-re s would leap to Betty's 'lips, and it was all that she could do to_ force it back again into the place of golden golden silence. ,, Betty did bravely ; but all the time those gay little secrets looking out of the corners of 61 eyes and twisting the corners of hei mouth into a merry smile. ' Dear me, how much I want to be told!" the first little secret said to the second. . . , • „ "Yes/ 5 said tlie se co nd, 1 gtimg '•you want to be told, and then you wouldn't be a secret any ? longer and Betty would be sorry. "Would- shed Well, then, I must wait," the first little secret de- C1< "We ail must wait," said the third secret, joining the conversation. conversation. "Some day the right time will come to tell us, and then we shall not have to jump up and down in Betty's head, we shall float out into the great world.' . Then all the secrets scurried away and tried to be patient. * Among a-11 Betty's secrets the sev ent-h was the biggest one ; the others were really quiet little things, like remembering not to tell the baby that grandmother 'had a wonderful box of candy in her room, and not to tell mother that the cook was going going to make her favorite dessert for dinner. All the other secrets were pretty, and pleasant, but small; but the seventh--That was large to- begin with, the seventh secret, and how he grew and grew in Betty's head ! He was soon so large that there was little room m Betty's mind for 'books and games, or even fairies. "How shall I ever keep him another another day V ' Betty sighed. Then she clapped her hands and laughed, for I s he only needed to keep that seventh seventh secret one more day. j If Daddy had only been there it ! would have been easier, but Daddy was away, and mother's birthday was to come to-morrow. Be-tty must keep that seventh secret, which was to be mother's birthday present. present. She had a pretty gift former run YOUR 6EB HAW HAVE FRESH CUT FLOWERS FOR TOUR TABLE DAILY. Well Planted Herbaceous Border à Delight From Early Spring to Late Fall. Every home should be surrounded by a beautifuE^nd artistic yard. Few will argue against this fact, but there is considerable divergence o opinion as to the best way to make the yard beautiful. In the case of country places the house is the outstanding feature m the beautifying of the yard because on all sides there is ample land, and the primary idea is to make- a picture that delights not only t e inmates of the home but also t e passerby. ^ Houses of different architectural styles,* must be treated in decidedly different manners. For instance, the formal house should be sui- rounded by natural things in geometrical geometrical patterns--straight walks, formal shaped shrubs, square corners, corners, etc., while the more imposing type of building should be accom panied with flower beds, shrubs, trees and walks of such a design as to carry out the style of the house as far as possible. Now is the time to plan your gar den. Call a family council and every member offer suggestions for the beautification of the home this year. Grow pleasing and beautiful flowers where the burdock used to thrive. Hundreds of flowers suggest themselves after a moment s thought, and for a very small expenditure expenditure and a little attention, a wonderful revolution can be worked in the whole general appearance of your home. Roses. No words of praise can adequately convey the extreme beauty and unique unique usefulness of the Hybrid-Tea Rose which now dominates all other sections ' of Bedding Roses. The profusion of bloom, the superb vigr or, the exquisite coloring and beautiful formation of the flowers and buds of this new species of the Queen of Flowers, at once place it without a rival in the rose garden. ram of Foil roms REPORTS. FROM THE LEADING TRAD* CENTRES OF AMERICA. ii'li" patent?, Ontario Pure Blood Ic Absolutely I Necessary To Health "FRUIT-A-TIVES" PURIFIES These Wonderful Tablets, Made of Fruit Juices, Are The Best Of All Tonifcs To Purify And Enrich The Blood. Pure rich blood can flow only in a clean body- Now, a clean body is one in which the waste matter is regularly and naturally eliminated from the system. The blood cannot be pure when the skin action is weak, when the stomach does not digest the food properly, when the bowels do not move regularly, when the kidneys strained or overworked. Breastutfs. Toronto, March 2.--Manitoba- first . patente, patente, $8 in jute bage; 8 ®concL $7.50; strong bakere', $7.20- •wheat flour, 90 per cent, patente, $64 $6.40, eeaboard. _ _ „ 67- Wheat--Manitoba No. 1 J N ^ t h ern AA a *Ti0 No. 2 at $1.63, and No. 3 at-$1.61. Ontario wheat. No. 2, nominal at $1.50 to $1.55. a outeide pointe. - _ j Oate--Ontario, 60 'to 63c, outeide, ana ^ 63 to 65c, on track, Toronto. Western Canada. Canada. No. 2, quoted at 71 l-2c, and No. 3 at ^Barley--Good, malting grades, 85. to 88c, outside. Rye--$1.25, outside. ¥ Peae--No. 2 quoted, at $1.90 to $2.0o, cu - 6i Corn--No. 2 nev American, 82c, all rail. Toronto freight. Buckwheat--No. 2 at 8o ix) 8/c, Bran and ehorte--Bran, $27 to $28 a ton, and ehorte at $30. on The Rolled oate--Car lote, per bag of 90 ids.,. $3.45 to $3.50. e are Pure blood is the result of perfect health and harmony of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys and. skin. "Fruit-a-lives", by their wonderful action on all these organs, keeps the whole system as clean as Nature intended intended our bodies to be clean. "Fruit-a-tives" tones up, invigorates, invigorates, strengthens, purifies, cleans and gives pure, rich, clean blood that is, m truth, the stream of life. '•Fruit-a-lives" is sold by all dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50 trial size 25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Country Produce. Butter-Choice dairy, 25 to 26c; inferior. £0 to 21c; creamery prints, .32 to 00 1uo, do., solids, 30 to 31c; farmers eeparator, 27 -to 28c. . j a, , = +q Egge--$3 to $3.10 for prime and $3.20 for hand-picked. ' , n Honey-6(Mb. tine sell at 12 $ ^' a 5ozen lb. tine at 13c. No. 1 combe, $3 per dozen, and- No. 2, $2.40. , . , 15,- Poultry--Chickens, dreseed. 13 to ducke, dreeeed, 14 to 16c; fowl, 10 to He, cese, 14 to 15c; turkeys, dressed, 19 to Qc Cheese--17 34 to 18c for large, and at to 18 14c for twice. ...t, Potatoes--Ontario, 65 to 7dc per ba-g of etore. 60c in oar lote. New Brunew-C*e, car lote. 65c per bag. Provisions. Wholesalers are selling to the trade on the following: price basicn. 11g _ Smoked and dry called naeata-Rolis Smoked, 14 to 14 1-^; bame, mednim. to 17 l-2c- heavy, 14 1-2 to 15c; tirea.Kiae- havon 1 8* to 23c ^ long clear bacon, tonte, 13 l-2c'- caece, 13 3-4 to 14c; backs, pi» 1 "- 20 to 2-lc ; special, 22c; bonelese backe, t0 Green Meats-Out- of pickle, 1c leee than 6 "ard-Purc, tube, 11 3-4 to l|e: to 12 l-4c; compound, tube, J 3-4 to pa-ile, 10 to 10 l-4c. Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg, March ^2,-Oaeb $1.47 34; No. 4, WDrops mjimnin ,, Nf 43, TbePropntfaryor FMecIhfcdiciiteAd. AVegelable Preparation forAs- similating lheFood end Reculai- ting lhe Stomachs and Bowels of Infants /Children PoT Infants and Children. The Kind You Have ,i Always Bought Bears Signature 10c ; Promotes Di£eslion£h£c;m ness and Rest.Contains neilliri Opiuru.Mdrphine norMfoeraU Not Narcotic. JkdjpcofOldlktSiMÆLPfîCEEt IhnpkatSeed" JbeSama* JMeticSatfs- AdseSetd* Safe*. Harm Seed- Clarited Sugar • mUnfseaTianr. AjXrfeor R«P«ty forCoi* i lion. SourStom^Dmhoea,- ; Worms,ConvulstonB,FwalSh ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Stature of, dZ&yj&sZ*'- "Die Centaur Company. y MONTREAL StNEW YORK Thirty Years CASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. TM * CM WTAU« COMPANY. YOMK CITY. 1 Northern. $1.53 14; $1 51 1-2; No. 3 Northern, $14/ jH»; 7: tl.43 it; So. 5. |i *h 3 . 5 îj 4 0 '. fc»/i *1.31. Oate--No. 2 C W., 64 1-oc, 210 Too shallow and set wrong Just right Right and banked for winter COULD NOT STAND ON FEET Mr*. Baker So Weak--Could Not Do Her Work--Found Relief In Novel Way. Adrian, Midi. -- " 1 : rmbher'Tshe had hidden it away long with female weakne.. and b^ctachajmd . ^ ^ ^ Bn?w that better than Mid-Spring is the best time ■ for planting. Like nearly all other plants, ros^s delight m deep, rion, well-drained land. When a bed of roses is to be planted, the soil should be dug to a depth of at least one foot, and well mixed with a coating of two or three inches of rotted cow manure. In the absence of that, saw bone dust on the Surface Surface just thick enough to cover it, or about half a pound to a square yard, and mix to the depth of a foot with the soil. The Rev. A. Foster-Melliar, an expert rose- grower and writer on the subject, recommends the following especially especially prepared fertilizer : Superphosphate of lime . - 12 parts Nitrate of potash - 10 parts Sulphate of magnesia *- parts Sulphate of lime 8 parts Sulphate of iron 1 P art His advice is to apply this mixture mixture in-March at the rate of one- auarter pound to each square yard. To protect Hybrid Tea Roses over winter each rose bush should be covered with six or eight inches of earth above the ground in the hall. In Spring the bush may bè pruned back to the height it was covered with earth in the Fall. The covering covering should be removed.gradually m the Spring when danger from frost is past.. be usually at their best flowering in August, but "succession plantings" plantings" may be made every ten days until the middle of July, which will provide a succession of bloom the entire season. Sortie of the best classes ot Gladioli are America, Augusta, Pink Beauty, Panama. Dahlias. Dahlias because of their bright flowers of the most varied hues are unsurpassed for general table decoration. decoration. They grow very easily from seed and bloom profusely. There is nothing to equal it in September or October, when» everything else is faded or fading. Tubers should be planted when the season becomes warm, covering the neck about three inches. If many shoots start, thin out. Plants should be taken up before hard frost in the fall, tops cut off, tubers dried a little, and put in the cellar until Spring. There are six distinct classes of Dahlias : Single, Tall Double, Dwarf Double, True Cactus, Decorative Decorative Cactus, Peony Flowered. Pansies. Pansies with thèir velvety, many- colored and attractive petals should greet us at every turn. Pansy seed germinates and the feed, $1.31. Oate---v. ^ '■'.'V v No 3 GW 61 l-8c; extra No. 1 feed, 61c, x • 1 feed;'6<£ ; No, 2 feed. 59c Barley-No 3, 76c; No. 1 N.W.C., $1.61; No. 2 C.W. $14B- white, 64c. 80c; malting, Montreal Markets. Montreal, March 2.--Corn---American No. tra n1" l 2 'fe 7 à! «' l-2e ; No. 2 local white, £; No. 3 local white, 65c; No^4 locad ' Barley--Manitoba feed, 79 to 98o to $1. Buck wheat, No. $27 SK', $29.° Middling*, $33. Monillie, *34' to $37.- Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots $18 to $19. Cheeee-Fineet v 1 e f t ^ ie * l7 l7 l ;^ 4 • to.17 1.Zo; fineet easterns 17 to 17 14c. n-ntter-- Choit eet creamery, 12 to 1 ^c, B 31 to 31 l-2c. Egge--Freeh, 35c; «elected 28c; No. 1 stock. 27c; No.. 2 stock, 24c. Potatoes- per bag, car lote, oO to 52 l-2c. ; United States Markets. ■»jr ; nr. pji noiie March 2.--Wheat--No. 1 i»^i| nn *l 51 5-8- No. 1 Northern, $1.47 1-8 S? *1 51 1-8- No. 2 Northern, $1.43 1-8 to % .r/fi. 1 Ma/ $1.47 1-8. Corn-No. 3 yel- fow 68* 3-4 to 69c. Oate--No. 3 white, 533U to 54c. Fleur unchanged. Bran, *^ri«infh March 2--Wheat--No. 1 bard, *1 52 ?2 No 1 Northern. $1,51 1-2; No. 2 Northern, °$1.47 1-2 to $1-49 1-2; May, $1.50 1-2- could hardly, do my work. When I washed my dishea I had to sit down and when I would sweep the floor I would get bo weak that I would have to get a drink -every few z minutes, and before I did my dusting I would have to lie down. I got WEED SEEDS IN SOILS. The presence of weed, seeds 1 m soils under different systems of. culture culture and cropping should be suggestive suggestive to farmers. An investigation investigation being conducted by the Seed Branch, Ottawa, shows a, sod field which had been in hay or pasture for six years to contain 19,183 weed seeds in a surface square yard one inch deep, 8,915 in the same volume of soil at a. depth from two to three inches, and 4,309 at a- depth five to seven inches. Another field which had been under a good system ot cultivation and rotation contained 4.984 weed seeds in the surface soil and 3,020 in each of _ the other depths. The concentration of seeds in the surface layer of the sod fie.d may be explained by weeds being allowed to reproduce themselves from year to year. Information as to the percentage vitality of weed seeds at the different depths is not vet complete, but a large number niuwr tn NWb. C mn,yigi Live Stock Markets. Toronto March 2.--A few odd eteere brought$7.80 per hundredweight. Medium to et-wl $6.50 to $7.25. Top cows eold at Ï? ic + _' *6 25 the bulk, which were good, iLLhl $5 50 io $5.75. Cannera, $3.90 to $4 35 Md $ cutteÏÏ, $4.25 to $5. For etockere, ann to 900 pounds. $5.75 to ,$6.3o w«e pla.nt s Medium to good brought to » 5 - 7 ,^ freely in the cool early Milk.™ Btoagy at «70 to ^'^goodjo 5row more days of spring, and for summer blooming should be sown by the latter part of April or early May. Sow the seeds in drills, covering them not more than four times their diameter, and pressing the soil well above them. As soon as the plants are up and large enough to handle, they should be thinned out or trans {'Don't let it run too long, it will lead to chronic , .indigestion. In I ithe meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, ner- vousnçss, depression depression and sallow complexion. Justtry CHAMBERLAINS STOMACH & LIVER TABLETS. Theyre- idieve fermentation, ^indigestion -- gently . but surely clean ee the system and keep the stomach and liver in perfect running order. Avail iraggisU, 25c., er by 11 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto TAKE THESE British Tactics. v _ _ , officer--How did he get into that of the surf ace seeds in the case of I con dition 1 the sod field are vital. This inves- I Private--He captured a bot-tle tigation indicates the importance °f I whiskey, sir. short rotations, good cultivation officer--Yes, yes ; but-how did he and prevention of weeds going to mana g e to do that ? seed. Other important methods of private--I think he weed control are summer ploughing surroun< ied it, sir. f must ' ave rhoicc and $50 to $70 . , j ■mid lambe were firm. Swine, fed. and "wa^ t^d 1 "tÜ75, $7.90 was paid off care, and *7 40 ' f.o.h. country pointe. Montreal. March 2.--Best cattle eold at a bout 714c. and from that down to 6c for S i and from 4 34 to 5 34c for the Cows $40 to $80; eheep, 5 to fX famb. « l-' t« 8 1-2= ; how, 8 M to 8 3-8o. ^ « of sod lands followed by frequent autumn cultivation to destroy growing growing weeds, * thorough cultivation, during the growing season of hoed t crops and after-harvest...cultivation of cereal crops which have not been seeded down. A Pleasant Purgative--Paraielee's r nr i,, aus - i Vegetable Pills are so compounded as to inches Inarfc operate on both the stomach and the bow- inches^ apart 1 so^hat they act aIong the whole ah- They planted to stand nine " ! els so that they- « Do not plant Pansies I y e , in the rows. L>o not piant r{lUB L lca l men ta r y and excretory passage, mey in the shade of a building or other are not drastic itl t heir work, but mildly object. During dry weather watch purga tive, and the pleasure of taking them the bed daily. is only equalled by the gratifying effect Some popular classes of pansies I they produce. Compounded only of veg- G^th, Princess, Hercuies ( eub.e Ranees ~- X ah tl es of are The worms that infest children from their birth are of two kinds, those that find lodgment in the stomach and those that are found in the intestines. The latter are the most destructive, as they cling to the walls of the intestines and if not interfered with work havoc there. Miller's Worm Powders dislodge both kinds and while expelling them from the system serve to repair the damage they have caüsed. Warts are disfigurements that disappear disappear when treated with Holloway's Corn Cure. At a- negro wedding, when tho clergyman read the words "love, honor and obey," the bridegroom interrupted and eaid : •Rend ? that again, sah ! Read it once mo so a de lady bin ketch de full solemnity ob demeanin'. 1's been married befo'." Giant, Giant Snow ; Queen. Without chance of injury, i the 'gift her mother would love that seventh secret. . Birthdays always begin very early in the morning. When morning came, Betty tiptoed about the nursery and dressed herself m the darkness. Afterward she crept downstairs, for the seventh secret was gomg to announce himself from the front door, and Betty must open open it for*him. How excited she was as she stood in the darkness and turned on the electric light ! In &> rang, and Betty There stood the ■her own dear father th#rFard and I p.\cked it up and read it. se venth secret It wid ' Saved From the Grave/ and | come home to surprise mother on told what Lydia Ê. Pinkbam's Vegetable Vegetable Compound haA dope for women. 1 ' âowedft tomy Meband and he said, • Why don't you try it ? ' So I did, and after I had taken two bottles I fe|t ' Tetter and I saM to my husband, I don t need any more/ and he said You had better take it a little longer anyway. So I took it for three months and got Srni .teong.!--M». AlX)MZO E. T/yEBR, 9 Tecumseh St., Adrian, Mich. her birthday ! "Did you keep my secret, ntme daughter V ' Diaddy asked, as he kissed Betty, "Yes 1" cried Betty. I have kept it all to myself i" How glad she was that she ha-d kept' that seventh secret. !--Youth's Companion. , It is a good thing to love your enemies, enemies, but it's better- not to have -any. < ■ I glrT A Close Observer. Young Hibbard was exhibiting some photographs to a charming was very much helping to support a family, | in <?^ one ," he said, handing her Whê, tom shop,, s ; \er in hoi >re or office, fac , 1 , -,i n, woman a, picture, "is my photograph with Is one teed, Wn v r prwvh nood-les. Can you re- women $tfe prone, anu 1 Pinkham's Vegetable . Coin . promotes that vigor which mfi i easy. The Lydia E. Pinkham to which ^1 Lydia easy. Co., Lyim e L-y , Ma aae. two French poodles cognjfee me V * . , '■ "my, ÿfi*, I think so," replied the young woman, looking intently at- the picture ; *"Y ou are the one wdih the bat on, are you notl Mrs. Shewing whete ; to prune Hybrid.Teas should he planted 14 to 16 inches each way. Some of the best and well known kinds of Hybrid-Tea Boses are : American Beauty ; Dean Hole, George Dickson 5 Killarney ; Cornwallis. Gladioli. There is perhaps no bulb that is so satisfactory or so easily eulti- vaited as the Gladiolus, no other bulb embraces »uch a variation o color, comprising nearly _^very shadê except bltu|. Prodded they are planted in fwrly good sod, jand where they will nM b -f . there is an absolute certainty that- they will flower, v . , r - Bulbs set out during April will In Thousands of Homes early and certain relief is found for the ailments to which all are subject--ailments due to defective or irregular action of the stomach, liver, kidneys or fcpwels--in tiio famous family remedy, world has ever known. most the "Never look a gift horse in. the mouth" may be good advice to the one man. in a million who- is fortunate fortunate enough to have a given him. A young wife, wishing to announce announce the birth of her. first child to a friend in a distant city sent the telegram : Hsaiah 9 :6," beginning : "For unto- us a Child is born, unto us .a son is given." Her friend, more literal and less familiar with the Scriptures, read the message and said to her husband : "Margaret "Margaret evidently has a boy, but-why on earth did they ever name him Isaiah 1 He must be healthy, though, for lie weighs nine pounds and six ounces." THE SEED LAW. Willie was doing penance in the corner. Presently he thought ale ad never are justly famous because they have proved to be so reliable as correctives or preventives of the sufferings, dull feelings and danger due to indigestion or biliousness. If yoo toy them to cleanse your system, purify your blood, tone your stomach, stimulate your liver and regulate your bowels, you will know why many rely on Beecham's PiUs to X \ A ■ poxct| *5. C*mx* What Doctors Use for Eczema A soothing combination of oil of Wintergreen, Thymol, and ^other healing healing ingredients called D, D. D, Prescrip- «aw in favorite remedy 01 skin tion is now a favorite remedy specialists for all skin diseases. It pene- traies the pores, gives instant relief from the most distressing itch. Its soothing oils quickly heal the inflamed tissues. . Test its soothing effect. All druggists have a generous trial bottle for only *00 Gome and let us tell you about our money back guarantee offer to free you from your distress. Ask also about D. D. D. Soap. D. D. P. Made in Canada. Jury «5 Lovell, Druggiats BowmanvIHa, With th-e opening of the 1915 seed trade, seedsmen, farmers and gardeners gardeners may wish to review the conditions conditions under which sales may be made. The Seed . Control Act provides provides that timothy, alsike, red clover clover and alfalfa, seed must not be put on sale for the purpose of -seeding -seeding without being plainly marked with the 'grade, namely : Extra No. 1, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. ^Farmers may sell seed below No. 3 dm quality only to- dealers to be cleaned and brought up to grade. All other grass, clover and plant 'seeds and those of cereals and flax must be marked in ta plain. and indeblxe manner with the common name or names of any noxious weed seeds present. . Seed of cereal®, flax, grasses, clovers, clovers, forage plants-, field root® and garden vegetables must have a germination germination of two-thirds of the Percentage Percentage -standia-rd of vitality for good seed of the kind or be marked with the percentage that are capable capable of germinating. "Papered seeds' ' must be marked with the year in which the packet was filled. . , Representative samples ox seed® for purity and germination tests may be «eut to- the Seed Branch, Ottawa. Two ounce9 of grass seed, wlhite or lalisdke clo ver ; four ounces çf red clover, 'alfalfa -o-r seed -of like sire and' one pound- -of cereals are desired* Samples- under 8 ozs. may sent without post-age and ape tested free of. charge up to- 25 in number for each person or firm. pensively. T can t help it if not perfect," he süghed. 1 heard'of but one perfect boy anyway." anyway." "Who was that/" asked his mother, thinking to point a moral. "Papa," came the silencing reply, 1 f when he was little. S»; toîûrort ytmsïksîbl* euccesB baa been ebown In curing j cured Ache they wonlflMW"' suffer from tiilidistressing* ibuA sately their eoodnwsdooo who once tfj'fu *ble in so xnsny tthTS yîng to do without th« ,h*t they wm ACHE „ °teer-sLltUe Liver w Sim^ «»»**• MSL.MSeaiâMftiR