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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1915, p. 8

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V a y y T HE spirit of Optimism prevails with us. We have no reason to be downhearted. While others are talking 'dull times" we are doing business as usual by giving our customers the best values and service we possibly can. At all times we are thinking, thinking, planning and buying groceries in the best interests of our customers. We buy for cash at the lowest possible prices and sell at the lowest margin of profit consistent consistent with the purest and best qualities. HARRY ALLIN Club Central for Independent Phone. Bowmanville Bell Phone 186 Pastor Dixon is beginning a series of Lenten meditations on Sunday mornings. Subject next Sunday : "A Three-fold Inscription.". Inscription.". .. .Miss Lila Osborne, Toronto, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Farmers, buy harness now before prices go up. Mason 8c Dale. Report of S. S. No. 4. Darlington, for February, names in order of ment ; V John Pickell*; Sr. IV--Myrtle Blair*; Jr. IV--Annie Cox*, Lorna Oke, Chas» Os- bornè; Sr. Ill--Mary Found, Harry Osborne*, Osborne*, Irene Welsh, Walter Rund e, Gordon Trull; Jr. Ill-Addie Nicholls (absent); Sr. II--Clarence Bell, Allie Worden*, John Oke; Jr. II--Arthur Found, Hazel Rund le*; Primer--Norman Welsh. * Honors in spelling. Marion Van Nest, teacher. HAYDON Epworth League concert Friday even ing proved a pleasing success. Pastor Higgs acted as chairman to the satisfaction satisfaction of all. "" The musical part of the program program consisted of a chorus by the Leag and several selections by Tyrone orchestra. orchestra. Miss Marion Martin, Tyrone, de lighted the audience by rendering several patriotic solos. Miss Ven Slemon gave two readings in her usual pleasing manner EGG CIRCLE MEETS. The first annual meeting of- Durham Egg Circle was held in Council Room, Thursday afternoon. Mr. J. C. Stuart of Poultry Division, Ottawa, gave an illustrated illustrated talk and was assisted by Mr. K. a. Duncan of Department of Agriculture, Port Hope. Officers elected for next twelve months are : Pres -Chas. Carruth- ers; Vice, C. N. Tamblyn ; Sec y.-Treas., E. C. Hoar; Manager, Rd. Snowden; Executive Executive Committee, M- Wight, R. Bragg, W. D. Downey, F. Battle. Membership at present is about 25* e Rd. Snowden, manager, gave a very satisfactory report showing that the members received from ic to 5c per doz more for their eggs than market prices. Another profitable years business is predicted by the officers. I limb sulphur FOR SPRAYING Farmers requiring lime sulphur should seé-R. H. Collacott, Salem, before placing their order: Commercial Lime Sulphur at $7 per bbi; Soluble Sulphur at $6 per 100 lbs. Niagara Spray Co. strongly recommend the use of Soluble claiming that loo lbs. of Soluble has better effect than a barrel of Commercial. Anyone needing manure by car may be supplied at 75 e per ton F.O.B., Toronto, either by G.T.R., C.P.R., or C.N.R. Phone all orders to 146-ring 3, or 139- ring I 2. ENNISKILLEN AUCTION SALES Wednesday, March 10--The Adminis- -trator of estate of late James Trevail will sell by auction on lot 1,. con. 3« East Whitby, all of his farm stock, im- pliments etc. Also at the same place and date 25 acres land being N.W. J lot 35, con. I, Darlington, also 32 acres land being S. W. ^ lot 35, con. 4, Darlington. Darlington. Terms cash.. James Bishop, auctioneer. Q-2w ciub swinglng exe rcise by six youngs ^ his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at I p.m. See bills. G. Herbert Fin- The Bread That Satisfies -TOD'S BREAD and a hoop drill by twelve young ladies were well given. The hu norous side of J the program was presented in dialogues entitled "Trapped" and "The Changed Housewife". These were well acted out and showed thorough preparation. Program Program closed with all" joining heartily in singing "God Save the King". Proceeds $17.25. HAMPTON Miss Lillian Williamson and Miss Wilma Wilma Leach visited in Oshawa over Sunday Mrs. M. Robbins is improving nicely since her return from the hospital n Toronto. Toronto. ..... Mr. and Mrs. W. Short, town, visited with friends here Sunday. Hampton Women's Institute will hold their annual St. Patrick's Day concert on Wednesday, March 17, at 8 p.m. in the schoolroom of the Meth dist Church. _ A first class program is expected, consisting of solos, du ts, quartets, violin music, readings, recitations, dialogues, military dri Is, etc., to be given by local talent, assisted assisted by other talent from Solina, ~Maple Grove and Blackstock. Proceeds for patriotic work. Admission : adults 15c; children 10c. 9*3 w It will pay the farmers to see C. W. Souch, Hampton, for Dodd & Struthers' pure copper cable lightning rods, considered considered to be the best. These are same kind of rods as used at O.A.C. College, Guelph. Phone 129-21. Don't miss all the bargains at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's stock-taking sale. If you need harrffess--now is the time to buy. Price in leather has gone up 50% but for this month only. Mason 8c Dale are selling at old prices. LAY, auctioneer. Monday, Mar. 15-- J. G. Knapp, lot 2^ con 9, Darlington, will sell by auction his farm stock, implements, farm of 150 acres, etc. Sale I o'clock. See bil.s. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 17--Mr. John Wakeley, lot 18, con. 5» village of Hampton, who is giving up farming will sell his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See big bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. Saturday, March 20--The furniture and household furnishings belonging to the estate of tha late Mrs. Elizabeth Euley will be sold by auction at her late residence, Duke St. Splendid oppor- tunity to get some pieces of fine black walnut furniture. See' posters. Sale at i p.m. L. A. W. TOLE, Auctioneer. TOWN COUNCIL Questions asked by Jambs Papers Drew Forth Considerable Information--Councillors Information--Councillors on good Behavior Before a Full House. SOLINA It is a bread that meets the most exacting requirements of particular people and the demands of human economy. Buy Tod's Bread fresh daily. Don't forget that our cake and nastry department department is always ready to serve you fresh, appetizing eatables for all occasions. Mr. John Baker has been to New Brunswick Brunswick with a Shor h rn heifer for a farmer down there....Mr. A. J. Reynolds of Solina Solina Farmers' Club, attended annu 1 meeting meeting of United Farmers of Ontario in Toronto Toronto and was elected Vice President Miss Fanny Niddery has been ill ...Mr. Rich. Pascoe has be-n under medical care ... .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Hogarth--its ad ughter Mr. Gilroy and Miss Edith Ashton, Columbus, Sun- dayed at Mr. J. Kiveil's.... Miss May Reynolds Reynolds was home from Toronto over the week-end Mr. Ellis Hall, Enfield, visit* Mr. A. L. Pascoe... .Messrs. Cecil Pascoe, Nelson Reynolds, W. Westlake, Roy Blair and Jack Brooks attended the Boys' Conventional Oshawa Remains of late R. B. Mitchell were interred in Ad- Misses Pearl Metcalf and Florence Burk I vent burying ground last Frida v. Deceas- are visiting relatives in Toronto and High- I ed was a resident of Mitchell's Corners l.nri Mice Riva VanDvlce vis- I mrwt n 1 hie life and was in his 86th year. DARLINGTON THOS. TOD Phone 3 Bowmanville land Creek... .Miss Elva VanDyke visited visited relatives in Oshawa... .Messrs J. R. Bongard and E. .1# Burk have received a car load of hay from Toronto... .The Puley farm having recently been sold to Mr. Silas Foster, Town, Mr. Arthur Soper is moving from there to one of Mr. Mar- ven Bnrke's farms which has recently b j en sold to Mr.-John Fox, Toronto.... The VanCamp homestead recently owned by Jos. Langmaid and occupied by Mr. Arthur Burgess, has been sold to Stephens & Co., of Toronto.... Miss Nellie Guy has been visiting in Oshawa Mr. Cedric Parsons, Victoria Univer ity, Toronto, spent the week-end at home Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Power were in Toronto recently. recently. Our sales of Certain-tee 1 Roofing prom- . ise to break all records this Spring. Get | your order in early. Mason & Dale. Furs of all kinds and men's and boys' overcoats selling at greatly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. most o' his life and was in his 86th year He was a carpenter and built many large barns hereabout. He leaves a widow, one son and five daughters who have the sympathy sympathy of the community. Funeral service was larg ly attended to pay their last tribute tribute of respect to a man whose good traits were well kno *n, as he was a good neighbor neighbor and friend. Rev. Mr. Austin, Fonthill, officiated. Certain-teed Roofing gives best satisfaction satisfaction and is cheaper--Mason 8c Dale. CONCERT AT TYRONE GRAND TRUNK system 1 ^ OUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO-CHICAGO TORONTO-MONTREAL Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of Equipment Winter Tours to California FLORIDA AND SUNNY SOUTH Fast Trains--Gtiofcc of Routes Low Fares now in effect For full particulars consult G. T. R. Ticket Agents or write C. E. HORNING, Dist. Pass. Agent, Toronto - No matter"where you are going, call phone 78 f or information. We will gladly deliver tickets t o any house in towan. J. H. H. JURYVLddal Agent. House Phone 61 BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 4, 1915 Columbia Orafonolas are now oil SaFejat "Big 20" Bookstore Prices range trom $20.00 to $050.00 Double Disc Records by the best artists, 85c and upwards. Demonstrations daily > TYRONE - W. T. Alien Phone 30 Agent HAMPTON The senior r^om of Hampton school has formed a Literary Society and will have a program each Friday afternoon. President--Miss Mary Souch; Vice-Pres. --Mr. Howard Alin; Secretary--Miss Frances Clatworthy; Committee--Misses Marjorie Cole, Louise Johns, Helen Johns, Masters Milton Avery, Oscar Ward, and Morley Hastings ,.. A number of friends of Mr. W. Wakeley, son of Mr. John T. Wakeley, met at the residence of Mr. D. B. Mansfield, Friday evening and presented presented him with an address, a signet ring and purse followed by a number of short speeches, songs, and musical selections by those present. A number of the young. ladies also pres nted him with a housewife. housewife. He left Monday evening for Port Hope having enlisted in the 3rd Con-tin- gent of the Canadian Expeditionary Force for the Front Epworth League meet ing Friday evening was in charge of Charles Johns, fourth vice president. The meeting opened by singing and the Lord's prayer. Lesson was read by Lloyd Ward. Mr. Williamson gave an interesting interesting talk on "Associates." Mrs. C. Johns gave a reading "The Cause and Cure.of Dull Meetings." Meeting closed with singing and the Benediction ...Mr. and Mrs. Coles, Wheatley visiting her mother Mrs. Alfred Hogarth has posed... .Mr. and Mrs. W. W cently entertained a number of friends .... Miss Ranton and Miss Minnie Horn are.visiting friends „in Toronto... .Mr. and Mrs. J. Ranton have returned after } visiting their daughters in Toronto.,.. I" Mr. arid Mrs: R. Ward attended a Diamond j wedding célébra ion at Greenbank. 'Rev. C. W. Bairett's sermon- on the "Model Husband" Sunday night was really really excellent. Come next Sunday evening to hear "Model Wife." A mtie choir will sing.... . .Mr. Thos. Welch will con tinue to manufacture gilt-edged butter Mr. Leslie Kellar, North Bay, visited ; his parents previous to their removal to i Trenton Mr. Edgar Horn when rè- I turning from Burkëton last week with a load of feed left his team to assist a friend ; and they ran away arriving here ahead of j Williams'mail, coach but -slight damage ' done. . A; . *.. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Miss Caroline Avery has returned to her home in Little Britain after spending a month with friends here. Mrs. Dan Fraser, Newcastle, with her , u m-ntest mother, Mrs. Wm. Little, who is ill | forth indignant protest week- The concert given in Methodist church Friday evening, Feb. 26, was intensely in- terestin and was wholly given by local talent un er auspices of W. M. S. and Institute. Institute. Its distinct success shows what ladies may accomplish thro co-operation. Rev. Wm. Higgs was happy as chairman. The chief entertainment was a drama in which theladies depicted life in a remote remote village when quilting parties were the order and when the very mention, bv those of the more enlightened world, of what the future would reveal in the way of invention and Woman's Rights, brought Adult and Junior Bible Class At Home was a very enjoyable affair and well attended. attended. The address bn A.B.C. work bv Rev. Isaac Snell, Blackstock, the address of welcome by the Pastor, the invitation to non-members by the Adult teacher, Mr. W. H. Moore, the musical numbers by Mesdames W. E. Honey, H. J. Werry, Elias Ashton and Will Trewin, and last, but not least, the "Art Gallery" and refreshments' refreshments' made up a well-balanced even ing, when the sp ritual, mental, social and physical sides were catered to, the class spirit enhanced, and all drawn more closely closely together. Have them often !... -Rev. W. E. Honev is delegate to the Dominion and Provincial Alliance Convention in Toronto Mr. Jas. Stainton landed clean out over a stock rack and struck on his head in a snowbank, recéiving a severe shaking-up, on Monday, when a fat beast belonging to W. H. Moore Upset the sleigh... .The many friends of Rev. S. G and Mrs. Brown, Almonte, extend heart felt sympathy to them in the loss of their son, Sergeant Frank Brown, of the Princess Princess Patricia Regiment Word has been received of the marriage of Miss Minnie Rogers, Calgary, daughter of Mr. Fred Rogers, Whitby, formerly of this place and Mr. Wm. Morrison, Calgary. Mr Morrison has enlisted and may go to the front in June.... Miss Ella Rogers, daugh ter of Mr. Chas. Rogers, Medicine Hat, and niece of Mr. H. Rogers, graduates 'his week from a New York hospital ... Mr. Will Hambleton, having spent a couple of months at Mr. Wm. Oke's, has returned to Irondequoit, N. Y Mrs. Sidney Trewin and son visited her parents, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Black- stock. Visitors : Mrs. Jas. Abraham, Mt. Vernon, Vernon, and sister, Mrs. Johnston, Syracuse, N.Y., with friends; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Werry attended the Anderson-Hoar wedding; wedding; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Virtue, East Whitby, with Mr. C. Sanderson and other friends; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins, Rochester, with his parents; Mrs. Will McLaughlin has been sick; Mr. Albert Tamblyn, Orono, at Messrs H. J. Wer- ry's and Wm. Stainton's. Report of Union School No. 17,Darlington. 17,Darlington. Honor Roll for February: Jr. V-- Everett Ormiston, Elmo Ashton and Mildred Mildred Bentham; Sr. IV--Lome Knapp; Jr. IV--Phoebe Beech, Walter Rahm, Lenore Bentham and Jack Smith (absent); Sr. Ill --Eugene Beech, Karl Potter; Jr. II--Harold II--Harold Potter, Lelia Rahm, Cyril Avery (absent); (absent); Jr. Primer--Go don Beech. Margaret A. Reid, teacher. Enniskillen School Report for Febru ary, names in order of merit : Sr. IV-- Roy McGill, Madeline Virtue, Mabel Mount joy, Francis Werry, Gordon Werry; Jr. IV--Lillie Sharp, Wilbert Smith, Fred Preston, Arthur Brunt, Walter Smith, Harry Chapham; Sr. IH--Laura Virtue, Cora Sharp, Eva Sanderson, Alma Werry, Gertie Oke; Jr. Ill--May Werr , Lome Giiffin, Grace Grieve, Clarke Dorland, Melville Griffin, Marjorie Virtue, John Trodd, Willie Ingles; Sr. II--Reva McGill, McGill, Winnie Ashton, Gordon Preston, Myrtle Brunt, Reta Ashton, Laverne Griffin Griffin and Olive Sharp, equal; Jr. II--Milton Stainton; Ï-- Gladys Stainton; Primer- Jean Thompson, Maude Ashton, Ernest Werry, Elva Griffin; Jr. Primer--Mona Preston, Luella Stevens. Elsie E. Rundle, teacher. For the first time in years the Council Room was almost filled to its capacity with citizens at regular monthly meeting Monday night. . If citizens took an interest interest in municipal affairs as they should, uch an attendance would mark every council meeting. As a curtain raiser Conn. Grigg accused a member of the council of insulting him by telling him to "keep his d n mouth shut" and demanded an apology. Without Without any names being mentioned Reeve Tait admitted that he must be the man but denied saying such a word to Coun. Grigg, but said it was "darn" he used and only said it as a joke. Coun. Grigg failed to see the joke. Mayor ruled the discussion discussion ut of order as the convers tion in dispute took place in ihe clerk's office just as they were going into council 100m. Jas. Deyman and Rev. A. H. Drumm solicited a grant for the Public Library; gr anted $75. Chas. H eal was given permission to cut down and trim certain trees.under supervision supervision of Coun. Tole. Petition for electric light on Elgin-st- north was referred to Publi^ Property Com. A. M. Williams asked to be relieved from paying $15 for water; to Water- w rks Committee. Chipman & Power advised council to make no repairs to equalizing tank till Spring; to Waterworks Com. Communication from 2ist Battalion, Kingst n, asking for grant toward purchasing purchasing travelling kitchen; to Finance Com. Local Fire Brigade was granted use of Agricultural Park for a demonstration May 24th, Report from Chipman & Power show ing cost of waterworks and sewage works amounting to $175,959; referred to Waterworks Waterworks and Sewage Com. till auditors' report report is presented. Waterworks and Sewage Com. presented presented a wordy report explaining that equalizing equalizing tank had 3 bad breaks in cement wall making tank almost useless for stor ing water; that Chipman & Connolly s ould arrange for fixing it; that engineer have 55 to 60 loads of sand drawn on ground at once; that they had spent two evenings going over Town Engineer's reports and from his summarized statement found receipts receipts $577.87 and expenditure $355 85, which does not include $703 paid engineer for salary; that two items are worthy of some explanation, namely: Glover Estate account for liveries and Geo. Gibson's salary; First bill was mostly for trips to equalization tank; and 2nd, from Sept. 15, 1914, to Jan. 15,1915, Geo. Gibson was paid $135 93; 105 sewer and water connec : tions had been made, and of 1 hat number only one required readjusting; as a collfec tor, correspondent and bookkeeper Mr. Gibson's work is entirely, satisfactory; there is NOW a definite understanding with engineer that he shall not employ any office help or assistance without first notifying notifying the Mayor; adopted. Roads & Streets Com. were empowered to purchase lumber to repair walks on Duke, Hunt, Liberty, Ontario, Scugog streets and Base Line. Resolution inviting Durham Old Boys to Bowmanville Aug. 2 was passed. Resolution was passed endorsing action of Mayor in purchasi g transportation to Eng'and for Mrs. Carruthers amounting to $83.15. The old question of the C.P.R. not carrying carrying out its promises within the corpora tion brough'forth S3me discussion. No action taken. Council adjourned. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. All who wish to join the Beweisn- ville Horticultural Society tor ISIS are requested, to do so at once, so that the secretary may make out his list. Y01 can get all flowers in the spring or all bulbs in the fall or part at each time. Send $1 to James Deyman, box 44 or J. A. McClellan, Bank of Montreal. Jab. Deyman, Secretary. Certain-teed Roofing at Mason ^>a le's. BLOCKED BY LANDSLIDE - At 3 a.m. Wednesday a Canadian Pacific Pacific freight train, while passing through a cut at Weslçyville, was caught in a landslide. landslide. Many of the freight cars went off the track and were buried in earth and stone. The landslide resulted from the recent ràins. "It is fortunate" said one of the officials, "that it happened when it did, and not a little later in the morning, when the Montreal express was due to pass the spot. ,It would have crushed the passenger coaches into kindling wood." Weslej ville is one of the stations on the new division and about five miles west of Port Hope. Montreal train, due at Toronto Toronto at 7 35 a.m. did not arrive until 12.45 p.m. The local passenger trail from Trenton was also late. When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly. Jury & Lovell, Graduates of New York School of Optics, Chicago Ophthalmic College, Detroit Optical College, 2 Canadian Optical Colleges. Jury & Lovell's BIO 7c SALE ENDS ~ Saturday Night MAR. 6th See Their Window Display All This Week. DARLINGTON COUNCIL 3<. Î Miss Etta Wight, Solina, spent the end with her cousin, Miss Mabel Wight, who was home fro n Bowmanville... .Mr. Wesley Langmaid, Zion, with Mr. Allin Annis.... Mr. Arthur Moore, Mt. Vernon, spent Sunday at Mr. W. Moore's Best wishes of the community follow Mrs Talbert Talbert Finlay to her new home at Union- ville Sons ot England had their an nual oyster supper Monday night. Report of S.S. 18, Darlington, for February, February, names in order of merit : IV--Mary Higgs, Edy he Clemens, Alma Cuttell, Harold Clemens; (b)--Irene Werry, Reta Amsbary; III (a)--Mary Richards, Lilian Stock, Marian Martin, Greia Virtue; (b) --Hazel Hodgson, Aileen Higgs, Marie Werry, Gladys Collacutt, Clayton Gardiner, Gardiner, Vivian Amsbary, Fred Partner, Geraldine Clemens, Lola Richards, May Thompson.--Greta M. VanNest, teacher. teacher. Sr. II--Willie Little, Brenton McCullough, McCullough, * Margaret Mbore, 'Hazel Werry, Werry, *Lewis Gardiner, tGrace.Virtue; :Jr. II--Willie Martin, 'Dorothy Higgs, ^Irving ^Irving Clemens, Myrtle Amsbary, t Harold Burgess; I--Gertrude Gardiner, 'Hilda Prout, Harry Hatherley, Verna McCoy, Mrs. R. McCullough h .d probably the most onerous duty and proved capably clever in making the scene seem truly realistic. Certain situations her own initiative initiative supplied were almost convulsing. The shrewd and good-natured satire of feminine peculiarities in the speeches of Mrs. W. H. Moore, Miss M. Hodgson, Miss L. Virtue and Miss F. Werry was fun-provoking. Miss Maggie Virtue professes an indifference indifference to any man who might have designs designs upon her independence, but later her susceptibility to the Deacon, at whose reverend parsonage Miss Ethel Lillicrapp appeared, was very amusing. Miss E. Woodley, as the servant, was indispensable. indispensable. The remarks and suggestions of Mrs. Higgs and Mrs. Hodgson, ladies from the city, were received with more tolerance tolerance by the less skeptical but marvelling ladies, Mesdames Annis, Collacutt Clemens. . Feminine personality was distinctive when the distinguished vis tors had departed; departed; petty shams,, jealousies, cheap imitation imitation are now all above surface. Requiring Requiring ingenious staging was the display of a family a bum when the life-like forms been intis-1 johnny Hatherley; Primer--Weslev Little, of " "-L" ~ vr .. Clemens. Virtue, .Horn re- 'Qordn Martin, tLevi. 'present every lof Mesdames Mutton, Clemens, virtue, day; t absent because of illness. B. B. MULLIN, teacher. 25 sets of harness clearing at special prices this month at Mason 8c Dale's. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are selling selling off all ladies' and children's cloth coats, all new goods at half price. All From Bowmanville »nd vicinity who attend the famous IOTT TUKONTO, UAT. receive not only the Highest Grade of Business and ohorthand Education but.; assistance to secure choice positions when competent. Wé - were : recently called to till position» worth from SiO to 918-per week, as weil as some from $76 to $100 per month. Thu is the school for yo u to attend. UpenaUyear. Enter now. Write for our large catalogue. „ Yonge and W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. Principal Hambly, and Misses Skinner, Staples, Couch and others gave the audience a striking surprise as "pictures. This human human pic ure feature was surely brave. A most impressive scene was a charming charming circle of charmingly sweet grand- mothe s knitting who included Mesdames Hills, Curtis, Skinner. Virtue, Brent, Byam, Phare, not already mentioned. Thev pleased their hearers with a chorus, silver silver Threads Among the Gold,, and were heartily, encored. _ - ■ Solos were pleasingly sung bv little Miss Marian Martin. Other items of the program program were a quartet se'ection bv Mrs. M. and Miss M. Werry, Mrs. S. Hoar and Miss Clemens; and duets by the latter and Miss VanNest. Readings by Mrs. Frase of Newcastle were much appreciated; Opening and closing choruses were very weil rendered. Especially, enjoyable was VŸour King and Country Need You. Proceeds $^* • Men's overcoats selling at from 25 to 33% per cent discount at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Town Hall, Hampton, Feb. 27,1915. Regular meeting of Council, members all present, Reeve Courtice presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. confirmed. Communications were read and disposed disposed of. Among them were : One from Albemarle Tp. asking co- operation in trying to secure share of Provincial Provincial Automobile Tax. Will ask Member Member in Legislative Assembly to use his influence in that behalf. From Major L. T. McLaughlin thanking thanking Council for recent gift of wrist watch. From East Whitby Council re C. P. R. crossing over Town Line in the B. F. concession. concession. C.P.R. to be asked for electric bell. M. B. Cryderman asked leave to cut down trees in rear of his lot. Referred to Deputy-Reeve Stanley. L. Gilbert made similar request. Referred Referred to Coun. Baker. A. H. Brent applied for permission to cut down trees on roadside. Referred to Coun. Clemens. Removal of cedar on sideroad, lot 5» con. 5, was referred to Coun. Clemens. Sale of tree in gravel pit, lot 6, con. 4, was referred to Coun. Stephens. Dep. Reeve and Coun. Baker were appointed appointed to try and secure option on land for winter road from F. W. Allin's to Toll Gate Hill Conns. Stephens and Clemens were appointed appointed to interview J. Dorland re procuring procuring land for winter road on Montgomery's Montgomery's hill. Application of J. A. Werry to have property placed in one road-beat was erred to Dep. Reeve Stanley. Bv-law No. 731 appointing pathmasters, fence-viewers and poundkeepers for 1915 was passed. Coun. Baker moved and Coun. Stephens seconded that Clerk write H. J. Werry, J. T. Cole, H. Hills, and others whose property property may be affected under the Ditches and Watercoùrse Act to meet the Council Council Board at Town Hall Saturday, March 6th, at 2 p.m. Orders were , drawn on Treasurer as follows : McClellan & Co., lumber: 9 22 Rice & Co-i bridge repairs ........ 13 16 Advt. in "Review" 2 59 J, Reynolds, Collector's salary .140 00 W. T. Symons, bonus, killing dog... 5 00 F. J. Horne, wrist watch.,......... 17 50 Council adjourned to Saturday, March 27, at 10 ajn. _ W. R. Allin, Clerk. e 4 his] re- MOVING SALE PIANOS We have purchased the building now occupied by J. F. Hartz. 406 - 406 Yonge Street, and will move Into It as soon as we can get possession. Before moving we must get our $25,000 stock down. Buyers who know Piano values will quickly recognize recognize that this is a " life time opportunity" opportunity" to get a good piano and save money. $25 Cash. $8 Monthly. NO INTEREST. Kara Cottage, reg. $300 MlhoglBf (No. 9846) Now..$175 Morris Style V,reg. $325 Mibogsny (No. 13200) Now..$180 Morris Style V, reg. $325 UlbegaBy (No. 12990) Now $190 < Kara Countess,reg. $365 Mltogany (No. 10550) Now..$197 Kara Duchess, reg. $295 MlhOgliy (No. 14059) lNow..$2l5 Morris Style III, reg. $285 Mission (No. 18.361) Now. .$2^5 Evans Style E, reg. $275 WalHt (No. 13994) Now..$240 Morris Style V, reg. $325 WâlBlt (No. 13/17) Now..$245 Kara Style A, reg. $340 Mahoglljf (No. 10296) Now..$255 Kara Style A, reg. $340 Mahogany (No. 10955) Now..$275 Evans Louis, reg. $385 Walaut (No. 13920) Now..$290 Long Special, reg. $385 Mahogaiy (No. 5808) Now..$290 Morris Player, reg. $650 Mahogaiy (No. 12969) Now..$425 These Are All Cabinet Grand Pianos Except One. Also five second-hand pianos priced from $30 up and 8 used organs priced from $18 up. Also 1 Mason êcRisch Piano at $135.00. Please ndte that the above pianos are up-to-date in every respect, having having only been used on our ware-room floors or taken back on Players. Players. They look new and are new. They are sold with the same guarantee guarantee as a new instrument All standard, reliable makes as you will see by the names. Nothing made up specially for sales or club purposes. We pay freight anywhere in Ontario. Piano W arerooms 264-266 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ont. 64 L

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