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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1915, p. 3

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fit* / $■. il : t .FOR BOUSE OR COTTAGE i\(f\ «•w»**wT -V." *G? *•*<*'Wat A* * The primary object of painting i*T>rotçcUon and the paint that protect* a house the longest and most effectively is the paint to use. Brandram-Henderson's * English" Paint because of its composition - 70% of Brandram s B. B. Genuine White Lead and 30% Pure White Zinc as a base for white and tints - has the quality- of lasting wear'to the highest degree. Investigate the facts concerning concerning buildings that have been painted with tS-ri "English" Paint, and you will hnd that it lasted longer than any other paint, hence, in buyjng it, you get most for your money. Made in a great range of colors. Many things you should know about Paint in a Booklet that is free for the asking. MASON & DALE Bowman ville. PROMPTLY SECURED! In all conn trie.-. A? k for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,"which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal, Wood's Phosphodiae, The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole I nervous system, makes new Blood 'in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failinq Memory. Price SI per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on IgcÇiP. 0 - of price New pamphlet mailed free. THE. WOOD MEDICINE CO.,TORONTO, OUT. (Fsrmrty Wielwr.) SPECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost yon a penny unless it removes the freckles ; while if it does give yon a clear complexion the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of ofchine--double strength--from any druggist and a few applications should sho w yon how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist- for the •double strength othine as this is the prescription prescription sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. 2 THIS WOMAN'S SICKNESS Quickly Yielded To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Baltimore, Md.-- "I am more than •glad to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound did for me. I suffered dreadful pains and was very irregular. I became alarmed and sent for Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Compound. I took it regularly regularly until I was without a cramp or pain and felt like another person, and it has now been six months since I took ..-Any medicine at all. I hope my little - *note will assist you in helping other women. women. I now feel perfectly well and-in the best of health." -- Mrs. August W. Kondner, 1632 Hollins Street; Baltimore, Baltimore, Md. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Compound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to-day holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the • Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact. For thirty years it has been the standard standard remedy for female ills, and has restored restored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments ailments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, .etc. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mags. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a,woman and held In strict confidence. Playing Animals. Danny and Daisy are brother and sister. In the yard behind the house wihere they live there is a mound of soft, loose earth where they play with their animals. The animals are wooden and they are painted different colors. They came in a Noah's ark at Christmas time. The children mould the earth into the shape of a mountain, the top of which is as high as Danny's shoulders. They dig into the side of the mountain until they make about twenty little caves. They place the animals in these caves with their heads pointing pointing out. Some of the caves are larger than others. In the larger caves they put four, and sometimes sometimes six, animals. The children are careful to put together only tame animals, such as horses, cows, sheep, and dogs. The wild animals like the lions, the tigers, and the leopards, they keep in separate caves. In the largest cave of all they put the elephants,, and that- cave is on a level with the ground. To the giraffes they give the highest caves. When the eaves are alii inhabited, inhabited, Danny takes his spade and hoe and digs a trench rou-nd the mountain. mountain. Then the children pat the earth on the bottom and sides of the mountain until it becomes firm. Then, with the garden hose, Danny fills the trench with water. In. this canal they place the ducks and swans. They have made two ! boats out of safety-match boxes ; with tooth-picks fastened in ■ the centre of these boats they make splendid sails. Every afternoon when they have finished the game, they put the animals back into the ark. Then i Danny wrecks the mountain with ! his hoe. That he does so that they ! can have the fun of building it again and digging a new canal. SOME CHOICE WOODS. Myrtle Tree Is Mentioned Several Times in Battle. Rosewood is the name applied to the wood of different trees in their respective countries, so the commercial commercial rosewood is not always the same! The rosewood of Brazil is considered the finest in every way, and is made into beautiful furniture. furniture. The myrtle tree, a common one in Palestine, is useful because its leaves are used for scarlet powders, and from it an oil is obtained which is used in perfume. The myrtle is an emblem of the Jewish feast of the passover and is mentioned sev era! times in the Bible. It is not a large tree, for twenty feet is usually its maximum height. Ebony of the best quality comes from India, Ceylon and other tropical tropical countries, where it is obtained in. logs sometimes fifteen and twenty feet long. The very word ebony means dark, and the darkness darkness of the wood increases with the age of the tree. It is very hard wood and hence it is desirable for fine furniture making. Its unique color, too, makes it always worthy of notice, and it was combined with ivory by the Greeks to bring out its color. Satin wood is produced both in the East and West Indies, and, indeed, an inferior variety comes from Florida. Florida. It is another very hard wood, of fine, light grain--almost canary yellow in color. It is used for cabinet cabinet work and nowadays very largely largely for the backs of hair brushes and clothes brushes. It takes a very high, satiny polish. Lignum vitae, another very hard wood, comes also from the West Indies. It is so hard that it is useful useful for making pestles, pulleys and other things that require great strength. It has a flower like the hepatica, which comes in clusters. Sta'e of Ohio, city o f Toledo, ) gg Lucas C o .luty, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that, said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of HALL'S CATARRH CATARRH CURE. , FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this (ifch day of December, A. D. 1886 (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consumption. *t« e< Fruit-a-tives" Have Proved Their Value In l^ousands of Cases WONDERFUL RECORD OF A WONDERFUL CORE Only Remedy That Acts On All Three Of The Organ» Responsible For The Formation Of Uric Acid In The Blood. Many people do not realize .that the Skin is one of the three great eliminators eliminators of waste matter from the body. As a matter p£; fact, the Skin rids the system of more Urea (or waste matter) than the Kidneys. When there is Kidney Trouble, Pain In The Back and Acrid Urine, it may not be the fault of the kidneys at 1 all, but-be due to faulty Skin Action, or Constipation of the bowels. " Fruit-a-tives " cures weak, sore, aching Kidneys, not only because it strengthens these organs but also because because * ' Fruit-a-tives" opens the bowels, sweetens the stomach and stimulates the action of the skin. "Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 2=;c. or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa. Getting Back at the Judge. A judge in remanding a criminal called him a scoundrel. The prisoner prisoner replied, as he was leaving the courtroom, "Sir, I am not as big a scoundrel as your honor"--here the culprit stopped, bub finally added--"takes added--"takes me to be. " "Put your words closer together," together," said the judge. A Real Asthma Relief. Dr. J. D- Kellogg's A thma Remedy has nevrr beeu advertised by extravagant state- men' s It i c aims are conservative indeed, indeed, when judged by the cures which it performs. Expect - real relief and permanent benefit when you b îy this j remedy and you will not have cause for I disappointment. It gives permanent i relief in many cases where other so called remedW-lmve utterly failed. RED CROSS SERVICES. News of interest to every rclactive rclactive and friend of the Canadian soldiers soldiers "who are now in France and of those who will in the near future be in the zone of operations has' been received ak-the head office of the Canadian Red Cross Society from Colonel Hodgetts, Canadian commissioner in London., in which he says that he has completed arrangements for the information bureau to forward particulars regarding regarding wounded and missing Canadians. Canadians. -This work will not conflict with the official returns but will supplement them by furnishing subsequent subsequent information to relations as to their conduct and progress. The work will be carried on upon the same lines as the British Red Grose and with their co-operation. A short time ago an information bureau wias started in connection with the British Red Cross Society for the purpose of keeping the relatives relatives and friends of wounded and missing British soldiers cognizant of their progress and whereabouts. It was felt that a similar scheme might be started by the Canadian society and the message received from the commissioner shows that this has been done. Canadians will therefore be able to hear how their wounded sons and brothers are progressing and to know of their safety if missing or captured. There must, be few people in this country who do not each morning -scan the casualty .list to see whether whether any of those dear to them have been wounded, or in some cases killed. Now' that the "Princess "Princess Bats" are in the trenches and part of the expeditionary force is either in France or on its way there and will therefore soon be in the firing line, these lists will be watched with even greater interest than before. The names that we w'isili least of all to see are those of "the killed, men who have fallen on the field of honor in the greatest cause that they could die for, the cause of freedom and righteousness righteousness ; to look down the column of casualties and see the name of one wounded is almost a relief, for he might have been "missing"; the W'ounded list conveys no uncertainty uncertainty ; it is true and one accepts the n-ew'S with more hope. "Missing leaves an emptier feeling. One fears long suspense, or worse than all, utter darkness. A new' field of work has no w opened opened for the Red Cross, a work that ! will commend itself to every Canadian Canadian and especially those whose brothers, sons and husbands have crossed the water to fight in the great Armageddon. It will be a relief to many to hear that some- j thing is now being done to trace j those who have. been lost in the Much diaper. "I'm going south for the rheumatism." rheumatism." "It's cheaper to get it- here." Miller's Worm Powders do not need the after-lielp of castor oil or any purgative purgative to comp ete their thoroughness, because because they are thorough in themselves. They will end the worm trouble by making making the stomach and bowels untenable to the parasites. And not only this, but the powders will be certain to exert most beneficial influences in the digestive digestive organs. Ceaseless Toil. "I want you to understand," said young Spender, "that- I got . my money by hard work." "Why, I thought it was left to you by your rich uncle." "So it was, but I had hard work to get it aw'ay from the lawyers." As a vermicide there is no preparation that equals Mother Graves Worm Exterminator. Exterminator. It has saved the lives of countless countless children. Quite So. "Longevity, after all, is largely a matter of diet." "Indeed ! I had the impression it was largely a matter of time." No matter how deep-rooted the corn or wart may he, it must yield to Holloways Holloways Corn Cure if used as directed. Terrors Above but Worse Below. Ka.te (just returned)--Yes, I happened happened to Ibe in that very city when the German aeroplane dropped the bombs. Alice--Did you run for the cellar 1 Kate--No, I heard there were rats there.■ .■ Pat Replied. An Irishman, having recently arrived arrived in New York, got employment with a wood merchant. Later he was ordered to take a load of wood some distance away. Having gone half his journey he came to à steep hill, and while the horses _ were struggling to get to the top his boss happened to- meet him, and seeing the -horses in such difficulty, and Pat sitting on top of the load, he stopped him and exclaimed : "Do you think the horses bavent got enough to do without hauling you up the hill?" Pat, fixing himself more comfortably on the load, said. "'Is t-halt what you stopped me for i" "Yes," replied the 'boss. Then, with a crack of the whip, Pat replied. replied. "Gee up ! It's a poor ship that can't carry the captain, Dear Jamie Ï - An old woman, unable to read, on receiving a letter from an alb* sent son asked a friend to read it to her. The writing was so bad that the friend, hardly able to make it out, read stammeringly, "Dear moth--mother, I--I-- ta-- taike"--whereupon the old woman pried out gleefully/ "It's from dear jfoible, tmfe enough ! He always aftutftered l*' v ITTLE IYER PIUS. CURE «««y Headache and relieve all the troubles in* dent to a bilious state of the system, each as bizzinees. Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after eteting. Pain in the Blcle/fco. While thelrmoet remarkable success has been shown in curing 1 in the Bide, fco. WhUs t » success has been shown ii SICK yet Carter's Little Liver Pills equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing thisannoyingcomplaint.while they also correctall disorders of the stomach .stimulate the liver and regulatô thsbôwel*. Even if thsy only cored " " Ache they would bealmostprlcaleesto those who suffer from this distressing complaint; butform- able in so many waysthat they will not be wiL Hag to do without them. But .after^Usick head Is the bans of so many lives that here 1* where we make onrgreat boast. Our pills core it while others do not. .. , -, Carter's Little Liver Pills are very «nall and verysaeytotake. One or two They are strictly vegntablauna donnât gripe or pnr^eAmt by their gentle action pUkseall who uee oissn motcnii co>« xsw zohl Stull HUM Do&iSmU Pm Humoring the Vicar. The parishioners understood that a certain amount of jealousy existed existed between the dignified vicar anc his energetic young curate, says a British weekly, but they never overlooked overlooked the fact tihat the materia benefits came from the vicarage. The vicar had just returned from his annual month's vacation and was making a round of the district. At a cottage door he came across a recent addition to his flock lying contentedly in the arms of its fond mother. After inquiring the baby's name, ihe said : "I sincerely hope the little fellow has been baptizedV*' "Oh, well, sir," replied the tactful tactful mother, with a curtsey, "I should not like to go so far as to say that--you being away ; but your young man came round and did what he could." Made the Clyde Themsels. The river Clyde has been brought to its present draft by dredging, and the Scotch are very proud of it. A parity of Americans scorned it one day. "Call this a river 1 ?" said they. "Why, it's only a ditch in comparison with our Mississippi, or St. Lawrence, or Hùdson." "Aweel mon," said a Scotch bystander, bystander, "you've got Providence to thank for your, rivers, but we made this one oorsel'e." She had left her little son Randall, Randall, to play with his baby brother. Shortly after she heard the baby screaming lustily. Hurrying to the place where the children . were playing^sbe found Randall picking up his marbles, while the youngster was trying. vainly to get hold of some of them. ' "Why, Randall! said the mother, "don't be so selfish selfish ! Let your little brother play with some' of your marbles !" "But," protested Randall, "he means to keep them alWays, mother." mother." "Oh, dear, no, I guess not, ' ' replied the mo the r. " What makes you think 'that 1 'Well, I guess yes!" howled Randall. "I know be does, cause he's swallowed three of 'em already. war. By this new arrangement with the British Bed Gross Society the relatives of men in the Canadian contingents will be kept in consta-nt knowledge of the progress that their wounded relatives, or friends are making and will also, where humanly possible, be told the whereabouts of those who are officially officially reported as "missing." This will surely take a great load off the minds of those relatives and friends of our braveCanadian soldiers and will enable them to correspond with them regularly. This new branch of the Red Cross work will thus be the means of shortening the great gulf that separates separates the ,soldier on active service from his loved ones at home and will bring comfort and' "joy into many- a home in Canada. Good Yourself by keeping in good physical trim and you will be the best friend to yourself and a pleasure pleasure to others. Most sicknesses begin in the ordinary and minor ailments of the digestive organs, and for these ailments The Crown has the right to call on every male citizen to take up arms for national defence. ■jHt: " >•,'• 1? »• iniHumntninnm raw ~r 11 Tfo Proprietary or fatal .flfdieifttAd j AVegetaWe Preparation forA*-? «imitating the food and Re*!*' 1 ling the Stomachs and Bowebef ; For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have I Always Bought Infants - Childkfn Promotes DigpslionJChcedti-: ness and Rest.Contains retour Opium.Morphirre nor Mineral Not Narcotic. JStctpe of OhL JkS^MLflniusJt f\tnpkui Seed" JbcStma* AdltHcMs- yhuuSttd * 'toseziis*. - mmSuil- Cladded Sugar - JwtojnanTfamn Signature of Aperfrct Remedy forÇoiistlpa- lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Woms.ConvulMon&Fevelsiv -» ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. > Facsimile Signature of ■flit Centaur Company. MONTREAUNEWYORK At(| months old j5 ÜOÜ i Apsi- Exact Copy of Wrapper Thirty Years GASTORIA TH * CKI iTAUN COM MY. NKW YOMK CITY. Established over Forty-one Years THE STANDARD BANK w OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B,C of Banking M oney Saved is Money Gained. Jl^ever Defer Saving, but 177 O pen: a Savings Account today. today. We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT BOWMAN VILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branches also atBIackstock (D..P. MacFarlane Manager) . Newcastle. Orono, Oshawa, Whitby, Brookhn and Newtonville. 'No more headache for you--take these" Don't just "smother" the headache without removing the cause. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They not oniy cure the headache but give you a budyant, healthful feeling because they tone the liver, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them. All Drn«$nte, ZSc., or by mail CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO. Toreate, Oat. 13 a new issue of the V Telephone Directory ig now being: prepared, and additions and changes forTt sh<>uId be reported to our Local Manager at once. Have you a telephone? Thus-' who have will tell you that it is the most previous of model .1 conveniences. Why not order to-day and have your name in the new directory? The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada have become the most popular remedy, because they are so safe, so certain, and prompt in their beneficial action. They tone the stomach, stimulate stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels. By cleansing ■ the system and purifying the blood they prove that they # * A Guinea a Box Directions of special value with every bo*. Sold everywhere. Iu boxes, 25 cents. _r_.. Compound* 1 Order Coal Now | LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery A. safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1 ; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by àll druçgists, or sent id prepaid on . receipt of price. Fr _ of nnc Free pamphlet. , Address ; THE COOK MEDICINE CO* TORONTO. OUT. (frnwtf WMwJ E. W. Loscombe Jgt Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Cqroev ^Division and 0 Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. ifejiSfc:SHH 1É 1-- - y_--. - - <-f> -- V: ■*¥»• *-^--^--aa-------- h"-7Ï- - -Lr:-. ï&ïïMàWÈ

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