EASTER TIME Is Ham and Bacon Time Easter season is one of the festive seasons of the year. It is a time of home-coming and family reunions. In making preparations preparations don't overlook Ham and Bacon, as well -as Cooked ^ Meats - j -Efes. Our hams and bacon possess a fine flavor, delicious „ ^[nd are very tempting. To smell them cooking in the frvmg pan makes one's mouth water. Note these special suggestions: Delicious Breakfast Bacon --This is Fearman's Famous English Breakfast Brand, cured by a mild process which produces that delicate and appetizing flavor so pleasing to every lover of bacon; per lb. in the piece 24c; nicely and evenly trimmed 25c lb. New Laid Eggs--It wouldn't be Easter if there were no eggs. We receive large quantities' quantities' of absolutely new laid eggs every day and are in a position to serve you with the very best. There is no chance of your" getting from us an egg that isn't fresh. Sliced Botied Ham--if you haven't time to select, boil and trim a ham, let us suggest suggest our very delicious boiled cooked ham. You may have it daintily sliced and ready for the table at... 35c per lb. Extra Fancy Hams--if you want a real quality ham for Easter ask us for Fearman's Star Brand, They are fine, mild, sweet, sugar cured hams, properly trimmed and each ham perfect. Per lb 20c Fish--We have constantly on hand a fine variety of fresh fish. BOWMANVILLE, APR. 1,1915 Social and Personal. Local and Otherwise Zij&ss buns at 6t Martin-Sei ^hone 65 ARCHIE TAIT Bowmanville A Drug Store That does not give the public Efficient and valuable service Has no excuse for its existence. JURY & LOVELL If you could figure out The amount of money Our customers save each year By dealing at our store, You would be surprised at The total sum. We are always on the look-out For money-saving chances For our customers. In every branch of business We strive to give better value And service than other stores. A pew Money saving service-- Burpee's Famous Seeds No duty, no postage, no express. For many years one of our branch stores Has sold these famous seeds. This year the people of Bowmanville. Can buy these seeds of world-wide fame from us And save duty, postage and trouble. <0nr prices this year are lower Than you pay for common seeds. Bnrpee^s Seeds arp noted The world over. JURY & LOVELL Do Not Forget--When we test eyes it is done properly. vr* y "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Runabout Price $540 No advance in the price of the "Made in Canada" Ford will be made because of the additional 7|% War Tariff. We as loyal Canadians will gladly absorb whatever increased increased duty we are forced to pay on such raw materials as cannot be obtained at home. The Ford is manufactured in Canada not assembled in Canada. The Ford Touring Caris $590; the Town car $840; the Coupelet $850; the Sedan $1150--all fully equipped, f. o. b. Ford, Ont. Ford buyers will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars between August 1,1914, and August I, 1915* - Opposite Bowman House itle, spent Sun- at 15c a dozen putting on Read sermonette on inside page. Mr. Tames Owens, grocer, recently visited visited in Colborne. Mr. C. M. Bice's article appears on an inner page. Read it. i Brooklin Spring Fair in John Vipond's Park Monday, May 24. Miss Dora Proutt, Claremont, spent the week-end with relatives. Miss Ethel Allin, Newc day at Mr. A. M. Hardy" Christie's Hot Cross are good and cheap eatfcg Port Perry Choral Club are "Pinafore" on April 8 and 9* Mr. Russell Goodman, Toronto, has been visiting his uncle, Mr. A. Mitchell. Mr. F. A. Haddy attended the Temperance Temperance convention in Port Hope Tuesday. Mrs. (Rev.) Thos. Brown, Lindsay, is visiting her father, Mr. James Courtice. Rev. and Mrs. R. Hinds have returned from spending some months at Denver, Colo. Mrs. T. E. Knowlton and family, Toronto, Toronto, is visiting her father, Major W. C. King. ' , Miss Marion VanNest spent the weekend weekend at Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Peeling. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy recently vi ited his cousins at the Allin homestead, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Addinall and twins, Huntsville, are visiting her father, Mr. Chas. Cox. Mrs. W. C. Fursey, Oshawa, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Richards and other relatives here. Miss Kate Percy of the McDonald Institute, Institute, Guelph, is spending Easter holi- i days at home. Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock is at Exeter at- Order Hot Citiss buns at Christie's. Ous stock of Martin-Senour paints is complete. W. H. Dustan. Make alterations in your house with Beaver Board. Mason & Dale. Chinamel makes old furniture look like new. Buy it at W, H. Dustan's.. A full line of Nyal's Family remedies always in stock. Jury & Lovell. tf Every pint of Martin-Senour 100% Paint is guaranteed. W. H. Dustan. Certainteed Asphalt Roofing is cheaper and better than shingles at Mason & Dale's. Don't fail to see the great bargains in Ladies' suits at Couch,Johnston & Cryderman's, Cryderman's, Cut down yoür expenses in making alterations alterations to your house--use Beaver Board. Mason & Dale. There is nothing quite so good as Certainteed Certainteed Asphalt Roofing. Ask for free booklet at Mason & Dale's. Don your Spring outfit ard get your picture taken at Robson's. See his astonishing astonishing Easter holiday offer. Don't buy roofing until you have seen Certainteed Asphalt Roofing sold in Bowmanville Bowmanville by Mason & Dale. Martin-Senour Paint is 100% pure. It's the paint to stand the weather. Sold in Bowmanville by W. H. Dustan. Didn't it make your mouth water when you read Archie Tail's advt ? The ham and bacon is just as good as represented. Dont neglect your floors. Old pine floors made to look like solid oak with Chinamel Floor Finish. W. H. Dustan. Just received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's direct from John Crossley & Sons a lot of new Tapestry and velvet squares. Martin-Senour Paints look well and wear well. Sold by W. H. Dustan. None but the best at Christie's. Order Hot Cross buns fcfr Good Friday--15c a duzen. The kina of which you will want IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL. À letter containing one dollar, - posted on Midland train, bearing No. I,. Black- water Jet. and Orillia stamp, has been received received but no name was signed so that we have no idea who sent it, but the address on the envelope would indicate the writer to be an elderly person. BIG'PHOTO OFFER Here is a chance that won't come again. For a limited time we are giving you a choice of two swell .lines of photos, a good hard back and a nifty two-toned folder. Regular $3.00, Cabinet lines for $2.00. Workmanship No. I. ■ '. . • Thos. Robson, Studio upstairs, corner King 14-1* 8e Silver Sts., Bowmanville. BIRTHS. Buckley--In Clarke, March 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Buckley, a son. Nicholls --In Bowmanville, March 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Nicholls, a son. Downey--In Darlington, March 81, to Mr. and Mrs. Hector Downey, a daughter. Campbell--In Bowmanville, March 26, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Q. Campbell, a daughter (siill-bom) '3S3SL 2B9E tending the funeral of her brother-in-law, 1 some more, the late Dr. Amos. j Our stock of prepared paints is as large Mr. John T. Nunn, Colborne, spent Sun- ; as all others combined. We do the paint day at the home of his son, Mr. J. T. trade. That's why we carry so large a Nunn, jr., Queen-st. Mrs. A. A. Thompson, Rochester, N.Y., is visiting her father, Mr. Warren Ding- man and is quite ill. Mr. Nelson Bragg, Beaverton, is spending spending a week with his mother, at Mr. W. S. Bragg's, Kingston Rd., E. Rev. W. C. Washington, M. A., left on Tuesday for Empress. Sask., to spend the summer on his farm there. Mrs. S. Edgar Werry and young heir, trade. That's why we carry stock. W. H. Dustan. à In all our experience we have never been able to show such superb value in black silk as we are doing now. Couch, Jehnston & Cryderman. Touch up your picture frames and lamps with our gold bronze. The results will surprise you. Old goods made new with Chinamel: W. H. Dustan Dr. Hess is a Veteriney Surgeon with a ,, t w „ rrv ann v ,reputation Continent wide. His Stock Mrs. b. Hdgar we y y vfsiting and Poultry Food is free to every farmer Samuel George, Solina, have been visiting tnpnHre satls f ac tiom Turv Mrs. Norman James, Lome Villa Misses Edith Scott, BrooklK and Bessie Scott, Oshawa, spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. Lewis Lyle. Mr. Hub rt Higginbotham, Manager Standard Bank, Newcastle, spent the week-end guest of Mr. Geo. W. James. Mr. Stewart Bell, who has been relieving relieving in the Sta ndard Bank here has returned returned to his duties in the bank at Pickering. Mrs. Alan Sharpe who has been visiting , Mrs. E. W. Pattinson and sister Miss Dingman has returned home to London. of London, if it fails to give entire satisfaction, ■& Lovell are sole agents. Dont neglect your linoleum and oilcloth. Chinamel will preserve it and retain its pattern. Chinamel is made to walk on Sold by W. H. Dustan. Leave your order early for Hoi Cross bun at Chris ie's. They will be first- class and only 150 fix dozen. Good Friday Friday without hot dross buns would be a misnomer to the children of long ago. Dont worry about hard times. Chinamel ; your old furniture. Your neighbors will i think it's new. W. H. Dustan. i When we test-- here long you know what follows these three .words. You know who originated them--Jury & Lovell. When we test eyes it is done properly, Jury 8c Lovell. No paint equals Martin-Senour. It goes farther and lasts longer. W. H. Dustan. C. M. Cawker 8c Son have purchased MARRIAGES McKay--GORDON--At Port Hope, March 18th. by Rev. T. G. McCullough, Florence, daughter of Samuel Gordon, Garden Hill, and Wilfrid McKay, McKay, Starkville. _ DEATHS Burrows--In Hampton, March 30th, Sarah, beloved wife of J. H. Burrows, aged 76 years. Funeral to-day (Thursday) at 2.30 p. m. to Hampton B. C. cemetery. Derry--In Oshawa, March 23, John A. Derry, aged 66 years. Brock--In Port Perry, March 24, Wm. Brock, aged 72 years. Luke--In Oshawa, March 19th, Joseph Luke, aged 83 years. Widden--In Scugog, March 26, Richard Wid- den, aged-85 years. Bird--At Port Hope, March 25, John Francis Bird, aged 52 year?.. Burk --In Bowmanville, March 28th, Marvin Burk, aged 63 years Jeffery--At Port Hope, March 22nd, John T. Jeffery, aged 68 years. Philp--At Whit by, March 26th, James Rowe Philp in his 81st year. OOURT1CE --At Court ice, March 28th, Lawrence Mason Courtice, aged 77 years. Morden--In Bowmanville, March 29th, Thomas Henry, infant son of Harry Grigg Mo#en, aged 2 months. White--In Bowmanville, March 25th, Mary Willius, beloved wife of William H. White, aged 64 years. Gardiner--In Thornloe, Ont., March 17, Elsie, daughter of B. F. Gardiner, aged 5 years. In terred at Bethesda. Amos--At Exeter, March 26. Thomas A. Amos, M.D , in his 56th year. Brother-in-law of Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock, Bowmanville. Baird--In Bowmanville. March 26, Eliza Ann, beloved wife of John Baird, aged 54 years. Oardiner--In Toronto, March 24, Ethel Mary, fourth daughter of. Henry and Charlotte Sing, Port Hope, beloved wife of Dr. George H. Gar diner. BoxaLL--At Batavia, N. Y., March 23, Christina Christina Andrews, wife of James Boxall, Lindsay, aged 70 years. McMullen--On train near Chicago, 111., March 23, George W. McMullen, Picton, aged 71 years Brother of Mrs. (Rev.) S. J. Shorey, Lindsay. One of the wealthy men Ontario, has offered their wedding fees If ycm have lived of every couple married in that city this year. Mr. Richard Everson who has been spending the winter with relatives in Ontario Ontario has returned to his home at Darling- ford, Man. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLaughlin have returned to Horn e r, O here ^ewH - vera j c hoice cattle for their spring resume his work as engineer with stem xx , "Lest We Forget" E. R. BÔÜNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. R OOMS TO RENT--In Royal Bank building, hot water heating, free water and modern conveniences. Rooms may be arranged to comply with wishes of tenants. Apply to the Manager, Bowmanville. 5tf 38 Reade, contractors. Mr. D. F. Burk. Port Arthur. Mr. Arthur Burk, Toronto, and Mr. Floyd Smith, Toledo, Ohio, were here attending the funeral of the late Marvin Burk on Tuesday. Tuesday. Peterboro finance committee has sold the public school debentures amount ng to $i8,ooo bearing 5% per cent interest, to the Canada Bond Corporation at one hundred and five cents on the dollar. Mr. and Mrs. John McNeil, Cavan, announce announce the marriage of their daughter, Sara Kathleen and Mr. Leonard W. Smith, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Millbrook, on March 31st. Death claimed a highly respected resident resident of Cavan township March 25, when Mr. Robert Vance passed away at the family residence, "Pine Grove" Cavan, near Ida. The late Mr. Vance was i his 79th year. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gill, Brockville, who have purchased the Joness farm have moved into the Turner residence corner Centre and Lowe Streets. They have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. xl. Jury, "Woodlawn" during their stay in town. It is not often that manufactures admit advertising pays but in a letter from Mof- fatt Stove Company, W eston, March 24th, it reads, "Our total results were excellent and the replies from your paper in particular particular were very satisfactory." Just another another instance that The James Papers bring results. Prize fowl are not noted for laying big eggs, but Mr. Alex Taylor's flock of Minorca hens are famous for their big eggs. Last week he showed us an egg measuring 8inches in circumferance and weighing 5 oz. If any of our readers can beat this bring along the eggs--Easter will soon be here. The 46th Durham Regiment is well represented represented with over 350 men on active service. service. The Durham Contingent cuts a very prominent figure in the 39th Battalion, Belleville. Not only are 105 of the best fellows of the Port membe- s of the Battalion Battalion but, Lt.-Col., J. A. V. Preston, O. C, the 39th is acting commander of the 40th and Lieut.-Col. R. Wallace Smart of Port Hope, who succeeded him is the se; îor Major of the 39th--Belleville Ontario. War Tax Postage--A war tax of one cent has been imposed on each letter and postcard mailed in Canada for delivery in Canada, the United States or Mexico, and and on each letter mailed in Canada for delivery in the United Kingdom and British Possessions generally, and wherever wherever the two cent rate applies, to become effective on and from the 15th April, 1915* This War Tax is to be prepaid by the senders by means of a War Stamp for sale by Postmasters and other postage stamp vendors. trade. They Also want to buy choice calves and yearling lambs for which they will pay the highest cash price. Highest price paid for choice poultry. The old reliable purveyors always pays a good price for the best stock. Chinamel will make your old baby carriage carriage or go-cart like new. W. H. Dustan. Burpee's Famous Sweet Peas, Yellow Bantam Corn and other seeds at Jury & Lovell's--no duty, no postage. Send in your order*, early--see their advt. If yqn/want some really fine Hot Cross buns aa to Christie's. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ÎASTOR^ G ENERAL SERVANT WANTED-- At once. Apply to Box 6, Bowmanville. J2tf w ARDROBE FOR SALE-- A large walnnt wardrobe. Apply Box 244, Bowmanville. 14 3* G G ENERAL SERVANT WANTED-- At once. Apply to Mrs. John McClellan, Port Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 13t ARDEN WORK--Done by the day. Apply to E. Winstanley. Box 336, Bowmanville. Gardiner Gardiner to the late Howard Chandler. 14 1* B AhLEY FOR SALE--Quantity of barley 6- rowed 21--suitable for seed. Apply to J. L. Parsons, Darlington Station. Phone 176-r6.1 G IRL WANTED--To help sewing ; must be quick with the needle. Apply to A. Cross- man, Tailor, Temperance-st, Horsey Block, Bowmanville. 12tf S INGLE MAN WANTED--Experienced, to do farm work. Prefer to hire by the year. Apply Apply to F. B. Love kin, lot 36, con 1, Clarke, Newcastle P.O. 13 2* Just received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's from the most reliable and up-to-dhte makes in Canada a lot of boys'and men's Spring suits, overcoats and waterproof coats no better value anywhere. E GGS FOR HATCHING^-From pure bred S.C Black Minorcas. Parent .-took heavy prize winners. $1 00 per setting. Apply on the premises to I. L. Brown, or Hampton P.O. 14 4* E GGS FOR HATCHING-- S. C. Black Minorca from thoro'-bred prize winning stock, also a good laying strain. $1.00 per setting. Alex, Taylor, Concession-et, Bowmanville. Phone 96f. 13 RIVING MARE FOR SALE--Bay, 6 years old, excellent driver, part hackney, good show horse. Selling at a bargain. Apply Wm. Çhallis. Mutton's Butcher Shop, Bowmanville. or phone 226. Ml D' H ousekeeper wanted -- Middle aged woman, good allronnd housekeeper, good wages. Reside in village with family of two. Apply by letter to The Statesman, bow manville. 12 8 ANTED-- Experienced General Servant. Ea-y place. Washing and ironing done oat. Good wages to competent maid. Position open now or can wait few weeks. Drawer Q, Bowmanville. 14t - w For the Bathroom, Laundry ^r Kitchen, our guaranteed workmanship and guaranteed plumbing fixtures make an ideal combination Let us estimate for you, W. H. Dustan Quality Hardware - Bowmanville Oranges at Fresh Special Prices Vegetablés for Easter for Easter Thursday and Saturday You will be looking for this week we will have something extra nice for sale 10 crates of for Easter week in fresh very choice, sweet, juicy fruits and vegetables. Navel Oranges at 18c We probably have just doz- or 2 doz. for what you want. Come 35c. Our advice to in and see our stock. you is to place your order early, as we were Bring us your farm pro- unable to fill all orders duce. We pay highest last orange sale. cash prices. Rd. Snowden Next Door East L. Morris & Son's 2EE IDEAL SILVER CREAM FOR CLEANING SILVERWARE We have purchased a large quantity of this Silver Polish, which we are placing on sale at 20% less than regular prices. Regular 25c bottles for ...20c Regular 50c bottles for 39c This, as the name implies, is an ideal silver polish, and we will willingly refund your purchase price, on any bottle which does not give you entire satisfaction. These goods will be placed on sale Saturday, April 3rd, and will be sold at these prices only until our surplus stock is exhausted. Be sure to procure a bottle or two for your Spring Cleaning. See our Window Display. C H. HADDY JEWELER WATCH REPAIRER EGGS FOR HATCHING. S. C. RHODE ISLAND REDS--Prize winning stock--2 firsts at Bowmanville and Oshawa. Stock that has proven itself the best. Why buy Inferior? $1.00 per setting. Order at once. H. B. Creeper, Box 306, Uorsey-st, Bowmanvill^. WHITE WYANDOTTRS--1st prize winners at local Fairs--headed by Guild's "bred to lay" cock bird. Guild's Bred-to lay Wyandottes are winning winning prominence at leading egg-laying contests on the continent against birds from England and U. S. This is an opportunity you have not had before at the pr ce, $1 00 setting. H. B. Creeper, Box 306, Horsey-st., Bowmanville. 14t Great Satisfaction Has been expressed by my many customers in town for the fine quality of butter I am selling and the excellent service rendered. I am adding new customers to my list daily and can still supply a few more. Every Pound Guaranteed You take no risk as every pound - is guaranteed best quality. Direct Direct from Dairy to Consumer is a strong point in favor of buying buying from me. Delivery made daily. No order too small. Phone 251. E. W. W. RUNDLE, (Late of Archie Tail's Grocery.) Bowmanville. Showing This Week New Goods, New Goods Everything New and Exquisite gü? NEW SPRING SUITS AND COATS NEW SILKS AND SILK POPLINS, ETC. NEW DRESS MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Our stock is now complete in every department to the slightest detail. We invite your inspection. Telephone or letter orders promptly filled. S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank - Bowmanville