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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1915, p. 7

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SPRING NEEDS ON THE FARM This is the year farmers are looking forward to their biggest year a business. Now is the time to see that the little things are right and save loss and worry later. These few suggestions indicate the completeness completeness of our stock. No need to order out of town. We save you money. Strong Garden Rakes Extra Strong Garden Rakes--useful Rakes--useful for cleaning up spring rubbish and for work in the garden later. Handles are best selected hardwood and strongly fastened to rake. In all widths at 35c each. Don't Hunt for a Wrench Have one on every implement . where it miaht be needed. We have them for all purposes and in all widths and shapes. A little investment investment in this direction may save a big loss in time or breakage. Winter is Nearly Over You will need a good axe to split the summer's summer's wood, as well as for odd jobs. Complete 51.00. ^©Yioy^ V'XoXowcOvr^ Wheelbarrows Removable sides. Be sure to see these Strong, easy running, durable. They are extra good values. Don't Putter with an Old Hammer Get one of these thoroughly reliable claV"h£mmers--the kind that serves every purpose. Best of steel and handles. A limited stock offered at 50c each. Manure Forks, 4 or 5 Tines A broken fork means waste time and effort. Good manure forks will cause every man to do his best work. Specially tested steel with polished handles. Four tines 75 c > five tines $1.00. RICE'S BIG HARDWARE STORE Phone 66 Opposite Post Office Bowmanville i Farmers,! Read This ! x I have now for sale A Cotton Seed /Weal 4 Caldwell's Molasses Meal O Feed and Seed Corn y Call at the mill or phone your order to No. 77. X $ F. C. Vanstone %'sr I !♦ Hot Cross Leave Your Order Early HAMPTON MILLS--A limited quantity of Good Seed Oats at 75c per bushel. Flour, all Grades, Cereals and Mill Feed. Try our Corn and Oat Feed for Cattle and Hogs at $30.00 a ton. CHAS. HORN, HAMPTON Phone 129 r6 "Royal Purple Stock & Poultry Food is sold by Jury & Lovell with a "Money back" guarantee. We have Kalsomine in all shades. Ask for Muresco for wall and ceiling decora- \tion. W. H. Dustan. /Are you making any repairs to your house ? Use Beaver Board--cheaper than lath and plaster, Mason & Dale. Many Colleges Close for Vacation at Midsummer. Our College does not. ■LLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. is strictly first-class. None better in Canada. Enter now so as to take a position position in the early Fall. One graduate writes : "My new position pays three times what 1 got at teaching scnool less than four years aco, just previous to entering entering your College," We placed this young man in a position after graduation and have now placed him again. Cata- logUG FOB# Yonge and W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. Principal BOWMANVILLE, APB. 1, 1915 COURTICB Mrs. J. F. Brooks is recovering from severe illness Mrs. Jos. Armour is still very ill W. M. S. held their annual quilting last week... .Mr. L. M. Courtice passed quiety" away on Sunday evening, mourned by all who knew him.... Next Sunday the male choir will render Easter Easter jnusic at both services. HAMPTON Mr. J. L. Westaway, one of Port Hope's successful merchants, and son Jack, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Westaway Mr. Wm. Greenaway has built a nice new stable and drive shed Mr. Thos. Elliott has been very sick. Mrs. Elliott and Miss Reeve has also been quite ill. Mr. Jesse Salter and Mr. and Mrs. C. Horn have had grippe Mr. J. Wakely has moved into his home on Mill-st., and Mr. Williamson has taken possession of the Burrows homestead.... Young and old will put up an interesting program Friday evening. "See posters." .... Word has been received by Mr. Levi Niddery that his son Ed. had been wounded wounded in action in France. All hope that it is not serious Mr. Evertson White, Elizabethvilte. Hope, visited friends here Miss Nonie Horn is visiting friends in Toronto and Brad ord... .Mr. A. E. Jennings Jennings has sold the residence on west side of Scugog-st., recently ma e over, to Mr. Frank Ruse. It is a very comfortable home. Mr Jennings is doing the town a great benefit by his enterprise in buying and renovating the property. The capital of Darlington is becoming thru his efforts a capital place to live.... Annual Good Friday entertainment under auspices of Epworth League will be held in the Methodist Methodist church, Hampton, F iday evening of THIS WEEK, when a choice program of readings, recitations, songs, choruses, dialogues and drills will be given. Admission Admission ioc ; program to begin at 8 o'clock, sharp. SOLINA The April meeting of the Women's In - stitute will be held at the home of Mrs. J- T. Rundle on Thursday afternoon, April 8th at 2.30 p.m. Don't forget the date.... Farmers Club and Women's Institute held an "at home" March 23 and had a very enjoyable time. Mr. Geo. A. Putnam, Supt. of Institutes, was present and gave a capital address on "Patriotism and Production" Production" and some other things. Mr.Irwin, Port Hope, spo^e to the farmers on "Smut and Rust." Miss Lyda Taylor gave an instrumental and Messrs S. G. Carnelland G. J. Northcott gave violin duets and Mr. C. N. Ruse and Mrs. J. E. L. Cole sang a duet nicely. Ladies furnished refreshments refreshments and the meeting was brought to a close with the Nat onal Anthem. Miss Lulu Reynolds presided...... Cadets of Temperance had a box social on Friday afternoon last. Mr. R. J. McKessock wielded the hammer....Mr. Walter and family have moved from the Brooks farm to Mr. Fred Mount joy's farm near Enfield. They will be much missed from this locality locality as they have been good neighbors but we hope we may see them around here often Miss Evelyn, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. E. Tink is dangerously ill with pleuro-pneumonia Miss Mildred Penfound, Courtice, has been spending a few days with friends.,. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright, Bethesda, visited his uncle, Mr. W- Werry who is still confined to bed Mrs. S. Williams and Miss Annie visited at Toronto Toronto Miss Pearl McMullen. Kendall, visited at Mr. T. Baker's Mr. Levi Thompson, Liberal M. P., for Qu'Appel e, came up f om Ottawa and visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balson. ENNISKILLEN OWNERS OF HORSES ! YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE. Take notice thitA. W. Pickard is again shoeing horses ai^ne old prices, so bring along your horses and you will have the work done promptly and satisfactorily. Pickard's new blacksmith shop is just south of Post Office corner, Bowmanville --very convenient and an up-to-date shop in every respect. H. M. S. "PINAFORE" AT PORT PERRY. "Pinafore." A musical nautical comedy, will be put on by Port Perry Choral Union, Two performances, in Town Hall, Port Perry, Thursday and Friday, April 8 and 9. Those who enjoyed "Queen Esther" last year will be eager to hear this new production, which is full of fun. Popular prices--25c, 35c, 50c. Begins at 8. Plan at Byer's Drug Store, Port Perry. Phone orders booked. PROVIDENCE Our Sunday School is holding a concert concert on Good Friday night April 2, at 8 p. m. A good program of drills, choruses, quartets, etc., by the school, and recitations recitations by Mr. Fred R. Foley, Bowmanville. Good time anticipated. Admission 25c. Proceeds in aid of Belgian Relief. The Wight Orchestra will furnish music. DARLINGTON TYRONE Visitors : Mrs. Thos. Woodley at Port Hope Mrs. Frank McLaughlin, Oshawa, Oshawa, at Mr. M. J. Werry's Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott, Oshawa, at Mr. Levi Skinner's t.. Mr. Chas. and Miss Ethel Hooper attended attended Mr. Harry Hooper's sale at Drumm Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clemens and Miss Florence Clemens, attend.d the funeral of her father, Mr. L. M. Courtice, Courtice on Tuesday.. ; .Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gardiner-and daughter Annie, Thorn- loe, Oat., and Miss Florence Gardiner, Oshawa, accompanied the remains here of their little five year old daughter, Elsie who was accidently shot at her home. The interment took place in Bet esda cemetery W.M:S. will hold their an nual Easter services Sunday. Music in the morning will be furnished by the ladies and Miss Gallowav, Toronto, will speak on "The King's call for service." Choir will furnish special music -in the evening and Pastor Higgs will preach. _ "ROUGH ON Rats" clears out Rats, Mice etc. Don't Die in the House. 15c, and 25c at Drug and Country Stores. 13-26 Rev.W;H.Truscott,Oshawa, gave an excellent excellent address here Sabbath...... Rev. W. E. Honey took Rev. S. C. Moore's work in King-st. church, Oshawa, Sunday Next Sabbath evening the service will be in the interests of the. W.M.S. Liberal thank-offering is requested. Count your mercies of the past year.... At the League Citizenship meeting last week, Mr. John Slemon read the President's (Dr. A. D. Watson, Toronto) address to the Canadian Purity Education Association, Rey. W. E. Honey gave a short report of Dominion Alliance onvention, Miss Rundle Rundle read "A Man's Fight", a war talk was given, and Mrs. Honey sang "Somebody's Boy".... Mr. Ezra Hanna, who has soid his farm to Mr. Norman D. Red path, Camborne, will have his sale on Saturday April 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna are making making a flying trip to Michigan to buy a farm, where they intend to locate. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tink on the serious illness of their only little daughter, i.. Mr. Nelson Smith has pleurisy and- grippe. Everybody's Everybody's 1 ... Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Tamblyn, Bowmanville, Messrs^ Everett Hoar and E. Whire, Bethesda, visited at Mr. H. J. Werry's... .Miss Helena Werry is with relatives in Orono... .Rev. W. H. Truscott and Mr. W. H. Tonkin, Oshiwa, were guests at the parsonage......Miss Mary Hogarth, Solina, Miss Pearn, Fen- elon Falls, and Mrs. Perry at Mr. Hertx Tink's Mrs. Esmond Hall and Miss Margaret Stewart are visiting in Oshawa Messrs. H. J. Werry and Russell Gilbert Gilbert attended the Durham Cftunty Temperance Temperance Convention at Port Hope Tuesday. Tuesday. Come to the Presbyterian Church Easter Monday, April 5, and bear a first- class concert* . Recitations, drills, dialogues, dialogues, motion songs, Mrs. Ruggles and family, Three Young Maids of Lee, etc. Admission 20c, children ioc. Don't miss the annual Good Friday concert at the Methodist Church at 8 p.m. Last year you had a treat, and this year you'll have another. Besides drills, dialogues, dialogues, choruses, and readings by our young people and local talent, Mrs. W. G. Prouse, Lindsay, w 11 give an address on W.M.S. work, and Miss Eula Pascoe, Lindsay, will give vocal numbers. Admission, Admission, 20c and ioc. Hot Cross buns for Good Friday; leave your order at once at Christie's. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Sunday School Anniversary of Base Line Union will be held May 23. Rev. H. B. Kenny will give an address in the afternoon. Report of standing of pupils in the Easter Easter exams., S. S. No. 3 : Jr. IV--Frank Abernethy, George Downey; Sr. Ill-- Lloyd Crago, Nellie Burgess, Fer.uson Abernethy, Norman Bu gess; Jr. Ill-- Mildred Downey, Johnny Hopps Doris Clarke, Laura Lane; Sr. II--Charlie Run- die, Burnett Power; Jr. II--Odas Metcalf, Hilda holey, Marie Rundle, piavence Hopps. Florence Osborne, teacher. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. Miss Bruce Gave an Interesting Address. Bowmanville Women's Institute met at the h me of Mrs. Jas. G. Rickard, Centre- st., Friday aftern on when over fifty ladies ladies enjoyed the very instructive and practical practical address given by Miss M. E. Bruce, Superintendent of Bowmanville Hospital, on "The Womenof Yesterday,To-day and To-morrow." The speaker reviewed the lives of some of the prominent women of early history and showed their influence on national life She dealt particularly with the women of Canada today, showed how their influence for future good was being weakened by lack of a knowledge of their anatomy, by lack of proper exercise, fresh air and proper food, by reading trashy, senseless literature, and shunning motherhood. The latter function she regarded regarded as a sacred trust given to every woman and it is her duty to so regard it by proper wearing apparel on the feet and other parts of the body, the French heel being especially condemned. The a 1- dress was "one of the most sensible for women that has been heard by this branch for some years and the wish that every girl and young married woman in the town might have heard it was expressed. The members and others present very greatly appreciate Miss Bruce's kindness in favoring them and accorded her a hearty vote of thanks. Miss Belle Courtice Courtice played a piano solo after which refreshments refreshments were served by Mrs. Rickard and daughters and a pleasant hour was participated in socially by all. Next meeting will be at Mrs. A. L. Nicholls' on April 30. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Town Hall, Hampton, March 27. Regular meeting this day, members all present. Reeve Courtice presiding. Minutes Minutes of last regular a.nd special meetings read and confirmed. Communications of Provincial Secretary and J. H. Devitt, M P.P., acknowledging receipt of resolution resolution re Provincial Automobile Tax; fyled. Communication from A. Odell, P.S.I., Inspectorate Inspectorate No. 2. re Consolidation of Public Public Schools; clerk was instrucceÜ to write Minister of Education, Winnipeg, asking for pamphlets of the Manitoba system. J. Dart applied for payment for care of Alice Harris for 10 days; $5.00 granted. A. H. Hardy asked for change in his road beat; referre i to Reeve Courtice. Alex. Sm th was appointed pathmaster for beat 103, vice Wm. Smith resigned. J. D. Stevens c mpiained of water flowing across his farm from roadway; referred to Reeve Courtice and Deputy-Reeve Stanley. Stanley. Jas. Jebson, Ed. Annis and Sid Brooks applied to build wire fence for bonus; granted. Cojm. Clemens . was instructed instructed to interview R. MçKnight and wife about go ng to Home for Aged, Cob- ounr. G. Wight complained of sand being being removed from road at lot 5» con. 3» public are hereby notified that no sand shall be removed from there unless with the consent of council, and it was further resolved that in future no dirt, sand or gravel may be taken from any public highway in this township unless the consent consent of pathmaster has first been obtained. Reeve Courtice and Coun. Baker gave short reports of their attendance at the meetings of Good Roads Association in Tor nto. Treasurer acknowledged receipts receipts as follows: G. N. W. Tel. Co., taxes $7.82; Thos. Goodman, taxes $2 27; Jas. Courtice, statute labor, 1914» $i-2Ç- Orders drawn on Treasurer as follows: H. N. Scott, shoveling snow... . 4 A. T. Stainton, chains lost 4 F. W. Allin, gravel F. W. A Jin, repairs for plow.,.. 7 Jame? Bennett, gravel 16 A. H. Hardy, wire fence bonus. . . 5 R. A. Bràgg, - " • • 9 J. Dart, care Alice West........ 5 Mrs. W. G. Stephens, on salary W. E. Courtice, convention T Rakpr ** • « ■ •* W. R. A lin, salary 87 50 R. H;«Armstrong, S. S. 6, advance 225 00 00 60 90 25 50 50 75 00 5 too 5 00 5 00 W. R. Courtice, A. H. Brent, Wm. Farrell, Art. Millsdn, J. J. Smith, Council adjourned 24th, at to a.m. i€ U 8, 10, 13, 14. 19. to Saturday 200 00 100 oO 170 00 200 00 194 00 April AUCTION SALBS Friday, April 2--The executors of the estate of the late Col. Sylvester will sell by auction on lot 16, con 7, Darlington, all of the farm stock, including 3 valuable valuable brood mares, cattle and implements, implements, all of the latter being in good condition. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer, Saturday, April 3--Mr. Ezra Hanna, lot 19, con. 7, Darlingt n, will sell all of his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at I o'clock. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, * auctioneer. TUESDAY, April 6--Mr. Arthur Nicholls, lot 25, con 3, Darlington, will sell all of his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills. James Bishop, auctioneer. Farmers ! Sell me your Butter and Eggs for Cash Farmers, I save you the trouble of bringing your butter and eggs to town, as I will call at your door regularly and pay highest market prices in cash. Butter must be A l quality and eggs strictly fresh. Phone.251, or Post Office Box 224 E. W. W. Rundle (Late of Archie Taifc's Grocery) Bowmanville. Choice Meat for Easter For our Easter trade we have some very choice young stock which is sure to be tender and juicy. There is no better time than now to become a regular customer of ours. If you prefer, prefer, the wagon will call at your door. See our window for special display display of Bacon, Ham, Eggs and Cooked Meats. It is certainly very tempting and appetizing. Remember our phone No. is 225. / J. H. Mutton Horsey Block NEW BLACKSMITH At the Old Stand Corner Ontario & King Sts Bowmanville. I am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing and guarantee good work and prompt service. Horse-shoeing done at old prices. A trial order solicited. T. H. BROOKHAM, Darch's Old Stand. Bowmanville China Hall Grocery New Maple Syfup i 3 |. We have been advised that our first shipment of Maple Syrun, the real goods, left for Bowmanville on Saturday, Saturday, 27th, and will be due here by Thursday, or Saturday at the latest Leave your order and you will have it delivered shortly alter it arrives. We may say this is the same high class syrup we have been selling for several years. la Seeds, Seeds Garden and Flower Seeds of all kinds, good reliabls seeds from the oldest and best seed houses in Ontario, Ontario, either in packets or in bulk. Don't throw your money and time away by buying seeds because they are offered at a low price. Get the best and you get satisfaction. Sùnkîsf California Oranges Special value at ... 2nc and 35c doz. Other prices 20c, 30c. 40c doz. Grape Fruit ^4 for 25c, 3 for 25c Eggs and Butter Wanted ! I s ! I F. A. Haddy Phone 62 Bowmanville ■ -- . i ,-- -J -- Are You Interested in Clothes News of the latest fash* ions in men's wear ? If so, we want to say that we have received this season's latest fashions. They are here for your closest inspection. In addition to this, our new stock of fabrics is now on disp ay, consisting consisting of many classy shades and textures. Come in and look over these goods before you decide on this season's wear. W. R. Allin, Clerk. We All Like to Look Our Best on Easter Sunday and it is right that we should. Easter heralds the good old spring time. Spring time means blossoming-out blossoming-out time, and it is proper that everyone should want to u Dress Up" for Easter Sunday, 1 Men's Shirts, Gloves, Underwear, Caps, Hosiery, Suits, Overcoats. Hats, the very latest in styles are shown here in all the popular shapes and shades, and although each one is absolutely correct, you will find a great variety of shapes, one that will surely suit you. $2 and $2.50 Neckwear All that is new and different in neckwear, exclusive styles Jbhat you find only in a Men's Store. Mostl 50c. tly !*■ The Anderson Clothing Co'y. Phone 61, Bowmanville mi M

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