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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1915, p. 2

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A. E. MCLAUGHLIN, Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office:--Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanvilie. Money to loan at reasonable reasonable rates. _ 48-lyr. m ■i • \ 7 B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D., C.M. BOWMANVILLE, • - ONT.; G OLD MEDALIST of Trinity University, Toronto; Four years Attending ^nyeician and Surgeon at Mt. -Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ka. " * Residence Wellington St. _ Office and Telephone No 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristeis and 'Solicitors. Notaries Public. A. K. GOODMAN, D. 0. GALBRAITH 50» Lumsden Bldg. Yonge flt Àdelxide-s ts Toronto Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V.S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col. {fge. Diseases of all domestic animals treated ly latest known methods. bis residence, King-st, East Bow- nranville. Phone 193. ao*lyr. LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Solicitors, Public R.R.Loscontfce, K.Ç, B.S^enfcler, B.A. . Monet to Loin. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowman ville, Ontario. DR. J. c. DEVITT, DENTIST, . Graduate of Koyal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE Temperance St. (just off King BowmanTllle, St.) OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House Phone 90b RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST Mr. F. W. O. Werry, B. A., eldest son of Mr. Peter Werry, Tyrone, gave an address address to the Men's Club,at Saranac Lake, New York, recent*^ Siticti fu*M gewd ideas and sàfegéitions. W& liivè omy space for a few of them. r -Ç^ery bf- fpùnkatüem might very .well consider seriously seriously the questions Mr. Wen^Mf diet he asked : What is thfs Club going to live upon ? What is going to be the drawing card,, the. .lead-star, the lodestone, what will supply the magnetism and the driving driving force ? Individual responsibility must be recognized recognized and become àn active force. Every member is expected to preparehimself for some service, officers and members, everyone everyone doing something to keep the Club doing doing something worth while. Have the interests interests of this Clüb at heart all the time. Independent thinking, intelligent reading, careful study are fruitful in good works. Everyone give one hour a month thinking earnestly ; what can be done for the welfare welfare of thi5 Club. What is of real value always costs something. You want this Club to stand for something higher and more helpful .than a mere lounging room. Get into the boat and help to row. Luck there may be but no army genera blunders into a great victory.. Hard work properly directed always brings results. Every man "from general to lowest private in the ranks must all study to be efficient in action if best results are to be attained Who rule this world ? People who use their brains, making best use of their native native ability, they plod, stick at it and persist. persist. Are you. dependable ? If so there is a place for you here. Your advice, help arid ' encouragement are needed here whether you have ten talents or a-fraction of one. Polish them up and you shall be heard. Express. Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail X 8.52 a. m. 10.18 „ 8.36 p. in. 8.49 „ 7.18 , 9.68 . .'Express Local Local Passenger :Passenget 4.22 a. m 7.02 „ 9.45 „ 1.38 p.m. 7.11 „ Daily Canadian Pacific Railway 1 GOING EAST. GOING WEST, x'Expless 1.07 a.m. Express j0.20 a.m. tExpress 7.n p.m. x Express Express t Express 6.07 a.m. 9.03 a.m. .4.15 p.m. x JFlag stop t Daily except Sunday. Ollioe. C. B. Kent, Agent, Post Canadian Northern Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST. ^Express 11.53. a.m. M[ Express 9.02 a.m TJExpress , 6.38 p.m. j If Express 7.37 p.m ■JDaily except Sunday [ «[Daily except Sunday GANADIAN NORTHERN BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Effective January 25th) TRAINS LEAVE For Toronto and Intermediate Stations „ 9 02 a.m. f 7.87 p.m. " For Trenton, Belleville, Yarker," Tweed Harrowsmith, Sydenham, Kingston, ' Brockville, Smith s.Falls, Ottawa and Intermediate Stations, f 11.53 a.m. For Coe Hill and Intermediate Stations f 11.53 a.m. For Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Pic- ton and intermediate points f 11.53 a.m : 6.38 TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and intermediate stations f 11 53 a.m. 6 38 p.m. From'Belleville, Trenton and intermediate intermediate points ; also Pic ton and G.O.R. points 9.02 a.m f 7 37 p.m. From Maynooth (C.O.R.) f 7.37 p.m. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, etc. f 7.87 p.m. Frcm Ottawa, Smiths Falls, Brockville, Kingston, Yarker, Deseroiito, Napanee, Picton, Trenton and intermediate points f 7.87 p.m. Trains run daily except Sunday'unless otherwise marked,. For further particulars see other adver tisement appearing in this paper, or apply XV. F. GIFFLER, Depot Agent. f, flag stop Wood's Fhosÿhodine, The Great English Remedy Toncs-and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new 1 Blood "No man liveth unto himself." We are our brother's keeper. Civilization imposes imposes obligations. ; One man cultivates the soil, another grinds the wheat, and teaches, teaches, preaches or legislates, another prepares clothing, builds houses and so on. Each of us is a part of a great machine and if a single cog is out of order, the machine loses just so much thereby. Friendship must, be developed, we must respect one another, we must help the other fellow, must sacrifice something, must ,be patient, reasonable fairminded--willing to live and let live. Things of individual importance importance riiust be often made subservient to the common good. of all. In - order to reach the coveted goal, there must be a long, strong, persistent pull and a pull altogether. altogether. It must be team work. Men are,-for the most part, reasonable; moral, suasion is better than coercion; good argument, backed up by consistent living, is, better thin police force. Legislation Legislation is of greatest good when backed by a healthy and wholesome sentiment in thé hearts of the majority. . We need the friendship and help of each other and we need the guidance of the Great Pilot. To attain highest achievement we need assistance assistance from the Great Teacher. Life is a mystery, we do not see alike, we do not understand many things, what the future holds in store for us we can only imagine, the veil has never been lifted. Whatever we may think, we must not attempt to take away from millions of people the beauty arid hope and truthfulness of the teachings of Christ. Greater love hath no man than this than a man lay down his life for his friend. have roughened aria harshened your skin and: it requin» caS and?-t ream treatment to bring* back its Tjoeefied freshness and softness. Ydffir dtin- plexion ' ' is the title of a most useful Book just issued by the Nyal people and obtainable free from any Nyal Agency Drug Store. It. tells all about this most important subject, care and treatment of the complexion, including full directions, directions, for massage. - -- --- Nyal-s Face Cream is the one great toilet necessity for every woman . Greaseless, Greaseless, .oxygenated, refreshing, it is the yery'best * emollient: Get a'^cor 50c jar of Nyàl 's Face Cream arid gently nib flue riaIÎoîAVVoÏ ~ 13. • • What is it? LUX is something something new and good. The finest essence of soap in flakes. It makes thë richest, creamiest lather you ever saw. It means "luxury " in washing because because it's such a clothqs saver. Absolutely prevents woollens, flannels and all loosely woven garments from hardening andshriiik- \ ing in the wash. Try LU\jc i and be delighted with it. this deliciously perfumed cream into the IUquickly cleanses tmd leaves the criff and- "L- - skin. soft arid fragrant! ' ' removiri All grocers, 10c. 12 brirriirig : sensation/ All the >f t g any J1. mjunbus effects of unkind windsare per- *ririn. e fftly eradicated! by its touch,. Nyal's s kiif preparations; 1 sdàp, j powder, etc., are first aids to good, complexions. 117a All Nyal' preparations are justly famous famous gnd none more so than Nyal's Face Crearri which : we unhesitatingly recommend. recommend. Call or telephone us- for your copy of this book which contains inost valuable information. m H- M. Mitchell & Co., Druggists, F. R. Ke-r slake, Druggist, Bowmrin- ville, On*. ... Meule, in Canada by .Lever Brothers limited, Toronto. BRIEF JOTTINGS. Rural mail carriers are to receive extra pay in proportion to the ex ra work entailed entailed upon them by parcel post. Mr. Cyril Drivey, Peterboro, has been appointed opganist and lealder of the choir of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Port Hope. Éutter wrappers with "Choice Dairy Butter" neatly, printed thereon kept on larid for sale at j^Oc per hundred at The Statesman Office. WHAT -GREAT BRITAIN II AS DONE. Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. Worms are encouraged by morbid con- ditionsof the stomach and bowels, and so subsist. Millers Wonn,Powders will alter those conditions almostJÿnmediate- ly and will sweep the worms away. No destructive parasite can live in contact with this medicine,"which is not only a worm destroyer, but a health-givirig medicine most beneficial to the young constitution, and as such it has no superior. superior. When Holloway's Corn Cure is applied applied to a corn or wart it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without in jury to the flesh. _ Rev. Dr. Bishop, Superintendent 1 of the Deaconess Home, Toronto, f formerly of Lindsay, occupied the pulpit of the Cam- bfidge-st. Methodist Church Sunday evening. evening. Very few men have lived so long in one place as did the late Daniel Aykroyd, Loughboro, who died on March 28th, at the age of eighty eight years arid eight months. He was born on the farm not more than five rods from where he breathed his last breath, and lived there all his life. --Daily Whig, Kingston. Ready made Medicine.--You need no physician for ordinary i Is when yon have at hand a bottle of Dr. Thom s' Ec ectric Oil. For coughs, colds, * sore thrçat', bronchial troubles, it is iuvalu- ablé, for scalds, burns, bruises, sprains it is an unquestionable healer. It needs no testimonial other than the use, and that will satisfy anyone as to its effectiveness. effectiveness. A SERIOUS PROBLEM. JViervoue for $5. . . . One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggist* or mailed in-plain pkg. on receipt of ^^.Kexpjaamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD EDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Fmwf, WMw.) Going the Limit. Jones. was o.ncv of those men who grumbled at everything and everybody. everybody. He was once attacked by in- 'fla-imnatory rheumatism and was carc-fully nursed by his wife, who was very devoted, to him. in spite of. his fault-finding disposition. His suffering caused her to burst into tears: sometimes as she sat by his bedside. . One day à friend came in / and asked him how he was getting on. /""Badly, ■badly!" he exclaimed ; "and it's all my wife's fault." \yis it possible?" asked the friend, in surprise. "Yes. The doctor told me that humiditÿwas; bad for me, and there that woman sits and cries, just to make it moist in the room. -Why will the Government truckle to the liquor interests when as H. Arnott, VI. B , M.C.P.S., declares over a hundred million dollars were spent for drink in Canada in 1914? Wilful waste and woe- fol want truly. Even the Brewers' Journal Journal says that as drink is a luxury and an extravagance it should be curtailed at the present time. That estimate of one hundred, hundred, million does pot take into account he .watering of liquor or the liquor that is manufactured out of chemicals. Just think, if that amount of money had been spent for food, clothing, better houses arid letter furniture what a boom it would have been .to business. What a multitude of .men would have found employment making these articles. Thus it injures business, robs men of employment and al- mpst every one is more or less affected by it. One yrould think that regardless of political leanings every true Canadian would be in accord with Sir Wilfrid Laurier Laurier who in discussing the increased postal rate to come into effect on April içth, under the guise of a war tax, pleaded that letters and postcards sent to soldiers at the front, should be free, nor only from the war stamp tax, but from postage altogether, altogether, but Hon. Mr. Winter-Minister of Finance, objected to this proposal. What a shame 1 It not only wastes money that would PI TV nil HrVtic? 1 ▲. • L -1 • help all lines of business but it makes a Away With depression and Melancholy---These Melancholy---These two evils are the accompaniment accompaniment of a disordered stomach and .torpid ,liver .and mean wretchedness to all whom , they visit. The surest aud speediest way to combat them is with Parmielee's Vegetable Pills, which will restore the healthful action of the stomach stomach and bring relief. They have proved their usefulness in thousands of cases and will continue to give relief to the suffering who are wise enough to them. ' ' use 4« Biri! .ftr-r'inoD T .1 ->>/ •'rsm.t****. now to , GROW CORN' Get Tld» Book-FREE Contains all the In Oder# pointa. <o| agricultural research research ; embraces theprao- tical 'experience of over 190 corn growers. ■ Pedigreed seed grown on the black silt loâm . and clay eotl of Kent County. Endorsed toy- the Ontario Gam Groux.rt* •/ishoctaijou. Supplied ,< direct". by the grower* Ask for prices 1 PIMEEIC«K»8MWCIt CsaruM, mt. large number so 1 poor that they cannot pay their proper share of taxes and so the burden falls on a smal er number arid the burden of. ^taxation is increased every ye^r. - Again it causes crime and poverty and insanity and we now know that it is the very greatest cause of disease by dull- mgr the defensive powers of the system. Think of the great, number ,of people immured immured in jails, penitentiaries, 7 asylums, poor houses, etc., that have to be clothed and fed and cared for out of the taxes. No wonder Gladstone said give me a sober people and I will have no difficulty in raising the revrinue. Hon. Gëorgë TÈ. Foster said that if the liquor traffic were stopped we soon would not know selves we would be so prosperous. If anyone thinks .that doing away with the liquor traffic would increase taxes or do harm in any way whatever, let him ask himself why the oeople in districts where local option is enforced are so well pleased with it. our- Why does, the Legislature busy itself with minor things and not try to lift this burden off the priople by one stroke of legislation? We believe that' few men who .have served town or city, as mayor will fail to agree wfih the views of Ex r Mayor Goffatt of Orillia who in ,a recent address advocated commission . government for municipalities. He admits weakness in the present system and expresses the belief belief that many, of them would be eliminated eliminated were, the commission form, substituted. Mr. Goffatt has.beefi through the.mill and if municipal, experience, is.worth anything it should be to give weight to opinions on subjects of such.general interrist. Asthma Doesn t Wear . Off Alone. Do not make the inistake of waiting- for asthma to wear .away by itself. While you are waiting.. the, disease is surely gathering # stronger foothold and you live,,-danger of .stronger . apd yet stronger attacks, tir. j., D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy taken early, wUl prevent prevent incipient condition from becoming chronic and saves hours of awful suffering. suffering. When the M-other Country decided decided to embrace the cause of Belgium, Belgium, France,- Russia and Serbia, against Germany and Austria-Hungary, Austria-Hungary, she ha " a standing army of 125,000 with -reserves that brought u-p her total of trained mem to 798", 000. Of course', these forces did not include her overseas troops chat are subject to the disposal of the " several autonomous colonial governments. . ' Gn the ocean ishe was invincible, and the mightiest of the world's fleets was her chief reliance in- the event of a w'ar, her rea-l bulwark for attack .and against invasion. _ But this fleet was destined for a time, at least, to play only a minor role in actual hostilities. The real test of Great Britain's fitness was to be made on land, and the soil of France and Flanders was to pro-ve whether she had become a decadent and played-out- nation since Waterloo, or whether she was still in the national race _ Numerically, hers was a contemp tible, insignificant, , little army compared with the others, .^she sen to the scene' of conflict when the war began. But it was the best she could do in the few days of mobi lization. It is not surprising that .the Kai ser picked it-out for ridicule amd chastisemehf^A ' There was a chance, he thought to overwhelm the pride- of Eng land in the first conquering rush, and the effect of such a victory would, no doubt, have proved enor nidus upon the-spirit and morale of the whole situation. But the fitness fitness of the British regular was amply amply demonstrated in the grueling retreat from Mo ns. He kept his head, 6 and the fighting spirit, • while his skilled and splendid commander, commander, Genera). French, . who had learned "all the tricks of the gam as it was played by. the trickiest fighters in the worldt--the Boers- kept him- out of the grip of Von Kliick until à position was reached from which he could 1 strike back. The Britislh had the haost important important part of the battle of the Marne, for it was on their end of tJhe line that ithe- issue -vvas decided, and it was .they who started things going the other •w'hy, ..that swelled into a precipitous route of the Germans. Germans. They remained a small army for a lotig time, but the Germans dropped the'(adjective "contemptible" "contemptible" when > referring to them thereafter. cord and sedition, but so far with- put substantial success. About 300,000^ Irishmen are enlisted in Kitchener's Kitchener's army, the rebellion in South .Africa was put ' down- by ■ the loyalists of that uncertain country, while Egypt refused to 7 - rssp-ond't the ory of a "Holy War," and the native princes of India have given generously - of their wealth, whil; Indian troops are among the brav est of the brave fighters to be found on the firing line. Great Britain is touched by the- loyalty of Canadians, * Australians, and those from the Isles of the Sea, who have so grandly responded to- the - call for help, and whose soldiers soldiers are the best and bravest at the frontf- ' With a wonderful force of loyalty and affection, she has held her fa-r- eundered empire together, and has rallied the flower of its manhood to her colors from pure love of the old Union Jack, that stands for liberty liberty and democracy wherever its fold's float on the breezes of heaven. But her biggest and grandest part the field is yet to be played. She has held- her corner, small though it be, against .the most vicious assaults of the enemy through the winter ; and if Dunkirk and Calais are still French it is due mainly to the invincible - and unbreakable fence of steel that h„ forces ha-ve x oppo-sed to Germany in the region of Ypres and La Bas- see. Meantime, her fleet has cleared the last of the enemy raiders from the high seas ; bulwarked her coasts against invasion, led the bombardment bombardment of Dardanelles, and convoyed, without the loss of a man, over a million tro-ôps to France to "begin the- war in May." f The world now recognizes that the master struggle is between Great Britain • and Germany. If France and Russia, and Austria- Hungary were to withdraw - from the fight, to-day, Great Britain would welcome the chance to fight it out with Germany alone. But instead - of being deserted by her allies, other nations, in the near future, will join with them, until the overthrow of militarism is complete and the world spared another another such inexcusable slaughter as it is now witnessing. CHAS. M. BICE. Denver, Colo., April 6, 1915. IlillllllllHIIMHHIIllllHllllllMlllllimiHllllllHlllllllllllllHIHIIIIimi ARevi All over the country there is a great increase in home hating because because food baked at home is more economical and can be safeguarded against unwholesome properties. The greatest bake-day help is 11 Contains No Alum si IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIII 1=1 X X casus, including the government of Saratoff ; Russia will have to retire both from the Baltic, the Black, and the Caspian Seas. Servia is to go -to- Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary. Egypt to Turkey ; a part of Arabia to Roumania, provided the latter allies itself sincerely with Germany, Austria and Turkey ; and every other state which similarly joins this group will be properly rewarded. rewarded. Enough, But-- "Why didn't you enjoy the parly, Harry ? Didn' have enough to eat?" Young Hopeful -- Oh, yes ; there's no fun in having enough. but just The situation that has not its duty, its ideal, was never yet occupied occupied by any; man.--Carlyle. PREDICTS GERMAN VICTORY. t \pOW TO CHEAT DRS. ■ J Doctors woman The Connection Plan. Brown--What, a rig that has on; Jones (looking)--By Jove, that reminds reminds me I've got to get some castor castor oil for Brown--Eh i 1 fail to see how that rig can remind you of castor oil.", : Jones--The bad taste of it, boy. . my would have few patients if people would use pure water more liberally liberally internally and externally. A writer says on the question. of "health that too much is said about the necessity of keeping keeping the outside of the body clean and not near enough about keeping the tissues of the body and every cell that forms these tissues clean. Without inner cleanliness, there is not much chance for a sane mind, a pure heart, a strong-will, and no chance for a well developed, beautiful, strong slender, supple, efficient body. How to produce this much-desired hygienically clean body, is the question now. The answer is to combine in perfect proportions, proportions, work, play, correctly physical ex-, waking and sleeping ; fresh air and sunshine ; and proper food; and fo do air these things while we love with that perfect love that (makes it safe and right for us to obey all of our impulses without restraint. Cobwebs in a store advertise the fact that the proprietor of'the store does not "advertise. It isn't the upper dog that howls for the, peacemaker. Wise mothers who know the virtues of Mother Graves Worm Exterminator always have it at hand,' because it proves its value. Since' thein| the achievement of Great Britain has been the maintenance maintenance of that- original force at constantly augmented- strength in spite of terrible losses, and the simulta-neousi creation out of volunteer volunteer of a,n entirely new army ©aid to number over two million men. This, .achievement is unparalleled in military history. In • seven months a great- thorouglhly equipped equipped -body of trained soldiers has been built up, and there has been no conscription, no compulsion, beyond beyond the . appeal to- patriotism .of the people to "rally round the flag." . . The men who compose this grand aggregation, >came from every section section of the British Isle®, and from every corner, of the vast empire ; and among them stand Ireland's noble noble sons, who forgot their local troubles in the complete blending of the sons of Ulster with those of Connaught. These men came of their own accord accord to face; the horrors of the trenches, for the sake of the British British flag, and the cause of freedom. Jha® surprised' Germany, for they had counted op disaffection to ! weaken England ' s-- hand: They ! told the GeTrrian pebple that the tribes of India, South Africa, the colonies of Canada, Australia,. Ne-w Zealand a.nd the inhabitant of her other possessions only awaited the chance to fly into open, and obstinate obstinate rebellion, Germany sent her agents of disaffection into all of the colonies arid; possessions of Great Britain;^ and : they; have been very energetic in • fomenting strife, dis- Kaiser's Ex-Minister Reproduees a Peace Settlement. i A picture of Europe completely reorganized, with Germany and her allies dominating everything, and levying upon their fallen rivals a t-ribatè of from $30,000,000.000 to $37,500,000,000, is drawn by Rudolph Rudolph Martin, former Minister of the interior of Germany, in à pamphlet pamphlet entitled "The World Wav and Its End,"- that has just been issued. The. huge indemnity " which the author believes will be demanded by Germany when she dictates peace terms in London, after two years of fighting; is estimated on the basis of war costs of thirty milliards milliards of marks to be sustained by Germany, Austria, and Turkey, in the proportion of 16, 10, and 4 respectively. respectively. As Germany at the end of the Franco-Prussiah war made the French pay two and one-half times what it cost to conduct the conflict, so, the writer believes, Germany will make the allies pay similarly at the end of the present war. . In addition, 75 milliards will bé demanded demanded for the support of depend ents of those killed. The writer sees Germany firmly- established . along the present French coast-, in a position to control control both London and Paris, and possessed of an air fleet, of many j thousands of machines and 20,0001 airmen. He sees England forced to consent to the construction of a tunnel under the English Channel, equipped with"four railway tracks and an automobile roadway, at 'both ends of Which the German forces tfre ;in control." ~ •-- - Russia he pictures as completely dismembered, its territory divided up among neighboring powers, its coffers depleted to ' the point of bankruptcy, its menace to the German German empire forever gone. In .the process of dismemberment he predicts predicts the organization of new states. Sweden, the author believes, will receive Finland ; Germany, the-Bal- tic provinces and Poland ; Austria will take the entire south of Russia, Russia, including Kieff and Odessa ; Turkey will.receive the entire Gau- THE Esiablished over Forty-one ^eaFS S W. Igsgï OF CANADA r ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking §ave Systematically T*ake Care of the Cents and BANK U ltimately Become Indepen- 1 1 dent 179 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branches also at BIackstock (D. P. MacFarIane; Manager), NewcastIe. Orono. Ottawa, Whitby. Brooklin toil htewtonville. fe * "T" 0 * How New Home of Yours ? OW is thq^time to do it. Building material is down in price and you will never have such a fine opportunity to build yourself a good home. W hen you come to buy y oui will want very best value for your inoqey--that means N' Recent- tests made at Toronto University prove that Milton Brick is in a class by itself. Made from shale, clean cut and hard and in a large variety of shades--reds, buffs and fire flashes. We can suit your taste. Write to-day for samples and Free Book that tells why Milton Brick is best. ; : i MILTON PRESSED BRICK CO., LTD. MILTON, ONTARIO Order Goal Now. I Nothing has ever equaled or 'compared wîth thé médicinal fats in Soott's Emulsion to •Treat the decline, invigorate the blood, strengthen the nervous system, aid the appetite appetite and restore the courage of better health. 'Emuimfon is PfkklhiBmMt-biilid- Ing foodf without harmful drugs. LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the^best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery TRY IT 11--41 Loscombe Y ai ds apd Office-at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division aud Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. r *0- mËèêÊÈBI «y™ 6 mm

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