x 1 Buying a house paint merely because it is cheap is poor economy. Y ou get your house painted, of course, but the paint won't last. Before painting, investigate Brandr am - Henderson ' s tïÉi^lW.L» ; y X It gives you the utmost service and satisfaction - and is as dependable as Gibraltar. When you paint with B-H ENGLISH , you know you will get the service you want, because it is made according to the guaranteed formula; 70 per cent Brandrarn's B. B. Genuine White Lead and 30 per cent Pure White Zinc for white and tints. L Exceptional endurance is a quality of B-H Paints that has been demonstrated by generations of painters. If the job if done with B-H English it will be as lasting as paint can make it. i. sell it. Call! There is a booklet waiting for you which tells about Paint and Painting. ÉtÊ Mason & Dale, Bownianville ;ed by his fathers Day in /. Down. his own ■and, like y and day out, all the year round, a Victrola in your home is the A source of con pleasure. No matter what kind of music or entertainment entertainment you like be^t, the Vidtrola is always ready to' provide it--each song or instrumental selection by those artists who, of all the world can render them beslt. Hearing is believing. Go to any "His Master's Voice" dealer in city or town in Canada and he will gladly play any music you wish to hear, without any obligation to you. Vidtrola XVI $255 Away back in pioneer days the leaders in affairs, educational, 1-add' the foundation of our public schcc! system. The first ,schools weren't \-er3 7 ornate, and the teachers had little training, judged by the present present standard of. qualifications. The three It's were considered to be quite sufficient--mental decoration wasn't at a premium--but- the pupils pupils were taught obedience and thoroughness, and many of our greatest men arose from those little obscure backwoods schools. As villages grew into towns and towns into. cities, tbs .ambition of educational leaders grew, with them, however. Teachers, became better qualified, new- subjects were added, and"' higher institutions were established until the. present complicated and complex system was evolved. And. the citizens, generally, were very pleased thereat, thereat, and prided themselves that they were wearing the -latest in educational educational fashions. Now, as the system developed a paradox developed with it. The average farmer, while respecting education and agreeing that it was ai very attractive decoration to have when it wasn't too expensive,, did not care to invest very heavily' in it himself . A feeling that farming farming couldn't be learned from books grew -so strongly that it became a trait of rural character. The system system might have been at fault, but the educated preferred to blame the farmer himself for these conditions. conditions. ' - "Was. there ever such a man !" they cried. "He is so bound to tradition and practice that he doesn't care for education. He will not develop the scientific view-- point, nor will he allow his children to do so. The majority of those who stay on the farm never attend high schBo-1 even.' He is satisfied with the. ' methods and "knowledge that were po sises before him." An Idea That Fell But the farmer had views of these matters most of his views, they were the re suit of hard experience. He didn't always advocate them where everyone everyone could hear them, but he realized realized none the less clearly certain things that his critics did not. We can imagine a shrewd, intelligent man addressing a lad fresh from school. "Mv fine fellow, you have gone through a process of absorption And have acquire cK^oonsider able mental trimming. / Yot/ can talk more correctly than I, you are vaguely familiar with a quantity 7 of/ historical dates and foreign rases, you can write a graceful essay, you have some aptitude for figures ; there are other things that you have that I know little about. So! are .you practical? Can you tell me anything about the soil or earth or clouds that will be of practical practical value to me ? What do yon know about trees, plants' and crops what will make them thrive, or w'hy they fall ? Can 3'on perform the operations of farming even as well as when you left" for schoc-l? Can 3 r o-u do practical calculations; have 3 7 ou a working knowledge of banking and yof the world's business business transactions ? bio ! You have not ? You were never shown these, only were told about- some of them vaguely and some net at all, vou say. "Now, there is m3 7 son Henry. He has not ha/d the schooling you have had. He -did not even -pas® t'he high school entrance ; but he was educated in the practical school of life. He is skilled in farm operations, is enthusiastic, aggressive, aggressive, quick in emergency, and strong. i n action. After all your education he has a better training in those things that make for successful successful farming than you have." Of course, the farmer saw the question from .only one angle. He didn t appreciate the joy of knowledge knowledge for the sake of knowledge,, and his ideal .m,a3 r have been too much the money ideal. But he was not far astray about the practical value of the' system. It- fitted a few- for professions, but fitted verv poorty, or misfitted, a multitude Used "Fniit-a-tives" With The Best of Results, •- G EO RGÉM èWÂV^E aa. KlPPEN, Oî. T., June 17th. 1913. *■ I-have been using "Fruit-a-tives" as a family remedy for many years. They are the. best medicine I have ever tried. "Fruit-a-tives' ' do me the most good--they never gripe and their action is pleasant. 'T have used them for Indigestion and Constipation with the best results,, and I heartily-recommend them to anyone similarly afflicted. These troubles haveleftmecomplete- ly and I give,' 'Fruit-a-tives" full credit for all this. A nicer pill a man cannot take." G-BORGF McKAY. _ The enormous demand for "Fruit-a- tives" is.steadily increasing, due to the fact that this wonderful fruit medicine gives prompt relief in all cases of Indigestion, Constipation,: Sour Stomach, Rheumatism, Chronic, Headaches, and Neuralgia, and all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. '50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. Soldby all dealers or senfc.on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. cultural course, or rather because of it, the college lias its limitations. It . could not accommodate the 3 7 otmg farmers' of Ontario. It did good work, but in a veiy limited way. . Each 3-ear- leas than 2,000 students, all told, attended the institution, institution, So the problem became not how the farrrier could go to the cc-lilege, but how the -college -could go- to the farmer. - The district representative scheme'grew from this ne-ed.„ In 1907 six college graduates were sent into as man3 7 counties to act as. agricultural advisers. For awhile the wisdom of tllie plan was questioned, as it is of every new thing. But it proved itself. To- da3 7 the number has increased to forty'-one, and these men have gone to their-stations at request of the farmers themselves. So . the CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. Sick HeaÆî6b3mn<T Xçtfèvdall^isjkgQUbles Incident Incident to » bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, : Distress after eating. Pain in the Siclo, Arc. While" their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Headache, yet 'Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach^timulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured JIT In Mahogany or oak Circassian Walnut $305 The instrument by which all musical instrument# are judged. for commercial cupations. So, or agricultural oc- Other Vicholas from-$21.00 to $305 (on easy payments, if desired) and ten-inch, double-sided Victor Records at 90c for the two selections at any "His Master's Voice" dealer in any town or city in Canada. Write for free copy of our 450- page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. " Now is the Time to Get Rid Those Ugly Spots. BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO. LIMITED Lenoir Street, Montreal , after, all, the system system was to blame rather than tlha farmer. His children wouldn't gbt much 1 knowledge that w-p-uld make them better farmers from the sch-ools that -had been the product bf~*so much thought and expense. And this was the situation before the people of the Province became impressed with the fact that agricultural agricultural training was necessary. For a> 1-ong time after thi& Agricul- tyira.1 College was established at Guelph, very many were doubtful of the, value of the course. Somd are doubtful of its value -still, 'but the majority 7 of the farmers realizë that it is a good thing-. They know, of course, that the practice of farm- ing must alwa3 r s be 'learned upon the farm; but they'believe a deal of theory ca,n be' blendedf to very great .advantage with the pra.ty tice. It all rests with the student himself a® to -whether he- can return to the home farm and apply his knowledge in z a sane and practical' manner. r But, despite the v Ache they wonldbefalmost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; butfortu- nately their goodness docs notend here.and those who once try thèrn will And these little pills valuable valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing willing to do without them. But after aUsick head ACHE lathe bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills dure it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two piUs make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their geutld action plsase all who ose them. GABTZ2 MEDICmB flO., FEW YOBS. ■ tt l Smdl fisse. . Small M Cook's Cotton Root CompoflmL f IB Là x A 8a/e, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1 ; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 periiox. Sold by all druggists, or sent f repaid on receipt of price. i on recei. free . pamphlet, Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO4 TORONTO. OUT. (ferseri, Wledsw.) of J problem of the col.l'eg-3. gioirig to the farmer "was partly solved. It wasn't entirely solved, because- one man in a- cOunty worked "under a great handicap. He hadn't ui-e time to reach a vary' large" pr-opor- j tiqn of -Ms"•constituents. very intimately intimately or pensonally. And in that the greatest value of the work lay. Unless-he did it the -college hadn't got to the farm .after alii, but only to the county 7 . 'This need led to the development of the " "Winter Short Course idea j for young farmers.. In 1903 the j first, course was given at Lindsay. It had an attendance- of six pupils. In 1915 forty-three courses of from four to is-ix weeks' . duration were held with a total regular attendance attendance of 1,075. The special attendance attendance was far greater, one course in Glenga.ri'3 7 county haying -an attendance attendance .of 100 at a special meeting. meeting. Nothing could illustrate tlfè popularity 7 of the scheme more than that, nor, by the same token, the value of it either, for what is popular popular with our farmers lias, usual!3' a- practical value. The idea of the winter school was simply to give tlh-e farm lads a training in elemental* agricultural science--to bring the work of the college to their ver3 r doors. 6 Of the subjects taken up, live stock is usually featured. A brief review of the methods empk>3 7 ed in treating treating this line will illustrate those of all others. The hiistoi'3 7 and characteristics of the various breeds of farm animals are considered, and a practical course in 'live stock judging is; given. The farmers owning the best stock in t'he neighborhood in which the course is held are usually § visited and the merits of their animals animals discussed. The boys are taught to look for the points considered considered by judges in tlhe show ring. The value of different feed's and the principles of. feeding balanced rations are explained. Methods -of her improvement and stock management, management, the "housing of animals and the construction of farm buildings buildings are all considered as fully as the limited time permits. That is how all other Subject® -are treated. These vary according to the district and the local requirements. requirements. At all classes an elemental elemental study is given of farm crops, soils, fertilizers, under-drainage, fruit growing, poultry, bacteriology, bacteriology, farm _ organization and cooperation cooperation and farm 'bookkeeping;. The courses wereXbeld in the various •'■'-stricts at those centres deemed most satisfactory, the tendency tendency being to favor the smaller villages. No fees nor books were required, and in the majority 7 of cases no examinations were held. But, of course, at best-, only. a foundation can be given to be built upon. _ It is only a start. The value lies not iso much in' what is actually taught as in the ability it gives the student to studK 7 for himself himself and the impetus to strive for higher things. The association of or Ififants an js-j-y Lren. TheProprieferyor fell MedicineArf. The Kind You Have Always Bought AVe^etable Preparation forAs- simulating the Food and RegalaJ linglheStomactyand Bowdsof Infants/children Promotes DigeslionLheeiM] Bess and Resl.Contaiiis ueitter Opium .Morphine nor Mineral; Not Narcotic. JteapeofOldDrSMUÆPnfflFIl Pbmpkin Seed** Alx.Sewta.-t- Saddle Ms- ■ AaaeSecit.-*- 35SSm*. flirm Secd- Cladfled Sugar • Vlmteniccen flarcr. Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- i lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea; Wbrms.Convülsions.Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP- racSiniik S-âuûîvre of Hie Centaur. Company. MONTREAL&NBW YORK Thirty Years Exact of Wrapper. .y, .« Vl Kr 1 > y -- t-, i-t i' x > & ,5a . S mm There isn t a member-'of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, etc., if he or she will take Ghamberlam s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse.the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGHT in the morning' AU druggist», 25c, or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16 a number of enthusiastic young fe«l- W hat Cures Eczema ? We have had so many inquiries.late y regarding Eczema and other skin diseases, diseases, that we are glad to make onr answer public. After careful investigation investigation we have found that a simple wash of Oil of Wintergreen, as compounded compounded in D. D. D. Prescription, can be relied upon. We would nob make this statement to our patrons, friends and neighbors unless we were snre of it --and although there are many so-called Eczema remedies sold, we ourselves unhesitatingly unhesitatingly recommend D, D. D. Prescription. Prescription. All druggists have .D D. D., 25c, $1. Drop into our store to-day, just to talk over the merits of this wonderful Prescription $1.00 a bottle Ask also about D. D. D. Soap. Jury 8c Lovell, Druggists, Bowmanville. D. D. D. is made in Canada. lows meeting for _a common purpose purpose is in itself, a stimulation--an incentive to -organization and inter- f change of ideas such as agriculture ! has -long been in need of. But t'he united work >of the class does not cea'je with the termination termination of the course. The great object object of it is for. the bd3's to put the ideas formed at the course to the acid test of practice upon the home farm--to blend theory and practice in the way the best farmers in every neighborhood have been -doing.--Justus -doing.--Justus Miller, in Canadian C0u.ntr3-m.ain. "Heard Down Town. " 'Spose my face is dirty."' .-aid the office boy in the elevator, "what business is that of y-jurs? You ain't my father." "No. hut I'm bringing yon up," replied the elevator man. Cheerful Influence. Something To Go On Willi. Gent (interestedly) -- And what are you going to give your young brother for his birthday / - Little Boy--I dunno. t give "i:n the measles last year. How •many great men have testified testified that their-whole lives have been influenced by some single remark made to them in their bo3 7 hood ! And v 7 ho cannot- recall w 7 ords spoken spoken to himself in his childhood to which perhaps the speaker attached attached no importance, hut which sank deep and immovably into his memory, memory, and Which have never lost their power over him? Make light! The world at best- is" enough. Do what you lean to make it more cheerful and happy. - sun- dark Wise Precaution will prevent the little illness 01 today from becoming the big sickness of tomorrow and after. For troubles of the digestive organs 3-ou can rely on BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold evorywliero. la boxes, 25 centa Yoùr Pocket or the Middlemen's ? Between what y 0 u pay the dealer and what you get in fence, there's at least 50% "selling expense," which can't add one cent to'.value, but does add several cents pér rod to cost. You put that several cents PER ROD in the middleman's Docket when you buy'fence through the dealer. Put that saving in your own pocket by buying P A GE F E N C E--DIPEGT--FREIGHT PAID lomn-n Ui... £ x. j £: IT. ' ' 1 _ * 1 . ■' v,, 7 ^ r~ , i . ^ Because you buy direct from factory to fàrm. You pay ùs'onlv a single small profit over and above the actual cost. You save the 50% "selling expense," in the shape of HIGHES'TQUALITY FENCE. When vou're offered "other" fence at PAGE prices--bear this fact in mind. YOH MUST PAY THE "SELLING EXPENSE." So that fence, sold through the dealer at PAGE prices of less,--must be of lower" quality, to make up ™ the "selling expense." of the agri- There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine--double strength --is guaranteed toremove these homely spo f s • Simply get an onnçe (rfothine--double strength--from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and yon should soon see that even ' the worst freckles have begun, to disappear, white the lighter ones have vanished 'eutirel y . It is seldom that more than an ounce it needed to completely clear the skin and gaina beautiful clear compirxion. , Be sure to ask for the double strength othi .e as this is sold under guarantee of mpnoy back if it fails to remove freckles l PRICE LIST HEAVY FENCE No. of bars 5 6 7 7 8 8 t~ 9 9 9 il 10 11 Height 37 40 40 48 42 42 47 47 48 48 52 52 48 52 55 Stays laohee apart 22 22 22 22 22 1 22 16H 22 16H l*H m Spacing . ot horizontals 8, 9, 10, 10 6H. 7, 8H, 9, 9 5, SK, 1, 7, 7K, 8 5, 6 H, 7H, 9, IQ, r ®» f 1 * 6, e. o, -b, 6, Price In Old Ontario 40.21 r a I; «: ■M ■M 4 - »• «yz.'is. » - 4, 5, 5>5, 7, 815, 9, 9 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, ft 6, *•• 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, 4, 5, 5U, 7, 8X, 9, 9 .'. 4. 4, 5, 5$ 7, 8%: 9.' 9 3, 3, 3, 4, !$K, 7, 7, 7M, 8 8» 3,_3, 4, 515, 7, 815/9, 9 3,3, 3, 3, 4, 5M, 7, 8X, 9, 9 .Si $ .34 .36 v. .36 .38 .38 .41 New Ontario Prices on Request. ALL PULL No. 9 GAUGE SPECIAL FENCE No. 9 top and bottom. Balance No. IS. Uprights 8 inches apart. l$-l?ar, 48-inch 20-bar, 60-inch 3-ft. Gate....™ 12- ft. Gate 13- Tt. Gate 14- ft. Gate Set tools ; 25 Ibe. Brace Wire 25 lbs. Staples *0. fi 2.30 Big 4.85 8 00 .75 .80 PAG.!' FENCE sells at the LOWEST LOWEST PRICE for which HIGH GRADE FENCE can be sold. It represents the biggest actual dol- lar-for-tlollar value to be had in fence. A)'hen you buy through the dealer--vou DO one of two things Either von GIVE VOPE--or GET LESS. FREIGHT PAID ON ORDERS OF £10.00 OR OVER If you must make money for someone--MAKE IT FOP. YOURSELF! YOURSELF! Mail yonr noxi. f»"»».»». der to the nearest PAGE Branch. Ferait in cash, check, money or express order, or bank draft. Get immediate shipment of LIFE- J 1 TIME Fence. Freight PAID on $10 and over. PAGE WIRE FENCE CO., LTD. DEPT Y ' ' No. I 1137 King St. W. - TORONTO 122 |87 Church St , WALKERVILLH 1 I 1 I _ t, , ■ ' ..•"-. iSllgiSI