■t-Zr'AÏ&SKffî -.'■ 3:r W i .' , « r7r £?; .'. v wf*^^-n : pg leÏHîSRr? •£y$£>2' & ^ WEDDING WEDDING %INGS JEWELRY You will find our line of Wedding Wedding Rings very extensive, the size, rôyle~ and price, varying ! vsufficifflitly to supply all de- jrnands. If we do not happen to have the- exact size you require in stock, which is quite unlikely, unlikely, we are in a position to supply In Gold, Cameo and Pearl Set; Brooches, fancy pearl set Necklets, Necklets, stone set Rings, and Wrist .Watches for Wedding Gifts or presentations, we assure you that our line is second to none. It would be a pleasure to show you some of our latest designs in these goods while our selection selection is complete. Don't fail- to consult us when you with a ring made to Order in the shortest possible time. Our prices range from $4.00 to interested in Diamonds. We $10.00, according to the weight and quality of gold. can assure you of good prices and a satisfactory service in this ■ line. O H. HADDY C. H. HADDY Je<weler We do engraving BOWMAN VILLE, APR. 15, 1915 C. M. CAWKER & SON phone 64 Victoria Building Bowmanvilie 5É WE'LL TICKLE YOUR PALATE and your economical bump at the same time with our baking. We not only have a reputation for making making good Home-made Bread, but we are experts on all kinds of Plain and Fancy Cakes, Pies, Buns, etc. The reasonable prices we- charge for our baking makes it cheaper to buy than bake. Try one of our cakes tonight. J Alex. Christie The Home-Made Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanvilie You get your money's worth when you buy your shoes here. We have been studying this proposition for Fred R. Foley Parlor Boot Shop on the Sunn y Side Bowmanvilie Ontario Mr. J. L. Thompson, Port Hope, was in town Thursday. Mr: Archie Lockwood recently visited his home at Oshawa. Mr. R. G. Dickinson spent Easter at Mr. Mutton's, Dundonald. Mr. Les|is \ Irwin recently visited his home at Liftie Britain. Mr. Victor W. Legge, Toronto, s; ent the week-end at home. MiSs Hilda Langmaid, Zion, spent Sun with Miss Reta R. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Bain J. Perrin spent Sunday Sunday with relatives in Whitby. Miss Ethel L. VanNest spent the weekend weekend with her cousins in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett, Dundonald, Dundonald, recently visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs^Ghas. Giles, Oshawa, have been visiting at Mr. J. McIntyre's. Dr. Elmo Sisson, Whitby, was recënt Mrs. W. B. Short spent the week-end in Toronto. x One Month Ago We Lowered the Price of Meat TT'OR over a quarter of a century citizens have looked '*■ upon us as leading purveyors of choice fresh and cured meats of all kinds--and we still hold this reputation reputation by always, buying young, welhfed stock, besides conducting our butcher business in the most improved sanitary methods. •=' About a month ago' we lowered the price of beef, but this does not mead, the quality has been changed. Quality Quality First has always been our motto, and you can still " depend on getting nice, choice, tender meat whenever you order it from 1915 Spring Beauties New shoes to go with new raiment. New fashions in footwear now on . display. See our window. Grey and Sand Tops are Popular Miss Bessie W. Sparling, Fisherville, spent the Easter holidays at home. Miss Muriel Dickie, Oshawa, was retent retent guest ot Mrs. A. E. McCreatiy. Miss Carscadden, Kendall, was guest of Mrs. John Elliott over the week-end. Messrs Claude Ives and John Gilbert were with friends in Whitby Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Pickard and Miss Marion spent Easter with relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. R. Goodrich, Dundonald, cently visited at Mr. Geo. E. Purdy's. Miss Mary Mutton, Cobourg, spent Sunday Sunday with her sister, Mrs. G. T. Charlton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth,Norwood, spent Easter holidays with relatives here. Miss Helena Werry, Enniskillen, has | been visiting her uncle, Mr.C.N.Tamblyn. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heddon, Columbus» j visited his mother in Toronto over Easter* j Misses Vera and Meta Mason, Oshawa, ; spent Easter holidays at Mr. F. O. Mason's. | . Miss Vera Caldwell, Oshawa, spent Sun- j day with her cousin, Miss Aura Caldwell, j Mrs. Highet, Cobourg, spent Easter with | her brother, Mr. James Philp, Newcastle. Mr. Lome Ferguson and bride, Wood- ville, are visiting his uncle, Mr. Wm. Foley. Miss Olive Found, Ebenezer, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr.'.|W. J. Found. Mr. Alex McLaren, Chicago, visited-his cousins, the Misses Galbraith, Queen-st., recently. Mrs. James Grant and son Ray were recent recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.Chatten, ; Brighton. The contract for building a nurse's home at Oshawa Hospital has been let for $8,736. . Mrs. J. G. Dudley and Miss May Dudley, Dudley, Col borne, are visiting her son, Mr. J. C. Dudley. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton recently visited visited her sister, Mrs. E. A. Rutherford, Dundonald. Miss Adella Dancaster, Toronto; spent the Easter holidays with her sister, Mrs. Elgin Wight. Miss Myttle and Master Allen Thompson, Thompson, Claremont, spent Easter holidays with friends here. Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Port Perry, has been visiting her-parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Tonkin, Ontario-st. Rev. John Kenner, London, has been visiting his brother, Rev. W. Kenner, 309 London-st, Peterboro. Mr. apd Mrs. Chas. O. Shaw, Huntsville, have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Gill, Centre-st, Mrs. E. Switzer, Muskegeon, Mich, has been visiting Mrs. W. Cryderman and Mrs. T. E Higginbotham. Mrs. S. Baskeryille, Newcastle, was called called here last week owing to the illness of her aunt, Mrs. Truman Scott. Mr. David Williams, editor Colling- wood Bulletin , has been elected President of the Ontario Library Association. Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Weisman and daughter, Lois, spent Easter with her parents, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Delong, Elmbrobke, near Picton. Mr. W. F. Allen was- at Millbrook recently recently attending the funeral of his uncle, the late William Fair , who died March 30, at Peterboro. Mr. Geo. Glover has returned from spending the winter in Columbus, Ohio. He reports times very dull through the winter but improving now. Woman's Patriotic League will have machines and material ready for work in Council Room at 2.30 Wednesday afternoons. afternoons. Hope goodly number of ladies will be present to assist. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Châties N* Tamblyn, Manvers Road, Bowmanvilie, was the scene of a pleasant surprise and presentation recently, when about thirty of their friends gathered to celebrate their fifteenth wedding day. While the company company sat at tea Mr. John Elliott in a few well chosen remarks and good wishes to the bride and groom presented them with a beautiful li-rogse china tea set. . Mr. and Mrs. Tamblyn Both made suitable replies. replies. Rev. H. B. Kenny, their pastor, added added a few complimentary remarks to the bride. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and social intercourse. Some music lovers and others of liter- arj taste drove to Newcastle on Friday evening to attend the recital given by Miss Gladys J. Jackson, M. E., pupil of Owen A. Smily, assisted by Mr. Rodger Manning, M. A., Ph., D., baritone soloist of Toronto. The program rendered was a capital one and sufficiently varied and comprehensive to satisfy the most fastidious fastidious and^ exacting. Miss Jackson won high praise for her excellent elocutionary numbers; being recalled on every appearance. appearance. Those who" have heard her before consider that she never did so well. She seemed equally at home in humorous, dramatic and pianologue. Dr. Manning won favor on his first number and sustained sustained the good-will of his audience thru- | out the program. He was quite at home alike in "Fairy Pipers" (Brewer) and "Death of Nelson" (Braham), in "Wood- pigeon" (Lehmann) and in "Di Provence it Mar" from Verdi's La Fravista. His encores for which he played his own accompaniments accompaniments were even more enjoyed than his principal numbers. He is sure of a warm welcome whenever he returns to Newcastle. Miss Candace Clare was pianist of the evening, her pianô solo, "Fruhlingsranschen" (Binding) being much appreciated. Carpet and carpet squares in Union, Wool, Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet, Ax- minster and Wilton in all ordinary sizes now showing at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman*». Cryderman*». Bow- after- ■ Choice Clover and Timothy seed for sale at McMurtry's. Mr. Floyd Heintzman, Toronto, visited at Mr. H. Creeper's. 0Chinamel makes old furniture look like new. Buy it at W. H. Dustan's. Every pint of Martin-Senour 100% Paint is guaranteed. W. H. Dustan. ce Rev. E. Church has resigned the pastoral pastoral charge of Colborne Baptist Church. This week Rd. Snowden is paying 33c lb., cash or trade, for first class dairy butter. Buy goods at your own price at manville Auction Room Saturday noon.- See bills. McMurtry & Co., Ltd., sell No. 1, Government Government inspected Clover and Timothy seed at close prices. For the biggest choice and best value in black and (colored silks call at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr. Ed. ■yveatherilt sold a fine three- year-old Hackney stallion to Tubb Bros CrookedjPreek, Clarke, for $400. Mr.-yRobt. Little, Barrie, and Mrs. J. Cinnamon, Oshawa, recently visited at Mr. Alex. Taylor's and with other friends. Mrs. T. G. Willmott has returned home after spending the winter with her daugh ter, Mrs. Chas. Warder, Rochester, N. Y. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are showing the finest and most elegant stock Ratines, Bedford Cord, Crepes and Cotton Voiles ever shown in town. Mr. Wilbur J. Cryderman of Toro to Medical College, son ot Mr. C. W. Cryderman, Cryderman, Walkerton, has joined the University University of Toronto Base Hospital for the front. Capt. Michael Cooney, native of Dur ham county, born in 1834, died at Socorra, New Mexico, Nov. 15. Mrs. Jos. O'Sullivan, O'Sullivan, Campbellford, is his only surviving sister. " Women's Patriotic League committee has in charge a euchre party for Tuesday evening April 20th in the Council Room. Kindly leave names with Miss Dora Percy. Reading Room, or phone 213 or 181 by Friday April Î6. Fee 50c. AH welcome. Remember that May 4th and 5 th are the dates of the bright and attractive comedy--"Breezy Point!'--which will be given by the ladies of St. John's church, in the Opera House. Half the proceeds will be in aid of the Field Kitchen, that will go with our soldiers to the Front immediately. immediately. Particulars of play later. Mr. W. H. Williams, Church-st received received a letter from his son Major A. C. Williams, Williams, Canadian Expeditionery Force, Ris- boro Barracks, Folkestone, England, stating stating that the men of the 32nd Winnipeg Battalion are good and ready for the front and anxiously awaiting the call to action across the Channel. He wants The Statesman for the home news On Tuesday, April 6, Wm. Perrin, Newcastle, Newcastle, grandfather of Mr. Bain Perrin of the Royal Theatre, passed away after about 86 years of activity. He was a robust robust sprightly man even in his old age, and his death was due merely to a general breaking up of his system. The funeral took place Thursday in Newcastle, on what would have been Mr. Perrin's 86th birthday. „ A big stock of Bungalow nets, lace curtains curtains and fancy Dalmon curtains now showing at Couch; Johnston 8r Cryder- man's. Mr. Percy Easey, Manager Ford Garage, Garage, corner of Silver and King-sts., Bowmanvilie, Bowmanvilie, has just completed the construction construction of three specially designed torpedoshaped torpedoshaped au omobiles for a large Canadian auto manufacturer. Bradley Bros, are to be congratulated on securing such a competent competent machinist with the wide experience Mr. Easey has had to manage their garage. garage. He is prepared to do repair work on all makes of autos. Local autoists will welcome such a man in their midst. I About 50 citizens, mostly ladies, attended attended the meeting in Opera House Wednesday. Wednesday. night in aid of the Children's Aid Society. Addresses were given by Inspector Inspector G. E. Minns, Port Hope, and Inspector W. H. Wrightmyer, Belleville, as well as lantern views showing the work this society is doing. A local branch was organized with these officers: President-- L. A. W. Tole ; Vice--C. A. Johnston ; Sec'y--A. Crossman; Treas.--Thos. Tod. The clergy and doctors of the town, and three representatives from each church compose the executive committee. Nairn's Linolems--a big. assortment of patterns in two, three and four yards wide just opened out at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. CLOTHES CLEANED IN TOWN. Mr. Jos. Gibson, who has started a Cleaning Works one door west of Chinese Laundry, is a Bowmanvilie boy. For the past 18 months he has been associated with one of the largest pressing and clean- works in Quebec City and is therefore familiar with the most up- to-date methods of cleaning ladies and gents' wearing apparel--the apparel--the finest goods cleaned with absolute absolute safety. Dry and French cleaning a specialty. Call at the works and get a price list and see the kind of work he does. BIRTHS. Hamm--In Orono, April 5, to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm, a son. Mathews--In Oshawa, April 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Matthews, a son. Stinson--In Toronto, April 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Stinson, a daughter. Sough--In Bowmanvilie, April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sonch, a daughter. McFeeters--In Bowmanvilie, April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McFeeters, a daughter. Cresswell--At Rapid City, Man., April 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Cresswell, a daughter. MARRIAGES Nichols--Goyne--In Oshawa, April 8, by Rev. W. H. Trnscott, Mrs. Margaret Goyne, Oshawa, and John Nichols, Courtice. . . Stacey--Forsythe--In Bowmanvilie, April 10, by Kev. H. B. Kenny, Roy S. Stacey, Bowmanvilie, Bowmanvilie, and Margaret Forsythe, Port Hope. Smith--McKean--In Oshawa, March 31st, by Rev. S. C. Moore, Florence A., youngest daughter daughter of Alex. McKean, and Ernest Smith, Picton. Down--Allin--At the residence of the bride's parents, April 7, bv Rev. G. R. Clare. Norman H. Down, Oshawa, and Edna Gertrude, daughter of Thos. Allin, Newcastle. Maxwell--Macdonald--In Toronto, April 6, by Rev. Dr. J. O. Miller, Marjoty Marguerite, only daughter of Frank Macdonald, Newcastle, and Robert E. Maxwell, Toronto. April 10, Samuel C. Yeo, DEATHS Chapman--In Orono, April 1st, Isaac Chapman, aged 75 years. Yeo--At Port Hope, Jr., aged 39 years. B;rnie--At Myrtle Station, April 8, Margaret Alice Tran, wife of George Birnie. Horn--At Orillia, March 29, Fanny Rodd, behoved behoved wife of C. J. Horn, in her 67th year. Moffjtt--In Colborne, April 2, Ann, relict of late WilliaTm Moffit, Brighton, in her 79th year Chislett--At Port Hope, April 7th, Emma Marsh, relict of late Charles Chislett, aged 82 years. Carruthers--At Haldimand township, April 7th, Agnes Carruthers, wife of Wm. Isaac, aged 63 years. Everson--In Verulam, April 6th, Mary Ann Bentley, beloyed wife of Naaman Everson, aged 66 years. Nixon--At the residence of his son, F. A. Nix on, Precious Corners, April 4, George B. Nixon, aged 85 years. Alger--In Cobourg, at the residence of his daughter. Mrs T. B. Lapp, April 7th, D. H. Alger, in his S8th year. Davidson--At the Cottage Hospital, Toronto, Mary McKay, wife of Rev. John Davidson, Toronto, Toronto, formerly of Bowmanvilie. Jamieson--In Bowmanvilie, April 13th. Milton O., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Milton Jamieson, Jamieson, aged 3 months. Interred at Orono. Cowan--In Oshawa, April 8th, John Cowan, native of Fintona county, Tyrone, Ireland, and President of the Ontario Malleable Iron Co., aged 86 years. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BÔÜNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanvilie, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanvilie Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPTON m r TORE TO RENT--In. James Block, King-st- k Apply to Geo. W. James, Statesman Office» ' Bowmanvilie. * tOR SALE--1 heavy platform wagon, 2 sets of | < single buggy harness, 1 top buggy. E, R. Bounsall, Bowmanvilie, Ont. . 16 3 ARM TO BENT--Valuable farm property about 85 acres four miles from Bowmanvilie. Apply to E. H. McLean, King Street, Bowmanvilie. Bowmanvilie. istf H ORSE FOR SALE--A good "young horse for sale, rising five years old, Prince Pri&m, thoroughly broken. Apply A. E. Bellman, King-st. West, Bowmanvilie. 16t F OB SALE--A Jersey cow due first week in May. A good garden plow for one horse. A double seated buggy, McLaughlin make. Apply at the Parsonage, Tyrone. 16 1 D NEW DENTAL PARLORS. Bowmanvilie is to have new denta parlors--but not a new dentist. Dr. J. C. Devitf has rented from Mr. Harry Cann the second floor of his building on the Sunny Side" of King-st. Masons, carpenters carpenters and painters have been busy for the past month remodelling the building into an up-to-date dental office with all modern conveniences and the latest scientific- scientific- equipment. Dr. Devitt expects to occupy his new office about Monday April 26th. 16 2 OMINION OBGAN FOB SALE-- Cheap, a beautiful 6-octave, piano case, mouse-proof I Dominion Organ, with 12 stops and double mirror. Apply Milton J. Werry, Tyrone. ,16 2 E GGS FOR HATCHING--From pure bred S.C. Black Minorcas. Parent stock heavy prize winners. SI 00 per setting. Apply on the premises to I. L. Brown, or Hampton P.O. 14 4* iGGS FOR HATCHING-- S. C.. Black Minorca ■ from thoro'-bred prize winning stock, also a > • good laying strain. $1.00 per setting. Alex, Taylor, Concession-et, Bowmanvilie. Phone 95f. 13 ONE Y LOST--In Bowmanvilie about Tues- ng a cfby owner. Wm. Mills, King-st. East, M day April 6, a leather wallett, containing sum of money. Finder will be rewarded returning to Bowmanvilie, 161 Great Satisfaction Has been expressed by my many customers in town for the fine quality of butter I am selling and the excellent service rendered. I am adding new customers to my list daily and can still supply a fpw more. . Every Pound Guaranteed You take no risk as every pound • is guaranteed best quality. Direct Direct from Dairy to- Consumer .is a strong point in favor of buying buying from me. Delivery made daily. No order too small. Phone 251. W R' r ANT ED-- Experienced General Servant. Ea.-y place. Washing and ironing done ont. Good wages to competent maid. Position open now or can wait few weeks. Drawer Q, Bowmanvilie. i4t kOOMS TO BENT--In Boyal Bank building, hot Water heating,' free water and modern conveniences. Booms may be arranged to comply with wishes of tenants. Apply to the Manager, Bowmanvilie. stf Pure Maple Syrup and Pancakes What more delicious combination? 'Can you place before the family anything that will be more appreciated ? We sell pure maple syrup and others and we cari suggest nothing nicer for luncheon or evening meal. Please remember our maple syrup is the purest made in Canadian maple forests--it was made and packed in sanitary surroundings by reputable manufacturers and is fully guaranteed. Old Tyme Brand Pure Maple Syrup--In quart bottles, with the true maple flavor, most delicious delicious with pancakes, muffins or hot cakes, per quart bottle, 35c; other grades at 25c. Pancake Flour--This flour is done up in neat packages, with directions directions on making buckwheat pancakes. pancakes. When you order maple syrup ask for a package, 15c. or 2 for 25c. Pure Maple Sugar--Only a few cakes of these left--the flavor is the true mapleand absolutely, free from cane or other sugar. A rare treat for the children. 10c a cake. i Rd. Snowden Next Door East L. Morris & Son's see: A Hundred Million Tins of Canned Foods Are Consumed in Canada Every Year WHY ? Because they are recognized the country over to be sanitary, sanitary, easily prepared wholesome and nutritious foods--because" the busy housewife finds them one of the b Z est foods that can bè ^placed on the table. Practically every household now consumes several cases of canned foods every season. Why not buy them by the case ? They are always handy and ready for any emergency and there is absolutely no waste--and you. save money buyin» them that way. All are Canadian-made goods. , 61 PEAS--We recommend these peas --they are very tender because they are picked when young and sweet. Ever try baking them in the center of a dish of mashed potatoes ? Nothing Nothing nicer. Per tin 10c; per dozen : 95 c; per case $1.80, CORN--This corn is just as tender and sweet as the day it was canned. A tasty vegetable with any kind of meat, and, like the others, can be prepared for the table v ih a few minutes. Per tin, 10c; per dozen, 95c ; per case, $1.80 TOMATOES--Best brands only--a steaming_hot plate makes a good meal in itself, and they are ever ready for luncheon and dinner. Per tin IOc; per dozen 95c; per case of 24 tins $1.80. SALMON--The Sockeye is thfe best salmon packed in British Columbia --the colour is bright and the flavor very fine. Salmon is packed in the most sanitary surroundings, and is one of the most nutritious foods a- vailable. Per tin, 12J to 30c. PORK AND BEANS--Here is a food that has gained a wide reputation reputation for nutrition. Our brands are packed with the finest beans in tomato tomato sauce and flavored with pork. A tin to suit any sized family. Per tin 7c to 15c. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanvilie FOUNTAIN FOR SALE--Soda Fountain, Niag- ■' ara B, nearly new, with tanks and coolers, complete; show case, candy and syrup jars, and a number of other articles. Will be sold cheap if taken at once. Apply to A. E. Jennings, Hampton. Phone 129 rl2. ist m 'GAtaotr; M' B' E. W. W. RUNDLE, (Late of Archie Tail's Grocery.) Bowmanvilie. I BN WANTED--In this and adjoining counties counties to show and distribute circulars, for Canada's largest cut-rate Grocery Mail Order House, sample case free.. Position will pay 120 weekly with few hours work. The Co- Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. is 1* I ICYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP--M assey-H arris 1914 Model, cushion frame, -coaster brake, cushion handle bars, bicycle lamp, tires in excellent condition, only used part of season. If taken at once will be sold at a bargain. See it at Jury & Lovell's store, Bowmanvilie." 16 3 H ORSE FOB SALE--Lady's- driver, bay mare 1 9 years old, bred by Mnckle Wilks, perfect- ly sound, good clean limbs, splendid free driver, carries her head up with lots of style, needs no whip, 15J hands, weight 1050 lbs., will work double. Reason for selling, over-stocked on a small farm. Price $125. Apply to William Tordiff, J mile north of Enniskillen. 161 EGGS FOR HATCHING. S.C. RHODE ISLAND BEDS--Prize winning stock--2 firsts at Bowmanvilie and Oshawa. Stock that has proven itself the best. Why buy inferior? $1.00 per setting. OrdeP at once. H. B. Creeper, Box 806, Horsey-st, Bowmanvilie. WHITE WYANDOTTES--1st prize winners at local Fairs--headed by Guild's "bred to lay" cock bird. . Guild's Bred-to-lay Wyandottes are winning winning prominence at leading egg-laying contests on the continent against birds from England and U. S. This is an opportunity yon have not had before at the price, $1.00 setting. H. B. Creeper, Box 306, Horsey-st., Bowmanvilie. I4t Showing This Week New Goods, New Goods Everything New and Exquisite NEW SPRING SUITS AND COATS NEW SILKS AND SILK POPLINS, ETC. NEW DRESS MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION î* Our stock is now, complete in every department to the slightest detail. We invite your inspection. Telephone or letter orders promptly filled. S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank - Bowmanvilie