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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1915, p. 8

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Sherwin-Williams Paint prepared is the highest quality paint you can use on your property. The Sherwj n-Williams reputation-forty reputation-forty years of conscientious paint man? ufacture--is in every can. The best and handsomest handsomest dress for your house; il) RICE'S BIG HARDWARE'STORE Phone 66 Opposite Post Office Bowman ville BOWMANVILLE, APR. 22,1915 BNFIELO Mrs. S. Bray has been visiting at Solina . ;.. Mrs. W. Werry and Miss Nora, El- dad, visited at Mr. S. Bray's, Bræside.. .. Mr. and Mrs; T. T. Rundle, Solina, recently recently visited~at Mr. Ellis Pascoe's Miss Vera Hobbs has been visiting near Columbus. Columbus. .... .Mrs. John Hepburn has been spending a few days at Columbus.... Miss Gertie Watts has been visiting at Lindsay ... . Seeding has begun tins week in earnest. earnest. Fall wheat is looking excellent. . TYRONE Mr. Hugh McCullou. h, Pontypool, Sün- dayed at his brother's, Mr. R. McCullough ....Rev. Mr. Green, Victoria College, Toronto, took Rev. Mr. Cobb's work here Sunday... .Educational sermons will be. preached here next Sunday Football team was re-organized Saturday evening with the following officers : Hon. Pres.-- J. H. Mutton; Pres.--Tho - . Harris; Capt. --Percy Werry; S c'y. --Alex Staples; Treas.--Lome Phair;Mgrs.--Frank Werry, Werry, Lionel Byam, Fred Moore; Field Com. --Arthur Virtue, L'jnce Phare, T. Harris, Harold Skinner, J. H. Mutton. SOLINA Miss May Reynolds is home from Toronto Toronto under the Dr's, care Mrs. W. Werry and Miss Nora visited at "Brae- side" Enfield, over Sunday.... Miss Violet Billings has gone to Hamilton... .Mr. R. J. McKessock had a bee Saturday moving his barn. Mr. Ed. Ward is putting a cement cement foundation under it Mr. John Pascoe's hand is improving Mr. Harry Grooms. Toronto, has been visiting friends here. OWNERS OF YOUR ATTEN SES ! PLEASE. Take notice that A. W. Pickard is again shoeing horses at the old prices, so bring along your horses and you will have the work done promptly and satisfactorily. Pickard's new blacksmith shop is just south of Post Office corner, Bowmanville --very convenient and an up-to-date shop in every respect. Chinamel makes old furniture look like gg! new. Buy it at W. H. Dustan's. Carpet and carpet squares in Union, Wool, Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet, Ax- minster and Wilton in all ordinary sizes now showing at Couch, Johnston & Cry- derman's. Many Colleges Close for Vacation at Midsummer. Our College does not. ILj-IOTT TORONTO, ONT. is strictly first-class. None better in Canada. Enter now so as to take a position position in the early Fall. One graduate writes : "My new position pays three times what I got at teaching, school less than four yfears ago, just previous to entering entering your College," We placed this young man in a position after graduation placed him .again. Cata- and have now pf logne free. Yonge and Charles Sts. HAMPTON m WALL PAPER-BUY IT NOW W HILE the selections are good. We have the choicest line of WALL PAPERS this season we have ever had and at prices in keeping with the Line and quality of the papers. % Good Bedroom and Kitchen papers from 5c per roll- upwards. Choice Parlor and Dining Room designs from 10c upwards, cut out borders. ^ We carry all these in stock and can fill orders at once. . W. T. Alien, "Big 20" Bookstore SI Mr. Thos. Elliott continues to improve and we hope to see i im around again in the near future..,.Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke--It's a girl... ..We'] extend hearty congratulations to Mr. S. W. Ruse on his good fortune in receiving from J. D. Rockefeller a life maintenance Mr. T.J. Clarke is making extensive alterations on his residence... .Mr. C. W. Souch is painting and otherwise improving improving his house... .New officers of W.M.S, elected Tnes lay, were : President--Mrs. F. G. Kerslake, re-elected; 1st Vice--Mrs. T. Salter; 2nd Vice--Mrs. T. J. Clarke; 3rd Vice--Mrs. H. Wil ox; Cor. Sec'y.--Mrs. J Colwill; Sec'y.--Miss Hilda Cryderman; Supt. Systematic Giving--Mrs. T. T. Burns; Supt. Cradle Roll--Mrs. I. L. Brown; Treasurer--Miss Roach; Organist Mrs. H. E. Cole. DARLINGTON FOOTBALL. All those interested in • football for 1915 in the township of Darlington kindly-take notice that a meeting for election of officers officers for Darlington League and for admission admission of new teams will be held in Hampton at Mansfield's Barber shop on Saturday, April 24 at 8 pm. All teams wishing to join the League this year kindly kindly send representatives to this meeting^ C. W. Slemon, M. D., President. DURHAM COUNTY. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Acre Profit Competition. Baby Beef Competition. Hog's for Profit Competition. again. W. J. ELLIOTT, . Principal LOW FARES TO WESTERN CANADA GOOD GOING EVERY TUESDAY FROM MARCH TO OCTOBER TWO MONTHS RETURN LIMIT 125,000 FREE HOMES Mr. R. S. Duncan, B.S.A., District Rep- res ntative, Port Hope, announces above three competitions open to all young men who have taken the Short Course in Agriculture. Agriculture. Write at once'for rules and reg ulations governing these contests. Seed Corn! Direct from the .grower. /Specially selected for our trade and of the best varieties and quality obtainable. obtainable. A^full stock on hand at the mill. Also Feed Corn, Bread arid Pastry Flour, Cereals, Mill Feed, etc. Prices reasonable. CHAS. HORN, HAMPTON Phone 129 r 6 L-r- Farmers ! Read This ! I have now for sale Cotton Meal Caldwell's Molasses Meal Feed and Seed Corn" Call at the mill or phone your order to Nq. 77. ENNISKILLEN Visitors ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Broad and Miss. Violet, Mr. and Mrs. Hoidge and son, Toronto, motored down and. spent Sunday Here.... .Mr. Frank and MiSs Lena Webber, Enfield, at .Mr. Leonard Bradley's; Bradley's; Mrs. George. B own and Miss Carrie Broad, who are. home, on a visit fro n Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, are staying at Messrs. Tames Stainton's and James Crossman's; Miss Ina Lacey, Cambdurne, with her ' aunt, Mrs. Norman Redpàth; Miss Èmily Pèarn, Fénelon Fénelon Falls, at Messrs. J. A. Werry's and Geo. Reid's; Mrs. Geo. Sheckleton at Mr. Will McLaughlin's; Mr. and Mrs. H. Douglas and Beatrice, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rostran and Muriel, Burketon, at Mr. F. W. Lee'j-; Mr. David Hall, Burketon, with M'ss Editha Virtue; Miss Marjorie Whitney, Whitney, Toronto, at Mr. Jas. McLaughlin's; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Werry at Orono. .Drs. HilHer and Slemon held a consultation over Mrs. Will McLaughlin Monday.... Children's practice commences on Sunday morning for the anniversary May 23 and 24... . We sympathize with Mrs. Edward Thompson on the death of her sister, Mrs. Mahaffy, Purple Hill...., .There's a little daughter at Mr. Herbert Stainton's. Congratulations. Congratulations. TO CORRESPONDENTS All local correspondents of The Statesman are notified that the increase of postage that went into effect April 15 does 1 ot printers', copy, manuscript, manuscript, or correspondence intended for publication!. All this will be carried at the f rmer rate of one cent for two ounces ounces or fraction thereof. Correspondents, to avail themselves of this low rate, must send manuscript in unsealed envelopes or parcels with the words, "Printers' Copy written or printed on the outside of the envelope-or wrapper. F. C. Vanstone BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO MAPLE GROVE Mrs. S. Penfound, Kingston Rd., E., is visiting her niece, Mrs. Noble Metcalt Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker, Solina, visited their daughter, Mrs. Leslie C. Snowden • .Miss Lyra Trenouth; Hampton, spent the week-end with Miss Edna Snowden • • • «Mrs. S. Snowden, sr.;'Bowmanville, is visiting her son, Mr. Chas. H. Snowden ....Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burgess and children, Base Line, spent Sunday at Mr. Truman Power's.. . The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Noble I. Metcalfe sympathize sympathize with them in the death of their only child, Marjorie Gwendolyn, who passed away Friday aged 7 months. The funeral Sunday afternoon was yery largely attended. attended. Rev. S. F. Dixon conducted the service. service. The floral offerings were very beautiful.... A house warming was held at the home of Mr and Mrs. Thos. Snowden Snowden Thursday April 8 when about 60 friends and neighbors gave them a complete complete surprise. Mr. M. Munday, jr, read a nicely worded address and Mr. John D. Stevens, W. H. Lymer and T. Power presented presented them with a w riting desk and rocking rocking chair with the good wishes of their many friends. Mr. Snowden suitably àc knowledged the useful gifts and kindly words of the addr ss after which a num her of short speeches were made, refresh ments served and a social time enjoyed. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A OBITUARIES. Andrew J. Taylor, Toronto. Mr. A. J. Taylor, general Canadian freight and passenger agent of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, died at Ocean Park, Cal., of hardening of the. arteries, following an operation from which he was thought to have been recovering. recovering. Mr. Taylor was one of the best known railwaymen in Toronto, and he leaves to mourn his passing a host of friends. Born in Ottawa 57 years ago, he entered the railway profession in his you.h and succeeded in climbing the ladder ladder of success until he occupied the position position of Canadian representative of the C.M. and St. P. Railway in Toronto. His widow (formerly Miss Kate Rankin, Bowmanville) Bowmanville) and daughter Marguerite left Los Angeles Monday morning with the remains and it is expected that interment will take place in the cemetery at Bowmanville Bowmanville on Friday next. at the yery swellest festive occasions in the town or country. We have every facility for catering. We have every facility for catering properly, and ■ .we know "what's right", in every case. We like cater-. ing at the big parties, of course,, bût we are^ just " as ' careful at the small ones to do our work in faithful, faultless style. Costly caterers ? Oh, no, we're not. Estimates cheerfully given, any time for parties, banquets weddings. or Thomas Tod Phone 3 Bowmanville Si • Oos stock of Martin-Senour paints is A full line of Nyal's Family remedies complete. W. H. Dustan. always in stock. Jury & Lovell. tf Use Ccrtainteed Roofing and. you will | The Old time maple sÿrup made from never regret it. Sold by Mason &Dale. j the sap--can be had'at F. A. Baddy's F. A. Baddy's Maple Syrup has arrived j - Dont worry about hard times. Chiname and quality is fine--order a gallon to-day. your old furniture. Your neighbors wil Martin-Senour Paint is 100% pure. It's l*' 8 new. W. H. Dustan. the paint to stand the weather. Sold in Lacrosse is one „ of the best ' of Bowmanville by W. H. Dustan. ' games. Why not organize a team ? boy Bargains in Buggies At or Below Cost Must be sold to make room for other work. 1 New Top Buggy, steel tiré 2 Rubber tire Runabouts Rubber Tires put on all kinds of carriages. AH kinds of repairing promptly attended to. ■ Mrs. John Davidson, Toronto Mrs: Tohn Davidson, wife of Rev. John Davidson, of 32 Tranbv Ave., Toronto, passed away at the Cottage Hospital : in her 62nd year. The late Mrs. Davidson was born in Bowmanville and had lived in.Toronto for the last 17 years. She was formerly Miss Mary MacKay. A Presbyterian Presbyterian in religion, she attended Bloor St. Presb.. terian Church, and was very active in the work of the missionary boards of the church. The funeral service was con- ducte i by Rev. Dr. Wallace and Rev. J. A. Macdonald. Interred at Mount Pleasant Pleasant cemetery. The widower, Rev. John Davidson, and five .daughters^ Mrs. Dr. J.. H. McPhedron, and Misses Elizabeth and Maud of Toronto, Mrs. Paten Oliver, of Saskatoon, Mrs. A. Prest, Cowderry, Man., and three sons, Mr. Walter, Hamilton, and John and Norman, Toronto, survive. Deceased was daughter of Peter McKay, who owned the John Hoskin farm near Jardine's Corners, Bethesda. Mr. McKay was a distiller and worked in the John Burk distillery in the valley south of Van- stone's mill. A fellow workman was the late James McClellan, father of Mr. John McClellan. Mr. Bowman after whom Bowmanville Bowmanville is named was proprietor of the distillery before John Burk- Only our oldest readers will, remember the early days when these men were active citizens. Five hundred mileç of Germans, Five hundred miles of French, English, Scotch and Irishmen, I All fighting for a trench, j And when the trench is taken, I And thousands have been slain, I The losers kill as many more, And take the trench again. King S£., Bowm&nville GRAND TRUNKS RAILWAY SYSTEM DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO-CHICAGO TORONTO-MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO Leave Toronto 8.00 a.m., 4.40 p.m. and3 11.48 p.m. daily for Montreal . Leave Toronto 9 a.m., 8.30 p.m. and 11.00 p.m. daily " 'Smooth Roadbed • ^ Highest Class of Equipment . Tickets and further particulars at Grand Trunk ticket offices. ■ ' No matter where you are going, call phone 78 for information. We will gladly deliver tickets to any honse in town. J. HT.H. JURY, Local Agent, House Phone61 mm mmm along the Canadian Northern Railway For literature and further particulars apply to W. G. GIFFLER, C. N. R. Agent, Bowmanville. Your Horse's Shoes Affect his speed, his gait and the amount ot work he can do If your horse is lame or faulty gaited he needs our expert. at tention. We charge no more than other shops. A trial order solicited. T. H. BROOKHAM, Darch's Old Stand. Bowmanville Are You Interested in Clothes News of the latest fashions fashions in men's wear ? If so, we want to say that we have received this season's latest fashions. They are here for your closest inspection. In addition to this, our new stock j)f fabrics is now on disp ay, - consisting consisting of many classy shades and textures. Come in and look over these goods before you decide on this season's wear. BLOC* MEAT Many persons think that because because there has been a general general rise in the prices of food, that the price of meat has risen too. In point of fact, the opposite, opposite, is true. Meat is- cheaper. This is readily seen in the price of pork and beef which is two or three cents less per pound than it was at this time last year. Buy Your Meat from J. H. Butcher Horsey Block Bowmanville Special Values in Raincoats We have been fortunate in securing a splendid range of Raincoats before the price advanced. £ It was only by placing a large order with an English manufacturer that we were able to secure such lo w prices. They are practically sold to you at Wholesale Wholesale prices. a: China Hall Grocery Seeds, Seeds April, the seeding month, is here again. Don't waste your time and money in cheap seeds and be disappointed. BUY GOOD SEEDS and get satisfaction. F. A. Haddy has a large stock of Garden and Flower Seeds from the best seed houses, and anything not in stock can be procured on short notice. California Navel Oranges California Navels are now at their best. We have a large stock and good variety from 20c to 40c per doz. Our 25c and 35c lines are hard to beat for quality and value G râpé Fruit 5 for 25c, 4 for 25c, 3 for 25c Eggs and Butter Wanted Eggs, sound and fresh; Butter, No. 1 Dairy. Fawn Paramatta, abso- // t.i lutely waterproof, good style $5 00. Fawn or Gray Paramatta, Paramatta, double texture, a coat sold every where for $10, our price ............ $7 50 Gray, Fawn and Olive Tweed Coats, answer for Raincoat or Spring and Fall Overcoat, absolutely waterproof $10.00. All Wool Double Texture Paramatta, sold in the city stores for $13.50 our price ; $10.00. A Dark Oxford Gray, all wool, Double Texture Cassimere, a very dressy coat, made with convertible convertible collar, so that it can be worn with lapels down if required, something new in the Raincoat, regular price everywhere $15.00, our price $12.00. These are just a few samples of our large range, Come in and see the .whole range. The Anderson Clothing Co'y. Phone 61, Bowmanville i, & F. À. Haddy Phone 62 Bowmanville ■Jr ^ u i£se^ . r^iv

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