ms V "■; i - I c S'Fft $ r HfH SIS i r v \ r X vr y "ii :f|1 Ï2 ATS City Dairy Ice Cream, (when they can get it) Hundreds of Discriminating Druggists and Shopkeepers all over Ontario appreciate its universal popularity and have secured an agency for. it. CITY DAIRY iCE CREAM is the one universal universal summer confection--it delights the entire human family from infancy to old age--and best of all, City 1 Dairy Ice Cream is a highly digestible food. For Sale by t/lserimlnat/ng shopkeepers everywhere Watch for the Sign. TORONTO. j You should always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, on the shelf. The little folk so often need a mild and safe cathartic and they do appreciate Chamberlain's instead of nauseous oils and mixtures. For stomach troubles and constipation, grive one just before coing to bed. All druggists, 25c, or send to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO 10 CHAMBERLAINS . TABLETS . Seventy-two thousand criminals were executed during the thirty- eight years' reign of Henry VIII. WOMAN IN Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Cape Wolfe, Canada.--" Last March I was "a complete wreck. I had given up all hope of getting better or living any length of time, as' I was such a sufferer from female troubles. But I took Lydia t. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and today I am in good health and have a pair of twin boys two months old and growing finely. I surprised doctors and neighbors for they all know what a wreck I was. "Now I am healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies. You may publish this letter if you like. I think if more women used your remedies they - would have better health."--Mrs.- J. T. Cook, Lot No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.I., Canada. Because your case isa difficult one, and doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. „ It surely has remedied many cases of female ills, such as inflammation, inflammation, ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you heed. The Pinkham record is a proud and peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over the ob- stinateills of women --ills that deal out despair. It is ain established established f^ct that Lydia E. Pinkham's V egetableCom pound* < has restored health ~ LVWj to'thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need such a medicine ? ONTARIO SCHOOLS AND STRATHCONA TRUSTS. Dr. James L. Hughes, 47 Dundonald- sfc, Toronto, Secretary of Strathcona Trust for Ontario, informs us that the Trust desires to express its appreciation that more active and extended interest is being taken in all departments of the work in Ontario schools of the Strathcona Trust; Physical Training, Military Drill and Rifle Shooting. Militia Department has adopted twelve years as the minimum age for admission to a Cadet Company. Annual grants from Militia Department are more than sufficient to provide uniforms uniforms which must be purchased by School Boards, but cost will be more -than returned returned to Boards in annual grants Belts and caps or hats are supplied free. The Strathcona Trust will give three medals each year for competition in each county. (a) For the best score made by a Public Public or Separate School Cadet. (b) For the best score made by a Cadet in a High or Continuation School. (c) For the best score made by a Cadet who has left school, but who is not 18 years of age. , Arrangements for these competitions should be made'by the Senior Military Officer of each County in co operation with the P. S. Inspector. A VOICE FROM THE CROWD. People want a preacher "to be an intelligent intelligent man and a man with gumption enough to administer congregational "affairs." "affairs." But the increasing cry is for a spiritually mindéd man along with these other things. This thought is one of the "submarines" launched by George Whar-. ton Pepper, LL.D., a lawyer of nationwide nationwide reputation, in a series of lectures on preaching delivered at Yale last month entitled, "A Voice from the Crowd." The exclusive serial rights to publish the heart of this series of lectures has been granted to the Sunday School Times, an every- week religious publication. A post card request addressed to The Sunday School Times, Philadelphia, Pa., will bring a three weeks free trial of that paper containing containing a detailed announcement of this series of articles. THE EDITOR TALKS. Here is a subject often suggested for debate and if people would only go to bed at night in decent time could be made successfully operative during summer months. A prominent bank official of western Canada, who is taking taking a keen interest in the utilization of vacant lots for the growing of garden crops, says : "It seems to me that the 'daylight saving scheme' would be one of the greatest factors in helping on the kitchen garden movement. It would give everyone from Halifax to Vancouver an hour's more time to work in the garden in daylight than they would otherwise have and it wouldtbe a great thing for the health of thé, nation to have an extra hour for outdoor recreation, and last, but by no means least, there would be a wonderful saving of light, electricity, gas and oil. The one hour extra daylight daylight would mean that by the time darkness came it would be pretty nearly bedtime, going by ordinary rules." - Few communities in Canada contain contain a more moral, thrifty, successful and progressive people than West Durham. One" of the evidences is the amount of money on deposit in Bowman Bowman ville banks by farmers. It's the' custom now for our farmeis to pay by check like business men--they all carry bank* accounts. Three banks with large staffs in a town of this size indicates that there is big business doing. doing. Another evidence is found on page 3 of this issue where . appears a diagram showing the development of the telephone in the district around Bowmanville. No doubt exists about the immense benefit both to townspeople townspeople and tlie farming community from such extensive use of the telephone. telephone. We are told, too, that Bowmanville Bowmanville has more rural phone connections connections than àny othér town in the Province Province of similar population, with one exception. Several farmers have invested invested in automobiles which is furthur evidence of their prosperity. When A Woman Wants her summer Dresses-- her "frilly things"--her |ine linens--to look their whitest and daintiest--- . she is very particular to use Silver Gloss LAUNDRY STARCH It gives that delight- 5 fully satin finish. : : YOUR GROCER HAS IT sa The Canada Starch Co. Limited, Montreal IKINE Mrs. Kelly Advises all Women to Take "Frult-a-TIves" Hagbrsvillr, Ont., Aug. 26th. 1913. "I canihighly recommend "Fruit-a- tives" because they did me an awful lot of good and I cannot speak too highly about them. About four years ago, I commenced taking " Fruit-a- tives" for a general break-down and they did me a world of good. We bought a good many dollar's worth, but it was money well spent because they did all that you claim for them. Their action is so pleasant, compared with other laxatives, that I found only pleasure, as well as health, in taking them. They seemed to me to be particularly suited to women, on account of their mild and gqgtle action, and I trust that some other women may start taking "Fruit-a-tives" after reading my letter, and if they do, I am satisfied the results will be the same as "in my own case". Mrs. W. N. KELLY "Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial : • size, 25c, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. INFERIOR LIGHTNING RODS: Prof. W. H. Day, B.A., profeasoir of physios in Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, write® to wiarn th'e fanners of Ontario against inferior inferior lightning rods. One of the same companies tlhat buncoed the farmers with iron-centred rod's latifc year is reported to be selling the same rod again this year. Watch out for .them. There is no difficulty in spotting these rods. The outside covering is 'a thin sheet of copper. Inside of the copper is a strip of galvanized steel or iron one-half inch wide and two galvanized -steel, or iron wires about No. 10. The copper sheath is, twisted around the strip and wire®, giving the rod a corrugated appearance. The steel or iron will rust ^out in from five to ten years. For photograph of what happened to a rod of this kind in less than eight years see Figure 34, Bulletin 22-0, which may be had by writing the Department of Agriculture, Toronto. An Illinois firm . is circularizing the trade and others advocating the "Mast" lightning -rod system. They declare that twisted cables are positively dangerous, claiming they act like ' 'dhoke-coils, ' ' that tubes only should be used, that insulators; insulators; must be used, etc. For concentrated essence of error these circulars surpass . anything else I have seen. Beware of the man with the iron- centred rod and the man who claims that twisted cables are dangerous. This Department will be glad to be informed regarding the operations of either. Ovez-eating in Old Age. In a paper read before the British Medical Association Dr. Key worth dealt with the ailments' of old age. It is certain, he said, that they are ■largely due to more food beipg taken taken than the eliminating organs can get rid of, and a reduction in the amount of food should always be made as maturity glides into senility. senility. If an old man has a good appetite appetite and can digest well let him have his usual three meals a day ; but as a rule the healthiest old people are the spare eaters. Brain workers workers can enjoy a fair degree of health bv living on light food, which does not require much force to digest or much muscular activity to assimilate. assimilate. Ôn a diet of well-made bread in variety, vegetables and fruits, with a fair quantity of eggs and milk, and very little animal food, many disorders of old age may be avoided and life prolonged. . Indigestion Indigestion denotes "not a disease, but. an. admonition ; it means that . the individual thus admonished is. not taking appropriate food. For inactive inactive and aged persons three-fourths of the nutrient matters consumed should be derived from vegetable, cereal and milk produce, and many men of sixty and upward corroborate corroborate this statement. The lecturer concluded--"A word about exercise. exercise. Long livers have usually been early risers and good walkers. Nothing Nothing so effectually promotes the more equable distribution of the j blood and averts the constant tend- j ency to local congestion in the brain j or abdomen as walking exercise." | * ---- i Retroactive. Doctor : "You have nervous dyspepsia, dyspepsia, same as Brown had. His was caused by worrying over his butcher's bill Iis. I directed him to stop worrying." Stranger: "Yes, and now he's cured, and I've got it. I'm his butcher." Poultry Pointers. To the essential of proper temperature temperature in the incubator must be added proper moisture. Ghicks should not be allowed on ground on which ~ any stock with the gapes has been running in previous previous years: The soil should be thoroughly spaded up first, and air- slaked lime scattered over the surface. surface. , A practice that is also recommended recommended is to spray 'gape-infected ground with one pint of formaldehyde formaldehyde to two hundred and forty pints of water. Provide now some shade for the chicken-runs. It will be much appreciated appreciated when the hot weather comes. ' Have alii poultry yards spaded up, and the houses thoroughly cleaned before the end of the month. T \ ,$#1* --r «ÜÜ 1 n-rrr coHwixY ><L*wo#to ■6« % fSailETTS LYE CLEANS and DISINFECTS THIS LYE IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. THEREFORE TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE IMPURE AND HIGHLY ADULTERATED ADULTERATED LYES NOW SOLD. hv„.. Make your home more attractive, and protect it from fire with these beautiful, beautiful, sanitary "Metallic" Ceilings and Walls They will out-last the building and. are very inexpensive. They can be brightened from year to year with a little paint at a trifling cost. Made in innumerable beautiful designs Buitable to all styles of rooms. Can be erected over old plaster as well as in pew buildings. Write for catalogue. We maemfactere a complete liae of Sheet Metal Haiti Lag Materials. 9 THE METALLIC ROOFING CO., LIMITED Manufacturers King _ nd Pufferin 3te., TORONTO 797 Notre Dame Ave., WINNIPEG ■ *"!» , Few products in\- il ik household use " v to-day have bridged m the gap from the primitive things of sixty years ago as has '••1111111 Uth. •FWawoBBSr L! pill If Sugar Canada's first refined sugar, "Ye Olde Sugar-Loafe" of 1854, was REDPATH ; so was the first Canadian granulated sugar, in 1880, and the first Sugar. Cartons in 1912. The leader in every advance, Sugar stands to-day first in the estimation of tens of thousands of Canadian families. 131 A«k for * 'REDPA TH' 1 in Individual Packages. 2 and 5 lb. Cartons. 10, 20,50 and 100 lb. Bags. CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL. 9 * ^ijJB The MAY Records are on sale now! May Columbia Records, we mean. All Double-Discs. Made in j *** and mostly 85c--play on any machine perfectly! Be sure to hear the great descriptive record, "The Landing of the British Troops in France." © MAPLE GROVE New Epworth League officers: Hon. Pres.--Rey. S. F. Dixon; Pres.-r-H. S. Freeman; 1st Vice--Mrs. W. J. Snowden; 2nd Vice--Mrs. S. Swallow; 3rd Vice-- Mrs. Truman Power; 4th Vice--Leslie C. Snowden; Secretary--Miss Aura Rundle; Treas.--Cyril Rundle; Organist--Miss Gertie Lyrner; x Assistant--Mrs. Leslie Snowden Sec.-Treas. F. M.-- H. S. Freeman. Freeman. Miller's Worm Powders are complete in themselves, They not only drive worms from yonr system, but repair the damage that worms cause and so invigorate invigorate the constitution that it speedily recovers from the disorders of the digestion digestion that are the result of the work of these paras tic intruders. Tney do their work thoroughly and strength and soundness follow their use. . -- : f--r-- . X Sixty, per cent. " of En glish. words are of Teuitonic origin, thirty per. cent. <are Greek and Latin, and ten per pent, come from other sources. The date when the horse first became became a domestic ' animal v is ' unknown, unknown, so long ago did this take place. V The Finest Stock of COLUMBIA GRAFANOLAS and RECORDS in Bowmanville to be seen at the store of I Want to Go to Tokio A1707 10-lnob Me. A»-» Sour Hit-- I WANT TO GO TO TOKIO. (Fischer.) Francis Fisher, aoprane, and Henry BùrTr tenor. Oroheetr» seewapw Indent. ÂILx FOB THE LOVE QF A GIBE. (Meyer.) Peerless Quartette. Orchestre accempaalment. As a One-Step-- I WANT TO GO TO TOKIO. One-step. Pripce's Band. Aeeee lS-Incl (Fischer.) 11 WONDER WHAT WILL WILLIAM TELL. '(Daly and Allen.) One-step. Prince's Bfnd. f, YES. THEY WILL PLAY ON YOUR MACtilNB. Ask one of our dealers to play> these .line new Records over to you. If- your dealer can't supply du, send 80c for a demonstration dife,- worth 85c. Also get a copy, of our new Columbia Record Catalogue, Catalogue, just out. : Agents wantdd'lfinltfe net -represented. Apply MUSIC SUPPLY CO., TORONTO. The Finest Stock of COLUMBIA GRAFANOLAS and RECORDS in Bowmanville to be seen at the store of I W. T. Alkn V ■V œænê&éÊ;