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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1915, p. 3

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a. e. mclauchlin, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Block * King Street, nhil 1 ^ 11 * ville * Mone y to loan »t reason- oble rates. 48-lyr. B. «J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D., C.M. BOWMANVILLE, . . ONT. I G! M F DAL L ST of Trinity Univereity, Phvci7.?f« nto 'j jT our year» ^Attending nitM nd , Surgeon at Mt. Carmel < U £y?. ltal - Pittsburg, Kg. ®f. l,3e ° ,:6 We!lin|it0 ° Bt - WOMEN'S WEAKNESS AND HEALTH PERILS GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers %nd Solicitor*. Notaries Public, ^° DMA N, D. C. GALBRAITH Anaemia Cornea so Gratefully That the Victim Scarcely Realizes Realizes the Hold the Trouble Has Upon Her Until Almost in a Decline. Woman's work is more - wearing than man's because it Lasts almost *c8 LumsH»n ru v " TTT".? ' " I e y er y waking hour. There is no de " BIdg ' Yon * e & Adelaide-sts I eight or nine hour day for the oronto Ontario | breadwinner's wife, and often she ht u . ~ toils under the greatest difficulty W. U. ALEXANDER, V. S. I because her strength is below what Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col î* , shouJ d be The Woman who is i/f;, Diseases of ail domestic animal* treated indoors all day is very often care- Ij latest known methods. I less about what she eats and does hot keep her blood 1 up to the mark. MONEY IN LIVE STOCK. The Canadian Farmer/Will Benefit By the War. Mr. Randolph Bruce, a well- ] known rancher in Western Canada, has just returned from Europe' with many interesting opinions as to the effect that the war will have on the Canadian farmer. The Says They arc The Very Best Mb. j. a. hill tells what DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DID FOB HIM. When a Woman Suffers There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with immense I I nervous exhaustion, slaughter of cattle for the armies He Suffered for Four Months from In the stores, factories, and on a m the field will, he thinks, very| Kidney Trouble but Found Quick ? n m are 1 ^ ea ?' aUing women, dragged Puilnf tt a j „ " , down with torturing backache and Kelief When He ' Used Dodd's bearing down pains. Kidney Pills. Su ch suffering isn't natural, but it's more money even than those who I > T - ^ ^ ( dangerous, because due to diseased Ea i 0 .5; w - LOSCOMBE A SRNKT.RW Barristers, Solicitors, B _, Public. U.R.Loacomfce, K.C. B.S.Senfcler, B.A. Monet to Loin. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville, Ontario. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN TAILOR-MADE SUITS On account of depression in clothing business caused by the war we have some exceptional values in Black and Blue Iff- ge Smt ?* regular prices $28 to $30, now ♦15*00 a suit made to order. Other re- , - . . -- order. Other re auctions m suits in proportion. Let us take your measure to-day. Jos. Jeffery & Son, Star House. Bowmanville. It becomes thin and poor, which makes, her weak, headachy, tired, breathless and liable to pains in Notaries J the back and sides, the scourge of her sex. New blood will do wonders wonders for the Woman who is tired out, '■who aches all over when she rises in the morning and feels unaccountably unaccountably depressed. She can gfrin new blood now, and drive away the. pains and aoheis and tiredness if she will take Dr. .Williams' .Williams' Pink Pills. They have worked worked marvels for other women and will do the same for you if you are weak, tired, depressed or suffering from backaches or sideaches. Mrs. Elmer C. Taylor, Calgary, Alta., shortly cause a great increase in the price of beef, and those farmers farmers who are raising cattle will make rüw I Sixty-Nine Corners, Ont. , May I kidney's bïSïïf b£h rftotdMK t2^/^S2 S|> - »„" I knyw that The dizziness, insomnia, deranged mark t t beK * of mediines." Such is th £ complaint can't cure themselyes, toe? 1 Se quantiti^s and as quick- statement made by Mr. J A Hill J equir& *h 6 assistance of Dr. Hamil- h y pl1L^ lbl u a well-known resident of this pW ^ P " ls which *<> direct to the seat believer m alfalfa as the most satis- "j waj , -A. of the trouble. . factory food for thé rapid raising jjj]] continuas +' uf r ' To give vitality and power to the of cattle for beef. 8 M '. tTOn ^ Sidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and In this connection it is interest- settle in mv ha^k Mv - liver, to free the blood of polnsons. mg to note that fattening young !%£ t "3 T*' Probably there is no remedy so suc- stock is becoming very popular id *11® d 1 had cramps in my mus- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For; the United States whLTtL mar- 5 ^P^te was fitful and I all womanly Irregularities their merit L-zxf l _ _ e • . ^ was heavy and slleepv after meals ts well known. ly that more ^tud-» 6 has^Wrf 0 ?,!.;,! * had a bitter taste in my mouth Because of their mild, soothing, and & ^?L™ 0 „ re . t St ^ re ^ s | n ^ eB "^ | an^ I was always tired Zui ne ®| heating effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are to methods of . - , , J "I used four boxes of Do/M'h I v Da women of aU ages. 25 cents per In the early days cattle were Kid ne v Pills and bhip tr.rpn+ y. ori . r» f b° x dealers. Refuse any subkept subkept on the ranges from three to I _ s \ and the great benefit | stitute for-Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. on the ranges from three to I fu __ 1 . -, 1 .u. ±ji. uiauum five years. Experience, however, o ^ j S - s * 7 ,) drake and Butternut, has shown that the nd of thor' T h*y are tire best of medtetnos.' ' ougih-bred bulls and the consequent Kidnf™ 5Ï? cure slck improvement in th« ■ Kidneys, and Mr. Hill says: "I was so run down with anaemia that I could scarcely walk without aid. I was not able to RAILWAY TIME TABLES | leave the _ house. I had no color, ■RTiT? PfmrMAMmTTn no appetite, and was constantly. r OR BOWMANVILLE. | troubled with headaches, dizzy spells - and a general disinclination Grand Trunk Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily 8.62 a. m. 10.18 „ 3.38 p.m. 6*4». „ 7.18 , 9.68 . .'Express Local Local Passenger iPassenger 4.22 a.m 7.02 „ 9.46 1.38 p.m. 7.11 .. Canadian Pacific Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST; x Express 1.07 a.m. Express 10.29 a.m. iLxpress 7.14 p.m. x Flag stop except Sunday. Umce. x Express Express t Express 6.07 a.m. 9.08 a.m. 4.Ï6 p.m. C. B. Kent, Agent, Post Canadian Northern Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST. J Express 11.53 a.m. II Express 6.38 p.m. 1|Da:ly except Sunday H Express 9.02 a.m. V Express 7.37 p.m lIDaily except Sunday. railway SYSTEM double track all the way TORONTO-CHICAGO ^TORONTO-MONTREAL PQ^ CHICAGO Leave ToroUW'8.00 a.m., 4.40 p.m. and 11.45 p.m. daily V FOR MONTREAL "•'•«'SSStrÿ.îg 0 '--*" ■ Smooth Roadbad \ Highest Class of Equipment Tickets and further particulars at Grand Trunk ticket offices. to. move shout or do anything. My friends did not think I would get better, and even the doctor was apprehensive. I was constantly taking medicine, but it did not do me ;a particle of good. One day a friend asked me if I had tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to do so almost as a forlorn hope. After I had used a few boxes there was a decided change for the better, better, -and people began to ask what 1 was taking, the change was so noticeable. As I continued the Pills my color came back, I could eat my meals regularly, the headaches headaches and dizzy spells ceased, I gained in weight and took a new interest in life, my cure being complete. I have told many sickly Women and girls what Dr. Williams' Williams' Pink Pills- did for me and urged them to take them and shall continue to do so, knowing what a splendid medicine they are. Every weak and ailing woman who will follow Mrs. Taylor's example example and give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial will find new health and strength through their use. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. *- London Without W'ater. Of late the Thames has been a No matter where you are going, call phone 78 I ^ ea l. too full of water for the com- to r any°h r ™nae in'town. ™ H gladly deliver tickefc * I forfc or convenience of the inhabit- J. H.H. JURY, Local Agent, House Phone61 LOW FARES TO WESTERN CANADA GOOD GOING EVERY TUESDAY FROM MARCH TO OCTOBER TWO MONTHS RETURN LIMIT 125,000 FREE HOMES CAMS m maÏÏE along the Canadian Northern Railway For literature and further particulars apply to W. G. GIFFLER, C. N. R. Agent, Bowmanville. CANADIAN NORTHERN BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Effective January 25th) TRAINS LEAVE For Toronto and Intermediate Stations 9 02 a.m. f T.37 p.m. For Trenton, Belleville, Yarker, Tweed Harrowsmith, Sydenham, Kingston, Brock ville, Smith's Falls, Ottawa * : and Intermediate Stations, j f 11.53 a.m. For Coe HWTmd Intermediate Stations f 11.53 a.m. For Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Pic- ton "and intermediate points f 11.53 a.m 6.38 p.m. TRAIES ARRIVE From Toronto and intermediate stations ~ f 11.53 a.m. 6.38 p.m. From Belleville, Trenton and intermediate intermediate points ; also Pic ton and C.O.R. noints 9.02 a.m f 7 37 p.m. From Maynooth (C.O.R.) f 7.37 p.m. FrontvSydenham, Tweed, Yarker, etc. f 7.37 p.m. Freni Ottawa, Smiths Falls, Brockville, Iviiigston, Yarker, Deseronfco, Napauee, Pictoa, Trenton and intermediate points SC f 7.37 p.m. run daily except Sunday unless otherwise marked. For further particulars gee other adver tisement appearing in this paper, or apply W. F. GIFFLER, f, flag stop - Depot Agent. An-infauc. does not hear until the third or fourth day after birth. ants of the Thames Valley. Yet there are on record several instances instances where the contrary was the case, and the people of London saw the river bed practically dry. In Stow's Annals is an account of an earthquake, which shook down many churches and houses while the River Thames "was dryéd uppe, that all London might walke over the same dry shod." This was a the year 1.158. . I* 1 1591 came an amazing ebb tide, when the river was again so low that a man might ride over ifc on horseback at London Bridge. In 1687 a tremendous gale blew for thirty-six. hours. The great storm blew straight down the valley of the Thames, and 'kept the wafer back, so that' the bed was dry. On September September 14, 1716, the same thing happened, happened, and, according to the "Weekly Packet," a paper of that date, people crossed the river afoot both belo w and above they bridge, while the sands lay so clear to view that a silver tankard, a silver butted butted sword, a gold ring, a guinea, and other long-lost articles of value were picked up. * improvement, in the quality and maturing ability of market cattle, together with heavier grain fee<f- ing, has made it possible to put just as much beef on the market at from 13 to 20 months old. Experts Experts arç of the opinion that with the continued improvement of breed stock it will be possible to market at an. even earlier date. Among the advantages of earlier finishing of cattle, the following are mentioned by. some of the leading cattle men : Firstly, younger cattle make heavier 'gains of beef on a similar amount of feed than old cattle ; Secondly, the money invested invested is turned faster, being turned over in eighteen months, where formerly it took from three to five years 5 Thirdly, heifers under two years old sell as readily as steers and finish more rapidly. As the census statistics prove without shadow of doubt, the value of beef cattle in Canada is steadily increasing. In 1901 there were 3,167,744, valued at $54,197,341, or an average of $17.12, taking the good with the bad. In 1911 there were 3,939,257, valued at $86,278,- 490, or, an average of $21.90, an increase of $4.78 per head. Mr. H. S. Arkell, Assistant Live Stock Commissioner for the Dominion Government, says that never in our statistical history have prices attained attained so high a figure, either for. cattle on the hoof or for meat in the butcher shop, as to-day. What it will be next year, when the full effect of the war is felt, no one can tell. ■ * : RED CROSS SOCIETY. & symptoms are the symptoms of Kidney disease, disease, consequently he found quick I Socks and Handkerchiefs Will Be relief in Dodd^ Kidney Pills. They Needed While the War Lasts, always cure Kidney disease. | Toronto, May 10.--The following wu WÏC.4I4V I interesting letter has been re- Wit and Wisdom. ceived by Mrs. Plumptre, secretary A woman sniffs every time she the National Service Committee, thinks of her daughter-in-law's I i rom Mrs. McLaren Brown, hon. method of rearing babies. secretary of the Ladies' Committee . "He offers me a platonic affec- the C.W.C.A. The people of tion." "Well, take it. A Platonic Canada, who have taken a great affection often leads to the real interest in the work of the associating." associating." tion throughout the' Dominion, will Doctor--"Do you talk in your read this letter with interest, sleep ? ' Patient--"No; I talk in The letter, which is dated Lon- other people's. I'm a clergyman." don, April 21, is as follows:--"We He Could Prove It. Mother--Son, I don't believe you washed your face at all. Small Son--If you don't believe me, look at the towel. --* . KEEP YOUR BABY WELL can Mothers ones happy and healthy by the occa-1 you ? fil/YTl Q.l 110)43 . rn _ 1_ 1 _ 2 _ 1 1 1 Many a woman's mind is merely something she uses to guess with. If a man's sins don't find him out his wife will. The secret of health lies in a care ful selection of food and thorough mastication, says ah expert. A case of pick and chews. The source of true living is not in possessions, but in disbursements. disbursements. ^The .mould of a man's fortune fortune is in his own hands. Madge--"You shouldn't say he's a confirmed bachelor unless you know." Marjorie -- "But I do know ; I confirmed him." "Is the man your sister'-s going to marry rich?" _ "Naw ; every time the marriage is mentioned pa says, 'Poor man !' " The average man chooses a wife as _ he would a buttonhole bouquet --just because she looks pretty and nestled gracefully on his coat lapel. Client--"You ought to have gone into the army, not the law." Solicitor Solicitor --"Why?" Client--"By the way you charge there would be little left of the enemy." A Board School teacher, putting his hand on the shoulder of a boy of ubtful character,. said, "I believe believe Satan has got hold of you." "I believe so, too," was the reply. Tom--'-'But • do you think, my keep their little | dear, _ tha.T I'm^goJd U enough for Bessie (with a commanding sional use of Baby's Own Tablets, look in her eyes)--"Good enough There is no minor ailment of little f 0 . r me ! You've got to be " g an? wil1 jot cure, "Talk about your long hours, and above all they are absolutely know a couple of hands in a fac- resul/' 1 f^m <) +L tl ^ €ly n ° ip 3ury ^ ter y that never stop, day or night, result from their use. Concerning| a ll the year round." ' ' them Mrs. Henri Huard, Kingston, Ont., writes : "There is no medicine I know of iso good for little ones as is Baby's Own Tablets. They have certainly been of great service to me." . The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by. mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. *-- Things You Should Know. Where?" " Impossible j On the factory clock." *-- INSOMNIA Loads to Madness, If Not Remedied. Remedied. Experiments satisfied me, some 5 years ago," writes a Western woman, woman, "that coffee was the direct cause of the insomnia from which I suffered terribly, as well as ex- Corns Drop Out Instant Relief Paint on Putnam's Corn Extractor tonight, tonight, and corns' feel better in the morning. morning. Magical the way "P u tin a ni' •" eases the pain, destroys the roots, kills a corn for all time. No pain. Cure guaranteed. Get a 26c. bottle of ."Putnam's" Extractor to-day. * Vinegar comes from the French "vin aigre" --sour wine.' Hiiiard's liniment used Ly Physicians. Daughter: "What does old- fashioned mean ?" Mother: "Anything "Anything that I think is right,. and you don't, dear." . The swallow has a larger mouth t-reme nervousness and acute dys- in + , Pr T^° n ltS 61Z€ thian any Peps,i, a ." (Tea is just as injurious .. A , , as-coffee, because it, too, contains JLn all the world there are about the health-destroying drug, caf- 580 millions of white people,' and | feine). 8 more than two-thirds of these form "I had been a coffee drinker the population of Europe. ' I since childhood, and did not like to -ae invention of beills is attri-1 think that the beverage was doing buted to the Egyptians, who are me all this harm. But it was, and credited with having made use of the time came when I had to face percussion instruments to announce the fact, and protect myself. I kh^sacred fetes of Osiris. therefore gave up coffee abruptly The _ first partition of Poil and was and absolutely, and adopted Pos- actively commenced 142 years ago, turn for my hot drink at meals, under terms of a contract between "I began to note improvement in Frederick, the Great of Prussia and my. condition ve-ry soon after I took Catherine of Russia, in which Austria Austria was invited to take part. About one-third of Poland was seized on this occasion. YOU* OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak. Water? Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No SmartlnmX just Eye Comfort. -Write for Book of theE^e by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Ca.,ChicagoT A pan T of freshly-sliced : onions placed in a room where there is infectious infectious disease will" take up the poison. Had ship's anchor fall on my knee and leg, and knee swelled up and for eix days I could not move it or get help. I then started to nee MIN ABB'S LINIMENT and two bottles cured me. PBOSPEB FERGUSON. Shaving was introduced among the Romans : about. B.C. 300. The first shave was deemed the : entrance entrance to manhoqd and celebrated with great festivities. i Ask for acinard's and take no other. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house, Newfoundland is the oldest British British colony. on Postum. The change proceeded gradually, but surely, and it was a matter of only a few weeks before I - found myself entirely .relieved-- the nervousness passed away, my digestive apparatus was restored to normal efficiency, and I began to sleep restfully and peacefully. "These happy conditions have continued during all of the 5 years, and I am safe in saying that I owe them entirely to Postum, for when I began to drink it I ceased to use medicines." - Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road to Well ville," in pkgs. Postum comes in two forms : Postum Cereal--the original form --must be well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum--a soluble powder--dissolves powder--dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water, and, ' with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage instantly. 30c and 50c tins. Both kinds are equally delicious and cost about,the same.per cup.. There's ,a Reason" for Postum. . --wdd by Grocers. have to-day finished the week's work of unpacking about 80 cases received from Canada, moist of which have come through your Halifax office. "Col. Ryerson has paid several visits to the Ladies' Committee of the association and is, I think, quite satisfied that we at our end are doing our best to finish worthily worthily the work which is begun and carried through at your end. "As you know, the British War Office has now requested that only socks and handkerchiefs be forwarded forwarded to the troops at the' front. The warm weather coming on and the prospect of the terrible trench life coming to an end makes it unnecessary unnecessary to supply supplementary garments in such quantities. But socks and handkerchiefs we still need and shall continue to need week by week so long as the war lasts. All over the United Kingdom Kingdom the various societies for sending sending comforts to the front are busily engaged in. ripping up woollen garments garments so that the wool obtained can be converted into socks. "It sounds rather terrible that the result of so much time and la bo,r should be thus ruitihleisaly pulled to pieces, but wool is scarce and dear. Body belts, scarves and helmets will not be needed for many months to come, and socks are needed every hour of the day. So we have fallen into line and interested interested our friends in knitting for the Canadians and most generous' has been the response to- our call for voluntary workers. "Every woman on the committee has her whole household busily engaged engaged in winding wool. Then the balls are brought back here, sorted and arranged according to weight and color, then weighed ont into five and ten pound lots. These we send all over the country. It perfectly astonishing what we ge through. Of course, we have no„ depleted our stores entirely, anc the last two weeks the Ladies' Committee have .been tremendously tremendously busy . repacking for summer storage, in addition to unpacking as the goods come in. "We keep a large emergency supply supply in our store-room here. The garments for storage are numbered and packed in layers of tar paper and carbon and sent off to our various warehouse® x until such time as the cold days come again. In the cases we have unpacked during during the last- ten days we 'have found a_ number of individual names written on cards attached - to the various garments. These cards we, of course, leave pinned on, and no doubt the recipient .is doubly pleaised to get a little personal message attached. "This last consignment consist- ing, I am thankful to say, largely of socks, come® from many places. The following seem to be the principal principal ones:--Mrs. Langistaff, Merritt, Merritt, B.C. ; Lucy Smith Chapter, Sack ville, N.B. ; Mrs. Kay, Nicola Valley, B.C. ; Municipal Chapter, I.O.D.E., Montreal; Mrs. Barrett, The Manse, Langdbn; Port Elgin, N.B. ; Mrs. Green., Greenwood ; Kenora, Canada ; Women's Institutes Institutes of Ontario, and others. "I am writing to the individual chapters of the Daughters of the Empire wherever the name and address is given, but I should be very glad if you think it worth while if you would let your splendid splendid band of workers, which extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific, kpow how very grateful the Canadian Canadian War Contingent Association is for alii tliat -tih^y Ituwe d<xn© athki are doing. Col. Ryerson said it deüghted him more than he could say to see how swiftly and carefully the things that Canadian patriotic leagues sent to ns were speeded 1 on the last stage of their journey to the men who needed them., whether at the front, at the base-, in camp, or in hospital. "I do not know whether I told yoii that the Queen's Canadian Military Hospital is putting on two additions with 100 extra beds. We are also installing a new surgical surgical bed, and so many Canadian friends have sent us $25 to name and equip one of/these beds that we will be able to put them in all over the hospital and call for 116- mch sheets. "These are, of course, 6 inches longer than the ordinary hospital sheet, and have to be made. * The Scottish branch of the Red Cross Society has been like a guardian angel to us, and- when they heard of the addition to our hospital had 100 of these sheets and quilt® to match made to our order and sent them off to us with a splendid donation of other hospital supplies as well. "In our hospital,, as in all others, others, we find that towels have to be got in literally by the cartload', and, of course, the bedding wears out ^very fast owing to the frequent frequent and strenuous washing. However, we are doing splendidly, and already Canadians at the front are trying to get the wounded who hack put under our care, • The hospital is- in a beautiful spot, and on the warm sunny days which come to the south coast ab.oufc this time we are able to carry, all but the very sick patients down on stretchers and put them on the lawn where they can enjoy the sea breezes and the bright sunshine. "I am directed by my committee to thank you most gratefully for your wonderful kindness on behalf of all the Canadians on this side of tth-e Atlantic and to thank you specially for all that you have done a bhc Canadian War Contingent Association. 'I wish you could see our rooms downstairs. It is quite a sight to watch the' baling of the- things for the . front and the counting and sorting and labelling and storing ■of things if or the hospital, things for emergency. Sometimes we get as many as 27 cases done in a morning, and some. of us work in the-afternoons too. Of course it is a bit of a strain to put in more than three or four hours at a stretch." FOB EVERY SPOl and RECREATIOI Military Examiner--What must a man ibe to be buried with military military honors? Recruit--Dead. . Many a man is aJble to lead the simple life because his wife takes in boarders For Protection bSi 11 ? S h n serious sickness so dhrlin 0 £olI . ow an aiI ment of the or WH® ^Hns-hüousnesa or inactive bowels, you can rely onthe best known corrective Seech ante Pills die Wert S*lc of Any Medicine in tie World) Sold everywhere. In box. cl . 25 cents Wood's Phosphodiae, Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole j nervous system, makes new Blood 7, . ., ,, , ln , old Veins, Cures Nervous JJebihty, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- dg nc V. Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the 7Î.Î* 1 ?' Memory. Price $1 per box, six for S5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed m plain pkg. on receipt of mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.,TORONTO, ONT. (Fwacrly WUdsee.) tOMPTLY SECÛPEI - Beware of Ointments fôr Catarrh Thât Contain Mercury as mercury wül surely destroy the sense ot sruel and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you cau possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured byF.J. Oheuey & Co., Toledo, 0„ contains contains no mercury, and is taken internally, internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buy- mg Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made m Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Price 75c per bottle Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation * Sure Proof. Mother Are you quite sure that you have ceased to love him ? Daughter--Absolutely ! I don't even care if he has a pretty -stenographer -stenographer in his office ! In all countries. -Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal, TjTTI 111111 I'll! Ilh' i ii Minard'e Liniment Lumberman's Friend. is Method in His Reform. "He is one of . those tarians." "What is a near-vegetarian ?" "He never eats meat, when he is invited out." near-vege- except Are You Interested in Clothes News of the latest fashions fashions in men's wear ? If so, we want to say that we have received this season's latest fashions. They are here for your closest inspection. In addition to this, our new stock of fabrics is now on disp ay, consisting consisting of many classy shades and textures. Come in and look over these goods before you decide on this season's wear. horseV block. SEED POTATOES. Old RoxJeigh--"Consent to you marrying my daughter ? No, sir! You have no prospects, have you ?' Impecunious Suitor--"Well, sir, if I IT ably irish cobbler potatoes. that's t-lle way you feel about it T eel ® c ted a-nd Government ,, ,, / T , , , UL 1 inspected for eeed. Only limited ouanùtv can t say that I have. ■ I Price, One Dollar per bushel f.o.b. Bramp ton. Also Connoisseur's Pride and New Bnow, two excellent new potatoes. Price, IVo Dollars per bushel. Special pr'cea for large quantity. Cash must accompany accompany all orders. H. W. Dawson. Brampton. Brampton. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. ) - / ■■■■ Genuine Carter's XT 0RTH WESTERN ■I ' Potatoes. Extra GROWN SEED >T Early Sen^a.tion. New Early Short Season. Manitoba Won-' der or White Elephants. Five pounds One Doll ax postpaid. T. E. Bowman, . Alder-, eyde, Alta. Must Sear Signature of See Pec-SI mil# Wrapper Below. ut V Se.Ukeeeeegw* FOR HEADACHt FOR DIZZINESS* FOR BlliOUSNItt. * foi'torpidli yeR« fOOONSTIPATIOR FOR SAUOW SKI Hi FOR THE eOMPLEJUOl MweriHm uwuroei NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB OF- flees for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application application to Wilson Publishing Company, 7J West Adelaide St-.. Toronto. MIBOBLLAirBOTJS. C ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC., internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collinjrwood. Ont. KELLEY l253DUNDASy^vy TORONTO FOR ALC9H9UC& DRUG ADDICTJ9NS r- i n g nes OUaSSICK HRADACHC* Ammiem't Sws<Ur* 4 Cyele Msrine Motor"' • x.-.- ---- 'rr" *4 standard equip», prnr by <rr*t Gmtr wet. ol ih« world'» I C.tele* on rxguut, | inSmZ? ** «selpmenl. mein an. c*. iwi. ■ ken, bm. ED. 6, ISSUE 21-->15.

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