> 5 > MADE IN CANADA UDA <Jfor50£ ISBUKY Z for. 25£ COLLARS ™ E WILLIAMS. GREENE & ROME CO., LIMITED BERLIN, ONTARIO FRECKLES Dont Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Remove Them With the Othine Prescription. X This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prominent physician and is usually so sue essful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Don't hide your freckles under a veil ; get an ounce of othine and remove them. Even the first few applications should show a wonderful improvement, some of the 'igliter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask the druggist for the •double strength othine; it is this that is sold on the money-back guarantee. 3 HOME STUDY Arts Courses only. SUMMER SCHOOL JULY and AUGUST QUEEN'S - ^ UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MINING MINING 5 CHEMICAL MECHANICAL CIVIL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GEO. Y. CHOWN, Registrar Cook's Cotton Root Compound A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1 ; No. 2, S3; No. 3. $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ TOfiONTO. ONT. (Firxtrly Windier.) FARM DRAINAGE PAY S. Well drained land is ready for seeding seeding from two to six weeks earlier than land with poor drain ige, it requires much less labor to bring jit ' into the the same state of tilth and when the crop is harvested returns much more , per acre. j Cost of draining land varies from $15 to $35 per acre. Statistics prove cost of draining is returned in one to three years trom increased crops. Department of Agriculture, Port Hope, will give Durham County farmers farmers all assistance possible in drainage drainage problem. Surveys will be made free of cost, a map will be prepared showing the sy.-terns of drains, tile required, required, size of tile, grade of drains and approximate cost. Make application to R. S. Duncan, B.S.A., Department of Agriculture, Port Hope. Local and Otherwise Germans find the way to beat Canadians is to chloroform them. Rev. H. S. Osborne, _B.À., B.D., pastor of Bridge-st. Methodist Church, Belleville, preached anniversary sermons in Port Hope Methodist Church Sunday. No man or woman can hobble painfully painfully about because of corns when so certain a relief is at fiaud as Holloway's Corn Cure. Brighton Methodist Church service will now begin earlier--at 10.30 am., to be im- médiately followed by the Sunday School session. Good plan for summer months. Oddfellows at the last regular meeting this month will vote in the election for Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Ontario. The choice of this district will be R. H. James, Oshawa. The cheapness of Mother Grave's Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and it can be got at any druggist's. Mrs. Wm. Shaw has disposed of her house at Bowmanville-on-the-Lake to Mr. Jennings.of Jennings & Ross, Contractors, Toronto, through the agency of Mr. R. B. Andrew, Real Estate Dealer, Toronto. Uses in Camp.--Explorers, surveyors, prospectors and hunters will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectvic Oil very useful in camp. When the feet and legs are wet and c:ld it is well to rub them freely with the oil and the result will be the prevention of pains in the muscles, and should a cut or contusion or sprain be sustained, nothing could be better as a dressing or lotion. Mr. R. B. Andrew, Real Estate Dealer Toronto, has disposed of Mrs. H. Hesketh's lot at Bowmanville-on-the-Lake to a Toronto Toronto gentleman. Toronto people like our summer resort and several of them now own properties here. Belleville men held union service in Bridge-st. Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon when Mr. F. E. O'Flynn, B.A., gave the welcome and Rev. W. G. Clarke,- B.À., the address. A number of solos and readings were also given. Mr. Wm. Smith, Columbus, was renominated renominated by a Conservative" convention for South Ontario at Whitby on Saturday as candidate for the Commons at next Federal election. Mr. Frank L. Mason, Oshawa, was also nominated. The use of Miller's Worm Powders insures insures healthy children so far as the ailments ailments attributable to worms are concerned. concerned. A high mortality among children children is traceab'e to worms. These sap the strength of infants so that they are unable to maintain the battle for life and succumb to weakness. This preparation preparation gives promise of health and keeps ir. Executive of East Simcoe Teachers' Institute Institute has sent a special request to the Department to send Principal William Scott of Toronto Normal School to address address the teachers at the next convention. Durham boys are in demand everywhere. After 10 Years of Asthma Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As'.hma Remedy proved the only re ief for one grateful user, and this is but one cure among many. Little wonder that it has now become the recognized recognized remedy ou the market. Ic has earned its fame by its never failing ef l'ectiveness It is earning it to-day ; s it has done for years. It is the greatest asthma specific within the reach of suffering suffering humanity. Oshawa Hospital has received $500 legacy trom the estate of Mrs. Emily Gillette, Gillette, Cobourg. She was one of the Ack- land family well-known to many of the older citizens. She left $500 to the poor of the town and $1000 tor a memorial window in St. George's church in that town. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. To restore that strength and stamina that is so essential, nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulsion, because because its strength - sustaining nourishment nourishment invigorates the blood to distribute energy throughout the t>ody while its tonic value sharpens the appetite and restores health in a natural, permanent way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's Emulsion to-day. At any drug store. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Out. your dishes with GOLD DUST Put a dash ol Gold Dust into the water, and it will go to the bottom of things, drive out every, bit of dirt, every germ, every Hidden particle. iSt cleanses as well as cleans. "Inside Informât frpg We" promise you this, if you use Gold Dust* Your dishes will be sweeter and cleaner than ever before, and you -- will save at least half the time ordinarily consumed in wach- feg them. Gold Dust does better better work than soap or any other dishwashing dishwashing product-- and saves half the time. 1 a U n ii r "Lit thm GOLD DUST TWINS do your work'*, V THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. LIMITED, Montreal, Canada The Home of Lantic Sugars The most up-to-date refinery in the world\ This new Refinery gives to Canada the most up-to-date Sugar Refinery on the Continent After a year and a half's work, we have completed and are now operating the most sanitary, up-to-date sugar refinery ever constructed. Every new and improved method of refining has been installed. No expense has been spared to make the sanitary conditions perfect. Every step in the process of manufacture is one of care and patience for quality. The result is that no hand touches the product from the time the raw sugar reaches the refinery until the perfectly refined sugar enters the home in the Original Packages. Only cane sugar used in the refinery -- no beets -- no substitutes. substitutes. TeQ your grocer to send you Lantic Sugar in original packages. This will ensure the purity and cleanliness of the sugar used in your home. Look for the Red Ball on every package. Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited MONTREAL, QUE. ST. JOHN, N. B. Oshawa has 195 dogs. What a howling burg it must be, and yet nightly not a doggone doggone cur but has some attention. The town kennel includés, excuse the doggard The black dqg, and the yellow dog, The yellow and the tan, The spotted dog and the doggie dog That eats where'er he can. h • A Cure for Fever And Ague --Disturbance --Disturbance of the stomach and liver always always precede attacks of fever and ague showing derangement of the digestive organs, and deterioration in the quality of the blood. In these ailments Par- melee's Vegetable pills have been found most efiective, abating the fqver and subduing the agne in a few days. There are many who are subject to these distressing distressing disturbances and to these there is no better preparation procurable as a means of rel.ef. --:----* Buildings in Japan are very slight in structure because Japan is more subject to earthquakes than any other country. Too Bad Murder's Forbidden. "How much are those mouse- colored shoes V ' "Seven dollars." "Why are they iso high ?" "European war." "I thought the Suedes were neutral neutral ?" • Of the many kinds of catarrh, one is entirely due to the pollen of daffodils. daffodils. Art at best turns out a poor coun- Telegrams to Benguela cost, ten terfeit of nature. shillings a word. PATHOGENIC GERMS The disease germe tihat cause Distemper, Pinkeye, Epizootie, Influent», Catarrhal Fervor, are 90 easily- destroyed and ex- pefliled from the system fay using "SPOHN'S." This remedy also nnultiiptiee and strengthens <tha faealitih germs in the system system and fortifies the horse, mare or ool/t against any contagious contagious diseases. t'SPOHN'S" is «uhnayw safe and ready, and never fails to do its intended -work. AIL druggists and t-url goods (houses, or delivered by manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL 00., Chemists and Bacteriologists, Ooshen, Ind., U.S.A. SsSS . ' 'r ' - ,.>v. is ssw