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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1915, p. 2

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Bf mmm M 6-;'•:?••;•* / f.; 4; ■' "§| v I "'- r' 0 .. : \ ■* • Wli&Sti w m m vi«--;*«*v YJ c Z/Sy. X "Yes sir; you will get more for your money in service and satisfaction, by using Brandram-Henderson's "English" Paint than you can get with other paint : Longer Protection, because B-H "English" is primarily an endurance paint and will successfully wilhstand the effects of weather longer than others; wearner ; Grcater Economy, because you will not hav e to reoaint nearly as soon as with other paints; and p 1 Greater Satisfaction, because B-H Paints retain tUir beauty and weather resistance for years. m lhcir The Reason, for this is that all B-H "English" p a i nls t u at be made on a white base contain tnat 70% Brandram's B. B. Genuine White Lead 30% Pure White Zinc. A combination that produces paints unexcelled in covering capacity, beauty, brilliancy and durability. This formula is positively guaranteed by the makers." MASON & DALE B 0 W MA N VILLE, ONT. can Skn t ri USt h ' ,£ T 0the c' the headacbe without removing- the cause Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver ^bletu Twt / cause. th. he-dach. tat Cv. a ta,y,„,. hLîtht, " talus, th" th « sto ""I> tad cleanse the bowels. Try them /"==5l All Druggists, 25c., or by mail ~ CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO. Toronto, Ont. 13 FARE $522 DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE" 7 Steamer ° n My Mand water of the world. Sleeping accommoda- CITY OF ERIE" 3 Magnificent Steamers - ■ "CITY OF BUFFALO" _ " BETWEEN BUFFALO--Dai!y, May 1st to Dec. 1st--CLEVELAND e n BufTald - - 9:00 P. M. Leave Cleveland - . g : oo p m Arrive Cleveland - - 7:30A.M. Arrive Buffalo - 7:30 a!mI Cleveland for Cedar Potott^t-in-Bfy.^T™eL, Detroit and all points West and R^koad tickets reading between Buffalo and Cleveland are good for transportation on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. & B. Line. r transportation I qhfr?"l;p 1 VA'?mn C vr?, Ct!or V aI ^ >azzle . showing both exterior and interior of The Great I I SL S w lAND w E • s^t receipt of five cents to cover postage and mailing. Also ask' I I for onr 24-page pictorial and descriptive booklet free. c I THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO.. Cleveland. Ohio I I I Rural Telephone Development "No more headache for you--take these" Don't iuRt +1.- 1 of it hoi: ■ Tab IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL An extract from a recent letter reads : Dear Editor : If you could switch Mr. Charles M. Bice over to some of his recollections recollections of the old Pilchardtown (Solina) and Hampton districts, when the late Irish schoolmaster, Mr. John Hughes, fatl er of Gen. Sam -Hnghes, Minister of Militia, taught school in the old Cornish hamlet, and "Charlie" was leading cornet player in Hampton band, he could give you something very interesting. _ Mrs. E. A. Rowe, nee Emily A. Cour tice, formerly of Ebenezer, South Darlington, Darlington, writing from 2 Charies-st, Briton Ferry, South Wales, England May 7, in her concluding pages siys: "Wè as God's creation do not deserve better -of Him, for instead of carrying the gospel of peace the world over in the power and love of God, we have greatly fallen short and now "the crisis is come. Oh, it is terrible beyond description, the messages that come to us from the seat of war--nay, it is murderland. Personally, I have not suffered financially or bodily, I or my boy. To God I give all the thanks. Prices in everything are rising, and I do not know what it will be. But in a refreshment refreshment business as we are, our charges rise with the increase of prices. Flour is 4s. 2d per score, bread g)£d per quartern and rising, sugar 3%d per lb where it was- I per lb, and most things in proportion; proportion; milk is 3%d to us as it has always been; butter is is 4d per"lb, about 3d more. Glass and some other things we cannot get. A lamp chimney that was 2%d is now 8d. I belieye they are arranging to make glass in England, and other things as well. I am praising God all the day long that things are as well with us as they are. Mr. R. B. Andrew, Real Estate Agent, 309 Temple Building, Toronto, won't object, object, we trust, to our publishing this excerpt excerpt from a recent personal letter to the editor : "Bowmanville correspondent of the Orono. News, speaking of the first jrass band in Bowmanville, asked if anyone anyone remembered what the band suit consisted consisted of. The coat was made close fitting, fitting, military fashion, bottle green cloth, slack trousers, the leader having gilded epaulets on the coat shoulder to correspond correspond with the gilded band around his peaked cap. Front of the coat was fastened fastened with hooks and eyes, about one inch apart, from neck to waist. A white leather leather belt was worn with metal snake buckle of brass. Skirt of the coat was of "frock" variety, with tail pockets. Some halfdozen-brass halfdozen-brass buttons down the iront for ornament and a gilt band around the edge of the collar of the coat. The other members members were quite as gay as the leader, except except that their ornaments were silvered and their epaulet was a plain cloth strap with a couple of buttons. All the trousers were dark with a stripe down the side. -- *--:---- THE PATRIOTIC FUND. High Compliment to These United . Counties. Pure Bleed Is Absolutely Necessary To Health " FRU1T-A-TIVES " PURIFIES These Wonderful Tablets, Made of Fruit Juices, Are The Best Of AH Tonics To Purify And Enrich The Blood. PufCi rich blood can flow only in a clean body. Now, a clean body is one m which the waste matter is regularly and naturally eliminated from the system. The blood cannot be pure when the skin action is weak, when the stonj^ch does not digest the food properly, when the bowels do not move regularly, when the kidneys are strained or overworked. Pure blood is the result of perfect health and harmony of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys and skin. 1 'Fruit-actives' ', by their wonderful action on all these organs, keeps the whole system as clean as Nature intended intended our bodies to be clean. " Fruit-a-tives " tones up, invigorates, invigorates, strengthens, purifies; cleans and gives pure, rich, clean blood that is, in truth, the stream of life. "Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50 trial size 25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 1 , The report of Canadian Patriotic Fund tor period ending March 31, 1915, says : Northumberland & Durham have an organized organized branch of the National Fund. Secretary : Colonel Neil F. MacNach- tan, C. V. O., Co bourg. I . c ° u ° ty Council granted $500 per month to the Central Fund during the continu- ance of the war. Local Branches have been established at : Bowmanville--Secretary, Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C. Brighton--Secretary, Mr. A. W. Pick- ford. Cobourg--Secretary, Mr. A. M. Peterson, Peterson, Barrister. Milltgook--Secretary, Mr. A. A. Smith, Barrister. Port Hope--Secretary : Rev. J. A. Elliott, Elliott, M. A. Contributions have also been received ! a t Ottawa from schools No. 2 Inspectorate from Bethany, Campbellford, Haydon Sunday School, N. W. Darlington, Tyrone Village and Warkworth Teachers. The central executive recommends the form of organization adoption. The secretary, secretary, Lt. Col. MacNachtan, Cobourg, "will gladly furnish specimen literature. --^ THE HAMPTON INSTITUTE. \ fii j 1111)1111 » jimiii «nmi •«mu ««Inn nnnni mum ■unman mnmi Unnamn |i< «mit ««III mil mini «IIIIIV Mut I A f Social and Personal. Cats will never re-enter a garden if, from a concealed place, they are treated to a syringing of paraffin. Where rain water cannot be obtained, obtained, 'ordinary water should be stood out of doors for some hours before use. CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the tronblea 2nd» ,deiit to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing atid preventing preventing this anneyingcomplaint,while they also, correct all disorders of the s tomachAtimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint? but fortunately fortunately their goodness does notend here,an d those Who once try them will find these little pills valuable valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing willing to do without them. But after all sick head IS the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. CASTES micros go., hew yobl hal ML Small Dm, Small Tries. PROMPTLY SECUBEDI In all countries. Ask for our INVENT TOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION. 364 University St., Montréal, Cook's Cotton Root Compound A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, S3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. ^ Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ TOIONTO. OUT. (Fwswriy Water.) m FT Otr/ingron • • | jn % • . msM • -- 4. JfC J3 O . The above map shows the development of the Bell Telephone System and connecting lines in the territoiy tributary to k. Bowmanville. The dots represent farmers'telephones* x HOME STUDY Arts Courses only. SUMME R S G HO O L JULY and AUGUST OUEEN'S ^ UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MINING MINING ■ 5 CHEMICAL MECHANICAL civil bEbctrical ■ENGINEERING GKO* T. CHOWN, Registrar W. H. Sj'mons, Welcome,has 14Leicester 14Leicester ewes which gave birth to 34 lambs-- I sing le birth, 7 pair twin r , 5 set triplets and I quartet. Patriotism and production truly. - Cobourg ladies mace a house to house collection of papers, magazines, etc., by motor for the .Patriotic Fund, shipping the contributions by car to E. PuIIan & Co., 20 Maud-st., Toronto. Glad to hear the money advertised as lost by Mr. F. W. Couch has been found by Mr. E. Johnston and returned to the rightful owner. The James Papers are the advertising mediums, all right. The amount was $18. The Independent office, Bobcaygeon, was destroyed by fire May 19, building, printing plant and/newspaper fyles being air destroyed. Brer. Chas. E. Stewart, editor and proprietor, has the keen sym pathy of his brethren of the Fourth Estate. St. John's young people scored a great success in the comedy, "Breezy Point." The cast of characters were : AuntDebby Dexter, Mistress of Breezy Point,--Mrs. A. N. McMillan; Elinor Pearl--Miss Hill- ier; Ash r a el Grant--Miss Anna Edsall; Mrs. ^Hardscratch--Mrs. W. H. Densem; The Hafdscratch Twins--Misses R. Roen- igk and D. Fowler; Mahitable Doolittle-- Mrs. W. Boddam; Aunt® Bebby's Boarding Boarding Scho ol Girls--Misses Martin, Roenigk, Edsall an d Scott; French Maid--Mrs. G. R. Merton; Clem, the Gypsy--Mrs. (Dr.) Spencer; Prompter--Mrs. É. I. Osborne. The cast of characters was excellent, each one acting the part well. Special mention must be made of the part taken by "The Workhouse Waif," Miss Anna Edsall, who did her part excellently. Another well taken character was Clem, the gypsy, Mrs. Dr. Spencer, especially in the last act, where she brings down maledictions on the boys who havé annoyed her. Worthy of special mentioi( was the clever, designing designing French maid, Fantine, Mrs. Merton, who ran away with and married Billy Griffin. Music was furnished by Morrison's Morrison's Orchestra of ten members, with Miss Reta Cole at the piano. Mrs. Archie Tait was at the head of the Committee of Management, and Major McLaughlin was Stage Manager, Half the proceeds were given to the Patriotic League. ^ A MILLION POUNDS OF SUGAR IN A DAY It is only when one reads of the capac - ty of a big sugar refinery, like the new Atlantic Refineries in St. John, 1 N. B., that one realizes the enormous quantities of sugar consumed by the people of to-day. Canada has a population approaching eight million. The Atlantic Refineries have a capacity of one million pounds of refined sugar a day, thus this new and up- to-date plant could supply one-eighth of a pound of LANTip SUGAR per day for every man, woman and child in the Dominion. Dominion. Only those who have been thro' a modern refinery like this one in St. John can appreciate the scrupulous cleanliness of every detail of the process of converting converting raw sugar into the sparkling, diamondlike diamondlike granules of LANTIC SUGAR. It comes to Madame Housewife in attractive fcardboard cartons, containing two and five pounds of sugar, (and the weights are guaranteed) and in bags of io, 20 and 100 pounds. Thesè packages are filled and weighed by automatic machinery, so that -the sugar is never touched by hand from the time it Comes in the raw state from the Southern sugar cane fields until the packagés are opened in the home. This is a point well worth remembering, now that the preserving season is soon to open, when pire sugar will be in great dérriand for putting up delicious homemide pre^ servesjjàms and jellies. - The newly elected officers of Hampton Branch of Women's Institute are as follows follows : President--Mrs. Levi Niddery; Vice Pres.--Mrs. Alvin Peters; Sec.-Treas.-- : I Mrs. C. J. Kerslake. ' Some good work is being done by this society for the Red Cross Society. At the meeting at the home of Mrs. C. J. Kerslake it was decided decided to make a public appeal to the congregation congregation of Hampton church for hospital supplies. The Young' Bible Class took hold of it enthusiastically and made I 22 pillows and cases for same, in all, five cases of goods were packed With a quantity quantity of sheets, absorbent cotton, bandages, handkerchiefs, toilet soap etc., also a ' quantity of books and magazines. The "members of the Institute wish to thank I the young ladies for their help and others who contributed so willingly and generously generously towards this worthy object. The knitting that is being done is with yarn that is being supplied by Mrsj (Dr.) J. H. Elliott, Toronto, and sent to a society of which she is a member and is not included in this. Three donations of yarn has been I knitted. The Institute also sent $20 in cash from proceeds of a concert. So the good work goes on. * PAY UP WEEK. Bowmanville and vicin'ty will observe Pay-Up Week from Monday, May 31st to Monday, June 7th inclusive in which all persons owing small accounts are asked to settle them next week--and large ones if they can. If this request is universally observed there will be many smiling faces and happy hearts. The philosophy of the plan isisimply this ; that by paying vour bills, the other fellow is enabled to" pay his, ar.d so on in a sort of endless chain, which, finally comes around to you again, with you out of debt and no one owing you. Thus all are quits, the commercial skies are clear, and everybody feels better. In a former experiment over $40,000 in old accounts changed hands, and the Iiqu da-. tion this year promises to be a financial tidal wave. The idea of a "pay-up" week" is excellent and should be pushed àlongs The wider it extends, the more sound and Stable will be the business of this country, says the Windsor Record. Safety First ! "Safety First" to the housewife means safeguarding the family's home-baked food. Always use Royal Baking' Powder which insures delicious and healthful Food. Royal Baking Powder is made from Cream of tartar--derived from grapes. Contains No Alum IV A Fish Story. -Auld _ Jock Forsyth, wiheri in Perthshire, was told about a monster monster trout in a loch, near at hand. Dressing a huge" fly ho hooked the fish, and after a" terrible fight safely safely landed the niomster. "What weight might it be V' asked a friend. "Weel, ye ken," said Jock, "the folks had nue •weights yonder that could weigh on y mair than a pun' or twa, butt you may guess his j weight, when I tell ye that efter I took him 001 the loch fell a foot. " "Well, we have exhausted reason, reason, logic, common sense, and justice. justice. What more can we du V ' "[ guess we'll simply have to go t; law." Corns cannot exist when Holloway's Corn Cure is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth. mil 8EB All men are born ignorant, and some never get over it. Established over Forty-one THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking J oint Accounts are a Convenience. Convenience. $C ee P a Savings Account, and L et Your Money A c c ü - mulate. i?g We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPAï&FMENT BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Mmger. Q Branches also at Blacltstock (D. P. Mac Parian c. Manager), Newcastle. Orono, jPl Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin and Newtonville. J WHY YOU ME NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, but -when health is ebbing, when strength is declining, declining, the same nervous, system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability aud unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. -, _ To_correct nervousness, Scott's Emulsion Emulsion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment gets ^nto the blood aud rich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while tiie whole system responds to its refreshing refreshing tonic force. Free from harmful drugs. Scott & Bowne. Toronto. Ont. Wood's Ehosphedine, The Great, English .Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole I nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for 35. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or maifed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. Newnoamphlct mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Fwmeriy Wlater.) How About Building That New Home of Yours ? N OW is the time to do it. Building material is down in price and you will never have such a fine opportunity to build yourself a good home. When you come to buy you will want very best value for your money--that means MILTON BRICK Recent tests made at Toronto University prove that Milton Biick is in a class by itself. Made from shale, clean cut aud hard and in a large variety of shades--reds, buffs and fire flashes'. We can suit your taste. Write to-day for samples and Free Book that tells why Milton Brick is best. MILTON PRESSED BRICK CO., LTD. MILTON, ONTARIO It is a Liver Pill--Many of the ail: meutsThac man has to contend with have their origin in a disordered liver, which is a delicate organ, pecu-iarly susceptible to the disturbance tna: chine from irregular habits or lack of care in eating and drinking. This accounts for the great many liver regulators now pressed on the attention of sufferers. Of these there is none superior to Parm- olee's Vegetable Pills. Their operation though gentle is effective, and the most delicate can use them. Are You Interested in Clothes News of the latest fashions fashions in men's wear ? If so, we want to sky that we have received this season's latest fashions. They are here for your closest inspection. In addition to this, our new stock of fabrics is now on disp'ay, consisting consisting of many classy shades and textures. Come in and.Iook.over these goods before you decide on this season's wear. HORSEY* BLOCK. LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Goal, shippc.l direct from the mines--"Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery Yards and Office at Holgafce's Evaporator, Corner Division and IP Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177.

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