-'< '" Ft; ^ ; :. - ••-.■•" tj^jpplps <5 CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER "The War Summary M s y Almost - from tlie very day the.great European war began in Aygnst last, the outstanding feature in Canadian journalism covering the conflict iras been "The War Summary" daily on pages 1 and 2 of THE GLOBE. In the concisest possible . form the writer has given » his.. readers a pen picture- of 'the. developments ..inwall parts of the world. While the details of. the movements along the extended frontiers have not been overlooked, the readers of THE GLOBE have been enabled to follow intelligently and with confidence the geupryl outlines of the stupendous conflict. "The War Summary" of THE GLOBE is reproduced daily by several papers throughout the Dominion. The Editorial Page THE GLOBE on its editorial page has striven to place before the public in proper perspective the broad background of the titanic struggle. This series of articles has attracted the attention not only of the Canadian people, but of leading men and Journals in all parts .of the world. The causes leading up to. the war, the elements entering into its conduct, and the results likely to flow from the cessation of hostilities have been dealt with In that bold and clear-cut form characteristic characteristic of THE GLOBE'S editorial page. News Service The above features, in addition to a cable and letter service from, the front unmatched in Canada, have placed THE GLOBE far in the lead of Canadian papers, and partly explain the phenomenal increase of 331-3 per cent, in THE GLOBE'S circulation during recent months. F.S.--According to- Lord Kitchener, the " big" war has only - begun. Other Features The sporting pages, the financial and commercial pages, the woman's pages, etc., etc., with the additional pages in Wednesday's issue devoted to "Farm and- Country Life,?' are maintained at a high standard of excellence, a standard that has justified- THE GLOBE in its title of Canada's National Newspaper, and has given it by many thousands the largest circulation of any morning paper in the Dominion. Local and City Papers By all- means take your local paper, but in the field of metropolitan newspapers THE GLOBE unquestionably offerts you the greatest value to be had in Canada. Order it to-day. 25 cents per month--one dollar for four months--three dollars per year. THE GLOBE, Toronto. FARE $322 DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND The Great Ship "SEEANDBEÉ 5™ S 'f^Æ L S'£ tlr Bteemcr 0,1 "y inIead "**«■ of the world. Sleeping accemmod.- "CITy OF ERIE" ------ 3 Magnificent Steamer» - ■ ■ "CITY OF BUFFALO" BETWEEN BUFFALO--Dafly, May 1st to Dec. let--CLEVELAND Leave BnfWo - - 9rOOP.V. Leave Cleveland - - 9:00 P.M. Am-ClTl-d ' • T'ta.f on otir-«teenier*. A*k yotir ticket agent fo- **-*-- 1 S ^ exterior and tnUaior of The Great 1 5 Ü 1 ""Pestai and mailing. AUo„k g I have now foi^sale V Cotton See4 Meal > CaldwelFs Molasees Meal y Feed and Seed Corn * Call at the mill or phone your orderto No. 77. HOME STUDY i Arts Courses only. SUMMER S G HOOL JULY and AUjGITST QUEEN'S v UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION MEDICINE. 'SCHOOL OF MINING MINING 5 CHEMICAL MECHANICAL CIVIL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GEO. Y, ÇHOWN, Begietrar A Woman's Sympathy : Are - you -dteconragcd ? ' Is your doctor's bill a heavy financial lead? Is your pain a heavy, physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women--I have been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure 1 myself. I want to relieve your burdens. burdens. Why net. end, the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do this for you and win if you win assist me. AU you need do isi to write for a free bog, Of it* remedy which has been placed in my hands |o be given away. Perhaps this one 'box win curé you--it has done so tor . eftttL . H^so. I shaU be- happy and you wULvbe-' .opreô-, for... Sc,( the. cost of postage only i. - Your- letters :ti*ld confi- denlietBy. W rite ■: to-day. for my--'free treat- mes*. MRS. E. B. CUBBAH, Windsor. Out. § P. C. The Great EnaJ-isK RtmecLu. Tones and Invigorates the whole mdSt Wo^a/, J&npciï- f° r M. One wiflplwe^M^wilicure. Boldby.afi druggist» or mailed in ,plain pkg. on receipt ôf pnee: Nriopampktet maümhfrièî THEdWOSB MEDICINE CO., TMMTO, OUT. (Fwmriy «Mfej Wont Shrink ~ foellens What is it? LUX is something something new and good. The finest essence of soap in flakes. It makes the richest, creakiest lather you ever saw. It means * ' luxury ' ' in washing because because it's such a clothes saver. Absolutely prevents woollens, ' flannels and all loosely woven garments from hardening and shrinking shrinking in-the wash. Try LUX £nd be delighted with it. All grocars, 10c. 12 imriiii.jiiiniiijiiuiiiiuiMi» Made in panada by Lever BrotNer? Limited. Toronto. THE EDITOR TALKS. Citizens are pleased to see the civic improvement- that is being wrought since Councillor F. R. Foley took hold of tile job on behalf of the council. Besides the tree planting several other things are being done to assist the, beautification of the town. The plot in front of the pump house is being levelled and prepared for grassing or seeding, and several other vacant plots are being tilled, so that increased productions will also be the result of the general clean-up. Many versons have shaped up their lawns and boulevards, boulevards, and we hope delivery boys and others will take care not to run across newly-made or fresh-seeded grou'nds. Careless drivers sometimes cut boulevards by avoid mud. This OBITUARY Mr. Robert Hutchison, Listowel. After a Ij^p'well spent death removed an honor$j|. resident of Listowel on Sun- MjWp 33» in the person of Mr. Robert i|Ktchieon affirm#* customs collector ip 79d* y eat. Mr. Hutchison tod been ill with nervg trouble ffir over a year his condition growing wuch wqs$c dwing the pgst few weeks. He was born in JE>urh#sp county in September, of 1836 and for several several yeai s conducted a general store in Enniakifien. Some thirty years . ago he moved to Listowel and for a t me conducted conducted a grocery busi ess. In 1898 he v «ts appointed collector of customs here, continuing in that cffice until about two years ago,- when he was obliged to resign on account of iii health. Mr. Hutchison was a faithful and life long member of Meth dist church and for many years a member of the quarterly board, still retaining retaining that cffice at the time-of hisdeath. He was a man of'exemplary character,of a kind cheerful disposition and walked in t e well beaten path of righteousness. Besides Mrs. Hutchison, three sons and three daughters survive. 1 hey are Dr. J. N. Hutchison,. H. W. Hutchison and A. R. B. Hutchisc n all of Winnipeg; Mrs. S. L. Adolph of Listowel; Mrs. Âf. R. Zurbrigg of Si. Marys; and Miss Lanah at home; one sister, Mrs. Blewitt of Bowmanville Bowmanville and a brother, Mr. Foster H o' çh- ison of ■ Stouffville also survive. The funeral was held this afternoon to Fair- view cemetery, service being held at thg family residence, Raglan-st. The officiating officiating clergymen were, Rev. Dr. Barber of the Methodist church and Rev. D. N. Mc- Camus of the Colborne-st, Methodist church,London, a former Listowel pastor. Those here from out of town to attend the funeral include all the membersof the family, Mr. Foster Hutchison, Stoufi- yi 1 ; Mr. W. G. Ranton, Brantford; Mr. V i liam Mills, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hutchison of Staffa; Mr. George Sawyer, Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Tilley, Mrs. James Hutchison, Miss Mira Hutchison, Mrs. Crawford and - Mr. - and Mrs. Warren Hutchison of Mitchell.--Listowel Banner. Banner. A Difference to be up on them to hould not be. driving Canadians should support their own country's literature, especially when it is of such superior merit as The Canadian Canadian Magazine possesses. A .number of strong features are found in the June number. "The Fear of Russia" by Professor A. W. Crawford, shows that after thh war we have more to hope tor from Russia than we could have from Germany. Professor R. A. Maciïaughten~gives airintereeting.pêr- sonal reminiscence of Admiral Jelli- coe, and. Professor D. Fraser Harris outlines thè influence that Italy has h id on British life and thought. John Lewis reviews the famous trial of the Hon. George Brown for ; contempt of court. Mi*. Newton McTavish contributes contributes a cbarac te r sketch of George Haihm, the "most popular man in the Dominion". Mr. Ham was a Whitby boy. There are six excellent short stories. è The editor has been reading a very interesting book.in Home University Knowledge series, the title of which is "The NewspaperIt tells how the great papers ro e and declined and aboiit several great editors who shone brilliantly in the journalistic world, and after a time vanished. Here is an example of the meaty character of the book in a paragraph; Toe newspaper is primarily a collector and distributor of news; secondly, it is a vehicle of opinion; and, lastly, it serves as the great introducer of business from one trader to another. Every newspaper is a commercial organism, subject to the same 1 laws of Jife and death which govern business in general. It has to build up a good-will sometimes slowly and against great odds. Its peculiar faculty of dealing in publicity both Ways,^through"its news columns gratuitously gratuitously and through its advertisements advertisements for payment, give it a special power of making its own way independently independently of outside help. To succeed it must be talked about, and abuse is welcome, almost as much so as praise. The readers of a piper must draw froth it amusement, instuiction and busine s facilities. OLDER BUT STRONGER To be healthy at seventy, prepare at forty, is sound advice, because in the strength of middle life we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treatment treatment of slight aches and pains, simply undermine strength and bring chronic weakness for later years. ' To be stronger when older, .keep your blood pure and/rich and activer with the strength - building and bipod-noorishing propertiesnf Scott's Emulsion which isa food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate, rheumatism and avoid sicknessAt- any.drug store.- . Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. ■I The difference in cost between ure, wholesome cream of tai aking powder and one made of alum is a mere trifle, perhaps one cent for a whole cake or pan of biscuits. But there is a vast difference in healthfulness in favor of food made wjth Royal Baking Powder. Read the label on your can of baking baking powder and see what it is made of. There is No Alum in which is made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. DURHAM BOYS AND GIRLS. We congratulate Mrs. Francis W. C ay, Winnipeg, Man., on beigg elected Pres - dent of the Ladies' Aid pf Graee Methodist Methodist church the largest organization of the kind in Manitoba. Mrs. Gay will be remembered remembered as Miss A. Marie Bickell who taught school at Shaw's and also at Cour- tice seme years - ago. We deem this a great honor to.be chosen head- of one of the most active. Societies of this - large j 'church andare pleased to know that the I • Honor has been conferred on one of our I former citizens. Mrs. Gay . wi'1 fill the i position mosL creditably, we rre ver-y i sure. A Spring Poem. 'Twas in the gloomy Autumn w I walked about the Zo< , The creatures had the blues. cent the leaping kangaroo. "How can you- he so cheerful this dismal time V I cried, "It's always Spring with me. u-p < x- :it iv. v friend," the kangaroo replied. ("muplote in itself; M )thur Grave s Worm Exterminator do s no îequire- the assistance of au> other m dicine to niake.it. effective. It vi jcs not fail :o dc 1rs work. MANVERS Report of S. S. No. 9, Manv.ers,.. for month of May, 1915. Names in order of merit : Sr IV--Bertha Staples, Gertie Kirk, Stephen Delahey, Alex Samuels; Sr III--Jessie Pollard, Mildred Delahey, Bernice Cain,. Verena Nicholson, Marettia Marvin; Jr III--Lance Greenwood, John Cornelius; Ruth Benson, Garnet Goheen, Ethel Gould; Sr II--Eva Staples, Earl Coulter, Gordon Kirk, Raymond Douglas, Laverne Masters, B. V. Jackson, teacher, MADE IN CANADA gUMMER UNDERWEAR WHICH GIVES FULL COMFORT KLOSED KROTCH WILLIAMS. GREÉNE & ROME CO.. uwmn BERLIN, ONTARIO TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE Court of Revision and Appeal. the pleasure of life m your country home, this summer, with a Vidtor-Vidtrola. There is nothing that will so fill the summer days and evenings with pleasure and enjoyment as the music of the Vidtor-Vidtrola. And it's such inexpensive pleasure, too--with Vidtrolas from $21 to $365 and Vidtor Records at 96c for ten inch, double-sided. A few- dollars down will put a Vidtrola and an assortment of Vidtor Records (your own cho ce) in your home, today, and a small amount each week * will keep them there: Ask us about our easy-pay ment plan. L i BNNlàKILLEN. Report -of Public School for. May: Sr IV --Madeline.Virtue, Gordon Werry, Roy McGilT, Francis Werry, Mabel Mounijoy; Jr IV--Wiifaert-Smidi, LiliieSiarp, Fred Preston, Arthur Brunt. Sr III--Cora Sharpy Gertie Oke, Laura Virtue, Eva Sanderson, Alma W-erry. Jr III--Marjorie III--Marjorie Virtue, Melville Griffin, Clarke Dor- land, May Werry, GraceGrieve. Sr II-- Winnie Ashton, Reva McGill, OHve Shirp, Gordon Preston, Reta Ashton, Mvrile Brunt, Laverne Griffin. Jr II--(a) Milieu Stsmtoiir, (h) ISadys Stamteo. I-- Jean Thompson. Primer (a) Maude A h- ton, Ernest Werry, Elya txriffiiif (b>Mona Preston, Lue 11a Stevens, John Gilmore ^Wienie Oke, Marjorie Smith,Epic. Stain-i Am; (a)--Leonard Stainton. Elsie E. Rundle, teacher. --- *-- -- Wn,rta wi-1 render the prettiest hapds nu sightly. Cl ear -the ox.oreeen oes «way by using Holloway's Gçen Cure, yphich acts thoroughly and paml« sely. À m»n tr>»y be going the pace and at the ssume time he .obstructing progross. Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Town of Bowrnan- ville will be held at the Council Room in the Town of Bowmauville on Tuesday, June 8th, 1915, at 7.30 o'clock, p. hi., to hear and determine Che several complaints ol errors or oinissi ms In the Assessment. Bell.for. the...sai l -Municipality for the j ear 1915. -All persons having business at the Court are requested to attend as aforesaid. JOHN LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville. Dated at Bewmanville this 27tii day of May 1916. ADMINISTRATOR'S Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of JOHN P. EOLLEY, late of the Town, of Bowmanville, Bowmanville, .in the County of Durham, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Mtato-ted of Ontario; \ Ai -0:1914,-ebapter l*t,- sec. •66, t*iat all persons having any claims or demands agatnêt the estate of. Jolm.P. Folley.. late of the . Town of Bowmanv.lle, deceased, who died on or âboat Uw 8rd daya*f Eeb.ruary A. D. 1015, in- testpfce, are required on or before the first day ofJy\y iwxtXWAl. to .sem.l by post, prepaid, or 4»liyer fco*he.ainterei«ned solicitor for James A. McQlellan. lire administrator of the esti-te of Uie «aid Job»'P Felley, th»ir Chriwbian au l- au r- : -nausea, addresses and description, with a state- i meat,of their claims.or demands, aud. the par-1 ticulars and proof thereof and the nature of the I -security, if any, .held by them together with a I 'valuation of suçh: -securities, j -A«l notice isiheréby given that alter the said ! dst day of .1 uly qe^tlwiaid AtknÂuûCrutv.r will pro eyed to distribut e the estate of the s ml dece.-.setl among the partie < entitled thereto, havina rç- f ;ard only to the <-LvTrsis orwhich he of hix.s die- - tor,shall then Ijave. bad notice, and *he .-aid Adqiinistrator wiil not be liable fo*- (he i-fu'd estate or any part thereof to nil- per.s <u dr person* person* of whos • claim notice slut 1 not li.ive been TecqiTed~hy---hin»-or Jiis« salieitorvtt vha-time of sue* distribution. Dated at Bowmanville thia 26th day of May iA. 1916. " " (James A. McClellan. 11. ItvssellJ.osco*i nk, Administiator, Svlic tor L>r 22 4 Bowmanville. Ai.miui»tratoi I VicTrola VI $33.50 > With 15 ten-inch . dotiblc-sioed Victor R.^ 'orJj (3J idedtloas, your wvnjcfaboice) S47.00 So d cn easy tei jas, if desired. Other Viclro'as. from $21.00 -to $305 ..--paymenls, if desired) ; and. ten-inch, double-si jed ' Victor Records at 90c for the two scle.ctiom at cny "His Master's Voice" dealer's in any town or cily in Canada. Write for free copy of our 450- page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 600) Victor Records. BERLINER GRAMOPHONE Cj UMir£D ? 3 Lee ok .Street, ' LVEHy -.-peyM - - 7 - Vkftor Records--Made in Canada--Patronize Home Produits 560-302 Sold in Bowmanville by JURY & LOVELL, LEVI MORRIS & SON. L#S6 m