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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1915, p. 8

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ENFIELD It has been decided to hold Enfield Sunday School anniversary on Sunday, July nth. Watch for further announcement. announcement. SOLINA Solina Women's Institute will hold an ice cream social on the lawn of Mr Chas. Scott on Wednesday, June 23. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross Work. Admission 2 for 25c. BETHESDA Anniversary services of Bethesda Sunday Sunday School will be held as follows: Sunday, Sunday, June 20, sermons will be preached at 2.30 p.m. by Rev. Wm. Higgs, pastor, and at 7-3° p.m. Rev. H. B. Kenny, Bowraan- ville. Music by school. Collection in aid of school funds. 24-2W HAYDON How To Buy Nobody likes stale fish, ap.d that is why we have made special arrangements to get absolutely the freshest and choicest fish shipped by fast express direct to us, arriving at our store at 4 p.m. every Thursday afternoon. It is generally all gone by Friday noon, so we advise our customers to leave their "fish order" with us early. This week we will have a very choice lot of JEIalibut" - ^ and Troxn, which we guarantee to be fresh, tender and juicy. HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club Phone 186, Bowmanville .Haydon Sabbath School anniversary will be held as follows: On Sunday June 27 sermons will be preached by Rev. A. M Irwin, B. A., B.D., Norwood, at 2.30 and 7.15 p.m. S nging by the school and solos by Miss Reta Caldwell, Providence. Collections in aid of Sunday School funds. On Thursday July 1st a game of football will be played between Bowmanyille High School and Enniskillen. Tea will be served from 4 p.m. until all are satisfied. At 8 p.m. a grand concert will be given by the following high class artists: Mr. James Fiddes, tenor, Miss Clarice Spencer, elocutionist, elocutionist, Mr. Ted Parker, humorous entertainer, entertainer, and Miss Eleanor Hurst, accompanist, accompanist, all of Toronto. Admission: tea and concert 40c, tea or concert 25c; children, children, tea and concert 25c, tea or concert 15c. MAPLE GROVE Anniversary services of Maple -Grove Sunday School will be held as follows: Sunday June 20 at 2.30 and 7 p. m. sermons sermons will be preached by Rev. Wesley Elliott, Brighton. Providence choir will furnish music at both services. Collection Collection in aid of school funds. Monday June 21 at 2.30 p.m. a program of recitations, dialogues and music will be given by the school and an address by Rey. Mr. Elliot. Foot-ball Sunday School League game Zion vs Maple Grove during the afternoon Tea served at 4 p. m. Tickets 35 and 20c. In the evening at 8 p. m.- under auspices of Epworth League a first class concert will be given by Miss Nora Trull, Toronto, Elocutionist and entertainer, Bowmanville Male Quartet, Misses Hunt, Oshawa, Miss Muriel Penfound, Ebenezer, and Miss Edna Snowden. Admission 25c and 15c. TYRONE u . JIM Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Werry and I Miss Alma Werry, Enniskillen, at Peter Werry's; Miss L. C. Hoskin, Bowmanville, Mr. Alfred Gully, Oshawa, Mrs. Joseph Wight, Providence, at Norman Colla- çott's; Mrs. J. Fraser, Toronto, at John Fraser's; Mrs. Jas. Fallis, Oshawa, at Will Hambly's; Mr. Wm. Little, jr, at his father's; father's; Miss Florence Clemens with friends at Ebenezer; Mr. Fred Coleman, Wood- stock, Mrs. E. A. Butler, Toronto, at Mr. Luther Goodman's Miss Clara Wood- ley and Mrs. W. Moore attended Branch' meeting of W.M.S. at Port Hope... .The most interesting game of football will be played Saturday night in Tyrone between Solina and Tyrone. Don't miss seeing it. The Tyrone Women's Institute will hold an ice cream social in the church shed on Saturday evening June 19. Everybody welcome. Admission roc. Neilson's Is the F avorite Ice Cream For All Occasions / V Its purity, deliciousness and uniform quality have made it decidedly popular among lovers of good Ice Cream. What is more, it is produced under the most sanitary conditions. Neilson's Ice Cream is sold in Bowmanville Bowmanville by HAMPTON Alex. Christie The Home-Made Bakery Phone 97, Bowmanville Mr. Milton Wilcox, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at his home here. For that go d Irish Turnip Seed as well as Jumbo, Canadian Jem, Derby, etc,, go to W. W. Horn w ere the price is right. 24tf„ Visitors: Mrs. A. Challener, Toronto, with friends Saturday; Mr. Foster Hoidge, Toronto, and Mr. Carma Hoidge, Oshawa, with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Cryderman; Miss Burton, Whitby, with friends; Mrs. C. N. Ruse with her sister, Mrs. W. Anderson, Janetville; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hueson, Oshawa, with friends ......Trustee Board tendered the pastor, Rev. C. W. Barrett, a vote of thanks and hearty appreciation of his services for the last four years, to which he replied in suitable terms... .Several persons from here attended the anniversary at Ebenezer Ebenezer Monday Dr. and Mrs. Lome Hastings, Dallas, Texas, are expected here Mhis week to visit his mother and other friends....Congratulations to our football team "The Junior Beavers". Rev. R. J. Treleven, D.D., pastor of High Park Methodist church, Toronto, is new president of Toronto Conference. Ladies' Aid of Cambridgë-st, Methodist church, Lindsay, have decided to > make extensive improvements to the parsonage this summer. " Mr. G. E. Minns, Children's Aid Inspector Inspector for Durham and Northumberland spoke on his work in Port Hope Methodist Methodist church Sunday morning. Methodist church, Bowmanville, Sunday Sunday services as usual. Pastor Kenny will preach in the morning and Rev. Wm. Higgs, Tyrone, in the evening. Rev. Prof. J. Hugh Michael of Victoria University, Toronto, preached the Baccalaureate Baccalaureate sermon to the students of the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, Sunday evening. Rev. Wm. H. Wrighton, Goderich, preached in thè Baptist church, Cobourg, Sunday. Mr. Wrightson met the congregation, congregation, with a view to settling in Cobourg as successor to Rev. Gordon S. Jury. County Sunday School picnic will be îeld on Thursday June 24 about one mile east of Clarke church. Rev. E. W. Hal- penny, Secretary of the Provincial Association, Association, will be present and address the visitors. Morning and afternoon session. Take your, baskets and go and enjoy the day. Mrs. (Rev.) W. G. Clarke, was tendered a social courtesy when Mrs. She'rman pleasantly entertained at a reception of twenty ladies at her home on John-st., as Mrs. Clarke expects soon to leave for her new home in Bowmanville. A delicious six o'clock tea was served.--Belleville Ontario. Ontario. ^William Harold Young, of Broadway Tabernac e, Toronto, who has been taking taking post-graduate work at Columbia Uni- {versity, New York, has received the degree degree of M. A. He has entered as a probationer probationer for the ministry in the Toronto Conference. He returns to New York to complete his theological course at Union Seminary. The Globe in refering editorially to retirement of Rev. J. J. Hare, M.A., Ph.D., from Governor of Ontario Ladies' College, says : Before his entrance entrance into the Methodist ministry Dr. Hare taught for some years in public schools; an experience through which every, teacher of higher grade should be required to pass. Hear, hear ! Rev. Dr. Chown, general Superintendent of Methodist church in Canada says the foulest blâti on the pages of Canada's history history is the liquor traffic. "And vet, strip ped of every rag- of responsibility, the traffic trade in Ontario continues to flourish and the Government covers it with a mantle of protection, and asks us to perpetuate it. We will have nothing to do with a license, under a Commission. We are out to annihilate the trade, nothing nothing else will do. Rev. W. G. Clarke, B. A., the coming pastor of Bowmanville Methodist church, preached the Baccalaureate sermon to the students of Albert College in Methodist Tabernacle, Belleville, Sunday morning. His subject was the parable of the talents with special application to students. He preached in Bridge-st, church in the evening evening a special sermon to young men. He expects to arrive in Bowmanville on Tuesday, June 29. Rev. Leonard Phelps (formerly Of Cour- tice), Rev. Robt. McCulloch, (formerly of Tyrone), have transferred from Bay of Quinte Conference and Rev. Chas. E. McIntyre McIntyre (formerly of Bowmanyille) from Saskatchewan Conference into Toronto Conference. Rev. J. S. I vison Wilson (formerly of Courtice) leaves Toronto Conference to re-enter the Bay of Quinte having been invited to King-st, Methodist church, Oshawa. Rev. V. H. Emory (formerly of Bowmanville) receives superannuation superannuation for one year from Toronto Conference • He resides in St.Catharines. B «MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 The best that money can buy--is the labor that goes into the Canadian Ford. Our workmen are the highest paid motor car mechanics in the British Empire. This means dollars saved in after expense to the man who drives a Ford "Madè in Canada." Because the Ford car is màde right. Buyers of Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars between August I, 1914» and August 1,1915. Runabout $540; Town Car $840; F. O. B. Ford, Ontario, with all equipment, including electric headlights. Cars on display and sale at Ford Garage Opp. Hotel Bowman ENNISKILLEN Visitors : Messrs John Preston, Ottawa, and Wm. Preston, Orillia, with their brother, Geo. Preston; Mrs. Wm. and Miss Nora Werry, Solina,.at J. A. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore at Uxbridge and Whitevale; Mj. and Mrs. Henry Brent, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs; S. H. Nicholson, Nestleton, at Sas Sta inton's; Mrs. Edmund 1 Moore, Mrs. Chas. Rice and children, j Whitevale, at W. H. Moore's; C. J. Pascoe at home; Mrs. Geo. Argue in Lindsay and Cannington; Mrs. Chas. Pascoe in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Mrs. Louise Paterson, Mrs. Addie McCready, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, at Mrs. Geo. Argue's and F. W. Lee's; Mr. Petty, Greenbank, at John Slemon's; Mr. and Mrs. Byron Nesbitt at Jas. Parr's; Misses Mary Tordiff and Lena Smith at Byron Nesbitt's; Mr. Everett Hoar at J. J. Smith's; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Werry at Peter Werry's, Tyrone.. ..Mr. Chas. Stewart has improved his house with a coat of paint Mr. F. W. Lee is laid up with lumbago... .League service last week in charge of Miss Bundle and Miss Vice. Topic by Mrs. Pascoe, Letter from Rev. Fred Storey, Patagonia, S. A., duet by Winnie and Reta Ashton, reading™ by Mary Tordiff, war talk Dr. Slemon...... Sunday morning Mr. Nicholson, Nestleton, taught the A. B. C. riiost acceptably. The monthly temperance program followed. In the evening. Rev. W. E. Honey gave a masterly address from , thé text "There is none, other name, under Heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved." Next Sabbath evening Mr. Honey will preach his last sermon at this appoint- I ment ' Brandram-Henderson Paint is popular as it is composedof 70% pure white lead and 30% zinc. - Always ask for B-H paint. Mason & Dale. Tod's^ure Ice Cream is better than ever. Try a dish to-day. Fresco-Tone flat wall finish is in a class by itself, all colors sold by Mason & Dale , Chinamel will make your old baby carriage carriage or go-cart like new. W. H. Dustan We have Kalsomine in all shades. Ask for Muresco for wall and ceiling decoration. decoration. W. H- Dustan. E. W. Loscombe has removed his coal and wood office to Temperance-st, in the Standard Bank Building. Phone 177. There is no disputing the fact that D. L. & W, Scranton Coal is the Standard Fuel. Now is the time to order your winter's supply from McClellan & Co., Ltd. 24-3 Loscombe's coal and wood office is. now in Standard Bank Building Temperance- st. Lindsay Post declines to publish monthly monthly reports of rural schools except they are paid for as advertising. You can't resist buying oranges when you see the exceptional values Rd. Snowden Snowden is offering this week. Fpr the very latest styles in Ladies' Spring Coats and Ladies' Cloth and Silk Suits call at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man's. Martin-Senour Paint is 100% pure. It's the paint to stand the weather. Sold in Bowmanville by W. H. Dustan. Farmers wanting male help, write Civic Employment Bureau, 130 Richmond-st., W., Toronto, stating requirements. No charge. ? Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are showing showing an elegant collèction of new summer dress goods-- violes, crepes, ratinees, and bedford cords. Farmers, remember that Bowmanville merchants will close their shops Wednesday Wednesday afternoons at 12.30 p.m. during June, July and August. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have opened out a big stock of men's and boys' ready-to-wear suits. Bought for cash from the best and most reliable makers in Canada. . Dr. Devitt is now settled in his modern dental office in the Harry Cann Building, King-st., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Appointments may be made by phoning 90a. I9t CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature» of E. W. Loscombe, coal and wood, Standard Standard Bank Bnilding. Phone 177. _ Dont neglect your linoleum and oilcloth. Chinamel will preserve it and retain its pattern. Chinamel is made to walk on. Sold by W. H. Dustan.. An Ideal Spot for Partiés, Picnics, Sports is The Park, Hampton Ice Cream Parlor Boat for Hire For particulars apply to MANSFIELD'S Grocery & Provision Store Phone 129 r3 Hampton Specials in Wallpapers This Week Suitable for Parlors, Halls, Living Living Rooms >r Bedrooms in all shades. Side walls with ceilings ceilings and borders to match. Wallpaper 8c roll 18 in. Border ... 3c yd. 9 in. " 2c yd. W. T Alien Big 20 Bookstore For Sale Fine roomy Brick Dwelling,. Centre St., all modern conveniences. conveniences. Price $4000. Large Roomy Home, also on Centre St., can be used as double dwelling. Price $3000. Handsome new modern Home on Concession St., brick veneer, hot water heating, electric lighting. lighting. A snap, $3000. New Modern Home, just completed, completed, now ready for occupancy, occupancy, with or without orchard. Price with $2400; price without $2000. This is worth investigating. investigating. Particulars by calling. Small Brick Cottage, one story, on Odell St, à snap $1800. Handsome Modern Home on Scugog St., every convenience^ new, $4800. To Rent New Modern Home. This is a very desirable property and rental reasonable. For terms and rates apply at office. The Comfortable Dwelling just vacated by Mr. F. M. Triplett. Triplett. $14.00 per month. Insurance Insurance, Fire Liability and Life. Every automobile owner should carry liability and fire insurance. Call for particulars. Harry. Cann Insurance and Real Estate Another BIG BARGAIN in Men's Suits It's Easy Work to Cut the Grass If you have your Lawn Mower sharpened the new way at the new blacksmith shop. All the work is done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Mowers Mowers called for and delivered to all parts of the town. Phone 185 and your wants will be attended to promptly. A. W. Pickard South of Post Office on Temperance St. Men's Fine Worsted and Tweed Suits, in Grays, Browns, Fawns and Greens, broken lots, no two suits alike,, but something something in every size from 36 to 44. These are odd suits from our regular lines, the balance having been sold. We want to clear them out. None of them sold for less than $15 00, some for $18.00, and all good values at these prices. We are clearing them at $9.95 See them in the Window The ANDERSON Clothing Co. Phone 61, Bowmanville . if-m -F rr,rr.i ' ! J -, iMi |§.fi| '■'i ij-x-ry:-;-:-;-; China = Hall = Grocery Wednesday Half-Holiday Every Wednesday during June our store will be closed at 12.30. Leave your orders in early Wednesday mornings Hot Weather Eatables Cooked Corned Beef 30c lb. Cooked Ham 35c lb. Canned Haddie J5 C tin Canned Codfish J3 C tin Sardines 5c to 15c tin Lobster 25c tin Shrimps 20c tin Salm on 13c to 25c tin Kippered Herring 13c to 15c An extra fine Salmon, | lb. size 2 for 25c Two Specials Choice Kippered Herring J0c Canned Vegetables, corn, peas, tomatoes 3 for 25c Fruits We endeavor to give the best value in all fruits, foreign and domestic, and will carry in stock all kinds of fresh fruits on the market--Pineapples, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Bananas, Strawberries, Strawberries, etc., at lowest possible prices. Teas Remember our IDEAL TEAS at 30c and 40c are worth 40c to 50c to-day. These will have to advance as soon as present stock is done. X; * I I | 1 I I > F. A. Haddy Phone 62 Bowmanville

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