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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1915, p. 4

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tUsll i Week at Toiles Talcums 15c to 50c iicumi Toiîêt Waters ... 35c to $1.50 Perfumes. . f. J oc to $2.00 oz. Lotions .25c, 40c,-50c Massage Creams 25c, 50c Face Creams. ... 25c to 75c Tooth Pastes. .....25c to 50c Eas'em Foot Powder 25c can The New Ansco Speed Film for. Cameras is Thé Tâlkof tise Day They fit any camera. All sizes. Are you using them ? A=big stock of Rubber Goods just arrived. See our special Maple Leaf Hot Water Bottle •Guaranteed for One Year. Reg.;$l.50, On Sale 99c See our fine line of Bathing .and Motor Caps for ladies, all colors. Prices 75c to $LI$. 'Soaps -We carry any make of Standard Standard Soaps. Special this week; Jergeri's Violet Glycerine at 3 .cakes for 25c Old English Soaps, Elder Flower and Oatmeal, big cakes, reg. 15c cake, for 10c. Agency for NyaPs Remedies Sole Agents for the Ansco and Nylo Chocolates Cameras and Supplies Sole Agents for Neilson's Chocolates R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists When we test eyes we do it Scientifically Opticians Not Sold Out, But Rejuvenated --And Still Ready to Serve You The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is still selling SCRANTON SCRANTON COAT,--the Standard Anthracite--and ready to fill orders for all sizes at Summer prices, which for the present are as follows : Egg, Stove & Chestnut $7.50 per ton; Péa $6.50 pértôn; NET CASH, delivered to all parts of the town; 50c per ton less at the Harbor. Customers .wishing to pay for their coal now may have it delivered delivered at once or later on,.as they see fit; and in the event of lower prices prevailing during the season all who pay for their coal will be protected fully by having difference in price refunded. We have also a"full line of Building Material, including Dressed and "Undressed Pine, Hemlock, Spruce, Oak, Maple, Birch, B. C. Cedar and Fir; also Beaver Board, Bishopric Wall Board, "Canada "Canada Cement", Shingles, Lath, Doors, Sash and Mouldings. ESTIMATES ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. Our. other lines are : Hard and Soft Wood, long or sawed and split, Cannel and Steam Coal, Charcoal, Fine and Coarse Salt, Land Plaster, Buckwheat, Barley, O.ats and Wheat. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, and we shall do our best to give you satisfactory service. Special attention will be given to cash customers. McClellan & co., Limited King St. East, Bowmanville GRAND TRUNK sys^m y DOMINION DAY EXCURSION RATES SINGLE FARE--Good going and returning returning July 1st only. FARE AND ONE-THIRD--Good going going June 30th and July 1st. Return limit July 2nd, 1915. Return tickets will be sold between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur. Secure your tickets • early at Grand Trunk ticket offices. No matter where yon are going, call phone 78 for information. We will gladly deliver tickets to any honse in town. J. H.H. JURY, Local Agent, Honse Phone 51 U.- Here We Are Again Into Summer And here is the placr to get your nice light footwear. We have fine selection of white and black-piped white pumps and colonials. Get a] pair while the season is on. Prices $1.25 to $2.25 For men we have a rubber soled Oxford in the mahogany color. Price $4.50 pr. fred R. Foley Parlor Shoe Shop on the Sunny Side It's Easy Work to Cut the Grass If you have your Lawn Mower sharpened the new way at the new. blacksmith shop. All the work is done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Mowers Mowers called for and delivered to all parts of the town. Phone 185 and your wantf will be attended to!promptly. A. W. Pickard South of Post Office on Temperance St. Specials in Wallpapers This Week Suitable for Parlors, Halls, Living Living Rooms or Bedrooms in all shades. Side walls with ceilings ceilings and borders to match. Wallpaper i 8c roll 18 in. Border... ..... 3c yd. 9 in. " 2c yd. W. T Allen Bi£20 Bookstore life- WHAT LAlTMEN DID. Local and Otherwise The laymen of Ray of (.Quinte Methodist Methodist Conference held -sessions during the sitting of Conferenoe^at Oshawa and discussed, some practical church problems. It would, have pleased the ministers to hear the splendid discus sions and see the fine .spirit which characterized, the deliberations. The financial interests of ithe church were considered, and many men gave their experiences. The .outcome of the debate was the adoption of this resolution : We recommend that all congregations thruout this Conference Conference be earnestly requested to adopt the duplex or other envelope system where not already in use and to take action to organize for the -successful carrying out of a sys l ematic iplan of work for financing each church. The envelope system is the best yetitried and should be adopted by the <church es. Attendance at the mid-week prayer service in the churches was considered at length and there seemed, to earnest desire to accomplish improve ment. The recommendations of .the laymen- were that Conference give earnest attention to the subject, that a record of attendance of church officials officials be given at every quarterly meeting, that three laymen in each church be a committee to help the pastor pastor in forming plans and carrying out arrangements for increasing the interest interest and attendance at prayer meeting, that a record of attendance be given at the quarterly meeting (at every Sunday service would be still better--- Ed.), that an appeal be made to all officials officials and members for special prayer and earnest efforts by personal invita tion and attendance to increase attendance attendance and that minister and breth ren be requestëd to bring this vitally important subject before congregations congregations on a Sunday in July. It is hoped that this request will be honored by evèrv minister. Albert College, Belleville, was considered considered by the laymen at some length as its claims on the church are. very strong and just now urgent as well. It is owned and controlled by the Methodist Methodist church and being situated, within the bounds of the Bay of Quinte Conference Conference is the special ward of it. Albert Albert ('ollege furnishes a first class training for young people and is a splendid school for those who may have lacked early opportunity to acquire acquire an education. This college has trained and .' ent. forth many young mnn for the ministry there being sev- enty ministers of the Bay Conference who are old Albert College boys. . To meet the larger salaries of teachers teachers there must be increased income and as it is desired not to increase fees very much if at all, Rev. E. N. Baker, B.A., D.D., Principal, is soliciting soliciting subscriptions for $100,000 endowment, endowment, of which amount he has already about $45,000 subscribéd. In order to give every man, woman and child an opportunity , to have a share in this grand endeavor the Laymen's Association Association advised concurrence in the request request of Albert College Board to have an 1 'Albert College Day" in every church in this Bay Conference, at which offerings and subscriptions shall be taken and Conference was asked to plan for such a day and to appoint a committee to arrange détails The Committee consists of Revs. H. B, Kenny, President of Conference, Wil- mot G. Clarke, B. A., Dr. S. J. Shorey, John Garbutt, Win. Johnston and Messrs M. A. James, M. C. Bogart, 1 J. E. Skidmore, F. W. Galbraith and F. E. O'Fl' nn, B.A., Barrister, and the | Executive of the College, It wr.s no ! surprise that Conference heartily endorsed endorsed this scheme and the Methodists will do themselves honor and be support support ing a most worthy institution who contribute according to their means to Albert College Endowment Fund when the chance is offered them. The conference adopted all of the Laymen's recommendations. A GOOD MAN AT REST. of The late Mr. Stephen H. Scripture Colborne whose obituary appears on an inner page copied from the Enterprise was husband of a well-known Bowmanville Bowmanville lady, Miss Belle Pirie. We have been guests in the Scripture home on occasions of our. visits to Col-borne and formed a very 1 igh opinion of the noble character and sterling qualities of Mr. Scripture. Last year Mr. and Mrs. Scripture visited for some weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden, South Darlington, Darlington, and made several friends in Ebenezer Ebenezer section. Religion and education were dear to deceased--he loved his church. He was a faithful member of the Methodist church for many years and was an active member of the Official Board and when able attended the Adult Bible Class. Ministers found a true friend in him. His interest iff education was emphasized by the fact that their only daughter, Miss Ewa H. Scripture is a successful educator and was Kindergarten Director at Fort William two years before before being called home by the very serious illness of her father and she has since Easter "shared the responsibility with her motherof caring for her father. In the early spring we visited the Scripture home and felt then that deceased was nearing the end of his earthly tenancy. Respecting Respecting his character he was of quiet disposition disposition but of strong convictions and this was evidenced in his attitude as a temperance temperance advocate. He held to his convictions convictions and acted on them regardless of consequences. His passing away leaves a gap in the ranks of the good citizenship of Colborne. The Methodist church sent a large wreath of flowers and the Ladies' Aid of which Mrs. Scripture has -been a valued member sent a beautiful floral cross and the Young Ladies' Bible Class a spray and the Masonic emblem was worthy worthy of mention. Among relatives and friends from out-of-town who attended the funeral on June 15 were Mrs. Chas. Manning, Bowmanville, Mrs. Edward Worden and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden, Ebenezer, Dr. J. U.. Simmons and Mr. A. Simmons, Frankford; Mr. and Mrs. Hiram J. Scripture, Brighton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones and son, Castleton, Mr. Monroe Dudley, DundonaJd, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Dudley, Whitby, Mr. A. Peterson, Barrister,-Cobourg, Barrister,-Cobourg, and others A large number number of Masonic brethren attended; Pallbearers Pallbearers were : Messrs F. M. Brintnell, J. F. Wilson, J. T. Nunn, J. Thorne, J. Todd and H. Chapin. The funeral service in the church conducted by Rev. A. H. Foster, Foster, his pastorT was very impressive and appropriate. ... Eat Tod's Ice Cream. Obituaries on inner pages. Ebenezer anniversary--see inside page. Ontario Ladies' College, see inside page. Canadian Order of Foresters--see report report of annual meeting on another page Ous stock of Martin-Senour paints is complete. W. H. Dustan. Martin-Senour Paints look well and wear well. Sold by W. H. Dustan. Every pint of Martin-Senour 100% Paint is guaranteed. W. H. Dustan. Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser for dairy or household use at Mason & Dale's. No paint equals Martin-Senour. It goes farther and lasts longer. W. H. Dustan. The Statesman to end of 1915 for 50c to new subscribers. M. A. James & Sons. Nairn's linoleums in all widths just opened out at Couch, Johnston & Cryder man's. Tod's Pure Ice Cream is made in Bowmanville Bowmanville from the best cream obtainable in Durham. If you want solid comfort next winter fill your bins with Scranton Coal and do now. Read our ad in another column. McClellan & Co, Ltd. 24-3 Is your mower a Deering, McCormic or Massey-Harris? It makes no difference we sell sections, guards and knife heads for any of them--Mason & Dale. Dont worry aboufihard times. Chinamel your old furniture. Your neighbors will think it's new. W. H. Dustan. Strawberries and cream and other good things with a good program at Vanstone's Monday evening. Admission 25c. Why do nearly all the principal dealers in the larger towns and cities handle Scranton Coal ? Because they have proved proved by experience that it gives the ' best satisfaction. Place your order now with McClellan & Co., Ltd. 24-3 Plow points, land sides or soles in large variety and lowest prices at Mason & Dale's. The purity and healthfulness of Tod's Ice Cream is guarded in every way. A full line of Nyal's Family remedies always in stock. Jury & Lovell. tf If your cook is "out of sorts" because the "fire won't burn" order some Scranton Coal and then "See her smile." 24-3. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice etc. Don't Die in the House. 15c, and 25c at Drug and Country Stores. 13-26 Our stock of prepared paints is as large as all others combined. We do the paint tirade. That's why we carry so large a stock. W. H. Dustan. Order coal now from E. W. Loscombe, in the Standard Bank Building. Phone 177- Sections, guards and knife heads for Massey-Harris, Deering and McCormick mowers at Mason & Dale's. Dont neglect your floors. Old pine floors made to look like solid oak with Chinamel Floor Finish. W. H. Dustan Tod's Pure Ice Cream is better than ever. Try a dish to-day. Chinamel will make your old baby carriage carriage or go-cart like new. W. H. Dustan. We have Kalsomine in all shades. Ask for Muresco for wall and ceiling decoration. decoration. W. H. Dustan. E. W. Loscombe has removed his coal and wood office to Temperance- st, in the Standard Bank Building. Phone 177. There is no disputing the fact that D. L. & W. Scranton Coal is the Standard Fuel. Now is the time to order your winter's supply from .McClellan & Co., Ltd. 24-3 Loscombe's coal and wood office is now in Standard Bank Building Temperance- st. For the very latest styles in Ladies' Spring Coats and Ladies' Cloth and Silk Suits call at Couch, Johnston & Cryder man's. Martin-Senour Paint is 106% pure. It's the paint to stand the weather. Sold in Bowmanville by W. H. Dustan. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are showing showing an elegant collection of new summer dress goods-- violes, crepes, ratinees,. and bedford cords. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have opened out a big stock of men's and boys' ready-to-wear suits. Bought for cash from the best and most reliable makers in Canada. E. W. Loscombe, coal and wood, Standard Standard Bank Building. Phone 177. Dr. Devitt is now settled in his modern dental office in the Harry Cann Building, King-st., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Appointments may be made by phoning 90a. 191 Glencoe public school board has engaged engaged Miss Ada E. Cook of Tweed to succeed W. C. Allin as principal of the public school. Mr. A. A. Jordan, formerly Principal of Port Hope Public School has been appointed appointed Public School Inspector for the county of York at a salary of $1,700. Wm. Stone, father of Wm. Stone, jr., who was shot at Whitby Junction in December December last, committed suicide by throwing throwing himself in front of a train. West End House Week-End Specials Saturday, June 25, 26 Now is the time to have your Verandahs and Summer Cottages fixed up. fiere are a few lines which should interest you. Come Early and secure the Best Choice. Mats, Mats Verandah Mats--Extra quality fibre mats, suitable for out of doors or Summer Summer cottages. Size 30x60, reg. Size 36x76, reg. $1.35, for... 1.50, for... ,98c each $1.29 each Tapestry Mats--Here is a very special line. Size 28x56 ,89c each Door Mats--Tapestry door mats in extra quality, good colors, fringed at the reg. 60c, for 49c each ends. Mohair Plush Door Mats in large as- ortments of colors 89c each Mattings One piece only Kolorfast Matting, 1 yd. wide, blue and white. This is a very serviceable matting and is washable and guaranteed to keep color. Regular price 45c, Friday and Saturday 33c yd. Cocoa Matting in green only,' 1-| yds. wide, fast color, just the thing for verandahs verandahs or steps. Limited quantity 98c yd. Table Covers Here is a line of good strong Tapestry Table Covers, red or green designs, size 8x4, special :..... 79c each Table Oilcloth Great value in Table Oilcloth, 6/4 Curtains width in white only, reg. 38c for 25c yd. 5/4 width in large assortment of patterns, patterns, reg. 28c yd., for 20c yd. This line is one that yon cannot afford to let go. Fine scrim curtains in cream hemstitched and insertion trimmed, 2-^ yds. long, reg. $2.25 for $1.79 pr. HAYDON Great preparations are being made for our anniversary Sunday next and for the tea and concert on July 1st. See v bills and last paper for particulars. MONSTER CELEBRATION At Port Hope on July ist. Port Hope arranged for a monster celebration celebration on July 1st, the entire proceeds of which will be devoted to Patriotic Purposes. Purposes. In the morning there will be a Free Patriotic Concert by the 57th Regimental Regimental Band of Peterboro; several Vaudeville Vaudeville Acts; Drill by the Local Cadets, and a High Wire Act. In the afternoon, 1 at the Town Park, the program will con- 1 sist of Horse Races, Vaudeville Acts, Baseball Tournament, Daylight Fireworks, a Grand Musical Festival, and a Balloon Ascension by the most daring - lady aeronaut aeronaut in the world. The young lady will rise to a height of three thousand feet and make a triple parachute drop. In the evening there will be another Baloon Ascension, Ascension, a Grand Displaye.of Fireworks, many of th§ features being War Numbers. A troupe of Vaudeville Actors, giving Acrobatic and Trapeze Work will also be introduced, and during the entire program the 57th Regimental Band of Peterboro will furnish music. Single fare on all railroads, and special trains after the evening evening performance. Watch for large posters. posters. 25-2 This store will be closed on Wednesdays at 12.30 from JUNE 2nd to SEPT. 1st inclusive. Me Mur try Si The Big Departmental Store Ltd. Phone 83 Bowmanville $15 TAILOR MADE SUITS, Gents, why pay more than $15 for a tailor made suit when we are giving such exceptional values at that price. Come in and see our samples. Fit guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing and repairing ladies' and gents suits a specialty. Jos. Jeffery & Son, Star House, Bowmanville. E. W. Loscombe of the Central Coal & Wood Depot, is now occupying his new office in the Standard Bank Building, just south of Four Corners. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED. Having had a large experience in the griqdingand repairing ot Lawn Mowers now is the time to bring them before the rush comes. Try me and see how nice I can fix your mower. A few second hand mowers for sale very cheap. All- edge tools ground at the old Smith, and Saws sharpened. W. H. Williams, Church-st, West, at his home, Bowmanville. l6-3m Touch up your picture frames and lamps with our gold bronze. The results will surprise you. Old goods made new with Chinamel. W. H. Dustan. PUBLIC NOTICE. If any person or persons hare a:>' olr.iiu "( a*j nature against the honse and lot twined and ot- copied by the late Mrs. James Va hb their*,re hereby notified to present the same to Mr Jas. Tabb, Bowmanville, on or before July 1, •23 i SUBURBAN HOME WANTED We want a property ten to twenty acres with first-class house, good location. Client can pay cash for suitable place. JOHN FISHER A CO., LiUmsden Building, Toronto. Have You a Your Home Modern Bath Room in ? If Not, Why Not ? In Town or Country "We can equip your farm, home and buildings with every city convenience. Heating, Lighting, Sewage Disposal System, Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water at the Tap, Pneumatic Water System and Efficient Fire Protection. How to get full information % Call at our establishment and we will show you how, or drop us a post card and we will call upon you at your convenience. Estimates furnished free. W. H. DUSTAN, Sanitary and Heating Engineers Phone 74, Bowmanville \ ^ -I:-"'. '■ ■■■ ;|||jj|g j LL " " V ; "

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