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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1915, p. 5

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k y ' l ?r:&~^:x^*-t"-- * vv; • • ■> ( ( l Does Your Suit Need Cleaning For July 1st? Have your Summer Suit French cleaned and it will look just as good as new. Ladies' or Gents' Suit£cleaned at $1.25 each. Entire satisfaction or money re- funded. Phone 273. Gibson's Cleaning Works King St W. Bowmanville RECORD FACTORY OUT-PUT 1053 Goodyear Tires in One Day. Citizens were somewhat alarmed Friday morning about 10 o'clock at hearing the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. blowing its whistle at a furious rate. Upon inquiry we were informed there was no fire at the factory nor had the engine blown up, but the tooting of the whistle was over\ the joyous announcement that over one thousand thousand auto tires had been manufactured in the factory during the preceding 24 hours, the exact output being 1,053 tires! The demgnd for Goodyear tires both in Canada, Canada, the British Isles and Russia has been enormous during the past year requiring the installation of thousands of dollars worth of new machinery as well as several several hundred additibnalemployees to operate operate the machines. It is reported that at least one hundred men who formerly resided resided in Oshawa are now working here at the big Goodyear Factory. If a man wants to work he can surely find employment employment in Bowmahville. Own a Kodak and You Own the Key to Real Pleasure v Take pictures of places and faces you are interested interested in and you have à lasting record that you will not take any money for in years to come. Let us show you how easily a Kodak or Brownie Brownie Camera is operated. A child can operate them. We rent Cameras at lOc a day Jury & Lovell The Safe, Satisfactory Druggists and Opticians BOWMAN VILLE, JUNE 2Ï; 1915 Social and Personal. was home Social and Personal VANCOUVER WEDUNG. Boak--Edsall. The marriage - was celebrated on June 16th, at Christ Church, Vancouver, B. C., of Miss Dorothy Edsall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Schuyler Edsall, Bowmanville, to Eric W. Boak, M. D., son of Henry W. C. Boak, Esq., Barrister at Law, Vancouver. Vancouver. Miss Edsall arrived in Vancouver previous to the wedding and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kerr, old friends of her family. The bride was given away by Mr. Kerr, and Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Christ Church conducted the marriage service. The bride attended by Miss Bea Cavanagh of the General Hospital Hospital Staff, Vancouver, looked charming in a very becoming sand colored travelling travelling suit. Upon the conclusion of the ceremony the happy couple left by the boat for Victoria their future home, where Dr. Boak is engaged in the practice practice of his profession. Although the wedding wedding was a quiet one there was a gathering gathering of many friends at the church and at the boat to wish the young couple every happiness. Dr. George H. Clement Ot Vancouver was the best man. NOTICE Bowmanville Purple Guards, L.O.L. 2384,. will attend Divine Service at the Disciple Church oh Sunday evening June 27. Every member is requested to.meetat Lodge Room at 6.30 sharp. Visiting brethren welcome. W. H. Yeo, W.M. J. Nokes, Rec. Sec. Dont neglect your linoleum and oilcloth. Chinamel will preserve it and retain its pattern. Chinamel is made to walk on. Sold by W. H. Dustan. We Asked You to Pay For this Coal-- More \/ If we asked you to pay more for it than you pay for ordinary coal,.there might be some reason for your hesitating hesitating to give it a trial. But we don't. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies is sold by us at-the same price you pay for the ordinary kind, and this coal is mined in the best anthracite region in the world. It i.s prepared with extreme care. It is really a coal with a pedigree and yet it costs no more than the ordinary nameless kind. Don't you think you owe it to yourself to give, it a trial ? We sell Lehigh Valley "Anthracite because we believe it to be the finest and most economical coal mined. We should like to have. you try it. # John A. Holgate& Son PHONE 153, BOWMANVILLE 1 Who Does the Baking Your Home ? M ADAM, wouldn't you like to be relieved of doing the baking during the hot Summer weather ? Sure you would, and this is how Let US do it- Everyone in the house will be glad to let you have a "vacation" from the kitchen, and we are sure they will enjoy our baking. You can save money, too; for instance,, try Ahie of these good things : Sponge Cakes ....10c doz. Ginger Cakes 10c doz. Parkins Biscuits 10c doz. Ginger Cookies ......10c doz. Buns, plain, currant 10c doz. Maccaroons .40c lb. Drop Cakes.... 20c lb. Raisin Pies ....13ceach Jelly Roll 10c each Melon Cake 10c each Angel Cake 15c each Coftee Cake 5c each Cream Loaf 7c each Raisin Loaf 10c each (Save this list) Goods delivered to any part of the town. THOMAS TOD Baker and Caterer Rock Cakes ....10c doz. French Biscuits ...10c doz. Cocoanut Cookies .10c doz. Scones 10c doz. Jam Tarts... <........ 10c doz. Cocoanut Maccaroons 40c lb. Apple Pies .10c each Blueberry Pies ...,13c each Wine Cake 10c each Walnut Square ...10c each Layer Cake 15c each John Bull Malt Loaf 7 c each Vienna Roll 7c each Currant Loaf ...... 10c each Phone 3. Bowmanville Miss* Olive Mayer, Toronto, over Sunday. Mr. Andrew Climie, Listowel, gave us a friendly call last week. Mr. Clifford Robinson, Napanee, has secured a position here. Mr. Albert Brooks, Carrying Place, has been visiting friends here. Miss Ethel Morris has returned from visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Mamie Hogg, Preston, is visiting her grandfather, Mr. Albert Barber. Mr. W. T. Gibbard has been elected Mayor of Napanee by acclammation. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brent, Uxbridge, have been visiting his sister Mrs.S. Pollard. Miss Hazel Perkins, Moorefield, is visiting visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. B. Worden. Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Hinds recently visited her sister, Miss E. Spilsburg, Col- borne. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thickson, Neepawa, Man., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. O. Mason. You are cordially invited to the garden party on Vanstone's lawn Monday evening. Good program. Miss Louise Osborne, Ebenezer, is visiting visiting her cousin, Miss Ernestise Tonkin, Edwardsburg, Mich. Miss Vivian White who has been attending attending Bowmanville High School, has returned returned to her home in Coboconk. Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Drumm and Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Quick and son William motored to Côbourg Wednesday Very fe w vacant houses are now to be found in Bowmanville and several new residences are in cou se of erection. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Martyn, son Howe and daughter Florence, Berlin, are visiting at her father's, Mr. Jas. G. Rickard's. _ Mr. Thomas Spencer, stonemason, died at Blackstock May 29, in his 64th year. Mr. Geo. Spencer, Bowmanville, is a son. Mrs. W. Willis who has been spending a few weeks with her daughter* Mrs. W. Maynard, has returned home to Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Norman Allin, Edmonton, Alta., are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allin, Centre-st, and other relatives here. Mr. E. Clare Hogarth, formerly of Whitby, son of Mr. G. H. Hogarth, has purchased a drug business and is now in full posssession. Mrs. T. Vanstone and daughter Gladys and son Charley have returned from Akron Ohio, after having two months holiday with her daughter, Mrs. B. A. Sisler. Miss Downing of the Ontario Ladies' College Whitby, and. her mother Mrs. Downing, Goderich, spent the weekend, at their uncle's Mr. Riceard Osborne's. Miss Bessie Walsh, Bowmanville, Rev. A. R. Walsh and Miss F. Cobbledick, at- y tended the wedding of Mr. Cecil H. Walsh and Miss Ethel Barrie, "Maple Vista," Canton. Mrs. W. W. Dickinson and Mr. R. G. Dickinson attended the funeral of the late Roy Mutton of Dundonald who passed a- way June 13, in his 30th year, after four years' illness. Mr.- F. N. Stevens, while cranking his son's spraying engine, the crank slipped and struck him on the lower jaw and broke it. Guess he will let some one . younger crank it next time. Mr. John Darch, of "Erpingham" is the first to report new potatoes having brot us a fine mess as a sample of his "Earliest Known" variety. He says they had them since June 8. Who can beat this record ? Mr. Fred Bartlett, Toronto, visitéd his grandmother, Mrs.John Hellyar, Wednesday Wednesday enroute to Colborne where, Misses Harriett and Ethel Bartlett, they will enjoy enjoy camp life for a few weeks at Victoria Beach. "Cedar Cliff", the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, is an ideal spot for a garden party. Don't miss the strawberries strawberries and cream and good musical program program Monday evening. Come at 6 p.m. and have a pleasant time. Bowmanville Women's Institute will hold its annual picnic on the lawn of Mrs. E. Bellman, Centre-st. on Friday June .25. Program of races, etc., arranged and everyone invited to join in the sport. Admission Admission ioc. Proceeds in aid of Patriotic Fund. Mr. Vincent Farrel, formerly of Darlington, Darlington, died June I2th at Detroit, U. S. A. His remains were brought to his home in Liican, where he was buried on the I5inst. His aunt, Miss K. Farrell, Simcoe street north, attended the funeral.--Oshawa Reformer. Reformer. Miss Marjorie Moore, former pupil of Bowmanville High School, who is taking a course in Elocution and Expression in Ontario Ladies' College expecting to graduate next year was in town Friday. She is engaged to recite at Kendal Anni versary next Monday. At the commencement exercises at Albert Albert College, Belleville, Miss Eva Mitchell, Orono, and Miss Helen Ketcheson were aWàrded equal first place in the elocution contest, and an extra prize was provided. Miss Mitchell also won high praise for her oil printings and china painting from the art judge, Mr. W. A. Sherwood. Miss Mitchell is a daughter of Mr. Geo. Mitchell, Mitchell, Orono, and sister of Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker, Bowmanville. Mr. Leslie Stevens, son of Mr. G. .L. Stevens, and grandson of Mr. Jacob Stevens, Stevens, Bowmanville, Peterboro, who has passed his 1 preliminary examinations for entrance to the Aviation School, Toronto, left to take up the study of aviation. For a few weeks he will learn the art of aircraft, aircraft, proceeding later to England for future future study, then to the. firing line. Pte. John Alex. Walker, son of Mr. W. Walker, Toronto, formerly of 487 Sack- ville-st but now of 339 Greenwood Ave., is reported among the missing since the battle of Langemarck. He was in C. Com- pans, 15th Batt. under Col. Carrie. Pte. Walker was employed by Gordon Mackay Co., Toronto, when-he enlisted for active service. He was bom in Bowmanville,and is a nephew of Mrs. J.J. Mason and the Misses Wright formerly of this town. One little girl m Bowmanville after hearing thé letter from Major Beattie, Chaplain of the 46th Regt., which was read in Bowmanville Methodist Church Sunday morning June 13, decided to give the monev she had given her for passing her exams at Public School and accordingly accordingly took it to one of the members of the Women's Institute as her gift to the needy soldiers. Her generous act will put to shame many older and very much better able- to-givè people. Miss Lane of Oshawa is visiting Miss Hilda Tabb. Mr. Ross Stutt is holidaying at his home in Wroxeter. Miss Verna Jewell is visiting her uncle, Mr. W. C. Allin, Glencoe. -- Mr. James Beith of University of Buffalo, Buffalo, is holidaying at home. Mr. Lou Tapson is taking a military training course at Kingston. Reserve next Monday evening for the garden party at F. C. Vanstone's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moyse and family, family, Toronto, visited relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jewell attended Maple Grove anniversary Sunday. Mr. W.M. Ives has returned from a trip to Moosejaw and other western points. Rev. Isaac Snell, Blackstock,preached in Prince Albert Methodist Church Sunday. Mr. W. F. Hewitt, Sturgeon Falls, recently visited Mr.C. F.Gibson, Engineer. Miss Brita Higginbotham, Ontario Ladies' Ladies' College, Whitby, is home for vacation. Mrs. P. King and Mrs Rossiter and son Fergus, Toronto, recently visited at Mr. Thos. Bottrell's. Se'rgt. C. W. E. Meath and Corp. Alex., Beith, 39th Batt., Belleville, were home over Sunday. • Miss Charlotte Phelps, San Jose, Cal., is visiting her cousin, Miss Helen Mitchell, and other relatives. Some fine fields of fall wheat are to be seen. Messrs. James and John Cole, Beth- esda, have fine ones. Mr. John Hislop, Ontario Ladies' College, College, Whitby, visited his brother, Mr. W. Hislop, over the week-end. Bowmanville baseball team will take part in the big Dominion Day celebration celebration at Port Hope July 1st. Miss Alice Silver has returned from a pleasant visit with her sister, Miss Ada Silver, and other relatives in Toronto. Miss Greta Morris and Mr. Claude Ives are delegates from Bowmanville Epworth League to Summer School at Bellevi le. Mr. Day Warnica left Tuesday for Josephine, Josephine, Alta., to spend a couple of months with his grandfather and uncle on their ranch there. "Cedar Cliff" will be the attraction Monday Monday evening. Go and have tea and hear the program. Reserve Wednesday afternoon July 14. Mrs. R. Holmes will give a garden party at the lake in aid of the Women's Patriotic Patriotic League. Recent rains have helped all vegetation and meadows greatly, also .the strawberry crop which is an average. Cherries promise promise a bumper crop. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Storie and Mr. J.W. Smith, Oshawa, and Miss Madeline Stephens, Stephens, Salem, were recent guests at Mr. F.T. Guy's, Darlington, Rev. A. H. Drumm pastor of St. Paul's church lectured in John-st Presbyterian church, Belleville, Tuesday evening on "The Prussian Peril." Miss Gertie Purcell, Port Perry, and nephew, Mr. Jack Holtby, Manchester, were recent guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams, High-st. Mr. D. N. Duffy, Tweed, has ben appointed appointed local manager of Seymour Power Co., Mr. Leo J.Barry having secured a position in Kingston. Sorry to lose Mr. Barry. From the number of men seen on the streets these days with their arms in slings it would appear an opportune time to launch a "Safety First" campaign in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. • Rev. H. B. Kenny will occupy the pulpit pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday at boih services. This will be the closing sermons of his four year pastorate with Bowmanville congregation. After forty years' experience we have no hesitation in stating that D. L. & W. Scranton Coal is the very best fuel for your furnace, heater or range. Place your order now with McClellan & Co,Ltd. 24-3 Bowmanville Methodist Sunday School contributed 32 pairs of socks to the Patriotic Patriotic Society for our soldiers at the front-- the result of the Empire Day c llection which was spent for wool and knitted by members .of the school. His many friends here will congratulate congratulate Mr. P. H. Punshon, Oshawa, on his appointment as one of His Majesty's Justices Justices of the Peace. We wish for Squire Percy Punshon many years to assist in adjusting the scales of justice. The Stratford Beacon announces that its editor, Mr. William E. O'Beirne, who has been confined to his house for some time owing to a serious attack of apoplexy is recovering and hopes to soon be able to again occupy the editorial chair. This is cheering news for his friends, many of whom were given to understand that his illness was of such a serious nature that his ultimate recovery was doubtful. Scranton Coal is the best prepared and most satisfactory fuel in the market today. today. You risk whatever in placing placing vour order now. Read our advertisement advertisement in another column. McClellan & Co, Limited. ' 24-3 MUSIC IN THE AIR There appears to be no lack of amusements amusements and attractions in Bowmanville on a Saturday night. Within a stone's throw of the Four Corners one may hear the loud voice of the vendor of some cure-all, the clang of the bullets ringing abull's-eye at the shooting gallery, the shout of an enthusiastic enthusiastic skip on the bowling green as he makes the shot, and further along King-st on "musical row" you get the conglomerate conglomerate medley of classical, popular and patriotic music pealing forth at one time from a Victrolia, Edison and Columbia talking machines. Besides this there is the "movies", and also the Salvation Army Band which is providing good music under the direction of Capt. Luxton. Last but not least is the "honk-konk" of the many autos passing along the street". Who says Bowmanville is not getting more like New York every day? BIRTHS. Mutton--In Bowmanville, June 15, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mutton, a daughter. Drummond--In Bowmanville, June 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drummond, a son. (still born) Rickard--At the Grange, Newcastle, Jnne 21, to Mr. and Mrs, W. Franklin Rickard, a son.-- John Franklin. MARRIAGES Walsh--Barrie--At Canton, June 9th, by Rev. J. W. Cannom, Ethel Mary Barrie and Cecil Howden Walsh, Perrytown. Kirby--Pogson--In Oshawa, June 14, by Bev. C. R. dePencier, Mrs. Mabel Pogson, and Mr. Herbert W. Kirby, both of Oshawa. Brethen--Rowland--At Port Hope, Jnne 16, by Rev. W. F. Spidell, Amy E. Rowland, Port Hope, and Melvin F. Brethen, Rochester, N.Y, •Duncan--Rutledge--At Port " Hope, Jnne 16, by Rev. Jas. A. Elliott, Winnifred Elliott, daughter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. Rutledge, Canton, and Reginald S. Dnncan, B.S.A., Port Hope, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Dnncan, Huntsville. DEATHS Hawkins--At Toronto General Hospital, Jnne 22nd, Wm. H. Hawkins. Interment at Union Cemetery, Oshawa, Friday. Edsall*--At the residence of her son, Mr. S. S. Edsall, Bowmanville, Jnne 20th, Maria Anna, widow of late Samuel Edsall, Port Hope, aged 87 years. Real--At the Methodist Parsonage, Claremont, Claremont, June 22, Mrs. Wm. Real, aged 97 years, 4 months. Mother of Rev. J. R. Real. Interment at Greenbank. Culverwell--At the residence of her son-in- law, G. A. Brayley, 92 Binscarth Rd., Toronto, Jnne 17, Ellen Trent, relict of late J. T. Culver- well, aged 82 years. Mother of the late J. T. Culverwell, Port Hope. 'Lest We Forget' E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches: ORONO HAMPTON H H H OUSE TO RENT--7 roomed brick residence in Bowmanville. Apply at The Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 26 2 <OR SALE--1 heavy platform wagon, 2 sets of < single buggy harness, 1 top buggy. E. R. Bonnsall, Bowmanville, Ont. 25 3 fcIGS FOR SALE--9 pigs 6 weeks old, York- 9 shire White. Apply John Nichols, lot 25. con 3, Darlington. Cou rtice, P.0. 26tf OUSES FOR SALE--2 good houses, Chnrchj Ibibé St. West, at a bargain, all -the Apply Box R, Bowmanville. ething to see all Automatio elec- Ufl Eat Wholesome Food and Enjoy Good Health •We are determined to keep the "Elite Quality" Standard High and our prices as low as our large purchases will permit. Many people in Bowmanville Bowmanville and vicinity appreciate this and trade regularly regularly with us. Get the habit of buying your groceries from us-- you'll save money. Rd. Sttowden S r D Z E C! L Morris . 8 k Son Eat More Fruit and Vegetables OUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALI* „ Let Street, 8 rooms, garden and ° , '~ Q y * Street, b rooms, garueii ttuu = - . an< i to E. W. Loscombe, Bowman-jms^JoIdeje^ a d rALESMAN WANTED--For new no. Send 25c for sample and Complt G. F. Cram, 107 N. Market St., Chr Doctors recommend people to eat more fruit and vegetables vegetables during the hot summer months. It's a good idea--but remember if you want the, best in seasonable seasonable fi^i^^j^^sgetables you can depend on our hav- s * oc ^ deludes very choice ™q^ 118 ! Pineapples, Grape Fruit, Pays fi T nos Str Tomatoes, Lettuce, Radish, ust \ LONG SAULT The annual picnic of Long Sault Public School will be held at Mr. R ch. Woodley's Woodley's on Saturday June 26. Everybody bring a basket and have a good time. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Haw Always Bought "Bears the Signature of -------- . . as W ANTED--A district representative i- • County of So. Durham. A permanent^ tion for the right man, with exclusi. territory. Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto. 25 6 W ATER CLOSETS FOR SALE--Two frame water closets for dry earth system, one extra good and large. Will be sold cheap. Norman S. B. James, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. . F OR SALE--Coal oil stove, souvenir cook stove, dining room suite.Nffiild's high chair, rocker, folding conch bed. Apply mornings. Mrs. C. Wattleworth. corner Ontario and Wellington Sts., Bowmanville. 26 1 F OR SALE-- 8 roomed frame house, stone stables, shade and fruit trees, main road between Bowmanville and Oshawa; also horse, buggy and harness; 1 acre of land. Apply to Mr. Clements, Courtice. 26 1 UMMER RESIT) NCE TO RENT--On "Wil- 1 w Grove" .. beautiful 12 roomed Mimnier resi lence. partly furnished, on water front," Lake Ontario. Apply lu Mr. E. J. Burk, Box 309, Bowmanville. 26 2* F OR SALE--Horse, good in all harness, about 1300 lbs, 10 yrs old. sound ; 1 horse-wagon in good shape, carry 1 to 1J tons; 1 double screw press; 14-ton Fairbanks scale in good condition. Will sell any or all of above stock cheap. John GyKK. Bowmanville. Phone 95. 25t House and Lot For Sale by Tender Tenders will be received up to July 1st for the purchase of the one-and-a-half brick house, situated situated at the north-west corner of Ontario and Wellington-sts., Bowmanville, at present occupied occupied by Mr-- Charles Wattleworth. Excellent cellar, furnace, electric wiring, bath-room, town water, good well and cistern, newly shingled. The lot contains nearly } of an acre of land with small fruit and several apple and plum trees. Frame stable in good order, with entrance from Wellington-st which conld be used as a garage. No tender necessarily accepted. Address, MRS. JAMES REID, 26 1 Port Hope. ' FRUIT BULLETIN"" Of interest to housewives. Official notice notice is given to buy canning strawberries now. Have your grocer secure Niagara Peninsula grown kind; they are now at their best and require less sugar.Goose- berries about ready.Speak to the grocer. First Class Painting If you want your Automobile . or Buggy painted, see the new Painter at EDGER'S Carriage Works Bowmetiville Dr. J. S. Somers DENTIST, of TORONTO has removed his office to the new Imperial Bank Building, corner Yonge and Queen Sts. This office has been fitted with the most up-to-date dental appliances appliances and in every way is one of the best in the city. 23-4sn FALL TERM OPENS SEPT 1 4o" 2 ir Atlas. v e outfit. \go, 111. 'or the I Phone 65 iGn Vi ries and provisions always on b a • Friday. Archie Tait Bowmanville LADIES! THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Ea U-IOTT TORONTO,, ONT. has to-day.a stronger hold upon the public public confidence than ever before. "Thorough "Thorough Train! Hgf' for choice positions in Business Life is given in all of our Departments. Departments. This college does not ask for a better reputation than it has now. We place many students in positions each year. Write to-day for large catalogue.- Yonge and . W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. Principal We find that we have too many Ladies' Suits, and in order to make a substantial reduction in the number, number, we will for the next two weeks sell any of our New Spring Suits at the following reduced prices : All sizes, 14 to 40. Ladies' Suits, reg. $13.75, sale price...* 9.75 " " 15.75, " ... 1175 " . " 18.75, " ... 13.75 " " 22.00, " ... 16.75 " " 25.00. " ...18 75 10 Only, Suits, Special sizes 16 to 38 Regular price $12.75 tu $18.75, your choice $7.75 S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville m

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