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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1915, p. 6

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'O <>A s-. •' tCv: Sugar ?» "• itice-flénver, Çolo. na+S^ 3 generaI iy, and those ° f ®3 ery . Option -who are maints* 0 îf cn . fice liv «s and wealth to W m the lnvioI *tiîlity of commer- would do well to Srnf+in hat i prmutive fragment of in- r a i which Catharine Se lRtK laid 2 0Wn a ^ the solution m the loth century. She ordered-what ï*^ d J**ï med neutrality" to pro- i. t • *• _ »*>■' WJ. CHJL ujr i„ e •Jf^ ea . ce "^ 1 ^ cohimefee>.- and it scarce- Reawres Fruit perfect in shape and" quality and a clear well madeSyrun un must ho tyio/La ,„ul . ~ "• *^, e must be ma <3e with pure good sugar acts 1 kfl nvAr-ri^o A.,,;* j - . 6 - 6 dr » acts like over-ripe fruit and£££fS2£? matter In sugar mftnt anri i/icc f+f- ---it- t .• - - .. • To avoid such disappoint-- c -- more than 99.99 standard Granulated Sugar, ^ e r!SL U3 l V eir y î r ^P u J«»l n JL s _ugar ih ° f question 'whether our so called advanced civilization has not retrograded when it denies, by eat ^. 3 - 'his' selnUry safe- guard to public safety. WWl e the United States Has an unprecedented unprecedented volume of foreign merce which is the bellieerlnt" life whether under Demgerent or neutral flag. hi»h S r e8:ar<iin8: tIiis warning, the "S* German officials ordered the ancrer e i00 O A^ StrOy the Lusitania > ana over 100 Antencan citizens were deliberately murdered. The uq "an Gulflisht ' the American flag, was also torpedoed with loss of life, similarly by li/iiii'ifj r-Hm Ger- man Piratical^ubmarintT'attack, "atadi so with others more insulting JnaüonTho^than the sinking of the Lusitania Æ patrol rtf 111 the duty of the U.S. to c P la?e war Se «"E r . aI ^ rs ' « de- and per cent pure St Lawreace Sugar WITH HOME JAM AND PRFSFRvf steady excellence and purity are the secrets^oHto ^ ST. LA WHENCE SUGAR, LIMITED. MONTREAL. F mm M *Ot FROF» XCane suca^SV- Bps ut r S*i ft com- greatly affected by trrKx^î, 6 ^ 611 * European stru 5gle, it is forei^ at h J?° St ° f it is carried in gn bottoms. In previous great Jit ^ of 1812, for instance, bu l k °f her commerce was earned in her own ships. which, up to the time mAff* ^ r ™ ean war, was generally stA Al 6 **' t St the ciose of that truggle and the treaty of Paris,' a nS!nn= tl0 A W8S made b y the .various sh i a mterested, that privateering should no _ longer be permitted, and looking t 6 > Were then laid down looking to its absolute and the protection of merce. war against Germany avenge these insults. -- *--_ SILVER THREADS GOLD. AMONG THE extinction neutral com- Darlmg, I am growing old, Silver threads among the gold Shine upon my brow to-day-- Life is fading fast away; But, my darling, you will be Always young and fair to me: Yes* my darling, you will be Always young and fair to te' •m -j Tl»eftopri^^^«iMe*riBeAd. IbrAs-i hÆ»2MS?' ; $W}WTf,,-Çll/£w j^2£JÙÈ^SÎSL52âJ2ÈHâ£22^ The Kind You Havk Always Bought / me. When your hair is silver white, Wu>. y +v lr cbee ks no longer bright With the roses of the May I will kiss your lips and say; u > my darling, mine alnno ■A i. fec^W X rules is °"= to the ef- emiP«' h -' - î 1 - 6 - e . u , tra ! fla ? covers en- tion my darling, mine alone, ïou have never older grown yes, my darling, mine alone, ïou have never older grown. emies goods, with the single excep- a. E. McLaughlin, Office 1 ---* nd Conveyancer. Bowmanv £ e Ir Block ' Kin * Street, able rates! 1 Money to Joan - at reason- B * J * HAZLEWOOD, M.D., C.M. BOWMANVILLE, - . 0NT G! °r<SoïS!? AL l i lT. ° f Trinit y University, -, Tçronto; ^bysician and •Hospital Te?5nTr 6 an xr Residence -telephone No. 108. Four years Attending put«bu!" e S" " Mt - Cimel Wellington TABLE CHANGES A Change of Time made on June 12 GOODMAN & GALBRAITH EarmtsM tmi Solicitor,. Notaries Public. fofe K i C0 ° CM 5 N - N D. C. GALBRAITH Sob Lumsden Bldg. Yuqge & Adelaide-sts Toronto Ontario DEATH OF F. H. MANN. to The Evening Record of Windsor gives account of the death of Alderman h Mann, who fell from a ladder at his home* and received such injuries as to cause his death a month later, June 6. Since the Rident he failed steadily, though it was Mr M°!^ h i!t dr _ St _ he . Was seriously hurt. w. H. ALEXANDER V, S. Unu Ji fe^i'SKottfl 6 ,°' 0nl « rio Veterinary Co! Ij'loleïtS™ S?»' ««at,.! ; known methods. a -i' -bis residence, KanMlle.. Phone 193. Kmg-at, East Bow- 20-lyr LOSCOMBE &. SENKLER Barrister t>, Notaries Solicitors, r t » • Public. R.F.Luscomue, K.C. B.S.Sankler, B.A. ^JONEY TO XiO.iN, Cffice: Mason Block, King Street - Bowmanville, Ontario. railway time tables for, BOWMANVILLE. ! NEW NIGHTLSdRATwq OTTAWA QFEBEfi7¥bTM8IIER Leave Ottawa Oentraf ea Jr' daily. Sfcandar»dl n i Ooanecting train tea[ 11.53 a.ui., eiro TORONTO V^ a y have it deliv- ^Bowinanviiiet 5 ïrorikf^œnt' of lower mily* l na X a l will Ai Bler a vT Leave BowniTin vill» 12.36 ^ dai y and I U.oo a.m. except Sunday ! J!!. EN pO^ BELLEVILLE NAPANEE H V 5 6 3 B a°m m 6^ Ule 12:36 a * m * daily and il. do a. m , 6.38 p in. except Sunday r,i WEEK-END SERVICE loronto, Bowmanville, Napanee Saturday only leave Toronto 1.20 p m arr. Bowmanville 2.39 p.m„ arr Napanee 6.20 p.m. Sunday qnly leave Napauee 5.35 p.m arr. Bowmanville 18.37 p.m., arr '* I - Toronto 10.15 p.m. ! ^fnrthfr r *° P°mts and i apply to w et G ,S rn 0 ,yS atabl S oha "ge» Mr. Mann took an active part in politics and municipal affairs in Windsor almost there h He wLh 6 to ? k a P his residence 50c per ton ie& ere ' born m Bowmanville, be- "h^Jbe Ja£ Henry Mann of Raby men for tl In i8/o Mr. Mann enty miniçWindsor and retired who are o^ith a modest fortune. To meet 3 *^ Miss Géorgie C. ers there* an °ld Windsor an to ihe widow, two Pund flft GIFTLER, Sta. Agent. Grand Trunk Railway GOING EAST. Express 8.52 a. m. Express 10.18 „ Passenger 3.36 p. m. ^°cal 6.4B Passenger 1.18 . Mail' 9.63 Daily GOING WEST ^Express 4.22 aim -Local 7 ro local 9 45 ;; Passenger . i.£6p'm. -Passenger T.H „ Just That. Johnny---What is an expert, pa? * who tells others how to do the things he can't do. himself. Canadian Pacific Railway xK ^2 GE ^- goingavest. Express tExpress - Millers. Worm Powders never fail tî 6 ' 7 a !f' iok th6 ' worms ""3 pel them lro:n the system Thov are complete in themselves, mS'obiy 67 a worm d -, . J as 3.07 a.m. 10.46 a.m. 7.00 p.m. x Flag stop Officjÿ" excepfc Sunda r- X Express Express t Express 6.07 a.m. 8.38 a.m. 4 *-7 p.m. C * B * Kent, Agent, Post D TRUNK SSffi! ATTR a worm destroyer, but as a highly bene ficial medicine for children ---- ® companies." He was frequently ^uesYed to become a candidate in the AlrW^fL* races in Windsor but dîd not lccede ^ the ir wishes until last year when he was returned an easy winner in a large field The funeral took place on Wednesday in- bei 2 g n ? ade in Windsor Grove Cemetery. Speaking editorially The Uncord Uncord says: The death of Aid. F. H Mann from the efiects of a fall at his homesome r ™ ovts from lbs council con- was the a retired business man who was the soul of honour and as careful in | *-- J,: .< public funds as hetod been" ha?dling ,he ofhispriv^iu^^^^çi weak digestion and restoring th^debilh vh? d Æ tem t0 bealthfulness, without rI?o n 5 he growth of the Child will be etarded aud its constitufcioa weakened. King George every day. sees his physician TRIPS Muskoka Lakes Georgian Bay French River TO Lake of Bays Algonquin Park Ma gun eta wan River Th^ag^ Lakes -p , t . jami. etc. ÆK1XSS , 5Î"oS® >?: from with liberalstop-overs. Very low f ares, what extensive. He did not particioate wal he debates of the council chamberbut 3 r ^ gulaT at | endan t until his fatal illness. illness. He was also faithful in attending the meetings of the finance Commktee where his judgment was invariably respected respected and frequently followed in deciding ther°of 3 Mr Mr " Mann is a bm- r Mr * -Alfred Mann and Miss Henri- t££$£ fu^ir n ^ af " ha ™ at. It Rub3 Pain Away--.There isnn i,- n ,, . _ . EclectricOil. The hand that rubs it m rubs the pain away and on t^s account there is^no preparation that stands so high in public esteem There is no surer paiu-killer procurable as hundreds can attest who have used it successful m treating many ailments *. ORONO. Orono streets are to be oiled - °r on 9 Women's Institute are having a Picnic on the flats, Orono, on Fridayi june MUSKOKA EXPRESS Leaves Toronto 10.15 i for Muskoka Wharf HunTsWlf Iy 'i e i ICeptiSnniia y. "J «««h BaiytiKiSSA . A A"=1='S Park 1 i>ortn Bay. Connpnfirxwo L ~ ^arK viiie for points on Lak« nf u5 Kes -5^9, Hunts buffet carto Akonnl Parlor-Library- Cafe car and first r* oca „ Park, Parlor-Library- Fnll particulars and" H ,u 0 o ^ cl2e3 to North" Bay. agents. and tl '- keta on application tb No matter where phone 78 for information? - g °! ngl CaI1 For Years,RestoredTo Health h Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etabie Compound. Mr. Herman Davis, sonth of Orono using his residence and building a cem .undatiomand cellar full size undern™ ^n r A an ,L M ÎL^ h " d ™. Prono. towS conti ^ a "y writ. Phone 5i. Local Agent, House FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring but Ugly Spots. Howto Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle fnno try a remedv- for frenklea ^Uh m5 ' to «toe of a reliable deti^r tout U wu!no r i frecktos" w®f r ?, n i ess «. remove Z complexion tt!f lf 16 d °9 8 Klve yoù a clear uumpiexton the expense is trifling. strength 7 ^ et an 0unce of ofchine-double x gr«Rt»pS font ^t r ZT 006 ™ a = 6 a "d°ed Be sure to wbinb a ett ? rs as the two following wh,eh are heartfelt expressions of tude for restored health : ■ Glanford Station Ont < < t j, „ , ken Lydià E. Pinkham's VegetabJcoî^ pound and never found any medicine to compare with it. I had ulcers and falling falling of womb and doctors did me no ■ good. I suffered dreadfully for years until I began taking your medicine. I also also recommend it for nervousness and indigestion. indigestion. " -- Mrs. nounce the engagement of their grand daughter, Agnes Muriel Hill, to Mr. William William Harold Laritz, Toronto. The mar na S e totake place in the last week of w" Mr. Harley Billings, Orono, has returned returned from Boston bringing with him *1- fn°M g ra h dÜa * te degrees, Mister h of ^deiîœ in Mechanical Engineering from the Mass- saSegrœfiSnH Technology, and the sam. degree from Harvard University. The Comedy Drama, "Breezy pJ n t » Presenfed by the ladies of St. John , 's church^Bowmanville, drew a good house npufra^ contrabrand of war, and that are net r°^! S ' witil *his exception enom * fl abIe to capture under an i y* da ^ an d that blockades be binding must be effective. The United States made objection o some of the provisions of this c ^ a L im ^ n 8' that in assuming to lv ?+? Pr + . 1 7 at ? ering they were mere- y strengthening the nations having powerful navies. s nf^ r ; Q+ Wm l ÎV Marc y» our Secretary behalf If ?h* that time ' P ro P ose d on behalf of this country an amendment, that private property of the subject and citizen of the belligerent on the high seas should be exempt from ~ b f. the armed vessels of the other belligerents, except it be trabrand goods. This proposal accepted and incorporated •in treaty. Lusitania carried contra- hran d of Avar, the vessel should have rulis ri nder * the same international rules concerning the treatment of shouldh rg ° eS L That is ' the bi S liner ld bave bee n captured and taken nto port, and the case presented to the prize court. havJ e h5° d ^* knOWS that these rules but , dlSregarded b y Germany, but hitherto, very little was said on the subject and the protests made W 6 vi ^ Id ' and in fact concilia! tory, until the attack Vm the Lusi- ]Sl la was made , arid real damage inflicted inflicted upon American commerce. Yet here is presented a case where not only property was sacrificed but blnnJ ? eutrals were murdered in cold blood, because, we will say, of the presence on board the vessel of som contrabrand goods. tbJ h ,f re i ! no . Precedent governing the^case in international law. The Alabama case is perhaps the nearest approach to it as involving the obli- was'T S R°^- n L UtralSr but the Lusitania s a British vessel carrying neutral the Alabama Zs a there Z® te - b ° at P re ^ n e upon Nor- BritTsh hiPPmg with the. aid of the in fK iS W °.x* Id seem t0 -Place the U.S. m the position of upholding either the S= ns 'he Paris tTeaty wZch Love can never more grow old-- may lo J e their brown and gold, Cheeks may fade and hollow grow, PromofesDigestionjCkafi* hess andResLContalns imSct Upiuni.Morphlne riorHmermJ Not Narcotic. ^ But the hearts that love will know Never, Winter's frost and chill; bummer warmth -is in them still; Never Winter's frost and chill bummer warmth is in them still. Love is always young and fair What to us is silver hair, Faded cheeks or steps grown slow lo the heart that heats below? bmee I kissed you, mine alone, You have never older grown Since, I kissed you, mine alone, have never older grown. Eben E. Rexford. --*- Anafeff SetJ- jthc£ema + AcMfcSdU- -daatSHi ■+ Him Sud - Aperfccr Remedy forConsfipa- 1 1 non. SourSlomadr.Diarrhwy Worms,Con^ vu Irions, Feverishness Feverishness and Loss OF SLEEP. .Facsimile Signature of, TVt Centaur Company. 1 MONTREAL&NEW YORK At6 months old JJ Doses -jj Cents For Over Thirty Years -f Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASTORIA oKNTAU Ft COMPANY, You WHERE EVERYBODY HELPS. By Prof. Creelman, Ontario* Agricultural Agricultural College. Statistics go to prove that the most successftfl farmers are those who keep their sons and daughters at home and interested in some "hase save money of their own--wages or a life partner- rnnZZ df neutral 8"0ds (except. "7 to the land" when it contrabrand) are not liable to can- 1 phes t0 ture under an enemy flag, or of re- trahZ"* 0 ? athari "' s "armed neu- commerce Pr0tection of Poacefui If the latter Germany course is adopted, Atm . - Wl11 - Probably find the American navy prepared to act Fn.nÜîï 11 !? of. American commerce to interested of the work. One's own folks, of course, take a greater interest in the building up of the farm and the farm home than can be expected of mere hired help. Also a man or woman can plan work and carry it out better where home folk only are engaged in the transaction. I hen why not. make a special ef- Xr nu!V ear tG ihterest everyone in the old homestead?' It may not be am ° r i . the cify that steals our y ng people > hut rather the desire to earn wages and very ship might do! Times are very bad in cities now. backoff y ° Ur i° y ° r girl w °uld come back if you offered a partnership in your business. Perhaps a good farmer farmer in your locality has been spotted t0 run a street car or shovel snow in some large town. Perhaps to^m Ç is tired, sô tired, of trying ?" bonest hving, working for people who have no personal interest in her welfare. Offer her a ten-dollar- a-month-and-board chance to live with those she loves best, and then plan a poultry or dairy bee campaign to get the money back. S I have not much confidence in the cry "Back to the land" when it ap! men and women without rural rural experience. - I have every confidence confidence however in farm boys and girls coming home to familiar .work. If you have no boy*or girl to bring ba ? k ' J ust stop to think • of some rfeighbor s child whose parents are perhaps dead. Write to such a one am greatly mistaken if you will K d i Pre l ty nearly starv e before nio g help--but many a one writes me now that he or she would gladly return to the country if some definite arrangement could be entered into of a business sort, whereby the business could be run as solve the duction. problem of increased pro- rewarded 1C ^ Boon for the Bilious --The liver is a very sensative organ and easilv Sc anged. When this ofcZ there to 6I " dne secretion of hUe anï the acrid Ltid flows into the stomach and r ^ - _ a partnership and where hard work would be with adequate remuneratioi Oh, if we could keep our young j ® d J in Parnielee'a Vegetable Pillg 8 which farm and bring hack | ^® Q Warrant_ed to speedily ' h S^^ C °D ditio > a man finds the best sours it. In people on the all who would come we should soon . ^ ^ correct the tViQ « 1* ' -tnereis no better medicine the entire list of pill preparations 1U and Britain m British ships, a step which) n °î. fi . nd such a response as you no doubt Germany wSuid constme an unwarranted and unneutral But why should anticipated. Young Canadians are- independent. They will never proud and suffer in si !" Tuesday even- Wash Henry Clark, Glanford Station. On! 1 be gan taking them for -f fl m n ^ y l!!-!^ ^ g * T h e P Ia Y was well presented, almost flS Ch - a ! aCter being a star in herself 1 and ^rest was well maintained from start to finish. The total proceeds am mounted to over $67.15, with total expen- ses $6.00, leaving a tidy sum of $6115 ?o m=n da n e S ua L hetween Orono and Bow- 6 fo f Pat . n °tic Purposes. Following Following the entertainment the Bowmanville young people arranged a dance.--NeS --* ; TYRONE ask the double atre'ngth othine dragRist for the back if ii-VoiT * ' AOir eoaranree on k lf lt fai18 to remove freckles. The Same Thing. +S'^f y ' ma > have you noticed a «xT he f at bas ^rown lately." No; but I'vè noticed how the mice are." haw and ^ aking them f° r falling of womb and ovarian trouble. 6 mD scarce and w Sidepained me a11 the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it would be worse l ALÏTTr/î me P«h and kuffer- ,. g and 1 would be so nervous some- times that I could not bear to see any one or hear any one speak. Little specks would float before mÿ eyes and I was always constipated. I cannot say too much for Lydia E Sver t, K fo/ t e h teble Go ~ aS likl them ?l^ ere . f 6 no med icin e s like them. I have taken them and I 22te^ dth .®mto aH women. You may RuWish tills teitirndmaL" -- Usual monthly meeting of Women's rteTirti-t, œil as act. whon ck. l Germany complain, when she herself sets tHe example of the law g 6Va f y ™ le ° f the game f and b! Ia v as it stands does not cover he sinking of ships carrying ze^ and neutral commerce. fllrm! nCe armed intervention policy alone would seem to remain fo? American adoption and enforcement. cxtrÎL SltUat i 0n A 1S - momentous in the l e l e ^ and -^merica? must soon take decided. steps, one. way or the - . safem to , Protect her commerce and | skin a °. d absoIutTprotection safeguard the lives of her citizens a l sum mer skin troubles. Scien- agamst the rapacity and bloodthirsty tlrgree^an^othLT^-^ °} 1 of Wiu ' pohey of the German government. I ïl!tYü . otoer healing elements. A A- the It TTtanic e wa e s membered that when tëitimdmaL " -- Mrs phim J. MABTm. CheeterviHe. Ont«Z appre=,a^il®KtSi Brea, op béhÿf of the sode^" - mS' Sm? 8 u 11 fdr their hind- Ï ™rv lü nch * as "rVed and k apd •f 01 » 1 time spent: WA»?sS^Jl I il* b !J ?rcatIy mused in our tir Mill as in all wîfL- * t. sunk by collisibn Zlll ' C . ebe .?' the U - S - sent an arm- j x Gr mt ® the field to ( warn others, ÎiWe t ? M P fï teC i Shipping as far as pos- TL m * he danger zone. with !, ® e ?^ blic , is now confronted wifh a problem far more serious than Uie losaof the Titanic, where Ger- man submarines deliberâtely destroy n neutrai waters, not only property but American lives, and glory in their bestial inhumanity. The dan- ger zone, as mapped out by Germany in the neutral waters of the Atlantic, with U f! y artificial and arbitrary, for, with the same abandon pf reason, she might just as well have'included the sbbut it Cean ®* Pahs6/ whiIe site was , U ; S ' government refused to acknowiedge the rights of Germany , °* ber 5*^idn v to make a law ■SS- arbitrarily mark off parts 1 ,°f the ocean as being within Don't faU to try D. D. D. for any kind 'f summer skin tro - '*'- ~- y-*ma you welcome relief. ™. Al ' wm give Soap" ,or253 - Ask also abonf Îx'd.'d 1 JurysLoyeil, Druggists, Bowmanville. iJ. D. D. is made in Canada. ICE CREAM Doctor Dominion Day Excursions Single Fare Good going and returning Thursday July 1st, only. is a ver Y nutritious ^ y digestible food-but it must be pure--Ice Cream to be saf© must be mad© in a p©rf©ctlv Dairy Ic© Cream you ept the benefit of the inspection of Toronto's Health Department The more Ice Cream you eat in the be tter health you will have, if it is City Dairv U « geam, because, "If it'lcity Dairy 1rs Pure that's Sure." y For Sa,o Oy «Lor,, A . 0 ,. aj> w •k** evarywh 3T3. Fare and One-Third Good going June 30th and July 1st. Returnjimit Friday, July 2nd, 1915* church work, whereshe wa« a _* n ^ --• 1 4 ^** vo VA «'«« ocean as beinir wit I ready and wimil|n«rj$6f. ' * cr j so-called war zone, and n<rtifi*d'Ger~ I For tickets andi information apply to many that she must not; take Ameri-1 w * G. GIFFLER, Station Agent. Look "for the Sign. i want an Agent In TORONTO. every town. 'Tr - T\.

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