iFp _■ : '".MÈH 1 ™ h Z X X Lfrntic Güanulated is, pure cane Substitutes ! Made in a new Refinery by new and improved methods--packed by automatic machines in original packages. Lantic Granulated is perfect for cooking' "and preserving. 5 lb. sealed cartons, also in 10 lb., 20 lb. and 100f|). *ags. Buy "The Sugar of Extra Quality" & Lantic Sugar Sold in 2 lb. and Weight guaranteed. Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited MONTREAL, ÇUE. ST. JOHN, Wood's Phosphodiae, The Great. English Remed Tones and invigorates the whole I nervou? system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and. Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss.of Enerffl/, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory;. Price $1 per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO., T0B0MT0, ONT. (Firwriy Wladsw.) Dont Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Remove Them With the Othine Prescription. This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prominent •physician and is usually so sue jessful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Don't hide yonr freckles under a veil ; get an ounce of othine and remove them EVen the first few applications should show a wonderful improvement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. VDe sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine; it is this that is sold on the money-back guarantee. 3 TIME TABLE CHANCES A Change of Time made on June 12 -JNEW NIGHT TRAINS OTTAWA QUEBEC VALCARTIER Leave Ottawa Central Station -7.15 p.m. - daily. Standard Sleeping Oars. Connecting train leaves Bowmanville 11.53 a.m., except Sunday. • TORONTO TRAINS Leave Bowmanville 5.41 a.m. daily and . 9.00 a.m., 1\37 p m. except Sunday • OTTAWA TRAINS Leave Bowmanville 12.36 a,m. daily and 11.53 a.m. except Sunday TRENTON BELLEVILLE NAPANEE Leave'Bowmanville 12.36 a.m. daily and 11.53 a.m , 6.38 p.m. except Sunday WEEK-END SERVICE Toronto, Bowmanville, Napanee Saturday only leave Toronto 1.20 p.m,, arr. Bowmanville 2.39 p.m., arr. Napanee 5.20 p.m. Sunday only leave Napanee 5.35 p.m., arr. Bowmanville f8.37 p.m., arr. . Toronto 10.15 p.m. For through tickets to all points and further details of time table changes apply to W. G. GIFFLER, Sta. Agent. THE LAY DELEGATES District Meetings Elected These Men from Their Board to .Conference .Conference AT OSHAWA. 6 4 - <6 IDDLE ABE Mrs.Doucette Tells of her Distressing Distressing Symptoms During Change of Life ancLHow She Found Relief. Belleville, Nova Scotia, Can.--"Three years ago I was suffering, badly with what the doctors called Change of Life. I was so bad that I had to stay in bed. Some friends told me to takeLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound and it helped me from the first. It is the only medicine I took that did help 1 me and I recommend Bowmanville Dr. W. E. Tilley, Bowmanville C. M. Cawker, " M. A. James, " S. V. Hoar, (RR4) . W. J. Snowden, (R R 3) " F. Bull, Oshawa . John Currie " A. J, Adams, " John Bale, " Fred Graham, Newcastle John Rickaby, : Orono. Thos, Patterson, Clarke G. A. Langmaid, Hampton Jas; A. Werry, Enniskillen R. C. Jackson, Nestleton S. Johnson, Cedardale Reserve Delegates A. E. Clemens, Tyrone G M. Long, Orono W. R. Courtice, Courtice L. O. Taylor, Nestleton Station Stephen Jose, Newcastle Belleville District. F. E. O'Flynn, 149 Bridge-st, Belleville Judge Deroche, 49 Oampbell-st, " W. A. Esmond, 157 Foster-ave, " S. J. Clarke, Foster-ave, " A. E. Bailey, 33 dloway-st, " Thos. Blanchard, R. F. D., 19 C. M. Reid, Bridge-st, B. Asselst'ne, 20 Victoria-ave, D. Ketcheson, R. M. D. H. Moorman W. E. Vandewater, R. F. D. 2 Herbert Finkle, R. M. D. F. S. Deacon, Uoleman-st, XV. F. Welsh, Moira R. N. Bird, R. F. D. 4, Stirling J. A. Holgate, Foxboro H, K. Denyes, R. M. D. Halloway A. Easton, R. M. D., Cannifton .3. Homan, R. R. 8, Corbyville A. J. Lott, R. R , Frankfort S. Dies, Shannonville Gep. Badglev,,Blessington Napanee District. J. E. Robinson, Napanee M. O. Bogart, M . S. Madole, " Manley Jones, " S. Miller, " C. XV. Neville, " W. Goodman, " H. W. Sager, Deseronto J. W. Aylesworth, Newburgh P. A. May bee, Odessa R. XX 7 . Anglin, Odessa M. G. Sexsinith, Selby C. N. Nicholson, Collins Bay Geo. Phippin, Bath Robt. Miller, XVilton A. A. Asselstine, Moscow R. XV. Scott, Roblin XX 7 m. McGregor, Arden H M Johnston, Picton Dr A Heaslip, ! " P A Williams, " E A Knapp, Bloomfield Jas Tice, Wellington B F Sprague, Mountain View XX 7 J Barker, Norlhport A M Clarke,"Milford I M Scott, Cherry Valley Alex Anderson, Rossmore XV A Foster, Hellier .. . Brighton District. H J Scripture, Brighton W E Rankin, R R 2, Brighton XV L Payne, K C, Colborne A A Gould, " - J P Dunnett, RR2, " Rd Moore, Morgans!on P H Osterhout, Fraukford J G Dnsenbury, Codrington J W Crews, R R 3, Tien ton F XV Ran y, L XX 7 Hyde, It M Foster, " It S Newman, Castlelon XX 7 hitby Distritrict. L F It'cliardson, XVhitby A XXX Jackson, " T G Whitfield, E H Purdy, Port Perry Editor S Farmer, " - C Gordon, R R " H F Werry, R R 1, Oshawa V 7 Richardson, Columbus W L Courtice, Pickering W F Hobbs, C J Stevenson, Kinsale J F Elliott, Norwood Ed Fennel, Havelock Wm Knox R R 2, Indian River C N Heath, Stirling'! XV J Brown, XVarkwqrth Geo Evans, Norham, 7 Jas Elliott R R 1, Dartford T W Howson, Keene E C Pace, Cordova Mines : Geo Eggleton, Stirling Madoc District. A Thompson, Madoc J E Johnston, Tweed • J H Foster, Thomasburg Thos Muneby, Ivanhoe H XX 7 Sabine, Marmora G R Jones, Eldorado Alex Glover, Qüeensboro F W Fisher, Bancroft A Blackburn, Coe Hill E XX 7 ood, Cloy ne • P P Clarke, St Ola Peterboro District. J O Fife, Peterboro C A Thompson, " R J Kidd, " T J Carr, >< G E Garbutt, Lakefield J C Balson, " Stephen Harrison, " J H Earle, Ida Thos R Graham, Bethany Jos Madill, Fraser ville Geo Burnham,. Mill brook T N D Kelly, Bridge worth XV H Hooper, Pontypool Alternates. Rufus Payne, Warsaw T S Ryley, Bethany W H Pollard, Pontypool Henry Staples, Cavan Cobourg District. A M Peterson, B A, Cobourg J E Skidmore, " T W XVickett, Port Hope T G Galbraith, " W 7 m Bickell, Welcome GH Martin, J D Fowler, Baltimore S-W Staples, . W Winter, Cobourg W A Macklin, " * Local arid Otherwise OSHAWA PASTOR'S FAREWELL Geo Cooper, Claremont it. You don't know how thankful and J T Dobson, Manchester grateful I am. I give you permission Geo Lee, Green bank to publish what your good medicine has ; ^ Ye:ex, bonya --done-for me."--Mrs. Simon Doucette, J._ Lindsay District. Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, j Dr XV H Clarke, Lindsay Canada. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation.hot flashes,headaches,back- : aches, dread of impending evil, timidity, ' sounds in the ears, palpitation of the x heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, irregularities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent women women who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be èxpected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound invigorates arid strengthens the female organism and builds up the weakened weakened nervous system. . It has carried many women Safely through this crisis. If yon want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkliam Medicine Co. (confidential) (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Tear letter will be opened, read'and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. O E Weeks, B A, \V B Sparling, L'ndsay I.Geo Adams, " j Dr J N Thompson, Omemee ! W XX 7 Stinson, Janetville ! Wesley Anderstiri, Canibray | A McFarland, Fer.elon Falls ' I. Lewis, Bobcaygeon : Mark Rogers, Minden : Cannington District. Wm. XVhite, .Oakwood W II Taylor, Wilfrid : R P Hill, XV-Ood ville ! XV O'Latimer, Beaverton ; Geo Reid, Afcherley XX 7 H Myers, Victoria Road G XX 7 Hardy, Manilla R H Shipman, Cannington Wm Snggitt, Little Britain. Fred. Brandon, Cannington Campbellford District. TV F Gould, Campbellford Alex Winters,', " /• A H Parr R R 5, " , Th$ official board and Ladies' Aid of King-st Methodist church, Oshawa, held a social evening, Wednesday June 25, previous previous to their pastor Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., and wife leaving for their new field of labor at the Tabernacle, Belleville. A musical program was enjoyed after which an address was read from the above societies societies expressing appreciation of the earnest and paintaking efforts of the pastor during the past four years, his clear concise and comprehensive interpretation of the gospel, gospel, his kindly Christian spirit, and the beneficial influence over the lives of his flock, his untiring efforts, and Christian activity, in the building of their new church, ànd in all departments of the church which are richer and stronger because because of -his -patient and faithful labors. As a token of their tenderest regard arid sincerest good will, a chime clock wa§ pre- .sented with the hope that as it points to the golden moments of privilege and opportunity opportunity it may also point back to the many pleasant memories of time and lasting friendship formed in Oshawa. The address address was signed by Mesrs. A. P. Goyne, O. J. Adams, O J.Clatworthy, P J.Bale, H. N. Hagerman oq.behalf of the Board, and by Mrs. Clatworthy and Mrs. Kirby on behalf behalf of the Ladies' Aid. • The ladies seeded seeded dainty refreshments and "a pleasant evening was brought to a close. Genuine Must Bear Signature of See Fac-Similé Wrapper Below. I Taay. email ud u easy to fake os ragaa» F0* FPR DtZfTNCiS. rtitimSIiEts. FOR TORPID LIVE*. fORjiOMSTI PATIO* FOR SALLOW SKI*; . PQR THECOMPIEXIOR House for salé; see advertisement.. Splendid summer residence to rent; see advertisement. 1 Friday June 18 is the hundredth anniversary anniversary of the battle of Waterloo. A full line of Nyal's Family remedies always in stock. Jury. & Lovell. tf Martin-Senour Pàirits look well and wear welL Sold by W. H. Dustan; The purity and healthfulness of XTod's Ice Cream is guarded in every way. No paint equals Martin-Senour. It goes farther arid lasts longer. W. H. Dustan. The Statesman to end of 1915 fob 50c to new subscribers. M, A. Tames & Sons. Loscombe's coal and wood office is now in Standard Bank Building Temperance- st. To-dav's troubles look large, but a week hence they will be forgotten and buried out of sight. Wedding invitations, announcements and visiting cards neatly printed at The Statesman office. Suppose anybodj'- ever achieved popularity popularity by pasturing his hens on the gardens gardens of h:s neighbors? The poor and rich can indulge in the hobby of raising chickens. Why do not more indulge in thé hobby. Martin-Senour Paint is 100% pure. It's the paint to stand the weather. Sold in Bowmanville by W. H. Dustan. E. W. Loscombe has removed his coal and wood office to Temperance-st, in the Standard Bank Building. Phone 177. "Rough ON Rats" clears out Rats, Mice etc. Don't Die in the House. 15c, and 25c at Drug and Country Stores. 13-26 Farmers wanting male help, write Civic Employment Bureau, 130 Richmond-st., W., Toronto, stating requirements. No charge. All mothers can put away anxiety regarding regarding their- sufïerÎBg'.children when they have Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator Exterminator to give relief. Its effects are sure and lasting. Farmers, remember that Bowmanville merchants will close their shops Wednesday Wednesday afternoons at 12.30 p.m. during June, July and August. Our stock of prepared paints is as large as all others combined. We do the paint trade. That's why we carry so large a stock. W. H. Dustan. A branch of Red Cross Society has been organized in Oshawa with Mayor Sinclair as president, Gep. W. McLaughn Vice do, and H, C. Lander, Secretary. Every pint of Martin-Senour 1100% Paint is guaranteed. W. H. Dustan. Mr. G. H. Wilson and Miss Jean Wilson eft Friday on a trip to Vancouver and other western points. They left Sarnia Saturday by lake route.--Lindsay Post. Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser for dairy or household use at Mason & Dale's. This is the best time to. buy your coal or winter. E. W. Loscombe is selling coal at the following prices ; chestnut,- stove or egg $7.50 ton ; pea coal $6.50 delivered delivered in town. Phone 177. Have you invited your friends and rela- ives. to come to Bowmanville on Civic Holiday, Monday August 2nd? That's the day the Durham Old Boys and Girls are coming "home" to celebrate. There is no disputing the fact that D. L? & W. Scranton Coal is the Standard Fuel. Now is the tjme to order,your winter's supply from-*ïcClellan &Uo., Ltd. 24.3 "Any man or boy wishing a small plot of ground to plant potatoes for their own use rnay have same by leaving their name with-the librarian at the public library The town council is ready to have the grpund ploughed. -- Cobourg Sentinel Star. Bowmanville might well follow Cobourg's example as there are a number of vacant lots going to waste and encouraging encouraging weeds to multiply. :--*--: Obituaries John Mulligan, Clarke The -late Mr. John Mulligan who died June 7th was born in Clarke August 14, 1849. He was the only son of the late Mr. Thos. Mulligan and Nancy Cowan. MrsMW^H, Reid and Miss Mary Mulll- gan/Bowmanville, and Mrs. James Linton, Toronto, are sisters. In 1882 he married Mary, daughter of the late John Shaw, of Cavan. In politics he was a Conservative, Conservative, and was Past Master of Loyal Orange Lodge 265. His funeral was largely attended, attended, many from a distance, especially Port Hope and Millbrook, where he had lived for thirteen years before returning to. liis farm about ten years ago." Last winter he had a severe illness of double pneumonia, and Bright's disease developed later which proved fatal. Rev. J. E. Penning, Penning, Newcastle, who visited him during his illness, conducted the funeral services at the residence and Orono cemetery. The pall bearers were Robert Cowan, George Cowan, S. Cowan, T. H. Hassard, Henry Haskill and Norman Henry. The floral offerings included a pillow from Mr. and Mrs. H. Haskill, and wreaths and sprays from other friends. non- com- and . The Cough of Old Age. A very obstinate " (and yet serious) form of cough is that mon in middle and later life; caused by elongation of the uvula the little protuberance hanging downwards downwards at the border of the soft pal- ate. Sometimes this cough is very troublesome indeed, and necessitates a. slight operation; when the doctor mps off the extra bit with his scissors. scissors. The condition may be recognized recognized by absence of trouble when you are in an erect position; only coming on, when the patient lies down and the lengthened uvula then tickles the back of the pharynx. Avoidance of heated rooms is a prime condition of lessening or doing away with the trouble. tt l ^'^ ie ^ 1 you have the short, dry, hard "bark" of pneumonia, acute inflammation inflammation of the lungs, when the sooner you call in an experienced doctor the better. Pleurisy, heart disease, zymotic zymotic fevers of almost any kind, miscellaneous miscellaneous affections of the thoracic organs, fall within the same category. category. The cough does not result from a local throat conditionnas from irritation irritation of the pneumo-gastric or vagus vagus nerve; but is symptomatic of a more „or less grave general bodily condition, which admits of no ama- eurish tampering.--A Physician. and hot ■>It XVill Cure A Cold.--Colds are the commonest ailments ot mankind and if neglected may lead to serious conditions. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil will clear the bronchial passages of inflamation speedily speedily and thoroughly and will strengthen them against subsequent attack. And as it eases the inflamation it wi'l stop the congh because it allays all irritation in the throat. Try it and prove it. The most, obstinate corns and warts fall to fesist Holloway's Corn Cure. Trv it. Always Something Doing. "There hasn't been a change on this bill of fare in 20 years," growled growled the grizzled patron. "Have you restaurant men no ingenuity ? " "Guess we have as much as ttie next fellow." "Then, why don't you get up a new dish occasionally ? The corner druggist has a new kickshaw at the soda fountain every time you amble up to it," Canals in the United Kingdom if put end to end. would reach 4,000 miles. The Pink of Health is every woman's right: but many are troubled .sallow, complexions, headache^, backaches, low ;M spints--until they leàm that sure relief may be found in 6USF. RICK HEAPASH& Always Harvest-time. Not all of us, probably, understood a statement that Britain might soon be expecting cargoes of wheat from the Argentine, because xve are so accustomed to our own August harvest-time. harvest-time. But the harvests of the world are spread practically over every month in the year, and that is why the supply supply of w r heat is continuous. The harvest harvest in Australia, New Zealand, and the Argentine, is reaped in January. Eastern India and Upper Egypt reap theirs in-February and March. The German harvest is also àhead of ours being, in favorable conditions, reaped reaped in July. Not all have realized that part of the far-reaching war 1 : plans of the Germans was to declare war when everything had been "safely gathered in," and the laborers free to be called up for another "harvest." Turkey, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Southern France, and the yasLwheatgrowing yasLwheatgrowing tracts of the United States (Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas) gather their harvests in June. Other parts are ripe in July. Canada has two; harvest harvest months--July in Upper Canada, August in Lower Canada. Northern /Russia's harvest is; heady in September, or evert as late as October, October, as is Scotland, Norway, and iSweden. The Burmah harvest is in December; that of South Africà in November. Texas and Florida have May harvests. Belgium, Holland, Denmark, important Manitoba, are, like selves, August reapers. Health Notes. To help to purify the air of a sick room place a bowl of clean water in 1 ;he room and change it every day. A paste of common baking soda and water spread on a burn will stop J he pain and inflammation almost immediately. immediately. Here are some remedies for nosebleeding--Keep nosebleeding--Keep the head elevated and cool; warm the feet and hands by plunging in hot water; apply ice over the nose. Wet the end of a handkerchief with vinegar and introduce introduce into the nose. If the bleeding bleeding is severe, a profuse flow of blood, send for a physician at once. There is nothing better for a poor complexion than plenty of wholesome vegetables, such as onions, lettuce, celery and carrots and fruits, espe- cially apples, grapes and oranges. Bananas and fruit of small seeds are not so healthful and are generally constipating. > Anything that will set the blood into active circulation is good for a cold. Bathe the feet- in hot water, drink hot water or lemonade, on going to bed; tak$ a salt. water sponge bath and ré'» main in a warm room. Bathe the face in very hot water every .five minutes minutes for an hour or so. Abstinence from food for a short period is a very excellent method of treatment .for dyspepsia and kindrea digestive disturbances. A raging sick headache disappears after giving the stomach a rest--by omitting to eat only one 01; two meals. It is common knowledge that a day or two of starving starving every two or three months enables enables one to do better work--more mental and physical work can be accomplished accomplished without fatigue. It is advisable, advisable, however, when on a hunger strike to drink water. Copious libations libations of hot water, several quarts during the waking hours, will contribute contribute to the feeling of well-being. The water may be taken a tumblerful or more every hour or two. Those persons persons who eat at irregular hours and partake of foods poorly cooked or of such à composition as to cause indigestion, indigestion, will find the mild form of starving for 24 hours or longer a practice worthy of trial, for the resulting resulting after effects of the experiment" will be gratifying. The rest (when one is on a hunger strike) given the digestive apparatus strengthens it and thus aids in conserving the health. A general feeling of rejuvenation rejuvenation invariably follows a few days' fasting. Umbrellas were first used in London London by a person named Han way, in 1786. W/ Every 10c x y Packet of \ / WILSON'S FLY PADS x'ieSïsssfi.r \STICKY FLY CATCHER X w NYAL'S ' Mayflower , : : TALCUM POWDERvLl Fragrant Kefn shinj I) Clinÿs 1 Mayflower Talcum Powder The distinctive odor of Mayflower Talcum is entirely new, and of such charm and delicacy as to immediately appeal to every woman of refinement. Antiseptic--exquisitely fine in texture, it is pre-eminent for use on baby. All Nyal preparations are in a class by themselves. Nyal's Face Cream and toilet requisites are almost indispensable indispensable for the complexion. Ask at the Nyal Quality Store for free copy of our booklet, "Your Complexion," which includes directions as to proper methods of Massage. 129 and our- For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of- R. M. Mitchell ville, Ont. Druggists, F. R. Kerslake, Druggist, Bowman- your dishes with SOLD DUST Put a dash of Gold Dust into the water, and it will go to the bottom of things, drive out every bit of dirt, every germ, every hidden particle. 1 Gold Dust cleanses as well as cleans. kWw,Si Serbian Superstitions. The Serbians are among the most superstitious. people in the world. They have especially peculiar ideas about animals. They have a practice of. forecasting the future by means of the shoulder bone of a roasted sheep j -or a pig. The flat part of the bone is j said to predict peace or war. If it is I clear and white, it means peace; . if ! rather dark, it means.war.,. Near the upper part of the ffione are some small holes, which according to their size and position are termed cradles or coffins and foreshadow joy or sor- row. Serbian women wishing to have their husbands revealed to them do it by means of a strange table custom. They put aside the first and last crumbs of. bread. They bind these together with a piece of wood and lay the whole under their pillows. The future husband is then sàid to appear in their midnight dreams. As he ^jmay be across the sea the piece of wodd is included,, in the charm to serve him for a boat.. ■*3^- We\promise you this, if you use Gold DustZ Your dishes will be sweeter and cleaner than ever before, 1 and you will save at least half the time ordinarily consumed in washing washing them? Gold Dust does better better work thàn soap or any other dish-' washing product-- and saves half the time? Inside Information -- h 1--: _j| I A JC 1--d ni 1 r "Let the GOLD DUST TWINS , do your work" a THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY LIMITED. Montreal, Canade 1 \m mi 1ÜÜ Û Éü ÉÜÉ1II .■ . . ■ ./•: 11 ; fflÊËËÈB?- >-X 'U .