< mm A. E. MoLAUCHLIN, . Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office:--BleaJtley Block, King Street, Bdwman ville. Money to loan at reasonable reasonable rates, v 48-1 y r. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D., C.M. BOWMANVILLE, - ONT. G OLD MEDALIST of Trinity University, Toronto; Four year 3 Attending Physician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Kg. Office and Residence Wellington St. Telephone No. 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barrieteis and Solicitors. Notaries. Public, A. K. GOODMAN, 0. G. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts Toronto Ontario NOTES AND COMMENTS The Bishop of London 'was with our troops at the front, and on his return wrote a stirring letter to the Spectator on whit he saw and heard. "I have conversed," he said in part, "with, nearly every general in z thé^ field, from the commander-in-chief, j whose guest I was, to thé brigadier- generals, whose headquarters were naturally very much nearer the firing firing line. I mention this to give force to what I ani going-to say, and that is that we shall never bring this war to an end without more complete na-1 tional concentration upon it. w. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col Jege. Diseases of all domestic animals treated Ly latest known methods. Office at hie residence, King-st, East Bow- manville. Phone 193. ^ 20-lyr. LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Not.\ries Public. ti.R.Loscomfee, K.C; B.S.Senkler, B.A. - Monbt to Loan. Office: Mason. Block, King Street Bowmanville, Ontario. T$15 TAILOR MADE SUITS. Gents, why pay more than $15 for a tailor made suit when we are giving such exceptional values at that price. Come m and see our samples. Fit guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing and repairing ladies' and gents suits a specialty, x Jos. Jeffery & Son, Star House, Bowmanville. "Every day, when there is practically practically nothing going on, two hundred are killed and wounded. I stood at I one of the clearing hospitals receiving receiving their daily toll one afternoon. In ) all outpost warfare there must be i some daily casualties, but it is the ) opinion of every general at the front I that this daily waste of life is caused by want of concentration on the part j of the nation.- If the batteries had unstinted supply of ammunition, they I could keep down the enemies' fire and | save the lives of hundreds^of our men. Granulated Ar mste&ssii* Use LÀNTIC Sugar. Because it mimiiimiminuinmii .. . „ dissolves quickly, it will not scorch or burn in the kettle. LANTIÇ Sugar is refined from cane only, granulated extra fine and to you clean and pure from refinery in and 10 lb. and 20 lb. bags. 100 lb. r comes original packages. 2 lb. and 5 lb. cartons bags coarser granulation. Weight guaranteed. Buy in origieal packages and look for the LANTIC Red Ball on each package. Send your address and small Red Ball Trade Mark from bag- or top end of carton and we will mail you book of 50 assorted Fruit Jar Labels--printed and gummed ready to put on the jars. - Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited, MONTREAL, QUE. ST. JOHN, N. B. 59 JUTÏÏTn LLD] Local and Otherwise "Moreover, through the FALL TERM OPENS SEPT 1 ■LLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. has to-day a stronger hold upon the public public confidence than'ever before. "Thorough "Thorough Training" for choice positions in Business Life is given in all of our De- parunents.. This college does not ask for a better reputation than it has now. We place many students in positions each year. Write to-day for large catalogue. Yonge and Charles Sts. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal no advance is possible network of trenches, barbed wire, and machine guns until all this has been blown away by artillery artillery fire before the infantry advance. advance. Any one who could look at the battle line as photographed from an aeroplane would see this in a moment. moment. The whole mind of the nation must be concentrated on this problem now." DARLINGTON COUNCIL. one RAILWAY TIME TABLES. FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily 8.52 a. m. 10.18 „ 8.36 p. m. 8.49 „ 7.18 , 9.68 , .'Express Local Local Passenger .'Passenger 4.22 a. m 7.C0 „ 9.46 „ 1.86 p.m. 7.11 „ Canadian Pacific Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST, x Express 1.07 a.m. Express 10.46 a.m. tExpress 7.q0 p.m. That is the point. The whole mind of the Empire must be concentrated on the necessities of the men at the front. --; *- All the diplomats are not in the chancelleries of great nations. There are diplomats abroad on the streets every day, and the pity of it is that there are not more of them. The word "diplomacy" ' has a bad odor to many because of the cynical maxims and sinister practices of such eminent eminent exponents of the art as a Talleyrand Talleyrand or a Metternich; But real dip-, lomacy--the art of reconciling nations nations to each ..other, of promoting peaceful relations, of fostering trade 'and commerce, of ironing out disputes disputes without resort to force--this is indeed a noble art. x Express Express t Express 6.07 a.m. 8.3S a.m. 4.27 p.m. x Flag stop t Daily except Sunday. Office. C. B. Kent, Agent, Post 05* NEW NIGHT TRAINS OTTAWA QUEBEC VALCARTIER Leave Ottawa Central Station 7.15 p.m. daily. Standard Sleeping Oars. Connecting train leaves Bowmanville fll.53 a.m., except Sunday. TORONTO TRAINS Leave Bowmanville 9.00 a.m., 7.37 p m ; except Sunday TRENTON BELLEVILLE NAPANEE Leave Bowmanville 11:53 a.m , and 6.38 p.m. except Sunday For through tickets to all points and further details of time table changes apply to W. G. GIFFLER, Sta. Aient. In a small way, but ~an informal one, we could and^should all be diplomats. diplomats. Notes of pne nation to another another are couched in scrupulously polite polite terms. So should be communications communications between . individuals. Dispatches Dispatches between nations are worded carefully; each word is scanned to see that it may hide no offensive meaning meaning where none is intended. So should we be careful of our speech, to see that there be naught offensive in it. A full line of Nyal's Family remedies always in stock. Jury & Lovell. tf Martin-Senour Paints look well and wear well. Sold by W. H. Dustan. The purity an,d healthfulness of .Tod's Ice Cream is guarded in every way. No paint equals Martin-Senour. It goes farther and lasts longer. W. H. Dustan. Loscombe's coal and wood office is now in Standard Bank Building Temperance- fit. J. M. Lyman returned on Saturday from a business trip to Michigan! On his way back he visited Mrs. Lyman's sisters in Toronto and Bowmanville. He reports spring crops looking fine in Michigan.-- Deseronto Post. Martin-Senpur Paint is 100% pure. It's the paint to stand the weather. Sold in Bowmanville by W. H. Dustan. Miss Wise, principal of Orono Continuation Continuation School, presided -at the Entrance examinations in the Armories, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, when twenty- one candidates wrote. She is now holidaying holidaying in Toronto and Hamilton.--Orono ±\6WS* E. W. Loscombe has removed his coal and wood office to. Temperance-st, in the Standard Bank Building. Phone 177. Mrs. Rebecca. Thompson, 133 Ann st., Belleville, who is 72 years young, has knitted knitted 45 pairs of socks for the soldiers. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice etc. Don't Die in the House. 15c, remnu 0] 3 WH^ h atD K g r "TV 3 ' 0 ™ *«\ s--in 19:2 m Whitby is building fifty thousand feet of Smith, refund on wire fence We often say that he or she is of a man or woman "diplomatic," a euphemism,, euphemism,, too frequently, for a hint at deception or untruthfulness. It is a mistake. Your real diplomat is not untruthful; nay, the greatest of diplomats diplomats are truthful, but they . have learned the art of extracting the sting that too often goes with the bald assertion of a truth. We may be truthful and courteous, honest and tactful, high-minded and considerate of the feelings of others --in a word, true gentlemen and gentlewomen--and gentlewomen--and yét "diplomatic," and that is the best way of being diplomatic diplomatic and a way in which all of may be diplomats, and ones. cement pavement this season at the rate of nine and four-tenths cents per foot. W.J. Trick, contractor, Oshawa, has Jhe contract for building the new school on Simcoe-st. in that town. Mrs. D. M."Eagle, Windsor, is visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. T. Brown -- Lindsay Post. This war is bringing home' to us its painful experiences, says the Daily Whig, altho we like to ponder upon the fact that our Canadian troops have achieved distinction distinction on the field of battle, that some of the living have been honorably mentioned mentioned in the reports to the King, that some pf them have had titles conferred upon them in recognition of their valor, Town Hall, Hampton, June 26th, 1915. Regular meeting of Council held this day; members all present; Reeve Courtice presiding, Minutes of last meeting were, read and approved. Com. from G. T. R., stating that no agreement had been made, by them to keep road under subway at lots 28 and 29, B. F., in good state of repair. Clerk ordered ordered to reply that they agreed to put it m good condition when subways were built. A Court of Revision was held at 1.30 p.m., when appeal of C. P. R.* railway in regard to acreage and double assessment of 50 acres of Talmage Taylor were dealt with, the former being adjusted and the latter was allowed. N. D. Redpath, H. J. Werry and W. J, Collacutt applied to build wire fence for bonus. Granted. John Hall complained of road at lot 29, con. 9. Council decided to look over the road at an early date. Robt. Collacott asked, to have sideroad at lots 8 and 9, con. 5, opened for . traffic. j Clerk instructed to write Wm. Harris asking asking him to have his line fence built within two months so that road may be opened. Tréasurer acknowledged receipts as follows follows : Wes. Allin wood on side-road, $1; A.Millson, Sec.-Treas. S. S. No, 14, refund of $41.27 on acct. of money due S. S. No. 19 by error of assessment in 1911 '12,'13 and '14; A. Beech, Sec.-Treas. S. S.No. 17, refund of $2.46 on accoupt of error in as- "in 1912 in S. S. No. 19; J. J. bonus $1.00; W R Ailing-postage, stationery, etc M A James & Sons, ptg. and advt. 52 Mrs Ann Brooks, debenture no. 7, ,, A _ S S 3 204 Mrs Ann Brooks, debenture no. 8, 88 SSN0.8. Courtice, advance S S 8. J Gaud, J Reynolds, Wm Farrell, J J Smith, R H Armstrong H Douglas C W Slemon, M D M H Wight À Beech A H Brent AMillson A W Annis 230 62 60 00 100 00 100 00 160 00 167 00 210 00 250 00 250 00 275 00 275 00 300 00 360 00 „ T ^ 10 400 00 W R Alim, salary 8750 Council adjourned to Saturday, July 31, m. W. R. Allin, Clerk. "see" To See Submarines Below. An instrument delicate enough to a submerged submarine, three to five miles away, is predicted by H. Greensback in an editorial in the current number of the Electrical Experimenter. Experimenter. He says: submarine is dangerous of its invisibility. If we find a means to make it visible the submarine will "The modern only because become obsolete. The problem does not present insurmountable difficulties. difficulties. A submarine sends out a considerable considerable magnetic flux. Another means of detection lies in the use of some form of etheric waves." Princess Mary receives over three hundred letters a day, of which she answers a very fair proportion. at 10 a. OBITUARIES Distribution Railway Tax, 1915, from Provincial Treasurer, $39.06. These orders were drawn on Treasurer: A Peters, poles .$ 60 F Smith, posts. 60 J W Virtue, repairing bridge 1 00 Fred Honey, teaming lumber ..... 1 50 G Gibson,_teamiflK plank........ 2 00 B Mooré, teamirig^'cedàr 200 Bowmanville Fouridry Co., sharpening sharpening gai'der knife 2 25 John Martin, work gravel pit 3 H Ferguson, statute labor for G. Lane..... 5 B Moore, sand and work in gravel pit.. 5 Robt. McLean Ferris, Treherne, Man Another Durham county man in the person of Robert M. Ferris, passed away June 18 after a short illness at his home in Treherne, Man., aged 71 years. Mr. Ferris was the representative in this locality locality for Sylvester Bros., implement manufacturers, manufacturers, at Enniskillen frdm 1878 to 1882 when he went West as Manager for David Maxwell & Sons. Some years after he took up farming. He spent some time in the grain business and also filled the position of clerk of the county court. Deceased was a son of Mr. Thomas Ferris, formerly north of Enniskillen! He leaves a wife and six children besides ten brothers brothers and sisters. LIST OF FALL FAIRS 00 and that thp nam^c O Trick, statute labor beat I20>£. 7 00 and mat the names of the illustrious dead . Tohn Martin o-ra^i i Q , stand high upon the roll of honnr juuu martin, gravel 737 50 very us effective OCANADA GRAND TRUNK system" Summer Service to Highlands of Ontario frôm Toronto 2.05 a.m. daily forMuskoka Lakes, daily except Sunday lor Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maga- netawan River and Timagami Lake points. ^10.15 a.m. daify except Sunday for Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays and MaganetawanRiver point 12 01 p.m. daily except Sunday for Mnskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays and Algonquin Park. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto - 11.15 a.m. „ . Arriyes-Sariila Wharf, 4.30 p.m. Each Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, connecting connecting with N.N. Co's, palatial steamships for Sault Ste. Mane, Port Arthur, Fort William and Duluth, and at Fort William with G.T.P. Railway for Winnipeg and points in Western Canada. Coaches,Parlor-Library-Oafe and Parlor-Library- Durcet cars between Toronto-and Sarnia Wharf Further particulars on application to Grand * Trunk Ticket Agents. No matter where yoii are going, call phone 78 for information. We will gladly gladly deliver tickets to any house in town, J* fL H. JURY, Local Agent, House Phone 51. CANADIAN PACIFIC The World's Finest , fresh Water Trip Steamers leave Port McNicolI Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for SAUT/r STB. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM. WILLIAM. The Steamer- "Manitoba," sailing from Port McNicolI on Wednesdays,, will call at- Owen Sound, leaving that point 10,80 p.m. - "STEAMSHIP EXPRESS" leaves Toronto 12.46 p.m. daily, except Friday making direct connection with steamers at Port McNicolI on sailing days.- PACIFIC COAST TOURS AT LOW FARES - . . • '• INCLUDING "CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS" Particulars from C. B.KENT, Agt, Bowmanville, 1 D.P.A., Toronto, O Canada, in praise of thee we sing, From echoing hills our "anthems proudly ring, Thy fertile plains and mountains grand, Thy lakes and rivers clear, Eternal beauty thou dost stand Throughout the changing year. Lord God of Hosts: we now implore, Bless our dear land this day and evermore, Bless our dear land this day and evermore. Dear Canada, for thee our fathers wrought, Thy goed and ours unselfishly they sought, With steadfast hand, ahd fearless mind. They felled the forest domes, Content to leave at last behind A heritage of homes. Lord God of Hosts: we now implore, Bless our dear land this day and evermore, Bless our dear land this day and evérmore. Blest Canada, the homeland that we love, Thy freedom came a gift from God above' Thy righteous laws and justice fair Give tnatcLless liberty, We thank our God that we may share Thy "glorious destiny. Lord God of Hosts: we now implore, Bless our dear land this day and evermore, Bless our dear land this day and evermore high upon the roll of honor. There is no disputing the fact that D.L. & W. Scranton Coal is the Standard Fuel. Now is - the time to order your winter's supply from McClellan & Co., Ltd.. 74 3 If you know a soldier at the front or any where overseas write him a letter. Even if he does not expect to hear from you the surprise will add to the pleasure of it. "If the people at home" writes a soldier at Shorncliffe, "could see the disappointed disappointed boys when they get no letters in the Canadian mail,, they would write oftener". Every pint of Martin-Senour iooy Paint is guaranteed. W. H. Dustan. Mr. J. Edward Minn 3 , B. A., Principal of Picton High School, has been appointed Public School inspector for Centre Hastings, Hastings, in succession to Mr. Wm. Mackintosh, Mackintosh, who resigned. Mr. Minns is an honor honor graduate of Victoria University. _ Hè has been teaching about twenty-four years. Our stock of prepared paints is as large as all others combined. We do the paint trade. That's why we carry so large a stock. W. H. Dustan., Mrs. J. L. P. Gordanier, Morven, return- ed home Friday, after spending a month with Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Montgomery, Laprairie, Que., calling at Montreal for while.--Napanee Beaver Farmers, remember that Bowmanville merchants will close their shops Wednesday Wednesday afternoons at 12.30 p.m. during' June, July and August. W Hooey, gravel 8 Geo Moore, " and-dynamite q FW Allin, 11 W.J Virtue, work gravel pit 11 Thos M cunt joy, " ". 14 Jas.R : chards, gravel 15 W G Smith, work gravel pit 18 W H Webber, gravel 23 John Barton, building bridge 30 John Aids worth, gravel and work 30 John Wonnacott, C Sanderson, W G' Smith, * Pedlar People, culvert tubing... J G Burns, bonus wire fence...... 2 Wm Martin, " John Lane, " Sid Hoar, " Cecil Worden, " Silas Trewin, " John Penfound, " R H Armstrong, " F G Kerslake, " D Galbraith, " A Hawkey, " L Cornish, " "....... J J Smith, " " A H Hardy, " " W A Wright, " "....... J R Cole, " " W E Crago, sheep damages... Jas McDonald, care Mrs. A McDonald 13 3i 87 73 75 87 87 88 38 Blackstock. Sept. ' 28-29 BOWMANVILLE Sept 21-22 Cobourg Sept. 26-30 Colborne .... Oct. / 5-6 Linckay Sept. 23-25 London Sept. 10-18 Markham. .....Oct 6-8 Millbrook Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Orono Sept. 23-24 Oshawa. Sept. 13-15 Ottawa (Central Canada).... Sept. 10-18 Peterboro. ...Sept. 16-18 Port Hope ...Oct. 5-6 Toronto (Can National) Aug-28 Sept-13 Scarboro. Sept. 28-29 ----l* The Terros of A^uju comes like a thief in the night with its dreadful throfctl.ng, robbing its victim of breath. It seems b-youd the power of human aid to relieve until one trial is made of that remarkable preparation, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. z Then relief comes in a rush. Life-becomes worth living, and, if the remedy be used persistently, persistently, the disease is put permanently to rout. Take no substitute. Established over Forty-one ^ears BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking ^Absolute Security Best of Service 173 ^^ourteous Treatment We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branches also at Blackstock (D. P. MacFarlane. Manager), Newcastle, Orono, Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin and Newtonville. c To ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS Liverpool - Glasgow - London Havre Take the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy the Ocean-Voyage. These fine modem steamers aie equipped with every convenience and luxury conducive conducive to comfort and pleasure while travelling. A delightful journey from th<\ commencement of the trip to the last hour on board. For rates, sailing dates and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN UNE, 95 King SL, West, Toronto! A. JAM.ES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville» Flour Mills JUNE WEDDINGS. ii .i. 10 05 11 25 13 17 14 00 15 00 15 00 13 33 00 She Knew. - % am collecting for the suffering poor." "But are you sure they really suffer??'- suffer??'- "Oh, yes, indeed, . I ; go to . their houses and talk to them for hours at a time." . B.KENT, A, or write M. G. MURPHY IT ENOUEH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when- nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many .pale fâcés, lean, bodies, fréquent colds,. and lack of ambition. For all Such children, we say with unmistakableearnestness :i They need Scott's Emulsion, and need it now. 'It possesses in concentrated form the Very food elements tot enrich their blood. It changés weakness to : strength ; it make» them sturdy and strong and atetiye. Scott St Bowne, Toronto, Ont, Miller's Worm Powders are a prompt relief from the attacks of the worms in children . They are powerful in their action.and, while leaving nothing to be desired as a worm expellant, have an invigorating invigorating effect upon the youthful sys- tern, remedying fever, billiousness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, and other ailments ailments that follow disorders ,caused by worms in the stomach and bowels. * DARLINGTON Mr. Fred Downey has been to Scugog Lake on a fishing excursion....The " Osborne Osborne family picnic was held at. Mr. Albert Albert Grago's on July ist.^.Among those who attended the sports at Port Hope were, Messrs Elmer and Gordon Van- Gamp, Albert Goode, Thost and H. T. Power and Arthur Burgess and family.... Messrs Roy Van Camp and Roy Metcalf visited friends at Hampton and attended the anniversary tea and concert... . . .Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Jennings, Shannonville, have been visiting friends in this vicinity • •. .Miss H. T. Goode has returned frdm Brantford where she holds a position as teacher and is going to Toronto to take a Summer Course at the University. " ' McGahey--McKer The home of Mr. Thomas McKee, Bur- ton, was the scene of a. happy event on Wednesday, June 30th. at 4 p.m. it being the occasion of the marriage of his second daughter Miss Minnie to Mr. Joseph McGahey McGahey of Lindsay. Rev. J. H. Kidd officiated. officiated. The bride was neatly gowned in white embroidered voile. Her going away suit was of blue broadcloth and panama panama hat. The happy couple will reside in Emily Township near Lindsay. . A Medîcal Need Supplied.--WJien a medicine is found that not ouly acts upon upon the. stomach, but is so composed tka that certain ingredients of it pass nnal terèd through the stomach to find action in the bowels, then there is available purgative and a cleanser o' great effectiveness. effectiveness. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are of this character.and are the best of all pills. Choice grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Try our flour and be convinced that have the best on the market. we Corn, Cereals hand; and Mill Feed always on Horn, Hampton Phone 129 p 6 Only one been elected Englishman has Pope , of SRome. ever Ship's Officer--Oh, there goes eight bells; excuse me, it's my watch below. below. Old Ladÿ-^Gracipuâ ! Fancy your watch striking^as loud as that! wherever you go, will be admired, if you wear one of our faultlessly tailore ; d suits. Besides getting fabrics of pure wool, fast colors and exclusive patterns^ you receive the best workmanship essential to style and fit. Order your next suit from US. We guarantee satisfaction in every respect. Our prices are no higher than is asked for inferior clothing. rif' BLOCH He Struck at That. Mike was employed as handyman at a big ship-building yard in the North of England. On him fell most of the disagreeable jobs, and he was mu^ch in request for lifting the heavi- ; est weights. On the eve of a recent latfnch, when the huge vessel was standing ready bn the stocks for the morrow's great event, Mike went to the forepian and demanded his pay. " "What for 3" asked his' foreman, ifi astonishment. "Surely you're not thinking of léàving us?" * " 'Deed, and I am," replied Mike sourly: "Since I've" been here „ I've done some heavy lifting, but"--and he pointed first to the finished ship, and then to the barricade on the bank of the river--"I'm hanged if I'm going going to lift that thing over the fence to-morrow." Farmers! Read This ! 7 I have now for sale Cotton Seed Meal Caldwell's Molasses Meal Feed and Seed Corn Call at the mill or phone your order to No. 77. F. C. Vanstone B TS LE DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND V The largest and most costly steamer on any inland water of the world, bons for 1G00 passengers. "CITY OF ERIE" -- 3 Magnificent Steamers Sleeping accommoda* CITY OF BUFFALO" He Succumbed. "A couple," said Mrs. Simpkins, "got married a few days ago after' a courtship which had lasted fifty years.",.. "I suppose," replied Mr. Simpkins, "the poor old man had become too feeble to hold out any longer." S • BU FFALO -Daily, Ma BETWEEN iy 1st to Dec. 1st--CLEVELAND L^va Cleveland - - 9:00 P.M. Arrive Buffalo - 7:30 A.M. _ . • (Eastern Standard Time)' - Çedar Bomb Put-in-Bay, Toledo. Detroit and all points West and Southwest. Railroad tickets reading between Buffalo and Cleveland are good for transportation on oar steamer^ Ask yonr facket ageftt for tackcta via C. it B. Line. h ^ Leave Buffalo Arrive Cleveland 9:00 P. -' 7:30 A, showing both exterior and interior of The Sh.p SEE AND BEE ' sent on receipt of five cento to coVer postage andmailing. A1 for onr 24-pag. pictorial and descriptive booklet free, ■ CO., Cleveland, Ohio Great Also ask N TliE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT j ... ^ ■v. 4-Jlv/' SffiSÈÊIÊÉÊsÈm £ îdrgjg&i«Jîw v -. • : C-:. . ; v! V.