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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1915, p. 5

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V-"' Ww -< Or: i . i -PERSONAL INSTRUCTION- All branches of study in Albert College are under the supervision of efficient and enthusiastic instructors. ' " is coeducational in nature.' 58 years of successful teaching under this method has proved its value upon the minds and morals of the young men and women" who have passed through our hands. CONGENIAL SURROUNDINGS Albert College is situated on the outskirts of Belleville, an ideal spot f|^»the invigorating, outdoor life necessary to all students. Write to-day for illustrated, descriptive calendar. Fall term commences on Sept. 6th. ALBERT COLLEGE, Belleville, Ont. E. N. BAKER, D.D., Principal WAR OR NO WAR Canada must do Business and we must have well-trained young people to.carry on this great work. Shaw's Business Schools are performing an important task in this regard in supplying supplying demand for competent recruits for business offices. You Can Save Time and Money by graduating from one of our .High Grade Schools and quickly qualify for earning a good salary. AUTUMN TERM OPENS ON AUGUST 30TH Write for descriptive booklet and plan to get a good start* W. H. SHAW, President, Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto V BOWMANVII/LE, JULY 8, 1915 Social and Personal Mr. Harley Percy, Toronto, is home. Mrs. Geo Brown is home from Wallace- burg. Mr. Fred Gale, Toronto, visited at his mother's. Mr. V. W.Legge, Toronto, is holidaying at home. Mrs. Fred Heal, Toronto, visited friends here Sunday. Miss Edna H k Bottrell visited with Toronto Toronto friends. „ Miss Moe, was recent guest of • Miss Nellie Pattinson. Miss Kate Percy, Macdonald ' Hall, Guelph, at home. * Miss Ethel McQueen, Oshawa, visited at Miss Kerslake's. About 6oo Boy Scouts are in camp at Oshawa-on-the-lake. Miss Fleda Slute, Toronto, spent the week will relatives here. e Reeve and Mrs. A. Tait, visited at Mr. L. N. McNall's, Port Hope. Miss Mary Stacey, Bluevale, is visiting her uncle, Mr. John Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. John McGill, Toronto» visited at Mrs. R. Windatt's. Today is Rose Day at Mrs. A. H. Fletcher's. Fletcher's. Don't forget to call. Mr. Ted Southey,Trinity College School, Port Hope, visited at home. Miss Vera Irwin visited with her aunt Mrs. A.Tait, "The Octagon". Mrs. S. G. Bennett has returned after visiting relatives in Peterboro. Miss Dorothy Sanderson, Royal Victoria Victoria Hospital, Montreal, at home. Miss Mary Hornor, 3rd con., Clarke, recently recently visited Mrs. F. M. Souch. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trebilcock,Peterboro, recently visited with his parents. mi DEC Dec 3BCZZE Doing Business With A Business Concern va gECAUSE we find our Electric business has become extensive, it requires a high type of organization and must give the best service possible to the people. We have installed in our office Electrical Appliances, Appliances, Lighting Fixtures, Shades and Lamps. We are also'prepared to wire houses immediately, immediately, having engaged an expert wireman some . days ago. The Company is in the business of selling its commodity--ELECTRIC commodity--ELECTRIC SERVICE. It must meet the needs of our many customers and teach them to use and appreciate the service it has provided. "At Your Service" The Seymour Power & Electric Company, Limited BO WM AN VILLE Night Call 209 Phone 192 JHL Dec DBC per--x 3CZ3I s r 4Have You a Your Home Modern Bath Room in ? If Not, Why Not ? In Town or Country We can equip your farm, home and buildings with every city convenience. Heating, Lighting, Sewage Disposal System, Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water I at the Tap, Pneumatic Water System and Efficient Fire Protection. How to get full information Call at our establishment and we will show you how, or drop us a post card and we will call upon you at your convenience. Estimates furnished) free. W. H. DUST AN, Sanitary and Heating Engineers Phone 74, Bowmanville Mr. Windatt Tod is spending his vacation vacation at Novar. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fletcher visited in Toronto Over the week-end. Mr. W. R. Redman, Toronto, visited Bowmanville and Hampton friends. Mrs. Sinclair, Toronto, is visiting her brother, Mr. Wmi Robson, Division-st. Mrs. F. A. Fitchett, London, is visiting hér parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Painton. -Miss Mary Manning of Hamilton, is visiting her uncle, Mr, Tbds.Bingham. Mr. and Mrs. WmrLloyd, Oshawa, spent Sunday at her father's, Mr. Samuel Oke. Mrs. J. Barrett, Toronto, spent the holiday holiday with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Short. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Percy and daughter Ruth, Toronto, visited the Misses Percy. Mrs. W. B. Tapson has gone to visit her brother who is very ill atEscanabie, Mich. Mr. M. J. Smith's daughter Violet is home from Sick Childrens' Hospital, Toronto. Toronto. Mr. E. Y. Jones, Mgr. Canadian Rubber Co., Regina, is at his father's Mr. W. J. Jones'. - Mrs. W. N. Tilley, Toronto, and Mrs. A. N. Mitchell, Hamilton, are visitine at Dr. W. E. Tilley's Master Wreford Souch is spending his holidays at Rose Bank with h s aunts Mrs. Arnold and Miss Miller. Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Robt. Knox and daughter daughter Edna, Oshawa, were recent visitors at W. W. Shorts', King-st. Mrs.R.W. Conklin and daughter,Kingsville, daughter,Kingsville, are visiting her father, Mr. Robt. Collacott, "The Evergreens." , Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sparling and daughter daughter Evelyn, Detroit, Mich., are holidaying at his father's, Mr. J. W. Sparling. Mr. A. McGregor, Mr. J. McTavish, Mrs. R. R. Elliot and daughter Jean, Toronto, Toronto, were guests of Mr. John Lyle. Miss Drewry who has been visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Danderio, Locust Lodge, has returned to her home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty St., visited Mrs. J. K. Galbraith and other friends in Toronto over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rice and son Gilbert, Toronto, Toronto, visited at Mrs. W. R. R. Cawker's. Mr. Byron and Miss May Vansione, Toronto, visited their brother Mr. F. C. Vanstone, "Cedar Cliff" over the weekend. weekend. Mrs. Robt. Martin, Bethesda, spent the week-end with Mrs. John Hellyar, Division St., and with other old friends and relatives. relatives. Mr. and Miss Will McKennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Haddy and Mr. Chas. Haddy Toronto, spent Dominion Day at Mr. F. A. Haddy's. Congratulations to Miss Mary C. Galbraith Galbraith and Mr. Douglas Barton on passing their final examinations at Toronto Normal Normal School. Mr. Frank Hoar, St.John, N.B., Mrs. Frank Chappie, Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Isabel Ratcliffe, Toronto, are guests of Miss Florance Hoar. Major-General Sam. Hughes sailed for England Saturday. He will inspect the troops at Shomcliffe and will probably visit the Canadians in F. ance. .= Mrs. Jt-W. Noble and daughter Helen of Indianapolis are visiting Mr* and Mrs. E. R. Bounsall for a feue- - weeks, before opening their cottage aUFort Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mrs. M. J. Redman, Detroit, and Dr. Julia Thomas, 83 Isabella-st., Toronto, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John James and family, Columbus, and other friends at Oshawa. Miss Dora Prout, Claremont, who has been visiting her; sister Miss Tena Prout and other and relatives here, left Monday Monday to visit her sister, Miss Edith Prout, Portage La Prairie, Man. Miss Belle Allen visited relatives in Oshawa. Miss Eva Wakelin spent the holiday with Oshawa friends. Tod's Pure Ice Cream is better than ever. Try a dish to-day. Ous stock of Martin-Senour paints is complete. W. H. Dustan. Miss Greta Rowe is visiting her sister Miss LilIe„Rowe, Oshawa. Mr. F. B. Housser, Guelph, visited with Mr. Robt. J. Gill, Centre-st. Miss Eilser of the the Central Millinery Parlors, is holidaying at her home in Mitchell. Mr. Alex. Elliott of Haddy's Jewelry Store, is enjoying holidays at Peterboro and Orillia. Mr. Clarence Mutton has returned home from Edmonton, Alta., after several months' visit. See the special price pfiRexall Chewing Gum at Jury & Lovell'SiJ Two flavors spearmint and peppermint. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Chambers, Lindsay, recently visited her niece Mrs. Chas Richards Richards and other relatives here. Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet in Council Room, Friday, July 9, at 3 p.m. Important meeting. Please be present. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cobbled içk and family family were, guests of Dr. and Mrs. M. 6. An- riis over the holiday--Lindsay Warder. Miss Frances E. Conley, tyiss Greta Morris and Mr. Claude Ives are attending Summer School at Albert College, Belleville. Belleville. •"Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are showing showing an elegant collection of new summer dress goods-- violes, crepes, ratinees, and bedford cords. Mrs. T. E. Knowlton, and family, Toronto, Toronto, are holidaying at her father's. Major W. C. King, P.M. Mr. Knowlton. spent Sunday here. Touch up your picture frames and lamps with our gold bronze. The results will suiTprise you. Old goods made new with Chinamel. W. H. Dustan. Elegant while dresses from infants' up to women's sizes and coloured voile and crepe dresses all new at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. After forty years' experience we have no hesitation in stating that D. L. & W, Scranton Coal is the very best fuel _ for y Our furnace, heater or range. Place your order now with McClellan & Co, Ltd. 24-3 Miss Gale who has been with Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Clark at St. Ola for the winter expects to remove with them to their new home on Bridge-st West, Belleville. She expects to spend the month of August with her brother Mr. Harry Gale, Colborne. She thinks St. Ola is one of the prettiest spots she was ever in. Canada's best Chocolates fresh from Factory every week. Reg. 60c. per lb. On Saturday only 39c per lb. at Jury & Lovell's. TAKE IT IN The 2nd annual excursion to Riverdale Park and Toronto, via C. P: R. under the auspices of the Tabernacle S. S. Whitby on Wednesday, July 21st. Fare from Bow- nianville: Adults $1.30; children 65c. Look for posters, etc. Speirs--At Port Hope, aged 60 years. June 26th, William June 26th, Mrs. Ziba McIndoo--In Pontypool, Mclndoo, aged 86 years. Harnden--In Casfcletbn, Hamden, in her 69th year. Mitchell--At'Port Hope, July 6, Mary Jane, daughter of late Win. Mitchell, aged 81 years. Brown--In Cobourg, July 6, James C. Brown, aged 82 years, late Public School Inspector, Peterboro. Murray--At Port Perry, June 29th, Margaret Martin, relict of late Hugh Murray, in her 83rd year. Interred at Port Hope. .Northwood--On July 5, in the General Hospital, Hospital, Chatham, Nellie, beloved wife of E. B. Northwood, Toronto, and eldest daughter of the late G. H. Pedlar, Oshawa. IN MEMORIAM ~ _ In ever loving memory of our dear one, W. Nelson Brown, who left us July 8,1910. Parents and Wife. . "Lest We Forget" E. R. B~ÔÏÏNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : OBONO HAMPTON R OW BOAT FOR Bowmanville. SALE.--Apply to Box 127. G OOD RELIABLE PERSON--Wants position as housekeeper. Apply to Box 313, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 28tf w ANTED--A girl, : good general. Apply to Mrs. Robt. Gill, corner Centre and Lowe Sts., Bowmanville. 271 H OUSEKEEPER WANTED--Middle aged per son 'preferred. Apply to Wm. Armstrong, Scngog-st, Bowmanville. 28tf H OUSES FOR SALE--2 good houses, Church St. West, at a bargain, all conveniences, Apply Box R, Bowmanville. 26t b tOR SALE-- Residential store and general * business, splendidly located in Oshawa, Ont. For particulars apply to Box 244, Oshawa. M ONEY LOST on Saturday, j une 25, a $5 bill, in Nicholls' store, Si W. Mason's store or on King St.,- Bowmanville. Reward for return to Statesman Office. 27tf S S TRAYED--Holstein Bull camé on my premises premises June 26. Owner may have same by proving proving property and paying expenses. Rowland Cale, Manvers Bd., Bowmanville. 27-3 W ANTED--A district representative for the County of So. Durham . A permanent position position for the right man, with exclusive territory. Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto. 26 6 wwEIFEB STRAYED--Came on lot.13, con. 7, ÏÏ Darlington, 2 year old heifer. „Owner may ** . have same by proving property and paying expenses. Thos,.Hooper, R. R. No. 6, Bowman ville, 28 3 F OR SALE-- 8 roomed frame house, stone stables, shade and fruit trees, main road between Bowmanville and Oshawa; also horse, buggy and harness; 4 acre of land. Apply to L.A.W.Tole. 263 RINGER WANTED--For a to.wn church--an alto, contralto or soprano, good soloist. State salary which must be very moderate. Apply by letter, on or before July 12, giving full particulars of qualifications, experience and (if out-of-town) references to Music Committee, Bowmanville, P.O. 281 FRUIT BULLETIN Buy your cherries now : White, Black, Red Sour, all,Niagara Peninsula grown are now most plentiful. The Red Sour is the par excellence for preserving. Have your grocer secure your needs at once. Raspberries begin to arrive next week.- LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED. Having had a large experience in the grinding and repairing of Lawn Mowers now is the time to bring them before the rush comes. Try me and see how nice I can fix your mower. A few second hand mowers for sale very cheap. All edge tools ground at the old Smith, and Saws sharpened. W. H. Williams, Church-st, West, at his home* Bowmanville. i6-3m ROSE DAY IN TOWN. Thursday July 8 will be Rose Day. Mrs. A. H..Fletcher, corner Queen and Ontario sts., is having a sale of roses on above date, the whole proceeds to be given to the patriotic patriotic fund. Phone orders to No. 163, or cafi and make your selection any time during afternoon or evening. Price 5c each. Remember the date and purpose and help the good work along. BIRTHS. McELROY-m Orono, June 24, to Dr. and Mrs, W. F. McElroy, a son. ,» NlI ™T In Bowmanville, June 23rd, to Rev. and Mrs. T. A.' Nind, a daughter. Thompson--In Bowmanville, July 3rd, "to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Thompson, a daughter.<dx r Annis--In Bowmanville" Hospital, July 1st, to Mr. and Mrs,. Arthur W. Annis, Tyrone, a son. CORNÏSH-- In Whitby, May 28, to Mr. and Mrs. f/ c ormsh, (nee Martha Hardy), a son--Mark Hardy Cornish. Harris--On July 2, to Rev. and Mrs, F. W. K. S. ar ^? a L, ^ Qilmonr-st., Peterboro, a daughter, (Ruth Graham). Varnum--Near Mt. Vernon, Darlington, June 27, to Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Varnum, a daughter, (Martha Kathleen). MARRIAGES Strong--Hutchinson--At Peterboro, June 23, By Bev. J. P. Wilson, Mary Hutchinson, Cavan, and Henry Strong, Hope. Potts--Jewell--At Port Hope, June 29th, by Rev- A. H. Going. Walter Potts, Campbellford, and Eva Maud, daughter of Mr. Wm. Jewell. Port Hope. Pherrill--Ball-- On June 30th, by Rev. J. D. Morrow, Toronto, Ethel May, only daughter of Mr. H. A. Ball, Toronto, and Arthur G. Pherrill, Bowmanville. Lloyd--OKE-r-In Oshawa, June 30, by Rev. S. C. Moore, B.A., Lndella Gertrude Oke, youngest daughter of Mr. Samnel Oke, Bowmanville, and Mr. Wm. Lloyd, Oshawa. Hay--Bennett--On June 24th, by Rev. J. E. Fenmngof St.'George's Church, Wm. G. Hay, Toronto, and Dorothy Frances, daughter of Mr. Frank Bennett, Newcastle. Carruthers-- McDougall -- In Bowmanville, June 30. by Kev. A. H. Drnmm, lames Douglas Carruthers. and Miss Emma Louise, daughter of the late Robert McDougall, Bowmanville. Lockhart--Coygeshall--At Springfield, Mass, July 1, by Rev. Edward Haywood, Miss Pauline Coygeshall, Lowell, Mass., and Allan Renwick Lockhart, son of the late W. T. and Mrs. Lockhart, Lockhart, Newcastle. DEATHS Fraser--Near Tyrone, June 30, John L. Fraser, aged 68 years. \ Tune 29, Chas. Speirs, « •SÉZSÉ2- •8Gb. We Will Pay You This Week: 22c .dozen for strictly fresh eggs--cash or trade, 3 lb. for choice A1 dairy Butter--cash or trade. Remember we always pay highest prices for farm produce--but it must be first-class. Rd. Snowden ZiEEZ APPETIZING FOODS For Every Meal As the temperature mounts upwards, appetites lag and the housewife is often in a quandary as to what to prepare for meals. Our suggestions are : FRUIT--Oranges, 30c to 40c doz., make a good start. We have Grape Fruit at 3 for 25c, and fresh Strawberries. BREAK FAST FOODS are easily digested. We carry all lines and know how to keep them right. BACON-- F. W. Fearman's Bacon fills the bill at 30c lb. CANNED VEGETABLES, prepared in sanitary factories right where they are grown. Peas and Corn will please you, at 10c. PICKLES--To add zest to the appetite, Maconachie's at 15c per bottle. We carry Holbrook's, Heinz, Crosse & Blackwell, etc., as well as full lines of Catsups, Olives, Sauces and Relishes, DESSERT is always an important factor of the mid-day meal. Jelly Powders in all flavors make a delicious dessert, especially when prepared with fresh fruit. See us regarding fruits for préserving Archie Tait Phone 65 Bowmanville LADIES! THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY rX We find -that we have too many Ladies' Suits, and in order to make a substantial reduction in the number, number, we will for the next two weeks sell any of our New Spring Suits at the following reduced prices : All sizes, 14 to 40. Ladies* Suits, reg. $13.75, sale price...$ 9.75 <( u u u u tt u 15.75, J 8.75, 22.00, 25.00. it u tt (t 10 Only, Suits, Special sizes 16 to 38 Regular price $12.75 to $.18.75, your choice $7.75 S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville J

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