rr-irù- : Î4'i ~. i ■ '/'V- Just thè Thing for * . Warm Weather iff-. Qt IRUII •yZ- BOWMAN VILLE, JULY 8, 1915 ENFIELD See our line of Orl Stoves before placing your order. The anniversary services of Enfield I Methodist Sunday School will be held on I Sunday July II, when Rev. H. W. Wilkinson, our new pastor, will preach I at 2.30 and 7 p. m. Enniskillen choir will furnish music. Collections in aid of school funds. Come and help make the day a ! success. .-'No public tea this year. » EBENEZER It costs you nothing to see them and you will find our line the most complete and the # newest ever offered in this section. RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office Good congregtions greeted the new [pastor, Rev. R. A. Delve, on Sunday when he preached on "Our. Divine Helpers" in the morning and on "The Rich Fool" in the evening. The choir was at its best and rendered excellent selections. The I parsonage is under repair and will not be [ready for occupation until next week when Mrs. Delve and family will become I permanent residents. Specials This Week at Mitchell's Drug Store HAYDON Visitors: Mr. and Mrs E. Evans and son Colville and Miss Nellie Colville,. Yelver ton, Mr. and Mrs; Byron McLaughlin and I son, Enniskillen,at Mr. John McLaughli 's; Mrs. S. T. Mount joy, Hampton,and Mrs. iird, Hamilton, at Mr. Theron Mount joy's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ridge, Pontypool, and Mrs.R Blight, Myrtle, at Mr. Tohn Wright's; -Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle and family, Brighton, Mr. N. C. Rundle, Toronto, at Mr. S. Rundle's; Miss Emily Tabb and 1 Miss Hazel Moore, Town, at their homes I here. Preserve eggs for winter now. Use our waterglass. 15c per lb. at Jury & Loy- I ell's. Toilets Talcums 15c to'goc Toilet Waters ... 35c to $1.50 Perfumes 50c to $2.00 oz. Lotions 25c, 40c, 50c Massage Creams 25c, 50c Face Creams 25c to 75c Tooth Pastes...... 25c to 50c Eas'em Foot Powder 25c can The New Ansco Speed Film for Cameras is Thé Tâlk of the Day They fit any camera. All sizes. Are you using them ? A big stock of Rubber Goods- just arrived. See our special Maple Leaf Hot Water Bottle Guaranteed for One Year. Reg. $1.50, On Sale 99c See our fine line of Bathing and Motor Caps for ladies, all colors. Prices 75c to $1.15. Soaps We carry any make of Standard Standard Soaps. Special this week: Jergen's Violet Glycerine at . 3 cakes for 25c Old English Soaps, Elder Flower and Oatmeal, big cakes, reg. 15c cake, for 10c. Agency for Nyal's Remedies and Nvlo Chocolates Sole Agents for the Ansco Cameras and Supplies Sole Agents for Neilson's Chocolates R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists When we test eyes we do it Scientifically Opticians » Sponge Cakes 10c doz. dinger Cakes ..10c doz. Parkins Biscuits 10c doz. Ginger Cookies 10c doz. Buns,.plain, currant 10c doz. Maccaroons 40c lb. Drop Cakes 20c lb. Raisin Pies 13c each Jelly Roll 10c each Melon Cake 10c each Angel Cake 15c each Coffee Cake 5c each Cream Loaf 7c each Raisin Loaf 10c each <» S. Rock Cakes -,10c doz. French Biscuits ...10c doz. Cocoanut Cookies .10c doz. Scones 10c doz. Jam Tarts 10c doz. Cocoanut Maccaroons 40c lb. Apple Pies 10c each Blueberry Pies . ...13c each Wine Cake 10c each Walnut Square ...10c each Layer Cake . .15c each John Bull Malt Loaf 7c each Vienna Roll 7c each Currant Loaf .10c each (Save this list) Goods delivered to any part of the town. Phone 3. THOMAS TOD Baker and Caterer V Bowmanville V- - GOOD THINGS TO EAT. Ifjyou wish to keep yourself in condition during the summer months you must keep your app jtite in trim. This can ibe done by selecting foods that appeal to the appetite. Canned Meats--Ideal for the warm weather and "hurry up" lunches are : Veal Loaf, Ham and Tongue, Corned Beef, Sliced Smoked Beaf and Pork and Baans, etc. Olives--Are very appetizing and handsome in appearenoe and liked by many. We have them in both plain and stuffed in all size bottles at 10c, 15o, 20c, 25c, 8O0, 85o and 40c per bottle. Sardines--Genuine Norwegian Fish, small and dainty, most tempting and appetizing in appearance. Per tin lOo and 16o. Fancy SBlsoultS--During warm weather and especially arour.d holidays the hoirie wife does not care to be burdened with •cooking. We have a splendid assortment of Fancy Biscuits, fresh and crisp, prepared in a factory that is a model of cleanliness. cleanliness. These are just a few suggestions. We have an excellent »rray of Dainties that will appeal to you. Call around or phone jour order to HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Clntr Phone 186, Bowmanville TYRONE Visitors: Miss O.Bellman, Bowmanville, with Miss M. Amsbury; Mrs. R. Blight, Myrtle, and Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle, and family, Brighton, Mr. N. C. Rundle, East Toronto, and Miss E.' E. Haycraft, Bowmanville, at Mr. John Rundle's, Mrs. (Rev.) R. A.- Delve and family at Mrs. H. Hills and Mrs. Harvey Curtis'.... Miss Mary Manning, Hamilton, with old friends here Miss Mabel Cox, Provi- [ dence and Miss Margaret Hooper, Toronto, Toronto, at Mr. Chas. Hooper's. Miss E. M. Werry with friends in Toronto Mr. | Lance Phare with Rev. Mr. Higgs, Mill- brook Mr. Clarence Woodley and Mr. Garnet McCoy are attending Summer School at Brileville... .The community ! was saddened by the sudden death of Mr. [John Fraser Wednesday evening who died suddenly while milking. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon to Bethes- da cemetery and was largelyattended. He leaves three daughters, Mrs. A. Brisbin, Lindsay, Mrs T. Gardiner, Mrs. Fred Baker, Baker, Long Sault, and Mrs. W. Brown, New Park; three sons, John of Toronto, Ben of I Newcastle and Harry of the Sault. He was a good neighbor and kind father. Football game, refreshments and program program Wednesday July 14th at Enniskillen; FOOTBÀLL. Final game t>f Darlington S. S. Football League was played at Hampton on July 1 and proved to be one of the best games of the series. Considerable interest has been manifested in this new League during the season, the attendance increasing with every game. Upon the result of this game : dépended whether Hampton would be the winner ot the new shield, which is now on display in F. J. Horne's window or if there would be a tie-up between Ebenezer Ebenezer and Hampton. The game was hotly contested from start to finish, the final score being I-I, thus giving Hampton the honor of winning the trophy for 1915 by a margin of 2 points . The best of feeling feeling has existed between the players ot the four teams, and the contests neiqt year should call for even greater interest. Following is the standing : Clubs Hampton Ebenezer Z on Maple Grove Drawn Lost P'nts. 3 o 3 I 4 i MAPLE GROVE We welcome Rev. R. Archibald Delve» our new pastor, who made a. very favorable favorable impression here last Sunday after noon and we feel sure that with the hearty co-operation of* the people and help of the Holy Spirit his labours here in - this part of the Master's Vineyard will bring forth much fruit. Sorry to have o mitted from our anniveisary report last week the names of Mrs. Arthur Trimble and Miss Emma Lane as part of the committee.who committee.who trained the children tor the afternoon program. v iss Annie Cox, Bowmanville, also assisted by rendering a reading in her usual able manner... .The young men's class catered to the wants of the people in a very efficient way with ice cream, candies, fruits, etc., proceeds nearly $60 Congratulations to our Football team, who though they are the cellar champions of the Sunday School League, deserve as much on the top considering they were up against viz : not played a ex-leaguer games. Glad to be able to report that they won the match at Hampton, July 1st, with Taunton for a new football. Better success to the boys next year! They deserve deserve it Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Snow den visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker, Sunday-. Miss Beryl Oke, Ebenezer, is visiting the Misses Power... Power... .Mr. and Mrs. Truman Power Sun- dayed at Mr. Arthur Burgess', Base line Miss Vera Power is visiting friends in town. credit as those the great odds - our bovs "have in any of. their ENNISKILLEN SOLINA Who Does the Baking at Your Home ? J^ÆADAM, wouldn't you like to be relieved of doing the baking during the hot Summer weather ? Sure you would, and this is how Let US do it- Everyone in the house will be glad to let you have a "vacation" from the kitchen, and we are sure they will en j°y our baking. You can save money, too; for instance, try some of these good things : Visitors: Mrs. W. Werry and Miss Nora with Cartwright friends; Miss Gertrude Pascoe, Oshawa, at home; Mr. and Mrs. N. Buss, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walters and Miss Myrtle, Toronto, at Mr. John Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, I Kedron, with friends; Senator Beith, Bow- manville, at Mr. Jas.Jebson's; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Snowden, Maple Grove, at Councilor Councilor Baker's; Misses Lulu and May Reynolds Reynolds with friends at Toronto andAilandale; Mrs. (Dr.) Fletcher, Kalaniazoo, w.th her sisters here; Dr. and Mrs C. W. Slemon and Miss Cross at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Mr. Bruce Hogarth at the Misses Hogarth; Mr. Earl Duthie, Toronto, at Mr. L. T Pascoe's; Mr. L. T. Pascoe and family ai: Caesarea.... Installation of officers at Division Division this week... .The remains of Mrs John Cooledge were laid to rest in Zion cemetery Sunday. Deceased had been in failing health for some time but was thought to. be improving when acute pneu monia set in and she passed away Friday morning. She will be missed in her home, in the church and in the commnnity. The funeral was private Rev. Geo. Brown officiating. officiating. She leaves her husband and three daughters who have the sincere sympathy of the neighborhood in their bereavement The church was filled Sunday to welcome welcome the new pastor, Rev. Geo. Brown, who preached a good sound practical sermon. sermon. Don't miss the berry social July 14th Enniskillen. at DOMINION DAY AT HAMPTON. A large crowd gathered at Willow Park early in the afternoon to take' in what proved to be a most interesting pr j- gram of sports/ Shortly after 2 o'clock the first of the races for the school children children was started. A keen competition took place for-the valuable prize to be awarded and many of the events were won by a narrow margin. Shortly after 3 o'clock a keenly contested game was played between the Zion and Maple Grove Football teams, for a football, the latter winning the ball by a score of 1 to 0. At 6.30 o'clock the Ebenezer and Hampton Hampton teams took the field amid the greatest of excitement, and from the start to the call of 'time' there was no let up by the spectators in urging on their respective favorites. Hampton scored one goal during during the first half and Ebenezer scoring once during ihe second half, the game ending with the score 1 to 1. Space will not permit making any special remarks as regards any individual players, suffice it to say that every player showed up to good advantage. Both games were freé from rough playing. Mr. Ed. Ward refereed refereed the first game and Mr. Will Baker the second, both being free from any signs of partiality and keeping the players down to good, clean football. The concert in the church "pavilion" at night by - the Ebenezer people gave etninent satisfaction, the place being packed packed to thé doo'rs, many having to stand on the "outside and look through the doors, while several of the boÿs had "reserved" seats high up on the beams and window sills. The "local hits" were all taken in good part by the many parties, "hit" and the Ebenezerr people will be sure of a hearty welcome should they, ever come here again. "The New Minister" is full of interest from start to finish and well worth going many miles to hear. The Goodyear Band of Bowmanville played during the afternoon and evening giving excellent service by théir splendid playing and generous numbers. Proceeds $360. Tyrone and Enniskillen young people picnicked at Scugog Saturday Dr. Slemon entertained a few friends Monday evening Misses Maud Curtis, Toronto, Elsie,Rundle and Grace Slemon are spending spending a 3 week at Caesarea Friday a re ception was given to Rev. and Mrs. Henry Wilkinson at the Parsonage, when a very pleasant evening was spent. A program consisting of addresses, music and a reading, reading, "Helping the New Minister's. Wife Unpack," by Miss Esther Stevens. Ice cream was a so served No service here Sunday evening on account of Enfield anniversary anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stainton held a family gathering Monday evening; the occasion .being the baptizing of their little daughter Mrs. Jos. Cole, Red Deer, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo, Argue; also Mrs. Nellie Perry, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, and Miss Eulalie Pascoe, Lindsay ... .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clarke, Buckhorn, visited Mr. Thos. M_Gill's... .Miss Maud Curtis, Toronto, at Messrs. Elias Ashton's and Thos. McGill Mr. and Mrs. Veale, Toronto, at Messrs. Edward Thompson's Thompson's and Enoch Steven's Miss Mary and Master Charlie Knox, Orono, are holidaying with relatives here Mrs. George Argue has returned home after a pleasant visit in Lindsay and Cannington .. . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnston, Toronto, Toronto, at Mr. John Pye's Mrs. Emmer- son is spending a week in Port Perry.... Don't forget the berry social under auspices auspices of Epworth League on Dr. Slemon's lawn Wednesday, July 14. At 6 30 p.m. a football game is expected between Hampton, Hampton, winners in the S. S. League, and Enniskillen. Enniskillen. Refreshments se ved from 7.30 p.m., after which an excellent program will be given in the church by Miss S. E. Richardson, elocutionist, Lindsay; Miss Vera Slemon/Hay don; Enniskillen Male Quartet, and others. Ice cream for sale during the evening. Admission : adults 20c, children 15c. DOMINION DAY AT HAYDON. The concluding part of the Sunday School anniversary services were held on Dominion Day when real July weather, good crowds, splended supper and a good all-round concert, contributed to make the day a splendid success. This re-union is looked forward to with a great deal of pleasure by old and young. Early in the afternoon the people began to gather and soon the waiters were busily engaged serving serving the good things the ladies had prepared prepared in the shed and under the shade of the Maple trees. Enniskillen foot-ball team and Bowmanville High School team played a game but the former proved the better, winning in a score of 4 to 0. Mr. Thos. Harris was referee and did his work satisfactorily. At the evening concert every available corner of the tent was occupied. Rev. J. E. Beckel, the new pastor, presided, and in his opening remarks expressed his pleasure pleasure at meeting so large a gathenng many of whom came from his old home near Enfield. He invited the hearty co-operation co-operation of all in the work of the coming year. The program opened with a piano solo by Miss Eleanor Hurst who played the . c- companiments for Mr. Fiddes in a most satisfactory mander. The singing of Mr. Tames Fiddes, tenor soloist, whose selections selections favored largely of Irish and Patriotic Patriotic was greatly enjoyed arid well received, encores being given on every appearance and the enthusiastic applause which greeted greeted him proved the popularity of his numbers. numbers. Miss Clarice Spencer, Toronto, reader, pupil of Owen A. Smily, was heard to splended advantage in her recitations, which were given m good voice, clçar pro- nounciation and suitable to the occasion. Mr Ted Parker, Toronto, humorous entertainer entertainer who visited Bowmanville with St. Andrew's Masonic Glee Club about a year ago,.gave a varied program that kept his audience in gocfti humor and from the hearty applause he receiyechproved a favorite favorite entertainer. Proceeds about $303. Berry social at Enniskillen July 14th. Attend. HAMPTON Miss Mildred Cole, who has been teaching teaching at Drum for the past year was presented presented with an address and a sum of money ^by the Drum Sunday School as a slight token of the esteem in which she was held 1 by them as a teacher and organist I Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cryderman . attended the anniversary services at Columbiis Mr. M. A. Hastings, Mr. C. Hastings and family, Dr. and Mrs. Lome Hastings, Mr. Frank Mason and two children .are enjoying enjoying camp at Scugog....A number of friends from Port Perry visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffery Sunday Mr. Levi Niddery received the sad news that his son Eddie J., member 2nd Batt. and who was wounded in action early in May, has died after suffering for several weeks. We extend most kind sympathy. One more brave young life given for his country country Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke, at Newcastle Sunday; Miss Florence Florence Stewart, Peterboro, with friends; Mrs. H. Wilcox visited her dau hter in Toronto; Mrs. Johnson, Chatham, with Her sister, Mrs. T. Rowe; Mrs. F. A. Cole, , Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and ( Mrs. Howard Cole. China-lac is your friend if you wish to be economical. It puts a finish on old floors and furniture that looks like new. Mason & Dale. NECESSITIES For Hot Weather.* Not "How Cheap" but "How Good" Dye In Bowmanville. No need of sending your clothes out of town to be dyed. We clean and dye everything at lowest prices. All clothes dyed to sample. Have your dresses and blouses dry cleaned. Suits dyed Blue, Black or Brown. Gibson's Cleaning Works King St W. Bowmanville B 00 K S Special Sale of Books-- We are offering regular $1.00 -and $1.25 books this week for 29 cents See Our Window Display W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore It's Easy Work to Cut the Grass If you have your Lawn Mower sharpened the new yfay at the new blacksmith sh^p. All the work is done promptly and satisfaction guaj'anteed. Mowers Mowers called foVand delivered to all parts of the town. Phone 185 and your want? will be attended to promptly. A. W. Pickard South of Post Office on Temperance St. Cawker Always Sells the Best Meats Phone 64 Call at Cawker's Butcher Butcher Shop and get particulars of a new buggy for sale at a bargain. Quality counts in the long run All the goods you purchase from us are of the best value that money can buy. Guaranteed to fit and wear and to be up-to-the-minute in style. Underwear Underwear, balbriggan, nainsook or light wool, two piece or combination, long or short sleeves or drawers 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Negligee Shirts Negligee Shirts' 75c to $2.00 Other Summer Wear Straw Hats, Caps, Lisle Silk and Cashmere Sox, Belts, Braces, * Garters, Arm Bands, Khaki, Flannel and Duck Trousers, Bathing Suits, Jersies. DEAL AT The Men's Store The Anderson Clothing Co's, Phone 61 Bowmanville -4 m China = Hall = Grocery Open All Day and Evening Wednesday, June 30th Thursday, July 1, being a holiday, our store will be open Wednesday until 10.30 pm, as is usual on the day preceding a holiday. Fruits Foreign and domestic fruits in great variety. We cannot quote prices now but will have bargains in Orangés, Bananas, Pineapples, Peaches, Apricots, Apricots, Plums, etc. An extra large stock and at extra low prices. Grape Juice Special in Grape Juice, reg. 25c size for 20c. A pure, nourishing, healthful healthful drink. Canned Salmon Canned Salmon, a special bargain at 2 for 25c. Lobster Lobster, a special bargain 25c tin. Evaporated Fruits Evaporated Apricots 15c Evaporated Peaches ; 3 0c hr F. A. Haddy Phone 62 Bowmanville %SliS l