":rJ : ■ mm The Charm of Eastern Fragrance Is typified in every seeded packet of II 100 Years of Peace 4 Selected leaves from the finest plantations* famous for teas of subtle deliciousness. SALADA is fresh and free from dust. BLACK, MIXED OR GREEN 3 Expanding His Property,. "Jones should possess a considerable considerable lot of real estate." "Why so?" "He is always making fountains out of molehills." Miller's Worm Powders, being in de" mand everywhere, can ha got at; any chemist's or drug shop, at very small cost. They are standard remedy fer worm troubles and can be fully relied upon to expel worms from the system and abate the sufferings that worms cause. There are many mothers that rejoice that they found available so iffective a remedy for the relief of their children. Bees suck over 200,000 flowérs for every ounce of honey. Wood's Phosphodiae, The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole I nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.,TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Whiter.) B 77 Fair Play. Two young men in a crowded seaside seaside resort had great difficulty in finding finding sleeping accommodation, and were at length offered a bed which the landlady assured them was a feather bed. They turned in, and one of the pair was soon fast asleep ; the other was not. He could not manage to dodge the lumps, and heard hour after hour strike until 3 a.m., when he also struck. He did this by violently shaking his sleeping friend. "What's the matter ? " growled the other. 'It can't be time to get up yet?" "No, it isn't," retorted his friend, continuing continuing to shake him; "but it's my turn to sleep on the feathers!" Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A British Army Corps is, approximately, approximately, 38,000 men; an Austrian is about 53,000 'men; while the strength of French, Russian, and German Army Corps varies from 40,000 to 55,000 men. ! V Summer Music in great variety on the 90 cent Vidtor Records-- 1 --light and airy popular songs, dance music and the lighter classical airs-- makes you cool to listen to them. There are so many of the 90c records, too--ten inch double sided, two selections selections on each. Music to suit everybody. everybody. Here are some that should be in the collection of every Vidtrola owner : Peerless Qyartet \ Harry Macdonough j Edward Hamilton ") M. Johnson & Cho. j Virginia Lee Sweet Kentucky,Lady f Take Me Back To Canada They Sang "God Save The King" Aloha Oe--Hawaiian Medley Waltz 1-. : Victor Military Band f Home Sweet Home--Medley Waltz Conway's Band) The Origina! Fox Trot Van Eps Trio) 1 hat Moaning Saxaphone Rag Six Brown Brothers j O sole mio (My Sunshine) (Violin-Flute-Harp) V a ,j, , Neapolitan Trio > Addio a Napoli (Vlohn-Flute-Harp) Neapolitan Trio ) Mother Machree Chasles Harrison V A Little Bit of Heaven (Shure, They Call It Ireland) C Charles Harrison ) 17723 17742 17733 17677 17787 17780 Go to any "His Master's Voice*' dealer's in any city or town in Canada. He will gladly play any music you wish to hear, on the Vidtrola. It is a hundred years since the ^.Treaty of Ghent ended the last war between the British Empire and the i United States of America; for a full century two great powers, with interests interests which occasionally conflicted and with tempers which were not invariably invariably conciliatory, have lived at peace and in steadily increasing goodwill. Plans were on foot to celebrate celebrate this great event, and had not Fate--and Germany--willed otherwise, otherwise, this summer would have seen a celebration of great magnitude and of exceptional interest and value. But the war can^e. Canadians are bending all their energies, and devoting all their thoughts, to the -work of fighting fighting for the British Empire, and our friends of the United States have been confronted with anxious and absorbing absorbing problems. In the circumstances, the plans for a great commemoration of the First Century of Peace between between the Great Empire and the Great Republic had to be reconsidered. reconsidered. Those in charge of the movement, after consulting the leading men connected connected with it both in Canada and the United States, decided on a modified programme. That aspect of the plans which contemplated public rejoicing has been postponed, but those portions--the portions--the larger portions, it should be said--of the plans, which laid emphasis emphasis on education and on the cultivation cultivation of a reasonable frame of mind in the conduct of international relations relations are being prosecuted. The public public rejoicings are only postponed, and the organizations formed to carry out the commemoration were encouraged to continue their work of preparation and education, so that when the War is over and victory has crowned the British British and allied forces, fitting festivities festivities might be held. : These festivities are likely to be all the more impressive impressive in view 1 of the fact that we shall be celebrating not only the conclusion conclusion of a century of peace with our neighbors but the overthrow of those forces which have, for so many years, menaced the peace of the whole world. The Canadian Peace Centenary Association--which, Association--which, by the way, is not and never has been a "Peace Society" has just issued a pamphlet which sheds an interesting light on the temper temper prevailing between the Canadian and American peoples. The ratification ratification of the Treaty of Ghent took place on February 17th, 1815, and on the centenary date great numbers of messages were exchanged between the President of the Canadian Peace Centenary Association, Sir Edmund Walker, and the Governors of the States; between cities and towns on Doth sides of the line; between Boards of Trade, and even between individual firms and their correspondents across the border. These are printed in the pamphlet, and bear witness to a cordiality cordiality of spirit which affords a welcome welcome contrast to the dark animosities which make other continents so dreadful a spectacle to-day. These messages display a wonderful wonderful unanimity of conviction, and it may be added that many of those from the neighboring Republic convey convey the heartiest good wishes for the success of our cause. Another feature of the pamphlet is the description of the services held on Sunday, February February 14th, in an extraordinary number of churches in both countries. The public celebrations of this triumph of reasonableness and good will should be one of the earliest events after the conclusion of the present dreadful struggle. The Canadian Canadian Peace Centenary Association, and its corresponding body in the United States, the American Peace Centenary Committee, have made all the necessary preparations, and it is to be hoped that their work will be crowned with success. When School Closes. It's Judicial Notice to Creditors ÏÎ Pursuant to two Judgments of The Supreme Supreme Court of Ontario (i) made in the matter of an administration proceeding relating to the estate of Joseph Penfoupd, The wobbly creek with banks of clay deceased L and (2) in a partition action | became a paradise; we swam with an awful queer sensation, .yet one chuck full of joy, that circulates time of year in every healthy | It makes him stand upon his and do all sorts of freaks, to i - , the lock's tight on the school for nigh a dozen weeks. The man who thought of such a thing as summer summer school vacation, is worthy of a monument and a silver tongued oration. oration. So let us sing about the chap m all our sweet refrains, and versify | the. size and kind and color of his brains.- The chances are that he was once a tiny boy at school, who learned to figure and to spell beneath the hickory rule. We never heard about I his name, nor the, color of his skin, but we'll bet our last red nickel that I he was white within. He took the damper off of sport, arid.' uncorked lots of fun for we didn't have to start at nine, and then again at one. Children Cry for Fletcher's . we swam frogs and leeches there, much 'gainst our folks' advice. We played at in- j jun in the woods, with stain and chicken feather, and we were nature's children then most any kind of weather. weather. The whole world seemed a place to play, the ponds were big as lakes, and rafts were strong as estate where wherèin Josephine Werry is plaintiff, and Thomas Brooks Penfound and Lily Jane Penfound are defendants, both judgments bearing date the seventeenth day of April 1915, the creditors of the said Joseph Pen- found, who died on or about the second day of February, 1911, are on or before the eleventh day of September, 1915, to send by post prepaid to D. B. Simpson, , _ ^ i£ as brave as tian and surnames, addresses and descrip- 1 e s " ine Iorest tions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) hpld by them; or in default thereof, they will be peremptorily Excluded from the benefit of the said Judgments, or either of them. Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same before me, at my Chambers Chambers in Victoria Hall in the Town of Cob- ourg on the eleventh day of September, 1915» at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudication on the said claims. Dated this 29th day ot June, 1915. (Sgd.) G. M. Roger, 28-4W » Master at Cobourg* JUDICIAL SALE of 120 acre Farm in the Township Township of Darlington. In the Supreme Court of Ontario Werry vs Penfound was our grand we could monarchs be, and hold dominion like a king with castle in a tree. We knew most all there was to know concerning birds and things, where the meadow lark had hid its nest and the blue jay flashed its wings. We knew that old black crows could talk when once their tongues were split, and how to wind a birch bark torch and hold it when 'twas lit. We learned an awful lot of things they never print in books, when we lived upon the hillsides hillsides and camped beside the brooks. We didn't seem to realize that those days were our best, and they slipped away like morning sun that sinks down in the west. But they're woven in our memories like silver threads or gold--a storehouse vast for after years of stories yet untold. Time won't turn back in its mad flight, but memory always will, and it makes us children camped again on meadow- The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has hëëh in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal personal supervision since its infancy. . „ ~ „ Allow no one to deceive von in tin « All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good^ are but What is CASTORIA < Astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OU. Paregoric, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is nleasn/nf contains neither Opium, lllorphine nor other Narcotics , substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty yea™! has been.in constant use for the relief of Constination Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach a£d Soweto ; MSB! GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years HE c entauh com r*A.n v. new v o k citv , Pursuant to the judgment made in this cause and bearing date the T/th day of April, 1915, there will be sold with the approbation of G. M. Roger, Esq.. Master of this Court at Cobourgf by l! A W. Tole, auctioneer, at the premises hereinafter hereinafter mentioned at the hour of one o'clock of the 24th day of July, 1915, the following following lands in one parcel: All of the south half of lot twenty in the first concession of the township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, and the south 20.5 acres of the west half of the north half of lot nineteen in the said first concession of the said township township of Darlington, save and except the portion owned and occupied by the Railway Company as a right of wav, subject to a mortgage on same on which there is owing $2071.85, and interest at the rate of five and one-half per cent per annum. annum. The said lands will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid which will be fixed by the said Master. Terms of Sale: The purchaser will pay at the time of the salé a deposit of twenty-five per cent of the purchase price to the plaintiff's solicitor and will sign a contract for the completion o f the purchase within 33 days thereafter. The purchaser will search the title at his own expense and will not be able to demand any abstract of title or the production of any documents documents relating to the title or any copies of same. In all other respects the terms and conditions of the sale will be thé standing conditions of sale of the Supreme Supreme Court of Ontario. Further particulars particulars can be had from the undersigned solicitor and from the auctioneer. Dated June 30th, 1915. (Signed) G.M. Roger, Master. D. B. Simpson, 2 8-3 Solicitor for the plaintiff • land and hill.--By Mercury. 'Ark," in Guelph LIST OF FALL FAIRS 28-29 21-22 28-30 5- 6 23-25 10-18 6- 8 Oct. 1 23-24 13-15 IO-18 16-18 5-6 Blackstock Sept. BOWMAN VILLE Sept. Cobourg. Sept. Colborne Oct. Lindsay ! ! Sept. London Sept. Markham Oct." Millbrook Sept. 30, grono Sept. Oshawa Sept. Ottawa (Central Canada) Sept! Peterboro Sept. Port Hope Oct. Toronto (Can National) Aug-28 Sept-13 Scarboro Sept. 28-29 * The Pill That Leads Them All.-- Pills are the most portable and compact of all the medicines and when easy to take are the most acceptable of preparations. preparations. As Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the most popular of all pills they must fully meet all requirements. Accurately Accurately compounded and composed of ingredients proven to be effective inregulating inregulating the digestive organs, there is no surer medicine to be had anywhere. MR. COLVILLE ENLISTS. Atlantic suffered FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily. Vidtrola VI $33.50 With 15 ten-inch double-aided Vidtor Records your own choice) $47.00 Sold (31 selections, V on easy terms, if desired. Other ViçtroUi from $21.00 to $305 (on easy payments, if desired) and ten-inch, double-sided Victor Records ^ at 90c for the two selections at ■ any His Master s Voice dealer's in any town or city in Canada. Write for free copy of our 450- page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. BERLINER GRA M-O-PHONE GO. . LIMITED The Rolling Waves. A man was crossing the with an army officer who greatly from seasickness. entering the stateroom one I Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face to particularly rough day, he found the try a remedy for freckles with the guar- officer tossing in his"" berth, mutter- j an tee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles ; while if it does give you a clear complexion the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othine--double strength--from any druggist and a few applications slmuld show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. , . Be sure to ask -the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription prescription sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. 2 mg m what at first appeared to be a sort of delirium. Stooping over to catch his words, the friend heard him say; Sergeant . Major ... Sergeant . Brigadier General . . ugh, Lieutenant General . . a-a-ahl' "What are you saying?" asked the friend in some alarm, as the sufferer looked piteously up at him after his last gasping "a-a-ah!" "Assigning the waves their rank, said the military man, rolling toward the wall again. ' "There have been eight Lieutenant Generals within the last 20 minutes." Household Hints. Cabbage leaves contain a great deal of gluten; therefore, are very nourishing.. nourishing.. Rag rugs made of cotton wash well, are inexpensive and ai just the thing for the kitchen --aj, -- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R 3 A : Sunset Coast. The first Japanese wedding Mr. Arthur B. Colville, Barrister, of Toronto, Vice-President and General Counsel of the Electric Power Company, Limited, (controlling the Seymour Power & Electric Company, Limited, and Sub- sidçry Companies,) has volunteered for active service and obtained a Commission in the 39th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force, at Belleville, which is one of the Oversea Battalions of the Third Contingent. Mr. Colville and Mr. J. G. G. Kerry, C. E., Toronto, were the original promotors of the Companies that were incorporated in 1908 and 1910 for the purpose of developing developing the Water Power of the Trent River. River. Mr. Colville, during the past five years, has devoted his whole time and energy energy to the organization of the Companies, and, mainly through his instrumentality, has brought them to their present successful successful position. He is well known in Central Ontario, which district has been so well served by the Company Mr. Colville represents. represents. The Dominion is proud of the her sons who sacrifice their personal interests at the call to defend her liberty and honour. -* IN DEFENCE OF A BERRY. Mi 73 Lenoir Street, Montreal CEALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY Vidtor Records Made in Canada- Patronize Home Produdts 569-344 Sold in Bewmanville by JURY &'LOVELL, LEVI MORRIS & SON. Cool Your Skin With D- D. D. Hot weather brings to the surface all the lurking diseases in ttye skin. Prickly Prickly heat, rash, poison ivy, bites and other maladies are most distressing in summer. You can instantly cool your skin and relieve relieve yourself from all ruffering. Just a few drops of the soothing' compound of oil of Wintergreen and other healing elements called D. D. D. Prescription will give yon instant relief. r Cbmè to us to day for a gênerons trial bottle, only 25c. We offer the first full size bottle on the guarantee that it will give you instant relief or your .money back. Ask also about D. D. D. Soap. J ury & Lovell, Druggists, Bowman ville. D. D. D. is Made in Canada. Hazelton, B.C., took place recently- recently- Seven inches of snow fell in Ross- land, B.C., during the first week in May. A Hindu charged with fbrgery at -Greenwood, B.C., was given three years in the pen. •In the past 14 years the Greenwood, Greenwood, . B.C., customs office has taken in over a million dollars. It is stated that the Penticton, B. C., district will produce 5,500 tons of fruit, this year. In 1914 1,800 .tons were raised. R. A. Brown, of Greenwood, B. C. , is confident that diamonds will some day be found in the crater of his volcanic mine. The fruitgrowers' union at Nelson, Nelson, B.C., will' take a commission of. 12% per cent, for selling fruit this year. During our wars with Napoleon our Navy captured or destroyed 683 French ships. Sorry For Her. It is not only on the field of battle that the British soldier shows his bravery. bravery. A civilian who was seeing off a young soldier friend bound for the front was introduced by him to his wife, a rather sévere-lççkipg woman old enough to be his Mother. jhe civilian had difficulty in concéaling his surprise, and when occasion offered offered he whispered to Bxe young man --"I didn't know you were married." "Well, you see," said the soldier, hesitatingly, hesitatingly, "she was my landlady, and „ 0 her man was killed at the front a few i y ° u sub J ect to throat troubles ? . mopths ago, an' she wis gey hard pit tr5f™^° U vj?\u hould have immediate to it, ye see, an' I wis kind o' sorry îrfSœtt's ï nU curatxv 1 e P°V er9 for her And as TVp nnpEndw a y 1 OI t3COtt ? Emulsion to guard against Ana as 1 ve naebody depen- consumption which so easily follows dent on me, I just merrit her so's «Bip v 1U11UWS - wid eet mv allowance " S She oœtt s Emulsion contains pure cod liver wia get my allowance. . oil which peculiarly strengthens the res- i Eî ra î*? ry tract and im P r °ves the quality of g the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and o ; T j. j heaIs the tender membranes of the throat. contènipiated . becoming 1 '"^ ' isuf^ t you S Jm ^t*it < at any^irng stored" .1 Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Out. HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on your ciLest or in your bronchial tubes ? Do coughs hang on, or By Peter McArthur. There is an old saying, "Give a dog a bad name, and kill him," which applies applies everywhere in life. No matter how good a thing may be, if you give it a bad name you may as well do away with it. It is all very well for Shakespeare to say that "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," but if you called a new variety variety of . rose "The Skunk Cabbage Rose" it would take a long while are often j winning favor. j I am moved to make these reflec- I tions because one of the best of our j tender fruits suffers from a bad ! name, and I wish to proclaim the fact 1 that its bad name is due to a strange mistake. The very name gooseberry suggests something about which one could not hope to be enthusiastic in spite of the fact that gooseberry wine figures in the Vicar of Wakefield, that literary. masterpiece in which j everything is dainty. And the children children who have not yet learned the disfavor that goes with the name "goose" will reach for gooseberry tart before any other, but the name "goose" puts all grown ups on their guard. And now comes a great phil- ogist who proves the name is a vulgar and ignorant mistake. The berry is one that should be knowffi as the Saintsberry--and the berry of the most beloved of saints at that. Mr. Fox Talbot gives the following remarkable account of the origin of the name "gooseberry"; Gooseberries are called in German, Johannis-beer- en, that is, "John's berries," because they ripen about the feast of St.John. St. John is called in Holland, St. Jan, and the fruit is there called "Jans- beeren," Now this word has been-- centuries ago--corrupted into "Gans- beeren," of which our English J word Gooseberries is a literal translation; Gans in German signifying a goose. So you see that the only thing the matter with the defetely flavored Longevity is most frequent in countries countries of low berth. H.M.S. Warrior, launched in I860, was the first ironclad. . St Marinus laid the foundation ol the little nation some 1,600 years ago» According to tradition the founde? The British navy is the only navy that had practised firing at submarines submarines before the war. The reason there are so many failures failures is because so many men spend all their time looking for the easy ways to success. A Woman's Sympathy . Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's Dill a heavy financial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden ? I know what these mean to delicate women--I have been discouraged, too ; but learned how to cure myself. I want to relievo your bur- ; dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill ? I can do this for you and Will it you will assist me. All you need do is to write for a free box of the remedy which h;is been placed . in my hands to he given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you--it has done so for others. If * so, I shall be happv and you will he cured for 3c. (the cost of postage only). Tour letters held confidentially. confidentially. Write to-day for mv free treatment. treatment. MRS. F. E. CURRAH, Windsor, Ont- ■ * A good luncheon dish is made of leftover ham and chicken, put through the chopper. Put in a baking dish with layers of boiled macaroni, with the top layer of bread crumbs. English submarines fly from their periscopes a flag on which is a skull and crossbones when they succeed in destroying a vessel belonging to the enemy. IAN SUFFERED TEN YEARS From Female Ills -- Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Belleville, N. S., Canada. -- "I doctored for ten years for female troubles and did not get well. I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and decided to try it. I write now to tell you that I am cured. You can publish my letter as a testimonial " - Mrs. Suvrine Babine, Belleville Nova Scotia, Canada. Another Woman Recovers. ^ Auburn, N. Y.-"I suffered from nervousness for ten years, and had such organic pains that sometimes I would lie in bed four days at a time, could not eat or sleep and did not want anyone to talk to me or bother me at all. Sometimes i would suffer for seven hours at a time. Different doctors did the best they could for me until four months ago I began giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial and now I am in good health."--Mrs. William H. Gill,No. 15 Pleasant Street, Auburn, New York. 1 of German Kultur ^f r f whi cigare con st. John's berry fered from à touch \ts name, saintly 5r be without without jam from it for your tarts. -- *- A knot is 795 feet more than a mile. ' Whales years. sometimes live for 600 When Maxim prize-fighter. a young man Byron was King Edward VII.'s favorite favorite poet. One kangaroo eats as six sheep. _ as much grass ïïhjçh show clearly what great things Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound does for those who suffer from woman's ills. If you want spe- eial4dvicc write to Lyqia E. Pinkliam Medicine Co. (confl- dent!al)Lynn,Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a wo- \MXÆ- man and held in strict confidence. ip