SUGAR order for EXTRA GRANULATED with the fruit you preserving. Tell him, too, that you want it in the Packages originated for Sugar -- 2 or 5 lb. Sealed Cartons or 10,20,50 or 100 lb. Cloth Bags. Then you will be sure to get the GENUINE REDPATH- Canada's favorite sugar for three generations--the sugar to whose preserving purity you can safely trust good fruit. CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL 135 REPORT OF ION. JAMES S. DOFF Interesting Pointers By the Ontario Minister of Agriculture. Had to Smile. Brown had just returned from a short, but delightful, trip to the Continent. Continent. Barely had he sat foot again on the shore of Britain when, as is usual, he had to submit his baggage to the Customs officials for inspection. inspection. The latter, although Brown assured them that he had nothing to declare, seemed bent on making a thorough inspection. "But there's nothing in that trunk except wearing apparel," insisted Brown. Unper- tubed and unconvinced the official proceeded proceeded with his task, pulling out garment garment after garment, until finally he disclosed a dozen bottles of wine. The official looked at Brown, then at the bottles, and then again at Brown. "And what kind of wearing apparel d'you call this?" he asked. "Nightcaps!" "Nightcaps!" retorted Brown, and even the grim official had to smile. Anxious About Him. Baby was not well, and as he was the first, his parents were anxious about him, and the doctor was paying his second visit. - As he was leaving the tiny patient mother said, "Oh, doctor, doctor, that medicine you sent for baby last night is done." "Impossible!" replid the doctor in astonishment. "I told you to give him a teaspoonful before bedtime and one this morning." "Yes, I know," replied th young mother, mother, with flushed cheeks. "But then, you see mother, John, and nurse, and I had all to take a teaspoonful each, too, to get him to take his." * A cock-crowing competition was held in Paris ten years ago, the utter- er of the greatest number of cock-a- doodle-does in a quarter'of an hour being proclaimed' champion chanti.- cleer. COAL COAL This is the best time to buy your Coal for next Winter. Summer prices are as follows î Chestnut $7.50 Stove... 7.50 Egg 7 50 Pea .... 6.50 ' Order now and see what you can save. E W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank. Building, Temperance St, Phone 177 Wash your dishes with GOLD DUST Put a dash of Gold Dust into the xvatery and it will go to the bottom of things, drive out every bit of dirt, every germ, every hidden particle. 1 Gold Dust cleanses as well as cleans.' We v promise you this7 if you use GoM Dust: Your dishes will be sweeter and cleaner than ever before, and you Farmers' Clubs in Ontario now total over 300. Ontario's Horticultural Societies have 14,000 members enrolled. The attendance at Farmers' and Women's Institute meetings last year totalled 361,237. Methods of holding Celery Blight in check have been demonstrated by the Department. District Representatives are taking a live stock census in the counties in which they are located. Varieties of corn are being tested by the Department to ascertain the best for silage purposes/ Onion Smut is reported in Ontario for 'the first time, and means have been adopted to keep it under control. Eighty-five short courses in stock and seed judging were held last year under the direction of the Department. Department. ■> The Department last year published 290,000 bulletins and 261,000 annual reports; in addition to 35,000 crop reports. reports. Local apiary demonstrations, totalling totalling 65, were held in the province last year for the better instruction of beekeepers. beekeepers. Foul Brood among Bees, while held in check by the methods of the Department, does not seem to be disappearing. disappearing. The Ontario Veterinary College, which is under the Provincial Depart ment of Agriculture, had an attendance attendance last year of 334. Two features of Women's Institute work last year were Demonstration- Lecture Courses in Sewing and Food Values and Cooking. »*' Last year the .Stationary Engineers' Engineers' Branch of the Department issued about 8,400 certificates and the Board examined 1,076 candidates. In addition to the Winter Fairs at Ottawa and Guelph, the Department gave financial assistance to 25 Horse Shows and 44 Poultry Shows. Seventy-five per cent, of the farm help placed through the Ontario Department Department of Agriculture have been placed in yearly engagements. At the Macdonald Institute at Guelph the attendance continues to be limited by the accommodation. The attendance last year totalled 741. Thirty-three dairy instructors were employed by the Department, and 232 district dairy meetings were held, with a total attendance of 12,- 446. Thirty Courses in Agriculture for farmers' sons, and held in various sections of the country, were conducted conducted last year by District Representatives. Representatives. "Junior Farmers' Improvement Associations Associations are being organized in Ontario Ontario wherever young men have taken short or other courses in agriculture. agriculture. Yellow and Little Peach disease have been practically eliminated in Ontario, and measures have been adopted for the control of the Cherry Fruit Fly. Alfalfa is being grown in various parts of the province under the. direction direction of the Department, in order to supply farmers with seed suited to this climate. Ontario's share of the Federal grant in aid of agriculture was $230,868.83, and of this $100,000 was expended on the work of District Representatives. Representatives. At the Demonstration Farm at Monteith many settlers purchased their seed last year, and the farm is also serving to improve the live stock of the district. Large quantities of vegetables are imported into the province every year, and the Department is encouraging encouraging vegetable growers to raise more vegetables under glass. In the acre-profit competition last year 501 bushels of potatoes were raised on one acre by a Middlesex competitor at a cost qf $32.62, and with a net profit of $167,18. The average net profit of the five coming highest last year in the acre- profit competition for potatoes totalled totalled $124.06, and that of the lowest five was $18.49. It is the aim of the Department to have pupils look upon the Rural School Fair as a children's organization, organization, and separate from the township or county agricultural fairs. The use of electricity on the farm in Ontario is increasing, owing to the 1 facilities placed at the farmer's disposal disposal to secure a supply from the Hydro-Electric Commission. Vegetable growers in Ontario are warned of the necessity of developing a home seed supply, since' the former will save at least half the time ordinarily consumed in „washing „washing them.^ Gold Dust does better better work than soap or any other dish* washing product-- and saves half the. time., Inside Information 1 I «1 in * r o "Let th9 COLD DUST TWINS do your work". *FHE N.K. FAIRBANK COMPANY LIMITED, Montreal, Canada MADE IN CANADA fiERMUDA ' t3foi>50& SALISBURY 2 for: 25 COLLARS we WILLIAMS. GREENE & ROME CO., ' * ' * LIMITED BERLIN. ONTARIO sources of supply, chiefly Germany and Holland, have been cut off. There were 992 dairy factories in operation in Ontario in 1914, with 38,092 patrons; 161 creameries, with 36,634 patrons, and a total output of about 23 million pounds of butter. Legume bacteria cultures totalling 8,467, each culture sufficient to inoculate inoculate one bushel of seed, were distributed distributed by the Bacteriological Department Department of the Ontario Agricultural College. College. The war has stopped immigration from Europe, but notwithstanding this the Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Department handled 5,018 farm laborers and domestics last year. In the dairy herd competition, conducted conducted by the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario in 1914, the-first prize herd produced 7,923 pounds per cow for the six months from May to October. . Sweet clover, so long regarded as a weed, is attaining considerable popularity in some sections of the province as fodder, and is now being investigated at the . Ontario Agricultural Agricultural College. , Factory inspections last year under the direction of the Department numbered numbered 10,059, an increase of 8,000. over the preceding year, and the territory covered includes 410 cities, towns and villages. _ The Women's Institutes of the province province raised over $40,000 last year towards the Hospital Ship, Red Cross and Belgian Relief Funds, and donated donated large quantities of hospital supplies supplies and clothing. The best cow of the imported Dairy Shorthorn herd at the Ontario Agricultural Agricultural College gave 11,000 pounds of milk during the period of laceration, laceration, while four cows averaged 8,600 pounds during their period. Experiments at the Ontario Agricultural. Agricultural. College continue to show that the variety of oats known as O.A.C. No. 72 is still at the front in all tests, and is being more generally grown by the farmers of the province. The new dining-hall jit the Ontario Agricultural College is one of the finest of its kind on the continent. The large dining-room is equipped to seat 500, and is without pillar or post to obstruct the view or take up space. The Department continues the work.of making surveys and holding demonstrations in ditching and tilelaying tilelaying free of charg. Last year 250 surveys were made, ' covering 13,389 acres, and 1,673 miles of drain were laid. Rural school fairs are helping to interest the youth of Ontario in the land. In 1914 there were 148 fairs held in 37 counties, including the children children in 1,391 schools. There were 75,602 entries and a total attendance of 95,310. Several orchards are rented annually annually by the Department to demon strate the value of proper cultivation, pruning and spraying. Demonstrations Demonstrations in packing apples, particularly in boxes, are given at fall fairs and elsewhere. A Co-operation ând Markets Branch has been established by the Department Department in order to assist the agriculturist agriculturist in solving marketing problems to deal in an educational way with such matters as the name of the branch would embrace. Pure bred surplus stock of the herds at the Ontario Agricultural College College are sold periodically by auction. At the 1914 sale prices as high as 13 cents per pound was paid for steers on the hoof, and the proceeds of the entire sale exceeded $4,900, To clear Ontario of "scrubs" and undesirable sires, the Department is proceeding to enforce the law which requires the compulsory inspection of stallions this law provides that no grade stallion shall, be allowed to stand or travel after August, 1918. In factories and mercantile establishments, establishments, with 229,430 employees, and inspected under the direction of the Department last year, only in 94 cases were employees found to be under under 14 years of age, and in there cases the law was promptly enforced. enforced. Despite the unsettled condition following the outbreak of the war, the attendance at the Ontario Agricultural Agricultural College in 1914 totalled 1,551. Ontario students totalled 466, and those from other provinces 74. Ontario Ontario students the previous year numbered numbered 449. Farmers' sons take great interest in the Feeding Hogs for Profit Competition, Competition, and in the 20 competitions last year the average net profit of the 20 winners was $6.40, while the average average of the first five winners was $10.10 per hog, and that of the lowest lowest five $4.55. The ravages of the. army worm last year were reported from 42 counties counties or districts and 234 townships. The last serious outbreak occurred in 1896. At that time'Brant county escaped, while in 1Ô14 the outbreak apparently began there, and this county was the chief sufferer. The benefits of tile drainage are being shown under! the .auspices of the Ontario Agricultural College by means .of demonstration plots showing showing the résulta from drained and undrained undrained land. _ Prior to 1914 eight of these had .been., started, and the first reports show an average increase increase per acre of $14.12 on drained land. The increase in. the usé . of electricity,* electricity,* which, is rapidly overtaking stëam power, is shown by the Factory Inspection Branch of the Department Until He Used "Fruit-a-tives" The Great Kidney Remedy IIagersville, Ont., Aug. 26th, 1913. "About two years ago, I found my health in a very bad state. My Kidneys . were not doing their work and I was all run down in condition. Having seen £ Fruit-a-tives' advertised, I decided to try them. Their action-was mild, and- the result all that could be expécted. My Kidneys resumed their normal action after I had taken x upwards of a dozen boxes and I regained my old-tinte vitality. Today, I am as well as ever." B. A. KELLY. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25o. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. First Krupp Was Blacksmith. From a little blacksmith's shop at Essen in 1812, the mighty firm of -Krupps, the home of German guns, has grown into the largest armament factôry in the world. Friedrich Krupp originated the smithy, and for fourteen fourteen years struggled against poverty. He died a poor man, and on his deathbed deathbed confided the secrets he had discovered discovered during his lifetime to his son Alfred. It was .more than twenty years before Alfred Krupp gained recognition, recognition, but after obtaining fame through exhibiting a forty-five ton cast ingot of Krupp steel at the Crystal Crystal Palace Exhibition in 1851, he never looked back. When he died, in 1887, 60,000 people followed him to the- grave. To-day Krupps' works cover 1,000 acres of ground. Even before before the war-rush commenced the firm were employing 60,000 men at their main works at Essen and thousands thousands of others in their collieries, shipbuilding shipbuilding yards, and private testing grounds. It is estimated that over 300,000 people depend on Krupps for their livelihood. At the Krupps' works 40,000 cannon cannon are turned out évery year. Work at Krupps' is conducted in great secrecy. Each worker is for- in a statement of the horse-power em- I bidden to enter any office or workshop ployed in provincial industries as.fol- no * cohnected with his own depart- lows:--Steam, 386,767 h.p.; electric, men t- He has a passport for his 273,357 h.p.; water, 68,896 h.p.; gas' I special job, and he must not take or gasoline, 7,042 h.p. any interest in any other. Krupps' For promoting the study of agricul- Private army will march him off to ture in public schools the following I private barracks if he disobeys, were features of work at the On- Hundreds of watchmen, heavily arm- tario Agricultural College-; Normal I ec ^> gfiiard the secrets of the Krupps' Teachers' Class in Elementary Agri-1 works both day and night, and the culture; Summer School Course for I grounds are a mass of electric traps Teachers; Summer | which immediately signal the ap- Nothing in Goodness. Willie came home from school cry-» ing bitterly. "Mother," he sobbed, "I'm not going to try and be good isrjf more," "Why, Willie, whatever Is the matter?" asked his mother. "BoO- hoo!" sobbed Willie. "I was in school to-day, and I saw Teddy Smith put a bent pin on the teacher's chair, and because I did not want him to sit on it I pulled his chair away ,and he sat on -the floor. He gave me a thrashing for pulling his chair away when he got up, and when I got outside outside the school Teddy Smith hit me for pulling the pin away, and not minding my own business." Public School School Course for High School Science Teachers, and the first Rural Teachers' Conference in Ontario. Experiments being carried on at the Experimental Fruit Farm at Vine- land, include one to determine the value of plum roots for the peach under certain conditions; another in pruning, in which 200 Spy trees are )eing used; one to determine the value of dynamited holes; others to proach of any intruder. Highland Piper Plays His Last Tune. No musician is more devoted to the instrument on which he plays than the Highland piper. A touching story of a piper's last moments on the battlefield is told by Private L. L. Spalding, of the 90th Winnipeg Rifles (the "Little Black Devils"), test varieties of strawberries, plums! who was one of the Canadian soldiers pears, cherries, currants and goose- gassed at Ypres. While up in the berries. | firing line à piper of the 79th High landers (Canadian Scottish) was mortally mortally wounded in the chest, he says.-- The man sat down on a bank, hugging his beloved pipes, and refused to be carried away. "I want to stay here tl iz- j v ii . , * î and--and play a last tune," he gasped. 1118 Kind YOU H8V8 Alwsys Bought But alittl e pathetic wheezing noise ' o I was all the music he could get from CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Bears the Signature of his pipes. A few minutes later he fell back dead. Women's Institutes of Ontario. Nearly 25,000 women, in 843 branches, make up the membership of the Women's Institutes of On- Reduced By Asthma.- The constant strain of Asthma biings the patient fco a dreadful state of hopeless exhaustion. Early use should by all means be made of the famous De. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Asthma Remedy, which more than any other loi 1 ?' ^ nnuaI re P° r t of which for I acts quickly and surely on the air pass- 1914 ' has just been issued. Articles ages and brings b essed help and comfort, in this report cover nearly every line No home where asthma is present in the of .feminine endeavor. The efforts de- lasfc degree should be without this great scribed or proposed relate to activi- remedy ' The expression "licked into shape" arises out of the popular superstition' that a bear's cub is born an amorphous amorphous mass, and is licked into shape by its mother. * Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR | A The Ontario Agricultural College. The fortieth annual report of the Oz:: ario Agricultural College, and Macdonald Institute, Guelph, has just been issued. The President, Dr. G. C. Creelman, gives an interesting account account of his trip abroad, when he investigated investigated agricultural conditions in Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, China, Japan, and the Philippine Islands, Islands, and came to the conclusion A True Tonic Is one that assists Nature.' Regular and natural action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels Will keep you well and .fit, and this action ispromoted by BEECHAM'S PILLS Tno Largest Sale of Any Medicine in tte VcrlJ. Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cento PROMPTLY SECUREDI In all countries. Ask for our INVEN» TOR'S AD VISER, which will be sent fret* MARION & MARION, ■ 364 University St., Montréal. ""X ties in Institutes, the Church, and community life; to Red Cross and other forms of patriotic helpfulness; Sign of Sapience. owl , . . „ - - --,, "Pa, why do people call the and to agriculture, more especially to the bir.d of wisdom ?" fruit growing, poultry raising, and "Because he's got sense enough not beekeeping for women. The report to come out and fly around until all gives very full consideration to the | boys of your age are in bed." home, nearly every range of domestic economy receiving attention. The study of child life is given a large place, and two addresses deal with "Children's Rights" and "Education for the Backward." "Electricity as it Rélates to Women on "the Farm" is the title of a practical talk by Sir Adam Beck. Considerable space is given to health topics, both of a public public and an individual nature. The report report reflects much credit upon the hosts of women who are helping along Institute work in his Province. • * Why suffer from corns when they can be plainlessly rooted out using Holloway's Holloway's Corn Cure. Cook's Cotton Root Compound A safe, reliable repv/ating medicine,, Sold in three decrees decrees of strength--No. l, SI: No. 2, $3; No. 3. S5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address': THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO. ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) Mary is the commonest name for women in England, William the commonest commonest name for men. As a general rule, two productive acres are required for the support of each inhabitant of a country, and where this ratio does not exist food must be imported. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Little Liver Pills. Muet Bear Signature of See Fee-Simile Wrapper Below. ee easy MLUdu es «aeni CARTERS FOR HEADACHE. F0H DiaiMESS. FORBILIOUSNESS, FOR/TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKI*: P0* THE COMPLEX!OR r NAVIJUDNATUR «/ CURE SICK HEADASH5* WHEN IN DOUBT Serve Ice Cream CITY DAIRY Service makes this possible. We have developed a method of shipping Ice Cream put up in attractive boxes -- Enough in a box to serve five or six persons. We ship thousands of these boxes to discriminating shop keepers everywhere. You get it in the original package just as it is put up in our sanitary Dairy. * Look fop the Sign, We want TORONTO. an Agent in every -town.