éééÜIéééé 3335 ■ ::;••» ;Vv'-stRrààyr'.' r --aT-.^7 «8B«B«»8ggg^«»asBBa8<saa»Bgwg^gBasqsig38F»g«sswKMiaa8aw8eew^iiasi^gsi«^^g-^£«sgfeg!asg -1-™ -- - i* v . -. . /- -7. t r-x.< _ v - ■- ; ■* - 7 ; ■ .. „ - hÿ-;--- 5ï<$seg|8Pi@l§sg plsglfegsï SSSÊb • /r RSK^T- feS- -- -• -: X -r S»; Ssr aSfcî .-■ New ï for the Holiday Season Nothing doesjmore to touch up the appearance than a nifty necktie. , t We have made arrangements with a large manufacturer to send us a certain quantity each month of the very latest Neckwear. You can look for the new- wear with us every month. } The first consignment has just arrived Come in and see them. 50c. Open Friday Evening Until 9.30 The Men's Store The Anderson Clothing Co's. Phone 61 Bowmanviile GOOD THINGS TO EAT. If.you wish to keep yourself in condition during the summer months you must keep your app jtite in trim. This can he done by selecting foods that appeal to the appetite. Canned Meats--Ideal for the warm weather and "hurry up" lunches are : Veal Loaf, Ham and Tongue, Corned Beef, Sliced Smoked Beef and Pork and Beans, etc. Olives--Are very appetizing and handsome in appearence and liked by many. We have them in both plain and stuffed, in all size bottles at 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c and 40c per bottlê|. Sardines--Genuine Norwegian Fish, small and dainty, most tempting and appetizing in appearance. Per tin 10o and 15c. Fancy ^Biscuits--During warm weather and especially around holidays the housewife does not care to be burdened with cooking. \Y e have a splendid assortment of Fancy Biscuits, fresh and crisp, prepared in a factory that is a model of cleanliness. cleanliness. These are just a few suggestions. We have an excellent array of Dainties that will appeal to you. Call around or phone your order to HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club Phone 186, Bowmanviile Not Sold Out, But Rejuvenated --And Still Ready to Serve You The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is still selling SCRANTON SCRANTON COAL--the Standard Anthracite--and ready to fill orders for all sizes at Summer prices, which for the present are as follows : Egg, Stovê & Chestnut $7.50 per ton; Péa $6.50 pér tôn; NET CASH, delivered to all parts of the town- 50c per ton less at the Harbor. Customers wishing to pay for their coal now may have it delivered delivered at once or later on, as they see fit; and in the event of lower prices prevailing during the season all who pay for their coal will be protected fully by having difference in price refunded. f We have also a full line of Building Material, including Dressed and Undressed Pine, Hemlock, Spruce, Oak, Maple, Birch, B. C. Cedar and Fir; also Beaver Board, Bishopric Wall Board, "Canada "Canada Cement", Shingles, Lath, Doors, Sash and Mouldings. ESTIMATES ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. Our other lines are : Hard and Soft Wood, long or sawed and split, Cannel and Steam Coal, Charcoal, Fine and Coarse Salt, Land Plaster, Buckwheat, Barley, Oats and Wheat. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, and we shall do our best to give you satisfactory service. Special attention will be given to cash customers. McCE LLAN & CO., Limited King St. East, Bowmanviile 58 EBENEZER ar Our haying weather has been very catchy this season and Sunday night's rain has not improved matters. The crop is light but quality good.--Mr. V. Ward o: U. S., whose father'was formerly station ed here has returned to his home after an enjoyable holiday here. -- Our services were capital on Sunday. Mr. Delve preached fine sermons, the morning being "A Lost Axe" and evening theme "Songs of the Bible." The music and flowers were fine. Sunday School attendance also large, totalling 136 .Parsonage re pairs are now completed and great improvement improvement is the result. Painting, papering papering graining, furnishing etc, has been done with great credit to the committee o: : ladies who had the work in hand. Rev. Mr. Delve and family will move in this week The "Sunshine" A B Cheld their annual picnic at the marsh on Tuesday, and report a grand time... .Our coopers are rushing the barrels these days and wil be ready for the autumn demands., Wedding bells will soon be ringing again in our community A number of our people intend going to Hampton Friday for the annual League Picnic-- .'Mr. and Mrs. Soules have returned from their wedding tour and will now reside in Osh- awa. DURHAM BOY'S RE-UNION. to the Excursion; train will come to the up" town station, Bowmanviile. Many Toronto visitors will come Bowmanviile on Saturday, July 31. Charles Kelly will sing and recite at concert here on Civic Holiday. Special train leaves Union Station, Toronto, Toronto, 8.45 a.m., Riverdale at 8.52, reaching reaching Bowmanviile at IO.15. Returning it leaves Bowmanviile at 7-3° P»m. and ar rives at Riverdale at 8.52, and Union Station at 9 p.m. Tickets for round trip adults $1.35, children 65 cents. West End House niDSUMMER- DISTRICT LEAGUE PICNIC TYRONE Visitors:--Miss Ruby and Mr. Ray Smith, Enfield, are holidaying with their cousin Miss Gladys Collacutt Miss Blanche Dix, Little Britain with Miss Florence Clemens..... .Mrs. Watson, Watson, Miss Ethel Watson and Anne Bowlan, Dakota, at Mr. Herb McRoberts Miss Lillie McLean, Bowmanviile, with Miss Eteel Hooper Mrs. Ross, Dundas, with her daughter Mrs. Luther Goodman Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Port Hope, are visiting their uncles Samuel, Richard and Thomas Woodley Mr. and Mrs. John Samells and Miss Ethel Samells, Miss Tilley Taylor, Mrs. Chas. Williams, Mr. Ollie Williams, Cartwright, Cartwright, autoed out Sunday and visited at Mrs. Phare's Mrs. James Collacutt with her daughter Mrs. Jos. Wight, Providence Providence Miss Mabel Wight Sunday ed with her cousins the Misses Wight, Providence Providence Mr. Earl Byam holidaying at Ottawa .Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, Miss Ethel Lilycrapp, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton motored to Mariposa and visited friends over Sunday A very enjoy able day was spent on July 12 when a picnic was hel * at Mr. Harry Collacutt's. Immediately after dinner Mr. L. Skinner proposed a toast to Mr. Wm. Trewin in honour of his 86th birthday after which Mr. Trewin made a very suitable reply, Mr. H. S. Cobb then proposed a toast to Mr. and Mrs. H. Collacutt for so kindly opening up their home. The remainder of the day was spent in amusements and friendly chat. Mr. and Mrs". Albert Stainton, Toronto, visited at Mr. James Curtis' and other relatives in this vicinity. Epworth Leaguers of Bowmanviile District District are anticipating a very pleasant picnic j on Friday at Hampton-on-the-Lake. Baseball Baseball and football games will be played, and tea ser ved at 5 p.m. in the park. A public meeting will be held in the evening evening when a short, interesting program will be presented. An opportunity* will be given the new ministers of the District to greet the Leaguers. Other speakers j will be: Mr. F. L. Fowke, Ex-M.P., Osh- awa, Revi S. T. Bartlett, Toronto, andj Mr. Levi Halfyard, of Victoria College, I who will conduct a missionary campaign of the District beginning. at Blackstock July 26. Go to' Hampton Friday and take | your basket. Collection at evening meet- j ing. Everybody welcome. SALE Continues For Ten Days More. Evëryth ing Advertised Previously at Sale Prices while they last. ATTENTION. Mrs. A. H Scobell wishes to draw at-1 tention to the fact that while her husband is absent at Niagara Falls, where he is occupied occupied in connection with the guarding of j the power houses at that point rendered necessary by war troubles, she will attend j to "any orders for the Domestic Vacuum i Cleaner & Sweeper given by phone or by j letter, and has arranged that Mr. Charles j Bagnell shall solicit orders .for same on his rounds, and all orders for same will receive prompt and careful attention. The Domestic has been slightly improved this year, but the price is the same, even tho' there is a war tax imposed on their import import into Canada of 7°/ 0 as well as other war taxes. Mr. Scobell still has the sole agency for Bowmanviile and vicinity. Mrs. Scobell also wishes to call attention attention to the fact that Mr. Scobell still has the agency for the Stanley pianos and player pianos, and has some very attractive attractive instruments on catalogue at specially attractive prices. Mrs. Scobell can give all information. ' 30-3W O WING to the huge success and the intense interest our patrons haveN taken in the Big Bargain Sale we have decided to extend the time so that you may have an opportunity to still further share in the spoil. Now is your time to defend yourself against the rise in the market. Come while we have the goods. Come now and be glad. Don't delay and sorry. Here are a few Extra Specials for the early comers. be ZION DARLINGTON Miss Winnifred Guy, Toronto, is visiting visiting Miss Gladys Power.... Miss Maude Simp-on, Toronto, is visiting Miss Pearl Metcalfe Mrs. Jas. Rundle is visitsng her daughter daughter Mrs. Lewis Hare, Markham... .Mrs. Fred Gale and children, Whitby, have been visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. Van- Camp. .. .Mr. and Mrs. Will Simpson and daughter, Toronto, and Miss Luella and Mr. Ernest Burk, Highland Creek, are visiting visiting at E. J. Burk's Mrs. J. R. Bon gard and family are summering at Raby Head... .Miss Mary Hume, town, spent a few days with Miss Mary Wood... .Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, is home for vacation vacation ... Mr. Roy Trull has gone to North Bay and other Western points Base Line and Maple Grove Sunday Schools held their annual picnic on Burk's Beach, Wednesday, when a very large gathering of people participated in the sports and pastimes of the afternoon. A very happy time was spent by the members of the Base Line and Maple Grove Sunday Schools and their friends at their annual picnic -held at Mr. E. J. Burk's beach, Wednesday afternoon, July 14, about 300 being present. $34.00 was rea ized from the sale of ice cream, confectionery confectionery and cold drinks, and $8.00 was collected for prizes for the winners of the various races. Two football games were played, one, between the young-men of the Sunday Schools and the other between the boys. Both games resulted in a tie, the score being 1-1 in both cases. Winners Winners of races are : Boys' race, 6-10--Otis Metcalfe, Stron Bongard; 10-15--Wallace Burgess, Lome Stevens; 15-lS--Willie Metcalfe, Elmer Wood; young men--J. Abernethy, Howard Wood; girls' races, 6-9--Margaret Abernethy, Vera Power; 9- 12--Viola Stevens, Nellie Burgess; 12-15 --Gladys Power, Viola Stevens; 15-18-- Gladys Power, Viola Stevens; young ladies--Gladys ladies--Gladys Powers, Pearl Metcalfe; Driving contest--Marion Matthews, Marjorie Marjorie Bongard; 3-legged race--James Abernethy, Abernethy, Kenneth Cox--Frank Walters, Vincent Ward. Friday evening, July 9, about 70 members members and friends of Base Line Sunday School gathered at the school house and presented to Miss Lela VanDyke, organist, one dozen silver knives and forks and a gold lined berry spoon. Mr. F. T. Guy, superintendent, called the meeting to order order and Miss Pearl Parsons read the following following address, while Mr. Guy made the presentation : Dear Lela ,--We your friends have met together this evening for a few hours of social enjoyment, and we take this opportunity opportunity of showing our appreciation of the kindly and hèlpful manner you have always shown towards us.. You have ever been ready to lend a helping hand and to promote any good cause, and by your untiring untiring spirit you have won the love of all. We learn with sorrow and regret that you are soon to depart from our midst and as a slight token of our appreciation we ask you to accept this gift, not for its value but for the good wishes which accompany it. We wish you and your intended husband husband God's richest blessings in your new sphere of life. Signed on behalf of your triends of the Base Line Sunday School. Mr. E. F. Willoughby, B. A., High School teacher at Winnipeg, Man., responded responded in a very pleasing manner. July meeting of Zion Ladies' Aid was leld at the home of Mrs. W. J. Langmaid, Wednesday, July 14, when a good program program was given all bearing on the subject "Love." Excellent supper was provided jy the hostess, among other good things enjoyed were blackberries and cream abundance. All had a splendid time. m ENNISKILLEN Promotion results of Union School, S. S. 17^ Darlington : To Sr IV--Walter Rahm honors, Lenore Bentham, Phoebe Beech; Jr IV--Karl Potter honors, Eugene Beech, Sr II--Harold Potter honors, Lelia Rahm, Cyril Avery; Jr II--Katie Potter; I Primer--Reta Potter, Lawrence Avery, Gordon Beech, Lloyd Ferguson, Seibert Hall. Jack Smith was unable to write the exanimations in June, but was promoted promoted to Sr IV upon recommendation. Margaret Reid, teacher. Visitors: Mr. Barton Mothersill, Osh- awa, Rct. W. J. West, Port Perry, Mrs. Mahaffy and sister, Purple Hill, at Mr. Jas. Parr's; Rev. and Mrs. Harry Wilkinson Wilkinson at the Parsonage, Tyrone; Dr. Ed. T. Slemon and sons, Ottawa, at Messrs. John and C. W. Slemon's; Misses Elsie Rundle and Grace Slemon have returned from a two weeks' sojourn at Caesarea; Rev. J. G. Lewis, Peterboro, Rev. and Mrs. James Beckel, Tyrone, Mr. Camp and,the Misses Cooke, Port Perry, at the parsonage; parsonage; Mrs. George Argue and Mrs. Joseph Cole returned from visiting in Listowel and Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Joblin, Red Deer, Alta, at Mrs. Argue's and Mr. John Pye's; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker and Misses Vera and Helen, Solina, motored to Newcastle Sunday, guests of Mr. W. H. Pearce; Mr. Redpath, Camborne, at Mr. Norman D. Redpath's; Mr. Joseph Martin is home from Bala; Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Redpath at Camborne and Cold Springs; Mrs. Ashton and daughter and Mr. Osbert Byers, Toronto, Toronto, and Mrs. Thompson, Peterboro, at Mr. Nathan Byers'; Miss Elsie Moore, Whitevale, at Mr. W. H. Moore's Mrs. Will McLaughlin left Tuesday for the Weston Sanitorium for treatment. May she have a speedy recovery... .Littie Muriel Moore , is still very ill .... .Drs. Wes Clark, Pontypool, R. W. Clark, Bowmanviile, and C. W. Slemon, after a consultation on Saturday, met to operate on Gordon Preston for appendicitis, but were,unable to do so owing to an abscess in the appendix. Gordon is doing as favorably favorably as can be expected.... Mrs. Fred Lee is again confined to her bed...... The Berry Social on Dr. S.lemon's grounds Wednesday evening was a decided success. success. The ideal evening and grounds contributed contributed much toward this, as the artistic ice cream booth and other decorations along with the prettily decorated tables, made it an ideal spot for the gathering. The football game between Hampton and Enniskillen resulted in favor of the former team. After this, tea was served and at a late hour a good program was given, with several numbers left out owing to the lateness of the hour. Miss Elsie Richardson, Lindsay, delighted her audience audience with her well-selected and well- delivered readings, while Miss Vera Slemon, Haydon, always a favorite, gave gave two good numbers. Mr. Norman D. Redpath, who was in fine voice, gave two splendid solos, while the male quartette delighted the audience with their humorous humorous selections. ATew remarks from Rev. J. G. Lewis, Peterboro, brought the concert concert to a close.. Proceeds almost $52 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Will Wotten--its a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Babcock, Lindsay--it's a son. Result of June Examinations in order of merit:-- Entrance: Roy McGill (honors) Madeline Virtue, Frances Werry, Gordon Werry. To Sr. IV--Wilbert Smith (honors), Fred Preston, (honors), LUlie Sharp, Arthur Brunt (rec). To Jr. IV--Honors, Gertie Oke, Eva Sanderson, Cora Sharp, Laura Virtue, Alma Alma Werry. To Sr. Ill--Honors, May Werry, Marjorie Clarke Dorland, and Grace Grieve; pass, Mellville Griffin. To Jr. in--Honors Reva McGill, Winnie Ashton, and Myrtle Brunt; pass, Loverne Griffin, Olive Sharp, Gordon Preston. To Sr. II--Milton Stainton (honors). To Jr. I--Maude Ashnon and Ernest Werry. Elsie E. Rundle, Teacher. Table Cloths Table Napkins 12 only bleached Damask Table' Cloths, size 2 x2£. New patterns, regular $2.00, special for $1.35 each. 15 only bleached Double Damask Table Cloths all pure linen and new -patterns, regular $5.50, special price $3.90 each. 5 dozen only Hemmed Damask Table Napkins special 9c each. 6 dozen, only Hemmed Damask Table Napkins nice patterns and good serviceable size, special at 14c each. Sheeting Dresses Unbleached Sheeting, full width, extra weight, clean weave, regular 35c yd, special 24c yd. Crib Quilts Ladies' Striped Print Dresses for morning wear, all sizes, well made and will wear- . well, regular $1.25, special 79c each. T Girls' Middy Dresses, linen, natural color, trimmed with red, all sizes, extra special $1.18 Here is a snap." 6 only, crib quilts, white and blue, embossed with Nursery Rhymes and Figures, regular $1.75, special $1.29 each. Girls' Mercerized Repp Dresses, in white, pink or blue, all sizes, embroidered with white, very special at $2.45 each. (:■ > McMurtry <S Co Ltd. Phone 83 The Big Departmental Store Bowmanviile. WANTED-- For private Christmas ladies or gents. Samples book free, rofits. Chipchase, "Cardex; 1 , Darlington, Darlington, England. 30 3* GENTS L Cards, Large pt igla FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Moat Complete Equipment ' rnt calls Sunday and nigi promptly attended to. Bowmanviile Phones 10-34 Branches : OBONO HAMPTON FRUITS FOR PRESERVING. Now is the time to order fruits for preserving --fresh from the garden. Next week we will have ready Montmorency Cherries, Raspberries, Currants, etc. We deliver goods in town. Phone 246. Willard C. Stevens, Nursery Corners, Bowmanviile. Bowmanviile. 29 2 Tenders Wanted It's Easy Work to Cut the Grass If you have your Lawn Mower sharpened the new way at the new blacksmith shop. All the work is done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Mow-, ers called for and delivered to all parts of the town. Phone 185 and your want? will be attended to promptly. A. W. Pickard South of Post Office on Temperance St. For the purchase and removal of the water tank and frame at the Municipal Buildings, Bowmanviile. Also tenders for the removal and storage of same. Apply to C. F. GIBSON, 29-2 Town Engineer, Bowmanviile. FRUIT BULLETIN A warning. If you have not secured yoiir Raspberries, see your grocer at once. Niagara Peninsula grown B1 ackCapsand Cuthberts are at their best. For canning they can't be beat. Next week ends Raspberries. Black Currants a few left "Lest We Forget"\ E. R. bôünsall, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanviile, Ontario. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT I iLLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. 1 has to-day a stronger hold upon the public public confidence than ever before. "Thorough "Thorough Training' 1 for chyvjf positions ' Business Life is given in of onr Departments. Departments. This college dW> not ask for a better reputation than it has now. \\ e place many students in positions each year. Write to-day for large catalogue. , Yonge and Charles Sts. W J. ELLIOTT, Principal OUR RATES ARE REASONABLE We guarantee to our students thorough instruction at reasonable rates in the subjects or courses they may select. Beyond the regr collegiate courses ar ALBERT COLLEGE specializes in commercial subjects, music, art and elocution. 68 years of successful teaching under the co-educational system has proved its* 1 value upon the minds and morals of the young men and women passing through our hands. invigor- Albert College is located on the outskirts of Belleville, an ideal spot for the ating, outdoor life necessary to all students. Fall term commences on Sept. 6th. "Write to-day for illustrated, descriptive calendar and terms. ALBERT COLLEGE, Belleville, Ont. E. N. BAKER, D.D., Principal V ,--V . . vV-:,,.