A- §• Buy Your Hot Weather Necessities at Mitchell*s Drug Store Bathing Caps from 60c to $1 50 Sponges from 15c to $1.25 'Talcums Colgate's Dactylis Nyal's Mayflower Colgate's Eclat Nyal's Ny lotis Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Nyal's La France Rose Nyal's Red Rosea Colgate's Baby Talc * Nyal's Violet Penslar Euderma Talc Penslar Violet Talc Williams' La Tosca Rose Talc William's Carnation Talc Corson's Ideal Orchid Na-Dru-Co. Royal Rose Seely's After Shave 25c and 50c Seely's Vanishing Cream 25c New Perfumes--Diana $1 oz.; Purple Iris $1 oz. Crimson Lily $] oz. Ile D'Amour $1 50 oz. Lady Luxury $1 50 oz. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists and Opticians BOWMAN VILLE, JULY 1915 r It's Good for You It's Good for Your Children And It's Delicious When you consider the fact that Tod's Delicious Ice Cream is made from the Pure, Rich. Fresh Cream, with no other ingredients or adulterants, you will appreciate the fact that it has great food value. Tod's Ice Cream is sold in bulk or by the dish. It's Good It's Food It's Nourishing It's Pure Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanvllle ^^siniinHniniiniiiifflniinniBiuiniinnniiuininniiifiniinHimimiiimiiinniininumninimiunfuiiiiiiiiiiiiifUiiiiniuiiiiiuiiiiimiiinHimiiimuiifHiiiu^. | Your Coal Comes Just as Ordered j | When You Get It From Us | | Y ou don't get "egg"when you wanted "nut". Y ou don't | | get a lot of slate when you expect good anthracite coal. | | Our coal always runs uniform. Careful preparation j I does away with the presence of excessive slate and | | other foreign matter. We put our reputation back of | 1 our coal because it's | LEHIGH VALLEY I ANTHRACITE 1 The Coal That Satisfies | | This coal is noted for its purity and carbon richness. | g It burns steadily, strongly and evenly, leaving only a | 2 small amount of ash. You can reduce your coal bills | | by using it. May we send you some? | j John A. Holgate & Son j | PHONE 153, BOWMANVILLE | Social and Personal Mrs. P. Tyler, Toronto, is visiting old friends here; Miss Helen Miller, Toronto, is visiting Miss Mildred Cook. Miss Marion Baker, Toronto, is visiting Miss Hazel Wilcox. Miss Florella Chapman, Kirby, is visiting visiting Miss Bessie Walsh. Mr. S. S. Edsall spent the week-end with relatives in Wellington. v Miss Gladys Westaway, Port Hope, is visiting Miss Florence VanNest, . Miss Llewella Everson, Oshawa, is visiting visiting her aunt, Mrs. James Courtice. Mr. T. C. Bragg has returned from visiting visiting with Mr. W. C. Allin, Glencoe. Miss Amy Foster, Orono, has been visiting visiting the Misses McLean, Bowmanville-on- the-lake. Mrs. W. J. Ward and family, Owen Sound, are visiting her father, Councillor John Grigg. Miss E. E. Haycraft visited her sister- in-law, Mrs. W. J. Haycraft, and other Brooklin friends on Tuesday. Mrs. Gilbert Parent and nephew Haines Cox, Walker ville, have been spending a few days in town guest of Mrs. R. Cherry. July 28th is to be the biggest day the old town of Bowmanvllle has ever had; your part is to make it so. God Save the' King 1 Mrs. H. A. L. Anderson, and family, St Marys, is visiting her father, Mr. John Wight. Mr. and Mrs. R. Breuls, Ringwood» Mr. and Mrs. E. Ogilvie, and daughter, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. G. A. Cook's. Misses Myrtle and Elsie Bragg, Edna Staples, (Orono) and Reta M. Caldwell are enjoying a trip down the St. Lawrence to Montreal and Quebec. Mrs. George McLean, Toronto, with her daughters, Misses Eunice and Mildred McLean, McLean, are summering at their cottage at Bowmanville-on-the-lake. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dunsford and two children, and Miss Law, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Trull, Maple Villa, Darlington. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Belden and Miss Belden, Toronto, are holidaying at Bowmanville-on-the-lake, Bowmanville-on-the-lake, guests at Mr. W. J. Berry's cottage, West side. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snowden, Miss Pauline Brimacombe, and Masters Ronald and Foster Snowden were guests at Mr. J. J. Smith's, Baker's, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bragg attended the funeral of her brother-in-law, Mr. Thos. Bvàm, Stouffville. Mr. Harry Nicholls, Wesley ville, accompanied therm Everything 5c, except war fund tickets, they are 10c on July 28th. See splendid prizes in the Martin Hardware Co's window. window. God save our King and our Empire. Mrs. William A. White, writing from Highland Inn, Algonquin Park, Ont., says this season ladies are greatly in the majority majority at the Inn, owing, no doubt, to so many men having gone to the war. Mr. and Mrs. S. Dunseith, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Somers and family, and Mr. Norman Dunseith, Toronto, have been visiting at Mr. W. J. Bragg's and with other relatives here abouts. Let us all as a town go to the garden fete at "The Firs" on July 28, not as strangers to one another, but with true comradeship to help those dear to us and those dear to others at present in the trenches. God save the Empire ! The greatest attraction on July 28th will be the address given by General Rycr- son who comes direct from the front. We have all heard of Gen. Ryerson, and thru Mr. Bongard's interest and influence the matter has been laid before him. He has kindly consented to come. All come and hear him. God save the Empire ! Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allin, Glencoe, are visiting her sister, Mrs W. E. Jewell, and other relatives here. Mr. Allin has been Principal of Glencoe Public School for 25 years and on his retirement was presented with an address, a handsome upholstered easy chair each to himself and wife, an engraved fountain pen in leather case, and two beautifully bound volumes of poems to Mrs. Allin. We understand they intend to reside in Bowmanvllle and we welcome them back to their native home. of the wed* Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hooper spent Sunday Sunday in Oshawa. Our second (inside) page is one most interesting this week. School promotions, obituaries, dings and locals on inside page. Mrs. G. Carruthers and Mr. Chas. ruthers yisited Colborne friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. McKay, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mrs. T. Sherin's. Mrs. A. C. Bennett visited her brother Mr, W. Adams, Brooklin, last week. ' Dr. J. C. Devitt's Dental Parlors will be closed from July, 31st. to Aug. 28th. in- Car- clusive. 29-3 THEDANDENO PROPERTY FOR SALE. Dr. J. B. Dandeno having been appointed appointed Government Inspector is moving from bowmanville and is offering his very de- sireable property on Liberty-St., North for sale. Property consists of a brick house just painted, waterworks, electric light, furnace installed, 2 acres of land with small fruit trees and garden in excellent excellent condition. To any person looking for such a property this can be secured at an exceptionally low figure. Possession at once. Write, phone or call Harry Cann, Real Estate and Insurance agent, Phone 50, Bowmanville. < Have You a Your Home Modern Bath Room in ? If Not, Why Not? In Town or Country We can equip your farm, home and buildings with every city convenience. Heating, Lighting, Sewage Disposal System, Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water at the Tap, Pneumatic Water System and Efficient Fire Protection. How to get full information Call at our establishment and we will show you how, or drop us a post card and we will call upon you at your convenience. Estimates furnished free. W. H. DUST AN, Sanitary and Heating Engineers Phone 74, Bowmanville Mr. C. M. Bice writes a thoughtful article article On the German-Amerjçan situation, on inside page. Mr. Thos. Honey and Miss Ethel Honey, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. W. B. Pinch's. Pte. R. Cousins, Queen-st, who is at Shorncliffe Camp, England, with the 2lst Batt. leaves shortly for the Dardenelles. On account of Goodyear Picnic to Cob- ourg on Saturday Bowmanville merchants will keep their stores open Friday till 9.30 p.m. Miss Verna Jewell is home again after spending a delightful month's visit with friends in Glencoe, London and Port Stanley. Elegant white dresses from infants' up to women's sizes and coloured voile and crepe dresses all new at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. The proceeds to be voted for the different different war funds including town interests by the women who are working for the garden garden fete on July 28th. Excavation for new Methodist parsonage parsonage is about completed and the masons will soon begin on the foundation. Architect Architect Miller was here last week deciding deciding upon the levels. Messrs. Gay & Co. are the contractors. Part of the proceeds of the garden fete on July 28 will be given to the Bowmanville Bowmanville Branch of the Patriotic Fund to help provide for wives and families of our local men who have enlisted and are fighting fighting our country's battles in the trenches. Black Silk Coats suitable for elderly ladies, also a few elegant Silk Suits selling at greatly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston Johnston & vryderman's. Well done, Oshawa 1 Vindicator states that ten extra and the regular police force were on duty Monday of the Orange Walk, but with the 10,000 visitors and 8,000 citizens not a single arrest was made. Never has there been a more orderly or larger crowd in Oshawa. All kinds of plow points for sale at Mason & Dale's. Mr. Eric Cousins, of Kerslake's Pharmacy, Pharmacy, is spending his holidays at Bowman- ville-tin-the-lake, enjoying the lake breezes. breezes. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have opened out a big stock of men's and boys' ready-to-wear suits. Bought for cash from the best and most reliable makers in Canada. The Churches. BIRTHS. Berry--In Clarke, July 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Berry, a son. Disney--in Oshawa, July 13, to Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Disney, a daughter. Herring--At Taunton, July 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Herring, a son. Lovell--In Oshawa, June 17, to Mr. and Mrs. IS. Arthur Lovell, à daughter. iur HA mv AN--Il L Bowmanville > July 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas-Hayman, a son. i «.T,^ C ^ N r IE-- ï n T5 a T, fc W1 ?itby, July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. McKenzie, a son. M A yN A RD--4t 123 Indian Road, Toronto, July 14, to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Maynard, a son. a . BDT T REI l L -O n July 13th, at Victoria Hospital, loronto, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Luttrell, a daughter. «BâS&iàl Babcock--At 70 Queen-st., Lindsay, July 19, to Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Babcock, (nee Hazel M. Pas- coe), a son--George Delroy. MARRIAGES McCdtcheon--Fee--At Omemee, June 23, by Rev. J. W. Aikens, D.D., Miss Mildred Fee, and Rev. A. A. McCutcheon, B.A., B.D., Beaverton. Nichols--Buchheister--At Caneadea, N.Y., July 7th, by Rev. J. M. Shank, Mr. W. T. Nichols, Port Hope, and Miss Ella D. Buchheister, Caneadea, Caneadea, N.Y. Noble--Dunn--At Port Hope, July 16, by Rev. H. D. Cameron, West Hill, Alice Maude, daughter daughter of R Dunn, Esq., and George W. K. Noble, B.A., D.D.S., Toronto. McKee--Miller--In Brighton, by Rev. Wesley Elliott, Rev. J. Gladstone McKee, Bridgenorth, and Miss Opal Evelyn Miller, daughter of Mr, Thos. Tweeale, Brighton. Edwards--Martin--In Toronto, July 14, by Rev. Gilbert Agar, B. A., Mildred Rosalie, youngest youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, Hampton, Ont., and Grant A. Edwards, youngest youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Edwards, 261 Bartlett Bartlett Ave;, Toronto. ~ DEATHS Wilson--In Harmony, July 9, William Wilson, m his 73rd year. THOMAS--At Port Britain, July 19th, Mark Thomas, in his 83rd year. Starr--At the Church Home, Toronto, July 7, Louisa Starr, Whitby, in her 86th year. Greenwood--In Pontypool, July 9th, Stanley Stuart, son of Thos. Greenwood, aged 11 months. Moffett--Drowned at Port Hope, .July 17th, Oliver Edward, eldest son of Oliver H. Moffett, aged 10 years. Barker--At Oakwood, July 9th, May Gamsby, daughter of late Tyler Gamsby, and beloved wife of John Barker. White--At Chief Island, Lake Muskoka, July 14, Aubrey White, Deputy Minister of Lands and Forests, in his 71st year. Martin--Suddenly at Port Hope, July 16th, Margaret Butterfield Martin, daughter of late W. B. Butterfield, and sister of Mrs. A. Carveth. Best--At Mynetto, N.Y., July 18, Mabel Viola Fletcher, wife of Alfred Best, Toronto, and daughter of late Joseph C. Fletcher, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Margach--On July 4th, at the home of her nephew, Thos. A. iBuchan,. Drayton, Mrs. J_L. Margach, in her 76th year. Interred at Bowmanville.. Bowmanville.. macNamee--Accidentally killed in Montreal, July 19, James MacNamee, formerly of Bowmanville, Bowmanville, father of Mrs. J. E. Plomondon. Interment at Oshawa July 22. 82 G OOD RELIABLE PERSON--Wants position as housekeeper. Apply to Box 313, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 28tf G OOD GENERAL SERVANT -- Wanted at once. Apply to Mrs. Ernest Robbins, Queen-st,, Bowmanville. 30tf H OUSES FOR SALE--2 good houses, Church St. West, at a bargain, all conveniences. Apply Box R, Bowmanville. 26t ANTED--$5,000 on A1 town real estate security. security. Business strictly confidential. Two loans of $2 500 each will do instead. Address : INVESTOR, Drawer B, Bowmanville. w H Rev. E. A. Tonkin conducted service at Port Bowmanville Sunday afternoon. Bowmanville Methodêî: Rev. W. G. Clark, B.A., pastor, will preach Sunday morning on "Between the Living and the Dead," evening "The Unsearchable riches of Christ. Mr. John Toblin of the Indian Institute at Red Deer, Alta., who with Mrs. Joness is visiting friends here, gave a very interesting interesting address on his work among the In^ dian children at the Methodist prayer meeting Thursday evening. Citizens of this town are a church-going people all right, at least one could not fail to form that opinion on seeing the crowds wending their way from the various churches shortly after 12 noon and 8 p. m. last Sunday. It is very gratifying to the ministers to have large audiences to address. address. Sunday next being the last one in July every family is requested to be as fully represented as possible. The Lawn Social at the Disciple Church Tuesday evening was a very gratifying success. The grounds were nicelv illuminated, illuminated, and attentive waiters supplied the visitors with ice cream and cake, after which Mr. C. A. Johnston took the chair and an interesting program was rendered, solos being splendidly sung by Mr. Thos. S. Holgate, Miss Helen Johnston and Miss Ella Wight and others, while the D. O. & P. Co. Band supplied abundance of music during the evening. Rev. Wilmot G. Clarke, B. A., preached again to large audiences in Methodist church on Sunday. The choir was under leadership of Miss Cawker, organist, and rendered a good service of praise at the morning and evening meetings. Whether it is that the new pastor selects - well- known hymns or that the leader chooses good tunes, at any rate the congregational singing has been splendid the past month. In the morning Mr. Thos. S. Holgate sang T am Happy in Him" as a solo that appealed appealed to all--sweet and powerful. In the evening the congregation was again favored favored with a-solo by Mrs. T. E. Knowlton, whose rendition of "Face to Face" was richly enjoyed as many told her at the close. Mrs. Knowlton cannot sing too often during her visit to please this congregation. congregation. The solos in the anthems were very acceptably taken by Mr. W. S. Bragg and Mrs. T. E. Higginbotham. Sunday next Sacrament will be administered administered morning and evening. About 75 young people were present at Methodist Church Monday evening to hear the reports of delegates ' to Summer School recently held in Albert College, Belleville. Mr. Claude Ives and Miss Greta Morris, who represented Bowmanville Bowmanville Epworth League, delighted everyone with their bright, interesting and inspiring inspiring messages, telling of the value .of the Summer School to the individual and to the Epworth Leagues, as a means of instruction instruction concerning the various calls to service which come to the young. people of to-day, and the most effective means of meeting these great needs. At the conclusion conclusion of these reports a hearty vote of appreciation to the delegates was moved by Miss Young, seconded by Mrs. War- nica, and carried unanimously. ' Miss Gladys Westaway sang sweetly a solo, "Oh, it t is- Wonderful", and Miss Eva Smith rendered an instrumental solo very nicely. Miss Greta Morris was appointed Assistant Missionary Vice President in place of Miss Lena Haddy, resigned; and Miss Vida Worden was elected Flower Convener which office Miss Morris had so capably filled. Sandwiches and lemonade were enjoyed at the close. Musical evening evening next week. Come and spend a pleasant pleasant hour with us. EIFER STRAYED--Came on lot 13, con. 7, Darlington, 2 Year old heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Thos. Hooper, R. R. No. 6, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 28 3 OR SALE OR EXCHANGE--For small farm, 6 roomed house, electric wired, hard and soft water, stable, driving shed, j acre land, frnit trees, situated in Bowmanville. Address, Drawer B, Bowmanville. 29 3 w ANTED--A home on a; farm for a widow's son of 14. A bright boy needing a man's firm wise guidance. The mother has to be away all day working. Will some kind home heln ns to give Carl a start? G. E. Minns, Inspector Inspector Children's Aid, Box 474, Port Hope. 30t F arm Wanted--100 acres in West Durham, favorably favorably situated to church, school and post office or on rural mail route. Good soil and in good condition. No fancy price need be qnot- ed.but will pay a fair figure for the farm that suits me. Address me by letter on or before j August 1st, Farmer, Drawer B, Bowtnanville.30t ; N' ORTHUMBERLAND FARM FOR SALE--At a bargain. 100 acres lying between Port Hope and Cobourg, on the north it is only 3 miles from Cobonrg, an ideal dairy or grain farm, and in good, condition. Must be sold to divide up the estate. Price $5,000--half cash. Apply Box 36, Bowmanville. 30 2b* 'ARM FOR SALE--92 acres more or less, being * north half lot 10, con 6, Darlington, near Tyrone, on which are good frame nouse, two barns with stone stables underneath, one driving shed, two wells, 3 acres orchard. Plowing possession possession after harvest, full possession April 1, 1916. Considered one of best farms in township. Apply to E. Thompson, Enniskillen. 29 4* JUDICIAL Notice to Creditors Contributories, Shareholders and Members of Bowmanville Gravel Company Limited. In the matter of the Winding-up Act, and in the matter of the Bowmanville Gravel Company Limited, in Liquidation. Pursuant to the winding up order in the matter of the above Company, dated the 10th day of July 1915, the undersigned will on the 5th day of August 1915, at 12 o'clock noon, at his Chambers at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, appoint a permanent liquidation of the above Company, and let all parties then attend. Dated at Toronto this 12th day of July A. D. 1916, J. A. C. CAMERON, Official Referee. This notice is published by A. Cameron Mac- Nanghton, Solicitor for L. W. Archer, Provisional Provisional Liquidator of the above named Company. ■y. FLAGS! Decorate for The Home-Coming We have secured a plentiful supply of flags of all nations and at all prices within reach of everyone. From 1c up to $3.50 with or without sticks. Buy Early. W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore All people please decorate their homes with flags and bunting for July 28th. All those kindly lending same to "The Firs" will confer a great favour if they will put a distinctive mark in each. 'Durham Old Doyl When in Bowmanville don't forget to procure a D.O.D. Sotdoenir Tin These pins are in the form of an enamel flag with "Bowmanyille D.O.B 1915" in gilt letters. Just the thing to take home as a souvenir or to send to friends at a distance. The price is only 15c each. Our supply will be limited, so get yours early. / Jeweler CH HADDY 'Bowmanville -OtoSS- m jm: APPETIZING FOODS For Every Meal As the temperature mounts upwards, appetites lag and the housewife is often in a quandary as to what to prepare for meals. Our suggestions are ; FRUIT--Oranges, 30c to 40c doz., make a good start. We have Grape Fruit at 3 for 25c, and fresti Strawberries. BREAKFAST FOODS are easily digested. We carry all lines and know how to keep them right. BACON-- F. W. Fearman's Bacon fills the bill at 30c lb. CANNED VEGETABLES, prepared in sanitary factories right where they are grown. Peas and Corn will please you, at 10c. PICKLES--To add zest to the appetite, Maconachie's at 15c per bottle. We carry Holbrook's, Heinz,^ Crosse & Blackwell, etc., as well as full lines of Catsups, Olives, Sauces and Relishes, DESSERT is always an important factor of the mid-day meal. Jelly Powders in all flavors make a delicious dessert, especially when prepared with fresh fruit. See us regarding fruits for preserving Archie Tait Phone 65 Bowmanville This Week we have placed on Special Sale thé whole of the balance of our attractive stock of Ladies' Hisses' and Children's Dresses and Ladies' Dress Skirts Your choice of any Dress or Skirt at 25 per cent off Regular Sale Price. S. W. Mason & Son 1 ! j * Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville : ' ■ ■■■■ SySV:- W'-