C-. 'y A. E. MoLAUCHLIN, Barrister, - Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office:--Bleaukley Block, King Street, Bowmanville. Money to loan at reaeon- able ratee, 48-lyr. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D., C.M. BOWMANVILLE, • ONT. G OLD MEDALIST of Trinity University, ..Toronto; . Four years Attending Physician and. Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pitteburg, Ke. ^ Office and Residence Wellington St, «telephone No. 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barrieteie and Solicitors, Notaries Public, A. K. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 5C8 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts Toronto Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col lege. Diseases of all domestic animals treated 15" latest known methods. Office at his residence, King-st, East Bow* manville. Phone 193. 20-lyr. LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. R.R.Loscomfee, K.C. B.S.Senkler, B.A. Money to Loin. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville, Ontario. $15 TAILOR MADE SUITS. NOTES AND COMMENTS The London Times, which has been giving publicity to many disagreeable truths, declares that the British system system of education is at fault, "not because because it does not fit:, a boy efficiently into the wheels of thh moiiey-making machine, but because it turns out .young men without character; which alone, in the last resort, is of value to the nation." . There is much asininity in discussions discussions of man as a money-making machine. machine. Money represents frugality, achievement, courage, brains'. It is the visible evidence most often of efficiency. Who makes it, nine times out of ten earns it. Its possession, when earned, raises a presumption of valuable service to society in favor of the possessor. "Money-maker" is a badge of honor, not of dishonor." Gents, why pay more than $15 for a tailor made suit when we are giving such exceptional values at that price. Come in and see our samples. Fit guaranteed. Cleaning,: pressing and repairing ladies' and gents suits à specialty. Jos. Jeffery & Son, Staf House, Bowmanville. PORT HOPE HOME 8 acres with small dwelling in town of Port Hope. 3 acres orchard in bearing. bearing. Price two thousand. Will sell to enterprising party with cash payment of three hundred; dollars. » JOHN FISHER <fc CO., Lumsden Building, Toronto. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail : Daily 8.52 a. m. 10.18 „ ,8.36 p.m. 6.48 „ 7.18 , 9.68 , .'Express Local Local Passenger rPassenger 4.22 a.m 7. CO „ 6.45 „ l.E6p.m. 7.11 But the Times touches the quick. There is no wealth worth while unless there is character back of it. Our criminals, our wayward- boys and girls, our molly nddles should have been saved in the nurseries. Our pre ventive measures otherwise are locked locked stables empty of horses. Education Education without character is nothing. On personal character nations are build- ed, prosperity, everything that is \yorth while. Any system of educa tion that fails to apply this cardinal principle builds moral skeletons, not men, about whose rattling bones homes and country alike must topple to inevitable ruin. Buy LANTIC Sugar--a pure cane sugar, In our handy original packages kept clean and pure from Refinery to pantry. Dust and dirt in sugar bought from the open barrel may spoil your preserves. ■ Buy in original packages and look for the LANTIC Red Ball on each package. îltion " d wlight* r gu2r S ,nt= d cd' 0lb ' 2olb - Cxtra fine granulation, toolb. bags coarser grant- Send your address and small Red Ball Trade Mark • * ro ™ bag or top end of carton and we will mall you book of 50 assorted Fruit Jar Labels--printed and Éummed ready to put on the Jars. far Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited, MONTREAL, QUE., ST. JOHN, N. B. and Otherwise Word comes from London that an "inventions board," composed of British scientists, has been formed to assist the government in relation- to naval requirements and that Lord Fisher, who recently resigned as first sea lord, will be at its head. The idea is to bring to the support of British British arms the scientific imagination and inventivenèss which Germany has been utilizing from the outset. Canadian Pacific Railway GOING EAST. GOING WEST. x Express Express tExpress 1.07 a.m. ,10.46 a.m. 7.00 p.m. x Express Express t Express 6.07 a.m. 8.38 a.m. 4.27 p.m.' x Fias: stop t Daily except Sunday. Office. B. Kent, Agent, Post With this evidence that the nation recognizes the importance of science as an aid in the great struggle British British scientists and inventors, whether on the board of inventions or not, will naturally be put upon their mettle. The outstanding problems, whether they, concern naval matters or army matters, will at once be given a careful careful study. And it will be strange indeed indeed if the concentration of so many able minds on these various subjects fails to- produce important results. NEW NIGHT TRAINS OTTAWA QUEBEC VALOARTIER Leave Ottawa Oentral Station 7.15 p.m. except Sunday. Standard Sleeping Car. Connecting train leaves Bowmanville f 11.53 a.m., except Sunday. TORONTO TRAINS Leave Bowmanville 9.00 a.m., 7.37 p m. except Sunday TRENTON BELLEVILLE NAPANEE Leave Bowmanville 11.53 a.m , and 6.38 p.m. except Sunday For through tickets to all points and further details of time table changes apply to W. G. GIFFLER, Sta. Agent. GRANDTRUNK system y Summer Service to Highlands of Ontario frôm Toronto 2-05 a.m. daily for Musk oka Lakes, daily except Sunday for Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maga- netawan River and Timagami Lake points. 10.15 a.m. daily except Sunday for Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays and Maganetawan River point 12.01 p.m. daily except Sunday for Mnskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays and Algonquin Park. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto - 11.15 a.m. Arrives Sarnia Wharf, 4.30 p.m. Each Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, connecting connecting with N.N. Co's, palatial steamships for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur, Fort William and Duluth, and at Fort William with G.T.P. Railway for Winnipeg and points in Western Canada. Coaches,Parlor-Library-Cafe and Parlor-Library- Buffet cars between Toronto and Sarnia Wharf. Further particulars on application to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents. No matter where you, are going, call phone 78 for information. ■- We will gladly gladly deliver tickets to any house in town. J. H. H. JURY, Local Agent, House Phone 51. CANADIAN PACIFIC The World's Finest Fresh Water Trip Steamers leave Port McNicoll Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for SAULT STE. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM. WILLIAM. - The Steamer "Manitoba," sailing from Port McNicoll on' Wednesdays, will call at Owen Sound, leaving that point 10.30 p.m. "STEAMSHIP EXPRESS" leaves. Toronto 12.45 p.m. daily, except Friday, making direct connection with steamers at Port McNicoll on sailing days. PACIFIC COAST TOURS ; AT. LOW FARES INCLUDING "CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS" The creation of the "inventions hoard" is another evidence that Great Britain finally realizes the difficulty and importance of the struggle and is resolved to use every element of national national strength in the effort to give the war an issue fortunate for the British arms and the British Empire. Empire. *-- BRIGHT DURHAM GIRL. When everyone is thinking of the homecoming homecoming of the Durham old boys and girls on Civic holiday, we are specially pleased to note the success of the daughter of one of the Durham boys now in the Western City of Winnipeg. A paper gives an account account of remarkable records made by two little girls at entrance examinations. The one who. takes first place, Miss Edith B. Motley, is only twelve years old, and has led all candidates not only in the city of Winnipeg but throughout the Province of Manitoba.. This paper says : "Miss Edith is a daughter of Mr. Ernest J. Motley, 197 Langside-st, Winnipeg, principal of the Isbister School. She has the distinction of attaining _ the highest marks of any pupil attending the city public schools. Out of a possible total of 1050 marks, she realized 1031. This scholar ever since she began her studies has attended the Mulvey school." Many old friends in Darlington will recall with pleasure Edith's father and will heartily congratulate congratulate him on thé success of this bright girl. He attended school at Haydon thirty years ago, and passed his examination for first class certificate when only eighteen years of age. COURTICE or write M. G. MURREY Agfc, 1 D.P. A., Toronto," Reversed. "How long have they been married?", married?", "About five years." "Did she make him a good wife?" "No; hut she made him an- awfully good husband." Promotion Results of S. S. 8, Darlington, Darlington, in order of merit: To Sr. IV--James Dixon: To Jr. IV-- El ma Gardiner (hon), Ethel Brooks (hon), Mae Brown, Florence Essery; Wilson Clarke: To Sr. Ill--Dorothy Ill--Dorothy Brooks, Mildred Edmondson, Lilian Dixon, Lloyd Courtice: To Jr. Ill--Ronald Ill--Ronald Courtice; Gladys Edmondson, Wilfrid Essery, Soford Dixson, Elsie Phair, Evelyn Hamlyir, Pearl Watts, Glen Courtice: To Sr. II--"Winnifred Brado, Howard White, Gordon Nichols: To Jr. II--Cecil Ham- lyn, Kity Smith, Louise Smith, Grace Cri- den, Julia Welsh, Helen Walters, Arthur Clarke, Frances Hancock, Eric Courtice, Frank Balsom, Isabel Prôuse, George Welsh: 1st class--Tommy Clements, Melinda Melinda Tarry, Howard Essery, Grace Eras-, er: Sr. Primer--Rae Brooks, Carl Short, Russel Armour: Jr. Primer--Ruby Reid, Roy Reid, James Fraser, Dorothy Cour- tice, Ruby Phare, Eugene Dixon, A. Willie Willie Pejnworthy, Annie Cochrane, Della Es-- sery, Gordon Hamlyn, Olive Welsh,.Gordon Welsh,.Gordon Cochrane, Daisy Clements. Dorothy Brooks received a reward for regular attendance. attendance. Luella McCalpin, Teacher. It has been said that x every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do little, if any good. To correct catarrh you should treat its cause by enriching your blood with the oil-food in Scott's Emulsion which is a medicinal food and a buildingrtonic, free from any harmful drugs. Try it-. Scott & Bownc, Toronto, Ont. Cobourg and Port Hope main streets are watered Sundays. Our stock of Martin-Senour paints is complete. W.H. Dustan. A School Fair will be held in the Arm ories, Orono, Tuesday July 12. Yelverton Methodists realized $152.75 from their garden party June 25. Pâstures aré in splendid condition and all vegetation is growing rapidly. Chinamel will make your old baby carriage carriage or go-cart like new. W. H. Dustan. Mrs. Jàs. Gilfillan and Miss Viola Gil- fillan visited at Mr. J. J. Gilfillan's, Orono. The Statesman to end of 1915 for 50c to new subscribers. M. A. James & Sons. Bert Godfrey got drunk in Douro, a no-, license township, and was fined $20 and costs. Dont worry about hard times. Chinamel your old furniture. Your neighbors will think it's new. W. H; Dustan. John J. Martin, a machinist, was drowned drowned in Scugog River July 14. He fell out of a gasoline launch while fishing. If your cook is "out of sorts" because the "fire won't burn" Order some Scranton Coal and then "See her smile." 24-3.. Mrs. (Rev.) J. Hodges and Miss Lillian Hodges, Minnedosa, Man., are visiting her uncle Mr. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st. Dont neglect your linoleum and oilcloth. Chinamel will preserve it and retain its pattern. Chinamel is made to walk on. Sold by W. H. Dustan. Oliver Moffett", aged 10, son of Mr. O. H. Moffett, Port Hope, was accidentally drowned in the harbouç Saturday afternoon afternoon while learning to swim.. Orillia Packet says a popular question now is, "What do you think of the new minister ?", but reverse it and ask "Wonder "Wonder what the new minister thinks of us ?" Bowmanville Women's Institute will Told their next, regular meeting on Friday, July 30, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Frank. All members be present and bring your friends. Wilfrid Thornton, G.T.R. engineer, Lindsay, was drowned near Sturgeon Point by upsetting a canoe. This is the third human life lost in Scugog waters this season. Monday morning July 12 Mayor T. C. Nicholls, Uxbridge, found his cow dead when he went for her at the usual hour. She was in a lot adjoining his, and had apparently been struck by lightning. Dont neglect your floors. Old pine floors made to look like solid oak with Chinamel Floor Finish. W. H. Dustan. A Toronto man called Dunlop paid in Port Hope $2 and $5.75 costs for passing a funeral in his auto. This in spite of the fact that good manners are taught in that city's schools and its chief magistrate attends attends church daily. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clark, North Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C., formerly of Port Hope, announce announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Jean Caroline, and Mr. William Houston, eldest son of John Houston, Esq., of Craigie, Perth, Scotland, July 7th. In doing your preserving this season, dear lady, would it not be a nice thing to set aside a jar or two, if not more, of each kind for our soldiers, the town hospital, and other calls which may come through the winter when fruit is not plentiful? Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are showing showing an elegant collection of new summer dress goods-- violes, crepes, ratinees, and bedford cords. It will be very great encouragement to ministers who prepare short and interesting interesting sermons if their members and adherents adherents attend church even when weather is hot. Get the habit of going to church, let the weather be hot or cold, wet or dry. If you want solid comfort next winter, fill your bins with Scranton Coal and do now. Read our ad in another column.. McClellan & Co, Ltd. 24-3 Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Underwood of Markham, visited over Sunday with friends here. Tom. has the management of the Harris Abattoir farm in York, County, at a salary, we understand, of $1500 per annum and a free automobile^ --Orono Net vs. - ■ ; Touch up your picture frames ancl lamps with our gold bronze. The results, will surprise you. Old goods made new" with Chinamel. W. H. Dustan.. Mrs. John Bellamy, Orono, who has been visiting Mrs..Wm. Jackman, passed ayray early Thursday, morning following. a strokelofparalysis. D;ceased with her - husband were res"dents of Orono for some years, and were highly esteemed. The funeral took place Friday afternoon from the residence of her son at Antioch to Orono Cemetery. Mr. Chas. Wattleworth for five years Master Mechanic at the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., has been transferred to Akron, Ohio. Before leaving he was pre- sen'ed with a magnificent- silver service by the office staff -.nd : machine shop employees. employees. Mr. Wattleworth was a splend- ed tenor singer and will be greatly missed in the musical circles in the town. • Tuesday evening, ' jiilv 6th, a happy crowd of people gathered at 68 Division- st., Oshawa, to celebrate the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bianey 50 years ago. The couple were" in excellent spirits and showed their kind appreciation of the golden token and hearty congratulations congratulations showered upon them. John Welsh, «Hamilton, charged for stealing a horse and rig, property of Mrs. Wm. Bellamy and selling it for $20, came up before Judge Ward, found guilty, and let go on suspended sentence, the offence being committed while he was tinder the influence of liquor. So men under the in fluence of King Alcohol can do what they like in Port Hope, can they ? No paint equals Martin-Senour. It goes farther and lasts longer. W. H. Dustan. Missionary Conference at Ontario Ladies' College, in session eight days, has been fruitful in an earnest study of the great missionary problem, with the inevitable inevitable result of deepening, interest in the cause arid stimulating "recruiting" for the ranks'- of missionaries. In speakers and leaders the Conference has been especially favored. Now the halls of Trafalgar Castle are marked by holiday quiet. A lot of little children's dresses worth upt o Oc selling off at 49c at Couch, Johnston Johnston & Cryderman's. <> "A Flag in Every Home" is a matter of vital necessity to the future life and honor of our country, says a writer. Children from, their infancy should be taught to honor and respect the flag which ■ should be hung in every schoolroom, every Sunday Sunday School and every public place. Float the Union Jack from every place possible, but renew it often enough so that it does net fly "all tattered and torn." We have Kalsomine in all shades. Ask for Muresco for wall and ceiling decoration: decoration: W. H. Dustan. Orillia, always beautiful, has never before before looked quite so charming as it does this season. Just now surely it may safely safely challenge comparison with any other town in the Dominion--Packet. It is clear Editor Hale has not been in Bow- manvillle since the fences have been removed removed from the sides of our streets and Fred Cowper and Chief Jarvis gave the town park its summer setting. Mrs. Wm. Long, a former old resident of Orono, passed away Monday July 12 at the age of 85 years. Deceased was taken with a stroke a few weeks ago, from which she never.,; rallied. Since leaving Orono, following the death of her husband, husband, she has been keeping house for her brother-in-law, Mr. Samuel Long, Port- Hope, where she died. Interment took place at Orono cemetery, funeral services being conducted by her former pastor, Rev. J. A. McKean, B.A., at the residence of Mr. G. M. Long--Orono News. The Toledo Blade, Toledo, Ohio, sent us by Mrs. A. Kennedy, formerly of this town, contains a despatch from New York dated July 12 which says, "That soldiers in the European war must be made drunk before they will obey their officers' commands commands for bayonet charges was the c mazing mazing statement made by Miss Jane. Addams in a discussion of her experiences in the warring European countries in Carnegie Hall. Germans, French and English were especially mentioned by her in this connection." This statement may be true but we very much doubt it. Vancouver daily paper says : Friday evening East-Burnaby congregation met to bid God-rspeed to their retiring pastor, Rey. W. Ç. Frank, and to welcome their new minister. Revs. Dr. Sanford, A. E. Hetherington, W. W. Abbott, W. S. A. CruxandA. M. O'Donnell, all spoke of the sterling character of the man who was leaving for more pioneer work. A pleasan: feature of the evening was presentation presentation of a kodak to Rev. Mr. Frank by the Boys' Club. In responding, Mr. Frank thanked the boys for their rating him as a "good sport" and said that nor other department department of the church work appealed to him as did his work amongst the boys. The Girls' Circle of the church gave Mrs. Frank, as a small token of their love and esteem, a silver fish knife and fork. The ladies of the church, too, added their mite of appreciation in the form of a baby Irish crochet collar. Rev. and Mrs. Frank have gone to Smithers, B. C. * SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS, Thé staff of teachers has been re-engaged re-engaged for Orono Continuation School--Miss E. Wise arid Miss Edna Staples. For Public School, Miss -Richardson, Janet- ville, 'succeeds r Miss Rowe as Principal, with Miss Winnifred Williamson as assistant.--News. assistant.--News. Pic ton Collegiate Board has appointed Mr. H. W. Kerfoot, B. A., Classical Master Master of North Bay Collegiate, principal 'of Picton Collegiate to succeed Mr. J. E. Minns, B. A;, who resigned to accept the appointment of Public School Inspector for Center Hastings. South York entrance examination results results are published, - out of 280 students who wrote, 215 passed or 76 per cent. An unusually high per centage for this year and speaks well for the teachers. -* : Most infants are infested by worms, which cause great suffering, and if not promptly dealt with may cause constitutional constitutional weaknesses difficult to remedy. Miller's Worm Powders will clear the stomach and bowels of worms and will so aot upon the system that there will be no recurrence of the trouble. And not only this, but they will repair the injuries injuries to the organs that worms cause and re.tore them to oundness. CARTWRIGHT Report of S. S. 4, Cartwright: To Sr. IV-- El va Darcy, May Henry, Courtney Graham, Lulu Strong: To Sr. Ill--Helen Byer, Margaret Swain, Edna Mahaffy, Lewis Lewis Henry, Harold Mahaffy: Jr. Ill--Myrtle Ill--Myrtle Henry, Loyd Henry, Gordon Strong,- Gordon Henry, Denzil Prescott: Jr. II-- Hector Shortridge, Frances Graham, Herbert Herbert Swain: Sr. Primer--Viola Henry, Rossie Henry, Norbert Prescott, Pearl Mahaffy, Mahaffy, Hugh Strong, Maggie Hardy, Charlie Charlie Hardy: Jr. Primer--Fern Henry, Fay Henry, Harold Swain, Irene Shortridge, Esther Strong, Gertie Henry,Mary Hardy. Myrtle A. Wilson, Teacher. *--: _ Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A HOMECOMING. wherever you go, will be admired if you wear one of our faultlessly tailored . suits. Besides getting fabrics of pure wool, fast colors and exclusive patterns, you receive the best workmanship essential to style and fit. Order your next suit from US. We guarantee satisfaction in every respect. Our prices are no higher than is asked for inferior clothing. H0RSËV BLOCK. Civic Holiday will soon be here and with it representatives of the dear departed departed Old Boys and Girls. Wtien they came to us about 15 years ago they were met at the station by friends of the town and placed in a wagon covered with bunting, escorted by other rigs and a band to the Market Square, listened to a speech by Major Mitchell, then to the drill shed where refreshfnents were served. Th s time it will be different. We have reached reached the automobile age, have water works and other improvements. We still have a pretty rural town with some of the best people in the world in it. If some old friends are gone we are still ready to give all guests a glad welcome, for thanks to our dear soldier boys and their friends, we still have comfortable homes to share with those who need them.--E. j. C. . Sores Heal Quickly.--Have you a persistent sore that refuses to heal? Then try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil iu the dressing. It will stop sloughing, carry away the proud flash,draw out the pus and prepare a clean way for the new skin. It is the recogn zed healer among oils and myriads of people can certify that it healed where other oils,failed utterly. utterly. * MAPLE GROVE Promotion Examinations Maple Grove School No 6, names in order order of merit: To Sr. IV--Rosslyn Stevens, Nelson Armstrong, Gladys Allin To Jr. IV--Fred Stevens, Viola Stevens, Fred Wood, Reta Power, Willie Lymer: To Sr. Ill--I vison M un day, Irma Power, Bernice Bernice Hockin: To Jr. Ill--Olive Brock, Edna Swallow, Ivy Hockley, Clifford Swallow, Norman Gimblett, Ruth Armstrong, Armstrong, Beryl Oke, Stella Jeffery, Steven Jeffery: To Sr. II--Willie Watt, Alan Snowden, Constance Seward, Vera Power, Power, Ruby Aldworth, Elgin Munday, Arthur Arthur Lymer: To Pt. II--Myrtle Brock, Gordon Brock,Marjorie Stevens,Florence Aldworth, Harvey Armstrong, Edwi)i Jennings, Douglas Hockley, MabelStevëris, John Callaghan: Pt. I (A)--Edith Samis, .Russell Gimblett, Fred Jennings, Walter Oke, Jack Hockley: Pt. I (B)--Clarence Hockin, Fred Samis: Pt. I (C)--Mary Seward, Seward, Jim Armstrong, Beaven Snowden. Myrtle R. Bichan, Teacher. Hard and soft corns Loth yield to Holloway's Holloway's Corn Cure, which is entirely safe to use, and certain and satisfactory in it4 use. • So powerful are the vibrations caused caused by the explosion of a 12-inch gun that they are sufficient to shatter windows at a distance of . about a quarter of a mile. /'■ Kft The Alberta and British Columbia fruit convention at Calgary adopted a resolution calling for reduction in minimum weight of express car-loads. Dr. Torrie of Alberta University is using his efforts in the province to get law student recruits to fill the depleted ranks of the Princess Pats. ALLAN I IN ROYAL MAIL steamships To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre Take the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy the 'è -Ocean Voyage. These fine modem steamers are equipped with every convenience and luxury conducive conducive to comfort and pleasure while travelling. A delightful journey from the commencement of the trip to the last hour on board. 1 For rates, idling dates and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN LINE, 95 King St, West, Toronto. Y m M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent,- BowmanvlUc, Hampton Flour Mills Choice grades of Bread and Pas try Flour, Try our flour and be convinced that we have the best on the market. Corn, Cereals and Mill Feed always on hand. Phone 129 r 6 Farmers ! Read This ! I have now for sale Cotton Seed /Heal Caldwelfls Molasses Meal Feed and Seed Corn Call at the mill or phone your order to No. 77. F. C. Vanstone WAR OR NO WAR Canada must do Business and we must have well-trained young people to carry on this great work. Shaw's Business Schools are performing an important task in this regard in supplying supplying demand for competent recruits for business offices. You Can Save Time and Money by graduating from one of our High Grade Schools and quickly qualify for. earning a good salary. AUTUMN TERM OPENS ON AUGUST 30TH Write for descriptive booklet and plan to get a good start* W. H. SHAW, President, Yonge ifcGerrard Sts., Toronto A COAL This is the best time to buy your Coal for next Winter. Summer prices, are as follows : . Chestnut $7.50 Stove 7.50. Egg - 7 50 Pea ... 6.50 Order now and see what you can save. E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 a^i V iYY 5 -