Hot Weather at Mitchell's ore >ÎX A / V r Bathing Caps from 60c to $1.50 Sponges from 15c to $1.25 Halcums Colgate's Dactylis . Nyal's Mayflower Colgate's Eclat Nyal's Ny lotis Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Nyal's La France Rose Nyal's Red Rose Colgate's Baby Talc Nyal's Violet Penslar Euderma Talc Penslar Violet Talc Williams' La Tosca Rose Talc William's Carnation Talc Corson's Ideal Orchid Na-Dru-Co. Royal Rose Social and Personal Seely's After Shave 25c and 50c Seely's Vanishing Cream 25c New Perfumes--Diana $1 oz.; Purple Iris $1 oz. Crimson Lily $] oz. Ile D'Amour $1 50 oz. Lady Luxury $1 50 oz. R. cM. cMitchell & Co. was re- H. Wil- Druggists and Opticians Y Oshawa, week.-- I It's Good for You It's Good for Your Children And It's Delicious When you consider the fact that Tod's Delicious Ice Cream is made from the Pure, Rich. Fresh Cream, with no other ingredients or adulterants, you will appreciate the fact that it- has great food value. Tod's Ice Cream is sold in bulk or by the dish. 4L- It's Good It's Food It's Pure IPs Nourishing v Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanvflle AXMIIIIIIIII uiHiiiiiiifliiiiiiJiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiii!iiiiiiiiiiii™iimiimDiunniiniiiiffliiniiiiiiiiuniHffliiiiiiiiiniiuiiif% % Your Coal Comes Just as Ordered When You Get It From Us You don't get "egg*'when you wanted "nut". You don't get a lot of slate when you expect good anthracite coal. Our coal always runs uniform. Careful preparation does away with the presence of excessive slate and other foreign matter. We put our reputation back of our coal because it's LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies Jhristmas book free, ex", Bar* 30 3* >on 34 MPTON This coal is noted for its purity and carbon richness. It bums steadily, strongly and evenly, leaving only a small amount of ash. You can reduce your coal bills by using it. May we send you some ? John A. Holgatedc Son PHONE 153, BOWMANVILLE Gravenhurst's tax rate will be 36 mills. Miss Evelyn.Dickinson is visiting relatives relatives at Dundonald. . Mr. Roden, Toronto, is holidaying with Mr. Chas. H. Haddy. Deserento Post is moving to new quarters.. quarters.. No paper this weèk. Mrs. I. Allum, Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fuller Cator. Mrs. A. A. Brown and daughter, Toronto, Toronto, are visiting friends here. Miss Inez Mason, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. S. B. James. Miss Muriel Hancock, Port Hope, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. Paterson. Miss Gladys Jackson, B.E., Newcastle, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Jas Courtice. Misses Geneviene and Verna Bell, Wel- land, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. H. A. Farrow. Mr. and Mrs, Cephas Meader and children, children, Toronto, visited his parents oyer the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Wade, Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Emmerson. Miss Neads, Toronto, is visiting her brother, Mr. Wilson Neads, and other friends here. Mr and Mrs. J. T. Bragg spent the week-end with her brothers at Port Hope and Wesley ville. Mrs. Turner, Winnipeg, Man., cent guest of her uncle, Mr; W. liams, Liberty-st. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Peeling, were visiting his parents this Campbell ford Herald. Misses Mildred and Mosetta White, New York City, are visiting their grandparents; grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James. . Misses Helen and Grace Farrow have returned to their home.,in Edville, after visiting their uncle, Mr. H. A. Farrow. Alderman and Mrs. Newton Smale and Miss Margaret Smale, Lindsay, spent the week-end at Mr. J. H. Werry's, Bethesda. Mr. L. T. Courtice, J. P., Calgary, and Mrs. Courtice are guests of her sister Mrs. (Rev.) Brown, Wellington-st.--Lindsay Warder. Lindsay Business Col'ege has been to Frank J. Patterson, Brockville, has been Principal of the Brockville iness College for the past four years. Prospects for this year are considerably higher prices for timothy seed. Canadian farmers are advised to arrange to leave for seed particularly clean pieces of timothy timothy Mr. J. H. Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman, Mr. F. Cryderman and Miss Vera Pennington, Bowmanville, recently motored to Picton and called on friends there and at Colborne. Dr. W. E. Tilley, School Inspector No. I, Durham, is attending the Short Course in Farming at Agricultural College, Guelph. He always believes in being up to date in his profession. Mr. Ernest Meader, who has enlisted with the qth Mississauga Horse for Overseas Overseas Service, visited his father and mother Mr. and Mrs. H. Meader before going * camp atNiagara-on-the-lake. Mr. W. J. Bragg, W.M., and Dj. G. C. Bonnycastle represented Jerusalem Lodge, No 31, G. R. C., A. F. & A. M., at " Masonic Grand Lodge at Hamilton report a very excellent meeting. Miss Helen Ward and the Misses Mildred Mildred and May Donovan, also Master Kenneth Kenneth Donovan all ot Toronto, spent a most enjoyable time last Thursday at the house of Mr. Philip Puley, Liberty-st. Mrs. John Murray has returned from a seven weeks' visit with her sons and daughters at Long Island, N. Y. Mr. Murray also had a week's enjoyment of the Atlantic sea breezes and accompanied her home. Mrs. W. K. McCulloch, Oshawa, begs to'announce the marriage of her daughter Helen Goldie Allison to Mr. Ernest Isaac Bunting at Shanghai, China, on Saturday, June 26, 1915. Goldie is the eldest daughter daughter of the late Rev. W. K. McCulloch of Enfield. Rev. W. C. Frank's letter giving account account of their trip from Vancouver to Smithers, B.C., will be found very good reading. His first letter appeared in last issue. We hope Mr. Frank will tell us, more about that new territory in another article soon. Rd. Snowden is paying 25c a lb for choice dairy butter. Rev. W. C. Frank's letter from Smithers, Smithers, B.Ç., on inside page. Mrs. H. M. Farrow and family are visiting visiting relatives at Brighton. University boys, réad Capt. Eve's letter on 3rd University Co.--inside. Miss Clara Windatt has returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. Miss Jennie ChickïToronto, spent the weèk-'end with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Hall. Mrs. E. A. Williamson and daughter, Toronto are visiting her father, Mr. John Jones. ? _ Dr. R. O. Frost, Janetville, was in town this week. Mrs. Frost was Miss Cooper Orono. * ' be in- sold who Btis- the and Dr. J. C. Devitt's Dental Parlors will closed from July 31st. to Aug. : 28th. elusive. 29-3 Linoleums in several patterns suitable for bath Rooms at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Mrs. W. C. Bowles and son Shedden, Winnipeg, Man.,' were recent guests of Mrs. R. Windatt. , Miss Young and Miss Agnes Haddy spent the week-end with Mrs. Wm. Henderson, Henderson, Cobourg. Second page contains school promotion reports for Courtice and Maple Grove ank much" local news. Miss Pierce, B. A., Delta, has been engaged engaged assistant principal of Newcastle High School at a salary of $700. Tag Day announced by Bowmanville Patriotic League for Civic Holiday hac been changed to Fair Day, Sept. 22. Dr. Julia Thomas of 83 Isabella-st., Toronto, has been spending a week with friends at 519-Weller-st., Peterboro. Private Andrew Nicholls of the Queen- ston detachment of . the Welland Protection Protection Force of the 19th Lincoln Regt., spent the week-end at home. Mrs. H. A. Millson, daughter Ellenor and son John, Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting visiting at her father's, Mr. Wm. Ellenor. Mr. Geo. W. James was week-end guest of his sister, Mrs. William A. White at Highland Inn, Algonquin Park, Ont. Major A. E. McLaughlin, 8th Regiment, Canadian Mounted Rifles, has been home from Barriefield Camp, Kingston, for few days. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman still have on hand a few Silk Coats suitable for elderly elderly ladies, . which to make a clearance they are selling at half-price. Mr. R. J. Gill, Centre-s^., spent the week-end at Big Win Island, Lake of Bays. Mrs. Gill who has been visiting her parents there, returned home with him. Mr. R. J. Allen of Crampsey & Kelly, mfgrs of "Good Ibftck" Brand Cotton Seed Meal, Toronto, was in town Wednesday and established an agency here. Watch for further particulars. The regular meeting of Bowmanville Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Frank on Friday after noon July 20. Come early, bring your thimbles, and ask a friend. Some beautiful rambler roses trailing over the brick walls which form the entrance entrance to Mr. J. W. Alexander's residence, "The Evergreens", Centre-st., have àt- tracted much admiration the past week. Edward Tate, Port Hope, while suffering suffering from a spell of mental strain murdered murdered his youngest daughter, Elsie, aged twelve years, Monday morning. Tate BIRTHS. Clark--In Darlington, July 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clark, a son. Harding--In Bowmanville^ July 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harding, a son. OGUEN--In Bowmanville Hospital, July-24, to Mr. arid Mrs. Wilbur Ogden, a daughter. MARRIAGES DeL A gran--Dunlop--In Oshawa, July 16th, by Rev. Geo. Yule, William DeLagran, Orillia, and Caroline Grace Dunlop, Oshawa. Yateman--Varcoe--In Oshawa, July. 17th, by n Garbutt, Frank W. Yateman, Oshawa, and Miss M. Pearl Varcoe, Bowmanville. DEATHS Gibson--In Oshawa, July 13th, Levina Gibson, daughter of Mr. W. P. Gibson. GREER^Ïn Dariington,- July 21, Arnold L., son gf Mr, John J, Greer, aged 8 years. PROCTOR--Suddenly, July i8, Sarah Jane, wife of late John Proctor, formerly of Orono. McMullen--In Peterboro, July 23rd, Robert McMullen, aged 76 years, formerly of Manvêrs. Bellamy--In Bowmanville," July 2lst, Jane Lovell, beloved wife of John Bellamy, in her 72nd year. 'Lest We Forget" E. R. B0UNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. mXSZXSm VERY SPECIAL rOOD.GIRL WANTED--For light housework* [ Apply to The Statesman office, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. sit w ANTED TO RENT--100 acre farm within 6 miles of Bowmanville. Phone 224-25. this fall, E. Clark, 311* G OOD GENERAL SERVANT -- Wanted at once. Apply to Mrs. Ernest Robbins, Queen-st„ Bowmanville. 30tf H OUSES FQR SALE--2 good houses, Church St. West, at a bargain, all conveniences. Apply Box R, Bowmanville. 26t b H OUSE TO RENT--Brick, 9 rooms, electric light, hard and soft water, first class place for boarding house. Apply A M. Williams, Phone 58, Bowmanville. 31t W ANTED--$5,000 on A1 town real estate security. security. Business strictly confidential. Two loans of $2 500 eacli will do - instead. Address : INVESTOR, Drawer B, Bowmanville. H OUSE WANTED--7 or 8 rooms, to rent with option of buying. State location, furnish sketch plan, state size of rooms, and all conveniences. Give terms in first letter. A. H. D. Ross, 32 Kendal Aye, Toronto, 31 1* 6 doz* Cameo Rings c Reg. $3.50 and $4.00 For $2.50 This is positively the largest selection and the best values in Cameo Rings ever shown in town. These are mounted in 10k solid gold and come in all sizes. This price will only stand for a few days, so get yours early. as CH HADDY Jeweler c Bowmanville ■ZtSSS- ■æx: APPETIZING FOODS For Every Meal F OR HALE OR EXCHANGE--For small farm, 6 roomed house, electric wired, hard and soft water, stable, driving shed, j acre land, fruit trees, situated in Bowmanville. Address, Drawer B, Bowmanville. ' 29 3 W ANTED--A home on a farm for a widow's son of 14. A bright boy needing a man's firm wise guidance. The mother has to be away all day working. Will some kind home help us to give Carl a start ? G. E. Minns, Inspector Inspector Children's Aid, Box 474, Port Hope. 30t C OMPLETE DRIVING OUTFIT FOR SALE-- Nice bay driving mare not afraid of autos, good set of single harness, covered buggy nearly new, also cutter slightly used. As owner has no further use for same will be sold cheap for cash. Apply to Norman Janies, or Box 417, Bowmanville. 31 l* As the temperature mounts upwards, appetites lag and the housewife is often in a quandary as to what to prepare for meals. Our suggestions are : FRUIT--Oranges, 30c to 40c doz., make a good start. We have Grape Fruit at 3 for 25c, and fresh Strawberries. BREAKFAST FOODS are easily digested. We carry all lines and know how to keep them right. BACON-- F. W. Fearman's Bacon fills the bill at 30c lb. CANNED VEGETABLES, prepared in sanitary factories right where they are grown. Peas and Corn will please you, at 10c. PICKLES--To add zest to the appetite, Maconachie's at 1 Super Super bottle. We carry Holbrook's, Heinz, Crosse & Blackwell, etc., as well as full lines of Catsups, Olives, Sauces and Relishes, DESSERT is always an important factor of the mid-day meal. Jelly Powders in all flavors make a delicious dessert, especially when prepared with fresh fruit. F arm Wanted--100 acres in West Durham, favorably favorably situated to church, school and post office or on rural mail route. Good soil and in good condition. No fancy'price need be quoted. quoted. Dut will pay a fair figure for the farm that suits rue. Address me by letter on or before August 1st, Farmer, Drawer B, Bowmanville.30t See us regarding fruits for preserving before disposing of your APPLES 'CONSULT, MR. E. PEARSON. For particulars of shipping facilities and trade conditions, etc,, correspondence invited. invited. E* PEARSON, Newcastle, Ont. Partner of Pearson Bros., Fruit Brokers, 31-tf Liverpool, England. rk ower fc the the and ifow- d to ante 7- Jy Have You a Modern Bath Room in Your Home ? If Not, Why Not ? In Town or Country r We can equip your farm, home and buildings with every city convenience. Heating, Lighting, Sewage Disposal System, Bath Room, Hot and-Cold Water at the Tap, Pneumatic Water System and Efficient Fire Protection. How to get full information Call at our establishment and we will show you how, or drop us a post card and we will call upon you at your convenience. Estimates furnished free. W. H. DUST AN, Sanitary and Heating Engineers Phone 74, Bowmanville was 42 years of age and was always looked looked upon as a decent citizen, Mr. John Jeffrey, father of Messrs. John and Samuel Jeffery, attained the age of 96 years on July 19, he being, so far as we know, the oldest man in town.--Port Perry Star. Mr. Jeffery is an uncle of Mrs. Chas. Horn, Hampton, and of Mrs.- John Bennett, Scugog-st., Bowmanville. Mrs* Proctor, Toronto, a one-time resident resident of Orono, widow of the late John Proctor .who conducted a general store there about 30 years ago, died in Toronto on Sunday, July 18, in his 80th year. Mrs. Proctor had returned from a visit to her daughter Mrs. R. L. Ralls, Fenella, and was feeding in splendid health when she was seized with a stroke and passed away within a few hours. Dr. and Mrs. Norman Allin and daughter daughter who have been enjoying several weeks' visit with his parents and other relatives here left Monday for their home in Ednonton, Alta. His sister, Miss E. Annie Allin, accompanied them for a visit in the W est. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch, Hampton, were among the party and will visit'relatives at Medicine Hat, Stettler, Alta., and other points. Buy Goodyear Tires from Mason & Dale. Mason & Dale recommend, Goodyear Auto Tires because they give best satis-, factson and are cheaper. N orthumberland farm for sale--as a bargain. 100 acres lying between Port Hope and Cobourg, on the north it is only 3 miles from Cobourg, an ideal dairy or grain farm, and in good condition. Must be sold to divide up the estate. Price 85,000--half cash. Apply Box 36, Bowmanville. 30 2b* F ARM FOR SALE--92 acres more or less, being north half lot 10, con 6, Darlington, near Tyrone, on which are good frame nouse, two barns with stone stables underneath, one driving shed, two wells, 3 acres orchard. Plowing possession possession after harvest, full. possession April 1, 1916. Considered one of best farms in township. AppljiAo E. Thompson, Enniskillen. 29 4* Archie Tait Phone 65 Bowmanville * P IG FOR SERVICE--I have recently received from Gananoqne a splendid type of an English English Yorkshire While boar from prize imported imported stock which is now for service. I wish to thank the farmers in my vicinity for their liberal patronage in the past and ask a continuance of same. Chas. A. Blanchard, lot 23, con 6, Darlington, Darlington, Hampton P.O. 31 3* 'HORSES LOST -- REWARD DECORATE GRAVES- All Fraternal Societies and persons having having friends buried in the cemetery are requested requested to decorate their graves on or before Saturday this week, as many visitors visitors will go down there on Sunday and Monday. i John Grigg Chairman Cemetery Committee. Strayed fiom Peterboro on July 12th, one dark chestnut mare about 8 years old, clean limbed white star in forehead and wearing halter ; one light chestnut gelding about 12 years old,, with white strip in face, hind feet white, with wind- puffs behind, and wearing chain straped to front eg. Were last seen near Mount Pleasant. Reward Reward for return of horses, or anyone harboring them will be prosecuted. Apply Bert Howden, 201 Romaine st^. Peterboro, Phone 618. 311 FRUIT-BULLETIN RASPBERRIES, Niagara District grown, are about done, and Black Currants Currants are also nearing a n end. Tne ever popular and delicious Lawtonberry-- large black Thimbleberry--a nd Tomatoes Tomatoes are beginning to make their appearance. appearance. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT 1 LLIOTT DURHAM BOYS. Mr. Harry E. Balfour, son of Rev. D. Balfour, Janetville, and PrincipaLof Park- dalfe School, Edmonton, has left with First Battalion for the Front, now in training at Calgary. We are always pleased to record the promotion of any ot our boys who have gone out to make their way in the world. This week we have pleasure in announcing announcing "that Mr. C. Everett - Brown, Maple Creek, Alta., son of Mr. I. L. Brown, Hampton, has been appointed Inspector of Schools for that province. The SASKATOON SASKATOON Phoenix says,."he has served a long time in the province and is an educationist educationist of exceptional standing." Inspector Inspector Brown taught Solina school before going West. ' ■ ) The Milwaukee Sentinel records that Mr. James Nevin of Madison, Wisconsin, has been appointed "State Conservation Commissioner, after being thirty-three years state superintendent of fisheries. The salary is $3,500 a year and after"January after"January 1917 the terms will be'six years. Mr. Nevin was born in Newcastle and went to work in the hatchery at the age of 15 years. He took charge of the Wisconsin hatchery on September 1,1882. He followed followed the problem of the fisheries not only in Wisconsin but in the great lakes and the St Lawrence river. TORONTO, ONT. has to-day a stronger hold upon the public public confidence than ever before. "Thorough "Thorough Training" for choice positions in Business Life is given in all of onr Departments. Departments. This college does not ask for a better reputation than it has now. We place many students in positions each year. Write to-day for large catalogue. Yonge and Charles Sts. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal FLAGS ! Decorate for The Home-Coming We have secured a plentiful supply of flags of all nations and at all prices within reach of everyone. , From lc up to $3.50 . with or without sticks. Buy Early. W. T. Allen «« Big 20" Bookstore I I Th is Week we have placed on Special Sale a s Si £ the whole of the balance of our attractive stock of % Ladies' Hisses' and Children's Dresses and Ladies' Dress Skirts Your choice of any Dress or Skirt at 25 per cent off Regular Sale Price. S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville SW ppppppp I