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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1915, p. 3

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Time and Trial Prove the unequalled value of Beecham's Pills as the best corrective of ailments of the digestive organs so common--and the best preventive of lasting and serious sickness so often resulting from defective or irregular action of the stomach, liver or bowels. have a great record. For over half a century they have been used with entire satisfaction in thousands of homes. A few doses will prove to you that you can find prompt relief from the headaches, depression of spirits ana general no-good feelings caused by indigestion or biliousness. Try them, and you'win know what it is to have at your command such An Invaluable Aid to Health Prepared only fay Thomas Beeoham, St. Helene, Lancashire, England. Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. ASQUITH NEARLY 63 YEARS OLD Born in the Little Town of Morley in Yorkshire. Unlike other distinguished men, there has never been any argument regarding Premier Asquith's birthplace. birthplace. He is a hard-headed York- shireman from Morley--the busy little town, five miles from Leeds, and eight miles from Bradford-- where he was born at the Croft House 63 years ago on September 12. It is recorded that Mr. Asquith's ancestors lived in the town for over 400 years. It might be mentioned, by the way, that the house in which Mr. Asquith was born is still utilized, a place of equal interest being the Rehoboth Chapel, which he attended as a boy. Some time ago Mr. Asquith, when re ferring to this period of his life, stated that he recalled as a small boy taking part in the Sunday-school pro- I cessions and carrying-a banner on the ! occasion of the rejoicings at the de- j claration of peace in the Crimea. Mr. Asquith lived at Morley until he was seven years . old, when his father, who was a manufacturer, died. Mrs. Asquith then moved to Huddersfield, Huddersfield, where the future Premier was sent to the local grammar school. Subsequently Herbert Henry Asquith and his brother William attended the City of London school, and the former, former, having obtained two scholarships, scholarships, went to Oxford. * ■ For years Mother -Graves' Worm Exterminator Exterminator has ranked as the most effective effective preparation manufactured, and it always maintains its reputation. ialien r»;-i ABOUT THE HOUSEHOLD , jnj Established over Forty-one ^fears THE STANDARD BANK 8flt 313 w Ü8 OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B,C of Banking M oney Saved is Money Gained. J^ever Defer Saving, but w. IHV JÜ 177 O pen a Savings Account today. today. We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branches also atBIackstock (D. P. MacFarlane, Manager), Newcastle, Orono* Oihawa, Whitby, Brooklin and Newtonville. Canadian Northern Railway 30,000 Harvesters Wanted EXCURSIONS to Winnipeg $ 12.00 THROUGH SERVICE Between Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto and intermediate points giving good connections to the West. Choice of destination left to the excursionist. Half-a-cent a mile from Winnipeg Winnipeg west to Regina, Saskatoon, Warman, Swan River, Calgary, Edmonton, Edmonton, Red Deer, Tannis and to all other points on the Canadian Northern Railway. Railway. Returning, half-a-cent a mile from all points on C.N.R. to Winnipeg $18.00 from Winnipeg to original starting point. GOING DATES Aug*. 21 and 26.--From Toronto, Yarker, Bannockburn, Mavnooth, Kinmount Jet., Picton and all intermediate stations on the Canadian Northern Railway. Aug 1 . 24 and 28.--From Toronto and all stations west and south in Ontario. The richest country in the West is served by the Canadian Northern Railway. The demand for Harvesters along its lines is very heavy and the wages high. Write for Homeseekers' and Settlers' Guide, showing 35,000 free homesteads awaiting the settler. For full particulars apply to nearest C.N.R. Agent. ■<£ ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London \ Havre Take the Allan Line if you wish to enjoy\he Ocean Voyage. These fine modem steamers equipped with every convenience and luxury con ducivc to comfort and pleasure while travelling : A delightful journey from the commencement' of the trip to the last hour on board. 1 For rates, sailing dates and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN LINE, 95 King SL, West, Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. The largest and meet costly steamer on any inland water of the world. Sleeping accommodations accommodations for 1500 passengers. "CITY OF ERIE" --3 Magnificent Steamers "CITY OF BUFFALO" . " BETWEEN _ _ BUFFALO--Daily, May 1st to Dec. 1st--CLEVELANDS Leave Buffalo - - 9:00 P.M. Leave Cleveland • - • 9:00 P.M./ Arrive Cleveland 7:30 A.M. Arrive Buffalo Time) 7:30 A.M. ( Cleveland for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and all points West and Southwest. Railroad tickets reading between Buffalo and Cleveland are good for transportation ongpr gtesoaers. Ask your ticketagentfor tickets viaC. A B. Line, - , Beautifully colored sectional puzzle cHart. ShbWfhg both exterior and interior of The Great 'Ship "SEEANDBEE" sent on receipt of five «enta to cover postage and mailing.. Also ask for our 24-page pictorial and deetriptivebo&kletfree. ,• THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT. CO., Cleveland, Ohio 8 8 t * Grandmother's Recipes. Here are a few of good old-fashioned old-fashioned combinations,, some pet recipes "straight from gràndmother's handwritten handwritten book: . Spiced Plums.--Boil % gallon- of plums five minutes. Pour off water and add three pounds of sugar, one teaspoonful each of cloves, allspice and cinnamon (ground) and one pint vinegar. Boil half hour, stirring constantly. Put in jars and seal at once. • Pear Conserve.--Chop four pounds pears, four lemons (rind and pulp), Vz pound crystallized ginger. To this chopped mixture add four pounds of sugar. Boil three to four hours until desired thickness is obtained?" Pineapple Honey.--Peel and cut eyes from three pineapples. Cut in pieces; taking out hard centre. Run through grinder. Add as much water water as you -have pineapple after grinding and as much sugar as pineapple pineapple and water together. Boil about Vz hour or until desired consistency is obtained. Grape Conserve.--Three pints grapes, washed and picked off stems; three pints sugar, one pint water, one cup English walnuts, % pound , raisins. raisins. Press pulp of grape from skin, beat pulp until soft. Run through colander and put back in kettle with the skins, water and sugar and two oranges sliced thin. Cook until done (one hour). Jim-Jam.--Five pounds currants, pounds seeded raisins, juice and rind of two oranges. Wash currants, nearly cover with water, and cook until soft. Strain through jelly bag. Put raisins through grinder. Grate rind and squeeze juice out of grapes. Put all together, taking cup for cüp of mixture and sugar. Cook till the consistency of jelly. Preserved Watermelon Rind. --- Seven pounds rind, 3 Yz pounds sugar, 1 quart vinegar, % ounce white ginger, ginger, cloves and cinnamon to taste. Take the thickest rinds and pare .off the hard green covering, slice and drain in cofander over night. In the morning place in a strong brine, changing every three days; in the last brine put in a little alum to make rinds hard. Make the syrup and when hot put in rinds; cook 10 minutes, remove remove and cook the syrup 15 minutes. Pour over rinds. Can and use after* standing' two weeks. Tomato Sauce.--One peck ripe tomatoes, tomatoes, 6 onions, 3 stalks celery, 3 red mangoes. Chop fine. Mix well with one cup of salt and put in. thin sack to drain over night. Next day take 2 pounds brown sugar, 5 cups strong vinegar, 1 tablespoonful mustard mustard seed. Let this come to a boil; then set aside to cool. Pour over above mixture and put in jars. Train Of Thought Inspired By a Letter About "Fruit-a-tives" FARE $322 fcBAIIY BETWEEN Menus for Children. Some suggestions for menub. and foods allowable after 30 months are: Menu 1.--Beef broth with vermicelli, vermicelli, bran or wholemeal bread and the best butter obtainable, lightly broiled lamb chop, minced and seasoned seasoned with salt; spinach, boiled tender, tender, and mashed through a puree sieve, served plain or with a spoonful spoonful of # cream or broth; baked potato with salt; orange tapioca for dessert and a bit of fruit juice to drink. Menu 2.--Chicken broth with rice, minced broiled tenderloin steak with salt (no butter on it), spaghetti creamed, brown bread and butter, asparagus asparagus tips or stewed celery with hot cream sauce; cup custard for dessert. dessert. Menu 3.--Mutton broth, the white meat of chicken cut into very small pieces, macaroni in hot milk, cauliflower cauliflower or spinach, mashed and seasoned seasoned with salt and cream ; bread and butter; orange float for dessert (made with gelatin). Menu 4.--Beef tea, stewed squab, boiled or steamed rice, bread and butter, butter, puree of Bermuda or Texas onion ter, puree of Bermuda or Texas onions, stewed very soft in milk; junket junket with egg for dessert. Menu 5.--Milk soup, roast beef, rare and minced, with dish gravy; boiled spaghetti, with dish gravy from the roast beef; spinach or stewed celery, celery, bread and butter; rice pudding for dessert. Menu 6.--Strained vegetable ' soup, minced broiled mutton chop, rejecting all fat; baked potato, apple sauce, bread and butter; junket and cream for dessert. Menu 7.--Beef broth, creamed or broiled fish (watch that it has no bones), boiled . macaroni with milk, cooked very soft and creamy; cooked asparagus tips, also very soft; gelatin gelatin with whipped cream for dessert. Useful Hints. Iron rust stains may be removed from goods by using sour milk. HOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many pale faces' lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. For all such' children we say with unmistakable earnestness: They need Scott's Emulsion, and need it now. It possesses in concentrated form the very food elements tb enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength ; it makes them sturdy and'strong and active. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Oat. MR. D. MCLEAN - Orillia, Ont., Nov. 28th, 1914» "For over two years, I was troubled with Constipation, Drowsiness, Lack of Appetite and Headaches. I tried several medicines, but got no results and my Headaches became more severe. One dayJE saw your sign.which read 'Fruit- a-tives' make you feel like walking on air. This appealed to me, so 1 decided to try a box. Jn a very short time, I began to feel better, and nowlfeelfine. Now" 1 have .a good appetite, relish everything I eat, and the Headaches are gone entirely. I cannot say too much for 'Fruit-a-tives', and recom- mènd this pleasantfruit medicine to all my friends". DAN McLEAN. "FRUIT-A-TIVES' is daily proving its priceless value in relieving cases of Stomach, Liver and Kidney Trouble-- General Weakness, and Skin Diseasès. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. To cleanse hands from vegetable stains, rub with a slice of raw potato. potato. To clean out flour barrel use a child's small broom; the long-handled kind. To prevent cream from spotting table linen, dip linen,in cold water before washing. Press mohair with a very moderate iron. Press silk between two pieces .of tissue paper. Porch chairs of wicker or reed can be cleansed with soapsuds and a scrubbing brush and then can be shellbacked. Icing for a cake can be colored a beautiful pink with a small quantity of beet juice. It is inexpensive and absolutely pure. Linen that has become yellow' may be bleached snow white if soaked in buttermilk for a short time--rinse and hang in sun. Cucumbers make a delicious vegetable vegetable when stewed and served with a white sauce, or seasoned with butter, salt and pepper and served on toast. When one rips out threads they -wish they had three hands. Use a steel crochet hook and the work is easily done. Pull out bastings the same way. To clear a house of roaches equal quantities of sugar and pulverized borax is recommended. Spread where the insects congregate the most. Next time you bake beans add a diced carrot, a couple of tomatoes cut fine, and one small onion, browned in pork fat, and see what a delicious dish you have. To remove mildew soak article in sour milk and lay in the sun. Or use chloride of lime made in proportion of a teaspoonful of lime to a quart of water. Cream of tomato soup is not apt to curdle if a teaspoonful of cornstarch with a pinch of soda is mixed in the cream before it is added to the tomato tomato mixture. If a crust of bread toasted till nearly black be put into the water where greens are boiling it will prevent prevent the disagreeable smell that arises when they are cooking. If the wall is so soft that it will not hold a picture nail, mix a little plaster of paris and water ; enlarge the hole and fill with the plaster and in a minute insert the nail and let it dry. All the trials and tribulations caused caused when trying to sew the bows on one's pumps may be avoided if a few curved surgical needles are added to the sewing basket. Purchase at any drug store. When you must go to the dentist's carry your prettiest boudoir cap and don it before you get into the chair; and when the ordèâl is over you will find your hair in as good order as when you went in. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R \ A MOST DANGEROUS SPY. Britain Deports Beauty Specialist Who Was a Spy. Some of the most thrilling chapters in the history of the world's wars are those in which women have played a conspicuous part. Mme. Bértha Trost, declared by British officials to be the most dangerous dangerous spy in the world, has just been deported from England as a German spy. For thirty years, according according to the Scotland Yard officials who have been investigating her career, she. has lived in England in expensive apartments that were far beyond her visible income. During most -of that «period she operated an exclusive little beauty parlor that served rather to place her in touch with titled English women than increase her revenue. As months went on influential women fell deeper deeper and deeper into her debt. Although Although Mme. Trost never demanded payment, she revealed an insatiable curiosity--a curiosity that dealt largely with affairs of State.- The women who had revealed their physical physical ailments to Mme. Trost feared to refuse and-- Well, Mme. Trost is ^charged with obtaining any information information she desired. Long before the war, say the English, English, Germany employed hundreds of feminine spies---beautiful society women, women, in many cases. These women have played important parts in the present campaign. Here is a typical case as cited in London: By accident a woman handed handed a sentry the very note that she was to have given to the Germans, in mistake for the permit that she had to show in order to cross the bridge between Varangville and St. Nicholas. She was charged before a court of war and later executed. Another woman dropped a letter, which read: "Hurry up; the Twentieth Twentieth Corps arrives this evening." She dropped it at the gates of Nancy, and was straightway arrested. During the battle of the Aisne a woman woman was one night discovered signaling signaling from a window to the Germans by means of an electric torch. Attached to the garrison at Posen was a young officer named Schorve- der, who was very poor. He was deeply in love with a girl named Ida Mullerthal, but, owing to his poverty, the prospect of their getting married was very remote. The lovers' trouble was known to - a Russian secret agent, who approached the lieutenant and offered him $25,000 for a plan of the fortress of Posen. Dazzled by this offer, the lieutenant agreed, but he found it difficult to carry out his A The use of Lifebuoy Soap makes the bath a supremely soothing pleasure as well as a health-insuring delight. The cream of pure oils gives a velvety lather that is cleansing and healing. The very mild carbolic solution means a perfectly healthy skin. The odor vanishes in a few seconds after use. ALL OROCERB BELL-- HEALTHY m m iiiiiiimiiiiiiiUiirmliiMniiiimiiimui -iniiiiiiiiii • Canadian National TORONTO $150,000 'MES™ $150,000 "PATRIOTIC YEAR 99 Model Military Camp Destruction of Battlèships Battles of the Air MAMMOTH tary Dis$ MARCH OF THE ALLIES Farm under Cultivation Millions in Livestock Government Exhibits THRILLING Naval Spectacle REVIEW OF THE FLEET Belgian Art Treasures Creatore's Famous Band Biggest Cat and Dog Show WAR TROPHIES Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acres of Manufactures One Thousand and One New Things to Sere REDUCED RAILWAY SATES FROM ALL POINTS Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. task. His sweetheart then suggested a cunning way out of the difficulty. "You shall tattoo a plan of the fortress fortress on my back," she said. "I shall easily be able to travel to Russia with ; it without being discovered." They carried out their fantastic idea successfully, but the silly extravagance extravagance in which the newly-wedded newly-wedded couple indulged after the girl returned to Posen aroused suspicion, and they were both arrested. * How Did He Dodge That. Designing Widow -- Speaking of conundrums, can you tell me- why the letter "d" is like the marriage ! service : Slowboy--I'm no good at conundrums. conundrums. Why ? Widow--Because "we" can't be "wed" without it. Don't throw kisses, young man; deliver the goods. | Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR ! A Western Irïptif London -®- -1- -1- C.anadii Sept. 10th - 18th 1915 $30,00000 in Prizes and Attractions Prizes Increased this year by $3,000.00. Excellent Program of Attractions Attractions Twice Daily Two Speed Events Daily Fire works Every Night New Steel Grandstand Midway Better than Ever Music by the Best Available Bands SINGLE FARE OVER ALL RAILWAYS West of Toronto, and Fare and One-Third from outside points Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary your dishes with GOLD DUST Put a dash of Gold Dust into the wate£, and it will go to the bottom of things, drive out every bit of dirt, every germ, every hidden particle. Gold Dust cleanses as well as cleans. We promise you this, if you use Gold Dust" Your dishes will be sweeter and cleaner than ever before, and you will save at least half the time ordinarily consumed in washing washing them. Gold Bust does better better work than soap or any other dishwashing dishwashing product-- and saves half the time. Inside Infor mati a i n r ••Let the COLD DUST TWINS do yoar work"j THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY LIMITED. Montreal, Canada

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