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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1915, p. 8

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X BOWMAN VILLE, AUG 19, 1915 GOOD THINGS TO EAT. SÆT- be done by selecting foods that appeal to the appetite. Canned Meats--Ideal for the warm weather and "hurry ^ r< W X eal Iv ° af * Ham and Tongue, Oorned Bee7 Sliced smoked Beef and Pork and Beans, etc. ft 1 *™ 8 Are V6 ^ appetizing and handsome in appearence and hked by many. We have them in both plain and stuffed in all size bottles at 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c £nd 40c per hottle. Sardines--Genuine Norwegian Fish, small and dainty most tempting and appetizing in appearance. Per tin 10c and^Sc. JJ 8G ^ t8 - D ™^ warm weather and especially lïï h wl S he hons ewife does not care to be burdened with cooking. We have a splendid assortment of Fancy Biscuits fresh and crisp, prepared in a factory that is a model of cleanli- ness. These are just a few suggestions. We have an excellent yoa a r 7 orde° a tô tlM * hat wiU ttppeal *° yoa ' 0lU1 aromld or p"°ne HARRY ALLIN Opp. Goodyear Club Phone 186, Bowman ville ZION August meeting of. Zion Ladies' Aid was held at home of Mrs; W. Glaspell on Aug. ii, there being a good attendance. It was decided to do some work for the Red Cross Fund. Mrs,- Glaspell served supper. Miss Géorgie Langmaid entertained her Sunday School class of boys "The Gleaners" Gleaners" on Thursday evening at her home. Watermelon,_ ice . cream and cake were served and a pleasant time enjoyed by all present. NEWCASTLE Women's Patriotic League are trying to keep abreast of the times. Since its organization about a year ago over 4,000 articles have been sent to the Red Cross Society, 1/ boxes and bales have been sent to the Belgian and French Relief Societies, Societies, and over $600 has been expended in material for hospital supplies and soldiers comforts. More money is urgently needed needed to carry on the work and a garden party with many attractions is planned for Thursday, Aug. 19th to replenish the treasury. Not Sold Out, But Rejuvenated --And Still Ready to Serve You The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is still selling SCRAN- TON COAL--the Standard Anthracite--and ready to fill orders tor all sizes at Summer prices, which for the present are as follows • Stov|& Chestnut $7.50 per ton; Péa $6.50 pértôn; fs LI LASH, delivered to all parts of the town; 50c per ton less at the" Harbor. •Ï Customers wishing to pay for their coal now may have it delivered delivered at once or later on, as they see fit; and in the event of lower prices prevailing during the season all who pay for their coal will be protected fully by having difference in price refunded. ^ have also a full line of Building Material, including Dressed and Undressed Pine, Hemlock, Spruce, Oak, Maple, Birch, B C Cedar and Fir; also Beaver Board, Bishopric Wall Board, "Can- Singles, Lath, Doors,- Sash and Mouldings. ESTIMATES ESTIMATES CHEERFÎTLLY FURNISHED. If Our other lines are : Hard and Soft Wood, long or sawed and spht, Cannel and. Steam Coal, Charcoal, Fine and Coarse Salt Land Plaster, Buckwheat, Barley, Oats and Wheat. ? patronage is respectfully solicited, and we shall do our best to give you satisfactory service. V s P ecia l attention will be given to cash customers. McCLELLAN & CO., Limited King St. East, Bowman ville Neilson's Is the Favorite Ice Cream For All Occasions Its purity, deiiciousness and uniform quality have made it decidedly popular among lovers of good Ice Cream. What is more, it is produced under the most sanitary conditions. Neilson's Ice Cream is sold in Bowman- ville by Alex. Christie The Home-Made Bakery„ Phone 97, Bowmanville SALEM Harvest Home Festival in connection with Salem Methodist church will be held Sunday, August 29, and Monday, August 30. Sunday at 2.30 and 7.30 the Rev. J. S. McMullen of Lindsay, a former esteemed pastor will preach. Monday a program of sports will be run off in the afternoon followed by a tea by the ladies of the congregation. congregation. In the evening a grand concert, concert, besides locàl talent, Miss Dell Purdy, Elocutionist, Port Perry, Mr. N. E. Red- path, Enniskillen, and Mr. T S. Holgate, Bowmanville, will assist. Reserve the date and plan to attend. SOLINA Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Soules, Osh- at Mr. J. G. Langmaid's; Mrs. Bert Wickett and Miss Vei na, Toronto, at Mrs. W. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lewis and family, Mt. Forest, at Mrs. W. C. Werry's; Miss Bessie Reynolds, Toronto, at home; Dr. A- Chisholm, and Miss Vera Fletcher, Kalamazoo, Mich., at Miss Mary Hogarth's; Mrs. Eli Osborne and Misses Aura and Lyla, Courtice, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Miss Myrtle Brunt, Enniskillen, .at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Master Ernest Wer- ry, Enniskillen, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur and son Oshawa, at Mr. A. Hillis'; Messrs Robt. Saunders and Albert Wilson, Oshawa, at Mr, Lr T, Pa§- coe s; Miss Marjorie Pascoe visited her grandparents at Hampton... .Mr. Albert Ba Ison is improving nece'y .Grain- threshing has commenced Fall wheat is yielding from 35 to 40 bushels per acre .... During the storm and wind Monday night a tree was blown across the telephone telephone wires west of the village breaking one. Tne com crop got another tumble -- .Rev. W. H. Truscott, South Oshawa, occupied the pulpit at Eldad very acceptably acceptably Sunday. SEASIDE EXCURSION VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC. Attractive trips to various points in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Is- land. Tickets good going August 13th, I 4 th > I 5 t h and 16th, return limit August 3lst, 1915. ' To Maine Resorts including Kennobunkport, Portland, Old Orchard, etc. Tickets good going August 27,28 and 29, return limit September 13, 1915. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto; C. B. Kent, Agent, Bowmanville. COURTICE ENFIELD Aid* W. D. Robbins and sons, Toronto, have been guests of Mr. Alex Smith Mr. and Mrs. R. Knox, Mr and Mrs. T. Knox, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas w luwlu Layton have been visiting at Mr. C. Nid- The W. M. S. picnic, which was dery s.... Miss Lena Niddery, Toronto, Mr. Levi Niddery, Hampton, visited relatives relatives here... .Miss G. Millson, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, at Mr. John Campbell's Mr. Roy Scott, an Enfield boy, has taken a $160 scholarship at Queen's University, King- ston. .Mr. Ball, Uxbridge, has bought the Virtue farm for $5,000 Rains last ing for 2% hours on Sunday flooded grain fields. Our church was well attended on Sab bath and our pastor preached two good sermons on "Jacob's Vow" and "The Prodigal's Father" Miss F. Osborne spent Sunday at Tyrone... .The stereop- ticon lecture on "China and its People" given by Mr. Halfyard last Thursday night was well attended, and everyone enjoyed enjoyed the excellent address. The views were very good, and doubtless the Forward Forward Movement for Missions will receive a real impetus.... We notice a new cem- platform being built at the parsonage .. • .Our road right at the cormers should be repaired. Autoists and others are nearly thrown out when passing the corner, corner, and there is considerable complaint ... .A song sermon will be given at Ebenezer Ebenezer church Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden are down for a few days'visit with his parents and relatives here, enjoying their honeymoon. They will soon leave for Winnipeg where Mr. Worden is engaged in the teaching profession. profession. All here wish them much joy to have Last Chance to Get -Our $25. Made-to- at $13 TENDERS FOR BRIDGES. Sealed tenders will be received bv the unrlpr signed up to noon, August 2 ith, 1915 for the of concrete abutments with wing fche Town of âa a mp°t n „'„. may b ° "" at The lowest or any tender not cepted. necessarily ac- e W. R. ALLIN, Township Clerk of Darlington. Hampton, August 14th, 1915. 34 j p I uëkr?n P b^Fin^ris.'^ 11 ^* 12 ' h ' been held last Thursday, was drowned out by a heavy rain! However, the regular monthly meeting was held at the church on Tuesday of this week, and a splendid P^tfiotic program rendered .Mrs. E. Waltèr and family spent last week with friends at Keene..... Harvesting is getting getting increasingly difficult. The rain falls daily, and cutting and drawing are both seriously interfered with. MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Densem, Town, recently visited Mrs. Noble Metcalfe Miss Nettie Coles Town, visiting Mrs. S. C. Rundle.. I ....Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Collacutt, Toronto, - visited his parents over the week-end... .Miss Muriel Everson, Oshawa, Oshawa, has returned home after a pleasant visit with her cousin, Mrs. W. J. Snowden Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Scott, Solina, spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. Robt. Armstrong... .Mrs. Cole, Bethesda, visit* ing her daughter, Mrs. Milton Samis ... j Miss Myrtle Bichan, Goderich, teacher in ; School Section No. 6, Darlington Town- I ship, Durham County, has concluded a ! very successful term with her scholars. Out of a roll of 48 pupils 42 passed their examina lions to the next higher grades, two of these being entrance pupils one of which passed with honors. Absence thru prolonged illness being the cause of most of the others not having passed also. We think this shows untiring effort and ability ability on the part of Miss Bichan and we extend extend our best wishes for continued success for the coming term. HAMPTON OSHAWA. Miss Stevens, Enniskillen, visited Mr. Garnet Chapman here Mr. Bert Tip Bowmanville, visited friends in town Mr. Bert Kent, Bowmanville, visited friends here. Albert Owens, Bowman- ville, visited his parents here Mr. R. H. James attended Oddfellows' Encampment Encampment and'Grand Lodge at Stratford Mr. Arthur G. Lee, Fort South, Arkansas, visited his uncle, Mr. John Currie Miss Maude Squires, is home from New York, wheré she spent July in study at the Art Students League... .Mr. Will Mathews, barber, who has been working in Toronto Toronto has accepted a position with Tommy Johnson, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis, Thorold, announces engagement of their daughter, Laura Edith Kinder, organist organist in Presbyterian church here, to Mr. John G. Cameron, Oshawa Miss Lew- ella Everson has returned from a holiday in Ottawa and Bowmanville Oshawa is negotiating for a $1,500,000 steel plant. ' • • • Mrs. W. Quick and daughter, Lenore, Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Robins A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. Walter Wilson, Kingston Kingston Road, when their youngest daughter, Vera was united in marriage with Mr. Geo. Smiih. Rev. Ivison Wilson, King Street Methodist Church, performed the ceremony... .Cedardale is likely to be annexed annexed to Oshawa, then we shall have city ambitions. A fine concert under the auspices of of the Hampton W. W. S. Auxiliary will I be held in the church Tuesday August 31, to commence at 8 p. m. This talent will furnish a first-class program : Enniskillen male quartet, solos by Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Courtice, South Darlington, Miss E. Lazelle r/°Tr n ' A * T- C * M -> Hampton, and Mr. Mr. Norman Redpath, Enniskillen; Readings Readings by Miss Hazel Crago, South Darlington, Darlington, and Miss Vera Slemon, Haydon. Come and enjoy a musical and literary [treat. Admission 15c; children 10c.;.. Two of Mr. John Spry's sons have enlisted for active service at the front Miss Mary Souch's name should have been included included in the successful ones at Entrance Exams... .Mr. F. J. Groat and Mr. R. Katerson have purchased new Ford cars ... .Drs. Slemon and Hastings performed very successful operations on Masters Albert Albert Allin and Frankie Hastings for throat obstructions Visitors: Miss Evelyn White has returned from a week's yisit at Toronto; Misses Hilda and Madeline Pascoe, Pascoe, Toronto, Mrs. C. J. and Miss Eulalie Pascoe; Mrs. H. D. Babcock and babe, Lindsay, at Mrs. A. Trenouth's and Mrs T. Taylor's; Mr. and Mrs. Theo Salter at Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Burnett and son, Markham, at her father's, Mr. M. B. Cryderman; Mr. J. B. Horn and family, Bradford, visiting at the old home ... Mrs. Ted Ford and lady friend, Toronto, at her father's, Mr. Wm. Martin. Mr. Ford is at the front.... Mrs. Willis and daughter, Toronto, and Miss Col will were recent guests of Mrs. W, G. Doidge. ENNISKILLEN No Finer Corn-Killer To Be Had One application brings almost immediate relief from suffering suffering and does much toward killing the corn in preparation preparation for its removal. That's J & G Corn Liquid It won't fail you as other remedies might have done. Use as per the simple directions directions and it will put an end to every corn oh your foot and quicker than you mav expect. Give it a trial. You'll wish you had done so sooner, 25c per bottle Jurv & Lovell When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly TYRONE Epworth League service Thursday evening in charge of the Missionary Vice proved very interesting, topic "Our Duty to the Orientals in British Columbia" was exceedingly well taken by Mr. Allin F. Annis,.. .Misses Irene, Marie and Hazel Werry entertained a large number of friends Saturday afternoon... .Preparations .Preparations are being made for the annual Harvest Harvest Home here Sept. 5 and 6....Miss Margaret Hooper who has been holidaying holidaying at home has returned to the city. . Mr. and Mrs. F. By am and Mr. Lionel Bvam autoed to Millbrook Sunday and visited friends there, Miss Byam and Mrs. Higgs returning home with them for a few days... .Mr. Wm. Trewin visited friends at Enfield and Enniskillen... .Mr. and Mrs. Branton, Whitby, are visiting her brother, Mr. Thos. Curtis.... Miss Alma Cuttell, Orono, at Mrs. J. Hawkey's Mrs. Harold Earl, Toronto, visited at Mr. Ed. Virtue's....Miss Esther Wood and Miss Velma Christian, Lindsay, are holidaying at Mn IJorman Collacutt's and with other relatives here. Those who are knitting for the Soldier Boys will kindly put their name and address address and a word of comfort in the toe of the stocking. This is Goodyear Week at Mason & Dale s--big drop in prices. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cain and Mrs. Patterson, Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Werry and Hazel, Tyrone, and Miss Marian Marian Brown, Kirby, at Mr. H. J. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. Webster Virtue and Helen, Toronto, at Mr. J. E. Virtue's; Miss Marie Werry, Tyrone, at Mr. J. A. Werry's; ï Miss Elsie Moore has returned to White- | vale accompanied by Mrs. W. H. Moore and Muriel; Mrs. Joseph Cole, Mrs. George Argue, Mrs. Nellie Perry and Mr. F. W. Lee at Mr. Fred Rogers', Whitby; Mrs. George Simpson, Ruth and Clara, Clares- holme, Alta., and Miss Lena Slemon, Haydon, at Dr. C. W. Slemon's; Mr. Red- path, Camborne, at Mr. N. D. Redpath's; Mr. Howard Bradley, Oshawa, Mrs. Fred Rogers, Whitby, Mrs. John Rant n and Miss Mary Katerson, Hampton, at Mr. F. W. Lee's; Mr. Harry Rogers home from Ottawa; Mrs. Hepler and son Jack, Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Penn., Mrs. Arthur W. Annis, Tyrone, Mrs. E. Skitch, CampbelJford, Miss Maud Crookshanks, Buffalo, and Miss Carrie Crookshanks, Peterboro, at Mr. Byron McLaughlin's; Miss Maggie Stewart Stewart is visiting Mrs. Stanley Way Kent, Kent, Paris; Mrs. Fred Heddon and Kenneth, Kenneth, Columbus, at Mr. John Orchard's; Mrs. James Oke and Marjorie, Tyrone, at Mr. Wm. Oke's; Mrs. Robt. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Slemon, Haydon, at Mr. John Slemon's; Mrs. Byron McLaughlin, Mrs. Arthur Annis, Tyrone, Mr. arid Mrs. John McLaughlin and Mr. Rd. Woodley, Tyrone, at Mr. James Thompson's, Cold Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oke, Alma and Annie at Mr. James Oke's; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowling, Purple Hill, at Messrs Jno. Cowling's and James Parr's; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pascoe and. Eulalie at home; Mr. and Mrs. Rov Babcock and babe, Lindsay, at "Cedar Lodge"... .Mrs. Nellie Perry is attending Mrs. Elmer Bradley There's a little son at Mr. Leonard Bradley's. Congratulations ! Dr. Clarke and Dr. Slemon operated on little Barbara Barbara Wotten recently for adenoids Miss Grace Slemon entertained her S. S. class Saturday afternoon.... .Lightning on Monday struck a row of shocked-iip grain in Mr. W. J. Stainton's field and burned it--the worst storm for the"season so far . ; > . Mr. Will McLaughlin visited his wife at Weston-Sanitorium, and reports a great improvement. ... Big sale of Goodyear Auto Tires is still on at Mason & Dale's. Great Reductions In Wall Paper. We are clearing out all the small lots, but large enough for a medium sized room with borders and ceilings to match at prices that will surprise you. W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore Through the Month of August we are going to reduce the price of all Suits, Trousers and Overcoats Overcoats at least 10 per cent. Not because because they were inferior goods, but to make room for our New Fall Goods. Best of workmanship throughout. A. Crossman, Temperance St. Bowmanville No paint equals Martin-Senour.. It goes farther and lasts longer. W. H. Dustan. , Ha y e you taken advantage of the bin drop:m price of Goodyear tires ? Mason & Dale sell at lowest prices. r ÿdie5and a chnd C ren, Effing at | pri "- Couch - The quiet season ends on Sept 1st. The tailors tailors will be busy then on New Fall Suits. We still have about 25 suit lengths left. Splendid Worsteds and Scotch Tweeds, suitable for Fall and Winter wear. The very newest patterns, patterns, made in the lat- 1 est styles. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed The Men's Store The Anderson Clothing Co's, Phone 61 Bowmanville China Hall Grocery PICKLES ! T iHE PICKLING- SEASON is close at hand and F . A. Haddy will as usual have a full stock of PURE SPICES and VINEGrARS. This is the one department where quality counts. It is (aise economy to waste time and materials on low orade spices and vinegars for pickling. We could buy some grades at half of what we pay for them and consequently sell them at a lower price, but the public would not get the satisfaction satisfaction that they get in buying the BEST Spices and Vinegars. Spices We carry all the variety of ground and whole spices used in pickling and the best pure spices that we can procure. Vinegars We carry a full assortment of Vinegars, Vinegars, including White Wine, En<r- lish Malt, Fruit, and Acetar, the modern vinegar. In these goods we do not aim to sell at a low price, but at a reasonable price, and give you the best grades on the market. * & Haddy Bowmanville If your cook is "out of sorts" because the "fire ,won't burn" order some Scranton Coal and then "See her smile." 24-3. Touch up your picture - frames and lamps with our gold bronze. The results will surprise you. Old goods made new with Cbinamel. W. H. Dustan. Dont worry about hard times. Chinamel S?tWw tU w nei *hbors will tnniK it s new, H. Dustsn, Couch, Johnston & Cryderman areshow- an collection of new summer crep "- ratinees - Md @Ï^SK^3ÏSS3$iSitîS!B!5TV'.:' -

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