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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1915, p. 4

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BOWMANVILLE, AUG 26, 1915 Specials This Week, at Mitchell's Drug Store. Nyal Quality Store Sole Agents for Stationery Neilson's Chocolates A new department added to ^ "tocrat, per box ...... $1.00 our store is the excellent line of Specially Prepared Fruits . i.oo Nyal Stationery, beautifully Every Piece Different i.oo boxed and of highest quality. Chocolate Sundae ........ .80 Embassy Lawn, per box ... .50c . , 0 „ Wedgewood Lawn, per box, 25c. Reception Chocolates 85 Nyal Fabric, per box .50c Assorted Chocolates '".60 Devonshire Lawn, per box . .50c Assorted Chocolate Creams .50 Nylotus Lawn, per box 35c rr mrir „ ac cn »c Patrician Lawn, per box....50c impress.. 50, .25 "We Four" 25c Cherries in Cream .10 Oxford, per box 25c Maple Creams . t 10 Special Weave, per box ... .25c We also have an excellent line' ___ , of Ladies' Writing Tablets, Wash Cloths and Letter Tablets. ^ We are offering just now a real _ ,, _ ,, bargain in a Wash Cloth, the rOr tnC I 66111 Electric Rubwell, 14x13 inches, Tooth Broshes, from I2c to 45c an extra lar 8 e cloth - this week Tooth Pastes.. .from 25c to 50c on sa-lc for 10c each or 3 for 2ÇC Talcum Powders 15c to 50c Other lines at Sc and 15c The Pick of the | g Coal Fields | ü There's a difference in coal. E I We're selling our customers J M the best--a coal that gives § J an even, lasting heat, and E = burns clean to the last pound. §f f LEHIGH VALLEY 1 I ANTHRACITE ! 8 % The Coed That Satisfies | We are prepared to make |f prompt deliveries. Phone E in your order now. E I John A. Holgate § I & Son I §§ Phone 153, Bowmanville g iiiiBiMwiifliniiHtiiiiiniiHHiiiiiiiHMiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiwnHiiTrmmîi 7 BIG REASONS Why You Should Let Us Do the Plumbing of Your Home 1 2 3 4 We employ the best mechanics. Our work is done up to a standard. We use only the highest grade materials. Our plumbing fixtures are thé best made in Canada. i 5 If in trouble we serve you promptly. 6 Your money is left and spent at home. 7 A list of the people we are installing plumbing for will convince you that the quality of our work is the best Let us give you an estimate. W. H. DUSTAN Sanitary and Heating Engineers iPhone 74, Bowmanville The Churches. Rev. H. W. Foley and family, Brooklin, I are holidaying at Bobcaygeon. Wet weather affected the size of the Sunday morning congregations. Rev. G. C. Welsman's subjects in the Disciple Church next Sunday are:. morning, morning, "The Old Paths"; evening "Daniel's Open Windows". All welcome. Flower Day will be observed by Bow- ! manville Methodist Sunday School nèxt I Sunday. Every member bring a bouquet. Flowers will be sent to Sick Children's [Hospital. Thornhill Methodist Church has been I re-decorated and will be re-opened Sun day. Rev. J. H. Oke, the pastor, who; is a West Durham boy, has returned from a two months' trip in the West, and will I preach next Sabbath morning. Annual Bible School picnic of Church I of Christ will be held this (Thursday) afternoon. All members of the church and friends most cordially invited. Please I bring your baskets. If the afternoon is wet, picnic will be held Friday. Convey- | ances leave the church at I.30 and 2.30 p.m. for the home of Mrs. Holmes at the I lake. Rev. E. A. Tonkin preached another I very practical sermon Sunday evening on "The Use of Small Things" emphasizing 'the fact that small things in the material [ and spiritual world rightly used make for the success of any individual. Mr. T. S. Holgate sang a solo in the morning and the choir was.assisted by Miss Helen Mar tin who sang in the evening "But the [ Lord is Mindful of His Own, both singers being greatly appreciated. Rev. R. G. Peever, B.D., has returned I from Cobden, on the Ottawa River, where he has spent a very pleasant holiday, holiday, and took charge of the services at George-st. Methodist Church, Peterboro, Sunday. Rev. Stanley E. Annis, who has been supplying for Mr. Peever, has returned returned to his home in Toronto. He intends intends to leave shortly for New York where he will take up a course of study preparing him for mission work in China. The Methodist Epworth Leaguers were [ delighted Monday evening to hear an address address from Rev. H. S. Cobb, who took as his subject "Young People in Relation to the Church". He spoke of the church as a necessary institution in assisting humanity humanity to live at its best, and that the attitude of the young people toward the church to-day determines the progress of the I church along missionary, social, and other lines of service. Rev. Mr. Cobb is an interesting interesting and forceful speaker, and a [ hearty vote of thanks was accorded him. Mr. Alan Gale presided, Mr, Claude Ives read the lesson, and Miss Reta Cole played played a piano solo. Annual floral evening next week--everyone bring a bouquet. Good program; Miss M. E.. Bruce will give an interesting talk on her trip to the Coast. BOWMANVILLE FAIR. Intending exhibitors at West Durham Exhibition may obtain prize list and entry forms from J. S. Moorcraft, Secretary, Bowmanville. The dates of the Fair are Sept. 21 and 22. Make this a record year. Live stock should be in prime condition, pastures have been so prolific. PATRIOTIC LEAGUE. Women's Patriotic League desire to thank Mrs. Herbert Fletcher for her donation donation of $3940 the proceeds of Rose Day, also Mrs. R. Holmes for her kindly hospitality hospitality the day of the Garden Party at the Lake which netted $90.31. The annual meeting will be held in the Council Room, Monday, August 30, at 1 3.30 p. m. Election of officers and captains, captains, and other business, No fee for j membership, all who knit, sew or cook ] are members. Reserve date and fill Coun- 1 cil Room. Need is as pressing now as one year ago. MISS ARNOLDFS ADDRESS. ENNISKILLEN -- FREE FROM CITY DISTURBANCES - Owing fco its location on the outskirts of Belleville ALBERT COLLEGE is free from the distracting noises and so-called attractions of a large city. Our system provides a wholesome method of study, which embraces complete and well balanced courses in literature, science, commercial subjects, physical culture, music, art, expression, household science and theology. Our classes are under the supervision of instructors of exceptional merit. Send a postal to-day for illustrated, descriptive calendar and terms. Fall term commences on Sept. 6th. ALBERT COLLEGE, Belleville, Ont. E. N. BAKER, D.D., Principal Visitors: Mrs. A. Riley, Wilberforce, with Mrs. Harry Wilkinson; at the par sonage; Mr. and Mrs. J. Butson, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, at John Orchard's; Miss Mary Knox, Orono, with Miss Helena Werry; Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis, Tyrone, and Mrs. Jas. Pye, Bowmanville, at Mr. John Pye's; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ashton, Haydon, at Mr. Elias Ashton's; Mrs. J. E. and Miss Marjorie Virtue in Toronto; Mrs. Asbury Wilson, and son, Raileybury, Miss Ethel Cole, Bethesda, Mrs. Alma Stephenson I and Louise, Oshawa, at F W. Lee's; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hanna, Byron, Mich., are calling on old friends. Rumor has it that Mr. Hanna has about closed the bargain for a farm in this neighborhood. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder for old Ontario" Ontario" Messrs W ilfrid Sanderson, Fred Ferguson, Will Preston have gone West on the Harvest Excursion; Miss Alma Werry at Mr. Chas. Tamblyn's, Bowmanville; Bowmanville; Mrs. H. J. Werry at Mr. J. Brown's, Kirby; Mr. and Mrs. Wmi Wotten and children, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. J. Butson, Bowmanville, at Wm. Herring's; Mrs. (Rev.) A. E. Harding, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mrs. Ben Palmer and Hoskin, We->ton, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hoskin; Hoskin; Mr. and Mrs. H. Millson and children, Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tamb- lyn, Bowmanville, at H. J. Werry's Mrs. Nellie Perry was called to Toronto by the illness of her daughter.... Mr. Andrew Andrew Sharpe hàs a very sick horse. It would be a good thing if some young men around here had even horse sense abouit the driving and treatment of horses Mrs. Wm. Griffin gave a children's party last Thursday... .Miss Eulalie Pascoe entertained entertained some young friends Monday evening We hope it won't rain next Sunday, we miss our papers Mrs. Fred Mount joy is ill. Mrs. Fred Adams is home from the hospital. Mrs. Lee's condition condition remains much the same also Mr. S Hoskin s... .Last week the Literary and Social Service was in charge of Miss Helena Helena Werry. The war talk and topic were taken by Pastor Wilkinson. Reading "What I saw on the street" by Miss Grace Slemon; duet, Mary Knox and Alma Werry Werry and a solo by Eulalie Pascoe. "Detail is not the strong point of the ords.of creation" said Miss Arnold! in 1er address to-the Women's Patriotic | ! -eague on Monday evening in the Opera douse, on how the Canadian Field Com- j brts Association came to be formed. The I desire of the women that comforts sent to the soldiers reach their destination and j not as in the South African war be wasted, wasted, was the urgent need for this Society >eing inaugurated. Misses Arnoldi and lummer first visited. Valcartier, Quebec, and so materially helped in the distribu- I tion of comforts sent the men at this point j that thev were appointed by the minister of Militia to accompany the First Contin- i gent to Salisbury and on to France to carry on the splendid worki Her recital | of the voyage over, her experiences in securing a suitable depot,' the distribution of the Christmas parcels and the splendid behaviour ol the men during their sojourn at the Plains amid the trying experiences in the mud and rain which no one will ever forget was most interesting. Shorn- j cliffe, another waiting point was described. described. She told of the splendid tribute paid the Canadians by a German officer prisoner prisoner after the battle of Langemarck when about 8,000 Canadians won out against 122,000 Germans. The French call them the "flying division" and nothing is too good in England for the men from our own Dominion. The hospitals and nurses in France and England came in for a large share of praise and many good things were said of the women who cared so tenderly for the sick and wounded. Miss Arnoldi read a number of extracts from letters from the different battalions, showing the need of socks, books, shirts, candles, pipes, tobacco, cigarettes, matches, matches, lead pencils, boot-laces, underwear, chewing-gum, cocoa, chocolate, etc, etc. 1 Miss Arnoldi is a very pleasing speaker and her address was listened to with much pleasure and profit. Miss Galbraith, presi- ; dent of the Society, presided and at the close a hearty vote of thanks moved by j Mrs. E. R. Bounsall and seconded by Mrs. (Dr.) Spencer, was accorded the speaker 1 for her kindness in giving ah evening in this town to the good of the cause. WEDDINGS. Bend--Manning. An interesting event took place in St. John's chdrch, Lloydminster, Saturday, Aug. 7th, when Miss Mary Helena .Manning, .Manning, Hamilton, daughter of the late John Henry Manning, Tyrone, was united in holy matrimony with Mr. James Bend, an enterprising and industrious young farmer farmer of this district. Rev. J. B. Gibson, Rector, officiated at the ceremony. The bride was attended by her mother, - Mrs. G. A. Watts, as matron of honor, and pretty little Miss Rose North, who made a dainty flower girl. The happy couple left for their own home immediately on the conclusion of the ceremony, accompanied accompanied by the good wishes of their many friends, both in Lloydminster and Eastern Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Bend were the recipients ôf many useful and beautiful gifts for their neat little home at Sunshine Cottage.--Lloydminster Times. Mrs. Bend's many relatives and friends in this vicinity extend heartiest congratulations. Cooper--Hathway. A quiet wedding was celebrated at "Wellwood, Manitoba, on Wednesday, August nth, at the residence of Mr. Russel Russel Johnstone, brother-in-law of the groom, when Mr. J. Walter Cooper, son of Mr. John Cooper, Whitby, was united in marriage marriage with Miss Amy Hathway of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The bride was given in marriage marriage by Mr. Johnston and the wedding march was played by Miss Mary Servant, cousin of the groom. The ceremony took place at 4 P- na-> Rev. R. H. Lowrey pastor pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating. The bride wore a pretty lace gown and carried white sweet peas. After congratulations congratulations the wedding supper was served and the happy company spent a social time together. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will reside in Well wood where a new home will soon be ready for occupancy. The best wishes of their many friends and rel- The Statesman to end of 1915 for 40c I atives in and around Bowmanville and to new subscribers. M. A. James & Sons. Arthur Bond, Roland, Man., who is going going west to take charge of. a school near I Weyburn, was guest of Messrs F. and A. T. Manning from Monday to Friday.--Heston Friday.--Heston Recorder. Shortly before her return from England. Mrs. Hughes, wife of General Sam Hughes, minister of militia and defence, was the guest of honour at a luncheon given by Mrs. W. Grant Morden, Heather- den Hall, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire The guests included Lady Perely, Lady Dawson, Lady Glover, Lady Markham, Mrs. Gilham, Mrs. Garnet Hughes, Mrs. G. McLaren Brown and Mrs. Ramsden- Tagore. Miller's Worm Powders are not surpassed surpassed by any other preparation as a vermifuge or worm destroyer. In leed, there are few preparations that have the merit that it has to recommend it. Mothers, aware of its excellence, seek its aid at the first indication of the presence of worms in their children, knowing that it is a perfectly trustworthy trustworthy medicine that will give immediate immediate and lasting relief. Whitby are extended to the happy couple for a happy and prosperous wedded life. Port Perry Fair Sept. 30-Oct. I. Public Schools should open Sept. I. FRUIT BULLETIN The famous Yellow St. John Peach, Niagara District Grown, now at its best, will be followed by other first class varieties. varieties. Many variety Plums ready for canning. Housekeepers order Peaches& Plums now. Every grocer handles them SCHOOL OPENING We have a complete stock of all school text books for the Public and High Schools; also Scribblers, Exercise Books, Pencils, etc. Buy your supplies early. W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore West End House A special LIST of Week-End Bargains Friday 27th and Saturday 28th Hand Bags and Purses Here is a lot of Manufacturers Samples in Hand Bags and Purses. They are all up-to- date goods and extra quality. Full range of styles, but you must come early as there is only one of each. Friday and Saturday wé clear those out at two prices. LOT I Regular value 75c to $1.00 special price 48c each * LOT II Regular value 35c to 50c special price 19c each Dresses Now for a regular clean up on the balance of our Wash Dresses. No reserve, all must go and in order to make sure of a clearance we have made the prices RIGHT. Ladies' Wash Dresses, Striped prints, with turn down collars and cufis, trimmed with white, light and dark patterns. Regular $1 and $1.25, special for 79c each Balance of our Ladies' Wash Dresses in good assortment of styles and sizes. Ranging Ranging from $2.25 to $2.75, special for $1.49 Regular $3.50 to $4.50 special for... .$2.29 Towels Three quarter bleached, buck Towels, good quality, best size, we have only a limited quantity of this line, Friday and Saturday special for 25c pair Sheets Fine hemmed Cotton Sheets, strong quality good wearers, bleached, all ready for use, sizes 70 x 90. Reg $2.50 for $1.85 pr Extra quality hemstitched Cotton Sheets, bleached, size 70 x 90. These are extra good value at $2.75, Friday and Saturday special for.... $2.15 pr Hose Supporters Ladies' Hose Supporters, with pad and four supports, in black, white, blue and pink, regular 25c, special for 19c set Pillow Cases Here is a line you should not miss. Have a look at them. Bleached Cotton Pillow Cases, good sound thread, strong and serviceable, serviceable, sizes, 42 x 33 and 44 x 33. Hem-, med-and ready for use. Friday and Saturday Saturday special.... 22c each Extra quality bleached Cotton Pillow cases hemstitched, sizes 42 x 33 and 45 x 33. Friday and Saturday special 28c each. > Boys' Knickers Full range of patterns in boys good strong- and serviceable tweed Knickers. All lined throughout. All sizes, 24 to 34. These are usually $1.25 to $1.50, special 69c pr . Men's fine Lisle Sox, in black, navy and tan all sizes, regular 25c, special 18c pr or two pairs for 35c Men's Sox Men's fine Silk Lisle Sox, extra finish and good wearing quality, good colors and sizes, regular 50c pr, special for 38c pair Underwear Men's Fine French Balbriggan Undershirts, regular 40c, special for 29c each Men's light weight; Balbriggan Drawers, only a few pairs on hand, special, Friday and Saturday 25c pr. Mens' Combination Underwear in fine French Balbriggan and Mesh weave, all sizes 65c suit V Come Early and Secure the Pick of the Patterns McMurtry Si Co Ltd. Thé Big Departmental Store Phone 83 Bowmanville. . ! MADE IN CANADA" À f'T '•ys -\£- . p. _ Price $530 Ford Runabout Price $480 Ford Town Car Price $780 The above prices f.o.b. Ford, Ont., effective Aug. 2,1915.' No speedometer included in this year's equipment, otherwise otherwise cars fully equipped. Cars on display and sold at Ford C arage Opp. HotelBowman P» >, • ,=v^r - U O Dont neglect your floors. Old pine floors made to look like solvd oak with Chinamel Floor Finish. W. I#r.Dustan. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Moat Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 ranches : OBONO HAMPTON 17 It's Easy^V ork to Cut the Grass If you have your Lawn Mower sharpened the new way at the new blacksmith shop. All the work is done promp^f and satisfaction guaranteed. Mowers Mowers called for and delivered to all parts of the town. Phone 185 and your we will be attended to promptly. rant? A. W. Pickard South of Post Office on Temperance St.

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