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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1915, p. 5

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T à z v It's Good for You It's Good for Your Children And It's Delicious 4^ When you consider the fact that Tod's Delicious Ice Cream is made from the Pure, Rich. Fresh Cream, z with no other ingredients or adulterants, you will appreciate the fact that it has great food value. Tod's Ice Cream is sold in bulk or by the dish. Social and Personal. It's Good It's Food It's Nourishing It's Pure Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville CANADIAN NORTHERN Toronto Exhibition Excursion Fares from Bowman ville .15 $1 $1.30 $1.75 Good going all trains Sept. 2nd to 7th, morning trains Sept. 3rd to 8th. Return limit Saturday following date of sale. Good going August 28th to September 8th inclusive. Return Return limit 5 days from date of sale. Good going Aug. 28th to Sept. 7th inclusive. Return limit September 15th, 1915. TWO CONVENIENT TRAINS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY For full particulars apply to W. G. GIFFLER. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT 1 LUOTT TORONTO, ONT. has to-day a stronger hold upon the public public confidence than ever before. "Thorough "Thorough Training" for choice positions in Business Life js given in all of onr Departments. Departments. Bhis college does not ask for a better reputation than it has now. We place many students in positions each year. Write to-day for large catalogue. Tonge and Charles Sts. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Dye Watch For Opening of Gibson's New Works King St. East Opposite Goodyear Club. We dye and clean everything. Goods called for and delivered to all parts of the town. Move about September 1st Phone 273 Hello Mr. Farmer ! Why spend your valuable time going to the station with live poultry when I will call at your house for them. Time is money and I will pay the highest cash price for spring chicken and fowl. ^4lso highest cash price choice butter and eggs. for E.W.W. Rundle Phone 251. Bowman ville. > FRUIT NEWS Burbanks, Gages and Bradshaw Plums also Triumph Peaches are now at their best for canning. The thrifty Housewife Housewife will put up more fruit this year than ever before--Plums with their numerous varieties present a change for table dessert which is not possible with any other variety of fruit. Peaches are especially favorable as a home canning and preserving fruit--easily preserved and delicious when served on the table. Grocers are quite willing to book orders ahead and householders should see their dealers in good time as this year is a home canning year if ever there was one BOWMANVILLB, AUG 26, 1915 Social and Personal Mrs. Bath, Whitby, visited her sister* Mrs. I. Tabb. y Miss Eva Curtis is visiting friends in Parry Sound. Miss Clara Robbins, Toronto, is holidaying holidaying at home. Miss Vivian Legge, Oshawa, is visiting at Mr. S. Candler's. Mr. Gordon Gillis, Claresholm, Alta., is visiting his parents. Miss Orchard, Seagrave, is visiting her cousin, Mr. A. L. Nicholls. Miss Grace and Mr. Jack Collacutt, Port Perry, visited at Mr. O. Mayer's. Miss Carrie Painton is visiting her sister, sister, Mrs. F. A. Fitchett, London, Ont. Miss Bessie Walsh has been holidaying at Swastika Lodge, Thurstonia Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Porter, Lindsay, were week-end guests of Mr. J. T. Hooper. Mr. Fred Quick, Belleville, was a recent visitor here with his brother, Mr. Wm. Quick. Mrs. W. B. Pinch and Miss Edith Pinch are visiting Mrs. W. J. McLaughlin, Homer, Homer, Ont. Mr. C. U. Peeling, Oshawa, was in town Monday, his many friends being very glad to see him. Mrs. Jos. H. Smith and Miss Eva M Smith are holidaying with reletives at Peterboro and Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. F* J. Mitchell and son, Kenneth, have been holidaying at Lake Scugog and Niagara-on-the-Lake. Mrs. C.J. Hughàn and Miss Pearl Hugh an, Lindsay, are visiting her mother, Mrs. John Somers, and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lunney have returned returned from spending a couple of weeks at Highland Inn, Algonquin Park, Ontario. Miss Esther Stevens, "Willow View, Farm" Enniskillen, has been visiting her cousin, Miss Trances E. Conley, and other friends. Phone 53 if you have friends visiting you, if you are going on a trip yourself, _or if you have any item of news for our local column. Rev. John Garbutt attended the funera of one of his former parish oners, Thomas Henry May, who passed away Aug. 20th at Smithfield in his 68th year. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. McCullough, Orono, and Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Heatlie, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana* recently visited their auht, Mrs. John VanNest, Victoria Villa. A Toronto trade journal in a list of "Canadian Weeklies of Courage and Worth" includes The BowmanvÛIe Statesman--the Statesman--the only paper mentioned in this district. Mr. D. Keith, 113 Simcoè-st, south, will be at home for the last time, before leaving leaving Oshawa, on Monday, "August 23rd.-- Reformer. Mr. and Mrs. Keith have built a fine new brick residence on Concèssion- st., Bowmanville, which will soon be ready for occupancy. Mr. John Buckley, Chicago, 111., has been visiting Lindsay after 53 years' absence absence and notes many changes. The big fire of July.6,1861, was one event when the village was practically wiped out. That was. a long time ago, but the editor of this paper remembers it very well. The leading newspaper there then was The Advocate. He says whiskey sold there then at 25 cents. Another fine residence has beet) started. Mr. W. C. Allin, recently of Glencoe, has bought that splendid building site bn Division Division street adjoining Mrs. Louise Paterson's Paterson's on the north, one of the finest available available lots in Bowmanville, and will erect a very fine residence thereon, the contract having been let and the work begun. Mr.: A. Pènnington is the contractor, and Mr. Jos. Pattinson, who sold the lot, will be the building inspector. The house will be modelled after Mr. Pattinson's own new residence, which is very convenient and modern. With the new Methodist parsonage and Mr. Allin's residence Div- There is only one place in town to rent a kodak; Jury & Lovell. Mrs. J. Fleming has returned from visiting visiting Mrs. (Dr.) Moore, Brooklin. Miss Evelyn Dickinson has returned from visiting relatives in Dundonald. Miss Era Purdy has been visiting her cousin, Miss" Nellie Wright, Dundonald. Miss S. W. Renwick, Toronto, has been visiting the Misses Galbraith, Queen-st. Miss Nell Brown, A. T. O. M., Lindsay, is guest of her aunt, Mrs. T._ G. Mason. Mr. Wm. Bate, Fleetwood, a former Hampton merchant, was in town last Week. See it on the tin--the Guarantee 0* purity of Brandram-Henderson Paint Mason & Dale. Mrs. Robb and son Cleveland, Peterboro, Peterboro, are visiting her cousin, Mrs. G. W. Cornish, Salem. - Misses Margaret and Jean Galbraith spent the week-end with their brother, Mr. D. Galbraith, Whitby. Miss Reta R. Cole, King-st. W., is prepared prepared to take a number of pupils in piano. Class opens about Sept. 7. Mr. G. T. Hancock, Port Hope, has sold his prize mare, Black Gip, to Mr. John Walker, Welcome, for $300. The Montreal News explains why the fat fellows are always good-natured. They can neither fight nor run. Miss Anna G. Hammond, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. D. Davis,. has returned returned to her home in West Newton, Pa. Other paints may boast of being pure, but Brandram-Henderson is the only firm telling the exact ingredients. Mason & Dale. Mrs. John Van Nest has returned from a nice visit at Breezy Brae with her daughter, Mrs. Norman E. Wright and family. Miss Evelyn Everson, Fort William, and Miss Bertie Harris, . New York City, N, Y., have been guests of Mrs. Jas. Courtice. Mr. Geo. W. James left Friday to spend a week with Dr. J. C. Devitt at their favorite favorite resort, Algonquin Park, in.the Highlands Highlands of Ontario. Mrs. (Dr.) James Hutchison and son, Winnipeg, have returned home after visiting visiting Mrs. Robert Hutchison and Miss Lanah Hutchison.--Listotvel Banner. Rev. G. C. Weisman, pastor of the Disciple Disciple Church, and Mrs. Weisman and daughter have returned from a pleasant holiday with friends in Prince Edward county. F. Y. Lofft and Harry Wilson, who are here from Bowmanville on holidays, have been taking a motor trip through Western Western Ontario the past week.--St. yMary's Journal. v Mrs. William A. White and daughters Mildred and Mosetta of New York are visiting her sis*ers-in-law, Mrs. Geo. Fair and Miss Margaret White, Millbrook> for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fowler and Mrs. N. F. Hall, Oronp, accompanied by Miss J. Fowler, Lifford, motored to town and visited at the home of Mrs. Fowler.-- Lindsay Warder. Mr. Geo. Potts, Waterdown, and Mr. John Potts, Hamilton, who were here last week with the remains of their aunt, Mrs. H. Hesketh, were guests of the Misses Misses Galbraith, Queen-st. Mr. Newell Craig of Standard Bank staff has been moved to Bowmanville. Newell is a Brighton boy and leaves a great many friends who wish him success and hope some day to see him manager of a Bank. --Brighton Ensign. . Mr. T. F. Wright, Principal of St. Cath arines Business College, and Mrs. Wright and family have been on a motor trip to visit his mother, Mrs. ,T. A. Wright, Blackstock, and numerous other relatives and friends in Darlington and Bowman ville. Miss Marion Van Nest returned to St. Kitts with them. Local and Otherwise appears on Wed- ision street will be greatly improved. There are still a few good building sites ng well available, one adjoining Mr. Allin's. Roderick M. Mitchell, Baritone and teacher of Voice Production and Singing will re-open his studio at his residence Wellington-st, East, on Monday evening, Sept. 13th, when he will be pleased to hear voices. After a splendid summer's rest Mr. Mitchell feels himself in excellent vocal condition and anticipates a very successful season. 2-w Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gawker spent a very pleasant afternoon last Friday with Rev. and Mrs. John Garbutt and family at Burk's Beach where they have been camping. camping. Her friends will be glad to hear that Mrs. Garbutt's health has been improved improved by camp life on the north shore of our lovely Lake Ontario. People who seek health may find it along this splendid splendid lake shore. Canadian Magazine for September contains a valuable historical article by Professor W. P. M. Kennedy, entitled "Wolfe at Quebec". New sidelights on Joseph Howe, by Francis A. Carman ; an article on the trial of Anderson, the fugitive fugitive slave of the time of the American Civil War, by Frank Yeigh ; a chapter entitled entitled "The Glamour of the Fur Trade," by Dr. George Bryce, also Mr. G. W. Bart lett's article dealing with early explora tion in Upper Stikine. A sketch of Gen eral Sam Hughes by Britton B. Cooke will interest his friends. Several good short stories complete a capital number. In a very spicy letter to JohirHyne, Port Hope, written by Alf. Watts of that Ganaraska valley town, appea this reference to some of the 46tn Durham Durham Regiment boys: "I have lust received received a letter from Private J. Ash man arid he tells me he is going to be sènt back to Canada, so you see that does not leave many of the 46th Durham Durham boys from Port Hope with the first contingent; only four of us--F. Jamieson, B. Pipher, H. Elliott and myself--but I am plea c ed to say we have some good boys from Bowmanville Bowmanville that left Port Hope twelve months months ago, One or two I will mention. Lance-Corporal D. Douglass is our war correspondent and I can say that Dan is a good head. It doesn't matter what he has, he yrôll give anybody half of it; also Ira 'Scott from the same :x>wn; hê is another good free and easy sort of a fellow. I often wonder what ;he Bowmanville people would think of him if they were to see him sitting : n the saddle on his horse looking as though,he had been riding all his .life; we call him the Galloping Major. I often wonder that he does not fall off. also saw young Hopking the other day, and I was quite surprised to see iim. I also saw Major Ralston from : ?ort Hope against the guns; he is look- Mr. C. M. Bice's war letter an inside page. Public Schools in Bowmanville open on Tuesday Sept. 7. Bowmanville Fair, Tuesday and nesday, Sept. 21 and 22. Rev. S. T. Bartlett, Toronto, spent Sunday Sunday at Mr. John Hellyaris. Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toronto, is visiting her father, Mr. W. Trewin. 8 Miss Stella Slemon, Haydon, is visting her sister, Miss Rilda Slemon. Get a camera. from Jury & Lovell's; they have: them from $1.00 up. Mr. W . Hardy Nicholls, of the Royal Bank, Fergus, is holidaying at home. Dr. J. C. Devitt's Dental Parlors will be closed from July 31st. to Aug. 28th. inclusive. inclusive. 29-3 Mrs. L. G. Eastman and daughter Ethel, Toronto, are visiting her sister, Miss Em- merson. Miss Irene Pugh, Whitevale, is holidaying holidaying with relatives in Oshawa and Bowmanville. Bowmanville. For prompt and satisfactory service take your films to Jury & Lovell for development. development. Miss Margaret Allin, daughter of Mr. Harry Allin, is enjoying a week's visit at ort Bowmanville. Mrs. J. M. Black and daughter Janet of Winnipeg, Man., are visiting her father, Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C. Don't fail to secure some of the genuine bargains in Summer goods now at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr. J. A.. Milne and family have re-, moved to Orillia where they have purchased purchased a grocery business. Mrs. Hardrick and daughter Vera, Tottenham, Tottenham, have returned home after a pleasant pleasant visit at Mr. Herbert Ridge's. Mr, J. W. Noble, of Indianapolis, Ind., who has been spending a month at Port Bowmanville, returned home yesterday. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice etc. Don't Die in the House. 15c, and 25c at Drug and Country Stores' 13-26 Mr. and Mrs. J. T Trewin, Mrs, T. R. Tennant and son Bruce and Miss Aggie Nokes, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. J. W. Knight. How is it Brandram-Henderson Paint Firm is the only firm that dare put the ingredients ingredients of its paint on the tin ? Mason & Dale are agents. Miss Annie and Catharine Bryson have returned to Toronto after spending a pleasant holiday with their aunt, Mrs. R. W. Reid, High-st. Bowmanville Women's Instisutë will meet at the home of Mrs. Chas. Richards, King-st, on Friday August 27 at 3 p.m. All members attend. If you want solid comfort next winter fill your bins with Scranton Coal and do now. Read our ad in another column. McClellan & Co, Ltd. 24-3 Mrs. D. McGregor and three children of Bowmanville are spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Chas. McGregor, Col- borne.--Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Osborne, son Fred and daughter Dorothy of Montague,Mich., are visiting her father, Mr. L. Morris, and other relatives here. Congratulations to Mr. Lloyd White on. having passed his Entrance to Faculty of Education and is now attending Queen's University at Kingston. Mr. J. N. McDougall, Secretary of Court Pride of Ontario, A. O. F., No. 6000, is in Ottawa representing Bowmanville Court at the High Court meeting. Messrs. Arthur Mulhall, Harry Ford and James Breconbridge, Colborne, have accepted positions with the Goodyear rub ber company, Bowmanville; Couch, Johnston & Cryderman still have on hand a few Silk Coats suitable for eld erly ladies, which to make a clearance they are selling at half-price. Mrs. E. V. Clark and daughter Lois of Indianapolis, Ind., who have been visiting Mrs. T. W. Noble and Mr. and Mrs. E. R Bounsall have returned home. Rev. Geo. Brown and .Mrs. Brown of Hampton, were here on Tuesday, attending attending the funeral of the late Mr. Robert Walsh.--Millbrook Reporter. One reason for popularity of Brandram- Henderson Paint is that it is the only paint firm that tells what the tin contains Sold in Bowmanville by Mason & Dale. Robert Waddell of Trenton, who built the Bowmanville bridge, has sent a cheque for $I,ooo to the department of Militia to purchase a machine gun for the 39th Bat talion. Our stock of Martin-Senour paints is complete. W. H. Dustan. Brockville Recorder contains a good likeness of Dr. J. C. Mitchell, Medical Superintendent of the Eastern Hospital in that city, who was in charge of recent field day sports for the patients of that institution. Linoleums in several patterns suitable for bath Rooms at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Mrs. Walter Cation announces the engagement engagement of her youngest daughter, Mary Lawson, and Mr. Norman C. Yellowlees, Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, Hampton, the marriage to take place very quietly on Sept. 1 at. her home, Brampton. Mr. Laverne Hoff, B. A., Supervisor in Alhambra College, Los Angeles, Cal., was guest over the week-end of Mr. F. J. Van Nest who has gone to Rochester, N. Y., accompanied by Miss Greta M. Van Nest to join in a motor trip with Mr. Hoff and friends in the Adirondacks. No paint equals Martin-Senour. It goes farther and lasts longer. W. H. Dustan. All kinds of white and colored cotton dresses for ladies and children, selling at one-third off the regular price. Couch. Johnston & Cryderman. Notices of Births 2B cents; Marriages SO ®®*ts; Deaths, 80 cents, each insertion. When fnneral cards are printed at this Office, insertion free. BIRTHS. ° 8hawa . August 16, to Mr. an Mrs. John Moffatt, a son. Tamblyn-^ïd eiarke,. August 16, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tamblyn, a f son. Bakrov--in Clarke, August 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow, a son Lunney-- ïn Bowmanyine, Aug. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, Lunney, a son. P UCKMN--In Pickering, Aug. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Pucknn, twin girls. Thompson--In Bowmanville, Aug. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, a son. Holijngsworth--In Clarke, August 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hollingsworth, a daughter. Ajjams--At the private pavilion, Toronto General General Hospital, Aug. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Adams, a daughter. MARRIAGES Luck--Flint--In Allendale/ August 11, Miss Mary E. Flint, and Mr. Elmèr L. Luck, M. A., by Rev. C. W. Reynolds. Bryson--Morrow--At the residence of the bride's father, Kirby, August 18, by Rev. G. R. Clare, Arvilla May, eldest daughter of Mr. Andrew. Andrew. Morrow and Melvin Roy Bryson, Toronto. Walsh--Cowdy--At Lilac Grove,Harrowamith, August 19, by Rev. Canon Walsh, assisted by Rev. W. A. Banner, Yarker. Rev. Albert R. Walsh and Miss Edna M. V. Cowdy, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Cowdy. Cooper--Hath way--At the residence of Mr. Russell Johnstone, .Wellwood, Man., by Rev. R. H. Lowry, August 11th, Mr. J. Walter Cooper, son of Mr, John Cooper, Whitby, and Miss Amy Hathway, formerly of Bowmanville. am: ■SBSÊ2- WRIST WA 7 CUES DEATHS Johnston--At Brooklin, August 22, Arthur Johnston, formerly of Greenwood, in his 76th year. Palmer--At Orillia, August 22, Rosaline B. Venner, beloved wife of W. Blake Palmer. Interment Interment at Bowmanville. 'Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer -and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, . Ontario. Miss E. Lazelle Brown L. T. C. M. Hampton, Ontario. Instruction in piano, and theory of music, commencing Sept. 1st. Terms reasonable. 33-3w. Telephone 129 r 14 Whether you are staying at home, camping camping or travelling, you will find nothing more convenient than a good Wrist Watch. Now is your opportunity to purchase a really good wrist watch at a low price. Come in and let us tell you about our spe cial 15% Discount Sale for the balance of August only. It will pay yon to buy now. C. H. HADDY Jeweler < Bowmanvilte ■ZVSZVSm as PPRENTICE WANTED--To Içarn millinery I Sept. 1st. Apply to Haddy & Co., Bowman ville. ' 321 G OOD GIRL WAN I'ED--For light housework. Apply to.The Statesman office, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 3lt H OUSES FOR SALE--2 good houses, Church St. West, at a bargain, all conveniences. Apply Box R, Bowmanville. 26t b W ANTED--First class lathe hands, steadv work, good wages. Apply Canadian General General Electric Company, Limited, Peterborough, Peterborough, Ontario. g* g OUSE TO RENT--Brick, 9 rooms, electric light, hard and soft water, first class place for hoarding house. Apply A. M. Williams, Phone 68, Bowmanville. 3it H W ANTED TO RENT FARM--Of about 100 acres, within a few miles of Bowmanville. Possession for fall ploughing and full possession possession April 1st, 1916. Apply to S. R. Perkins, Bowmanville. 34 2* Port Hopè bowlers' rinks, Wednesday p.m. played two Bowmanville rinks. Alex; Elliott's rink won by one shot/over D. McMillan's, but John Lvle's rink went down to Norman Jennings', score 15 to 24. The visitors went to Oshawa and beat two rinks thqre by 40 to 29. Mr. Ernest Holtby and son Jack, Manchester, Manchester, Mr. L. E. Williamson, Hampton, and Mr. Geo; Cowling, Rochester, N. Y., motored heré Sunday and visited Mr. W. J. Williams, High-st. Port Perry, who spent the weektend with his nephew, returned home with them. Referring to the work of playgrounds in which Toronto children have been directed by supervisors thru the holidays. The World says : Have you seen the girls and boys of these centrés in their folk dances, singing gaines, play games, drills, volleyball, tether tennis, etc? If you have not, spend an afternoon or an evening with one of .these playgrounds and see what you think of their work or pleasure which ever you may call it. N OTICE--I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible after August 23, 1915, for any debts contracted in my name by any person or persons without my written order. Henry Brawn, Bowmanville. ' 36-3w* F ARM TO RENT--160 acres, being lot 11, con. 7, Darlington, on which are good house and outbuildings, large orchard, soil rich clay loam, immediately west of Tyrone. For terms and particulars apply to L. A. W. Tole, Real Estate Agent, Bowmanville. . . sstf F ARM FOR SALE--The farm known as the Evans farm, belonging to Mrs. S. Davis, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, of 150 acres, being lot 25, con. 8, Darlington, is offered for sale. Easy terms for quick sale. Soil good clay loam, in good locality. For terms and particulars apply to L. A. W. Tole, Real Estate Agent, Bowmanville. 35tf M ARE AND DRIVING OUTFIT FOR SALE-- good quiet driver, 8 year old, in foal to Ter- rington Denmark, not afraid of autos, also buggy, cutter, democrat, 2 sets of harness will sell together or separately at a good bargain as owner has no further use for outfit. Apply to Geo. Varcoe, Odell st, box 61, Bowmanville.36 tf DURHAM COUNTY FARM Hundred acres, Clarke township, four miles from Starkville station, ten roomed dwelling, bank barn, good buildings, three acres orchard, ten acres bush worth Six Hundred Dollars, flowing spring in cattle yard, good roads. Price Three Thousand Dollars, or would take smaller farm. JOHN FISHER & CO.. Lumsden Building,"Toronto. C. P. R. TRAINS. Special train service on C. P. R. during Toronto Exhibition. Leaving Bowmanville Bowmanville at 10.09 a. m. Returning leaves Toronto 10 p. nu, daily except Sunday. BEFORE DISPOSING OF YOUR APPLES CONSULT, MR. E. PEARSON. For particulars of shipping facilities and trade conditions, etc , correspondence invited. invited. E. PEARSON, Newcastle, Ont. Partner of Pearson Bros., Fruit Brokers, 31-tf Liverpool, England. -X APPETIZING FOODS For Every Meal As the temperature mounts upwards, appetites lag and the housewife is often in a quandary as to what to prepare for meals. Our suggestions are : FRUIT--Oranges, 30c to 40c doz., make a good start. We have Grape Fruit at 3 for 25c, and fresh Strawberries. BREAKFAST FOODS are easily digested. We carry all lines and know how to keep them right. BACON-- F. W. Fearman's Bacon fills the bill at 30c lb. CANNED VEGETABLES, prepared in sanitary factories right where they are^grown. Peas and Corn will please you, at 10c. PICKLES--To add zest to the appetite, Maconachie's at 15c per bottle. We carry Holbrook's, Heinz, Crosse à Blackwell, etc., as well as full lines of Catsups,. Olives, Sauces and Relishes, DESSERT is always an important factor of the mid-day meal. Jelly Powders in all flavors make a delicious dessert, especially when prepared with fresh fruit. See us regarding fruits for preserving Archie Tait Phone 65 Bowmanville This Week Administrators' Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of John L. Fraser, late of the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham, Farmer, Deceased, Notice is hereby iven pursuant to the provisions of the Beyased statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapter 121, Section 66, that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of John L. Fraser, late of the Township of Darlington, Farmer, Deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of June, 1915, are required on or before the 1st day of October next (1916) to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Solicitor for Harry Fraser, the administrator administrator of the estate of John L. Fraser, their Mr Tnhn Christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- -'/Urceil, tion, with a statement of their claims or demands and the particulars and proof thereof and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, together together with a valuation of such securities. Also notice is herely given that after the said first day of October next the said administrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among those entitled thereto, having regard to the maims of which hé or his solicitor shall have had notice, and the said administrator will not be liable for the said estate or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have- been received by him or his solicitor at the time of such distribution. Dated at Bowmanville this 24th day of August, 1916. B. Bussell Loscombe, Harry Fraser, Solicitor for Administrator. Administrator, 86-4w New Park P.O. | we have placed on Special Sale the whole of the balance of our attractive stock of Ladies' Hisses' and Childrens' Dresses and Ladies' Dress Skirts Your choice of any Dress': or Skirt at 25 per cent off eRegular Sale Price. S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville

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